THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. E STABUSHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH, 1866. VOL, 44 Sizerville Strawride. Last Friday evening was a gay and festive time for several of our younger set at which time they indulged in a strawride to the famous mineral springs at Sizerville. To say that they had a good time would be putting it mildly. Those present were: Misses Ina Hopple, Helen Swanson, Mary Dodson, Florence Beck, Margaret Crandell, Ruth Pearsall, Marie Nangle, Jessie Moran, Belle Campbell, Carolyn Moore, of Emporium, Miss Irene Gar vin, of Youngstown, Ohio, Miss Tressa Logue, of St. Marys, and Miss Stella Lauderbaugh, of Keating Summit and Messrs. Oscar Foster, Bradey Munsell, Robert Kaye, Doss Wright, Leon Din inny, Frank Bailey, Robert Pearsall, Gordau MaeDonough, Clark Met/.ger and Odley Hovan. Emporium State League Club. Emporium State League Republican Club was reorganized last week, the meeting being held at Republican Headquarters in Library building. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Hon. Henry H. Mullin. Vice President, Mr. A. C. Blum. Treasurer, Mr. J. P. McNarney. Secretary, Mr. E. E. Simmons. About forty members enrolled at the meeting Saturday evening. The dues are only fifty cents per year. All voters who will subscribe to the prin ciples of the Republican party are earnestly requested to attend these meetings which will be held every Saturday evening at eight o'clock. At the next Meeting delegates will be elected to attend the meeting of the State League, which will be held at Pottsville, next month. Let every Republican, young, as well as veterans, attend these meetings. Mason Reunion. The third annual reunion of descend ants of Joseph Mason, a pioneer settler who came to Cameron county more that [a century ago, will be held in Mason's Grove, year Sterling Run, August 25, 1910. All descendants are invited and expected to be present to do honor to their ancestors. The offi cers and committee in charge have made every effort to make this reunion a greater success than any hereto fore. Pack your basket and enjoy a family pic-nic. Arrangements have been made with the Railroad' Com pany and trains Nos. 12 and 3, a. m., and 68 and 61 p. m., will Btop at the Grove. COMMITTEE . To the People of Emporium. The Allegheny River Baptist Asso ciation meets with the Emporium Bap tist church, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 6th and 7th. Owing to the limit ed size of our membership it will be impossible for us to care for all the delegates expected, therefore we ap peal to all of our friends who will offer to care for one or two persons, during that period. Dinner and supper will be served by the ladies of the church on both days. So all we ask is that the delegates be cared for over two nights and given breakfast. Any who feel inclined to assist us will please notify Mrs. C. Jay Goodnough, or the pastor, Rev. J. 1.. Bogue. Will Take Vacation. Mr. John the efficient clerk in the store ot Mr. A. A. Mac Donald, expects to leavu Emporium on Friday for a two weeks vacation which he will spend at Barnnagat Bay and Mt. Holly, N. J. He will also visit Atlantic City aud Philadelphia. Mr. Frank Bluiule, Jr., will accompany him on this trip. At Barunaget Bay they will spend sev eral days llshing Look out for some big ti*h stories when they return. Sold Interest, Mr. Lee L. Welsh, who has held a part intermit in the '1 heatorium Com pany Iru dis posmi of his stock to Messrs. W 11, Itair and Botiert Green, Mr. W#l«h has been compelled to give up hi* work on account of 111 health and since his return to Emoritim has been unable to leave the house. Mi»s Anna Welsh, who has bean iu the ticket titties list tii-en sun ecded by Miu Julia Bair. beautiful (lowers. Ye Editor was pre»cutcd with a nnstt IssaulllUi bouquet of sweat |n«l .toil u isturehuus, by Mrs lleltin Hwsrtx list Thursday afternoon. Their fsag ranee prevailed the whole oßtue \| ,u> uf our I'ilkM ottlne visitors re marked about the beauty of tin Mowers. Mite Iweet Cum, Ye ■ diit.r and family tender thanks to Mr and J> rtlie lilt »a uf »*• . I K.rii, i I.*• d ill . 1.. II tfurdun *1 tin* ,Ie h * , i« In limit *ud heartily to.('mod Oi^eiwcMiiiviwohwwMrommitwMCMHimMwoftmniiiNetMiMiMuiomHßiimiOOiiiiwhfliioiiiwinwuwiuiNiiitaMmmiwiwwiwucaeiiiiniwciiwiiieiiaiiiwiif'iitO I Cameron County Sabbath School Association. SUNDAY, AUG. : 7:30 P. M. Union Service in the First Methodist Church. M;jS Helen F. Clark of New York City, will deliver an address, "Foreign Work in the Home Land." Music under direction of Mr. George A. Walker. , Each member of the Sunday Schools, officer, pastor, teach !er, pupils, requested to meet at the Baptist Church, 7:00 p. m., and from there march to the Methodist church. A cordial welcome extended to all. ▲JiTHUR V. ORTON, County Organizer. The following Is the program for the Ninth Annual Coti ▼eniion to be held to First Mothodist Church, Emporium, Pa., Augu t 23d and 9 44b, 1910. PROGRAM Tuesday, 7:30 P. M. 7:30 Orchestra. 7:40 Devotional Service - - Rev. R. H. Bent 8:00 President's Greeting - - Hon. Josiah Howard Hymn 8:15 Address, "The Child in our Midst" - Mrs. Baldwin Soprano Solo, Selected, - - Miss Grace Lloyd 8:45 Address, "From the Cradle to the Grave," Miss Charlotte Spence I Collection. S:OS Address, "A Man's Job" - - Mr. Eldredge 9:30 Hymn. 0 Benediction. 1 I Wednesday, 9:00 A. M. § 9:00 Song Service ... Rev. F. B. Schriner 9:10 Enrollment of Delegates, etc. 1 9:20 Open Parliament, conducted by ■ Rev. E. L. Mcllvaine 1 How do you Use the Supply Teacher? 2 What is the duty of the Superintendent Toward an In- I competent Teacher? 3 How can the Sabbath School be Kept out of Ruts? 4 What will you do with the Restless Boy? 15 What is the Purpose of the Teachers Meeting? (i Why Have a Cradle Roll? 7 What is the purpose of the Home Department? 18 Why Take a Teacher's Training Course? Hymn. 10:00 Address, "Temperance Teaching in the Elementary De partment ... . Mrs. Baldwin 10:30 Address, "Answers to Prayer ... Miss Clark 11:00 Introduction of New Pastors, - - Rev. J. F. Anderson 11:30 Adjournment. Wednesday, 2 P. M. 2:00 Devotional Exercises - - Rev. W. F. Hall 2:10 Elementary Grade Conference, - - led by Mrs. Baldwin Hymn. 3: homee* penally to officiate at his funeral, dt> livered a short but able eulogy, the publication of which we regret we can not give A quartette composed of Messrs H. l\ Olmsted, I. K. Hockley, O. 11. Fell and 11. A. Cog furnished the music. The casket bearers, all meio- | Iters of Kmporiuin Lodge, F & A. M., No. !Msl, were Hon. Geo. J., M. M. larrabee, G F. (talcum, F. P. Htrayer, K. W (Uskill auil T 11. Norris. C. W. liishel was director, Interment being made iu Newton Cemetery, The following relatives and friends 1 from out of lowa were In attendance at the funeral: Want MeUger, am Wellav die, \ Y , It i . ii,, u. brother in law , t'oudernport J II Fry, Miunauiabuulug, J. II barren ' and V, t*. ( raven, sterling Hun l,ood piano iur >aU- A Hradbury Haao square) Iu good Apply at FKI*» ufflte. 17 if. TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 1N ADVANCE. THE WEATHER. FRIDAY, Showers. SATURDAY, Fair. SUNDAY, Fair. ASSETS First National Bank, EMPORIUM,PA. At the close of business, Aug. 18. 1910, $867,478.36. You'll Forget Your Troubles If you have a Savings Account w«g, iMc bant —it will serve as a substantial comforter » time of distress. Then a man always lua mr wir - age for attacking strenuous busisses problem s or doing ha-1 w>*V of -vry «t?nd if h**» ---*-tfou s of some financial bnrking. Try it b» a savings account at once. SI.OO Starts an Account. 30 INTEREST PAID ON SAVINfI BOOK o ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. DR. LEON REX FELT, DENTIST. Rockwel! Block, Emporium, Pa. DR. H. W. MITCHELL, DENTIST, Office over A. F. Vogt's Shoe Store Emporium, Pa- 12y Disastrous Fire at Sinnamahoning. A disastrous fire visited Sinna mahoning early Tuesday morning about two o'clock, totally dietroy ing the Sinnamahoning House, occu pied for many years by the Shafer family, the poet office adjoining and the large general merchandise store of Council Bro's. The fire originated in the Sinnamahoning House in a part of the house where no lights or fires are kept. It seems to be the opinion of many that the fire was the work of an incendiary. The llames had gained such headway that it was impossible to remove mach of the furniture from the hotel. The loss on hotel and furni ture is place at $8,000.. Mr. Shafer had no insurance on furniture or building > Council Bro's loss on store and post office must be heavy for they carrried a large stock of goods. Their loss over and above their insurance, is about $2,000. Barclay Bro's loss on building is (estimated) at $3,500, upon which there is insurance, but the members of the firm being out of the county we are unable to reach them. The citizens of Sinnamahoning should carefully investigate this mat ter and, if the tire was of incendiary origin, offer a liberal reward for evidence that would lead to con viction. A Narrow Escape. Last Monday evening, Messrs. Hubert Brady and Ross Overturf, while doing some work at the furnace had a narrow escape from death. The gentlemt'n were assisting in the repair work at the plant and in the raising of a heavy timber weighing ahont H.OOO pounds the rope broke. Mr. Brady was on the top of the timber ami jumped to the ground. In the fall the timber struck the timber on which Mr. Overturf was at work. Both men jumped about sixteen feet and missed meeting their death only by a couple of inches. This was indeed a very close call and the young men are to be congratulated upon their narrow escape. Some Water. In our last issue, in au item giving the capacity of the new reservoir con tracted for by Km poriutu Water Com pany ou Salt Hun, we erred as U> the capacity of the reservoir. Mr. T. F. Moore, Hupt. of Water Company, IU I lorius us the reservoir will have a capacity of over :(6,uoo,uuu gallons 'Hull's uiort like it and should give their patrons good service. Work commented on Monday. Improved Condition, Judge H W Ureen, accompanied by his niece, Miss Montgomery, returned from I'hii.tdelphia yeaterday. The Judge reports Mrs. I Ireen in au iui proved aud couilot table coudltion, with bright prospect* for a complete recovery, which will be cheering news to the lady's many frieuda, MU»ion at Driftwood. The Me v, Father Me A venue, Hector of the Catholic t'hur h ai Ur ifl* was In Kmpurtuiu hi-Uwii trains on Monday, Curing his vi»it he itform id tile I'M i - thai a 111 is* toll elleudillg over lour da)s Would lie held iu liic Catholic church st lHrti'w»pi«iti • inter Will CI I »•• 1 thr Mission NO. 27.