2 . CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. H. H. MULLIN, Editor and Proprietor Published Every Thursday EMPORIUM. • PENNSYLVANIA Got your stove up yet? As a means of crossing the Alps flying beats walking. Mother Earth weighs 7,000,000.000. 000 tons. Isn't she cute? The fool-killer ought to open a per maneut office at Niagara falls. Why not issue accident and llfs policies with the hobble skirts? Still, when a woman takes to avi ating the hobble skirt may serve a pnrpose. We hear of Pisa effects In women's fall bats. May we suggest Vesuvius crater styles next? Mr. MncVeagh thinks of shortening Hie dollar bill. Most of us would rather have It stretched. While bathtubs have gone up In price, bathrooms in St. Louis may be rented at the same old figures. Aviators are bad risks for insurance companies, but they are splendid in surers of human progress and civiliza tion. When the speeding motorcyclist col lides with the Joy-riding automobile the Innocent bystander 1b naughty to laugh. This year's custom yield at New York from returning tourists will break the record. The way to collect is to collect. Soir , one has invented a crewless war /essel. Will he now Invent a passengerless ship that will take us to Europe? A Des Moines cat attacked a chan tecler hat worn by a young woman. The cat was probably after the rat underneath. Sanguine persons are offering to bet that Unt. Sam will have his census Returns for 1910 all footed up before the year 1911. A new style In women's wearing apparel Is called "Early Christian." This Is probably the nearest approach to orthodoxy In women's dress that can hope for. The National Council of Persia has decided to employ American financial advisers rather than those of Euro pean connections. Another sign ol progresslveness la the east. A hat aerial enthusllat has Invented a gas bag to insure the safety from accident to the aeroplanlsts. Now It la la order for the aeroplanlsts to In vent a sure thing for gas bagglsts. The kaiser might as well try to drowa the famous Legends of the Rhine, Lorelei and all, as to suppress the traditions of the ballet. What would grand opera be without them? A member of an old St. Louis fam lly threatens to write a book In which ho proposes to expose St. l>ou!s so ciety. Is St. Louis society of sufficient Importance to merit exposure? "The Wash Girl" Is the title of a new play that Is being brought out In New York If it succeeds we may ex pect somebody to follow Immediately with a play written around "The f.crub Lady." That man champion dishwasher ought to feel pretty cheap wlien he finds that the head of the domestic Ecience movement says the men can take over all the dishwashing for all ahe eares. The deaths from cholera In Russia this season according toofflcial reports have now reached the alarming total of 83.C13. No wonder, under the cir cumstances, that western Europe feela concern. On the whole, American cities have )>een (trowing faster than was sup posed. Now for the census of farm lng counties, to see how many of tho million Immigrants a year have been going there. Th" department of agriculture does not think much of the back to tbe farm idea unless the cltf man acquires some practical knowledge of farming; a point the city man with farm yearn lng Is apt to overlook. "Oat of tha most unique." Stupid characterUatlon. Isn't U? Yet una see* It almost every day In carelessly written newspapers. If th«* reporters would pause to think of what unique menus they would not employ a con struction Implying that any unique thing can ba more so that another. A Japaneee paper predicts that thi United State* will have a great fu ture Influence In Chlus Uncle San has mit plotted for auch a position but has simply trea'ed the old em plre with sincere friendly cousldera ttun We should be greatly relieved to know whether the American woman Is or Is not beautiful Here comes a Russian coutttSSS who aa< s she Is no' And the lust foreigner, »ho «• bellev was Ui»l*ted that »0s la. Tak pour ctodta DEMOCRACY OPTIMISTIC. Dem. —I'll have enough to till both coops. Uncle Sam —H'm, I wouldn't count your chickens before they're hatched. TiiE REAL QUESTION OVERSHADOWING ISSUE of THE CAMPAIGN. Effect of Democratic Victory at tha Polls !s Here Made Plain—Some thing for Republican Voters to Ponder Over. The arrogance of Democratic lead ers in not only assuming that they will control the next house of repre sentatives, but in declaring that they will pass a tarlff-for-revenue-only bill makes this an issue that overshadows every other question of the campaign. Whatever difference of opinion there may be concerning the present tariff there can be none from a Republican standpoint a united Republican standpoint—regarding a tariff-for-rev enue-only—which means free trade, or worse than free trade. We must have government reven ues annually amounting to over $700,- 000,000, ualf of which must come from customs duties —in other words we must so adjust our tariff aa to bring us $35,000,000 from dutlea on Imports. We can do as Great Britain does, tax tea and coffee and other necessaries which we do not produce, or we can lower the duties on competing prod ucts so low that Immense importations will be necessary to produce the de sired revenue. Suppose the average duty were put at 10 per cent. That means, to raiae the necessary $350,000,000 revenue. Importations amounting in value to $3.- 500,000,000 and that does not Include imports free of duty and with a large ly increased free list such as is prom ised or threatened by Champ Clark & Co., we may well put the estimate of imports at $5,000,000,000, a large portion of which will replace or drive out Amorican production. And fur ther bear In inind that 90 per cent, of this represents labor. One-third to one-half or our work ing men are thrown entirely out of work at once, and th») wages of those remaining a) work must be most sub stantially reduced. That loss of pur chasing power hits the farmer who realizes no profits on his year's work, and he stops buying all luxuries and many necessaries. Then the railroads ure affected, and men must be laid off and wages reduced. Then follows the closing of jobbing houses, the failure of merchants and ruin and want in many homes. We thus pay the price —an awful price—for an experience thai might have been avoided. Hut the closing of factories and reduction of wages Is not all that fol lows buying abroad what we can make at home. These gooua must be paid lor, and In gold. Before we buy a dol lar's worth we owe $300,000,000 or $400,000,000 abroad for our freight bills. Interest and dividends on foreign investments and tourists' exchange. An adverse balance of trado then means a drainage of gold, means a scarcity of money, means tho closing of banks and the bankruptcy of cor porations. firms and 1 idlvlduals. It means 1337, 1857, 1871 ami 1893 and worse. lint after a few months, when our foreign competitors have gaiued our markets and closed our uillla, prices will quickly go up, we shall be at tbe mercy of the foreigner We will not buy so much, for suddenly we will have become a poor. Incoiuelvss peo ple, paying the price uf folly, so far Pinning Opponent* to Fact*. Mr Taft'a alatemuuiUlke i>raitl<-uJt ty h«» eitrudrd Itaulf iU liU po*ltl»e deuiaud. oft repeated. fur a bill uf particulara regarding the evlla which they claimed afflicted the country MIUI the remedies they proponed a» ff«Ui of eradicating them from Unit In laat he ha* Muck to hU t«tl, which tuny be defined In homely, *»i»ryday Kngllith ni "Tell it* what In the mutter ami what you purpoet* ub llcan cauae In the cotulug campaign will be the contraat between Kepub llcan deeda and tb* utler tmproba blllty that the Democrat* would ac roiu|illah anything If they were given control of the lower houan of eon grea» Ktugnatlon In public bualnea* would be the natural reault The real promise of progreaa j i lieutenant May 20, 1863. He was transferred to '''ll ithe Twenty third Ohio infantry July I. 1804. and made a captain July 26, 1864 He wan breveted jl} a major and lieutenant colonel March 13. 1865, f«ir iff'* / un 'l meritorious service during the war /;// , and was honorably mustered out July 2fl. 1805. Wl/l l »ll He was twite wounded during the war In 1866 67 General Otis was official reporter for the Ohio house of representatl n es and was foreman of the government printing office 1868 69. During 1870 and 1876 he was chief of a division In the I'ntted Stale* patent office, and kpectal agent of the I'nited Slate* treaiury In charge of the »eal Islands of Alaeka, 1879 81 ? General (>tin wan appointed a brigadier general of the United Htates volun teers May 27, 1898. and placed In command of the First brigade, Hecomi divi sion of (he Ktghth army corps, In the I'hllippliie Irlaiuls He led the arlgnda at the capture of ('aloocsn, February 1", 189!* He wan breveted a ni4)or gen eral of voluntetra March 26. IB'J9, and honorably discharged July 8, IBBV ||« soured JwuiualUai lu California thlrQ three yssrs sga "I fell and sprained my ann and was in terrible pain. I could not use my hand or arm without intense suffering untl a neighbor told me to use Sloan's Liniment. The first application gave me instant relief and I can now use my arm as well as ever."—MßS. 11. B. SPRINGER, 921 Flora St., Elizabeth, N. J. SLOANS LINIMENT is an excellent antiseptic and germ killer heals cuts, burns, wounds, and contus ; ons, and will draw the poison from sting of poy I sonous insects. BlU'lliipliJJ| 25c., 500. and SI.OO 1 JHT * !<&&! Sloan'* book on B I horse*, cattle, ilieep ■ fj[ltj||Jsf| ■ aii«l poultry sent free. ■ BIU£UJIJ ■ Addrfsi ■ ■ Dr. Earl S. Sloan, g Boston, Xui., IT. 6. A. The Spots Disappeared. Mrs. Dolan lived In a district which was not as favorable for the outdoor household experiments recommended by the Ladies' Helper as it might have been. This fact Mrs. Dolan was rapid ly assimilating, and in a manner not so uncommon as It might b<; she blamed the estimable periodical for her difficulties. "I wisht I had a holt o' that w«ma« that runs the 'Handy Hints' depart ment," she remarked to her fc*sban«i one morning after an early excursion into the back yard, whence she re turned in high dudgeon. "I t'ought you t'ought she was a grand wan," said Mr. Dolan, coatfnus ly testing his cup of tea. "Well, I've changed me miad. as I've the rights to do," replied his wife "She said to put sody on thim stains in the tablecloth, and I'ave it out over night on the line, an' they'd be gone entirely whin morning come. Sure 'tis the tablecloth that's gone—the de saving woman that she is!"— Youth's Companion. A Logical Landlord. Many a tenant will sympathise with the man In this story, from the Phila delphia Record. H« was renliug a small house which the landlord ha