Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 01, 1910, Image 1
THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH, 1866. V0L.44 The Fair. The eighth annual Cameron County Fair will be held at Keystone Park be- j ginning on Tuesday, Sept. 13th and continues for four days. It promises to be one of the best that has ever been j held here. The premium list is larger j than heretofore and includes every- j thing in the line of horses, cattle, j poultry, sheep, swine, produce, and also in culinary, and in fact anything that you might have to exhibit. The premium list will be ready in a few days. For further particulars write to i F. G. Judd, Emporium, Pa. W. C. T. U. Convention. The W. C. T. U. Convention of Cam eron county which was held in the First M. E. Church on Monday and Tuesday of this week was well attend ed at all the sessions. The Field Worker, Mrs. S. C. Wilson, of Dußois was present and gave some good talks. The State President, Mrs. Elia M. George, of Beaver Falls, was also pres ent and addressed the meeting on Tuesday evening. Mrs. George is a good speaker and the large audience were well pleased. Much interest was manifested all through the meetings and several good talks were give n by town people. Attended the Ball Game. Last Saturday afternoon, the follow ing Emporium gentlemen autoed to Driftwood, where they witnessed the ball game between Emporium and Driftwood. Drs. H. W. Mitchell, W. H. Bush, H. S. Falk, Messrs. Fred J. Keim, Andrew Brady, D. R. Branson and J. H. Stephens. Six O'clock Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Pelt entertain ed several relatives at six o'clock din ner last Saturday evening, at their pleasant home on Sixth street. Covers were laid for fourteen. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Felt and sous Frank and Lee W., Dr. Leon R. Felt and wife, Mrs. S. E. Felt, Mrs. Guy S. Felt, Mrs. Rena Sbafer, Dr. C. L. Felt, wife and son Carl. Base Ball. The Keystone National Base Ball team went to Driftwood, as per sched ule, last Saturday afternoon and were defeated by that team with a score of 4to 3, having played 11 innings. It was a close call and a hard fought game for both teams. Driftwood was supposed to have played at this place yesterday; but owing to some unac countable reason failed to make good. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. REV. R. H. BENT, Pastor. Services Sunday morning and even ing, subject for the morning, "From Beyond Mars and Return." Subject for the evening, "Throttled Convic tions. Pastor expects to preach at both services. Cordial welcome to strangers and others. Opening of School. The schools of Emporium will open on Monday September sth. Pupils who have attended school in other places and desire to be admitted to our schools must see the principal in his office on Friday Sept. 2nd from 9t012 a. m. All such pupils as well beginners must present a certificate of successful vaccination before they can be admitted. The law does not require the admis sion of children until they reach the age of six years but in order to pre vent the frequent forming of new class es the Board permits the enrollment of children who will be six years of age before Jan. Ist, 1911 during the first wef-k of school. Those who reach the age of six between Jan. 1, 1911 and May 15, 1911 may be admitted after the Holiday vacation. Parents will please note this regulation as it is im possible to have beginners coming in at various times through the term. The law requires the attendauce of all children between the age of 8 and 16, except those who having reached the age of 14 hold a certificate of em ployment given by the principal of schools and regularly employed at some useful occupation. The Direc tors are sworn to enforce the law and it is hoped that no necessity may arise for proceedings against parents during the present school term. All teachers are requested to meet in the High School room on Friday even ing Sept. 2, at 8:00 o'clock. Directors are invited. In conclusion let us hope for a cord ial co-operation on the part of all con cerned so that each year may place our schools on a higher plane of efficiency. C. E. PLASTERER, Principal. Local news on every page. DEATH'S DOINGS. HOWARD. MRS. MABEL W. CusH-HowAßD,wife of County Treasurer Chas. J. Howard, and daughter of Edward and Kathryn Cusb, died at the hospital at Williams port on Wednesday morning, August 24th. Mrs. Howard was born at Sizer villtt, July 6th, 1876 and received her education at that place, later she at tenciod the High School at Eldred, from which place she graduated at the age of fifteen j«ars. She taught school one year .it Wharton, Potter county and tiuj-i taught three consecutive terms at Hizerviile and later taught the gram mar school at this place for four years, prior to her marriage. In May 1899 she became the wife of Mr. Chas. J. Howard and to this union fourchildren were born, the eldest being ten years of age and the youngest is but four years old. On Saturday August 20th, Mrs. Howard was stricken with ap pendicitis and the following Tuesday she was removed to the hospital at Williamsport, where an operation was performed immediately, but to no avail and death came to relieve her sufferings early the following morning. She was accompanied to the hospital by Mr. and Mrs. John T. Howard, her husband and Dr. H. S. Falk. Deceas ed is survived by her husband, four children, Elizabeth, Chas. J. Jr., John, Taylor and Kathryn, her aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cusb, of Gardeau, two Bisters and two brothers, Mrs. Sprung, of Denver, Colo., Mrs. W. B. Thomp son, of this place, Edward, of Pitts burg, Pa., and Norman at home. Mrs. Howard's friends were legion and her sadden death is keenly felt and her early demise is a severe loss to her little children, who are now at an age when they most need a mother's love and care. Her aged parents are stricken with grief and all the family are bowed down with their great sorrow. The death of this pleasant young woman was iodeed a terrible shock to her afflicted family and friends. This happy, jovial girl as we knew her when she was only a child, was a de voted wife, fond mother and seemed happy to be surrounded by her child ren and husband. Although wrapped up in her family and never happier than when at their country home on the Portage where she passed her childhood days, she delighted to enter tain their friends. We unite with the friends of the family in tendering our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved husband and children. THE FUNERAL. The funeral of this highly esteemed lady was held at the Emmanuel Epis copal Church last Friday afternoon at four o'clock and was one of the largest ever held in Emmanuel Church. The Rector, Rev. M. L. Tate officiated. E special choir composed of Misses Eliza beth Crandell, Vera Olmsted, Mrs. Fred Seger' and Messrs. Chas. A. Leutze, Frank Felt and W. S. Sterner, rendered the music, Mrs. E. Mead Floyd presided at the organ. Lead Kindly Light and Asleep in Jesus were sung. The flower bearers were Misses Grace A. Walker, Alice Mont gomery, Mrs. Guy S. Felt and Mrs. D. R. Branson. The floral offerings were beautiful. The casket-bearers were Messrs. Andrew Brady, Albert Forbes, James P. Creighton, Fred Seger, D. R. Branson and JGeo. A. Walker. Inter ment was made in the Wiley Annex of the Newton Cemetery. The PRESS joins with the entire community in of fering its sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. GIBBS, Jesnrte, the 11 month old son of Walifcr Gibbn, died at the family home !on Soma Maple street, last Friday morning. The child had never been in Kood health but everything was done to keep the little spark of life burning. It will be remembered that the mother died last June, leaving the care of a large family to a daugh ter, who has been unfailing in the care of her little brother. The funeral took place Sunday, interment in Rich Val ley cemetery. RUSSELL. Miss VIOLA RUSSELL, the eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Russell died at their home on the Four Mile last Wednesday, August 24th. The child was injured a week previous to her death, by falling from a shed in the rear of her home and received in ternal injuries. The funeral was held last Thursday afternoon from the family home and interment was made I in the private burial plot on the Russell farm. Rev. J. F. Anderson, pastor of ; the First M. K. Church officiated. The J family havethe sympathy of the PRESS. EMPORIUM, PA.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1, 1910. Returned Home. Matthew Sherber, who was injured ed at the paper mill at Johnsonhurg, last January, and has just left the hos pital at Ridgway, is at present at the home of his father at this place. The young man lost his right leg at the knee and his left foot was severely in jured, the result of the accident. Fine Prospect. The Clarion State Normal School will open its twenty-fourth annual ses sion on Tuesday, September 18th. The Attendance promises to be the largest in the history of the institution. Dur ing the past five years the growth has been unusual. It has an ideal location and a fine equipment. A fine spirit characterizes the student body. If you have not already engaged a room better do so at once. J. George Becht, Principal, Clarion, Pa Old Emporiumites in the West. We received a letter on Monday from F. A. Hill, at Seattle, Wash., signed by the following old Emporium friends who were stopping with Edw. Dion, proprietor of"The Kentucky Bar: J. W. Kay, Ludger Dion, Roy Burlew, F. A Hill, A. D. McDonell, James L. Norrie and Edward Dion. Our above friends are located in dif ferent sections of the west, but met at Mr. Dion's The letter says that the "whole state of Washington is going dry." We imagine that the party were enjoying themselves. Good Appointment. Prof. D. B. Peterson, who has been teaching school at Cameron for the past three years, has received the ap pointment as principal of the township schools near Kane, Pa. On Saturday Prof. Peterson informed the PRESS that he was going to Kane to look over the ground, preparatory to getting the term started. His family will remain at Cameron for this year at least. We congratulate the genial Professor on his success and hope that everything will turn oat all right, as be is a teach er of ability. Dairy Products as Food. The products of the dairy are per haps the most useful articles included in the human diet. A meal made up of dishes into which no product of the dairy cow enters would not be such as to inspire "the turnpike road to peo ple's hearts I find lies through their mouths, or I mistake mankind." Take away the butter for the bread, the cream for the coffee and the porridge, the shortening in the crust and the biscuits, the in the gravy and in the puddings, the cream for the dessert and the various kiuds of cheese which please and satisfy, then take away the cup of milk for the little one and the meal that would be left would be nei ther tempting nor nutritious. The health of our people depends so much upon an adequate supply of pure dairy products that even a scar city is always attended by suffering and death. Butter is sometimes referred to as a luxury. This is a mistake. Butter is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life, and its composition is such that nothing can take its place and per form the same function. It is nature's product compounded in the maternal organism and the process is in accor dance with nature's law, a law which man can imitate but cannot under stand. Man can manufacture from various fats and oils a substitute for butter but it cannot take the place of nature's product because man cannot understand the needs of the human body as nature understands them. The animal body is developed best when nourished by foods which have been little manipulated by man and machinery. Dairy products are, as a rule, consumed nearly as pasture pro duced them. This is particularly true with milk upon which the growing body must depend. In the case of but ter only a small percentage of other products are added to the fat extract ed from the milk. Man only manipu lates it in order to put it in convenient shape for use. It can still be termed a product of nature designed as only natnre can design for use as food by the human body. The National Dairy Union, E. K. SLATER, SEC'Y , St. Paul, Minn. Meals at The Fair. The ladies of the First Methodist Episcopal church will serve the meals at the Fair this year. Hot dinners and suppers righ r . in the pavillion, arrange to get your meals here. Taken to Hospital. Mr. E. T. Wells, of East Emporium was taken to the Ridgway hospital on Sunday on the afternoon train suffering with typhoid fever. We are informed hejis in a very critical condition at this writing. "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." —WEßSTEß. Died al Ridgway. Mrs. John Cummings and Mr. James P. Creighton, of this place, who went to Ridgway, Wrdnesday morning, were called there by the very serious illness of their mother, Mrs. Mary Creigton, whose death occured at that place, Wednesdday evening at seven o'clock. We copy the following from to-day's Ridgway Democrat: "Mrs. Mary Creighton, for years one of the very highly respected residents of Ridgway, passed peacefully away at her home at 201 South Main street shortly before seven o'clock last even ing. A serious attack of heart trouble hastened the end, although she has been afflicted for some time with a complication of diseases, brought on partly by her advanced age. Deceased has been confined to the bed the greater part of the present summer, suffering with various ills. Her condition, however was never regarded as exactly dangerous dur ing all that time, until the failure of her heart last evening gave a warning ot the inevitable, but all too late. Mrs. Creighton was born in County Clare, Ireland, sixty seven years ago. When about six years of age she came to this country with her parents, who settled in the Eastern section of the United States. She was married to John Creighton who died in 1894 and ever since that time Mrs. Creighton has resided in this city. Deceased is survived by tae follow ing children: Mrs. John Cummings, of Emporium; James P., of Emporium: Mrs. J. F. Roach, of Peoria, 111.; W. H. Creighton, of Bellville, Ark.; Mrs. J. T. McMinn, of Punxsutawney, Pa.; the Misses Agnes, and Lucy and Luke A. Creighton, the latter three at home. She was a taithhful professor of the Catholic faith all her life, and services will be held from the local church." The funeral of this venerable old lady will take place on Saturday morn ing at nine o'clock. ' Attention Please. Having moved into my newly fit ted up tonsorial parlors on Fourth street, I desire to announce that I am now prepared to do either electrio or hand massageing. Within a few days I will have a compressed air apparatus for shampooing. In connection with the tonsorial work I have newly fitted up shower and tub bath. Ladies desir ing shampooing can have the same by calling and making dates for after heurs. Special attention will be given to this work. J. H. MULCAHY, Spring Block, Emporium, Pa. Lost. On Wednesday, Aug. 24th a, brown pocket book evidently on Fourth street between Maple and Chestnut street. Finder will kindly return the same to Mr. J. D. Logan, at the express office and receive reward. Increasing in Number. In this year's report at the State Convention of the P. O. S. of A., which was held at Easton, Pa., the re port shows that there are now 93,500 members in Pennsylvania, an increase of 3,010 over last year's report. Will Return to Emporium. Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor will again make their home in Emporium, in the very near future. Mr. Taylor has accepted the position as book keeper for the Emporium Machine Company, a position which he former ly held before his removal to Pitts burg. Mr. Harry Lupoid, the present incumbent of the office will leave for new fields of labor in West Virginia. We welcome both Mr. and Mrs. Taylor back to Emporium. Wild Elephants Disturbed His Slumbers. Who could sleep in an elephant and rhinoceros trail when a herd of ele phants was charging about, trum peting and bellowing? In his illus trated lecture, "Through Africa with Roosevelt." J. Alden Loring says it made his hair stand on end and the porters climbed trees. Emporium Opera House, Saturday evening, Sept. 10. Luncheon and Bridge. Last Thursday afternoon Mrs. Quy S. Felt entertained several lady friends at luncheon at 12:30 o'clock, which was followed by bridge. A very pleasant afternoon was spent. Wanted. i Homes for two girls, ages eight and ten years. Inquire of Mrs. I. K. Hockley, President of Children's Aid Society. For Sale. A new §30.00 roll top desk at $20.00. Apply to W. W. WEIMAN. Mason Reunion. DRIFTWOOD, PA., AUG. 31, 1910. EDITOR THE PRESS:— In your issue of Aug. 25th, I notice a report of the Mason Reunion for 1908 and 1909, as follows. Report for 1908. Hauling Water, $4 oo Postage. Ribbon and Water Barrel, 3 75 $7 75 Expenses for 1909. Labor and Material, $33 32 Lumber, 20 75 Music 16 80 Badges, 1 70 Printing and Postages, 4 13 Total $76 70 Now let us add the expenses for the Reunion ofl9lo. Printing and Postage $5 59 The Reunion of 1908 was held in Wylie's grove near Tunnel Hill, which had been fitted up by the railroad shop men of Renovo, at an expense of sev eral hunered dollars. Mr. Wylie kind ly giving the use of the grove gratis. This grouud could not be secured for the Reunion of 1909, which necessitat ed the securing of new grounds which was done by the committee and offi cers in charge, and on which we have a lease for term of years. These grounds are situated about one mile east of Sterling Run Station, conven ient and easy of access from railroad and township road. Fine shape, good water and an ideal place for reunions, pic-nics or camping parties. The Reunion of 1910 was attended by many of the Mason descendents their relatives and friends from near and far. Some coming from points as far distant as Atlantic City, N. J., Pitts burg, Punxsutawney and Port Alle gany. Pa. All had an enjoyable time and we look forward to the Reunion of 1911 in anticipation of a greater and a better reunion than ever. M. J. B. BROOKS. * Notice W. R. C. On Thursday, Sept. Bth, Corps No. 89, will hold no meeting, but on that date will have an all day quilting at the home of Mrs. Olive Downey. Let there be a good turn out of members. Usual custom observed. Charged by a Lioness. If you care to know how it feels to be charged by a lioness gliding along at the rate of 45 miles an hour, attend the illustrated lecture at Emporium Opera House on Saturday, Sept. 10, by one of the members of the Roosevelt African Expedition, This and other thrilling experiences are told. Visiting Elk County. Miss Charlotte Spence, the locrl sec retary of the Sabbath School Associa tion of Cameron county, has accepted the position as field worker in the Sunday Schools of Elk county. Miss Spence went to Driftwood on Wednes day morning, where she will goto sev eral places in lower Elk County to be gin her work. We wish her success in the new work. Returned Home. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Stout of Colum bia county returned to their home on Monday afler a very pleasant visit with the latter's aunt, Mrs. W. H. Morse of Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Stout are just returning from their wedding tour to Buflalo and Niagara Falls, and other places of interest. Mrs. Stout, former ly Miss Hattie Giberson, spent several weeks with Cameron relatives last summer. We Join with their many friends wishing them a long, prosper ous and happy life. New Bank. We understand the movement on foot to establish a new bank for the town is meeting with great success, a number of capitalists having become deeply in terested in the enterprise. A portion of the stock is still available and per sons intersted may learn full particu lars by addressing Geo. P. Jones, Em porium, Pa., who will furnish all infor mation until organization takes place. Baptist Association, Sept. 6 and 7. Among the speakers will be Leßoy Stepens, D. D., Secretary of the Edu cational Board, S. A. Soars, D. D., of the State Mission Society and S. G. Neil of the American Baptist Publica tion Society. All men of note iu the state. We are still anxious to hear from friends who will offer to care for dele gates through the convention. Please notify Mrs. C. Jay Goodnough. Next Sunday the Baptist Church will resume its regular services, preaching morning and evening. S. | S., add C. E., at the regular hours. Cedar Shingles $4.50 per thousand at I C.B. Howard & Co's. TERMS: $2.00 —$1.501N ADVANCE. THE WEATHER. FRIDAY, Fair. SATURDAY, Fair. SUNDAY, Fair. ASSETS First National Bank, EMPORIUM, PA. At the close of business, Aug., 31 1910, $990,981.70. When Your House Burns. Tou have insurance to cover at least a part o 112 your loss. But you can't have your valuable pap ers insured, and often times they are worth more to you than all the other contents of your home . A Safety Deposit Box at this Bank will insure perfect safety to your valuable papers, insurance policies, deeds,mortgages, etc., and you alone will have access to them by an individual key. Rental |1.50 year cost is much less than your worry has been. SI.OO Starts an Account. 3o INTEREST PAID ON SAVINd BOOK ° DEPOSIT TS AND a*™*™ OF DR. LEON REX FELT, DENTIST. Rockwell Block, Emporium, Pa, DR. H. W. MITCHELL, DENTIST, Office over A. F. Vogt's Shoe Store Emporium, Pa 12y Another Misleading Statement. So much has been said relative to the expenses connected with Broad street paving and so many false reports issued, or rather circulated, calculated to deceive the tax-payers, that we pub lished in the PRESS recently a state ment of the Borough financial condi tion on July 16th, 1910, over the signa ture of Mr. E. D. White, our efficient and capable Borough Treasurer, who certainly had the proper data at hand to verify his statement. The Burgess, or even any tax-payer could secure the statement just as readily as THE PRESS. This report was issued July 16, 1910, there being of course the August bills to add to the disbursements, all work under construction having been com pleted as ordered or contracted for by the Borough. We notice in last week's East Em porium Independent an open letter from Burgess Marshall, wherein he in dulges in some more misrepresenta tions. In the first place he asks if we intend to pay the borough expenses and pave Fourth street from the 1910 tax budget. Our answer: Is the cost of Broad street paving taken from the 1910 tax? Certainly not—any school boy should know better! It is the de sire of, and intention, of the Borough Council to place all bonds, for improve ments and the up-building of Empori um, for a long term of years, at a low rate of interest. Mr. Burgess again disputes the genuineness of Mr. White's statement, issued July 16,1910, over a month ago, because the figures do not lie. The tax-payers fully understand the fact that two-thirds of the cost of paving Broad Street is repaid by the abutting property owners into the Borough treasury. In case Fourth street, or any portion of it, should be paved this year, or at any future time, the tax payers-at-large would be taxed for one-third the cost. "What think you, Mr. Tax-payer?" Are we to continue hauling mud, cind ers, dirt and other matter to fill up our roads or crossings, only to repeat the waste of money year after year? We are emphatically in favor of paving every foot of Fourth street from Junc tion to Iron Bridge, near Woodland Avenue; to be decided by popular vote and the Borough bonded for thirty years, which would cost each tax payer about two cents on a dollar of valuation, each year. "What think you, Mr. Tax-payer." Wild People That Live on Milk and Blood. In the South country of Afrioa there is a naked race of savages that lives solely on blood and milk mixed. J. Alden Loring, one of the naturalists who accompanied the ex-president, describes these people and their habits in bis illustrated lecture "Through Africa with Roosevelt." Emporium Opera House, Saturday evening, Sept. 10. Youthful Westons. Last Sunday, four of Emporium's young hopefuls started for a long walk which resulted in a jaunt of about fif teen miles. They started from East Emporium and tramped the pipe line to Hunts Rnn; thence to Cameron and again to Emporium, having made the trip in a little over four hours. The walkers were Messrs Fred Metzger, George Pipor, Riley Murray and Will Spence. They are contemplating an other trip in the near future. NO. 29.