Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 15, 1910, Image 9
We Conthi ue to Grow in the p j| Estimation of the Public. 1 P Why? Because! § m , *fe endeavor to treat our patrons | jOKj honestly. MSB We deal only in honest wholesome mer- jjwJ | We know how to purchase our good; 5 S 1 2513 and give our patrons the lowest possible BMM prices. We aim to keep the best in |j| Choice Family l| Groceries, Flour, g|j li Vegetables, &c. p _ m OS Ipi W fW'HioC 3y the Pail or flj UdliUluO Pound for Xmas. mm ss ss Quality is Our Aim in Pur- §|g j||j chasing Goods. That Counts for Good. ||ji _ _ fi>3 § Joseph Kinsler, Opposite Broad Street Station. KSJS 11l ESTABLISHED, 1870 The Stephens Hardware Company ;H»n. Geo. A. Walker's Old Stand.} EMPORIUM PA. Special Attractions for Xmas Buyers at this Pioneer and Popular Headquarters for Dependable Goods SENSIBLE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR THE HOME Champion Steel Ranges, Combination Gas, Wood and Coal Stoves, Parlor Heaters, Bed Room Library and Hall Stoves. We are positive we have the most beautiful and largest variety of Stoves in this County. We would be pleased to have you call and see for yourself. See the famous beauties that save fuel and labor. We TnVite Inspection of our Hundreds of Beautiful and Useful Gifts J j We Kefer with Pride to our Large Display of Articles Suitable for (iJHs. - , Student Lamps. Elegant Gas Chandeliers, Silver Knives, i Fine Line of Library Lamps, With Fancy Domes, Silver Forks, The Largest Assortment of Carving Sets, Very Standard 1 Aluminum Ware, Finest, Kitchen Scales Carpet Sweepers, Sg, U?in O Large Line of Cutlery, Endless Variety of Skates, Shaving.Outfits, Good Razors. 'Machines if You Can't See What You Want, Ask Us? j Best Eoer Made We Have the Goods and Prices are Right. From SIH to s6s Let us Make Your Christmas Joyful. ===== The Stephens Hardware Company, Masonic fllock, EMPORIUM, PA. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1910. At^MslV g[ Everything for the Ladies. <§|> Beautiful Xmas Presents for "Hubby". <Sp Ij. Thousands for the Dear Children. jj| WE HAVE MORE CHINA AND CUT (JLASS than |W fWY fl " sfcoros hi Cameron county combined. Salv 5 !§ Big Cut in Prices of Furs, Ladies' Si 'fif • iSJf i Coats, Suits and Skirts. W »\Ve have an enormous stock and must, and will, re- M duoe our stock, regardless of cost. Come and avail fC£f y ourße lves of g| These Extra Holiday Bargains jgi f\Ve are the originators of this Wonderland and wish to please our customers. JJJJ' | H. A. ZARPS & CO. | 1 When You Desire to j Pass a Pleasant Evening I Just Call at IJas. Creighton's Billiard and Bowling Room NEW AND FINE ALLEY. ELEGANT TABLES. Clean and Orderly Place To Spend the Evening. There is no more healthful i amusement than Bowling. Call 1 and try it. Afternoons reserved for Lad ies upon notice being given. Form a Class and try it. 112 James P. Creighton. Tsassurr>■ I ><!■■ 11—I IMII—H —I I————WllM—lllll I——■—HOT——MWT 1