Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 29, 1910, Image 8

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I Breezy 1
| County {1
1 Netfs I
The bottom fell out of the social that
was to have been held at the school
house, Saturday evening, but the corn
roast at Swank Bro's that evening "filled
the bill." There were about forty pres
ent and they had a jolly good time, with
roast corn aud other grub galore.
Will Caldwell lost his "Colonel" horse
last Friday. Pretty tough on Will, just
as fall plowing was commencing.
Mr. Knock Warner, of Ohio, is stop
ping at C. E. Logue's and is helping him
to build chimneys and fix up his new
house generally, preparing for the season's
rush of bear hunttfrs.
The heavy rains of Saturday and Sun
day have put a stop to buckwheat thresh
ing and potato digging for a few days.
Swank Bro's are threshing the oats in
the neighborhood, waiting for the buck
wheat to dry out.
There is a larger acreage of wheat
being sown along this stream this fall
than for years. The farmers have made
up their minds that they have got to
raise their own breadstuff's, if the price of
flour is going to stay so high.
We think this storm must be the
Eijuinoxial and it will be a great help to
the newly sown wheat and fall pasturage.
R. M. Williams and Wm. Logue have
been drawn as jurymen for the October
term, of court, from this section of the
countj'. It will be Will's first experience
in this line of business.
Wonder why the PRESS does not print
a list of the jurymen? Other county
sapers do. [The list only came into our
hands this week. The trial and jury
lists appear in this issue.] —Ed.
The many friends of Mrs. M. J.
Logue will be pleased to learn that her
health is improving, it it is but slowly.
She was able to take a carriage ride last
Crows are destroying lots of corn in
this section. They have not been so
plenty in a long time as they are this fall.
Sept. 26. NUFSED.
Anson Mason and wife, of Pine Street,
was the guest of W. R. Smith and family
John Drivas called on friends in Erie,
Pa., on Sunday.
C. W. Johnson was a llenovo caller on
John W. Johnson called on his
nephew, John Witchey, of Renovo,
Saturday aud Sunday.
Miss Hazel Billiugs, who has beeu
working at Driftwood for the past few
weeks, called on relatives and friends in
to\vn on Sunday.
Selburn Logue, ot Kane, Pa., was
home over Suodav with his family.
W. A. Nelson, who has been ill for
some time, is able to be around again
but it will be some time before he will be
able to return to his work. We are glad
that he is improving.
Dan Kailburn, I'ennsy fireman, of
Renovo, was a pleasant caller in town on
Sunday evening.
B. J. Collins transacted business in
Driftwood on Saturday.
The Iluutley band gave a musical en
tertainment in the opera House un Satur
day evening.
Mr. MeCauley hat a fine crop of eorn
this year.
Mi Hoy Pcasley i* fanning now.
Mr. K Chadwiek is improving.
Gleonie Housler is still ou crutches.
.1 utile- t • ranger ha.* a fim- house.
Mr. Davis, wife and family are visiting
the Fair at Olean.
B-Tt Barr is helping cut eorn on the
MelJee farm.
Mrs. Itranger had a family reuuion
last Sunday.
Bert B.trr has his house almost ready
to move into.
Mr Clinton and wife visited parents
over Sunday.
Jlr*. Joseph KuiiU-y visited parent*
and al*o Fred (Mruai and Violet Ban
vi*ited relation* on Sunday.
Mr Klli* Barr ha » a fine potato, crop
for the cotuiug winter
Floyd Barton has a nice crop ol corn.
Frank U*i> w r«-painting bia bona*.
Clyde Lewi* v tailed bia lather over
Mr Chaunevy Barr '.a* uiuVed.
Anion Narrtgon baa um *tde ut ib«
root on hi* house Hurrah'
There will l>«' a litit and I is- Cream
So* til at the Klk Lie It aebutd bouse, Sal
urday evening. Oet. |«t.
DA la*.
Al MUIM. Men u» raiirawiit ua, either
lt*>ntly ur traveling Sum in tit* (lute
Iti at art Mum » lit the work fur (be
right men Apply at uiu<« tail secure
AILIN NUMtk MY CO,****. N. V
Plenty of rain lately, but is is just
what we need.
Mrs. Kthel Housler made a flying
trip to the city, Thursday of last week.
Mrs.Annie Housler and son Merton,also,
Clendon Moore went to town Thursday,
evening. llow did you get homo, Clen
don ?
Thomas Britton was in town Friday.
A triple birthday surprise party was
held at the home of Ernest Housler,
Saturday evening, September 24th, in
honor of the birthdays of Ernest Hous
ler, Willis McClenahao, and Wm.
Spence, which came on the saui2 day.
All report a good time.
Kveral Housler and Ed. Morgan went
to the city Monday.
Mrs. Rebecca Spence, of Emporium,
attended the birthday party Saturday
evenina, returniug home Sunday p. m.
Lloyd Taylor returned to his home
near Black Creek, N. Y., Monday.
Lewis Yates went to town Tuesday.
The belfry will soon be completed. We
think friend Dow must have noticed how
patiently the children were waiting, hence
the rapid progress.
A. J. Barclay is busy harvesting these
Lena Burkland is attending school at
Millersburg Normal.
Miss Helen Council is visiting friends
at Williamsport and Lock Haven this
Miss Charlotte Brooks left on Mon
day for California and Washington ou an
extended visit.
Mrs. Joel Speaker and son Howard,
of Brookville, were visitors here this
Mr. and Mrs. Jlarry Waring, of Du-
Bois, were visiting here this week, guests
of friends.
Mrs. N. Bushore visited friends at
Short Bend on Monday.
Mrs. Amos Lorndun, of New York, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. N. Bushore, this
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Shafer and daugh
ter, of Benezette, were visitors here last
Several Driftwood visitors enjoyed the
sport at the Rink Saturday evening.
Benettie Bennett, Naomi Whitmore,
Ertua Bennett, Rebecca l'adotf, Ger
trude Kirklaud, John Wykoff, Jr.,
Harry Michaels and Walter Phillips at
tended church at Driftwood, Monday
evening. The traiu being late they did
not get home until morning.
Walter Phillips walked home from
Driftwood Monday night. Too long a
wait for the train.
Amos Fenton has a long face lately.
His best girl has gone away. Cheer up,
Amos, there are other bright smiles
Miss Irene Chase and daughter Anna,
of Be novo, are visiting here this week.
Mrs. Nathan Silin and children left
on Tuesday on a visit to relatives and
friends at New Vork.
Mrs. Albert Call visited Lock Have
on Wednesday.
Lost, strayed or stolen—.John Henry
Logue. Last seen of him he was on his
way to Hunter's llest on Cook's Run.
liorn, Sept. 212 nd, 1910, to Mr. aud
Mrs. Geo. Kephart. a daughter.
Mrs. Geo. Batchelder, who has been
very sick, is improving .-lowly.
Mrs. M. Blodgett is poorly with iheu
Mr*. Alice Knglish. of Caatle Gar
den, is visitiug her sister, Mrs. Geo.
Batchclder, tin- week.
Geo. P. Shafer has placed a new bar
in hi* house, and i* doing business again
at the old stand. G«u. is eeitainly a
Couucil Br i't. are iu.*hiug the work
on tbeii in.v store building a* fast as
they ean get the brick. It will be a fine
large building when completed.
Jim Batuhelder has gotteu his bear
traps all oiled aud ready for Oct. Ist.
He hopes to get a bear before breakfast,
Saturday next. He ha* concocted a new
bait that oue can almost hear it smell.
It is altuont as "loud as J. Henry
Autos Bennett will du the threshing
here thi* tall. He ha* a good machine
and will do good work.
A. D. Gore and Son have their new
tfrisi null nearly ready for business.
They have millwrights putting IU the
machinery thi* week and will be ready
f> r fall work iu a lew days.
James It. Bateheldi-r was at the omuty
*eat on Wednesday, sett hug his 19 It)
las duplicate.
Isetb Nelson report* bear plenty on
Mill Itun.
A tiue uios* ol ilch til Wyslde school.
Several families are <|Uarauline4.
i*o|> liloilget ha* bia old lltle cleaned
up lur bia annual bear hunt.
tat**l I'upular Mtwk.
Mine May tluultl, (eauher uf piano
tort baa rw«lv«l a Kill Una uf the lat
ml mill tuuat popular aheel uiuaia. All
the popular aire. Popular ami claaa
:cal luuait Price* rettaouable.
TM On* Qr**t Iniaraai.
HdtiMlliw !• the only Internal
•aril) ibe 4eef tuairulliii anilely
uf in* thoughtful ui*u —M*t*4uU fail-
L. 11. M oodj, of Dußois, was in town
on business Wednesday.
Orman Allen, of Kersoy, is visiting
friends in town.
Miss Blanch Arkly and Miss Bessie
Shear who have been visiting relatives
here for a few days, returned to their
houie at ltenovo on Sunday
Truman London Hioved his family to
Sizcrville last week.
Evans Hoover, of l'enfield, was in
town on Friday.
Born, to Lewis Krise and wife, Sept.
24th, a daughter.
Thos. Smith and wife were Dußois
visitors last week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Nice and daugh
ter, of Millers Run, were visiting their
daughter here over Sunday.
Mrs. Claude Chase is rjuite sick at
this writing.
Miss Alice Shafer is visiting friends in
Mr. Harry Elliot and J. Hawley
Baird, attended the Mansfield Fair last
Miss Charlotte M. Brooks left Tues
day morning for Berkeley, California,
where she has accepted a position. Iler
many friends wish her success.
Mr. C. H. Cordie spent Sunday in Em
lion. C. F. Barclay spent Friday in
town enroute to Gettysburg, where he
expects to attend the unveiling of the
Bucktail Monument.
Col. J. O. Brookannk, of Driftwood,
transacted business in town Thursday and
Mr. A. Phillips was out of town over
Miss Odessa Dent of Dent's, spent
Saturday as the guest of Mies Dau
ri Crum.
Mrs. Lightner and daughter Jessie,
spent Sunday in Driftwood.
Mrs. Kathrine Strayer is visiting
friends at Keating Summit.
Mr. Wilbur Fuller aud Miss Hazel
Van Wert have returned from Niagara.
Mrs. Nathan Silin and family are
visiting in New York city.
Mr. and Mrs. Casey, of Elizabeth
town, have returned to their home, after
visiting friends in town.
List of Jurors.
The following is the list of jurors drawn to nerve
at the October term of court, commencing Mon.
day, the 10th:
1 Berfleld. 11. O Laborer Otbson
2 Beldin, Ed Carpenter Grove
3 Berfleld, John Laborer Gibson
4 Barr, Marshall Laborer Gibson
5 Brooks, M. N. U. L. Farmer Gibson
6 Chad wick, Leon ....Carpenter —Emporium
7 Council. J. D Merchant Grove
8 Dougherty, Charles Laborer Driftwood
9 Edsall, Fred Farmer Hhippen
10 Felt, L. R Dentist Emporium
11 Felt, Guy Clerk Emporium
12 Groan, William. Merchant Emporium
13 Haupt, Albert Blacksmith. ..'Emporium
14 Hellver, M Farmer Hhippen
15 Hughes, E. H Merchant Emporium
1H Jenks, A. E. Farmer I.umber
17 Jones, Lewis Farmer Lumber
in Lockwood.KaudolphFarmer.. Shippen
19 Logue, William Merchant Gibson
20 Nellis, Otto Laborer Emporium
21 Hhoup, Peter. Laborer Emporium
22 Tobin, James Laborer Hhippen
23 Tompkins, Harvey..Merchant Emporium
24 Whiting, Ed Laborer Lumber
1 Bisel, Dan Laborer Emporium
2 Brundage, Leon ....Laliorer .shippen
3 Beldin, Charles..... Farmer Sliiopeu
4 Hanner, Joseph ....Laborer Gibson
5 Close, Bert Farmer..... .. Hhippen
fl Craft. Henry Gent ..Emporium
7 Carter. William Sr...Farmer Hhippen
H Chad wick, Charles Laborer Emporium
a Corbett, William Clerk Drift wood
10 Clark, William,.... .Laborer Emporium
11 Ihuiford, Mart, Laborer Emporium
12 Dixon, W. L. Laborer. Euifiorluiu
13 Davis, Allen Farmer Hhippen
14 Da v. Herbert .... .Book-keeper Emporium
Ift Dalryuiple, W. H.. Filer Emporii m
16 Edgar, Charles ... Farmer Hnippen
17 Fisher, W H Blacksmith Driftwood
\H Farley, Charles Landlord Emporium
19 Felt, Charles Book keeper Emporium
20 Fultc, J. B Laborer Grove
21 Getchell, lliram. Carpenter .Emporium
22 GallinuiiUer, Andrew Laborer Hhippen
t\ Haley, William . ...Blacksmith Emporium
24 Hayue« t J. B Fsrmer Grove
25 Hout, Geo (.abnrer Emporium
Ift Hamilton, Wayne.>orer .... Emporium
27 Husted, Fred ..Laborer .... Emporium
2* Hayes, D. C Livery Emporium
29 Hockley. Charles .Engineer... .Emporium
3u Kinnler. Frank ... Farmer Hhippen
SI MeConle. D. W.. Laborer ... (Trove
32 Miller. Je*Mj Farmer Grove
ri Mulchay. John ...., Harber ...Emporium
34 M« I4 (, ay. K. M....-Clerk ... Emporium
3A M»»ore, Frwd Laborer...... Emporium
36 McMullen. John Lat>orer ... Emporium
37 Moat, Waller Ageltl.- . Gib%«»ti
3* Nelson, Gu« Laborer Emporium
39 Nel»oii, Alfred- ... Laborer Kmporium
4*) Prouufoo*. Orville Printer Emporium
11 Strayer, F. I* .... Machinist ..Emporium
42 Hprague. W D . Ls'n.rrr ... Portage
4.1 Towner. Dell. -.. Laborer .. ..Mttipiieii
14 Wade, Owen Farmer ... Lumber
IA Wit tie, WD. Gent Emporium
Ml William-*, K M Kirmer.. Grove*
47 Waller, Charles ... Farmer .... Hhippen
is /wald,John ... ... Laborer ~,. Hhip|»eit
Fortunate Accident.
Monday weuing, Mm. Win. CUrk,
of t<HNt want, accompanied four trio
H 111 Mll childrwu on m straw rnli* to Sui-r
vi 11... Whoa tint party WITH
the nulrouil .it tin- Hi«er farm, they met
with til tiH'lilmit, that certainly priivwl
lucky. Mr*. t'Urlc rolutm th« ta. u, IM
lullowit: "1..Mil wvuulug, Si-pt. jßkt, I
JOIIIMI • |>arly of fuurl«wu mnall child
ren lit » atri»w rltld to MuKrvlllu an>l
whan w« arrivail at th» eruwnuK Ihi*
mdi' of ChM J. ltow*ril'« farm, wlmri
tl««y bud rhan|(i«l lh« rmul mil lutl uu
IIkIIU up, it tining il«rk, W« drovtt over
tb« tiank, u|Mttillliig HIM WHKOU, tli«
hormm running tiway. Mynt-lf, with *
tmlm In my arin., .ml liur lilt In uutm
*fftt |>llinml urnhil lh« Wtguu Mill
euulit not move until Uel|< arilved
I.m klly Riiu* of lUe llltlu OIIIM warn In
jMritl, more lh«u I fnw i'uUi uuit
bruin. litin I iij II rt*tl tii thai »nle «uil
Imukj uuilvr lb« l>f'» i«ru Ju.t t ft>w
Hlglilti <tgo I ilri4im<t .Uuut ju.t tk«t
Km b«|l|wMiMl mhl lulii t.iii. Iti tm
WWW 111 MMM IrUtf."
New Suits and Coats Foß Ju™*mn, ISSES
Handsome Broadcloth Suits, nicely braided with l<at Tail Braid $12.50, &. sl3 50
Extra j*ooil values in stylish Suits from 515.00 XO 25 OO
Long Coats with the new Presto Collars $15.00 AND $16.50
Security Bill Folds
The Security Bill Fold lock
to your pocket. You can't lose
it, nor can it be taken from you
without your knowledge. Made
of handsome seal finishel leather.
Price SI.OO
\The New Nemo "Solid-Service" System
Means True Economy for Every Woman
E n .
The Nemo "Solid-Service" Cmmts meet the universal demand for corsets at a popular
price that are stylish and comfortable, and yet will stand hard wear every day in the year.
It is TRUE ECONOMY to pay fi.oo for a corset that will outwear two ordinary SI.OO
corsets and keep its shape to the end. Nemo "Solid-Service" Corsets WILL. .
Two of the "Solid-Service" wodels are made with the Nemo "Unbreakable Hip"
—if the corset breaks over the hip within a reasonable time, you get a new one.
112 Another style has the new "Apron Front" —a great
figure-reducing device—and the novel crossed hose
supporters in on# the "X-Uspender" styles.
Still another model is the "Dress-Adjusting"
Corset, which holds waist and skirt in place without /
pinning through the corset. l \
Correct style, perfect comfort and genuine economy li'f -j^'l\
are combined in the Nemo "Solid-Service" Corsets. WuM\
We're anxious to show them to you. ytlL/11l \ \
Nemo No. 200 —SOLID-SERVICE, with Nemo \ \n? ((\ J
"Dress-Adjusting" device; for ail medium | I
figures; white coutil, sizes 18 to 20 I YIN/ A\\' / I
Nemo No. 208 —SOLID-SERVICE, with "Apron I IVI /\\ \ (
Belt" and crossed hose supporters; for u.l [ AA IYi j \\\|
and medium figures; white coutil or batiste.. \«P Mi|i I [[ > 1 U
Nemo No. 210 -SOLID-SERVICE, with Nemo / Jr. I «
"Unbreakable Hip," for tail and mtuium (ig- I i 5,\ p
ures; white coutil, sizes 19 to 36 I i/9 ""
*Nc. Nemo No. 211 —SOLID-SERVICE, a n;< 'el F : m- . er i' '
C'ilar to No. 210, but with lower bust r ,short J £
SOUD-SEHVICE figures ... / . '
■■■■— gfi? rnm—in—m mMmmmrmm — -ri r~Tr> in mmmmm i n n i. r
Rlf I 1 O V| n Emporium's
• Am. U-Cll 1 Greatest Store
Council Proceedings.
Proceedings of regular meeting of
Borough Council held Monday even
ing, Sept. 26, 1910.
Meeting called to order at 8:30 p. m.
On motion of Mr. John T. Howard,
Mr. T. H. Norris acted as Piesident,
pro tem.
Members present: Messrs. Cum- j
mings, ilaupt, Howard, Mullin, Norris
and Mumford
Members absent: Messrs. Pearsall, j
Foster and Spencer
Minutes of previous meeting read
and approved.
The ('hair ID an of the Sewer Commit- '
tee reported that the sewer on Wood
street had been completed.
Moved by Mr. Ilaupt, seconded by )
Mr Mumford, that the Ordinance re- •
lating to the Surface Water Sewer Ex- j
tension be adopted as presented by !
Mr Howard on August ltitb.
Ayes and Nayes were called:
Ayes:—.Messrs. Cummings, Haupt,
Howard, Mullin, Mumford and Norris.
Absent: Messrs. l'carsall, Spencer
and Foster.
Moved by Mr. Howard, seconded
by Mr Cummings, that bill of Mr. A.
11. Shafer of SBS 00 for services render
ed as follows be paid: Fifth street !
crude, $lO on; making plans and speci- '
Orations for Surface Water Sewer,
160 00; making arrangements with K.
K. Co., in regard to Sewer, f5.00. Car- 1
K"signation of Mr. >1 H. Foster,
Councilman for Middle Ward, read.
Moved by Mr. Howard, seconded by
Mr. Mullin, that the resignation of
Mr. Foster as member of Council be
accepted. Carried
Moved by Mr. Howard, seconded b\
Mr Mullin, that Mr. T. 11. Norris be
elected President of the liorough
Council, to till the vacancy caused
by the resignation ot Mr. M. H Fos
ter. Carried.
Aye* and Nayes were called: Ayes;
MesHrs Cuininiiitfs, Haupt, Howard,
Mtillia, Mumford Not voting Mr.
Absent: Messrs. I'eursall and Spun
On motion ol Mr. Mulliu Council ad
For Every Living Thing en tin- IV u»
Uuui|»br«j»' VrU-rinsrj .S|s» illcs.
800 honk lIM, OH Iks T*«*tlU«ttl uwl
Cue ut Hursns, Osttls, hli"|i,
!!<•«■ MtJ Poultry, *!•» IttsbW Chart Ut
hsug up, lusiltnS trso.
u«T or tpiciric*.
A. A. 9 MUSI Mill r>iM. ! rifM.
• H r»< »r«tM* I ITTI-TT KMIMIMI.
I*. I . son H UOTI l«lw«UI. IMIWIIIMI.
n • MURK*, 1011. Uialfc
n K fx IMI lilt* I
IT. » M I' K>ll|t>|( Ulanka*.
M M r»i ftllilll ».4 KltMai llmSit.
I. I r»l »kl* M*« ISl*. HHK. liatlteM,
J. I »i 11111 l UM>IIIU> IM4I«>>II»«
At ILTITMK I *!* "» ••••' I VSI >• «'
ul pltuai Mi it Is- —• U
ut m UMStS' IIWI> Ml W WVfMtf
• USB W4 4MI SKWH*. »•« I OS.
New Beaded and German
Silver Mesh Bags.
We offer these stylish purses
at very reasonable prices. Beau- j
Beaded 2.00 to $5.00
1J x
SiWerTags 50C tO $5.00
The Churches.
REV. J. L. BOGUE, Piiator.
10:30 a. m., Sermon.
11:45 Special Service in the Sunday*
I School. The regular lesson will be
6:30 Y. P. S. 0. E —"The Eccentric
7:30 Special Story and Song Service.
REV. M. L. TATE, Rector,
i The following service will lie held on
next Sunday: There will be a Celebra
j tion of the Holy Communion at 10:30
!a. m. The subject of the sermon will
1 be "Temptation " Sunday School will
| convene at 12:00 sharp, in Parish j
; House. Kvering Prayer and Sermon
at 7:30 o'clock, theme, "Deliverance
j Fr. m Evil." This will be the conclud
i iii« horimin on the Lord's Pray nr.
.Strangers are ulwuys welcome at
; Emmanuel Church.
RKV. J. F. ANDERSON, Pastor.
Preuching hy the pastor at 10!30, a.
in., nubjeot, '"Dynamico of the King
dom of (JoU " Al 7:30 p. in., an ad- 1
dre»>< or nermon by the Rev. J. C, Car- j
penier, District Superintendant of the
Anli-Sdoun League. The men of the
towi> especially should hear Mr. Car
penter All the otlu-r services of the
day will be observed.
Purity and Potency in
Aud you yet just that when you
have your prescriptions filled at
The Old Reliable Drug Store
A private prescription room
where there are no aiiuoyiiiK de
tails or botlu i>*iuie noise* to de
tract trout tlte efficient service
which the phaiiuacist should give
you. your prescriptiotu> to
us, You will be delighted with
the service and your doctoi will
be delighted with lllc re. tilts.
Old Reliable Drug Store
"K\|n'iU iu Prescription \V>UK ou ALCOUUI UI
Kkperieutc and Kducatiuw,
KMi't iKIt'V, l'A
Warm Blankets and
, Kxtra good values in Cotttou
blankets tan 59c
BSL 5.00 and $6.00
A Special lot of large size cot
ton Blankets, slightly
imperfect, each
Comteefrfln. 1 -25 tOS3JS
J| SAC*, CBVTAI* Kauir for SrrraßMtgD M learnt; ATION. I
■ for SI.OO per bo*. Will aend them OD trial, to be paid for I
1 ij whey r. Ifcred. Sam plea Free. If juur drufglat d»«a not B
H have theru aeud yoyr ordera to the
1 UNITED MEDICAL CO., POX 74. Lawca«TK», Pa. J
Sold m Emporium by L. Taggart and
R. C. Dodson
W. T. UKUBAKER, Manager.
European, SI.OO per day and up
American, 13.N per day and up
I Midway between Broad Street I
Station and Reading Terminal I
on Filbert Street.
Th« only moderate priead hotel tl I
reputation and contcquence in