Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 01, 1910, Image 5

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    Royal is the
only baking
powder made
from Royal
Grape Cream
of Tartar
I Absolutely I
Highest in
I Efficiency I
1 Hot Breads I
Contribution* invited. That which you trot li
tike to nee in thin department Jet u * know by pot
tat card, tetter or per tonally .
Hobby on The New Baby.
We 'lll got a new toy lip four house.
It ain't no lunger 'ner a mourn,
lis tyes i« blue, like sister's doll.
An 1 ll i no more hair than a billiard ball.
It mailed audi face*, ye never saw
Their like in all your lite before.
lie's !■ .n a:.' squuxhy as a out.
An' a* »-ius to love to siug an' chat.
Though ho far, far as I have heard,
•'(loo-gah" 's his oue and only word.
He says it ninety tine - a day,
Though what It means I cannot any.
Ho far I think It's mighty queer
They do not like to let uie near, ' v
All* when I've a-.t t>> take him out
They holler, "No!" My, how they about!
Hut I'aw aud Maw, they do a pile
Of piayin' with him all the wi. ie.
I hope some time the day will tome
A lit-n Iran pluround with him some,
For 'I all the toya I ever aee
He is the licit of ait that be.
You'll aiutoa! think, to hear hint squeal.
That he wan really, really real!
Illakeuty liray, 111 Harper's Weekly
Mrs. J. li. Mulcahy, apent Sutn'ay
gii«**t (if tier iiiulhi i and other relatives
at Driftwood
(. S Gunxherg, of Kenovo, was a
liusiniMH ualler itt thin place, on Tut a
day between trains
Mr. unit Mm. A. F. Vogt mill j
tor, Misa Mitrie, spent Sunday guests
of relative* at St. Mary*.
A. H. Brewer, of Ittdgwiiy, spent a
ahort time ill Emporium the taut of the
week transacting btiaine**,
li l(. Mctjuay made Ilie I'ltttM office
a hiiatlit i» cull last Monthly morning, ■
renewing hla •übaerlptkm for another I
Itev i-'ather T H. Utivnuy, actaim
ji.Hii' I iiy ,\t .■»! r .)■ -nph M'ti'iile, *
M|i«ii<liiiK tin weelt lit Sew York |
Mr*. Helen Tuifijiift ami tlaujfltl* *,
Mian I (IM, ars s, < ||l!ll „ till week al
Kit Uamilng, t'.i , gut at* al the home
of Mr and Mr» Geoi gi 111-Ike
Miss May me Farroll visited her hro- j
tliera and sister at Kane, Fridoy last.
Dave Tilton came up trotn Sinnama- '
honing on Monday and visited be- j
tween trains.
W. S. Walker, of Austin, and 0. H.
Felt, of this place, were very welcome j
social callers on Tuesday.
Miss Julia "Budd" Hogan spent a
few hours at Port Allegany, last Sun
day, guest of Miss Gertrude Butler.
August Hout, who has been employ
ed at Colegrove for the past few
months, has returned to Emporium.
John Clair, formerly of Emporium,
hns recently moved from South Bend,
Washington, to lone, in the same State.
Miss Helen Smntss has accepted a
position in the store of H. S. Lloyd
and will assist during the holiday sea
RUe Prosser and family, of Sizer
ville spent several days in town the j
pant week, guests of his parents, Chas.
Prosser and family.
Miss Ruby Heideck returned on Sun
day from visiting in Ridgway and Dn
Bois. She says that trains don't wait
for you every place
Miss Lizzie McMann, of Ridgway,
was guest at the home of Mrs. Mar
garet Murray and family, East Alle
gany Ave., last Sunday.
Councilman E. D. Mumford, who is
employed on the Hill, had the misfor
tune to break a couple of ribs, while
working at Keating Summit, last week.
Peter Ferguson, one of Flmporium
Furnace Company's faithful employ
ees, was a business caller at the Preps
office on Tuerday morning and renew
ed his subscription for the year.
Mies Mary Weisman, who has been
guest at the home of her grand-parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Bair, for a few
days, returned to her home at Olean
on Tuesday afternoon.
W. C. Blair and wife, accompanied
by their three sons, Wells, Delos and
Jessie, of Kushequa, were guests of
Carl A. Blair and wife on Thanksgiv
Miss Frances Krug, of St. Marys, was j
guest of the Misses Mayme Farrell and j
Erma Randolph the last of the week, j
Miss Krug was a former resident of j
this place.
Messrs. Frank t Cavanaugh and
Frank Housler, who spent Thanksgiv
ing in town, guests at their respective
homes, returned to Williamsport last
Monday morning to resume their
studies at the Commercial College.
Mrs. Helen Melzger and Mr. Herbert
Day, who are visiting relatives and
friends in Bostom and vicinity, are ex
pected to arrive at home next Monday.
Mr. Roper and wife, nee Miss
Ethel Day, of this place, have recent- !
ly moved from the Canal Zone, Pan- !
ama, to Florida, and are located near 1
Tlios. 11. Williams, President and !
General Manager of Cameron Sales !
Company, at Philadelphia, has been i
visiting in town for a few days, guest |
of Hon. G. W. Huntley, and family, j
North Broad street.
Carroll Mumford came over from
Rochester to spend Sunday with his
p-irents, .Mr. and Mrs. E. I). Mumford,
Kast Allegany Avenue. He says he is
getting along nicely and likes Rocher
Miss Phyllis Deltman, who has been
guest of the Misses El tie and Hilda
Kaehne, for the past month, returned
to her home at Buffalo, last Saturday
afternoon. Miss Deitmuu is a very
pleasant young lady antl she made
many friends during her visit to our
| Howard M. Sehriner has returned
home ftom Philadelphia, where he has
completed his studies in embalming
ai d is now a full Hedged embalmer.
M . Sehriner spent Sunday in town,
guest of friends, and on Monday went
to the home of his parents at Port
Edward M. Coleman, of Olean, N. ,
Y., arrived in town last Friday and '
v*peu» a few daja visiting friends. Mr.
Colei lan is n very pleasant young
gentleman ami *h" Pri>s greatly en
joyed his company for a short time on
Saturday aftcrn 1 . lie returned to his 1
houuj ai Oka., on 5.....!.y tu.valng. j
Hi to tMMtt ot Um la'el.. O OolvMß, I
of this pi ICd
Bargain Sale of Fine China.
In i rn<*r to make room for new
Chrin goods, I ha>e tlt-eideii India of uiy entire line of fine French
and German hand painlt d and decor
ated china, regardless of coat. lii>t>in- j
uing nest Friday, every piece ol china
ill my store will he offered a Just one
hail of the regular price. This will
be an opportunity of a life time to get
high Krade china at aliuoat give aw.»y
price*. Come early and net fir>t
Vi-4t. Gko. MKTaUKM, Jk.
The On* Great Inter**!.
Rducatlnn Is the only interest I
worthy the de»p, controlling umii-ty
of the thoughtful man—Wi-utluU Phil ,
II pa
Hilda la to a nobiu i tiara*
tar, and tha Intra of pralaa la omt of
Ihn rivllUliig alatneut* Hvurji Wird
P**e be*
Thanksgiving Notes.
Miss Lora McQuay and Messrs. K.
I M. McQuay, R. H. Edgar and E. J.
Metz, spent the Thanksgiving Holi
'■ daysj at Holidays at Clarion State
| Normal School, renewing old acquuint
j ances.
Everett Pierson and John Ellis, of
St. Marys, spent the day in town visit
ing friends and relatives. They also
attended the Mountaineer dance in the
Miss Ethel Brookshaw and Messrs.
Howard Rodgers and Walter Straight,
of Olean, N. Y., were guests at the
home of Miss Bessie McQuay for a few j
days the last of the week.
. Miss Lena Bair, who is atfending
Wenthrook Commercial at Olean, spent
Thanksgiving guest of her parents, Mr_
and Mrs. Joshua Bair. She was ac
companied home by Mit« Hazel Mc-
Clure, who was her guest.
Prof. W. G. Briner was guest of
friends at Sterling Uun, on Thanks
Mrs. C. E. llenry and little duu,fil
ter were guests of relatives and friends
at Driltwood for tiie big day.
W. S, Swartwood and family spent
Thanksgiving guests at tiie home of
Mr. S's parents at Sinnamahoning.
Messrs. M. M. Larrabee and Clifton
Larrabee spent Thanksgiving guests ;it
the home of their son and brother, Mr.
Don M. Larrabee and family, at Wil
Ray Keeney, of Port Allegany, spent
a short time in Emporium 011 Thanks
giving evening and attended the big
Mrs. C. J. Lion, of St. Marys, nee
Miss Kathryn Ritchie, of this place,
WC*H guest of Miss Mayme Cummings
laM T.'iurscLty and attended the dance
in the
C. H. Cordie, of Sinnamahoning, was
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sager on
Thanksgiving and took in the dance in
the evening.
S. J. Rell, of Sunbury, was in attend
ance at the Annual Reception of the
.Mountaineer Hose Company ou
i Thauksgiving.
Messrs. John Riley, J. 10. Kreider
1 and William Spencer, of Driftwood,
j attended the dance on the evening of
I Thanksgiving.
St. Marys was well represented at the
dance on Thanksgiving evening by the
following: Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Murray,
Mr. and Mrs Walter Vandusen and
Mrs. G. A. Taylorson.
Harry Jordan, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
! arrived in town 011 Thanksgiving
I morning and spent a few days guest of
| his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Jordan
i ana family, Sixth street.
| The death of our old citizen, Mr.
| Chan. C. Craven, at his home at Sterl
| ing Run, aged 08 years, one month and
( one day, is a great sorrow to his family
| and friends. His remains will arrive
.at Emporium Junction, to-morrow
I (Friday) on Erie Mail. The iremains
! will be conveyed to Newton Cemetery
i for burial. Undertaker C. W. liishell
j will be in charge.
Thos. I.nwlon, aged tM. who worked
j in this section for several years, died
suddenly, last Wednesday evening,
, at the residence of Jacob Krc ilner at
j Gardeau, in whoso employ he had been
! for s me time Undertaker Kishell
drove up lnte at nig It, bringing his
remains to Lttßar's undertaking room.
His remains were interred in Wiley
cemetary last Friday. He evidently
j had no friends in this section.
X IIIV.H L»P*L !J F A 11. " j
Sold m Emporium by L. Taggarl and
R C Orison
'([Square Deal
E. J. Rogers, Prop'r
ora MOTTO:
llonttst Weight I lionritt
Have you tried our Huckwht-nt
I'li'Ur, Jim our etint pure. I'ut up
in 5, |U iind pound s.
A trial is all we H»k.
('all, phone or write. Out of
town orders ttlt ftnine tiny re
eei veil.
A <tlmr«) ol the lr«ii» r«»|nni
lully Milleited
Don't Overlook This Feature.
In the hurry of selecting Christmas
presents you should not forget the im
portant feature of reliability in any
thing you give as a present. This is
best illustrated in this way: The House
of Metzger the Jeweler, was establish
ed in 1863, and any present bearing
the imprint of this establishment, has
reliability in the broadest sense of the
word guaranteed to it. If you shopld
receive a gift that was bought at this
establishment, that does not prove
absolutely all that it was recommend
ed, you will confer a great favor upon
the proprietor by- bringing it back and
j allowing us to make it satisfactory. j
For Sale.
A combination billiard and pool
table for home use, Complete outfit,
practically new, at a bargain. Apply
to Leon R. Felt, Emporium, Pa.
I Wednesday,
December 14th
will be our opening day I
for holiday candies and 1
other choice articles.
Every purchaser 0:1 that 1
day will be presented with I
a beautiful ROSE. •
Make us a call and see S
our tine display of I
Candies, Fruits and Nuts. K
fSeger & €O, j
2'- r , r.aaai j
There's a Happy New
Year Coming
to those who resolve to use only Em
porium Roller Mills tlour intho house- i
hold. Flour is the most important j
food product used, snd therefore it is j
equally important that it should be '
good and nutritious. Whether lor |
bread, cakes or pastry, the PET
GROVE flour will be found by exper
ience to lulllll all requirements.
Piupormui, I'M., Nov. jo, into.
N KMOI'll IL A, |>t*i tl to
Kelt'* K»acv, " I V>
Hut (trove. " I «U
(toiler M»»l " VI
Hvr "
rtrnhniu. .. .. " To !
Ni'W ItilckwhMt Kluiir. 'I Hi. vu'k T?« I
» cui'kwiM a Klmir. lo ih «Mik, . :r> 1
r. .!,-<■ >l .1 i« i li o I H !
ak< pi -i. .•■ i »
OtiulmM'orn i"-r li*> ... . . .. I !\ '
Whlti S*U!a:.i.t; . . ... I
• ~. < »'• '
1. II kl :. \\ kM! I HI
9 SrrrrnuiK» " I V>
I I 111 Jiiwl '• I l*
Corn ui rb.i*l.«i . Tu
I W' ' '.I . 111.el I >
j Oj u-i St"<U , wi urn 71
I SierhHK l liir- V> il li«
' M.-rluii; S»:r» I. frwl .. . I*"
I iftlrv Kewt, I Hi
; • Kir " II- I
, .'uttoii M* etl Meal I W
; M'tiilliiuill *'tO»»» Seeil. |n r liu.. ... .. In Vl
j Mitlmni lover S.-wl, " ..1"
Al»»ke t'lover Sewl. " .. I" m
Tlill"lhv He.-il " '-#0
llHmu llilltlMnril. " JW
IMvurvv Nollir.
'/V KUWAHD TtCXTS, tale <<f <W
rrtin ( tiM Hiy, /Y nntyh u*»m.
\\ ' lll.Kl-.A-* i '1 • '
> V Mini 4 llliel In lilt « uuil ui * 'DiWiH I
IMrtt* of (Tniiirruii Couuly of July Trrui, l»lu.
No H, |»iyiiii titlviinw AUttinit >«»u, «o*t >«*»«
* i«. i i .is MUlillfNl • I
<iii«t Cuurt on or U K>rv MoutUy, thv umth «Uy
uf JAtitmry. nrtl. In aiuwvr com plaint «»f ihr
liritif Mwllr T«wl» »i»«l ui iU*f*iiU of *ucli
»|i|»r«r«iM r you will IH- liable to h«v« m divorce
null .iu . • ii •
Jv ill N W NOHHIH.
HlierilV iif ('ttiu ruti t'ouuly.
I !ll|Mil HI 111, |*4 . Notvlllbvf i&, IWIO 4-lt
Iklik <' 1i>..(•..« tiM* HO*« Mf ,k ut
Kniuiuw. IVMH><i lIIKM .«M.|
, . 1 ... I ■ I
| k.i I Kits a.IIIMI>>.I>*IK>u. i t » llh
j I 4 ulttli , li«viii|| »»«*«»! •
: iiol«-r >ikio«l. all pifmtll lutltblrtl lu lit* wiiil
K»(.»le mtv rv*|tie*UiM L«> |MV told 10.1 TH.-MF
imviug vlaiMi* li» *1 ll»« »tit»out «|«»
j lay lo
.|.tmmt»ir«|iu If I
(Ui k . V ¥ll 112
; lumt*o«iiiiM. !*»., Suv \#h, t«iu It »I
Thanksgiving Over—Now for Christmas
The Satisfactory Store
9 5c Pkg. 20c Lb. ■
I For twenty years we have dispensed to the people
of Emporium and vicinity the Best Holiday Groceries
and Other Good Things procurable. Also in later I
years have supplied neeiK in the line of Housewares,
China, Crockery, etc. We are here to serve you again £
I in our usual satisfactory manner and confidently lcok A
for your patronage.
Keep Watch for Bargains.
® Economy Prices for Friday and Saturday •
251b bag Best Granulated Sugar $1.45.
7 lbs best Rolled Oats 25c. (fe
"Clover Hill" Butter the best butter made, lb. 37c. I
N. Y. State, New Crop, Pea Beans, lb sc.
I Wet Mince Meat, regular 15c goods, 2 lbs 25c.
150 c California late Valencies, Oranges, doz 40c.
25c Apricots, Extra Choice, the can 20c.
12c "Elite" Brand Mustard Sardines, can 10c.
Six lbs Laundry Starch in bulk for 25c.
Three 10c cans Potted Meat, 25c.
ioc Roll High Grade Toilet Tissue Bc. I
"Ajax" Dip Pans, size 10x12 inches, each <Sc. §
I Sanitary Baltimore Shucked Oysters
Frpsh faiicrh I akp Fish LEAVE ORDERS FOR DE I
1 ICMI IrdUgll LdKC 1 lolly LIVERY EARLY FRIDAY a. m 9
I Delivery to ail Parts of Town Twice i
Each Day.
You G-et Better Values Here.
I Wanted GOOD FRESH HEN'S EGGS. For which fi
we will pay the cash or exchange former- M
chandise in our line.
J. 11. DAY, l
L Phone 6. Emporium. A
• fTTflWfWFIifr IT yiffllffMPfW 13 "ftW-WR iiW** —kß
j ReduclionSalooiiallMillinery
; 'f/jr
We have put our entire
stock of Trimmed Hats and
Tailored Hats on sale at
1-3 of former price.
All Wings and Fancy
Feathers at 1-2 former
25 per cent, off on Wil
low Plumes.
We have some bargains in this
line of goods.
We have a few of our
1 Fine Pattern Hats which
we will sell at a sacrifice.