in——iwmbw WINDSOR HOTEL W. T. BHUUAKER. Manager. European, SI.OO per day and up I American, 12.50 per day and up I 1 Midway between Broad Street 1 Station and Reading Terminal lon Filbert Street. " The only moderate priced hotel ol reputation and consequence in Pure Water! DRINK Sizerville Mineral Water Clean, Pure and Healthy. We are prepared to furnish the citizens of Emporinm thi« popular Water, either PLAIN OR CARBONATED, in bottles. Drop a postal card —we will do the rest The analysis of the celebrated Sizerville Water has made it famous all over the country. Orders may be left at Geo. F. Balcom store, or water may be purchased by the case at the same place. Address, Magnetic Mineral Water Co., SIZERVILLE, PA. HUMPHREYS' Humphreys' Veterinary Specifics " For Every Living Thing on the Farm." Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Dogs, Poultry. A. A. For FIVERS. Milk Fever, Lnog Fever. B. D. For HI'ItAIXM, Lameness, Rheumatism. C. C. For SORE Throat. Epizootic. Dl*tem»er. D. D. For WORMS, Bot«. Grub*. I. E. For t'OI'GHS, Colli, Influenza. V. F. For COLIC, Bellyache. Diarrhea. Prevent* MISCARRIAGE. H.H. For KIDNEY and Bladder disorder*. I. I. For SKIN DISEASES. Mailt. Eruption*. J.K.For BAD CONDITION, Indlgeatlon. At druggists or s«nt prepaid on receipt of price. 0O cts. each. 800 pape Hook niiil Stable to hang up mailed tree, HT7MPHUKYS' HOMEO. MEIiICINE CO. Corn*/ William and Aon Street*, Mew York. COUDERSPORT k PORT ALLEGANY R. R Taking effect Aug. 22. 1909. kamtwahd 7 6 j 10 ; « ! TTW STATIONS. r. M A. M. P. M A.M. Port Alleffany, ■ Lv. '1 83 II 37 7 12 900 Chemical Work* ... *2 38 °o oo o Burtville 2 14 II 4# 7 22 9 11 Roulette ,2 56 11 57 7 30 9 23 Know Hon'* '*3 00 13 01 00 ° Mina 3 06 12 07 7 40 9"33 Olmsted *3 10 12 11 *7 44 9 37 . . 3 IX 12 20 7 52 9 45 Coudersport. t , A. M 1 « 10 12 37 North Coudersport, 40 ... *l2 41 Frill*'* *5 50 .... *l2 49 ('olaahurg,. 557 .... 12 57 , Heveu Bridge*, H 02 *1 02 Raymond* • 12 .... I 13 i Odd, • 17 .... I 19 Newflelcl .... 1 23 .... New field Junction,.. 8 27 .... 1 32 Ferkina, •« :» *1 35 Carpenter's, 40 .... *139 f'rowell'a, *«:«).... •142....! CJlyases 7 20 1 52 .... A. m. r. M I VMTWtW. 3 I • STATIONS. r. H. A. Mr m Colt Allegany 2 10 * 50 5 10 Chemical works ... " Burtville I 57 » 37 4 57 Koaletle. >l5O S II 4 50 K uowllon's, 14 ' >4 45 M ina 1 40 ■ 21 4 4(1 Olmsted, 'I 35 4 35 j iL» I » »12 430 I r. m. Ar * 50 North Cauilersporl, ... 131 Friak'a. . T •» W 315 t 'oleshurg *7 50 I <«t toeveti Bmlge. *7 4« .. ••• 1 t Mold 7 34 *2 50 Newlleld . ..... •••• ** 44 N#w#„hl Junction 7 44 3 42 Perkiu*. •? I» .... .... 1»4 (MIMiIU'I a, *7 *2 30 ronsll s. ... »7 07 ! ... *2 27 I'lflM, ... Ll ... 715 3-• 1 ratiaa I and I run daily aseu t'oudera |hiM and fori Allegany, ail other trains tuu wa4 ■ N'( *«»4 i Hi wwi *• B * !**»..>••. »» i ' '•* ft c Geo. J. Liiliar Furniture Tabourettes. The Set to Set Before You Is waiting # for you in the shape of a nice set of crockery. We are now showing a splen lid stock of good sound Crockery, every single piece warranted free from fault or blemish. The finest as sortment in the county at rea sonable prices. Undertaking (leo. J. Laßar Roof Slating I am especially prepared to Contract for Slating By th jßquare or job. As to my work manship, I refer, by permission, to the work recently completed for the Hon. B. W. Green. GEORGE A. WRIGHT. Get My Prices Before You Use Shingles Save Your Wife By buying a REX WASHER, the King of Washers, the washer with the HIGH SPEED FLY WHEEL* AND FAST RE VOLVING DASHER. Any child can work it. Stop in and look at it. We also have a full line ot Mantles, Globes, Burners, Chandeliers and Light Hardware. And if it is Plumbing, IU-at ii>K of Tinning, call ou us, DININNY, BURNSIDE&Co Hrnuil Hi , Kiuporlum, ft. CHICHESTER SPILLS (MAMONU •"AMO ****%, LAlilSkl Aah rasa for tmiMMT»»'» A rilAMoNb nTlNli Ml.l* la k.o *a4/j\ lialM laxlsl u h aaa saaUd with m»r 0> ftlhM* Till >U Oiiia »./ ,••• v/ •aaMts* aad ash fc. V 4 iTtl « » e »■ A 19 ril »•, Tut twralf •*« yssis lagai4*4 ss iMai hslsst A ItiileM* SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS &U EVfcHYWHfcHE CAMERON COTTVTV PRRSS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 19x0. DEATHWATCH BEETLES. * 'heir Tapping Stands For Courtship and Not For Warning. Mucb mental anguish could have beeu saved to past generations and (some not so very far past if people bad known I bat I lie mysterious tap ping of Ibe "deathwatch" stood for courtship and not death. A writer in the Scientific American explains that the various species of the beetle unobi uui and their bigger relatives of the genus xestobium not ouly attack furni ture, but so completely riddle the whole woodwork of old bouses by their borings as to render the structures un safe. Indeed, a beam that has been tenanted by these insects for a num ber of years is little better than an outer shell containing a mass of wood dust. The xestobluui is the common deathwatch. while the anoblutu also is in the habit of making a tapping pound. The nocturnal tappings of these In sects, distinctly audible in a room where there is an otherwise complete absence of noise, has for many centu ries been regarded by the supersti tious as a warning of the approach of death. This uncanny Interpretation of a riiysterious sound is scarcely surpris ing when it Is remembered that only In recent years have naturalists dis covered its true cause. The little beetle has been found In some Becluded spot, jerking Its hard head at regular intervals upon the sur face of the wood beneath It. So far as can be told, its rappings constitute a kind of courtship ritual. Obviously they have no connection with the lat ter end of mankind. A RAIN OF FIRE. The Great Meteoric Shower That Scared Folks In 1833. In Scharf's "Chronicles of Baltimore" there la a vivid description of the star ry hailstorm, the Bery meteoric show er, of 1833, and old files of newspapers are made luminous at that date with the Impressions of editors and contrib utors. One writer said It was the grandest and most cbarndng sight ever presented to the vision of man. Awak ened from sleep, he sprang to the win dow, thinking the house was on Are, but when he looked out he beheld stars, or fiery bodies, descending like "torrents." The shed "In the adjoin ing yard to my own," he wrote, "was covered with stars, as 1 supposed, dur ing the whole time." Professor Oltn stead of Yale college thought that the exhibition was the finest display of celestial fireworks that had been wit nessed since the creation of the world, although be, too, while knowing its character, was sufficiently imbued with the theological spirit of the time to believe that it was a solemn portent that carried a divine warning. One editor whose comment upon this phenomenon was probably more quoted thau any other he ever made said: "We pronounce the raining fire which we saw on Wednesday morning an awful type, a forerunner, a merciful sign, of that great and dreadful day which the Inhabitants of the earth will witness when the sixth seal will be opeued. Many things occurring in the earth tend to convince us that we are now in the latter days." Dreams of Genius. An Interesting book might l>e written on the subject of the dreams of genius. Stevenson maintained that much of his work was ouly partially original. His collaborators were the brownies who ran riot through his brain during the hours of sleep. He Instances the case of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. llyde." "I had long been trying to write a story on this subject." he writes, "to find a body, a vehicle for I hat strong sense of man's double being which must at times come In upon and overwhelm the wind of every thinking creature. For two days 1 went about racking my brains for a plot of any sort, and on the second night I dreamed the scene at the window and a scene ufterward spilt In two, In which Hyde, pursued for some crime, took the powder and underwent the change lu the presence of his pursuers. All the rest was made uwske and consciously, although I think I can trace In much of It the manner of my brownies."—l.ondon Cliroulcle. Opportunities and Limitatiene. The world is full of opportunities. The world bus a place for all kinds of !>eople. If a man look no higher than pickax or hod. but be Industrious, the world cau use hlui. The opportunities for the mail who bus speut the leust time In school, getting ouly the prac tical studies, ure belter aud higher than come to hlui of the hod. but such a man soon reaches his limit. He Is ons short ladder. The oue who has laid the foundation of a broad geueral education ss well as a lechulcal oue has. given Intelligence, Industry aud loyalty. practically no limit to his ca reer.—K. U. Graduate Magazine. A Hard Problem. A certain debating society bt discuss lug the i|ueaiion as to which la the an grler the husband who goes home aud flude that the dtuuer Is uut ready or tha wife who has dinner ready aud whose buebaud doee uut come bouie It Is believed that the debate will eud lit a draw. Net Always. Teacher (of ulgbt school)— What do you underatand by the term 'life seu leocel" Ulve an example of one. Hhaggy llslred Pupil—"l pronoiMMM i you husband and wife "—Chicago Tribune. We est do uulhlng well without fof • imi • NMttsnee. which la the i |roti>4 •# )®J I ttiMs SOWING HIS WILD OATS. lights of Wasteful Debauchery That Wore Him Out. "Yes, I'ui dissipating too mucb." said the red faced rustic as he rubbed Ills head despondently. "DissipatingV" gasped bis friend. "That's the word I used. You've beard that expression about 'burning life's candle at both ends?' Well, that's uiy case exactly. To tell the truth,l have beeu having too gay a time. Last night 1 went down to the Blue Moon and drauk a soda. Then some traveling man offered me a cigar. Of course I had to take it." "You dou't mean ItV" "1 mean Just what I say. Then I bought a ham sandwich. I ate it and actually forgot myself and took an other. On my way home 1 dropped Into the church social for a few min utes. sfctne of the youug ladies made we try the 'penny dip,' and I drew a blank." "Such extravagance!" "That's exactly it. Extravagance aud dissipation will kill me. It wns 9 o'clock before 1 reached home." "Nine o'clock!" "Yes. 1 must be sowing my wild oats. Well, I've finished now. Night before last 1 called on my girl. She wouldn't let me leave until I had taken her out and bought chocolate creams. Talk about pleasure hunting! I'm simply worn out after these nights of wasteful debauchery."—Pearson's Weekly. BLINDING A SHARK. A Pearl Dinar's Ruaa by Which He Made Good His Escape. A successful diver must possess great courage uud uerves of steel. Such a man connected with a large wrecking company wns visiting some years ugo the pearl fisheries In the gulf of California, where sharks abounded. On one of bis trips In quest of the penrl oyster he had a narrow escape from a fearful death. He had been instructed never to stir from the bottom until he had looked up and around. Fortunately he heeded the advice. Having filled bis bag. he glanced quickly about and caught sight of a huge shovel nosed shark watch ing him. In an emergency men think fast. Near tlie diver was a large rock. He moved quickly to the other side of it. hoping to dodge the ferocious monster, but the maneuver did uot work. The shark watched every movement, chang ing his position by a slight motion of his powerful tail. Time was precious, and the diver conceived the idea of blinding the shark by stirring up the mud. Under cover of that he might escape. He worked for dear life and had the wa ter thick with mud In less than half a minute. Slipping around the rock again, he rose to the surface, having barely strength enough to reach the side of the boat, and was hauled on board just as the voracious man eater made a rush for him. Romeo Not Taken Seriously. Juliet was only fifteen years old, but she thought she was quite grown up. One evening, says Mrs. U. A. Pryor lu "My Day." she was receiving on the moonlit veranda a young man caller. He. too, it seemed, considered himself grown up. The anxious youth was moved to seize the propitious hour and declure himself. Juliet wished to an swer correctly and dismiss him with out wounding bltn. She assured him mamuiu would nev er consent. A voice from within—they were sit ting beneath her mother's window settled the matter: "Accept the youug man. Juliet, If you want to. I've not the least ob jection. And let him run along home now. Ite sure to bolt tbe door when you come In." Evidently tbe mother had small re spect for boy lovers aud wished togo to sleep. A Prince Edward Island Legend. There Is a delightful legend among the people of l'olut Prim to the effect that when the English attacked the French fort at that place a chain ball from one of tbe attacking vessels cut the steeple from the old church located on tbe very point. lu falling It toppled over the promontory and carried the bell which It coutalned Into the aea Dwellers along the point altlrui that from time to time tbe aouud of i it l>ell conies over the waters at eventide and (but Its phantom tone Is ever a warn lug of a fierce atorui or some tui ui incut danger to those who reinke their living by the spoils of the ocean. An Office Engagement. One of Waahlugtou's gilded young men came rapidly down the steps of his lioui% half an hour after uoon the other day. "Whal's the rush?" asked a frleud. "Oh. I've got to hurry down to the office or I won't gel there In time togo out for lunch." Saturday Kveulug Post. Her laeuee. Uer Horrified Mother - Mauds, I should like to kuow why you showed thst presumptuous fellow to klaa yeu Tbe Itauifhter l—l—l thought, mother, uu oue was look lug Reel Re'erm Knlcher Whi»t Is your ld«e of mi niclpsl government ? llit knr - flwl provide an auto sud then create an office to flit It New York Sum Stele Qreuni "K«ery big millionaire likes lo tell how he goi hie first thousand dollars." "Tea. he'e UMIISIII on »afe ground tbe*» PltiaUurg IW. Arc You Looking lor a Position? We can offer you go.vl Paying Employment that you will enjoy and at home. Write to-day j j Address \ The Butterick Publishing Co. Butterick Building, New York, N. Y. / \Ve"promptl3TobtttiiT^UFß^ind^ore^^ Bend model, Bketch or plioto of invention for l ' ! £ freereport on patentability. For free book' ! I Fertilizer I We have just received a car load of fresh fertilizer, of the highest quality. No. i Stock Bridge for Potatoes and Vegetables. : Market Garden Fertilizer. Potato Fertilizer. 1 Sure Crop Phosphate. Corn and Grain Fertilizer. Give us a call and examine the quality and get the low prices on these goods, EMPORIUM Machine Co., EMPORIUM, PA. iff COMPETITION DEAD!—— I ff AT it I C. B. HOWARD & GO'S I WEST FOURTH ST., ® EMPORIUM, CAMERON CO., PA. Hf m ■ § NOTICE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE Q. W MHMKK of GENERAL MERCHANDISE in COUNTY || OUR Mono:— Good and Reliable 11 r Goods at Moderate Prices. ! Groceries Sj Canned goods, strictly pure, conforming with the pare 1$? food law, consisting of Tomatoes, Peaches, Pears, Succotash jijj, and Corn, Corned and Dried Beef, Veal Loaf, Salmon, Sar dines in oil and mustard, Pickles by the keg or in bottles, all Ik |f| kinds of Fish, by the piece or pail, Hams, Bacon and Halt iff! •*k i Pork, or anything you desire in ibe (iroeery line; also Hay, JK {Q Feed, Oats, Straw and Flour. V M Clothing Our stock of Underwear is complete. National Wool, IjK Fleece lined and Itallhrigau Shirts and Drawers which caunot ft Xt*; Over Jackets, Pants, Work and Dress Shirts, Wool ami Cot- jjm IP lon Bocks, (Jlove# and Mitts, will surprise you in price and *Jr | Shoes and Rubbers Men itml Boys' work and drew Shoes, Indies and Chil |;S|j dren's shoes, Complete line and all sixes. Rubbers of allkind Jg M.for Indies, Chihlren and LuinlM'rmen'N. m 'fc Dry Goods Cannot l*i surpassed in this line Have everything from C; a darning needle to a sewing machine. Our line of Kmbroi- jK Ideries and Insertions are complete. Come look our stock (rj over and l>e convinced. Hardware |j Axes, Shovels, Hinges, Hammers, Hatchets, all kinds !♦> ami sixes of Nails and Spikee. Our Tinware, etc,, conaiata of W Boilers, Milk Pane, Tin Cu|>», Wash Itaoins. Full stock of ifcjj I.undterman's Supplies, I