Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 08, 1910, Image 1

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VOL, 44
CHARLES C. CRAVBN, aged 78 y earß,
one month and one day, died at his
home at Sterling Run, Tuesday, Nov.
29th, 1910, after an illness of four days.
On Saturday he was stricken with
paralysis, from which he never rallied.
His death is a great loss to his town,
where he has for 18 years resided and
has been universally respected.
Charles C Craven was born at Jer- '
sey Shore, Oct. 28, 1832. He was mar- j
ried to Martha Walbrook, of York
Stale, August (i, 1853, and came to Em- :
porium in the year of 1856, and resided I
there until 1893, when he moved to
Sterling Run. He was one of the char
ter members of the Methodist Episco
pal Church, ol Emporium, and a true
helpor in the church at Sterling Run.
He was courteous, unassuming, a good
neighbor and a blessing to his home.
The funeral was held at his home,
Friday morning. Rev. Chas Lehman
officiated, assisted by Rev. S. F. Eber
sole. The text was taken from Zacha
riah, 14th chapter, verse 7: "In the
* ~~
» ' ■■
• •
. . -
1 >2Bl i '
evening time there shall be light." |
The remains was *aken to Emporium, |
on Erie mail and interment was made :
in the Newton Cemetery, where he j
was laid to rest beside his wife, who j
preceded him 22 years ago.
His six grandsons acted as pall bear- \
Deceased leaves to mourn his death, j
two sisters, Mrs. M. C. Earl, of Minn
eapolis, Minn., and Mrs Kltza Matte
son, of Lindiey, two daughters, Mrs.
E. H. Marshall, of Emporium, and
Mrs. Leonard Smith, of Sterling Run;
three sons, Frank and Joseph, of Em
porium and Charles, of West Virginia.
Eye Injured.
Ijist Friday afternoon, while attend
ing to his duties at the Emporium Iron
Company's works, Mr. Rosa Overturf
had the misfortune to injure his right
eye, by being hit with a piece of iron.
Dr. II S. Falk dressed the injury and
Mr. Overturf went to Ridgway on the
evening train to consult a specialist.
On Saturday he submitted to an opera
tion and possibly will have another
within a few days. The sight of the
eye will probably he restored. We *ire
profoundly sorry for Mr. Overturf ami
sincerely hope the operation will
prove successful.
The Best Lighted Place In Town.
If you want to see a beautifully light
ed room you are invited to call and In
spect the store room of Metager the
Jeweler. Yon are not expected to buy
unless you want to, but he would
rather you would come and not buy,
than not come at all, so every body
go and lns|»ect the store, you will be
welcome If y<>u never upend a cent.
The Most Beautiful Thing In Im
Thai la the most IH uutifol thing in
Emporium, said a well known woman,
the other day a* she at Ihi front of
the caw of cut glaaa at Metayer's store
and feasted her eyea on the b» .iullftil
display presented, There Is nothing
a good housewife |>rides herself on
more than the appearance > 112 her table,
and it is surprising how much a few
pieces of really good cut glaaa will
brighten up a table, enhancing the ap
pi-aranc« of the linen, silver aud china.
Metager keep* only the choicest llßnt,
but sella at |iopuiar prtees li tt.
Nummngr Hale.
The ludlea of the Methodist Chun h
will hold a Rummage Hate In Parsons'
Ifisasr, room nest tu Clerk A Morn
tun's "tore, front Thursday evening
until *stunlay evening, »112 this *«rk
Will those who have goods U> spare
•end to this room oe Thursday or
notify us where to cell h>r them
| Prom our Regular Correspondent.!
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1910.
After a recess and au election event
ful in American politics, the national
legislature is again in session in Wash
ington. It will be a full year, however,
before the result of the recent elections
can be felt in legislation, and by that
time there may be such changes in
commercial, industrial and political
conditions that the intention of the
voters as expressed a few weeks ago
will be modified or in some instances
nullified. It is an unfortunate condi
tion that twelve months must elapse
and a session of Congress intervene
before the will of the country as ex
pressed at the polls can be carried into j
efl'ect, and when it is remembered that
this condition is fixed in the conatitu- }
tion, that fetish of the American law
yer and statesman, it is difficult to see j
how reform can be effected.
It is expected that the present ses- j
sion will address itself to routine busi- j
ness, the passage of appropriation
bills and necessary non-political meas- I
ures. The President's proclamation !
has recommended as a matter of course
important new legislation, but there is ]
little prospect of its being carried out.
Nothing much will be done until after
the Christmas holidays, and then bare
two months of the Congressional ses
sion wiil remain before this Congress,
on the 4th of March, will be ex-oftlcio,
and, as has been said, the new Con
gress just elected to do and undo BO'
much will not have its chance for (
twelve months.
Among the messages that will surely j
have a hearing in the discussions under ,
the appropriations bills will be the sub- j
ject of the fortification of the Pauama !
Canal and there will be a confusion i
of party lines in the debate on this j
question. Some Republicans and 1
some Democrats will oppose the mili- j
tary program proposed by the Presi- j
dent, while other Republicans aud j
Democrats will likely approve it. Mr.
Tawney, Chairman of the appropria
tions committee, who failed of reflec- !
tion, will urge that the Canal shall be
made a free waterway, unguarded by
fortresses or cannon, while those of
the Roosevelt and Taft school of poli
tics will insist that a property costing
nearly half a billion dollars and essen
tial to the defence of our extensive
western coast shall not be left without
adequate military protection, always,
: of course, "in tne interest of peace," as
Mr. Roosevelt would express it.
There is much comment in Wash
-1 ington with regard to the almost op
pressive silence of Mr. Roosevelt since
the election. Helms completely dis
appeared from the (silitical firmament,
and now instead of heauliue« and col
umns on the first pagee ef the daily
papers, there is not even a paragraph
• >ra caricature. The explanation is
that he has probably given u tip to his
friends, the reporters aud caricaturists
I for between him and them there has
b»-en n loya!ty »nd Ideal) that
they shall give him an indetln.:. term
ofexchiaite privacy, it would not l>e
bad for Mr. Rooaevelt's political fu
itureif he should let his heard grow,
take the Canadian route to Vancouver,
sail on the Empress of India line to
Yokahoma, and n|>eml the next two
years in Japan, China, the Philippines,
Java, Straits Settlements and India,
returning to this country in time to
mix in next Presidential election, ei
ther as principal or assistant. Travel,
otmcrvation and meditation will lie
good for even so well equipped a man
as the only ex President of the failed
It is said that an effort will be made
by the POM! master Iteneral, hacked by
the administration, to pas* a hill re
ducing p>a>tage ou settlcsl letter* to oils
cent ami al«o tu carry Into ettect the
long opposed paresis post privilege*
enjoyed by all foreign peopfo*. hut
through the influence of the express
companies withheld front the ritiaens
of the I uitrd States The American
citlatn living In Mwhini'un send
a teu pound pack igs bv mail tu Ua
dm. Paris, Herlln or Vimua, but hs
cannot seud the same package to list
timers, only one hour distant, or to
Philadelphia ur New York, four of five
hours distant If ths package should
only weigh four pounds hs can »eud tt
by mail for N cents to any of thoss
Cities, but ths (bur p-'Uinta to the Furo
peen destination eusta only »s tsul*
The INaUofllce Dspartmsef la aot re
: sponsible for thsss outrages Thsy ere
ths result of ths monopoly which the
sxprsss companies through their ititfe
RUES IN the MIM* and IIUIIM have
Ima able tu maiataie ie th« >listrtbu
ttoa ef paeheges bi Mail In a K»r
word*, the sisrins roiwusulss will not
hs able tu mafes <U MW h y if |!>«
|i«opls uf the fatted ,]|
upon having as gtsst s earvsis |»>*t ks
I lew* fhtlaitelyaie sad t 'lesiueait, fur
, I'aris
Big Fire at St. Marys.
This (Thursday) morning at about
4:45 o'clock a most disastrous tire
broke oat ou Erie Avenue at St Marys,
which totally destroyed six buildings,
among which were the Commercial
Hotel, a barber shop, bakery and three
other buildings The origin of the
fire is unknown. The flames spread
rapidly and aid was called from Ridg
way, Dußois and Itenovo, all places
responding. Train No. 12, due in Em
porium at eight o'clock, wae held out
side St Marys yards, as the fire and
heat was so intense that it was impos
sible to bring the train through. It ar
rived in Emporium one hour late. We
have not learned at this writing the
amount of the loss, but it will probably
be quite heavy.
LATER:—A later report from St.
Marys to the PRESS in regard to the
fire, is as follows: The Commercial
Hotel is only partially burned; Baker's
Clothing Store, (it was here where the
fire started), the Family Theatre,
Evan's barber shop, Venaui's fruit
store, Luke's Bakery and pool room
are all destroyed. Owing to wire com
munications being very poor we can
not give a detailed account of the loss
or insurance.
Watterson Still a Free-Trader.
"No less than of old we fly and shall
continue to fly the flag of a Tariff for
revenue only. No less than of old we
assert and shall continue to assert that
the government has no right, in law
or equity, to levy and collect a dollar
of taxation except for its own support.
No less than of old we proclaim and
shall continue to proclaim the truth
that Protection is robbery under the
form of law." That sounds like Henry
Watterson, and it is Heury Watterson,
in double-leaded editorial in the Louis
ville Courier-Journal. Moreover, it is
the voice of the Democratic party. For
tunately for the country, perhaps,
while all Democrats theoretically ac
cept that platform, many of them balk
at its practical application when the
interests and productions of their dis
tricts and state are concerned. Never
theless, it shows what the country
would be entitled to expect should the
1 Democracy again get complete control
of the government. And then, once
more, the deluge. -Rochester Demo-
I <Tat and Chronicle.
The Shaw Comedy Co will appear
| at the Emporium Opera House, three
j nights on'y commencing Thursday,
Dec. 8, in a selected repetition of the
Standard plays, headed by the eminent
character actor (I. M. Brown and a
] com patty of recognized players, pretty
girls, funny eomedians, star specialty
acta, and our challenge band and or-
I chestra. The plays we will produce
i here are: "Reuben In New York,''
"Fabio Hotnani, or The Vendetta,"
"Reuben (Hue, or Amongst the bush
rangers of Australia," ami "The Wa
ges of Sin."
Don't fail to see this high-class com
pany at popular price*. hand con
certs at I >pera House at 7:15, p. m.,
Back I lumc.
Roy Kurlew, who has been located
in the western state* for several
months, in the interest of the Novelty
IncandeHcent Lamp t'o., of this place,
returned to Kmp <:'luiu last Saturday
and wait royalty received by bis many
frit r * I uri. w has ImmnUml
down lu 1"; th •t' *m*is* ' t v.- e.
lias It?
if your « hrUtnia* present has the
imprint of ••Met/.jc«r the Jeweler" ou
it *-»>u fill r*w-t assured It w "A No
the b«Mt that can Iki bail, anil of guar
anteed reliability . l.'Hik lor the name.
■ i,
Svrmuit tu be Repeated.
lu the ilt»t .Metooduit I'tiurt b on
uext Huaday evening the paatur will
repeat, b« requeal, tit sermon deliver
ed Sunday morning, Nov. '47lb, on
"The Faith I luce Delivered I'ato the
Meiuta "
I uri Hamtela.
llUskeU trout Ik up. i alitoru la
Wool H'auketa ft J.uu per pair
M. V. Ti it".
tin Ike. 14th, { Kuew iNiy at our
♦tore- we will fe*ve uu dleplay the itu
•el »utl larg—l ttue wl ummlm ever
iluiwa tu >.iu(>oriuui tttutfcM*.
lar* flannel*'
Hlantieta frutn Tie up. I'alitormi*
Woul Hlaakt • #IX,kM |mif
M t'. ft li*
HtlMila) tUtl xlmia, pl^taae
o#»IM ywM* > a*U> MM upwiat prtMet
"Liberty aud Union, One and Inseparable."—WEßSTEß.
New Fire Nozzles.
Chief Engineer, A. M. Haupt, has
received three new fire nozzles for Em
porium fire companies that are dan
dies. They were tested, Monday eve
ning and were very satisfactory,
throwing a nice stream over the Bap
tist Church tower. The Emporium
Water Company's pressure was 140
pounds. Right here we should like to
know why Emporium, with its excel
lent fire protection, should be charged
such outrageous insurance rates.
Sunshine Hawks.
A. W. Hawks, the humorist, will lec
ture at the opora house, Thursday eve
ning, Dec. 15th, under the auspices of
Young People of Presbyterian and
Baptist Churche . Remember the
date and enjoy a good laugh.
Large Attendance.
The Stockholders of the Cameron
Powder Co., held a meeting on Mon
day at their offices in the PRESS block
to vote upon the proposition to in
crease their capital to $150,000. The
Company reported a healthy condition
of affairs.
Gone to Hospital.
Mrs. T. H. Williams, daughter of
Hon. and Mrs. O. W. Huntley, left for
Philadelphia last Thursday evening,
accompanied by her husband to enter
German Hospital for an operation for
appendicitis. The operation was to
have been performed yesterday.
Big Improvement.
Health OlHcer Walter B. Thompson
believes in commencing at his tonsor
ial establishment first before calling
down his neighbors His establish
rnent has been nicely papered, paint
ed and "Here is it" fitted up in sani
tary condition. Walt believes in hav
ing everythimg nice and tidy.
Rescue Hook and Ladder Com
pany Dance.
The Rescue Hook and Ladder Com
pany are actively at work making ar
rangements for their 24th annual ball
and reception to be held at the opera
house Friday eveuing, Dec. 30th. The
popular (iermania orchestra, of Lock
Haven, has been secured for tho occa
sion. Remember the date. The PRKSM
Job rooms are now at work on their
Bargain Sale of Fine China.
In order to make room for new
Christmas goods, I have decided to dis
pose of my entire line of fine French
and Oertnan hand painted and decor
ated china, regardless of cost. Begin
ning next Friday, every piece of china
in my store will be offered a just one
half of the regular price. This will
be an opportunity of a life time to get
I high gradechiua at almost give away
prices. Come early and get first
4_- it. CIKO. Mrr/UKK, JR.
The Sick.
Clark Metzger, who Is attending
' Chamberlain .Military Academy, at
[ Randolph N. Y., suffered a slight at-
I attack uf scarlet lever. He is now re
covering aud is is doing as well as cuu
l>o expected.
Thomas Craven, one of the obliging
I and efficient clerks in the store of C. It.
{ Howard Con pauy, is confined to Ins
home With an attack of pueumuuiii
| His many frlemla hope for a speedy re
i '>• very. Dr. Hush is in attendance.
Mr. I. (irc„'i rolf, chemist for the Key
| stone National Powder Company, at
the Keystone plant. Is also a Mitterer
with |e. ittiioi ,a. Wu h >pu that t<•
! will S<M ii ho fully r< covered.
i Mrs. John Welsh la eoullued to her
bonis on fifth street, by tlliio-s. Mrs.
Wcl»-h had a wvi r« cold also a bilious
| attack. Ws are pleaxtsl lu statu that
\ the is improving at this writing.
and >1 -'Hi Positions.
Ws need more yuuug wen to qualify
1.1, IIIU jioailloiia. W■ at
brook Academy, Oleaii. It-it.
Position Wanted.
Yuuug lady wants position, ur work
uf •oioe suiil, iu, or near, Fuiporiuiu,
Aililri -s, \ L, ears l*Kk>s.
I ur*—fr lannsls.
Hlaukets from T&u up t aliforuia
Wool Hlaukets fl'i.uu per pair.
M C. Tills
JIHMi lit aduals*.
For rsfsrsues Twenty ninth scbuul
year No aoituitora Call ur write.
Wsstbrouk Acatteuiy, IHeau M Jft
lui» klaitiisle
Blankets from THJ up I 'eUtorute
| Wooi Mlanksts flgiM par pair.
Ml' Tt t Is.
Ahbooi Nvpwrt.
lioaor roil for btiau tt til t«»r luustb
I ~i!| l.yua, Mat its kpsiirt, Auaa
Hsguiat atiseUaw. s
President's Message.
President Taft's message was pre
sented to Congress on Tuesday. He
deals very plainly with the leading
questions of the day. He strongly
urges economy and the enlargement
of opportunity for foreign trade;
abolishing of all needless ship yards
and custom districts; expand Jonr op
portunities in the markets of the world.
The present tariff as au income pro
ducing measure has never been ex
ceeded in the history of this country.
The present tariff law schedules have
been grossly misrepresented. He
urges that tariff legislation be left to
the new Congress and strongly advo
cates a tariff board; that there should
be no halt to business; the schedules
be acted upon as the occasion arises.
The Panama canal which will be com
pleted Jan. 1, 1915, within the estimate
of cost,§,' 175,000,000, he urges fortifica
tion and we believe he is right. Postal
Savings Banks and Parcels Post he
strongly endorses, the latter to extend
to the Rural Routes. The message we
regret is too lenghty for us to handle
this issue.
The Census.
While Cameron county has only
gained in population 596 during the
past ten years, making our total popu
lation 7,644, we have cause to rejoice
when many of our neighboring coun
ties have gone backwards. Here's
hoping that during the next ten years
our county may be dotted with more
industries, thereby increasing our
We have not been furnished the
figures for Emporium and Driftwood.
Possibly Driftwood will hold its own
and we look for Emporium's popula
tion to be 3,000, possibly 3,200.
Council Brothers.
Chas. A. Counsil, senior member of
the general merchandise firm of Counsil
Brothers, Sinnamahoning, Pa., trans
acted business in Emporium yesterday,
making the PRESS a social and business
call. This enterprising firm has just
completed a solid brick building, situ
ated near the iron bridge leading to
Wyside. The opening of the new
store, which will he a gola day for
Grove, takes place on Wednesday,
Dec . 14. Read their ad in this issue.
Successful Operation.
Dr. F. Q. Early, of Ridgway, Pa.,
and Mrs. Linn, Matron of Ridgway
Hospital, accompanied u Ridgway
patient to the otlice of Dr. lleilman,
at this place for the removal of a
cancer by means of electric needles.
The Doctor assures us that when
cancers are removed by this method
they seldom return.
Miss Edna Auchn Improving.
Miss Edna Auchu, who has sulle red
greatly for a long time with deceased
eyes, went to Philadelphia last week,
accompaiued by her father. I>r. L.
Webster Fox, the celebrated eye so
cialist, operated on her left eye on
Saturday. We are pleased to learn she
is getting along nicely under Dr Pox's
Cuming Events at Opera Mouse.
Shaw Comedy Co., three nights, with
Hand and Orcln stra.
Peck's Had Buy.
I'ncle Daniel with liuud and Orch
Brown from Missouri.
Paid in Pull.
a . . W. Yii|»,r« Big City
Si.h .. tj.t H.. vssi Moou.
I Social Club Dince, every twu
weeks, W. dilesiLy.
liuud Work
The Clarion suite Normal School has
had a remarkably steady growth dur
ing the flve years. The character
of the wurk done has bciii highly ooiti
iuetided by superintendents aud pat
-1 runs. Special courses vsill bupruvided
i for yuiiiig me II ami women who wish
' to euter the Winter Tumi, January 3
| \ postal card to ths Principal, Clarion,
I'a., will bring full lufbrutatiuu
Don't Overlook I'M* tcature,
lu ths hurry of selecting Christmas
: presents you should uut forget the iiu
! portent feature of reliability iu au>
: thing you give as a present This is
I>*st illustrated lu ibis way The House
i >tf Metager ths Jeweler, was ueiabiisb
■id iu lsi»,t, aud any present hearing
ths lie print uf thta seiatdlahiueut, has
j reliability in ths bruadast sense uf thu
word guaraetued tu it. If yuu •huuld
nsuiis a gilt that was nought at tbta
ssiebhettu*eut, that dose nut prove
absolwts!) ell mat it was fewontioeod
'he pioptmiui bun* t bark and
First National Bank,
At the close of business, Dec. 7,1910,
One of the most successful men of America
when asked to what he attributed his success re
"I built my fortune on the dial of my watch
seconds became pennies, minutes became dimes,
hours became dollars. I gave a money value to
every tick, and took advantage of everything
that economized time. I never procrastinate;
I never wait for other people to get ahead of me.
I keep my eyes and ears open for opportunities;
I look well into whatever seeuis good to me;
when ray judgement approves I act promptly
and with decision. I don't know that there is
any particular rule or law of success, but I'm
pretty sure that one ol the foundation principles
is "Don't lose Time." Don't lose lime in open
ing a Savings account in this Bank.
SI.OO Starts an Account.
Rockwell Block, .Emporium, Pa.
Office over A. P. Vogt's Shoe Store
Emporium, Pa I2y
Coming! Coming!
Emporium Opera House
Three Nights Only Commencing
Thursday, December Bth, 1910
The Shaw Comedy Co.,
In a Repretoir of Standard Plays will
produce here.
The Xl'?rry Musical Mix-Up
The Romantic Drama
The Great Comedy Play
The Melodramie Success
Be sure and hear our Band Concerts
pt Opera House at 7:1") p. m. nightly.
S[ eciultiefi between the Acts.
Popular prices, 10c, 2Ui: and UOc.
Red Cross Christmas Seals.
One year ago the Northwestern Anti-
Tuberculosis Lnaguu was organized to
curry on the against consumption
ii tho northwestern portion of Penn
sylvania. They took the Hon Air Sani
loritim which had eight beds and dar
ing the succeeding eight months in -
created the capacity to f«;rly beds and
to-iiay there are about lhim people on
tlx waiting, thus showing the
nece»s t \ nf the existence of mch u
work Tin frooeedtt them lit of
l< <' <'l lI h: 111 h - • , ! tsist
this society to increase the capacity of
the Bon Air Sanitarium. No one can
tell when some of their friends will
need the services of un institution of
this character Put your per nies into
Red Cross Chrietmm Seal-i mid help to
perpetuate the Hon Air Sanitarium.
Sermon to Young Men.
There will he a sp. M riliou U>
young men a' l'i laiauuel Church uext
Sunday even lii ,; There will be *pec
ial m i*ic acl eveith prii; r. I t Mints
will bo pruvldetl -oil. 't all call follow
the service All young until arc iu\ it -
ed to attend til - ervice.
The He* ii. * Cirule of On I' r-l M E
Church will hold an apron i»le in Par
kiiis Hit*" ir, rear o| |)i)il«t.u'k Drug
Mtord, liih aut| 17m ol Dmtnubef.
Honor roll for S. erville "chool
Theodore Kassinianii, Chai i lie \ oleile,
Metllurd »Ml tllli, Kielw. I Kiln
VlHella, M * IMruai, Willie K> phert,
Hay Kr-lj" Yrvlllu Kephart, Knhryu
Ki itoler, Florence iMlruui, (trace
I M rum
14MTMIB M. Vu-roMV, Teacher.
Altended Play.
viiMH t Christy Maclionald and Ida
St>gt r, Mi 1 Harold and IH W,
li liudi, all ul Ihta pint, attended tin
production of "Al rrouvatlor, 1 ' at
i 11*411, N V , laat Monday citing
FR OOIMI I'he Plaw*
k'or a guutl liaii euii, Overuoal ur
Haiuiw.ti Matlu to lit light, at the
loweet prieiM fall or add ft >•
l* A. Hi %IH,
t inp-tiluin, Pa
utu •!,
Now la lie I line to get lit your mtna
for i ul Eluw«r« tot ( hruitu.ia .100 t
iliiii) aat tan »
Eot t 4 |t
a taotg team, eetgiiiwa -'iuu m Jfton
foe all at in I' no* i*aaut
NO. 43.