Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 06, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Cameron County Press
ICditor and Proprietor
OTTVJM/* P*OCI»FOOT, Assistant and Manager
RAYMOND KLEES, Assistaut Foreman.
• W. Boon' STERNER, Assistant Local Editor.
For Governor,
Charleroi, Washington county.
For Lieutenant Governor,
Bedford county.
For Secretary of Internal Affairs,
Lebanon County.
For State Treasurer,
Susquehanna county.
For Congress,
Clearfield County.
'For Representative in General Assembly,
Forced to Leave Homo.
' Every year a number of poor suffer
ers whose lungs are sore and racked with
-couehfl are urged togo to another clim
ate." But this is costly and not always
sure. There's a better way. Let Dr.
'King's New Discovery cure you at home.
"It cured me of lung trouble," writes W.
!R. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., "when all
•else failed and I gained 47 pounds in
weight. It is surely the King of all
•cough and lung cures " Thousands owe
<their lives and health to it. It's positi
vely guaranteed for coughs, colds, la
grippe, asthma, croup—All throat and
lung troubles, 50c and SI.OO. Trial bot
tle free at all drucrsists.
Weak, Weary Women.
Learn the Cause of Daily Woes and
End Them.
When the buck aches and throbs.
When housework is torture.
When ni<;ht brings no rest nor sleep.
When urinary orders set in.
Woman's lot is a weary one.
There is a way to escape these woes.
Doan's Kidney I 'ills cure such ills.
Have cured women here in Emporium.
This is one Emporium womau's testi
Mrs. Phoebe .Morse, Fifth Street, Em
porium, Pa., says:"l have taken Poan s
Kidney Pills and can stron«ly recom
mend them for kidnev trouble. I pro
cured Doan's Kidney Pills at Ta«gart's
Druu Store and their use relieved me of
a long standing attack of kidney trouble.
I take pleasure in making the fact
knowu that Doan's Kidney I'ilU can be
depended upon."
Prices 2oe; 35c; 50 and 700.
For sale by all dealers. Price *>o cents,
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. New York,
sole agents. Remember the name—
Doau's—and take no other.
Nailed him To The Sidewalk.
A man nailed to the sidewalk is hard
ly a worse predicament than one who
feels too languid to move. Sexine Fills
are guaranteed tor any form of nerve
■weel'ness in men or women, l'rice il a
box. 6 boxes 8"). Address or call on R.
C. Dodson. Drut'gist, Emporium, where
•they sell all the principal remedies and
io not substitute.
Reaching the Top
in auy calling of life, demands a vigorous
body and a keen brain. Without health
there is no success. But Electric Bitters
is the-greatest Health Builder the world
lias ever known. It compels perfect ac
tion of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bow
•els, purifies and enriches the blood, tones
and invigorates the whole system and en
ables you to stand the wear and tear of
your daily work. ''After months of suf
fering from Kidney trouble," writes W.
M. Sherman, of Cushing, Me., three bot
tles of Electric Bitters made me feel like
a new man. 50c. at all druggists.
It is in time of sudden mishap or ac
cident that Chamberlain's Liniment can
he relied upon to take the place of the
family doctor, who cannot be always
iouud at the moment. Then it is that
Chamberlain's Liniment is never tound
wanting. In cases of sprains, cuts,
wounds and bruises Chamberlain s Liui
ment takes otA the soreness and drives
»wuy the pain. Bold by all dealer*.
It Beats All.
This is ijuoted Irutn a letter of M.
Stock well tlaumbal. Mo. "1 recently
U*«*d Foley's Honey and Tar for the first
time. To say I am pleased dose not
hall express my feelings. It beats all
the remedies I ever used I contracted
a bad cold and was thrcatem-d with pneu
m-'Uia. The first done* gave great relief
and one bottle completely cured toe."
Contain* no opiate*. For sale by Kui
porium Drug Co.
Kill* | Murderer.
A merciless murderer is Appendicitis
with many victim*, but Dr. Kind's New
Lite Fills kill it by prevention. They
Heutly stimulate stomach, liver and bow
«L, preventing that c tint unites
app' udicitiH, eunug Constipation, Head
aehc, Biliou*ucn«, Chill* 'i>Vi. at all the
'( lnuiberlain's Cnugb Reui<<dy hi- be
H'onie famous for its cure* of <*oughs md
tiubis, uT'iuii and influ'-nta Try it when
•n nc<d It contain* no harmful s<ib>
stance and always gives prompt relief.
.Hold liy all dealers.
Short Items from Various Parts
of the World.
Record of Many Happenings Condensed
and Put In Small Space and Ar
ranged With Bpecial Regard For the
Convenience of the Reader Who Haa
Little Time to Spar*.
Hundreds of persons were injured
la Berlin, when the police adopted
severe measures to quell the strikers
in the Moabit district; women took a
prominent part In attacks on the offi
Advices from Naples say that vic
tims of cholera are dying in the
streets and that 100,000 persons have
left the city; suspected oases are re
ported from Palermo, Leghorn and
President Taft and the cabinet
cided to put all assistant postmasters,
numbering about 8,000, under civil
service rules; they also cut army esti
mates $10,000,000.
James Creelman made public a let
ter of Mayor Qaynor to him in which
the mayor asked Mr. Creelman to
make it plain for him, It necessary,
that he would not accept the Demo>
cratic nomination for governor.
Several New York correspondents
watching the dispersal of strikers in
the Moabit district of Berlin were in
jured by police, who attacked them
with sabres.
Fifteen cases of cholera and nine
deaths were officially reported from
Naples lu the last twenty-four hours:
strict precautions are being taken in
New York city.
The Wisconsin Republican state
convention, which was controlled by
La Follette, adopted a radical progres
sive platform, voicing his views and
The Federation of Master Cotton
Spinners of England decided to make
no concessions to their employes, and
a lockout of 150,000 persons is ex
pected Oct. 1.
It was reported from St. Johns,
N. F., that the I-ahrador fishermen
faced a winter of privation, as the
catch was the smallest in the history
o!' the organized industry.
Vice President Sherman, at Utica,
N. Y.. said that he accepted the result
of the Republican state convention
complacently and would support the
ticket nominated; William Barnes, Jr.,
of Albany, also promised support for
the ticket.
Sir Thomas Vesey Strong wa
elected Lord Mayor of London; ho
is the first teetotaller to occupy that
The funeral of George Chavez, who
crossed the Alps in an aeroplane
was held in Do mo d'Osollo, where
he fell from his machine.
Deficiencies found in the moral
character of Columbus, according to a
dispatch from Paris, make it unlikely
that th<f explorer will be canonized
London financiers have received
advices from Nicaragua, saying that
the I'nited States will lend that coun
try $2'»,000,00(i and manage its finan
cial administration.
The aeronaut, Henri Wynmalln, es
tablished a new record at Milan, as
cending 9.121 feet; his engine was dis
abled by the cold and he was forced
to plane to the earth.
Ninetetn persons were killed by firo
following an explosion which wrecked
the plant of the lx>s Angeles Times;
union labor was blamed for the ex
plosion as well as for three other out
The English board of trade has sub
mitted a compromise In the lockout
of cotton employes which the work
men have accepted and the employers
are expected to approve.
The fiancee of Edraond Polllot. who
was killed on Sept. 25 by the fall of
his aeroplane, went to his grave and
shot herself through the heart.
Twenty-eight now cases of cholera
and six deaths wern reported from the
city and province of Naples.
It was learned at Washington that
Wu Ting Fa'i»; had memorialized the
throne of China in favor of abolishing
Ike queue
The freighter New York foundered
in Thunder bav, Lake Huron; the
erew was rescues
According to official estimates, 21>
of the crew wire lost whon the bat
tleship New Hampshire's boat sank
Saturday nlKlit. and 13 additional men
were reported ml»elng from rollcall.
Hooker T. Washington waa the
gu«Hit of King Frederick of Denmark,
taking dinner at the palace at t'opeu
hagen and Meeting members of the
royal family, including Queen Alex
andra of England,
fount Le«« Tolstoy, In an Interview
fiibllxhed in Ht. Petersburg, called the
Jewish pale absurd and a violation of
human rights.
Eight new cases of cholera and Ave
de.tilt* from the ill*»a*« were report
ed lu the city of Naples alone.
John I'urroy Mltchnl, In the report
of his stewardship as acting mayor of
New York city a»k«d SI .our (iaynor Uu
4l»mt*s Police t'omission* r lUker.
'barging the ikilli >' iiniimi<el>iii»r elHi
i!ls"t • rtlei ► and falsehood
•• - mm- .JL^j—C .-.. 5&,
News Snapshots
Off the Week
.11 OTST the nation. Brooklns* flights hi Chicago gave the Windy Gtty its first *iew craft, and the first meeting of President Taft's cabinet altar
A* fISMHr lauatt— ««wM a pvanlatat part ta the weth's awn.
Autumn Arbor Day.
Be who plants a tree.
He plants love;
Tents of coolness spreading oat above
Wayfarers be may not live to see,
CHfls that grow are best;
Hands tbat bless are best.
Plants Life does the rest!
Heaven and earth help him who plants a
And his work his own reward shall be
—Lucy Larom.
Th# observance of Arbor Day has
created a patriotic interest in the
planting and preservation of trees. It
has convinced the public ot the im
portance of preventing and stopping
forest fires, of the need of re-foresting
the vast mountain areas from which
the timber has been cut, and of the
necessity of conserving the forests at
sources of our streams thereby to regu
late the flow of water and to lessen the
floods and freshets which rob the land
of its soil and fertility.
Morover it is now generally admit
ted that Arbor Day should be observ
ed when all the country schools are in
session. For this purpose Friday, Oct.
28, 1910, is designated as Autumn
Arbor Day, and all the schools, both
public and private, are hereby urged
to observe the day by suitable exer
cises, especially by the planting of
trees. Let us all plant trees. Let us
plant trees for fruit, for shade, for
beauty and for the sake of the many
industries in which wood is used. Let
UH plant trees for the sake of ourselves
and our posterity, for the sake of the
nation and of humanity everywhere.
Let us put our prayers for future bless- ',
iiigs into visible shape by starting ;
trees that will answer our prayers by
making possible the conservation of
our national resources and the prepet- 1
uation of our national greatness.
State Supt. of Public Instruction.
Harrishurg, Sept. 20, 1910.
The Churches.
REV. J. F. ANDERSON, Pastor.
The pastor will preach at 10:30 a. m., j
and at 7:30 p. m. Morning subject,
"Dynamics of the Kingdom;" evening, 1
"Ruth the True Hearted." All other
services of the day will be obssrved.
Heats free, and a cordial welcome to
REV. M. L. TATE, Rector.
The following services will be held
next Sunday: There will be an early
Celebration of the Holy Communion
at 7:30 o'clock.
Morning Prayer and Sermon at 10:-
30, The theme will be taken from the
Firat Lesson of the morning and will
be: "Ood's Care of Elijah."
The Secoud Sunday of each month
will be devoted to dlscuaaing subjects
especially appropriate for young peo
ple. A special sermon will be deliver
ed to Young Men next Sunday even
ing, the theme will be: "Young Men;
Errors and Ambition." All young
men who are not affiliated with any
other church ill ttie community are
cordially invited to worship with us
next Sunday evening
Strangers are always welcome at
Emmanuel Church.
Honor Holl.
Sterling Run School Honor Roll:
Isuila l'adolf, I'aul Whiting, Dewey
Whiting, Itaymond Strawhridge, John
Whiting, Ward Whiting, John How
lett, Oeorgi* llart, Margaret Summer
eon, -Mary liagley, J twain How lett,
Marian Whitinit, Jennie llowlett.
EZRA B. SMITH, Teacher.
I John Hagley, Sol borne Huoce,
Francis How lull, Calvin llowlett, Fred
' Hummeraon, Douald Sumiueraou,
llaaei Whiting, Itae l'adolf, Eva Whit
[ mg, Mary Hruno. I leva liruno, Irene
Han ley, Alice liagley, lleleu Hart,
i l.ooiaa Hart, I.a Verne Smith, Lillian
Strawbridge, Nell la Hunee.
(iLAUVa I* O'KKKTK; Teacher,
Latest Popular Music.
Mlsa May (iould, teacher of piano
fort hat r<M-elv«d a full linn of th« lat
eel aud moat popular aheet uiuale. All
the popular aire. Popular aud elaaa
!eal music, prices reasonable.
44 U.
The nomination of Henry 1* Stlmson by the Republican* of New Tort was an Important event In the political calendar. The
Installation of a sotraMfUl trackless trolley line near Los Angeles, Cat, marks an epoch la transportation. Contests for the
James Gordon Bennett trophy for the fastest flight In an aeroplane will be held the latter part of October. The YanderbUt
cop races were watched by thousands. Vice President Sherman's defeat by Booaereit at Saratoga was watched by politicians
Letten from the People.
All communications under this head must be
accompanied by the writer's name. We will not
he heln responsible for any expression in tbls
department.— EDlTOß.
A Few Reports Corrected.
Please allow me space in your paper,
in which I wish to nail some lies,
which have been reported in our
Valley as well as in Emporium. The
first is the false report of my wife and
myself not paying for the property we
now have. Our good (?) friend, if yon
wish to call him such, has perhaps for
gotten that more than half of the
amount for our property was paid
twenty-nine years ago and if be denies
this statement, we can show him re
ceipts signed by his wife and the bal
ance of purchase money was paid when
he and his wife went before Mr. M. M.
Larrabee, J. P., and had the deed made
out and the full amount receipted on j
said deed which can be seen at the |
Court House in Emporium. The same I
party has sent out the report that I J
cheated him out of twenty-eight dol
lars worth of ginseng in weighing it.
Now I weigh ginseng and pay for it on
the same scales that I weigh the goods
that I sell over my counter and I will
give ten dollars to the party who will
show that I have cheated in weight or j
measure. Another lie of our good I
friend, as you may call him, is that I ;
stole forty or fifty dollars worth of
lumber from the School Board of Ship
pen township and got it home before
day-break with my team and hid it in
my barn under the hay, and then built 1
two porches with it. Now I will say
that these are lies, without poiish or
whitewash. There is not one dollar's
worth of lumber in either porch that I
did not buy at Mr. Rowley's lumber
yard in Emporium and the old lumber, i
my good friend who has so much to
say about, is the lumber I sent my of- |
fer into the school board for and they '
accepted, deducting the same from my
order for carpeutar work, and every
man that is honest and just in his judg
ment will say the school board was cor
lect in selling the lumber at my offer.
One more lie will be sufficient for this
time. Our good friend made the state
ment that one director paid forty dol
lars of a grocery bill with lumber. ;
Now there has not been one school di
rector ever paid one dollar with lum-1
ber to me for store bills or anything
else. I have more respect for our offi
cers than to give out or report such a
lie. If thia ia not enough we will give
more later on.
Rick Valley, Pa.
• —•
Capt. Bogardus Again hits the Bull'*
This world famous riffle shot who ,
holds the championship record of 100 .
pigeons in 100 consecutive shots is living
at Linoln, 111. Recently interviewed, :
be says:—"l suffered a long time with j
kidney and bladder trouble and used i
several well knowu kidney medicines, all j
of which gave uie no relief until I started
taking Foley's Kidney Pills. Before I
used Foley Kidney Pills I had severe
backaches and pains in my kidneys with
suppression and a .-loudy voiding. On
; arising in the morning I would get dull
headaches. Now I have taken three
| bottles of Foley Kidney Pills and feel
I I (10 per cent, better. lam never both
ered with tuy kidneys or bUddcr aud
1 again feel like tuy own self. ' For sale
j by Ktupoiiuuj I hug Co.
!Tbe plcaaaut purgative effect exper
ienced by alt who use Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets, and lit*
I healthy condition of the body and mind
srhich they create, make* one feel joyful.
| Hold by all dealer.
A Mailable ,*s«lUlna-Not a Narcotic.
tiet the g<nmne Foley'a Honey and
I Tar in the yellow package. It is aafe
i and effective Contains no opiates. lie
' t'uae substitutes. Sold by Emporium
j Drug Co.
All pcrsoi a art* hereby forbidden from
lr«M|ia*»iii} U|xtn the property of this
(\un|>acy without a permit Iruiu this
ofltcv, o,* the Manatfur at the works'
Khhtoni. I'm* M»o ru.
Kmporium, I'*.. August Ist |HMI
It's The World's Best.
No one has ever made a salve, oint
ment or balm to compare with Bucklen's
Arnica Salve. It's the one perfect heal
er of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores,
Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Eczema, Salt
Rheum. For sore eves, Cold Sores,
Chapped Hands or Sprains, it's supreme.
Infallible for Piles. Only 25c. at all
For nore Than Three Decades.
Foley's Honey and Tar has been a
household favorite for coughs, colds, and
ailments of the throat, chest and lungs.
Contains no opiates. For sale by Em
porium Drug Co.
Good Piano for Sale.
A Bradbury Piano (square) in good
Apply at PRESS office. 37-tf.
Notice of Meeting of Stockholders of
Cameron Powder Manufacturing
Company to Vote on Proposed In
crease of Capital Stock.
N'OTICE is hereby given to the Stockholders
of the Cameron Powder Manufacturing
Company, that a special meeting of the Stock
holders of said corporation will be held at the
general office of said company, in Emporium,
Pa., on the fith day of December, 1910, at one
o'clock, I'. M„ to take action on the proposed in
crease of the capital stock of said corporation
from one 1 undred thousand dollars to one ban
died and fitly thousand dollars.
JOHN SCHWAB, Secretary.
Emporium, Pa., Oct. Ist, 19X0.— 31-9t.
I Now the opening is |
1 over, and everything sj
is in full swing for the |
Hi winter trade. g2
I We have an excellent M
force in our workroom ||
and are prepared to do M
all branches of the ||
work. • p
New Trimmed Hats £$
in our Show Room m
every day. H
Hoarseness in a cbild subject to croup
is a sure indication of the approach of the
disease. If Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy is given at once or even after the
croupy cough has appeared, it will pre
vent the attack. Contains no poison.
Sold by all dealers.
Good results always follow the use of
Foley Kidney Pills. They contain just
the ingredients necessary to tone, streng
then and regulate the kidneys and blad
der, and to cure backache. For sale bj
Emporium Drug Co.
N'W York, N. "
I The cure that has been continuously ■
successful for more than 31 years is I
worth investigating. For the drug or I
drink habit. Write for particulars. • I
'Only Keeley Institute in Western I
Penna. 4J440 Fifth Ave., J*itt»l>urgh, I*JU I