Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 03, 1910, Image 8

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    Third Anniversary of Emporium's Greatest Store I
This week we complete our Third Business Year in Emporium, Thanks to the
liberal patronage of the people of Cameron county we have been successful
from the moment we opened our doors.
We endeavor at all times to show the very latest and most up to date
merchandise in the market, and our buying and selling on a strictly cash
basis enables us to sell at lowest possible prices. This policy we shall follow in
the future as we have in the past.
We are going to Celebrate oor Third Business Birthday next
Friday and Saturday, November 4th and sth
By giving to our customers several hundred dollars worth of pretty and useful presents. There will be a gift with every dollars
worth of goods purchased on these two days.
With every SI.OO purchase we will give a very pretty piece of descent Glass Punch Bowl.
BnC Withmry $2.00 purchase we will give a handsome pressed , sls °° pUrchaSe We wiU give a beaulifu ' Safa Pil "
Glass Bowl or Compot. ' ow > hand made Caronation Braid Pattern.
With very $5.00 purchase we will give a fine Plaster Paris With every $25 purchase we will give an elegant White Lace II
Bust. Trimmed Muslin Peticoat, value $3.00, or a Fine Toilet Set in fancy
With every SIO.OO purchase we will give a splendid go!d !?i- box worth $5.00.
You :an take your choice of any of those articles if you buy for more than SI.OO worth, say for instance you buy $7.00 then you 11
can get two pieces Pressed Glass and three pieces Brie a Brae or any other combination according to the vahe of your purchase.
Remember the days, Friday and Saturday, D TT7 T TIVT Y7'
Nov : Week. Xw JVU-C1 liN XL®
teg. !□ iisns. !s^ji
SSF *1
Breezy jj
I Court |
Pay day at the Tannery.
Mrs. Oscar Coulburn visited relatiye 3
at Dußois this week.
Mrs. («uy Leshbaugh is on the sick
Mrs. Lewis Krise, who has been ser
iously ill, is much better at this writing
l'ut M.iloney, of Lock Haven, trans
acted business in town on Friday.
They have organized a lodge of Phoca
hontus here. The decree teaui from
Da Hois will be down Saturday to do the
A free dance was given in Kobinsou'x
Hall. Halloween for the married
people. N<> young people were in it.
Tims. Smith purchased a new piano
last weak.
The Hay Makers met on Thursday
evening and enjoyed an oyster supper at
the restaurant. A large number of mem
ber* were present and all enjoyed the
It a»t.
A nuuber of jouni; ladies from this
plae. wire Hem-ftte \i.-itors Saturday
Mrs .J. H. Hu-fell, who went to Kidg
wa) II i-ipital »oiue time ai_'o, i» a little
T II tiarriiy was at I>uH'>i» on busi
ne« Thursday.
Morris I'riumy wa»a Sinnaiuahoniug
visitor la»t Week.
he* fehlves iihl lad > friend, of Kui|Mitluui
visited frivuiii iii (hi* |>i«(v nuutUy.
Mw <-Urt Ki»ifpt», of Knipurmiii, vinlvd
friends iu this plat* (Sunday.
The ftlrkk i 'it., baa t )u*eil work fur lb« r
art«r a very pr> •perous wmoii.
Kd H(u»ri, Jr., uliu Ufta bctu workiug «• l>»
(roil, r«lyfu«t! houie Friday to spend lit* wmUr
Him Ntut > Mwurt returned bums MuuiU)
after » wiili' visit with friends »l ¥ irsl Fork
Httsle Mulltvan. uf ftlerlllitf Hun, VMIImI her
ptrmU Numtay
||*if im lt Krkt*» Hilf »mh u« Mon
day II t«i4MHiH| utir way mum,
Our Caiilba*ttp*eus held IbeM annuel t*l«l»«a
Imiml Uftiliiwt iM m«l 4MlruilMi follow*! in
then wsks. Hoys, It's ell right lu have your
fun, toil I *m •#»«»«! you «f»l i MUte l«*u tor in
tbe tin* of dsetr u* U«u uf pro|»eily
K All
l,**ni ut)we cm «v»rv
| Wright Mason, of Pine Stree, was at pleasant
caller iu town on Sunday.
I C. W. Johnson made a business trip to Dußois
on Monday.
| Kale Swartz and Eugene Devliug, of Sterling
Run, were callers in town on Sunday.
» MissGlady and Carrie Hill, of Grove Hill,
were callers in town on Thursday.
T. W. Kailburu wus a businoss caller at Sterl
ing Run Saturday.
Miss Mattie Collins, County Supt, called
ou her brotner, H. J. Collins, Sunday.
A. W." Smith had the misfortune to loose his
pet hawk, which died from blood poison of the
tongue. It had just gotten so it could say a few
words, but owing to the long split, which was
cut iu its tongue it became much irritated in
pronouncing the techiual terms which its master
was teaching it to saj and Mood poison set in*
eauaiug the death of the ooor creature.
J. S. Jordau has the bear traps bated and we
expect he will make a good haul soon.
H. J. Collins has finished digging !*is big potato
crop, which amounted to about HOO bushels.
C. U. Lupro, of Kmporiuiu was a pleasant
caller iu towu on Tuesday.
C. W. Johuaon wat: a business caller at Drift
-1 wo«d on Friday.
Mrs. C.J. Miller transacted business at Km
poriuiu on Friday.
Mrs. W. K. Smith called on her sister, Mrs.
> William Wheaton, at Smnaiuahoniug, ou Fri
Miss Frieda Collins called ou her cousin, Miss
Reua Jordau, at Kiuporium on Friday.
i Mrs. Mary Logue, familiarly known as "Aunt
Mary" wile of M. J. L »gue, 1 to the "great
beyond" on Thursday morning, Oct. 27th, aged
61 years. Funeral services were conducted by
Rev. F. Lawsou, of Westport, I'a., ou Sunday,
Oct. 'toth. and burial made inQllmore cemetery
near her three children, who had gone before.
The Rev. based his remarks ou lleb. 11-10.
I'udertaker Cirabe; of Austin, hail charge of the
funeral. She leaves to mourn her death, a bus*
band and two daughters, Mrs. Verne lleckuer, of
laurel, Mian., ami Miss Clella at home; also a
brother, fed Oillespie, of I'oUer county, all of
whom were present at the funeral. Numerous
relatives aud frieud* were dowu from I'otter
couuty to attend the Itinera I.
The first snow ul the neaaoii ftll ou the 'iftth
and up to ihu tuue of writ tug it has been frees
lug uights.
Mrs. T. J- King, of Wiiiiaiusporl aud Miss
I fella J'hllllps, ol Ihllevue Hospital, S. Y. Ci y,
were visiting their aunt, Mrs K. M. Williams,
returned to their respective homes on Monday
Mo** I*ella has charge of the adui Ittauce room at
th« Mellevue, when on duty Will be at her post
again on Wednesday
Mrs. Amanda Kussell and sou, of Mabaha, 0.,
Is visiting at her fathers, Mr Juuii Caldwell, al
so other relatives In this vicinity ,
Usury « aid well ami wife, of Hiuuaiuehouing,
were up to th« funeral uu Huuday, alao Mr. aud
Mra. Joe ilayuea Marion Hliult, uf Owego, was
also present
Tttilegae came near a serious accideul
uue day lasl week, bis team going uver (be bank*
and did not gel injured but Utile, Ills wife
J'tmped and serious lujury.
Nrr SatJ.
fur Sale.
Twu ItNtiiM of youittf eolU fur aale,
'lVaoi two anil lliri<« yMtra, Ouu
yearlluK '■" tin, fl'io Apply to
J. H. lUvniM,
8M» 3t Ntuuauiabottliiif, f'a.
Harry Hockman and wife, and Myrtle Lew is,
visited relations and friends in Emporium and
West Creek, Thursday and Friday.
Willis McClellahan ami Everill Houaler visit
ed iu Emporium on Thursday.
Mrs. IJuella Solveson had the misfortune to
fail from a chair, (the chair tipping,) Friday,
while hanging wall decorat ons. .Sue rceived
injuries which, while feeling tinlul, are not
considered dangerous. Ur. b\* attended her.
We hope she will soon be on 112 x»i again.
Mrs. May McClenahan aud children were visi
tors to the city last week returning Friday.
Mrs. Henry Auchu, of Emporium, diove
through our valley Saturday.
Ernest Peasley, of lllcli Valley, cailod on
friends here on Saturday.
Another accident. While Charles Barr was
using a potato digger, toe hoi sen became fac
tious, backing over a bituk, tiirowing Mr. Harr
iu a dangerous position under the machine. He
received a number of i>Alntul bruises.
Mrs. H. M. Housler .tiid her brother, Milton
(irifßn, returned ho-uu a few days ago, altera
long sojourn iu Tioga county. They attended a
re-union and visited many idatives aud friends
at Westtteld and vicinity.
Mrs. Charles Harr, *.to is sick with pneu
monia is improving.
Hazel Chandler visited with frieuds in Ein
poriuiu over Huuday, returning home Monday
Miss Ethel Walters returned to her home at
Frewsburg, N. Y. She was accompanied by her
cousin, Mrs. Ethel Housler.
Winnie Chandler and Hcrtha liriltou are ou
the sick list.
Elihu Chadwick called on friends here aud
was guest at the home of Mrs. Solvesuu, Satur
The Mlase* Maggie aud Lizzie Moon are visit
ing with Mr*. Ed. Cool aud family this week.
Mrs. Heruice Moore visited her sister, Mrs.
Holveson, Sunday.
Ites McLeod is heipiug hia uncle Henry, this
week, harvesting potatoes.
V. M. Dow, Ed. Morgan, Thomas Hritton and
and Wiu. K. Lewis went to Emporium Siturday.
Ital|«h Woodcock is slaying with his auut, May
McClenahan, and al lending school at this place.
Warreu Moore is harvest ug hiacoru aud po .
I aloe*. He drove home Mouday with a large
Hallowe'en was speut very «|uietly iu this val
A uuiiiber ot our residents are uiakiug im
provemeiita aud conveniences about their homes
preparatory to the soon couiiug winter.
h*u«r Kraut partie« are the latest lad Who re
la the ueit one to be? Kraut eaten as fast as
made Therefore, if you waut some for future
use, better toake your owu.
The umutMire of the Huushiue Circle are re
quested tobe present al the botue of Mrs. L A
t'handler. sslunlay, Nov. &tli, at one o'eluek
Howe special ar i augeuieuts to be made. Will
also atlml* a u> who may wish to become mem -
Hli'M Jsv
Vt'lm thinks regular pity roll*
help <t county?
Hon Josiah lluwnrd.
N«i stationer) store eao Mil Ix'furi'
y • »tt a better showing, Ml s* low |iricea.
Mi |i«r t'tini. discount on itll stationary.
Hudson's llUt'O H'l'OMK.
Mrs' Espy and Mrs. Shafer speut Friday in
Misses Grace Lupoid, Theo. Pensrith , Ethel
."Smith, Kena Wykoff, Helen Counsil, Dr. and
Mrs. Gray, and Rebecca Buttorf, heard the
Vassar Girls on Thursday eveuing at Emporium.
Eev. It. W. Runyati and wife spent Thursday
with Kev. J. P. Anderson, at Emporium.
Mr. A. W. Phillips, O. H. Cordie, and Harry
Klliot. attended the dance at Emporium Wed
nesday evening.
Miss Myrtle Shafer, Mrs. Jos. Strayor aud Mrs.
Amos Swartwood spent Thursday ill Emporium .
Miss Alice Shafer was the guest of Miss Nel lie
Huntley, at Emporium last week.
Lr. and Mrs. C. W. Gray, speut Sunday even
ing iu Driftwood.
Miss Ethel Ruuyan was the guest of Miss
Jessie Anderson, last week.
Miss Helen Counsil, very delightfully enter
tained at a Hallowe'en party on Mouday ev en.
ing In honor of her guests, Misses Caltlsch, of
Keating Summit, and Miss Miles, of Milesburg.
Mrs. Nathan Silin and children, have returned
from New York, where they speut several
The M. O. R. Club met at the home of Miss
Counsils last week. Those present were: Mrs.
Jennie Krebs. Mrs. Auna Fulton, Miss Hertha
Fulton, Mrs. Haskins. Mrs. Jas. Counsil, Mrs- |
Clyde Krebs, aud Mrs. C. W. Gray.
Nov. I, 1910. z. v. z.
Herman Krhar i, of Kittanning . is spending
his vacation at Hicks Run.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ilerfleld have returned to
their home after spendiug a week at I'ltt sb urg
J. E. Dultois' lug mill started the night lour
on Nov. 2nd.
J. I*. MrNarney, of Kuiporium, was a caller iu
towu on Tuesday,
Rex Bertleld has resigned lit* job at carp enter
work »t Kittauning aud has accepted a position
as driver of Ed. Whitcomh's livery team.
Hon. Joetah Howard ami Kd. If. Gregory, of
Rlupormm, were Hicks Run callers on Tuesday.
William J. Mix and daughter Maigaret, trail*
j acted busiuess at DuHui* on Saturday
I Flnier Kiaelman moved Ills faintly to Kittan
: ning on Monday.
| Nov. I Isilu. w. k. a.
What our c ounty needs is a larg
er variety of industries, .*> that la
boring men may have a better
chance to develop themselves,
Vote for I lon. Josiah I lowai'd, who
| is progressive, honest and capa
, ble ami is helping to establish
| steady pay-rolls for men, women
and young ladies.
A Common Cold.
Tliti first fueling of a Common Cold
, i» liiHMituilti mill weekueas: followed by
HneesiliK, Coughing and Horn Throat
If !liiiii)>hrt',> s' "Maveilty-miveil" is
In ken al Ihe "first feeling" the Cold
If treatment is delayed, it takes long,
er, Inn the t'olit yields to "Huvelity
seven" i-i any t<aui.
A sm* I vl tl of , |<elleU, fi u |
j the vi-xt | iii<-k<-t
At all ileulern In medicine 'iAe, or
I Mistlt-d
lltuni'hri )*' llomtMi Co, t'of. \V||
Usui and Aim Streets, Nm Yuik, ■>„,4,
V. A. Brooks, A. J. Barclay and Amos Ben
nett were up in Stillhouse Run last week, esti
mating timber on Barclay Brothers lands.
Hyde Murphy are busy at Geo. P. Shafer's
new hotel, getting ready for Election ou Noveur
ber Btli.
Mrs. L. E. Smith chaperoned a party of young
people to Hunter's Paradi-e, in Cook's Run, last
Sunday. All had a good time.
J. Henry Logue and James Donley have dis
solved partnership at Hunter's ltust. J. Heury
has gone to the wilds of Potter county to trap
for badgers.
Quite a number of our young people were out
ou Hallowe'en. They must have had a good
time by the noise they made. One kid got at
the scholl bell but he went n little too far and
and the way he begged to be let go was a cau
tion. Some of the boys started to run a wagon
into Counsil Brothers new store and ran
against a circumstauce and left pretty suddenly,
glad to get off without any bruisea.
Quite a few rabbits were captured on Tuesday. I
The boys are busy buildlug box traps.
G. J. Shafer, of Benezeite, was in town this !
week with a load ol flue honey.
Washington Camp, No. 136, P.O. 8. of A., I
held an oyster supper aud smoker last Tuesday
evening. All present had a good time and those [
that were uot there missed 11.
Charles uud Herman Krebs are after the big j
hear that ate Johnson's bee tree,
Csinp No. 112, P. O. of A., held one of their 1
selec*. suppers uud socials last Tuesday evening. !
Eighty-seven «at dowu to the tables and par- |
took til'the good things that were served. Visi
turn iroiu out ol town were present and all had a |
goon time.
Siniiaiiiahuning Lodge. No. lI3S, I. O. O. F.,
win have a smoker on Saturday evening and 1
will serve baked and fried eels, sandwiches and i
Coffee. Brothers don't miss it.
C. F. Van Gordon, of Renovo, was a pleasant
visitor at 1.0.0. F. I.edge mi Saturday evening 1
Come again brother. No. tits lias warm feeling
for the Heuovo Brothers.
Jim lialcltelder captured a liear and wild eat
last week. He gathered in some of tile rabbits
he has been lee ling. They were luce aud fat.
Wilson I'taoley is after the big bear on Temple
Hill this fall, the saiue oue that was seeu out '
there by Frank Wolf. Frank .aid that it was
bigger than his horse ami offers titty dollar* for 1
hiiu dead or alive.
The First Fork hunters, who had their stretch
ei» all ready to carry iu their bears alive, don't
get much ohanee to use Ihein.
Contractor has acrew of men shipping der
ricks ti ml tools this aeek.
William Speitce, who has been trapping iu
Cooks Kuu, moved Iu this week without auy
A. D. Gore aud Hon are pulling out some flue
buckwheat flour these da)s. They are pulling iu
a corn seller aud will soou be griudiiig feed.
While you are preparing lor Ihe winter 11 wili
save you tuoucy by calling al ('rum Hro'a store,
where they carry a large line of winter uuder
wear. Cheap tun.
The people of ainnaiuahoning are making
arrangeuieut* lo purchase a chemical engine,
ftir fire protection About all the money ha*
beeu •übacrihed. Dr. C W Gray I* chairman of
Ihe committee.
Theodore Kephear, ol l.a<|Uin, Is vtsilUig wllk
hi* Isniily a few day* this week.
Politic* are very iiulel here Ihl* fall. J. II
Maidiall wa* kMti.i i wr la < Ins lieitu crala
li tend, last **«!..
Celery for Mule.
11. \V. I indium has home-grown
1 elery for sale, at hia rt'oldeme, l-'ilth
si reel 1 ► -t
Not Sorry tor Blunder.
"If my friends h;i<l'Dt blundered in
thinking I was a doomed victim of con
surnpti n. I ii'iuht n..t be alive now,"
writes D. T. • uders, of Harrodsburg,
Ky., "but for years they saw every at
-1 tempt to •> lung-racking cough fail.
I At last I '<■.. >r. King's New Dis
covery. Tli If ft was wonderful. It
soon stopped lb : cough and I now ain in
better health than I have had for years,
j This vtunderfill life-savur is an unrivaled
! remedy for coughs, colds, lagrippe, nsth
! tna, croup, hemorrhages, whooping cough
|or weak lungs. 50c, 8 1.(10. Trial hot
| tie free. Guaranteed by all druggists.
Trying to Save His Life.
When we say that Sexine Pills are le
! sponsible for many a happy person in
this world today we are not exaggerating
! a bit. There is no lodic builder equal to
j Sexine Pills, and I will show you that it
will not cost you a cent to try thetn, for
I they are guaranteed. Price, 81 a box, 6
I boxes 8;». Sold by K. C. Hudson, Hrug
] gist, Emporium, where they sell all the
i principal remedies and do not substitute.
j Croup is most prevalent during the dry,
. eld weather of the early winter months.
' Parents of youni; children should be pre-
I pared tor it. All that i* needed is a bot
tle of Chit in l».'Haiti's Cou ull Kemedy.
Many mothers art? never without if in
their homes and it has never disappoint
ed theui. Sold by all dealers.
Dressed in "Black and Yellow."
Not "Football Colors but the color of
carton containing Foley's Honey and Tar
the be«t and safest cough remedy fur all
coughs and colds. IK> not accept u sub*
! stitutc but see that you get tln! genuine
Foley's H"Dey and Tar in a yellow carton
with black li tters. For sale by Kiupori.
uin Hrug Co.
Mr. Otto Paul, Milwaukee, Wis , >u\*
Foley's llnncy anil Tar ia still more than
the >c*t. He writi-s us, "All those that
bought it think it is the best for coughs
and colds they over had and I think it is
still more than the best. Our baby had
a bad cold an.l it cured him in one day.
I'l ease accept thanks." Sold by Ktnpo
rium Drug Co.
I*atuc back comes in suddenly and is
i extremely painful, it is caused by rheu
matism 111 the UIUM'IfS. relief is
afforded by applying I'hamberlaiu's lini
ment, Sold by all dealers.
AilinliitMlrMtur'M Nullce.
hfiilt Sum* f\»lrmttn Idle o/ t\* H**>
nuu* "/ nm, I S»i»nty u/ I'itvf /n N
I Kf l> i.l iilmtulalrßlimi on lit* »*>«•*»
I 4 rllAlc bstlug IMFU gfftllUM la lll« Utultt
igui tl, ill HTIOIU lutivlilt it to Mdl mlirr r*
tjtir'Jnl t«» HI -I k*■ |*«yiiirut mill h»vlii|
1141 ini to |ir«<M'iit thr Mini- mthuul tlvUy to
H W «.KKKN, A<luiitii»ir«tur
ll*.,II*., 1 *~ im m, mitt, mit