| Breezy|l 1 County |! | News 1 CAMERON. The Temperance Society held an ice cream social Saturday evening. Every body reported a fine time. Mrs. Fred Schwab, Mrs. Wm. Me- Vane and Mr?. Fred Comley were Em porium visitors Friday. Harold, the little son of Mr. and .Mrs. Andrew dinks who was quite sick, is much improved. Fred Comley came home Friday and returned Monday to Harrison Valley where he is employed with the Elk Tanning Co., at that place. A large number of town folks were Emporium visitors Tuesday and took in the sights at the circus. A party ofyoung folks consisting of ton from Emporium, called on E. F. Comk-y and family Wednesday evening. After enjoying themselves to a fine chicken supper returned home in the wee hours. Mrs. James Leoncrd is quite sick at this writing. We hope for her speedy recovery. Mrs. Dan Sullivan received the sad news Saturday of the death of her mother in Toledo, Ohio. She left Suuday for that place. Mr. Olson, of iMadera, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Ed. Krape at this place. The clam bake held Saturday, west of Cameron was largely attended. All report a lively time. D. B. Peterson and wife were the guests of F. B. Iloag and wife Saturday. Wm. Leonard, of Driftwood, visited friends between trains Sunday. Mr. Devlin", of Sterling Run, called in our town Saturday, collecting taxes. Miss Josephine Ilanes returned from Renovo Tuesday. Miss Maggie Hancs, of Calder, called on her sister, Mrs G. L. Page, at this place Friday. A lively ball game was played at this place Sunday between Emporium and Cameron, 6 to 1) iu favor of the home team. Who said Cameron could not play ball. James Leonard aud J. E. Lester have returned home. Owiog to the fine hay weather the farmers have nearly all completed their haying. Frank Sullivan said he has taught the parrot to say hello. He does not under stand how he learned to say good-night, Dew Drop. XXX. Lost—Dad's mustache. Ed. Schwab went for berries Thurs day and returned with pails filled. Wm. McVane finished haying last week, assisted by Messrs. Schwab, Jones and Krape. Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. McVane visited llobt. Graham and family at Sinnamaho ning Sunday. Mr. J. M. Olsen is spending a few days iu this place, a guest of his daugh ter, Mrs. E. B. Krape and family. Mr. I Olseu is couductiug a greeu store in Ma deria, with good success. * E. F. Comley, who has been working at Portlaud Mills for some time, spcut Sunday in ibis place with his family re turning Monday to Harrison Valley. The Owl Club held their weekly meet ing Thursday evening with a lull attend ance. Tony Cromwell was toast-master and Orlo Harper, master of ceremonies. K. D. Krape entertained quite u uuui her ol young folks from the Brick Works with some of Edison'i latest edi tions on his phonograph, Thursday eve ning, and report having a fine collection of music. It is ruuiorcd that "Bad" McCaun gave strict order* to mine forcmau Mont gomery that he will ouly fire with Pea cook coal at the brick works. This decision i* evidently caused by the loss of his fine mustache, Sunday while returning home from the Claiu-bake at Pump Station, Harry Moore had the scare of hi* lite. While pa*sing through Schwab s field he Was surprised to »«I uu angry bull eoiuiug at hiui, and he took to tin- woods, with the animal a close second. He gained the fcuce ju*t six inches ahead and climbed j a tree, where he Was found by the rest < of the boys, who were attracted by his ' cries for help. * The Cameron team defeated the stroug "Co. M team of Kiuporiuui Suuday at Itiverside I'ark with the score ll —it The work of the Cauieiou battery was line, aud while quite a lliliubel of errors were made, by some of the rest of lite boys, they redeemed thuiuselvee with the stick. Score by iuuiug* Cameron 00 I | II it | ,'| -If. Co, M. 12 0-0 ll :t (»• ~ii. The came was called at the end of (lie eighth inning, ('atu«roii having uue on liases with one out, so thai the vi»uiug leatu otiulif catch the train. It is retort eil a game has been bonked with I'rift wood for Sunday. The Clambake h Id ai the pump station Saturday night by the "Owl Club was enjoyed by all. Moitt|(oiti j cry says he never ate clams before that suited him as well as those prepared by Chef Fox. After the feed they were en tertained by a six round bout between two of the members, which was decided by referee Stuart, a draw. S. A. Krape, of Centrn Hall, who has been visiting his SOD, 10. D. Krape and family, the last few days, left for Lorain, 0., Wednesday morning. Ed. Schwab and lady friend had a very narrow escape while returning from the "Ciracus" Tuesday evening, in the shadow of the pines near the devil's el bow. What was the trouble ? The Cold Spring is evidently proving to be a very attractive place for young folks. Boys, what is the attraction ? Mr. ami Mrs. D. Sullivan. Sr., return ed from Cleveland, Tuesday night after attending the funeral of the latter's mother. Quite a number of the towulolks at tended the circus at Emporium Tuesday and all report a good time, both flyers stopping here to accomodate the passen gers. Louis k. STERLING RUN. Ed Berry and family, of Mieh., are the guests of the former's parents, Wm. Berry and wife. Ed. has not been home for years and his many friends were glad to see him. Mrs. Floyd and children, of Benovo, visited her parents A. L. Barr and wife Monday. Mrs. J. R. Strawbridge has been (juite sick for several days but is better at this writing. Miss Lora 0 Keefe, of Philadelphia, is home for several weeks vacation. The base ball team cleared about 815.00 at their lawn social Friday night. Lee Thomson, of Ann Arbor, Mich., visited relatives in town the past week. A number of town people atteuded the circus at Emporium Tuesday. Mrs. Delia Reamer and family, of Renovo, are the guests of the former's parents J. A. Dice and wife. Miss R. L. Brink returned home Saturday from several weeks visit with relatives at Philadelphia and Mt. Gretna. Mrs. Frank Leonard and daughter, of Renovo, were the guests of the former's parents Jos. Kissel aud wife the past week. Several parties of pie-nicers from Em porium were in town last week enjoying the delightful ride from Emporium also the beautiful scenery up the Mt. Hope Valley. Mrs. Myra Charter, of Galetoo, was the guests ot her sisters and father, Mr. Frances Sterling the past week. Miss Margaret Summerson is visiting j her aunt Mrs. /ell at Hrockwayvillc. A. Padolf and family, and sister, and A. Omaroff, M. D., enjoyed a buggy ride to Nathan Silin's at Sinnamahoning Sunday. Mrs. Nora Marks and children re turned to their home at Olean Saturday after spending several days with the former's pareuts, S. L. Buuce aud wile. BLUE BELL. NORTH CREEK. Karl Brundage and wife, of West Creek, were guests at the home of Mrs. B's father F. A. Lewis, over Sunday. Among the people who visited Em porium Saturday were: Thus. Britton and wife, Kveral Hoiisler, Walter Smith, Edward Morgan. Olive Cool, Fred Solve sou and wife, F. A. Lewis arid V. M. Dow, Dcluiont Adams wud wife, of Rich Valley, were seen on our streets Sunday. Annuo Swart wood and wife were up from the city Sunday, guests of Mrs. S's daughter, Mrs. Willis McClcuahau. Mr*. Mildred M.itteion visited her sister, Mrs. Krueat I lousier, Sunday. WaYren Moure, of Rich Valley, is busy cutting the hllies aud hay on the Soausou aud llousler farms. The uiauy tri> uds of Urn. Bright mau, will be paiued to Icaru of hi* illness, lie is *uflcring from heart disease and is iu a serious condition, lie was once a resi dent of Cameron couuty, but is at prcseut . living iu Meskill, Wash. Ila*el Chandler visited the city Tues- j day. Mr. aud Mrs. A. J. Turley, of Km punmn, passed through North Creek ou | their way home, having driven through ; by Four Mile. * Hon t forget the box social, ice cream ] and cake sale, at the school house, Satur- , day uighl, Aug. tith. BLUE JA v. J Acute or Chronic Which. No matter if your kiduey double is ; acute ur chronic Foley's Kiduey Itiuedy will reach your ease. Mr. Claude Brown, ; Keyiioldsville 111., writes ul that he suf fered many months with kidney com |>laiut which baffled all treatment. At last he tried Foley a Kiduey Itemed y aud a few large bottles effected a complete I cure. lie says, 'lt has been of iuestiui able value to we." S>ld by Kuipoiiuui j I'rug Co, ••••• l or Quick Keliel I rum tiav t-ev«r Asthma aud summer bronchitis, lake j Foley's Honey ami Tar It quickly re lieves the discomfort and *utteriug aud the annoying symptoms disappear, ll soothes aud heals the inflamed air pu**a gen of the hi ad, throat aud bronchial , tubes, ll contains uo opiate* and uu harmful drug*. !!• lu*ltt as day and neat aud clean also. Geo. I*. Shatur contemplates building a block of htlildiuga IU the ueur future. They will be up 10 date with puie luuuu taiu water. licet aud pork weut up auother notch this week aud as the tishcriucu have gone into the trust, people have to de pend ou the Aiucricau hcu lor meat. It used to be so that a peiaou could get a mens of suckers aud mullets one" in a while but uo more uow. Hunter sliest at Cooks Uuii f'»rui is huriied down, uo place lo stay over uight there auy luofv. 11 iick cherries »re reported plenty near lhinny tv spend a two weeks' vaeatiou. Mrs. .1 M. Shater and «»•> vixited in Kmporium a couple of days this week Mrs. Fred Sloonm, who is visiting at lrvillu Shafer and family of livtie *ette, are J .\. Shafer and wife Alio* Shater letuiued trom the Wil iutnisport himpilal la*( Week The M torn l.ily aud Ada ll.rtioriuiu. Mrs. \iuos Iti'iinett and dauubter llai' l victted out of town relative* lant week. Mi- Teoka Sumtmr*ou is in Kenovo Willi >1 r- W. T- I'iper. Mrs. W. 11. Mender, of Idamar. is j visiting relatives in town. tjuite a number of our citiiens went to Kmporium Tuesday to M-O Itobbiu'* Show. Mr. aud Mrs. NVMI. Swart wood and taiuily, ul Kmporium, spent Sunday in town uutwls ot relatives, Aug. 3, 1910. XXX I rum Mkßiii tt)"Ku'ill«nt ItMllh." S«> says Mrs ('has, Lyoul I'coria, 111 "I found iu your kidiuy I'ills a prompt and *|M-edy cure I'm backache aud kid uey trouble which bothered we lur many months, lam u»w enjoying e*i«ll«ttt hi alth whuh I owe to Foley Kidney I'ilU. Kor S.»lu by Kmp>>rium Uiug To. BEARS ARE PLENTIFUL. Indications That Bear Hunters Will Heap a Rich Harvest. The summer indications in the bock woods suctiou ot Clinton and tiuigh ' boring counties assure a larger num ber of black bears than ever before. The large sections of wild lands that are uow under the care of the SUite forestry department and are conse quently growing up into a thick sec ond growth of trees and shrubs afford a cover tor the black bear as well UH a source of food. I«ist winter there was the finest bear hunting in the history of the backwoods of Pennsylvania and the proability is that it will be much more interesting and much better during the open term of the com ing season. Jeff Shuman, a ginseng hunter in Mcttenry township, Lycoming county, saw an old bear and a pair of cubs a few miles west of Caminal the other day and ihe animals were so thorough ly Imbued witti the idea that they were nionarchs of all they surveyed that they made 110 effort to "get away" when Shuman Appeared. The State foresters und all others who spend time in the woods report a condition ot plentifuluexH ou the black bear ques tion. The prolific growth of berries and nuts in ttie Pennsylvania woods tends to attract the betfrs, whereas the great runways of unbroken wild lands hundreds of miles in extent over Ly coming, Potter, Clinton, Cameron aud Hlk counties give them a wide range of territory over which to roam. The farmer ami sheep raisers are not overly delighted with theout-luok of having more blank bears, for al ready the IOIMOM of animals by reason of the thefts of bears is a large one each year. One man 011 the Ml n llama honltig last fall lost 17 aheap that were carried away by a colony of black ••ears within the live winks thev were grasingon the wild lands. For Sale, A good property for sale. Apply to Mrs. C, I), Kitchie, Emporium. Pa. Skates tor Sale. Hall hearing roller skates, one dollar per pair, Inquire of A. K, Andrews, Second street. it tf. Tresspass Notice. No Pic-Mies or t'lsm Hakes allowed on Water Company lauds on Salt ituu or Towner Kuii. iW-.lt. KUI'IIHH M WATKM (S>. HOi.IV MDNBY PILL*. 'funic iu quality aud scliuu, quick iu , result*. For bsckaoln dhuiucM, uci v oiiMifM uriuaiy irregularities ami rhvu uiuli»ui SOLD by Kiupnuui Ibttg CM. Good Piano for Sale. A Bradbury Piano (square) in good conditiou. Ap»lv nt Prrp? 37-tf. Mountain Park Green Houses. Ridft;wa>. Pa, We have the largest and moat up-to date OREEN HOUSE in Western Pennsylvania. All orders left at Geo. J. La Bar's, Emporium, Pa , wi'l receive prompt and careful attention. Satisfaction ! guaranteed. 5'2-ly. New Decorating and Drapery Department We have secured the services of the well-known artist, H. 0. Fritz, and are prepared to take contract* of any size for painting,decorating, and frescoing and furnish carpets, furniture, and draperies, and complete outfits for houses, churches, bunks, public build ing, etc. Desigus and Mtltnatr* submitted on request. Smith Brothers Co., KIIHiWAY, HA. 29th Year Will Opctt Mc|>(. h New Catalogue ami Particular -011 Kequckt. *» »i NOTICK. Nlixkliuidt'ia Mt'fllitM ' I Ml K ll..«l l ul I Mix till . ul |k« I u.,.. , V»«il I I I .illltMUt ttrfvli, gl«» 11..1. . 111, , 1110.111.K uf 111. ,1,. kbuitlrx »Hi IM h.lil *I »H« i'lH» it at lilt wbt ( i'Ul|n,U) .11 k.u<|»'i r. ... • » lunU uii ttalurili) Ihr Iw.iiiy «. ». i.u .L.i ul AuguM IVIu .1 t ull « k 112 VI . lul lb. •if villlui fli, ul tttfttlu.l I III' |M. yilTll Itll'il' ill lh» Ih4*M.«lh*h ul Ik. whl I ..ui|.. Ml li> It IIIN l> I (MIAN ivl*r, Juu* 11, t»IS.— M'lll.