Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 01, 1910, Image 4

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Cameron County Press i
Ktlltor and Proprietor
OBVILIX PHOUDPOOT, Assistant and Manager
RAYMOND KLEBS, Assistant Foreman.
W. SCOTT STERNER, Assistant Local Editor.
For Governor,
Charleroi, Washington county.
For Lieutenant Governor,
Bedford county.
For Secretary of Internal Affairs,
Lebanon County.
For State Treasurer,
Susquehanna county.
For Congress,
Clearfield County.
For Representative in General Assembly,
Many Emporium People have Done So
When the kidneys are sick they give
unmistakable warnings that should not
be ignored. By examining the urine
and treating the kidneys upon the first
sign of disorder, many days of suffering
may be saved. Sick kidneys expel a
dark, ill-smelling urine, full of ''brick
dust" sediment and painlul in passage.
Sluggish kidneys cause a dull pain in
the small of the back, headaches, dizzy
spells, tried, languid feelings and fre
quently rheumatic twinges.
Doan's Kidney Pills are for kidneys
only; they cure sick kidneys, and rid the
blood of uric poison. If you suffer from
any of the above symytoms you can use
no better remedy.
Emporium people recommend Doan's
Kidney Pills.
Mrs. E. L. llendt, Fifth Street, Em
porium, Pa., says:"For years kidney
trouble kept me in misery. My back
ached constantly and I could not rest
well on account of the acute pains across
my loins. My kidneys caused me much
anuoyancc and I felt miserable in every
way. Reading about Doan's Kiduey
Pills, I obtained a box from Taggart's
Store and commenced their use.
Prompt relief was received and I now
have no cause for complaint. I have
often recommended Doan's Kidney Pills
to oilier kidney sufferers."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents,
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents. Remember the name—
Doan's—and take no other.
Don't Break Down.
Severe strains on the vital like
strains on machinery, cause brcak-dowus.
You can't over-tax stomach, liver, kid
neys, bowels, or nerves without serious
danger to yourself. If you are weak or
run-down, or under strain of any kind,
take Electric Bitters the matchless, tonic
medicine. Mrs. J. E. Van de Sande, of
Kirkland. lil-, writes: "That I did not
break down, while enduring a most sev
ere strain, for three months, is due
wholly to Electric Bitters." Use them
and enjoy health and strength. Satis
faction positively guaranteed. 50c, at
all druggists.
Han Loses His Head.
Weak, anyway, and worried to death
because he is not able to carry his work
to success, a man will lose his head un
less he restores himself with a tonic.
Sexine Pills are the tonic that will restore
any man or woman who is in a rundown
condition, 8l a box, six boxes $5.
Full sjuarantee. Address or call on B.
C. Dodson, Druggist, Emporium, Pa.,
where they sell all the principal remedies
and do not substitute.
It Saved His Leg.
"All thought I'd lose my leg, "writes
J. A. Swensen, of Watertown, Wis.
{'Ten years of eczema, that 15 doctors
could not cure, had at last laid me up.
Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured it,
sound and well." Infallible for Skin
Eruptions, Eczema, Salt Khenm, Boils,
Fever Sores, Burns, Scalds, Cuts and
Piles. 25c at all druggists.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Itemedy is to-day the best known
medicine in use for the relief and cure of
bowel complaints. It cures griping,
diarrhoea, dysentery, and should be taken
at the first unnatural looaebcss of the
bowels. It is equally valuable for child
ren and adults. It always cures. Sold
by all dealers.
A Man of Iron Nerve.
Indomitable will and tremendous enet
gy are never found where Stomach, Liv
er, Kidneys and Bowels are out of
order. If you want these qualities and
the success they bring, use Dr. Kio»'s
New Lite Pills, the matchless regulators,
for keen brain and strong body, 25c at
all druggists.
Latest Popular Music.
Miss May Qould, teacher of piano
fort has received a full line of the lat
est and most popular sheet muslo. All
the popular airs. Popular and class
ical music. Prices reasonable.
For the Patrons of Husbandry Exhibition at
Centre Hall, Pa. September 10 to 16, the Penn
sylvania Radroad Company will sell special ex
cursion to Centre Hall from stations in Pennsyl
vania and from Baltimore and Elmira at reduc
ed fares (minimum fare 25 cents). Tickets will
be sold September 9 to 18; good to return
to reach original starting point not later
than September 19. 930-2t
ui 11.' iii Li I it l. (i\ u 11 Llsi J
Pithy Par?graphs iiKit Chronicle
the Week's Doinys.
Long Dispatches Frcrn Various Parts
of the World Shorn of Their Padding
and Only Facts Given In as Few
Words as Possible For the Benefit
of the Hurried Reader.
It was reported that the British Ad
miralty had decided to build .i motor
driven battleship; if the type should
be success it would probably make all
the present Dreadnoughts obsolete.
President Taft, it was announced
in Beverly, is in favor of a further re
vision of the tariff; he has wirtten a
letter to Congressman McKinley for
publication in the Republican cam
paign textbook giving his views in
Joseph C. Sibley, followng his with
drawal from the race for congress in
the 28th Pennsylvania district, was ar
rested at Franklin, Pa., on a warrant
charging him with "conspiracy to de
bauch voters'
Ex-President Madriz, according to
a dispatch received in Washington,
i 3 going from Amapala, Honduras, to
Costa Rica.
Ambassador Kerens is endeavoring to
induce Austria to open her frontier to
American meat.
Rloro chiefs, representing 40,000 in
habitants of Minandao, tendered their
allegience to the Unite dStates, after
200 Filipinos at Zamboanga had pre
sented a petition for the independence
of the islands to Secretary Dickinson.
Russia has placed an order for sl,-
450,000 worth of artillery with the
Creusot wo r ks in France; many mem
bers of the Duma are displeased with
the contract.
Advices from the cholera-infected
districts in Italy show decreases in
both new cases and deaths.
Oswin King, an American, was ar
rested in Paris at the request of the
Swiss authorities on a charge of
swindling by passing forged checks.
The epidemic of Asiatic cholera in
Italy is spreading; six towns report
ed from one to five deaths each and
several new cases.
Interesting testimony about the
leniency of the forest, fish and game
commission in enforcing the game
laws was brought out by Governor
Hughes' representatives who are in
vestigating the commission at Albany.
Six Pullman passengers were killed,
five others were injured and eight es
caped unhurt in a rear-end collision
on the Grand Trunk railroad, near
Durand, Mich.
The speech of Emperor William of
Germany at Koenigsberg has caus
ed no alarm in France; fourth-fifths of
the German newspapers adversely
criticise his utterances regarding his
divine right to rule.
Dr. Ilawley H. Crippen and Miss
Ethel Leneve arrived in Liverpool on
the Megantic and were immediately
taken to London; they were arraigned
and lodged in cells at the Bow street
police station.
Wyoming extended to Theodore
Roosevelt a typical Wild West greet
ing when the former president visited
Cheyenne and made a speech.
It was stated at Washington that
the firing of big guns on the North
west Pacitis coast in an effort to bring
on a rainfall to impede the spread of
forest fires would be a waste of
John B. Moissant attempted to cov
er the remaining 27 miles of his aero
plane trip from Paris to London, but
his machine struck the ground soon
after rising and was badly damaged.
Crowds visited the neighborhood of
the Bow street prison, London, but
failed to see Dr. Crippen or Miss Le
neve; it is understood that the charge
against the man will be wife murder
and that the woman will be accused
of being an accessory after the fact.
Eighteen new cases of cholera and
14 deaths were recorded in Italy in
the last 24 hour 3.
Mayor Gaynor was removed from
the hospital in Hoboken to his coun
try home, at St. James, Long island.
Dr. Crippen r.nd Miss Leneve were
arraigned in the Bcw street police
court, charged with the murder of
belle Elmore, and were remanded un
til Sept. 6.
General Juan Estrada assumed the
presidency of Nicaragua and chose a
cabinet; great crowds greeted him at
Managua; many officials under Zelaya
have been arrested.
Emperor William has commuted to
two months the sentence of imprison
men imposed on Henry Schultheis of
New York.
Pope Pius, according to a report
from Rome, will name nine cardinals,
one of them an American, at a con
sistory in November.
A dispatch from St. Petersburg
said that Russia Intended to build
four Dreadnoughts for service in the
Black sea.
N_ WJ . 'ins nshfltS Destitute, the once famous actress, May Yohe, possessor of the Hope diamond, divorced wife of Lord Francis Hope and Put
nam Bradlee Strong, broke down in a San Francisco cafe, where she was an entertainer. Despite efforts of rangers and soldiers.
Of the Week forest fires wrought havoc IJI the northwest, kiiling hundreds and making thousands homeless. Above map shows route ex-
President ItooseveK is traveling. Republican leader, WUlkun Barnes, Jr., was threatened by Roosevelt with fight at coming
New York state convention. Copper King F. Augustus Heinze announced be would marry Miss liernice G. Henderson, actress, to September. Revolution
ists rooted President Madriz's forces, entering Managua, Nicaragua's capita*; General JFoan Estrada now controls government
When Merit Wins.
When the medicine you take cures
your disease, tones up your system and
makes you feel better, stronger and more
vigorous than befere, That is what
Foley Kidney Pills do for you, in all
cases of backache, headache, nervousness,
loss of appetite, sleeplessness and general
weakness that is caused by any disorder
of the kidney or bladder. For sale by
Emporium Drug Co.
Your kidney trouble may be of long
standing, it may be either acute or
chronic, but whatever it is Foley's Kid
ney Remedy will aid you to get rid of it
quickly and restore your natural health
end vigor. "One bottle of Foley's Kid
ney Remedy made me well," said J.
Sibbull, of Grand View, Wis. Com
mence taking it now. For sale by Em
porium Drug Co
A Reliable nedlcin—eNot a Nar-cotlc
Mrs. F. Marti, St. Joe, Mich., says
Foley's Honey and Tar saved her little
boy's life. She writes: "Our little boy
contracted a severe bronchial trouble and
as the doctor's medicine did not cure him,
I gave him Foley's Horey and Tar in
which I have great faith. It cured the
cough as well as the choking and gagging
spells, and he got well in a short time.
Foley's Honey and Tar has many times
saved us much trouble and we are never
without it in the house." For sale by
Emporium Drug Co.
For Sale.
Farm situated six miles from Lock
Haven, 115 acres. Good house, good
barn, 60 acres cleared, balance in tim
ber, Good apple orchard, good peach
orchard, at a bargain, $1600; SIOOO
down, balance two years with interest
at 5 per cent. Must be sold to close
120 E. Main St., Lock Haven, Pa.
The Lash of a Fiend
would have been about as welcome to
A. Cooper, of Oswego, N. Y., as a mer
ciless lung-racking cough that defied all
remedies for years, "It was most
troublesome at night," he writes, "noth
ing helped me till I used Dr. King's New
Discovery which cured me completely.
I never cough at night now." Millions
know its matchless merit for stubborn
colds, obstinate coughs, sore lungs, la
grippe, asthma, hemorrhage, croup,
whooping cough, or hayfever. It
relieves quickly and never fails tosatisty.
A trial convinces 50c, £I.OO. Trial
bottle free- It's positively guaranteed
by all druggists.
Automobile for Sale Cheap.
Ten horse power Cadilac Automobile
in first class shape,with detachable toneau,
Will demonstrate at any time.
27tf. E. J. SMITH.
THERE'S a lot of money
here and in this vicinity.
Possessorsof thatmoney
read this paper; they swear by
it. They want to be shown.
If your goods are right, they
want to buy. This paper
talks to that money at regular
intervals. It's money that
talks back and talks back
strong. Get your share —do
your talking through our ad
vertising columns.
(CoMrrlKbV. UW, b, W. N. U.)
MYERS—HESS. At the parsonage of the Meth>
odist Episcopal Church on Saturday evening
last,by the pastor. Rev. J. F. Anderson, were
united in marriage, Mr. David L. Myers and
Miss Sarah J. Hess, both of Willlamsport, Pa.
Several of their friendß from Emporium wit
nessed the ceremony.
Mrs. Jacob Winmert, Lincoln, 111.,
found her way back to perfect health.
She writes: "I suffered with kidney
trouble and backache and my appetite
was very poor at times. A few week's
ago I got Foley's Kidney Pills and gave
them a fair trial. They gave me great
relief, so continued till now I am again
in perfect health." For sale by Em
porium Drug Co.
The dratltude of Elderly People.
Goes out to whatever helps give them
ease; comfort and strength. Foley Kid
ney Pills cure kidney and bladder dis
eases promptly, and give comfort and re
lief to elderly people. For sale by Em
porium Drug Co.
The Trying
Summer Heat
It's very wearing on your
system and upsets most
constitutions. Overcoiue
the enervating hot weather
Take a Bottle
Beef, Iron
and Wine
A stimulating and tonic
medicine that aids the sys
tem by building new tissues
and preventing a wasting
of nerve energy.
Make Your System
Right Before Fall
50 Cents Per Bottle
The Old Reliable
Drug Store
New Firm!
Clark & Morrison
Who are now in charge of the
well known E. A. Hughes store,
so successfully conducted on
Cheetnu street. We|do not expect
to set the world on fire, yet we
shall aim to give our customers,
one and all A SQUARE DEAL.
Our Groceries and Meats
are Choice and Reasonable
The Churches.
REV. J. P. ANDERSON, Pastor.
"Labor Day" sermon Sunday morn
ing at 10:30 o'clock, by the pastor, ser
mon also at 7:30 p. m., subject, "Im
proper Ends of Prosperity." All other
regular services of the day will be ob
REV. M. L. TATE, Rector.
The Friday evening services will be
resumed next Friday evening, Sept.
2nd, at 7:30 o'clock.
The following services will be held
next Sunday, the Fifteenth Sunday
after Trinity. There will be a celebra
tion of the Holy Communion at 10:30
o'clock. The theme of the sermon
will be "Man's First Duty." Sunday
School will convene at 12 o'clock.
Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30.
The series of sermons on the Lord's
prayer is being continued. The sub
ject will be, "The Will of God."
Strangers are always welcome at
Emmanuel church.
I Home of Hart, Shaffner & Marx Clothes
Jasper Harris,
The People's Clothing House
Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM, PA.
The ocean rolling with its boundless prospect is ever
interesting; but at no time is it more enticing than during
month of September. The bathing is at its best. The
sailing is ideal. The salt sea air is charged with increased
invigoration, and there is geniality about it unknown
during the torid days of summer.
Atlantic City, Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avalon,
Stone Harbor, Angelesea, Wildwood, Holly Beach, Wild
wood Crest, and Cape May are all prepared to entertain
with exceptional hospitality all guests who may come.
The hotels are less crowded and more comfortable; the
service is better and in most instances the rates are lower.
The train service of the Pennsylvania Railroad to all
these resorts will be found convenient and comprehensive.
Excursion tickets to Atlantic City will be sold at re
duced fares on September 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, on ac
count of the G. A. R. National Encampment, good return
ing to reach original starting point not later than Septem
ber 28. For stop-over privileges and extension of return
limit, to October 28, consult Ticket Agents.
Unusual enjoyment awaits the September sojourner by the
sea. 887-29-21
Not a minute should be lost when
child symptoms of croup. Chamberlain's
Cou!?h Remedy given as soon as the child
becomes hoarse, or even niter the croupy
coujih appears, will prevent the attack.
Sold by ail dealers.
Your complexion as well as your
temper is rendered miserable by a dis
ordered liver. By taking Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets you can im
prove both. Sold by all dealers.
Don't waste your money buying
plasters when you can get a bottle of
Chamberlain's Liniment for twenty-five
cents. A piece of flannel dampened
with this liniment is superior to any
plaster for lame back, pains in the side
and chest, and much cheaper. Sold by
all dealers.
"Can bedepeuded upon" is an expres
sion we all like to hear, and wheu it is
used in connection with Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it
means that it never fails to cure diarr
hoea. dysentery or bowel complaints. It
is pleasant to take and equally valuable
tor children and adults. Sold by all