Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 13, 1910, Image 1

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Council Proceedings.
Minutes of Regular Meeting of Em
porium Borough Council, held Monday
evening, October 3,1910.
Members present: Messrs. Cum
mings, Haupt, Howard, Mullin, Mum
ford, Pearsall and Mr. Norris Pres i
deut. Member absent: Mr. Spencer.
Minutes of previous meeting read
and approved.
The monthly report of the Burgess
was read showing SIO.OO in lines col
lected and $25.00 collected for License
granted— paid from above to
Burgess for hearings.
Treasurer's report for July-Ang. was
read. The report for July showing a
balance of $250.40 in the hands of the
Treasurer and report for August show
ing a balance of $3,341.29 on hand.
Tho following bills were read:
W. H. Weaver, Freight it Drayage, E. L.,| 423
Adams Express Co., Expressage, .. 170
Novelty Incand. Lamp Co., luvoice. da... 78
Rugb Electric Supply Co.. ... .d0....d0 .. 90
Doubleday-Hill Electric Co", d 0... 13 32
do do do d0....d0... 1 50
Westinghouse Elec, M'fg C0.,.d0....d0. . 18 28
Struthers-WellsCo., do—do... 35
do do do d0....d0... 7 00
F. W, Dininny do Sewer,, 22 25
do do ..d0..• .d 0... 3 42
Stephens Hardware Co., do Streets; 11 20
F. E. Rowley, do—do... 4 31
Pine Sand Co., d 0... 'do... 18 50
E. D. White, Car Cement, do . 219 16
Emporium Independent d0....d0 ... 17 50
W. H. Weaver do . .do ... 100
do do do Sewers, 50
Q.S. Allen, Auditor's Report,.. If 00
Geo. A. Walker...... do d 0.... 19 00
I. K. Hockley, do d 0.... 10 00
Ed. Extrom E. L. 250
Gust Whitmer Police 500
Jessie MeFaddeo, ...Wood Street Sewer, . 5 91
John McClenahan, d0....d0 do 5 91
James Davin, do do do 3 70
Mike Mulcahy; d 0... .d 0.... do 370
Pete Cody d0....d0 do 6 82
John Malgo, do do do 6 82
Pete Rosuack d0....d0 do .... (82
Paul Pushka do do—do 4 97
Audy Lutonick, do do do 8 82
John Fredette, work ou streets.. .110 18
Frank Tee, do. .do—do— 21 28
James Davin do d0...,d0.... .'<s 15
John Malgi .d0..d0... d 0.... 37 00
Pete Cody, do. d 0... .d 0.... 87 00
K. P. Bingeman d0..d0....d0.... 10 75
W. M. Oribble, do. .d 0... .d 0.... Iv>
Prewi Firma, do. .d 0... .d 0.... 9 25
Pete Rosnack do. .do ...d0.... 12 95
Paul Pushka .do. .d 0... d 0.... 925
Mike Mulcahy, .do. .d 0... d 0.... 1# 85
Tony Repaci d0..d0....d0 6 10
Fred Logan, d0..d0....d0.... 32 00
Audy Lutsuick, do do ... 740
Moved by Mr. Howard, secouded
by Mr. Mumford, that bills be paid as
read. Carried.
Ayes and nayes were called: Ayes:
Messis. Gumming*, Haupt, Howard,
Mullin, Mumford, Pearsall and Mr.
Norris, President.
Moved by Mr. Pearsall, seconded by
Mr. Cummings, that Mr. W.H. Cramer
be appointed to <lll vacancy of Coun
cilman in the Middle Ward, caused by
by the resignation of Mr. Foster.
Ayes and Nayes were called: - Ayes:
M<*ssrs Cummings, Haupt, Howard,
Muliin, Mum ford, Pearsall and Norris,
Movod by Mr. Mullin, seconded by
Mr. Howard,that itu exoneration order
fur $6 00 bed raw it in favor of Juo. Cum
□lint;* on account of a double assess
ment against his property on (he cor
ner of Wood and Fourth Streets. Car
Moved b) Mr. Howard, seconded by
Mr Mullin, that communication from
Mr. A. H. Shafer be laid on the table
for futher investigation Carried.
Moved by Mr. Mullin, seconded by
Mr. Howard, that tile Borough Solici
tor be instructed to prepare the nee
t-ssarv form* for bids as per spocitlca
tious for the coiupietiou of the Surface
Water Kxtenaion Sewer from the man
hole on Chestnut street to the outlet
in the mill race ou Pine Street Car
Aye* and nayes were called: Ayes
Messrs Cummings, Haupt, Howard,
Muilln, Mumford, Pearsall and Mr.
Norris, Pri-atduii t.
Owing to the lack of I uteres t and in
action ul the prtment Hoard of Health,
the Prealdent declared the prtaent
Hoard diMolted
Moved by Mr Howard, seconded
by Mr. Cumiuiug*, thai th« Council
confirm tit* action of the President,
Thu President of Council appointed
the following Hxatrd of Health to wive
for the period of time as prwtoriiwd in
the Act of Aaaeitihiy uf May 11, »•*»:
Measrs l»r II H Falk, Dr. W. 11.
Hush, I J Sunlit, W. It Thompson
and Fred tiltaa.
Motwl by Mr Mullin, secouded by
Muinford, that lh« Itofuiigh l ouuuil
I'MNIIHI tna action OF Preeid«ut Nor
n» tu the appointment u| m* Hoard ul
11 Malik
Moved Iky Mi Vlmu H , sreubdrd by
Mr llsupl, that Cwnieil iu«s»t at (fce
i huhi il chainfM<rs Monday in,„ uu . u
lit |tt, ItlO for tha purpose ul vie »
lug the stdewalfca and siiwt crowing.
in the Borough, and if any member be
absent he shall be lined an amount not
exceeding $2.00. Carried.
Ayes and nayes were called: Ayes:
Messrs. Cummings, Haupt, Howard,
Mullin, Mumford, Pearsall and Mr.
Norris, President.
Moved by Mr. Mullin, seconded by
Mr. Cummings, that the usual notices
be served on the property owners hav
ing dangerous sidewalks. Carried.
On motion adjourned to meet Mon
day morning, Oct. 10, at 7 oclock.
Adjourned meeting of Council held
MoDday morning, Oct. 10th, at 7
Members present: Messrs. Cramer,
Haupt, Howard, Mullin and Mr. Nor
Members absent: Messrs. Cum
mings, Mumford and Spencer.
The members present made a tour
of inspection of the Borough street
crossings, bridges and sidewalks.
Regular meeting of Borough Coun
cil held Monday evening, October 10,
Members present: Messrs. Cramer,
Haupt, Howard, Mullin, Pearsall and
Mr. Norris, President.
Members absent: Messrs. Mumford
and Spencer.
Minutes of previous meetings read
and approved.
Moved by Mr. Mullin, seconded by
Mr. Haupt, that the notices of repair
work be properly served on the pro
perty owners or their agents in accor
dance to the law governing such cases
and to be notified that the Borough
will enforce the law. Also that the
Borough repair bridges on Plank Road
Hollow, build crossingz as per their
report and repair the sewer on Sixth
street in front of the residence of G.
F. Balcom, sending bill for same to
Hon. J. W. Cochran. Carried.
Ayes and nayes were called. Ayes:
Messrs. Cramer, Haupt, Howard, Mul
lin, Pearsall and Mr. Norris, President.
A communication from the Board of
Health was read stating that they had
been organized and asking for an ap
propriation of S2OO for necessary ex
Moved by Mr. Cramer, seconded by-
Mr. Howard, that the communication
bo accepted and placed on file, and
that an appropriation of S2OO be made
to the Board of Health.
Ayes and nayes were call d - Ayes:
Messrs. Cramer, Haupt, Howard, Mul
lin, Pearsall and Mr. Norris, Presi
Moved by Mr. Cramer, seconded by
Mr. Howard, that the Ordinance au
thorizing, laying and Constructing of a
24-inch surface water sewer from tho
manhole at Chestnut street mid Third
street to the outle* tu the Mi l Race
near pine street, be printed in the
Cameron County Press and the Km*
poriutn Independent for four weeks.
Ayes and nayes were called: Ayes:
Measrs. Cramer, Haupt. Howard, Penr
sall and Mr. Norris. Not voting—Mr.
The President ippolnt'd Mr. How
ard Chairman of theMreet Committee,
and Mr. Cramer as a member of the
same Committee.
Council then adjourned.
C. li. CRANDKI.I., Secretary.
Gallant Old Uucktall.
Michael Kvers, of West Creek, who
haa been In very poor health for sever
al months, was able to come to town
last Monday to transact busipees.
While making Ida calls be dropped in
to M|uare with ye editor, remarking at
tfie same time tiiat he did not owe a
cent to any person; hail plenty to eat
and was contented How we wish
t'lerti were many more such men aa
Michael Kvera. This hon««l Irish Re
publican, now tu his Tilth year enlisted
in the Ituektsil* at Hterling Hun lu
Issi and itetighis to reisfu the many
incident* connected with the "doing*
of the Hucktails." lie Is proud of the
fact snot her airtight Republican
vote will b« ca»l from bis hum > this
fsll his youugmit sou heiug ill.
Voters of Catuurou county, rtuieiu.
Imr How. Joatsh Howard, the Kepubli
cau noiuluee for Representative*,
stands for all that is for the up-build
tug of r«iiieroii county, llis life la an
upeii hook and all citisuna, regardless
of (tarty, will give him their cordial
support al the pulls. Tu whom du we
appeal when our county, our burough,
our «» hoot*, our chun lies, regardless
of crevd, needs assistance? Hon, Ju
st* l< Howard! Mots he ever, baa he
ever, turned a tleaf ear Ul the appeals
of every laudable project Mee that
he its* a Uigur vote than ever before
*ccorded him He Is entitled tu the
, lul . i it* of the C0..1.1t
First Anniversary.
On Tuesday evening, at Emmanuel
Parish House, the Union Friendly So
ciety, celebrated it First Anniversary.
The evening was pleasantly spent in
dancing and card playing. As each
person entered the building they were
measured and paid three cents per foot
and one cent for every additional inch,
according to their height. A neat sum
was realized for the treasury of the
Society. The parish house was very
tastefully decorated for the occasion,
the society colors blue, green and
white, predominating. Pennants of
the most popular schools and col
leges adorned the walls and the U. S.
flag and autumn leaves were every
where in profusion. This Society was
organized last October, the first meet
ing being held at the home of the Miss
es Metzger, on Fifth street and ever
since the beginning good times has
rapidly succeeded each other. A
luncheon was served during the even
ing by the young ladies of the society,
one of the main features of the colla
tion being individual birthday cakes,
bearing one candle and souvenir card,
in honor of the first anniversary. Dur
ing the evening, Prof. W. Grier Bri
ner read a short history of the first
year of the Society and Prof. R. How
ard Edgar favored the assemblage
with a vocal solo, with Miss Ida Seger
presiding at the piano. Miss Dorothy
Nelson was the pianist during the
dancing Guests of the Society pre
sent were Misses Edna Clark, Gladys
Lloyd, Rena Jordan, Flora Schlecht,
Julia Bair, Dora Nelson and Ida Seger,
of Emporium, Miss Jean Calmes, of
Fostoria, Ohio, and Miss Nellie Swain,
of Olean, N. Y., and Messrs. Carl
Swanson, Richard Kuehne, Jr., Eu
gene Metz, of Emporium, and Messrs.
Warren Herbaugh, Olean, N. Y., W.
C. Cope, Greensburg, Pa., W. G.
Frome, Penn Argyle, Pa., E. J. Pow
well, Scranton, Pa., and C. Fulton
Hutchison, of Philadelphia. Mem
bers of the society present were the
Misses Grace and Marguerite Metz
ger, Verena, Alma and Hilda llcrtig,
Elsie and Hilda Kuehne, Bessie Mc
<}uay, Marion Rentz, Helen Smutz,
Minnie Haurgelt, Belle Husted, Mar
garet Dodson and Ethel Fisher and
Messrs Russell McQuay, Howard Kd
gar, Grier Briner, Max Balcom, Allan
Randolph, John Murray, Fred Keim,
Everett I'ierson, Scott Sterner and Ar
thur Catlin. All present report a very
pleusant evening.
State Sunday School Convention.
The Sunday School Convention of
Pennsylvania is being held at Altoona,
Pa., this week. Delegates from Em
porium and vicinity who are in at
tendance are Rev. J. L. Bogue, Mrs.
R. H. Bent, Rev. to. L. Tate, Mr. Ar
thur Ortou and Miss Charlotte Spencc,
of Emporium, Rev. Mr. Hall, pastor
of the Rich Valley Church, and the
Rev. Mr. Lehman, pastor of the M. E.
Circuit. The delegates departed for
Altooni on the flyer on Tuesday and
are expected home on Friday.
Hepublican Club.
All Republicans are invited to visit
the Club Room, situated on second,
floor of Library Building, which is kept
open every evening for the couven
ience of all who may desire to pass a
pleasant hour or two. Daily papers
from all sections of the country are free
to all. This pleasant uud comfortable
Club Room is greatly appreciated by
•II patrons If you have not enrolled
your name on the club membership
roll do so at once. From now until the
election the Club Room Is lu charge of
lite Republican County Committee, so
sll art welcome no matter If you are a
member or not. Drup in any evening
A Good Position.
Can tie had by ambitiuua young men
and ladies lu the field of "Wlreleaa" or
Railway telegraphy Since the H hour
law became effective, and since the
Wire leas companion are establishing
stations throughout the country there
is a great shortage of telegrapher*.
Poaitioua pay beginners from |7U to fan
■ per month, with gotsl chance of ad
| vanceineul. The National Telegraph
Institute operates six official institutes
I lu America, under supervlaion ofM It ,
and Wtrwleas Officials and places all
j graduates Into pualtloua It will pay
! yuu to write them for full detaila at
Ciucinuali, li, or Philadelphia, Pa.
Celery tor Nale.
II W. Graham has home grown
celery fur sale, at his rualdeuce, Fifth
street. Sfr-ilt,
toi Hale
A property us West Miatb street, ap
ply tu Joitu Mummeratttt 46 Hi.
i »«iar Mhiugiea 'to pur thousand at
1 C M. Howard A Cu'a.
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WEßSTEß.
Jobp. Bond Repetto, aged 30, who has
been in the employ ot C. B. Howard
Company for eight or ten years, as
blacksmith at their several lumber
camps, died last Sunday night, about
eleven o'clock. He bad been out in
the chestnut grove during the after
noon, gathering chestnuts and ate
quite freely of them. He did not com
plain and when be retired appeared in
his usual good health. His compan
ions were aroused by a gurgling noise,
about eleven o'clock, and were sur
prised to note his serious condition.
All that could be done for him was
done, but he died within a few minutes.
No doubt his ailment was acute in
O. W. Rishell was called and his re
mains were brought to Laßar's under
taking rooms to be prepared for ship
ment, to his home at Kettle Creek.
His brother, Orlin Repetto, a prosper
ous farmer and well-to-do citizen, came
here to accompany the remains to his
home, where the deceased had resided
when not employed. C. H. Edwards,
woods Supt., M. T. O'Leary, his woods
boes and John T. Howard attended the
funeral which was held at .Trout Run.
The services were conducted by Rev.
Franklin A Lawson, pastor of M. E.
Church. Cross Forks Lodge, I. O. O.
F., of which the deceased was a mem
ber, attended the funeral in a body;
deceased was also a member of Em
porium Aerie No. 858, Fraternal Order
of Eagles. The floral offerings are
spoken of as being very beautiful and
in great abundance.
Deceased will be remembered very
pleasantly by bis many Emporium ac
quaintances, he having stopped at City
Hotel, where he kept an automobile
for hire. His grand-father was an Ital
ian, his father being a native of Mis
souri. Both of his parents are dead.
He was an honorable and respected
gentleman and bad accumulated con
siderable money by strict economy.
V*e understand he contemplated
marrying in the near future, "the lady
of his choice being Miss Fish, of Net
tleton, Cambria county, Pa., who flf.
teen years ago was employed in Miss
Raymond's millinery store at Em
Busy Court.
Court convened Monday at 1:30 p.
in., Hon. Harry Alvan Hall, pre
siding, with Hon. O. J. La Bar and
Hon. John A Wykoff, Associates.
The following attorneys are present:
Messrs. F. D. Leet, M. Brennan, F. A.
Johnson, J. P. Felt, Hon. J. C. John
son, J.P. McNarney, D. J. Driscoll,
St. M trys, Fred McFarlin, Ridgway,
G. 11. Baird, Ridgway, Hon. Geo. R.
Dixon, of Ridgway, and 11. W. Nel
son, of Coudersport.
Court is being held this week
and considersble business has been
transacted. The most important cases
■ that have been tried were: George
Kenworthy vs Pennyslvania R. R.,
who sued for $20,000 damages on ac
count of the death of his sou, who was
killed at Canoe Run, about a year ago
The trial lasted two days, resulting in
a verdict of $1,500 in favor of the
plaintiff. Motion was made tor a new
trial, which was granted. The burglars
arrested for breaking into stores were
all convicted.
Court will no doubt last all this
Attended State Firemen's Con
K. I). Fields and G. K. Hwartu, two
of Kin|>oriom's industrious young
men, were Putte* visitors on Mouday.
Mr. Fields attended the State Flre
nieu's Convention at Altooua last
week, as delegate from Rescue Hook
and 1 .mlilur Co , and reports a grand
tiuie. Kd. is loud iu praise of the oc
casion and hopes the entire Empori
um Ilepsrtmeiit will become member*
of the State organisation .md attend
| the convention to Im held at York,
' nest year.
I tail tlis depart iimut take up this mat
( ter early.
School Heport.
Emporium I'ublto School moulhly
reuort for month ending Sept 10, lulu
Slmulatr of pupils enrolled this
mouth, male female Ml, total B'lM.
Average dally attendance for mouth,
uiaie J7S, female, 417, total 6IM.
I'ert tfiitagu u'attendance for mouth,
male t»7, female Ml, total Ml
Nuuilier of puplla pieaeut every day,
1 410.
Numlter of pupils tartly, 4*
Number of tardy marks, SI
Number of visitor* to school, is
I urollmeiit by grades First, si, an, Third, 77: Fourth Ih, Filth.
. 7|, SUlh os, Seventh, *6, Eighth. Is,
High School M
■he following teachers report oely
owe lardy mark eauli Misses Farr,
liarher, Weiseniluh ami Gaytiey ami
I Mr. Kdgsi,
Candidate Tener
and Party Coming!
j Republican nominee, John K. Tener
: and his running mates, will be in Em
porium during the afternoon ofWednes
day next, Oct. 19th. It is hoped every
citizen of the county, who possibly can
do so, will meet the candidates, at the
Republican Club. Don't forget the
Live Advertisers.
One of Johsonburg's enterprisihg
merchants has been for some time past
running and advertisement L'.iat occu
pies two pages of the Press at that
place. That merchant evidently be
lieves that advertising pays, or else he
would not be so foolish as to waste his
money in printer's ink. He evidently
has a different opinion on the adver
tising propositian than does a certain
Smethport merchant, who told the
writer the other day a display adver
tisement did not do him any good un
less the printer would throw in a free
local puff every time he changed bis
advertisement, which space would
amount to almost as much as the space
he was paying for, and for vrldch he
was receiving value received. Some
merchants have some very queer ideas
to what they conceive to be the print
er's duty to those who buy advertising
space in his columns. If a person
went to a merchant and bought a coat
and then turned around and asked
the merchant to throw in the pants
and vest to clinch the bargain wh are
of the opinion that merchant would
very quickly, and properly, too, ob
ject to such an unreasonable request.
The newspaper man's stock in trade is
his advertising colums, and it he were
foolish enough to give away his chief
asset it would uot be very long before
he received a call from the sheriff.
Some of the most gigantic enterprises
in this country have been built up
through systematic and judicious ad
vertising. Merchants, like Wanama
ker, and others we might mention,
spend fortunes every in newspaper ad
vertising, and they reap immense divi
dends from their investments in prin
ter's ink. Montgomery Ward & Co.,
Sears, Roebuck & Co., and all other
mail order houses that come into com
petition with the home merchant,
build up their immense business by ad
vertising their wares, and the printer
who will take their advertising can get
his price without any quibbling on the
part of the advertiser, without free
local puffs thrown in. These astute
merchants have found out that ad
vertising does pay.—Smethport Demo
Election Approaching.
November Bth will soon be here anil
the electors of Cameron county will
again be called upon to vote for the
men bent fitted to represent the people.
John K. Tener, the Republican nomi
nee for Governor and his partners on
the ticket are meeting with rousing
receptions wherever they go, it being
I Clearly manifest that the voters of
| this state will continue the policy of
the Republican party. It is the duty
of every Republican to stand shoulder
to shoulder for the entire Republican
ticket. Every one of the candidates
on the Republican ticket are clean, tip
right gcntlemeH and our party is
proud of them.
Remember that your duty is plain
stand by your color and uot be
caught by clap-trap stuff trumped up
by "has heens" and self nominated as
pirants, repudiated by both of the old
Fercheron Horses.
A good team of Percheron horses,
weight 4700; sound and gentle; seven
and eight years old. Apply to C. W.
Hall, Emporium, l'a., R. F. D.
Sales Manager for Cauierou county.
Must lie capable of organising a sales
loree to secure suliscriptlous fur our
magsalue. References rrquired. Spe
cial Agency, National Sportsman, 75,
I'ederal Street, Mass. 34
University .Society Mealing.
The I'ulVerslty Society will meet on j
Thursday evening, tkilober .nth, lu
the High School building, at eight '
o'clock Members will please note the |
time and place of meeting
IV F FMSifcMfcK, leader
We will have our popular soda town
tain lu ruutug order all the year rouml
llou't think tMMiause It la islil that we
us »'l serve you Just come Is IHeee
uuot eveulugs aud try oue of our dell
clous hot tibocolaMes wt4h whipped
u. earn, fci and life.
MStifea A i u.
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.501N ADVANCE.
First National Bank,
At the close of business, Oct. 12,1910,
Where Safety Counts.
Statistics show that of all the houses built,
over one-half are partially or totally destroyed
by fire. Taking this large percentage into con
sideration, you easily see how very unsafe it
is to keep cash or valuable papers concealed in
your residence. Applying this ratio to the ex
perience of a lifetime, you cannot afford to take
the risk of losing your money by fire when it
costs you nothing to deposit it in this bank. The
check book we furnish makes your money just
as accessible as if you had it In your pocket.
$1 .00 Starts an Account.
Rockwell Block, Emporium, Pa.
Office over A. F. Vogt's Shoe Store
Emporium, Pa- 12y
Library Notes For September.
The Reading Room lias been visited
by 422 readers. Students in quest of
information for the month has been
twenty-flve. Fifteen children have
visited the Library. Library circula
tion, books and magazines used in Li
brary 116, and there has been eight
registered during the month. On Aug
ust 10th, fifteen new books were added
to the library and opened as a pay list.
They have been used 93 times.
Thin People.
If you are in a "run. down' condition
and need a tissue builder, try "Nyal's
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypo
phosphites." It contains 40 per cent,
ol pure cod liver oil. Pneumonia
and other severe winter ailments are
caused by a "run-down" condition.
Build up hi using Nyal's. Sold only
at Dodson's Drug Store.
sl.ooEmbroidered Waist Fronts29c
We have just received 138 White and
Ecru Embroidered Waist Fronts,
beautiful designs and very {inequality.
The regular $1 00 kind, which we will
sell at 29c each. This is the last lot we
will sell at this low price. Better come
Emporium's Greatest Store.
Business Notice.
1 have just opened a new store on
Main str<*et, in Mahoney's building,
opposite St. Mark's Catholic Church.
Groceries, candies, soft drinks, fruit*,
toilet articles, tobacco and cigars
Everything fresh and up-to-date. A
portion of your trade kindly solicited
35-2t. M its. EIJ.A MOSWAN.
Magnetic Healer to Remain Un
til October 21 st.
The large numlier of callers upon H.
M. Best, the Magnetic Healer, ha*
made it necessary for him to move to
the Fugle Hotel, Kast Ward, where he
can have more room to nerve his cull
ers The Magnetic Healer will remain
until Oct. 21.
A Good Hair Tonic.
Dandruff is caused by bacterial action,
••.Nyal's Hair Tonic," luting antiseptic
immediately prevents further action by
kiting the bacteria. Stimulates growth
of new hair aud makes old hair healthy;
two sl/.ea Sold only at Dodaon's Drag
I'air ot nose glasses, in black lealliei
rase Owner can have the same by
calliiiK at the I'ttkM* office and pitying
for this not let
Eccem* Kills.
Kcieiua and other similar skin ills
easea when pro|ierly treated are euatly
cured In "Nyals Kcceina t.olinu" are
chemicals that actually kill the ecteuta
germs Thus effecting a cure
IhilMttN'A Dart. MTOKK.
Fur Sale,
A llrst claaa peanut roastur 4ml pup
corn tuachlue Cheap for rash. Also
two or thraegood show case* for sale
Apply at I'ktM office
Oyster >tra»utt.
This week Me will hate one of the
beat known brands of salt wat««
oyster* Leave orders fur Friday de
MtH'Mi Jk t'uurtkt
tiiat Apply at I >upu«tout
Miesui l-anntlry F F. IIUM* a*
NO. -35.