Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 01, 1910, Image 1

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VOL, 44
Visited Old Folks.
Harry F. Jordan, of New York city,
visited his home-folka haro last Satur
day and Sunday. Harry has for five
years been general accountant for
John W. Masury & Sons, manufactur
ers of paiuts and varnishes, at their
Chicago branch, but has been trans
ferred to their main works at New
York. The PRESS was favored with a
social visit from our old friend on Sat
urday last and we enjoyed his call.
His many Cameron couuty friends
wish him well.
What of the Future ?
The signs of the times indicate a new
departure in the education of both
boys and girls. For the past two
score years or more the whole scheme
of education seems to htive been to se
cure proficiency in books and not in
things practical.
At prbsent there is a tendency to dis
credit books and give more attention
to doiiig things.
Money, as such, is being discredited
also, and an eflort made to impress the
pupil with the great and important
lact that it is only what money does,
and not what it is, that is worth con
sidering. As a means to a worthy end
money is most desirable, but as mere
money it is of no real value to either
the individual, or to the world.
A Box Social.
The Public is invited to a Box Social
at the Baptist church, Friday evening,
at eight o'clock. The guilty party is
class 2, of which Mrs. M. Ramarge is
High Mucky-Muck. All parties of the
feminine gender, will please bring a
shoe-box filled with the delicacies
which appeal to the members of the
male order. Gents, men, boys and all
others, will please bring two dimes
and one nickle which is the price .set
on the aforesaid Boxes. This is posi
tively the last notice which we shall
give of this affair. Come early and
avoid the rush.
Fishing Revised.
Bedford county fishermen were
busily engaged last Sunday in fish
ing along the Raystown Branch.
The fish were not hard to catch, as
they were floating on top of the water,
and many large strings were taken.
It seems that, in some way a large
amount of lime had gotten into the
river, which had the effect of causing
the fish to lie fiat on top of the water—
apparently dead -but it is said that
they revive as soon as the water again
becomes pure.
Marriage Announcement.
We are in receipt of the announce
ment of the marriage of Miss Florence
Alice Charbonneau and Mr. Chan.
Francis Papazoni, the happy event
having occurred at Ishpemiog, Mich.,
on Nov 2ttth. The groom was former
ly a resident of Emporium, being in
the employ of the Keystone Powder
Co., as chemist, and has a host of
friends here, who wish him and the
choice of his heart unbounded happi
ness. Mr Papazoni is Supt. of the
Jefferson Powder Co., llirmingham,
The happy couple arrived in Em
poriuin on Tuesday and remained un
til this evening, guests of Mrs. A. C.
liluni ami Miss Sleek They
were royally received by our citizens
aud their visit madi pleasant. The
PRI:->- was honored with a visit
from Vlr. aud Mrs. Papazoni this after
noon. Of course thus. 1m O. K, hut
hi* bride is a very pleasant lady, a
native of Canada. I lest luck go with
l.xprrt Accountant.
Mr. M. F. Miller, of Kidgway, for
twelve years ex|>ert accountant in Elk
Tauuing Co., offices, lias accepted and
entered upon hi* lutii *a* chief book
keep, r of Cameron powder M'f'g Co.,
at thin pi.ii I* Mr. Miller comes highly
recoils •tcieh it ** a gentleman and ac
countant of twenty years service. Mr.
Miller ha* routed the Mct/.ger home
stead, I'.sst Allegany Avenue, expect
In hi* family Imrn next week. We
w< Ujoine them to Emporium.
SIIOW Hall Nuisance.
Tbe snow ball iimwucs I* ou iu full
force and many complaints are
With lire authority* The most impor
tant one is the c ui.planil of Mr. I un*r
M"< k, who was stricken in the tu> u
white pasaiug along Allegany Avenue
|| par* uta do not cuntion thuir boy*
lltey may bate a bill of damage* to
pay i
Relumed from l|o*|>iial.
\t r and Mr*. Ikiit|i>t Is alae return
i | to Impothrm ft m W illuu»-«t<urt last
t relay muritltrg Mr lamtie t.«4 u>mu
| V i'til i#U*t iMMMI *4 tlinl
uiiitur th* uaiw of iH Null. 'lbe trip
if W iiiiaM*»port Hospital
The Churches.
REV. M. L. TATE, Rector.
The following services will be held
at Emmanuel Church, next Sunday,
the Second Sunday in Advent.
There will be a Celebration of the
Holy Communion at 10:30 o'clock.
The theme will be "The Scriptural
Doctrine of the Second Advent."
Sunday School convenes at 12:00 in.,
in the Parish House.
Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7:30
o'clock. Theme: "The Great Day."
Advent Week Day Services are being
held on Wednesday and Friday even
ing*. These services begin at 7:30
o'clock, and the sermons are based on
the Seven Letters to the Churches in
Asia. These sermons are short, plain
and practical.
On next Friday evening all the mem
beas of Emmanuel Sunday School are
requested to meet at the Church at
7:30 o'clock. An Advent Service will
begin at the usual hour, and after the
service the Choir will practice, and ar
rangements will be made looking to a
Sunday School Christmas Service.
* *
REV. J. L. BOOUE, Pastor.
10:30 a. m.—Worship and Sermon.
11:45 a. m.—Bible School.
6:30 p. m.—Y. P. Praise Meeting.
7:30 p. m.—Sermon, "Quitters".
The Quitter is the fellow with a Big
Yellow Streak. He falls down when
his friends and Qod Almighty have
propped him up with the Eternal two
by-fourß. There are Religious quit
ters, Political quitters and Comraer
cial quitters. We also find them else
where. The characterizing trait of the
Breed is "Knocking." Emporium has
its full quota. We expect to discuss
him from every view point, Sunday
night. Yours for a good rap at the
P. S.—The quitter always stays away
from such services. Therefore you
won't knock elbows with a single one
if you attend this service.
* * (
T. W. MUKHAY, Pastor.
Preaching at the Free Methodist
Church, each Sabbath, morning and
evening, at 11:00 and 7:30 respectively.
"Whoever will, let himc >tne."
The Most Beautiful Tiling in Em
That is the most "beautiful thing in
Emporium, said a well known woman,
the other daj'as she stood in front of
the case of cut glass at store
and feasted her eyes on the beautiful
display presented. There is nothing
a good housewife prides herself on
more than the appearance of her table,
and it is surprising how much a few
pieces of really good cut glass will
brighten up a table, enhancing the ap
pearance of the linen, silver and china.
Metzger keeps only the choicest lines,
hut sells at popular price*. 42 It.
Clearance .Sale.
On Saturday morning, commencing
at nine o'clock, we will conduct a big
clearance sale in Parson's Ba/.iar,
Fourth street, in order to make room
for holiday goods in our big store.
Bare bargains will be found und a visit
to this sale will repay you for the time
spent. Come early and make your
11. A. ZAKI'S & Co.,
Emporium, Pa.
I'he Be-»t Lighter! Place in Town.
Ifyou want to *«<e a beautifully light
ed room you are Invited to c all and in
spect the slurb room of \leUger the
Jeweler Y n arc not expected to buy
utiles* )uu want to, but he would
rather you would come and not buy,
than not come at all, so everybody
go slid iiis|i«ct the store, you will be
welcome it you never spend a cent.
Notice to Hunters.
A warning is given hunters who go
up Plunk Itoad lloilow, to be a little
c*r«ful what they shoot in that locality
or lltcy will get themselves iuto the
bauds ol the law, I'he parties who
killed the tame pigeons and chit kens
are kuowu aud may yet be proaccuu*J.
Has It?
If your I bristles* present ha* the
iiupriiit of "Motxger th» Jeweler" ou
it 'ou i «ii real assured it is "A No I,"
tin host that can Ihi had, and of guar
auleetl reliability. Look tor ibe nam*
W H.
Property fur ha|«.
\ prop* fijf on Weal 112 ourth street
tali. IIMJ U»asfci»
A Beautiful Tribute.
Hon. John McDonald Honored by
Railroad Men and Fellow
Drift toood Gazette.
' One of the prettiest tributes that
could be paid to any man wan tender
ed to Hon. John McDonald, super
visor of the Eigth division of the P. R.
R., on Tuesday evening, when more
than eighty persons assembled in the
Ladies' Aid Society hall to honor our
distinguished townsman. Thisgather
: ing was for a two-fold purpose, to cele
brate the seventieth anniversary of the
1 honorable gentleman's birth, and to
I mark his retirement from the service
jof the Pennsylvania Railroad Com-
I pany. The affair was arranged by
! Assistant Supervisor C. L. P. Russel,
j Clerk Daniel Donahue and the super
visor's seventeen track foremen, and
a large number of his superior officers,
railroad men and fellow townsmen were
invited to participate in the event.
A special train was run from Re
novo, arriving here at 6:25. The Drift
wood band met the guests and headed
the procession to the residence of Hon.
John McDonald, who was escorted to
the Ladies' Aid Society hall, where a
bounteous and delicious repast, pre
pared as only the ladies of that society
can prepare them, was in readiness.
The tables were arranged in the form
of a hollow square, with another table
in the centre for the chief guests, and
the room was beautifully decorated
with evergreen and tricolor bunting in
the form of a cross, at the four corners
and centre of which hung railroad
lanterns with various colored globes.
A rack was erected on which was plac
ed all the implements used by track
men in railroad construction, and this
was surmounted by a switch target.
Those seated at the central table
were Hon. John McDonald, with Presi
dent Judge Hon. Harry Alvan Hall on
his right and Division Engineer R. L.
Roe 011 his left, ex-Burgess John B.
Smith, of Renovo, Col. J. O. Brook
bank, Assistant Supervisor C. L. P.
Russel, Trainmaster Owen McCarthy
and Hon G. W. Huntley.
1 After the invocation by Colonel
Broakbank, Toastmaster Roe read a
number of letters and telegrams from
those who were unable to attend and
made a spicy and complimentary
j speech, at the conclusion of which he
iutroduced Mr. McCarthy as the first
speaker. Mr. McCatthy's address was
elaborate, covering every phase of the
i life of Mr. McDonald as a railroad man
and worthy citizen and left very little
i to be said by those who were to follow
him. However the speeches of Hon.
j (i. W. Huntley, Col. J. O. Brookbank,
Master Mechanic C. H. Potts, track
; foremen, railroad men aud citizens
were of such a tender aud praiseworthy
nature us to turu the head of a man
less solid than Mr. McDonald C. W.
Ilollingsworth, chief clerk to Stiperin
, tendent Gougblin, and representing
that gentleman, after a few praise
worthy remarks, read two letters—one
from Superintendent Coi'ghlin to Sup
ervisor John McDonald, congratulat
ing him oil his attainment to man's
alloted period, and referring to his
excellent services to the company and
to his retirement; and the reply by
Supervisor McDonald both teeming
with love rind pood fellowship and
inurKing 'he universal esteem in which
the Hon. Johu McDonald in held by
his superiors in office. Yet ill all that
was said in praise of Mr. McDouald we
failed to note ail expression that was
Alter the g< oeral S|ieechiuakiiig
Judge Hall In a masterly speech, pre
facing his remarks with one of the
highekt compliment* that eould be paid
to any mail, presented to lion. John
McDouald, lu behalf of Ida unnistaut,
Mr. Ktuwell, and chief clerk, Mr. Dona
hue, a beautiful loving cup. Follow
ing this presentation Mr. Russel pre
seliled a beautiful and valuable watch
as a token of the esteem of his track
funnel* and fellow railroad men. Ap
propriate insci iptioiia mid designs were
engraved upon butli tokens
in his reply Judge McDonald ex
pressed his litstllfell appreciation of
thi) tokens slid words of praise bestow
sd upon biui, aud reviewed his life as
1 railroad man from the time he land
ed 111 Itelloso lu l>»71, his Work at St
Mai)® aud again el lleilovu, and his
appoint meut as supervisor lu |§*o with
headquarter* at Driftwood, down to
his retirement. During thai tliue lie
won live <a»b prUos fur premium
trsi k, lite last one fur this year's work,
aMi it be magnanimously statist be
longed lo bis assistant sud ulerk He
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." —WEßSTEß.
j also gave unstinted praise to his track
' foremen.
"Auld Lang Syne" wao sung and the
company dispersed.
Mr. McDonald was twice honored by
his fellow citizens by election to the
second highest office within their gift
and served them well as Associate
Judge of Cameron county. For fifteen
years he presided over the Driftwood
school board and rendered excellent
service. As a loyal citizen, husband,
father and neighbor, the Hon. John
McDonald has been and is a man
among men. He has played his part
in the great drama of life exceeding
ly well, and may he live many years
to enjoy the fruits of his labor and at
the end, when angel hands beckon him
home, ho may say with the psalmist,
"Yea, Lord, my cup runneth over."
Twenty-five Years Ago.
On Monday morning, November
30tli, 1885, at about two o'clock, the
Old Warner House was totally destroy
ed by tire. Yesterday was thetweny
fifth anniversary of the big Are. Mr.
Riley Warner was the proprietor at
the time and with bis family and
guests at the hotel had barely time to
escape with their lives. The fire was
caused by the explosion of a hanging
lamp in the lower hall, near the main
stairway—the explosion scattering the
oil over the oaken, oiled stairway and
causing the fire to spread rapidly
through the building and cutting off
all means of escape. The fire was dis
covered by Sheriff Smith, who occu
pied rooms in the bank building and
S. H. Storrs, sleeping in the bank.
They gave the alarm. Only a few of
the mattresses which were thrown to
the sidewalk were saved from the burn
ing buildiDg.
Pleasant Letter from J. W. Kaye.
The Presk te in receipt of a letter
from our old friend aud former town
man, J. W. Kaye, of Westboro, Wis.,
pushing tlip date of his Press, well in
to 1912, being the second farthest paid
in advance—Hon. J. W. Cochran, of
Ashland, Wis., heading the honor roll,
his Press being paid to Dec. 1913.
Would that we had more like them, in
fact it would mightily please us if
hundreds would keep within the law.
Mr. Kaye jots down a few items as
follows: "We are having nice winter
weather here at present, which is good
for the hunters. Our open season is
now on and the way the hunters are
killing game is fierce. I will not go
out this season, the family being a lit
tlo under the weather. Mr. Jos. Lin
gle captured his deer the first day of
the season. Thos. Dixon is still after
his, he saw it a great many times but
his gun shoots where the deer has
left, so he keeps up the chase. Mrs.
I.ingle is "under the weather" at pres
sent; also MacDounell's children, all
having bad colds. With regards to all
friends." Glad to hear from you, Will,
and see that you are prospering and
taking an interest in Westboro, your
adopted home.
R. H. Brotherhood Song.
At the Theatorium next Saturday
night, "The Railroad Brotherhood"
Song, composed by J. F. Sullivan, of
Emporium, (better known as the
"Huntley Poet,") will be produced ac
companied by 18 views from actual
photos taken for the production. The ]
views are flue and all should see them. !
The song is well written and the au-I
tlmr now being a resident of Empor- \
ium, it is hoped tho Theatorium will 1
be packed upon this occasion.
baby Boy and Girl.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schnee are the ]
proud parents of a baby boy, who ar
rived at their borne e.irly last Monday (
Mr. and Mrs. Merrick Barker, of this
plaee, are happy over the arrival of a
bright and interesting young daugh
ter, who was Ixirn ou Sunday evening.
Heal health Is assured only when
every function of the body aud brains
works at the very best. Such a condi
tion a* that i« assured every one who
tak«a Krause's i'hoaphorets. Kohl
by CI. C. Taggart.
Kiause's Phosphor*!* and Brain
A well tried loruiula, aud a safe
formula for any oue lo use, iu tablet
so liiisil couVeliieut for Vou to use
VI ou per box at Taggart's Drug .More.
Male* Manager for t'amerou county. !
Must l#e capable of organising a sales
lone in secure subscriptions for our
m>iMa*lliM. Relet Mill I s I'l qilltud Hpn
eial .\«eiicy, National Sportsman, 75,
I'iHioral Street, Boston, Mass. ,*sl.
I lie greatest Western play of the
a. aaoti, "Date Devil Dan, 1 ' will be umiii
at our loeal lli.eru House ou Wedneo
day evetliug, I lee 7th. J
: Bishop Chosen.
The thirteen counties in the northern
i part of the diocese of Pittsburg that
were set apart at the General Confer
ence at Cincinnati to form the new
) diocese that now takes the name of
Erie, held the primary convention on
i Nov. 16th, at St. Paul's in theSeaCity.
Bishop Whitehead, of Pittsburg, was
the celebrant at the Eucharist with
which the convention opened. Arch
deacon Radcliffe, of Ridgway, read the
official call issued by the Bishop of
Pittsburg; also afterwards was elected
Archdeacon of the new diocese. Rev.
F. D. Cady, of Port Allegany, was
chosen temporaay secretary and later
elected permanent Secretary of the
In the election of a Bishop eight bal
lots were taken. The leading candi
dates were Rev. W. Strother Jones, of
Erie, and Rev. Rogers Israel, D. D., of
Scranton, Pa. On the eighth ballot
Dr. Israel had ten votes and Dr. Joues
eight, the latter immediately moved
that the election of Dr. Israel be made
unanimous. The laity approved the
choice made by the clergy by a vote of
35 to 18. At an evening session the
following standing committee was
elected: The Revs. Martin Aigner, J.
E. Riley, D. D., E. E. Madeira, W. S.
Jones, D. D., Col. E. V. Selden, Maj.
J. W. Reynolds, Mr. Joseph Kay and
Mr. H. K. Gregory. The annual con
vention of the diocese of Erie will be
held at St. John's, Franklin, Pa., on
May 24th, 1911.
Thedelegates from Emmanuel Parish
were Rector M. L. Tate, Mr. Jos. Kay
and Hon. Josiah Howard.
Dr. Jones, of Erie, Rev. It S. Rad
cliffe, Ridgway, Rev. Houghwout,
Meadville, Hon. Josiah Howard, Em
porium and others, of the notification
committee, went to Scranton on Mon
day and notified Dr. Israel of his call.
They will receive his report indue
time and report to the convention to
be held next May. Some months will
elapse before tho dew bishop enters up
on his duties and in the meantime the
new diocese has been placed under the
care of Bishop Whitehead, of the
diocese of Pittsburg.
The committee on Episcopal endow
ment stated that $38,761 had been rais
ed within the territory set off, of which
the parish of Ridgway gave $7,000,
Erie and Emporium * Hug second and
third places respecti <y. As the new
diocese will receive oi -half of the un
divided diocese, it will jgiu its inde
pendent existence with an endowment
of over $60,000. The bishop is to re
ceive a salary of $3,500 and travelling
Miss Bair Entertains.
Last Friday evening Miss Julia Bair !
entertained several friends in honor of
her sister, Miss Lena Bair, and her
friend, Miss Hazel McClure, both of
Olean. The evening was pleasantly
spent in playing progressive hearts
and fortune telling. Some novel for
tunes were told and if they prove true
some people will indeed bo most hap
py. During the evening delicious re
freshments were served. Thoso in at
tendance were Miss Josephine Mur
phy, of Ridgway, Miss Phyllis Deit- I
man, of Buffalo, Miss Lena Bair and j
Miss Hazel McClure, of Olean, the i
Misses Ellen Auchu, Christy Mac Do- ;
| aid, Julia iiogaii, Klaie Kueiine, Hil- '
I da Kuehne and Katie Kraft, of Km* !
! porlum, aud Mr. A B. Brewer, of Ridg- j
| way, Messrs. F. J. Keim, Jr., W. O.
I From*, Max F. Balcom, Arthur Cat- j
I liu, liarrj Anderson, C. Harold Soger, !
W. 8. Sternt rand YV. H. Mitchell, of i
> this place.
Take This Home and Try it on
Your i'iano.
When in doubt, get iier a spoon !
'That may sound frivolous, but if you j
will stop, think, aud question, you will
1 tlnd it the soundest advise you have
had this Christmas season. For in- '
stance, is there anything a woman !
thinks more of than her table, with its-'
silver and glass? No! Well to get a I
! whole set of solid sliver is quite an {
outlay, but you can get at Metxger s
Jewelry Store a single spoon of any of
the standard patterns, and you can al
ways lias e thein.oue year after another,
uot only iu spoons but ill any of the i
• hundred and oue odd piece*, as well as
forks, knives aud ladies, aud the ex '
pen so is so little that you can afford to i
make extra presents ou all tho little
anniversaries, aud behold before you ,
iniss the money your wife has a re- j
spts-table lot of solid silver, that ia '
good, not only for her life liuie but for
two or three generations alter. IJ 11. j
K rauso's i'hoapliorutits are a real
system tonic aud brain builder aud
ev«ry one o! the inure*"""'* is eudora 1
ed by |>oetors, Hold iii _ Taggart'a, I
J |l.uu per bo*.
» TERMS: $2.00 —$1.501N ADVANCE.
FRIDAY, Snow Flurries.
First National Bank,
At the close of business, Nov. 30, 1910,
One of the most successful men of America
when asked to what he attributed his success re
"I built my fortune on the dial of my watch I
seconds became pennies, minutes became dimes,
hours became dollars. I gave a money value to
every tick, and took advantage of everything
that economized time. I never procrastinate;
I never wait for other people to get ahead of me.
I keep my eyes and ears open for opportunities;
I look well into whatever seems good to me;
when my judgement approves I act promptly
and with decision. I don't know that there is
any particular rule or law of success, but I'm
pretty sure that one of the foundation principles
is "Don't lose Time." Don't lose time in open
ing a Savings account in this Bank.
SI.OO Starts an Account.
Rockwell Block, Emporium, Pa.
Office over A. F. Vogt's Shoe Store
Emporium, Pa 12y
Emporium Opera House
Wednesday, Dec. 7th, 1910
10--Big Song Hits--10
1 Like to Call You Cutey.
He Never Made n Indian Sign.
The Blooming Oi 1 U. S. A.
That is what Love Means to Me.
Calamity Kate. •
Just Too Late.
It's a Grand Old World When You
It Goes With a Rush- Biff-Boom-Ah
Reserved neat« now or «"1« at If. S.
L!o> d' 6.
Prices 25c; 35c and 50c.
"Dare Devil Dan."
In William F. Mann's production of
"Dare Devil Dan" there is allorded a
great opportunity for the scenic artist*.
This they did not fail to take advan
tage of anil from the admiration this
part of this production has received,
they should, as well as Mr. Mann, feel
highly flattered. The mechanical ae
well as the scenic portion, was furnish
ed by Bubler, Peltz ami Carson, of the
Criteriou fheatre, Chicago.
The stunning gowns worn l>y Fluffy
Huftles are by Madam 80/.zarie of
Paris, the musical portion*by those la
moot composers, Peters and Uel.oug.
The dramatic work if from the pen of
Win. Fletcher, and the w ioie, staged
under the personal direction oi Wil
liam F. Mann, has made it UIIU big
howling success to be talked about. '
"Dare Devil Dan" is coming to the
Opera House for one night, Dee. 7th
Strength and Brains.
Being strong isn't all au ox in itrong
but not very active. Hruin Tonic and
and stiiuulunt is needed; and you will
gut it by buying u box of Kr.tuse'*
Phosphoret* at Taggart's Drug Store.
Gone to Houhestter.
H M How, who ha* been one of the
contractors on the I'euiiay new work
on the Portage, between Lm|>orluni
and KUerville, It-it uu Tuesday for
Rochester, N. Y,, to enter upon a new
Found 'l'he Place
For a good M> liah Suit, Overcoat or
Itaincoat. Made to lit right, at lt<e
lowed pricex, Call or addr»M
0. A. lit. AIR,
Ktuporium, Pa-
NO. 42.