Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 01, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    For the ,
■ /• '
' | ]
A\ HANDSOME long coat of
| plush or fur, finished
with shawl collar and
deep cuffs of fur, leaves
im nothing to bo desired
l'rom the point of style or comfort.
It Is surmounted by a round turban
of satin with a velvet coronet, on
which a Persian band, embroidered
with gold cord and studded with mock
Jewels, is mounted about the crown
and across the brim. When the lat
ter shows an indentation over the left
eye a stiff aigrette is placed. These
turbans set down over the head and
are worn at a dashing and some
times a little rakish angle, by the
more youthful devotees of fashion.
Equally full of styfe, more adapta
ble to individual wearers and the per
fection of comfort and convenience,
is to be found in the soft velvet hats '
Worn with it serge or cloth skirt of
th* same color t.fcls blouse Mould look
*ery well. It has a yoke of Milk and
la< e ornamented with funcy buttons
and loops of cord; th<* velveteen Ih
arrangi-d In Hut pleats thai are carried
fron> yoke to wain'; the sleeve to be
low elbow Ih of velveteen with cuff of
eilk. the tmtl'Tttle ves of lata to
match the yoke
Materials required: S l -2 yards vt-lve
24 Inches wide. yard silk, \
yard lace
Suede and Steel.
A rruy xu> <ii> b.ig shaped like a
flMurdt-lu u uio atllititlve In Its
uui«|uw cut. Its iti<> titling Is steel,
plain In design. which d« <s not Inter
t re Willi the outlltii * ot th« I ug, and
t.< b«aii(' i dlff' l • from ii iii usually
*een In that It Is done with large In
stead of small beads
'! hey uieuson about an eighth of an
Itu li In dlam*t> r and are ot ttiio cut
si* el They are used to bring out a
pattern on the bag ami also to outline
its >d(<*s, ami at the otuit time lu sew
tin two sid-'. of th* bug tosutfcer
Lite of Underskirts
to ben Hiking or l.'t)liig a pettiest,
have It two Inches longer ihan ilie re
(juli' d i' us'ii I'ut In a un ' inch iu'.fe
abov III' Ii If which t uk"» up thf
iss ln« l»e#
to ben l|« kiriluw rulßu or Ike hem
ui ib.- aklrt wears, let down the luck.
eu< "0 th" i "ftU m bum aad hem up
af d y t 'III tv* a ale** tu ag aftuyt
ig'S, us th»« bottom always wears
and turbans (which might as properly
be called hoods) and can only be ac
curately named as turban-hoods. They
are not made over a frame but are
supported by an interlining of some
sort, warm and soft. They are lined
with silk and worn far down on the
head. A little fringe of curls about
the forehead and neck is about all
the hair that is visible with them.
A soft hat and muff of beaver cloth
in mustard color, trimmed with dark
brown fox fur, is shown in the sec
ond figure. The fur is bordered with
old gold iace and the turban finished
with two standing plumes in brown
and green. This set 13 from the
atelier of the renowned C'arlier of
Paris. Uy such clever effects th<*
French rightly earn and keep theil
These Are the Year's Popular Colors,
the Latter Especially in Its
Darker Shades.
Certain colors never go out of fash'
ion and others are doomed to a short
( "fe l»y the very quality tliut makes
them popular. Navy blue is one of the
colors whose popularity never seems
to fluctuate from season to season, ■
probably because It Is so universally
becoming. The browns aro more vari
able, but this year they are consid
ered extremely smart, especially iu
their darker shades—Kaffir, nutmeg, j
I seal and walnut.
In fact, all the new colors are per
ceptibly darker, lilack Is the smart j
est color of the season, but its effect
is far from being sober or somber,
because It Is always relieved by white i
or by some vivid color. It has had its
effect on other colors; the smart blues
an alu.ost black, the new greens are
the deep shades of tea leaf and win
tergreen, and prune is the most popu
lar shade of purple. Ulack used to be
kept almost entirely for older women,
but dressmakers are beginning to ap
predate the fad that It Is not becom- '
ing unless a woman has youth, health
and a good color. Kven then It has to
be broken with blue, green, gold, etc.,
to give It the lite It needs.—Delia
Diet and Desuty.
Diet ban much to do with the condi
tion of tin ports of the lu<o.
If Inoil la not suited to the Individ
ual Ai d Is i(hi rich, the system may
try to throw It off by an exudation of
oil through tin' pores. It Is tliM
which < n . oily comidi xlon, and the
ttrst sit' p, of course, Is to change the
j diet.
.*■ uch I( mh 1-i should he adopted an
am nutrition < a»lly digHtcd, urn!
i !a« king In giease
'lii list tin ludes milk, i ggs, tlsh,
rare iM-gts, ri< u spinach, Ik .IIIS and
; the i:k«.
I'Uick n i n i > irit-h and elaborate
d< «'i'ii» sbuiibl tu baulslx d, and
plenty of fruit eati ii.
Kreah air and cartful washing of
tin laie are of course, necessary au
<om|iHulm> uls oi the trt utmagi
Carry fl» Toilet Articles.
Won.'a fii i n ally • arrjr many more
• tbati are n. Uded It
Is |>- iteetly fair to assume that the
ho.t* . will ban a dr .lug tsb|«
«i|>llpt'<4 or that she sill piuuvg*
<nu .'ii | b s fur th* wants of hvf
4 i Ktsry »< man aieb's to carry
In i u-tb brneb and < omb, hut a hand
mirror Is b»*»y, and It la m^vtlsi 1
I that MM will be provided.
Helpless With Kidney Trouble But
Cured by Doan's Kidney Pills.
M. C. Walker, 933 Grand Ave., Con
nersvllle, Ind„ says:"For ten years I
suffered from kidney complaint and
was on the verge of Bright's disease. I
twas often so helpless
I could not move and
neighbors two blocks
away heard me
scream with pain. I
had no control over
the kidney secretions
and the pain in my
back was almost un
bearable. After sev
eral physicians had failed to help me,
I began taking Doan'a Kidney Pills
and was soon relieved. I have had no
return of kidney trouble in five years."
Remember the name—Doan's.
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a |
box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. J
Filial Affection Lost Sight Of by th®
Small but Enthusiastic Lover
of Football.
Among the spectators at a match
between the Blackburn Rovers and j
the Olympic was a little lad about
nine years of age. Though the boy's ;
knowledge of the game may have j
been limited, his notion of correct |
play was extremely robust.
"Go it, 'Lympic," he yelled. "Rush J
'em off their pins. Clatter 'em. Jump i
on their chests. Bowl 'em over. Good
for yer. Mow 'em down. Scatter 'em, !
When his parent neatly "grassed" j
one of the opposing forwards, the !
youngster expressed approval by
bawling, "Good for yer, owd "en," add
ing proudly to the spectators, "Feytli
er 'ad 'im sweet."
"Yes," said a hearer, "but he'll get j
killed beforo the game's finished,"
"I don't care a carrot if he does,"
said the boy.—London Tit-Bits.
Visitor —Do you think that mosqui
toes carry malaria?
Farmer—l dunno; they never took
any away from here.
No Indigestion, Gas, Sourness or Dys
pepsia Five Minutes After Taking
a Little Oiapepsin.
There should not be a case of Indiges
tion, dyspepsia or gastritis here if read
ers who are subject to Stomach trou
ble knew the tremendous anti-ferment
and digestive virtue contained In Dia
pepsin. This harmless preparation
will digest a heavy meal without
the slightest fuss or discomfort, and
relieve the sourest, acid stomach In
five minutes, besides overcoming all
foul, nauseous odors from the breath.
If your stomach is sour and full of
gas, or your food doesn't digest, and
your meal don't seem to fit, why not
get a 50-cent case of Pape's Dlapepsln
from any druggist here in town, and
make life worth living. Absolute re
lief from Stomach misery and perfect
digestion of anything you eat is sure
to follow five minutes after, and be
sides, one fifty-cent case is sufficient
to cure a whole family of such trouble.
Surely, a harmless, Inexpensive
preparation like Pape's Dlapepsln,
which will always either at daytime
or during night, relieve your sick
•our, gassy, upset stomach and digest
your meals. Is about as handy and val
uable a thing as you could have iu the
When He Fell Down
Mr. BUO Dudapent
ha« a fccluMil where the students ar*»
tsught the art of eating.
Mrs. ('rlmsimbeak You ought to ar
range togo ther*, John."
"What for?"
"And take a course in spaghetti eat
Int" \ linkers Statesman.
Reslnol In Three Weeks Does What
Other Remedies Failed to Do In
Four Months.
My baby's face was like a raw and
bleeding piece of meat. I was at my
wits' ends what to do. Medicine from
three physicians and ointment recom
mended seemed to make the Eczema
worse. Then another mother spoke of
Resinol, which I procured at once—re
member I had no more faith in it than
in all the rest I had tried —but I
thought it would be wasting only 800
more. Never did I Bpend 50c to bet
ter advantage, for the first and sec
ond days I noticed a remarkable
change, and now at the end of the
third week I have my pretty blue
eyed, rosy cheeked, cooing baby
well again. I am safe in saying he Is
perfectly cured and the cure was sure
ly something remarkable. Your Soap i
and Ointment did in three weeks what
everything else I tried failed to do in
| four months. My baby was positively
| disfigured, now his complexion is all
j right again.
Mrs. H. F. Clemmer, Sunbury, Pa.
Back to the Wild.
There was a time when all dogs
were wild and when what we call
wolves were different from other dogs
only as a collie now is different from
a Newfoundland, for instance. From
time to time you will hear of dogs
that have returned to the life of their
I ancestors and have run wild with the
; wolves of tho prairie or of the woods,
i In the towr. of Sandy in Oregon a
greyhound one night made the acqaln
' tance of a coyote, which Is a kind of
wolf, and ever since he has lived
away from the town, running with the
| coyotes and approaching human dwell
ing-places only to steal a hen or two
when ho has been more than usually
Little Myra Explains.
Little Myra Lee had been In school
J but a few days when her mother had
occasion to write a note to the teach
er, and signed herself Mrs. Kent.
Thinking she might have misunder
stood the child's name, th 3 teacher
asked an explanation.
"Oh." said Myra, with a charming
ly confidential air, "you see, my mam
ma got married again but I didn't"—
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Poliari Reward for any
eaae or Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall'a
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly hon
orable In all business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O.
nail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free. Price 76 cents pe*
bottle. Fold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
A Very Good Guess.
Footo Lighte—l understand there
were several dozen bad eggs in the
possession of persons in the audience
last night and not one was thrown.
Miss Sue Brette —Because the au
thor of the piece refused to show him
self, I guess.
for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
j and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't
j Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c,
| 50c, SI.OO. Murine Eye Salve in
Aseptic Tubes, 25c, SI.OO. Eve Books
and Eye Advice Free by Mail.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Mass Play Modified.
City Editor —Any radical changes
for the better in football this season?
Sporting Writer —Verily. I under
stand that not more than one ticket
speculator will be allowed to tackle
a single patron at the same time.—
Important to N1 others
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
In TTse For Over SO Years.
The Kind You Have Always BoughL
In the Grand Stand.
Stella —Do you understand base
Bella —Perfectly; but why does that
tnan run so hard with nobody after
Ptiff npck! Doean't amount to much,
but mighty disagreeable. You've no idea
how quickly a little Ilamlini Wiznrd Oil
will lubricate the eortta and make you
comfortable nguin.
A girl Is worth all It costs to rals*
j her —and it always costs It.
Wliulnw'i Knulhliif *ymp.
Iforcblijieu Meltem* MifU'ii, I KUUia, rr«lur»a IB
lUu.u.*Uoo,»il»i. u*lu. uur.. wind colic. &c *l* lUe.
Many a fellow does all his betting
with his mouth.
Calar mare taodi brighter and teeter colore than an; other die On* 10c taekaa* e»l#u ill libera. The» dre In cold water belter than an, other <(,♦.
tew can di* a«tgarment elthawt rlt»i*« atari Wrtte lei Ira* booklet-Hoe to Ota. Bleach and Mn Color*. MONROE OftUO 00., Qulnoy, //j/nofa.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? We can
furnish positive proof that it has made many remarkable
cures after all other means had failed.
Women who are suffering with some form of female
illness should consider this.
As such evidence read these two unsolicited testimonial
letters. We guarantee they are genuine and honest state
ments of facts.
Cresson, Pa.—"Five years apo I had a bad fall, and hurt
myself Inwardly. I was under a doctor's care for nine weeks,
and when I stopped I grew worse again. I sent for a bottle of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, took it as directed,
and now I am a stout, hearty woman."—Mrs. Ella E. Aikey,
Cresson, Pa.
Baird, "Wash.—"A year ago I was sick with kidney and
bladder troubles and female weakness. The doctors gave mo
up. All they could do was to just let me go as easily as possible.
I was advised by friends to take jLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and Blood Purifier. I am completely cured of my
ills, and I am nearly sixty years old."—Mrs. Sarah Leighton,
liaird, Wash.
Evidence like the above is abundant showing that the
derangements of the female organism which breed all kinds
of miserable feelings and which ordinary practice does not
cure, are the very disorders that give way to Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Women who are afflicted with similar troubles, after
reading two such letters as the above, should be encouraged
to try this wonderfully helpful remedy.
For 80 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
* Compound has been the standard remedy for 7/ \V
female ills. No sick woman does justice to [(/[
herself who will not try this famous medicine. 7 / \ r
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and [I 17 Jf* 1
has thousands of cures to its credit. II If/ I
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women \A In)
j to writ® her for advice. She has
Ifuided thousands to health free of charge,
Address Mrs, Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Hai^iSiuiAsr^
•3 *3.50 & '4 SHOES &°WOMIN LIFT
BOYS 1 SHOES, $2.00, $2.50 & $3.00. BEST IN THE WORLD.
W.L.Douglaa $3.00. 53.80 and $4.00 mhoom I D° r7ai
arm positively 'he bast tnado and most pop- I ij-e that I '« -V ptjj
u/mr shoe* for thoprlco In America, and are I my shoes P JMWv Jv -. liLS
tho moat economical hare
■tandiird for over 30 years, that I inako anrl fell more S.'j.OO, J3.. r .o ami \ ;;
$4 .00 shoes than anv other manufacturer In tho U.S., and that DOLLAR /ffi'' & A*
FOR DOLLAR, I GUARANTEE MY SHOES to hold thoirshape, look A 3 A "//SL.
and fit better, and wear longer than any other $3.00,53.50 or s4.ooshoes \ /\ / WOb*.
you can buy ? Quality counts. It has made uiy shoes THE LEADERS sA*,\ ''<■'/ W
You will bo pleased when yon buy my shoes because of the n J'rriidm l
fit and appearance, and when It comes tirao for you to purchase If. L.
another pair, you will he more than pleased bei-auso the last n„ualqf
ones wore so well, and gaye you so much comfort. * Shoe Co.
CAUTION! name and prire itninped on the hot?om. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE
11 yoor dealer cannot »upylj you with W. Douglas shoes, write for Mall Order Catalog.
W. L. DO K.i.AM, 145 Spurk St., Urocklon, Mail,
American Searing Company [7E3|
mm*—|M ——up
215 Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. ®
New York Pittsburg Boston Philadelphia j
Schools, Churches and Theaters
Save money by buying from the manufacturer.
vlivilSF RE YOU BUILDING OR RESEATING? If you are write tot
Catalogue A. M. at once, mentioning class of building.
IgyV Dealers should write Thomas M. Boyd, President, McClurg Bldgv
Chicago, for our exetusiie agency proposition on
ho handled very canity. The elck are cured, and all other* la
name• table, no matter how "exi»oaed." kept froin herim* the die-
JE& D * iD f fclDilN'B LIQUID DISTK.MPKK CUKK. Give urn
rJfi lootue.oF lu feed. Acta on the blood and exf>cla germa off
form?* of diatemper. Beft reniedj erer kuown for mares in foaL
M t ° ne guaranteed ctiro one caae. 60«! Si a hutUe; 96 and
' J llO dozen of drugKl*t»and hameaadualent. oraent expruas paid by
I manufacturers. <hit ahowa hoar to poultic* ttimaU. Our free
( H«mklet K'VfaeverTL<H»l a«renU wanted. Lartfuet aellinM
TMOV horae rewodj In exiat«uce—twelre yeara.
CROHN MEDICAL CO., Ck«Bl>i.u4aHi*rUl»uu, Oo»hen, lnd. 112 U. a. A.
? r « ch niiiio»~'=
Loading ■■ I I ill 101 «C sump
SIDIII. $3 nil II IV II 'WHt i CUWM (0.
leubii, ** ■ ■ wuttnijll out
PATFNT YOI RIIIKAH. Th.T m»r bring roa
■* I tl* I nealtli. M pagi; lluok Hrnt.. K»t (*HI
riu««rmia ACu . I'Kt AUJI Bui K WaililDgtuu.UC.
DITCIITC wkini.r(i««a,wut.
MB I pP| I logt. 11, D.C. Itook-ifn-*. Higb-
B M I Wml tci« r «auai tasuTu,
W. N. U. F CLEVELAND, NO. 47-1910.
ACTUM A curedtostayc ' jrep
Mkn 1 FB mm m9k Norelapae. No return o€
■ citokintf apeila or other
7^••thin at io aymptoma.
hatrnl a#atem of treatment approved hy haat U . 8.
madicalauthnritieeaaiheonlyaratrtin kuown to paring
Inolu.llß* madicliiM. i r.r«r..l for »nr on«*l»lng » full
aMcrljitloD (if I It. uui .1, I Hum", nf'i utlim*.
tlu •uff.r.r*. Aiilrau FRANK WHErZEL*M?oI
Dept. Jl, American Kxpreaa llutidtu«, 1 hlue#e^
A Wilf Tonr Inrontlon. Freo prelluiln*
rM l fSI I ary aearuii Hook»«-i f r»*#v MIIXI
■ Ml kSI I II Si KVKNH .V CO.. Knah. laO
-863 lltb Bti WasUlntftoii, -'tX> Dearborn ot., LhloafO*