Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 24, 1910, Image 4
TWELFTH ANNUAL. ! Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Furnishings, Etc. OPENS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1910 IL TT JI -, — '' , m From November 12th until November 26th we must reduce our stock, so ■J 1 — 31 — 1 1 11 Men s Suits . , ~ , , . . Men's Overcoats k, i, ~i t« . . $3.99 UJ P rices are cut almost recklessly, and you may pick up $7.00 reduce to $4.98 8.50 Reduced to . 5." [j] __ _ _ 10.00 reduced to • 7.89 io.ooßeduced to . . . 7.95 TKAirrKardoinc Vaor 8. r )0 reduced to 5^39 I 12.00 Reduced to 9.19 I * llvUI uatvot galllo the & Cell 100 OO reduced to • 9.49 I 14.00 Reduced to . 10.99 m IG.OO reduced to • 13.69 18.00 Reduced to . . . 13.49 , . ... rri 20.00 reduced to 15^99 20.00 Reduced to 15.79 I 1 his event provides one or the most remarkable opportunities ever presented 22.50 reduced to 18.79 Sa.!! Rodu-d to 2139 !lis an opportunity that comes so unfrequently we do not see how 2 "* 00 mlucefl t0 20.99 Young Men's Overcoats. anybody can think of failing to make a selection. It will pay you to u m Men S $ 398 anticipate your v/ants and take advantage of this rare occasion. 6 - 50 r(>duce<l to • 4.49 (>..>o deduced t«» . . 4.69 7.50 reduced to 5.19 ™ 5.99 Every Year Thousands Wait for 799 9.00 Reduced to . . . 6.49 H ———————— [|j 12.0 reduced to . 919 , \\ Boy s Overcoats. Men's Shoes .' . ' . ' is to save them 1-3 and 1-2 „ : I'll :;.oo Reduced to . 2,19 4.00 Burt & Packard . . 329 :!.50 Reduced to . 249 . • . 3-50 reduced to 2.69 , ()| P7Q You can smash a thing by clipping a little piece off, or you can smash it by hitting hard with a 3.00 reduced to . . 249 hammer. When we smash prices we hit hard, knock off good sized chunks at every whack. , lt I!.•>•• Reduced to . . . 3.19 RKMKMRER, the prices are for thoroughly reliable goods, every article of which is in perfect condi- " ' mucc ° • • 1.99 || .j.oo Reduce"l to . . . 3.79 tion. You will see by the prices quoted that we have made big reductions in all lines, and as the 2.00 minced to . . . 1.49 Men's PantS quality of our goods is pretty well known we feel safe in leaving it to YOU whether or not you are 1.25 reduced to . . 99 | »i-<« it. .79 « euini{ - abarK ""'- Men's Hats J.'M» Reduced to • 1.49 . .. , c *7 j 84.00 Stetson, reduced to . 3.29 -o R diK.d to 179 - Overalls Men s Sweater Coats Umbrellas 3.50 Stetson, reduced • 2.99 :: o Reduced to . . . 2.48 50c reduced to - - 39C 50c reduced to - - 39c 50c reduced to - - 39c 3.00 Howard, reduced to . . 2.39 .1.50 Reduced to . . . 2.79 75c reduced to - - - 64C 81.00 reduced to - - 79q 81.00 reduced to - - 79q 2.50 Hats, reduced to . . 1.99 i.oo Reduced to . . . 2.98 050 reduced to - - 57C 2.00 reduced to --$1 69 2.00 reduced to - - 139 2.00 Hats, reduced to . . 149 4.50 Reduced to . . . 3.79 81. >0 reduced to 79c 25C reduced to 1.99 2 reduced to ]."») Hats, reduced to 1.26 I ■ i.o »«< u I 3.94 <y| y «i. , 3.00 reduced to 2.25 „ . .50 ll.its, reduced to . .39 Men's Rain Coats. .** 390 - 8.79 Suspenders 1 Boy's Suits I 87. »<f Rain t'nai» reduced tu . 4.98 11.00 reduced to - - 79 C ™ " " 3.25 I 25c reduced to - - 19c Size from 4to 16 0 Rein Coeta . 5.99 l.flOredu Ito - - 1.25 J 3,79 ** to * * 39C $1.50 reduced to - - 99 UM,Ka ' t.. . 7.79 r D , n CL i n *1 | 3.00 reduced to - ... 116 1 I 12.11** Ruin ('out* reduced to • 8.89 || Boy s Dress Shirts Suit Uses Neckwear p| 2.50 reduced to - 1,49 15.00 Ru i a ('out- reduced to .H. 19 - M ' reduced to - - 19C 81.00 re* I need to - - 79C 25c reduced to - - 19C 3.00 reduced to * * " 199 20.00 |{„i„ I'Mit. reduced to . 14.99 soc reduced to - - * 38c 1.25 red need to -- - 99C 50c reduced to • - 36c 3.50 reduced to - - - 2.49 21.19 j 1 2.00 reduced to - - 1.66 " 4.00 reduced to - - - 2.99 Men's Underwear. run 5 s. »o reduced to - -2 39 Gloves and Mittens 5.00 reduced to - 376 - 299 2b«miute.ll<> - - 190 i Men'. Overshirts *»oe Ribbed, rwlueed to . . 39 * ,, no reduced to - • 1.99 y 5(Rj reduced to - - 39c N Men S UVerSnirtS I Vll *■»•>!, 1 ilu 'ed to . 79 5.50 reduced to • 2.79 DOy S Shoes 81.00 reduced to - 7g c s<>c Jersey Slurts, re<luce<l to - - .39 j 1.2 • All .•diit dto . . '99 1.00 reduced to . • 2.99 |l.oo reduced to . - QQO ... , # 75c Jersey Shrits, reduced to - - .59 - - .79 I - - 4.98 2. lueed to - lift reduced to - - 3 q c I 1 lM Wool Hhlrte, reduced to - - .99 Remember the Opening Day 5 ' 40 ' 1-00 - - 79c "iZ'l w * Compare these prices with the lowest you can find anywhere, then come CASH NO CREDIT Satlinlay, Nov. 12, at 9 0 clock here and compare goods, you will not need to look twice to be convinced- ' iiiuM n i k| _ and continue, to Saturday, ' Out of town buyers will be allowed car fare if they purchase S2O or over j t Inciutive, Nov. 26. 1910 | COME EARLY SO YOU MaY HAVE FIRST CHOICE JASPER HARRIS, The Peopled Clothier. f (i !'*»>! (H 112 1.1 I'wflvt V H of Continued Success should inspire your Confidence. Emporium, Pa CAMERONC OUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1910.