Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 13, 1910, Image 8

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1 County I
I Netfs|
Farmers are busy threshing buck
wheat, which is a good crop this year.
A. J. Barclay is attending Court this
J. Henry Logue floated in from Hun
ter's Rest one day last week.
Geo. P. Shafer is adding some new
improvements to his hotel.
W. H. Davis bought a load ot cab
bage to be made into kraut.
Albert Jordan, of Grove Hill, was in
town Tuesday, selling farm produce.
Deputy Game Wardens Smiths are
building their hunting camp in Cook's
Run, this week.
Mrs. Grant Johnson is on the sick list
this week.
Mrs. Lizzie Johnson is no better. She
has been ill some time.
Mrs. Moses Barton is slowly improv
Wedding bells, Wednesday, Mies
Grace Daugherty and Mr. J. Bailey.
Mrs. Jane Johnson, of Connable, 0.,
who has been visiting friends at this
place, has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Duell, of Mason
Hill, called on friends in town this week.
Oyster supper at the M. E. parsonage,
Wednesday evening.
Johnson and Ensign are after a mon
ster bear, on Buck Point, who has been
making great havoc with the bee trees
this fall.
Jim Batchelder captured two fine
coons last week.
Constable (/has. Pitts attended Court
at Emporium this week.
It's about time for J. Henry Logue to
joke the tax collector now.
John Swartz is thinking of living a
retired life, since his flying trip down
Grove Run.
Mrs. Dice Reese and daughter, Miss
Florence, are visiting friends at Wyside
this week.
Mr. Charles Bolanke, of Kane, was
in town this week, looking up stock for
forming an oil and gas company. Fine
piospects for a test well here in the near
Council Brothers are rushing their
new store building, as they have the
brick it will soon be under roof. will
be one of the finest store buildings in the
county when finished.
A D. Gore & Son will have their new
grist mll running this week. With
their ne* dry kiln, they can grind buck
wheat rijiht from the field.
Thomas Pitts captured a fine grey
fox this week.
Jas R. Batchelder, D. D. G. M., in
stalled the officers of Driftwood Lodge,
No. 994. I. O. (). F.,on Thursday even
ing. Driftwood lodge is getting along
fine, increasing in membership and cash
in the treasury.
Sinnamahoning Lodge, No. 1138, I.
O. O. F, held their installation on Sat
urday evening, followed by au oyster
supper. D. D. G. M., Jas. R. Batchel
der was the installing officer.
Mignon Reheckah Lodge, I. O. O. F.,
of Siunamahoning will be instituted as
»oou as the application for a charter has
b»en forwarded to the Grand Lodje for
approval. The deuree staff ot Grace
Rebeckah Lodge of Itenovo will confer
the w rk on the night ot the institution.
t ale Swarts and family moved to Ster
ling Run this week. He is goiug on a
that place.
J. R. Batchelder has purchased the
vacant lot of the P. O S. of A.
Jim Batchelder* rabbits are looking
fine, lb' will gather theiu in as soon as
the season opens.
-1 l.fx for a little easy spare time work
for Hampton's Magazine Send postal
for wonderful FKKK Bicycle Offer.
Addrt-HM " Bicycle Club," Boom <MH, Mi
Went rath St , New York. 't* It.
Electric Wiring.
See Lion Ktectricat Specialty t'o., of
Ht M.trys, J'u , tor.electric wiring and
inatalatiou work, automobile repairing
and rebuilding, etc, .11-tf
AII l>er*ons are hereby forbidden from
tr*Mpaa»iiig upon the property uf thla
Company without a permit from this
otftce, or the Manager at the works'
Km port um, B».. August let IWS
WanfM» AT o*o ►. Hampton's Maga>
»ine wants a reliable men or wotuau In
Kuiporiuui to veil the faeteet growing
magaaine in America Karti » I .'ai to
uu a day Write Imiwetllately fur
"Salary flan" and KBKI. outfit Ad
1 trees "VON," Nates Mgr. Hampton's
Magaalua, *A Weat Mtk Street, New
\mm 11a
Chaiub*rl*iM • C <i4gh B ufdy it** k«
•#ine lambus lot lis uaree of > oi. ht imj
a ltd* ufwtji and iaflu' aaa Try it *h> u
in a«< d 11 isiMlaius no (mi ml ut sub
«lan»» and «n»}i gives pi uipt isliel
AuU bi all deal*re.
L>. J. Collins has the finest lielil of
corn iu Cameron county. This is saying
a good deal, but it is the truth. The
field contains four acres and will turn off
at least 700 bushels o} ears.
Lewis Smith has been promoted from
a section hand to laropsuian at IIY
Jessie Johnson lost a very valuable
dog last week. Some one scattered poi
son from one end ot the neighborhood
to the other, with the intention of get
ting rid of the dogs, but only one died.
Several other dogs were poisoned but got
over it. If the guilty party is found out
it will go hard with hiui.
Mrs. M. M. Hill, of Medix Run, is
visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W. It.
Smith, this week.
Thomas Kilburn was a business caller
at Sterling Rnn on Saturday.
Margaret Kilburn transacted business
in Driftwood on Tuesday.
Will Nelson caught a very fine coon
one night last week, weighing about Iti
pounds dressed.
C. W. Johnson and W. R. Smith
were Driftwood callers on Tuesday.
G. S. llill and son Clarence were seen
on our streets Tuesday.
Clyde Collins is busy threshing buck
wheat on Bennett's Branch, this week.
A. W. Smith captured a fine large hen
hawk one day last week. He is train
ing it to talk and perform on the stage.
Feeds it live chickens and hen's eggs.
"Squirrel" says it is the most intelligent
bird he ever saw; it measures about four
feet from tip to tip.
Oct. 11, 1910. SPORT.
Beautiful weather.
Mrs. Annie Housler and children
visited the city Friday.
"Ot" Skinner and Co., were threshing
the past week lor 11. B. Warner and J.
W. Lewis.
Otto Chandler had the misfortune to
cut his foot but will soon be able to at
tend school again.
Mrs. Bertha Peters, of Clarion, Pa.,
attended there union picnic, Oct. Ist.
Hazel Chandler and her little sister,
Beulah, were very sick the past week,
but are improving at this writing.
Clendon Moore and Norman Solveson
visited in Kiel) Valley Saturday and
Frances Russell, of Four Mile, visited
with Hazel Chandler, Thursday.
Among the city visitors the past week
were: Thomas Britton, Wm. F. Lewis,
Walter Smith, V. M. Dow, Ev. Hous
ler and Ed. Morgan.
Don Morton, of West Creek, called on
frirnds here, Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. E. M. Smith, who had been ill so
long, passed away Monday night.
Grandma Carter came home after an
extended visit with relatives and friends
in Rich Valley.
Mr. Amos Kenton and Chas. Meixell,
attended the installation of i fficers of the
I. O. O. Lodge at Ktoporiuui on Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. Cordie, of Oil City, visited her
son, ('. 11. Cordie, over Suu<l ty.
Mrs. Eva Williams and daughter, of
Logue, spent Tuesday with Mrs Bert
Mrs. Chas, Idee, of Sterling Run,
visited Mis. Troxell Fulton ou Thursday.
Mrs. Strawbridge. of Sterling Run,
and Airs. Buck, of Uidgw.iy, visited
friends in town Thursday.
Mrs. E. C. Swau, of Wasbingtan, D.
('. is visiting her brother, Rev. R. W.
Mr-. Diu'jherty and daughter Grace,
>1 '-nt Wednesday in Emporium.
Mr* Frank Wolf, ."'.in. Mol'ie Baird
and daughter Myrtle, spent Thursday iu
Misse* Ada Brrfield and Howie Bil
lings called on friend* in Di lit wood on
Thursday evening.
V. A. Brooks transacted business iu
Ktuporiuiu on Friday.
Mrs Floyd spent Thursday in Em
Mis. O. L. Bailey attended a golden
wedding at Maviu Mill Saturday.
Mr». V. A. Brooks visited h<-r daugh
ter at Kenovo, Saturday.
Mr. J amen Russell and family have
returned to th«-ir home, alter spending the
summer at l.u'|um
Mr. Clyde Elliot, of Minefield,
Sunday with hi* brother, Harry Klliot.
Thoma* K<|iy transacted busttiess in
Ktuporiuui Saturday,
Juhu Mhal'uv, uf Renuvii, visited his
pari nts Saturday
Mi*» Kiultia Met'oil h«* Wt'S ill lor
the past Week.
Miss Maul l'»ll*ha:i ot Dnltwood
«ias the .'Uesi ul Mian Ktlnl KuuyaU utt
Miss Myrtle Slialer »p« MI Sunday in
Ha*. R W It moan wa» nlmitel dele
Ui the Suu Jkiudaji houl Cuuvtu
Hun, aho h in \ltooii 1 Ik!, |J.
Mm Hi'k» aad *i»r< i. ol 11. ks Hun.
are vi»itiU4 Mr* Hut* I^Mtai
tW llarvat Mow. and Bal » l»«|
%* r VIE* * *iU |MI It. ID LT> *1 Hitndajf HIULM
iMrf at IU t"
tta IS, IVIM. \ \ '4
I 'I at U»> UK a <Ve#V t'a#r«>
Esther Arndt, of Cooks ltun, is ut the
home of her brother at thia place.
Evans Hoover, ot Pefield, was in town
on business Wednesday.
Miss Alice Nefcy, of Benezette, was
visiting in town Wednesday eveuing.
Berket London was a Driftwood caller
Howard Barr, of Dimeer, Miss., is
visiting friends along the valley.
Mrs. Frank Verbeck and Mrs. Aikley
are visiting friends at South Kersey.
L. B. Russell and wife were shoppers
at Dußois Wednesday, and left Thurs
| 1 lay for Potato Creek where the former
is employed.
Misses Ruth and Grace Nyce, Grace
Miller, of Miller's Run, visited at this
place over Sunday.
Mrs. Ed. Moore is visiting her parents
at Liberty this week.
Mrs. George Chambers and daughter
Grace, of Penfield, spent Monday in
town, guest of relatives.
News was received here Saturday
evening of the death of Mr. Sweet, of
Benezette. He was riding home on a
load of coal and fell oH, the wagon pass
ing over his body causing death in a few
minutes. He leaves a wife and three
Mrs. Edward Boueh, of Caledonia,
visited relatives in town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilulsinger, of Renovo,
were visitors in town over Sunday.
Mrs. C. A. Dice was a visitor at
Sinnamahoning recently.
Miss Mary Sutnmerson, who has been
quite ill the past week, is better at this
Miss Xmema Brooks, of Emporium,
spent Sunday at home.
Miss Zoella Mason left for Ilenovo
Saturday, where she expects to stay some
Mrs. John May returned home Sun
day from a short visit with relatives at
Harry Beamer, mining boss at the
Mt. Hope Coal Mines, has gone to Phil
ipsburg to move his family here.
Mrs. Geo. Towers, of Driftwood and
Mrs. Ida Messenger, of Dußois, were in
town Tuesday calling on old friends.
C. G. Howlett, accompanied by his
wife, went to the Williamsport Hospital
Saturday, whew he underwent a slight
Grant Ilerrick. of St. Marys, spent
Sunday with his grandmother.
Ed. Berry was an Emporium visitor
Harry Whiting is home for a short
There is not much work this week at
the coal mines on account ot the Supt.,
Mr. E. H. Hughes, attending Court—
being one of the Grand Jurymen.
Miss Nellie O'Keete, of Castle Gar
den, spent Sunday at home.
A (ienerous and Charitable Wish.
"I wish all might know of the benefit i
I received from your Foley's Kidney j
llemedy, says I. N. Began, Farmer,
Mo. 11 is kidneys and bladder gave him
so much pain, misery and annoyance, he i
could not work, nor sleep. He says Fo- |
ley's Kidney Remedy completely cured
him. For sale by Kmporium Drug Co.
y A H*r«, Kan.* tor Kfry—ni Miawimtw |]|
I f r|l lOptr hoi. Will*, .-I thun ou uial, i--!•«• 'a. i f-.r I
B •*»«* I. >atfi|. <• t r*#. If jwur Urutfgial «l uvi I
M faarr |t» i • r,.| your or4«ra t« the
Sold in Emporium by L. Taggarl and
ft C Ondson
mrnmm uilkui
Opening of the Great Pennsylvania Station
in New York.
On Sunday, November 27, full train service will be
inaugurated by the Peuusylvauia Railroad to and from
its new station at Seventh Avenue and Thirty-second
Street, New York City,
The location ol the I'kkx.svi.vamA Station, oue
block from Hroailway, two blocks from I'lfth Avenue,
is in the heart of the hotel, club and theatre district of
Manhattan. Within a short radius are located the majority
of the big retail stores and restaurants. The Seventh
Aveuue surface cars and the Kighth Avenue surface cars pass
Its doors, tin I liirty-fourtb Street surface cars (crosstow 11)
jiass its Thirtyfouitb stieet eutrauce, and stations ol the
Sixth Avenue Hlrvatei) ami Hudson and Mauhattau Tubes
are a short block from its uiaiu eutiaiue.
lime tables showing the service to and from the
I'kni.\ 4nia Station ate now lieutg Arranged, ami may
Ih - obtained at Ticket I ttfice* before the opening of the
Connection* * ill Ih* wade -it Manhattan Transfer (Hear
Sle w.i 1 k 1 with lot al tiaiu* to and fiom thv downtown stations
by way of Jersey city, so that dowutowu New York i»a»s
--t ugei» who detitir may contiuiu to use the Coitlaudt and
lleibfukici St 1 eel Stations and the Hudson Terminal Sta'
lion ol the Hu'lmiu and Mauhattau lube*. 11 a/ - >* a 1
Swell Coats Unusual Good
' Values in
Ladies and Misses Long 'jfPll
Ladies Suits
Coats, made of Stylish Gray
, r ,. ~ ... Fine Broadcloth Suits.
Mixture Cloths with the new ~ 1 ~ , '
beautifully embroidered with
Presto Collars, which give you Rat Tail Braid, Coat Satin
the effect of two coats in one. V Lined. You never bought such
■»'«•» Wk ""iiz-so'» 13.50
Black Caracul Coats Fine Serge Suits of very
$19.00, 22.50, 25.00 . SIO.OO to 12,50
J Heavy double-faced Coat-
Beautiful Black Broad j®® !;! ~,!(* ing Suits, with the new narrow
Cloth and Kersey Coats. //i ftr-; ml\m \ i Skirt. Very stylish.
$11.50 to 25.00 'll $25 0 °
———A splendid assortment of
~\ Swell Suits, at from
Excellent values and a |4Lj j!j!,! If d>io r*A M. OP AA
great assortment of Children's jj|| j I |!V|j $1 J.SU to 25.00
Coats. rUmf! l.j, Ll 1 uHk Very best quality in Rub
. _ _ «3 112 . ,fl>' berized Bain Coats.
$3.00 to 12.00 $12.50 to 18.00
Our Ladies Tailoring Dep't Coat or Skirt from a' selection |||
: —Z7~r
and over 275 different cloths to your measure, fit guaranteed. Time two weeks. Prices very
Extra Special Extra Special Extra Special Extra Special
We offer 600 yards Cotton Challies, very Lar ß e size sin B ,e Friday and Saturday
cottou Blankets in gray we shall sell POST
of Flannelete in neat persian d with blue or pink CARD LIBRARIES.
stripes and checks, at Suitable for Comforters manufacturers Three volumns,each in
seconds winch means a neat covered box tor
the low price cf excellent quality, per that they are slightly
yard ' imperfect, 10 per Set
yar 39c Each re s ular price is 20c
Buttons made -g «/ l EmpOrium'sTFTT^
"g T R.Kuenne ? r ss
io,i2,isc 'More lOc
Coughs, Colds,
Whooping Cough
This remedy can always be depended upon and
li pleasant to take. It contains no opium or
other harmful drug and may be given as confi
dently to a baby as to an adult
Price 25 cents, targe size SO cents.
Are You Looking
for a Position?
We can offer you good
! Paying Employment
that you will enjoy and
at home. Write to-day j
The Butterlck Publishing Co.
Buttcrlck Building, New York, N. Y.
Jx £
Ail. ,mmm »r>gr R UI for CITI-CHES TRR'S A
DI/MUND likANI) Piui.s in Kko xikl/OCV
Coi t> metallic boxes, sealed with Blue\\/y
Ril' ' I.N. Takii no otkbr. ILU/ «112 TOUR v/
Drurnlal an,! Uk for t'fll-FUKft-TKH H V
PI A HUN II fill * * I. PILIH, for «wrnt*-a»e
, f««r 1 rer*rdetl as Brit, Safest, Always Reliable.
Pile Remedy
i II ni mmimmm———
Purity and Potency in
And you get just that when you
have your prescriptions filled at
The Old Reliable Drug Store
A private prescription room
where there are no annoying de
tails or bothersome noises to de
tract troiu the efficient service
which the pharmacist should give
you. Ilriug your prescriptions to
us. You will he delighted with
tlie service au<! your doctor will
lie delighted with the remits.
Old Reliable Drug Store
"KxperU in Prescription \V»»ik ou Account ol
Kxjterieuce and Kducatiou,
AT ONCE Local andtravelingsalesmen
in this state to represent uh. There is
! money in the work for YOU soliciting
I for our easy selling specialies. Apply
now for territory.
ALLEN NURSER Y CO., Roche.ter, N. Y
34-4 m.
Mountain Park
Green Houses.
Ridgway, Pa,
We have the largest and most up-to
, date GREEN HOUSE in Western
All orders left at Geo. J. Laßar's,
Emporium, Pa, will receive prompt
and careful attention. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 52-ly.
I njf T"! A oar* gatrantecHlir yoa a»9
8 PILES Suppository §
D. Mut. Thoatp«>n, Hup 'B
Bcti«wlf, V .V C , writ*-*: "I c*a %my J
K'<« V« . •• Tt.rt t\U anlwiluVtU E
■ ficiWß Dr. H. I>. M Mil, Clutsbufi, T*»u • m.i I
■ "Id • |.r» k, «r iS J..H. I r. ..b.4 bo i.'n.wl, i H
■ jour.. r>Ki. 19 0i.,.. 8. U( ,i„ K.-., IhMH
Sold in emporium by I. Tlggtrf i rd It. C Oedloa
CMt i FOR mrr sajMPt r