Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, August 18, 1910, Image 5

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ig Thirty Years in
Pharmacy in
? fl
[u Nearly 11,000 days £
[jj —a lifetime— Ca- Jjj
[]} teritig to the wants |{]
$ ol yourselves and n]
fij your families dur- n]
ing such a span of
uj time in a strictlv ru
nJ . u,
Uj conscientious man- w
i/i ner, I have built a 3
Jjj a reputation for dis- [jj
Jjj pensing "Just what
Jjj the Physician has 0|
ordered" and notli
jfl ing else. [Jj
Ln Your Prescriptions and ru
[}{ Family Keclpes are jjl
•J my Especial Care [n
| R. C. DODSON. |
Contributions invited. That which you would
tike to see in this department, let us know by pos
tal card, letter or personally.
Joe Wortman spent Sunday guest of
his mother at St. Marys.
Chas. S. Mickey, of Shelby, 0., has
located in Emporium.
Miss Marion Judd is spending the
week visiting friends at Wilcox.
George A. Walker spent Sunday at
Oil City, Pa., visiting with friends.
Frank Felt is spending a few days at
Olean, N. Y., transacting business.
Miss Lavina Murray spent Sunday
with friends at Austin and Sizerville.
Miss Verena Hertig was a business
caller at Ridgway for a short time
last Saturday.
Mrs. K. Fisher, of Howard Siding,
was in Emporium last Saturday after
noon transacting business.
Miss Helen Cassidy, of Alleeany, N.
Y., is guest of the Mitoses Kellev at
their home on Fifth street.
Arthur Kline and wife, of Sinnatna
honing, were guests of relatives at
place, the first of the ween.
Justice B. Nefcy, of Driftwood, was
in Emporium last Friday between
trains, on a business mission.
Henry Yeager was a business caMer
at St. Marys lust Friday, returning to
Emporium in the evening
Belleroont Mosser, of St. Marys, was
n Emporium last Saturday afternoon,
consulting Dr. R. P. Heilman.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Kresge, of Du-
Bois, were Emporium visitors last Fri
day morning between trains.
The Miss»« Allie and May Lincoln,
of Philadelphia, are guests of W. H.
Howard and family, Sixth street.
Miss Kegina Schaut, who has been
guest of the Misses Louise and Ida
Seger for the past week, returned to
her home at St. Marys last Saturday.
Miss Gertrude Germon, the very
efficient teacher, leaves next week for
Bedford, Oregon, where she has a con
tract to "teach the young ideas how
to shoot."
James Logan and wife, of West
Creek, called to inspect the Pkkxh
plant on Tuesday. They also carried
away a recept for one year's subscrip
tion to this popular loral journal.
Mm. Thomas Kadigan returned to
her home at this |>lace last Sunday
after spending a few weeks guest at
the home of her daughter, at Mt.
Holly, N J.
Miss Mary and Master Kdwurd Wein
man, of Olean, N. Y , are being enter
tained as guests at the home of their
graud-purents, Joshua Hair and wife,
Fifth street.
Mr. and Mrs Jas. I*, Creighton and
daughter, Miss Kthel and son M infer
John, accompanied by Miss Marine
Hrudy, visited at Huttulo and Niugara
Falls lant week, returning to Empori
um Saturday evening.
Messrs. Max. F. Balcom and Huenell
M. returned to their homea at
thia place, last Sunday, alter attending
ten day* in a moat delightful trip
which Included a visit at Duluth, Chi
cago and other waatern points, making
the trip via the Great Lakes
Miss Kllau Wood, ol t'ouderaport,
was gueat of her grand mother, Mrs
L, U I .ay, of The Warti»r laal Sunday
Mrs. Lay In company with her grand
daughter departed for Jersey City
Sunday night, where they will visit re
Misa Heukwilh who has spent the
sumuiar lii Emporium, gueat at the
kuuie of llev aud Mrs J. L. Itogua,
will goto Elmira tills week where she
will make a short visit and will then
go to < Ileal), N Y , where she will
teach languages In 'lie H Igh Muhuwl al
thai plaoe, during the < noting * hool
j Mrs. Gnst Carlson visited at Falls
I Creek and Ridgway last Thursday,
j MiasTressa l.'>gue, of St. Marys, is
1 guest of Miss Florence Beck for a few
j days.
j Miss Irene Garvin, of Youngstown,
Ohio, is guest of Miss Helen Swanson,
Third street.
Mrs. John Hogan went to Driftwood
I Tuesday morning, where she is guest
' of relatives.
Miss Margaret Murray expects to
leave next week on her annual vaca
tion and will visit Olean and Buffalo.
Miss Margaret Glenn has returned
to her home at this place, after a four
weeks visit at Brooklyn and New York
Dr. Armstrong, of Renovo, was a
business caller at Emporium last Satu
rday evening and was guest at The
Miss Very Geary is spending a few
weeks at Buffalo, N. Y., preparing for
the fall styles in millinery.
Mrs. William Merry, ofScio, N. Y.,
is guest at the home cf her son, W. J.
Merry and wife, Sixth street.
Miss Mayme Cummiugs departed for
Cleveland, Ohio, where she will pre
pare for the fall millinery Beason.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward May, of Olean,
N. Y., are visiting in Emporium, guest
at the home of John Coyle and family,
Fourth street.
Miss Ida Swan, of Galeton, Pa., is
being entertained as guest of her
cousins, the Misses Grace and Ruby
Mrs. E. H. Gregory is spending a
few days visiting friends at Howard
Siding, guest at the home of Mrs. R.
Fisher and daughter, Miss Ethel.
Mrs. John Cummings, went to St
Marys, last Saturday afternoon, where
she was guest of relatives over Sun
Mrs. Susan Housler, of Rich Valley,
was a business caller at the Phess of
fice last Friday and renewed her sub
Miss Sadie Edwards departed for
Williamsport, last Saturday, where she
will visit relatives and friends for a
short time.
Mrs. Benj. Lord, of Driftwood, trans
acted business at the county seat Fri
day and made a business call at the
Prbsh office.
Harry Catlin, of Port Allegany, was
in Emporium for a short time on Fri
day morning, having made the trip on
his motor cycle.
Misses Grace Metzger and Nell
Thomas were guests of Miss Ethel
Fisher at her home at Howard Siding
last Saturday evening.
Mrs. E. B. C. Bloom and children,
who have been guests of Mrs. B's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs Mark Ellis, Sr., and
| family, returned to their home at Wi\-
I liamsport last Sunday,
Miss Kate Welsh returned to Era
' porium the last of the week after a
most pleasant visit with Williamsport
j relatives. Miss Welsh has resumed
i her work.
Frank Knight, one of the assistant
' clerks at the Penna. R. R. yard office,
is spendiug his vacation with relatives
and friends iu Jersey Shore.—Kane Re
! publican.
Messrs. C. H. Cordie, of Sinnama
honing, John Ellis, of St. Marys and
H. M. Olmsted and J. Kaymond Cook,
of Kidgway, made their regular Sun
day visits to Emporium.
Miss Mae Mulcahy, one of Empori
um's most estimable young Indies, is
employed as cierk in Prothonotary W.
i J. Leavitt'a office, in place of Geo.
I Barker, who contemplates entering the
| insurance business.
Mrs Elwood Ness and Mr. H. R.
, Klees, of this place, were called to
I Williamsport Tuesday evening by a
telegram announcing the serious ill
ness of Mrs. George Bloom, who ia
mother of the former and sister of the
Mrs. Koa» Overhiser-Arnold, of Nick
ernon, Kansas, well and pleasantly re
membered by our citizens came to Em
porium yesterday evening to visit re
' latives. She is the guest of her
! Mister Mrs. I, Overhiser and brother,
Ex Sheriff It. M. Overhiner and wife,
Went Fourth Street.
Mr*. liuorge Netdlinger has arrived
1 in town and is guest at the home of
her |iarenls, Mr. and Mrs \ Weisen
lluii and I tiMiiy. Mr. and Mr», Neid
linger iisve niovid their tinunehold
gi'Kiln lr<-m hid*w..y to Emporium
ami »re liiiiiMn -«-i|isd In their honiM
lit one nl the Un. Swell residences,
Ctiriry nl r> et
Fred J. Keiiu, Jr , reiuruvd to Km
porium, VS edncfilay uouii alter a two
wenks trip, which Included llulTalo,
Km heater and poiuis ou l.*k» Ontario.
| Fred had a royal good time aud the
patrons of the Emporium Drug Com
paiiy will he glad to see hint un duty
Karl M. Mc Alter, who has hail charge
i of the store uf the Emporium Drug
i Cumjiauy, has returned to St Marys,
where he holds a lucrative position
With the Central l»rug » ompauy at
i that plai e. Mr MuAh*e made mauy
I Friends during his lw>> we»*« sojourn
la Emporium, as lie la a piuasi ug aud
I ' ohilglug geulieittau. Wa hope thai he
may coma to Emporium again.
Mrs. Josiah Howard, and two child
en, are visiting at eastern points.
Jasper Harris returned from New
York city on Sunday.
Mrs. T. M. Hoover, of Kane, visited
relatives and friends in town last week.
Thos. VV. Welsh has suffered severe
ly for several days with a poisoned
Warner Judd went to Wilcox Tues
day afterooon, where he is guest of
Julia (Budd) Hogan went to Buffalo,
Tuesday, where she is spending a few
weeks visiting relatives.
Miss Mabel Cummings is spending a
few days at St. Marys, where she is
being entertained by friends.
Miss Mollie Stephens, of Couders
port. is guest at the home of Henry
Auchu and family, West Fourth street.
Miss Myrtle Smith, of Driftwood,
was guest of Miss Grace Walker, the
last of the week.
Mrs. Andrew W*' fluh went to
Warren Wednes'* turning, where
she will visit re' br a few weeks.
Mrs. S. H. 1. /Ugh and daugh
ter, Miss Rose, is spending a few days
in Buffalo, guest of relatives and
Misses Mary and Stasia Clune, of
Pittsburg, Pa., are guests of Miss Mar
garet Gallagher, at her home on Third
Miss Helen Welsh, daughter of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thes, W. Welsh, is visit
ing relatives in .Williamaport this
Mrs. Chas. W. Risheli, accompanied
by her children, Geo., Carl and Chas.,
also Eunice Diehl have returned from
an enjoyable visit at Sodus Point.
Councilman Eugene Mumford and
son Otho were at Buffalo yesterday, at
tending the Brotherhood Pic-Nie. Of
course tbey enjoyed the onting.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lechner spent
the first of the week on a business and
pleasure trip to Buffalo, Niagara Falls
and Erie.
Mrs. F. H. Pearsall departed to-day
(Thursday) for an extended visit with
her mother and other relatives at
Mrs. M. A. Rockwell, one of our
most progressive property owners, is
having a concrete sidewalk laid in
front of her property corner of Fourth
and Cherry streets.
Misses Mary and Mayme Fredette,
who have been spending the past
month with relatives in Canada, re
turned to their homes at this place,
Tuesday evenine. The young Jladies
report a jolly time.
Miss Stella Miller, who has spent the
weeks guesi at the home of her uncle,
W. H. Cramer and family and other
friends at this place, returned to her
home at Williamsport, Wednesday.
John E. Smith, of Sterling Run, is
attending a reunion of the Smith
Family near Williamsport. What a
crowd that will be.
We regret to note that Mr. Thos.
Gallagher our genial P. R. R. Agent
at this place, is in very poor health.
He deserves a long rest and it should
be granted him because there is no
more faithful employee in the service.
Councilman Chas. Cummings called
on old St. Marys friends on Monday.
Ex-County Treasurer John Cum
mings is erecting a double dwelling on
Third street, end of his Fourth Htreet
lot W. H. Cr ainer has the contract.
Miss Mae A. McCarthy leaves to-day
for Sutton, Pa., to visit her sister Ella,
who is telegraph operator on Franklin
division of L. S. & M. 8. R. R. She
will he absent two weeks.
Mr. and Mr*. A. U Goodwin and
children, who have been spending the 1
past three wueks with relative* at
Detroit, have returned to Emporium.
Mr Goodwin has resumed his position
as tlrst trick operator at HM tower.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Jordan and j
daughter, Miss Rena, returned to Em
porium, Tuesday evening, after speed
ing ten days guests of relatives at Chi- |
cago, They were aecompauied by
their son and brother, Mr. Harry Jor- ,
dan, who will be guest under die j
parental roof for a few days, before 1
returning to Brooklyn, N. Y
Mrs C. W. Mhafer, of New York City, I
Is gueat of her mother, Mrs. H. Felt !
and other relatives at tills place.
Chas. K. W1 Mil ley, who has tieeu |
working at Ishpeiuiug, Mich , for the j
past two months, I* esp*tct«d bonie to- '
morrow eveuing.
The Methodist Sunday School Is
spend lug to-day Thursday) in pie nia
lug at Keystitiia fark and the Prvsby- j
lurUii* are aUu enjoying the day In
the aaiua spurt at the I'badwick school
i-ye .Spewlaliat.
I'ruf. W. II Hudlue, the well kuu«u
Kye Sp»*!laU*l, of Hluftiaiutou, N. V.,
will be at H. II lllrwh's Jewalry
store, Kiupuriuiu, IV, August 81. i
If you usu't see well or have
b«ada> he iltsi't fail tu call and see I'ruf
Uudiun, as he guafautewa i<> cure all
such ' ases I kiimm gruuittl and lilted
In eld ftmuw Wyes tneletl «ud e«
aMtltted free All work guaranteed
If you are interested in a good Nor
mal School, it will be to your advan
tage to write to the Lock Haven State
Normal School for its handsome cata
log. The beautiful .scenery iri the west
branch of the Susquehanna in the im
mediate neighborhood is finely illus
trated as well as the great buildings of
the institution. As a progressive
school,it insist on having a thoroughly
well trained faculty. By referring to
the catalog, anyone interested can
quickly discover that every teacher
has J,had superior college and uni
versity advantages. The fall term be
gins September 6th.
Autoed to Emporium.
The following people composed auto
parties that visited Emporium last
Sunday and were guests at The War
ner: Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pomeroy,
Misses Bessis King and Adelia Pome
roy and Mr. J. E. Smith, of Port Alle
gany and Messrs. Scott Redfield,
Deputy Sheriff Morrison and "Ted"
Newman of Smethport.
Wanted —Young Men.
To qualify for S9OO to SI2OO ofTlce po
sitions. AlO months course is suffi
cient. Westbrook Academy, Olean,
N. Y.
Washing or ironing, or work by the
day. Will take office cleaning. En
quire ot PRESS office, 27-2t.
Reduced Rates via Pennsylvania
For the Grangers' picnic at Williams Grove'
Pa., August '<» to September 3, the Pennsylvania
Railroad will sell excursion tickets to Williams
Grove from stations in Pennsylvania and from
Kaltimore, Klmira, Frederick and intermediate
stations on the Northern Central Railway, Aug
ust 23 to September 2, inclusive, good forgoing
passage only on date of issue, and for return
passage to reach original starting point not
later than September 6, at reduced rates.
The Trying
Summer Heat
It's very wearing on yottr
system and upsets most
constitutions. Overcome
the enervating hot weather
Take a Bottle
Beef, Iron
and Wine
A stimulating and tonic
medicine that aids the sys
tem by building new tissues
and preventing a wasting
of nerve energy.
Make Your System
Right Before Fall
50 Cents Per Bottle
The Old Reliable
Drug Store
GEO. C. TAG6ART. Prop.
[u In Our Prescription |
I [jj accuracy andsyste- |jj
matic skill arc com
hiued with a very
larnc stuck contain- «]
! W iug every drug and
chemical callri! lor ju
ill or likelv to he
called for in tncdi- 2]
cal practice. This
Sellable* us to cui»- M
»cieiitioii»|y com
pmutd and till any Q|
pit wription pre
wilted tu tts, llu B
matter how difficult
Willi the atAiirume jfl
that our |Mlrom'
orders will Im- car- U
!i ird out to the Irl
Emporium Drug Co. J'
From Sickness to"Excellent Health."
So nays Mrs. Chas. Lyon, Peoria, III.:
"1 found in your Kidney Pills a prompt
and specdv euro for backache and kid
ney trouble which bothered me for in any
months. lam now enjoying excellent
health which I owe to Foley Kidney
l'ills." For Sale by Emporium Drug
Local news on every page.
Safety Razor
Razoredged 30c per dozen
Common razors 15c each
NIXON & CO.. Philipsburg, Pa.
I'ts Qualfy
not the quality of milk that furnishes
the beat cream and the most butter.
80 it ia with feed, as better profits
come from rich, nuturitioua corn and
meal than from inferior stuff. Buy
your feed at the EMPORIUM MILL
ING CO'S and get the best.
Emporium, Pa. 112 July 19, 1910.
NEMOPHILA, per sack •] 50
Felt's Fancy, « .7.7.7." 1 70
Pet Drove, " ,
Roller Meal " so
Rye •• ::::::::: ?o
Graham "
Coarse Meal per 100 "..., j SO
Chop Feed " 1 50
Cracked Corn per 100 i sn
White Middlings , go
Bran 1 40
Chieken Wheat . 2 00
Screenings " j M
Oil Meal " 2 0<)
Corn per bushel 84
While Oals, per bushel .7..". 7 7.7" 55
Oysler Shells, per 100 75
Sterling Chick Feed 2 00
Sterling Scratch Feed ' 1 90
T>a«sy Dairy Feed, ' 1 so
Calf Meal, 501b bag t so
Alfalta Meal 1 %
Cottonseed Meal. 7.77! 1 95
Mammoth Clover Seed, per bu 9 50
Medium Clover Seed, •' 7 7".7 950
A Ist ke Clover Seed, " 0 en
Timothy Seed, " ~, 3 25
German Millet Seed. " ...] 2J5
r "Not How Cheap, but How Good"
I Quality First Consideration I
COFFEE The Satisfactory Store BUTTER I
35c Lb J 35c Lb
A Safe Place to Buy Foods
I You need have 110 fear to send the children, they ®
will have the same corteous treatment that you would
receive yourself. This store has a reputation for fair
treatment, extending over a long period, to mrintain.
Send the children, phone or ask for the order clerk I
to call, wken not convenient to come to the store.
Just now things Ready to Serve occupy our partic-
ular attention.
I Economy Prices for Friday and Saturday
25II) hag Best Granulated Sugar $ 1.50.
3 lbs regular 10c prunes lor 25c.
New Shrimp, 15c cans 2 for 2 sc.
Fresh tub Norway Mackerel about < 4 lb each i-jclb w
5c Sardines packed in oil 6 cans for 2sc. A
Churches Arm ami Hammer brand stxla 8c lb.
Hershev's Cocoa, 15c tin lac.
10c package Bird Seed Bc.
Finest quality Japan Rice, ! lb packets, eack 7c.
25c Hartlet I'ears, the can 20c.
Hire's Root Beer Kxtract, liottle 2<x\
Six lbs I«auudry Starch in bulk f»>r 25c.
House Furnishing Hardware, China,
Crockery and Glassware
Peerless Crushed Oyster Shells.
Delivery to all Parts of Town Twice
Each Day, Z
You Gat Butter Vttluea Here.
J. H. DAY, I
Ll'huit* 6. Kiai|*iiiuiu. A
• mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnrnrnM
29th Year
Will Open Sept. O
New Catalogue and Particulars
011 Request.
: t
Mountain Park
Green Houses.
Ridgway, Pa,
We have the largest and most up-to
| date GREEN HOUSE in Western
j Pennsylvania.
All orders left at Geo. J. Laßar's,
! Emporium, Pa., will receive prompt
| and careful attention. Satisfaction
' guaranteed. 52-ly.
Square Deal
E. J. Rogers, Prop'r.
Honest Weight and Honest
Don't you think it would be a
good plan to lay in a barrel of
good flour before it goes ap. I
have just received a car load ot
Gamble Green's Snow Flake, by
far the best Flour for the price
sold in Emporium. Liberal dis
count in barrel lots.
Call, phone or write. Out of
town orders filled same day re
A share of the trade respect
fully solicited.