Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 21, 1910, Image 11

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    Mountain Park
Green Houses.
Kitljfway, I'a,
We have the largest and most up-tc
d.ito GREEN HOUSE in Western
All orders left at Geo. J. Laßar's,
Emporium, Pa., will receive prompt
and careful attention. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 52-ly.
JRusitiesH Curds.
Will give prompt attention to all business on
t-usted to them. I 16-ly.
Collections promptlyattended to. Real estate
and pension claim agent,
85-ly. Emporium, Pa.
Corner Fourth and Broad streets,
Emporium, Pa.
All business relatingto estate,collections.real
estate, Orphan'sCourtand generallawbusiness
will receive prompt attention. 41-25-ly.
Also dealer in all the Popular Music,
Emporium, Pa.
Scholars taughteither at my home on Sixth
street or at the homes oft he pupils. Out oft own
scholars will be given dates at my room tin this
Sterling Run, Pa.
W. H. Baglicy, Proprietor.
First-class accommodations in every pirticular.
This old and popular House has hesn thorough
ly relitted to meet every requirement of this
rapidly growing town. Terms, reasonable.
rui t i l'n ii 'f ' ii iiiiih ririrn'mir iiiiiii i n ii imn mm —ii'iiwumi<—nmi
Now in Press
Theodore Roosevelt's
African Game Trails
Gives in Book Form the Sole Account
Jf in. every
I City, Town and Village 1
Colonel Roosevelt's J
Early Subscriptions Filled by First Copies from the Press
153 Fifth Avenue NEW YORK
m* r whb.*9 Mammmxxfi j mmomsmumammm <jv
§ What a Prescription
S s
It represents the result of careful diagnosis.
Years of training, study and practice. It
should he filled hy a pharmacist who has
had just the same experience in his own
profession a the Doctor. We have had
that < xperience. Allow us t<> fill your pre
scription. Then it represent# Recovery.
Old Reliable Drug Store
141.0. C, I A(»(» AH I*, Proprietor,
h «%- m WNMMM* m: 4
Hay Fever and Asthma.
! Rring discomfort and misery toman)
people but Foley's Honey and Tar
ease and comfort to the sufiuring ouc,-
It relieves the congestion in the head am:
! throat and is soothing and healing
! None genuine but Foley's Honey and
I Tar in the yellow package. For !-a!o b
| Emporium Drug Co.
When the stomach fails to perform its
; functions, the bowels become deranged,
the liver and kidneys congested causing
numerous diseases. The stomach and
i liver must be restored to a In althy eon
, dition and Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets can be depended upon 10
l d,> it. Easy to take ami most effeeth >.
i Sold by all dealers.
What They Will Do for You
They will cure your backache,
strengthen your kidneys, cor
rect urinary irregularities, buiid
up the worn out tissues, and
eliminate the excess uric acid
that causes rheumatism. Pre
vent Bright's Disease and Dia
bates, and restore health and
strength. Refuse substitutes.
Emporium Drug Company
New Decorating and
Drapery Department
We have secured the services of the
well-known artist, H. G. Fritz, and are
prepared to take contracts of any size
for painting, decorating, and frescoing
and furnish carpets, furniture, and
draperies, and complete outfits for
houses, churches, banks, public build
ing, etc.
Designs and estimates submitted on
Smith Brothers Ce.,
AMKK N \\ J I,Y 21, i qio;
mm ■■■iiiaiiißNMna m,m iHr/v«»w. - M
Ready For the Next One.
A generous tind brave but very ec
centric Virginia planter naini'il :!i!i
barter. vvbo had once been an officer
In the United States navy, bail a mind
to band battle at listh uffs mi. daj
with his plantation overseer unci eanie
off second best, lie iherefore ehal
ienged the overseer to a formal duel,
but the latter declined on the ground
that, being a husband and father, tie
was under obligation uot to risk leav
ing his family destitute. Carter at
once removed that objection by set
tling upon the family a comfortable
annuity. Then everything was got
ready for the tight, but just as the
| two men faced each other the sheriff
! arrived on the scene, took them into
' custody and had them bound over to
keep Ihe peace Mr Carter did not.
however, change the deed of gift with
which he had provided for the over
seer's family, remarking that lie might
wish some time to resume Hie inter
rupted light and hence would rather
keep everything in readiness for
prompt action.—New York Post.
Consul King David.
This amusing anecdote of Lanmrtlne
is related by the Baroness Bonde in
her volume of letters. Shortly after
the revolution of February tie wrote
on tlie blank leaves of his poeketbook
the names of his proteges ami sent the
list to be provided with places imme
diately. Previously, however, it seems,
he had scribbled "David" on the page,
and the head of the cabinet appointed
the said David consul at Bremen. The
postulant, however, never came for
ward, and. though the poet did not like
being disturbed. M. Hetzel was oblig
ed to ask who was the David on his
"lie who danced before the ark,"
was the answer.
"Oh. dear! I have gazetted him to
"How very singular! 1 meaut him
for a subject for meditation, uot for
nominatio.n. But you can cancel it."
The mouiteur registered the change,
but few knew that the last consul ap
pointed to Bremen was King David!
Language of Switzerland.
It is a curious fact that the people
most celebrated for love of country
should in a manner be without a lan
guage—that is, a mother tongue. The
Swiss have three official languages-
German, French and Italian. About
three-fourths of the population of the
mountain confederation speak Ger
man. while the remainder divide four
other languages among them, chiefly
French and Italian, these languages
being found, as a rule, in districts in
close proximity io the countries where
in those languages are the principal
tongue. In Switzerland documents and
I notices are printed in both the French
and German languages. In the nation-
I al assembly members deliver their
' speeches in either French or German,
for nearly all members understand
! both tongues. The decrees and proela
! mations of the president are translated
| by an official interpreter and furnished
to the press in both languages.—New
j York Press.
Her Fault.
The teacher in charge of the primary
department at a school in West Phila
: dclphia was talking the other day
! about her work and her pupils.
"They are dear youngsters," she said,
"but they sometimes make curious re
marks. Several times I have had oc
casion to reprove a little boy who Isn't
bad, but W'ho is very mischievous and
annoying. He is always getting into
J trouble and making a disturbance.
I "One day he had been more than
: usually uproarious, and I was very
tired. Instead of scolding or punish-
I ing him I began in rather an exasper
i ated tone to talk to him.
" 'Tom.' I said, 'l'm afraid I'm never
' going to meet you in heaven.'
"lie looked up with the most shock
i ed face. 'Why, teacher," he said, 'isn't
! that just too bad? What have you
done?' "—Philadelphia Times.
A Modest Request.
An impeccably dressed gentleman
the other day when walking along
i Piccadilly felt a movement lu his
: pocket nnd. clapping his hand thereto,
I seized the wrist of the thief. lie drew
forth tlie erring member, and. looking
I at it with supreme disgust, ho released
I it, saying, with a grimace of disgust,
I"For heaven's sake, my good man, go
and wash your hands before you put
them In a gentleman's pocket again!"—
| London Tutier.
Mide Him Feel Old.
"What's the matter?"
"Oh, nothing much."
"But you look as If you had some
thing serious mi your mind."
"Well, If you insist on knowing, u
buy v> ho was named after lite Inn just
become engaged to be married. Mow
time tiles!" —Chicago Itecord Herald.
The Dollar Mark.
"Have you seen the Washington iiiuu
1 anient r*
"Yes," replied the New Yorker. "It's
a pretty tall building, hut what's the
gt'od of It without any offices for rnotl"
Washington Star
Husband -i:\ru c me. dear, hut don't
you eook much mors fur dinner than
\\u <mi us»t Wife Of course! If I
didn't how could I economise by utlltn
lug leftover dishesT— Clev elmud l.esdcr
Not New.
"Electricity Uu'l a modern discov
ery It Is ss old as ths flood."
"How do you make that .utT"
"Why. didn't Noah hav« to hare art)
lights 112
liettor a blush In tbs fact tbaa a
hint In tha hsnrt.-r«rvnntts
Why the Wind Waits,
in ills book on"The I'ieturesijue Si
Lawrence" Clifton .lohusou lens of
the curious snpersrtlion of Moairea
which explains why 1 lie wind is at
ways blowing at the point where Si
Sulpice ami Notre Dame stre.'ls meet
clos<» by ihe lovverin.v ;
It seems that one day while lie
church was in procos <i i>> in
Wind and the Devi
j down Notre Da me i•■ . . >
Devil after regard ;n will
I of disapproval the gi N ■ MI
' th<" new edifice rising •■••i •
| claimed:
"What is this? I
! fore."
"Very H'u !v in
Wind, "an I I dare • - no i.«. i
"Yoti dare me io 1 . i >; . .
cried the 1 • ' wi-
I will go In if you will proii. e it. .can
here ir tli I i nint' onl "
"Agreed." said the Wind
So his :;iI ni \\ ill ill Itni
j he Inn not come out yet. and the Wind
j is still waiting for iiini at the corner
The Spirit of Liberty.
It was in the town that modern de-
I mocraej had its rise. Despite all the
efforts of the kings and barons to pre
vent It.the spirit of liberty began to
assert itself in the larger towns in the
shape of ilie charters which guarantee
to the people certain commercial and
political rights—rights which, once ob
tained. were never to be surrendered.
Before the middle of the eleventh cen
tury there were many of these "char
tered" towns which possessed the
right of electing their own magis
trates. sheriffs and judges and regulat
ing their own taxes. The wretched serfs
from the country were welcomed by
the townspeople and aided to larger
freedom. The; free towns were first
known In Spain, from which country
they slowly spread over Europe. The
burgesses naturally offered protection
and freedom to all who would flee to
them from the feudal estates, and tl
slowly, but surely, the good work we
on until the ancient despotisms we
Reptiles That Walk Erect.
Lizards of several sorts can wal
and run easily hind legs. Tl.
Australian water lizard, which is threi
or four feet in length, keeps quite
erect when traversing long distances
on laud. It is found in the neighbor
hood of river banks and passes much
of its time in shallow water.
The frilled lizard of Queensland also
travels on its bind legs on level ground,
keeping the frill folded when running.
When attacked it expands this fold of
skin, which stands out like a ruff nt
right angles round the neck, giving it
a most formidable aspect, so that dogs
that attack and kill larger lizards will
often retreat before a frilled lizard at
There is also a tree lizard in Austra
lia that moves in a similar way. All
these species walk on all fours when
merely moving about or going short
The Bride's Troubles. •
It was the servant's day out, and
the young bride was doing her best to
hurry along the dinner she was trying
to cook. The husband, tired of wait
ing, bustled into the kitchen aud said
"You know, we'll be late for the the
ater if you dou't hurry dinner."
"Well," sighed the bride, "I enn't
tell what's the matter, but these cof
fee grains simply won't boii soft, and
as for the eggs, they've been boiling
at least two hours, and they're still as
hard as ever."
But the dinner was concluded at
last, and then the young husband de
clared he couldn't tlud his silk hat
"Oh." exclaimed his wife, "you said
it needed ironing, you know, so I sent
it this morning to the laundry with
the wash."
Settling the Darber.
"Hair's a bit thin on the top, sir."
remarked the barber. "Won't you try
u bottle of our hair restorer?"
The victim squirmed. "Y'ou made
the same observation last week." he
said, "and 1 expressed my desire to
see you try the stuff on the doofinat."
"Sorry: I didn't know you had been
here before, sit'," replied the barber as
he went on shaving. "I didu't recog
nise your face."
"No." was the growling reply; "my
face has healed slncu then."—l.oudon
The Maid's Reply.
A** William bent over her fair face
he whispered:
"Imrllng. If I should ask yuu in
French if I might kls* you what would
you answer?"
Ulie. culling up her scanty knowledge
' of the French language, exclaimed.
"Billet doux!"— Kxelningo.
"There Isn't any suspense about yotir
I ploy." said the technical critic.
"That shows how you Jump at roti
! clusiolM " replied the author. "You
just ought t" see me wniting for roy»'
) ties." Kxchangv.
A Tart Retort.
\|r* lloyle Is.n't vutl think my bnr
Is gruwluu ' Mrs Doyle-Yes; he I*
pretty I urge fur hU mother's **«
{ Jtldk'e
At what time of life may a man lw
said to twliiitg to the vogotahla king
<l»nt' When e*|i«-i*t*iic* has nvrtda htm
> sai».
We And inun iiifu *h« ir* ureal
and some men « are a<».d Mil v, r*
few men who ar« I ah gr-*t sad good
I - fwlton
nstable and Collector's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the i
Duplicate for the State, County, •
School, Poor and Dog and all Taxes j
levied Mid assessed in the Township ol
Shippen, County of Cameron, State of
Pennsylvania, for the year 1910, has
been placed in my hands for collection.
I will attend at Swesev School House,
July 16, Howard Siding, July 23, Elec
tion House, July 30, in said Township
of Shippen, between the hours of 9
o'clock A. M., and 6 o'clock P. M., on
three successive Saturdays, beginning
Saturday, July 1(>, 1910, for the pur- i
poso of receiving the taxes charged in j
s iid DuplicatA; and any persons who |
shall pay their said taxes on said days \
or any other day within thirty days j
from date «>f this notice shall be re- t
quired to pay the amount of their
taxes, as therein charged, and the ad
ditional sum of two per centum there
on. And any persons paying their
said taxes Bfter the expiration of said
thirty days shall be required to pay
the amount of their taxes, as therein
charged and the additional sum of ten
per centum thereon. All taxes not
paid within thirty days from this date
will be collected according to law. All
taxes must be paid in full on or before
three months from this date.
Constable and Collector.
July 8, 1910.—22-21.
"Is Life Worth Saving?"
Mrs. Mollie Mcllaney, Prentiss, .Miss.,
writes that »lie had a severe case of kid
ney and bladder trouble, and tliat four
bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cured
her sound tind well. Slie closes her
letter by saying: "I heartily recommend
Foley's Kidney Remedy to any sufferer
of kidney disease. It saved my life."
For sale by Emporium Drug Co.
The world's most successful medicine
for bowel complaints is Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
It has relieved more pain and suffering,
and saved more lives than any other
medicine in use. Invaluable for child
ren and adults. Sold by all dealers.
A Frightful Wreck
of train, automobile or buggy may cause
cuts, bruises, abraisions, sprains or
wounds that demand Bucklen's Arnica
Salve—earth's greatest healer. Quick
relief and prompt results. For burns,
boils, sores of all kinds, eczema, chapped
hands and lips, sore eyes or corns, its
supreme. Surest pile cure. 25 cents at
all Druggists.
Lives Without Heart.
We have heard of people livi i with
out any heart in the purpose of their
lives. If you lack snap and ginger in
your worldly pursuits, it may be quickly
supplied by using Sexiue Pills, the tonic
that cures all forms of nerve weakness.
No matter what your weakness is, if it
is at all of a nervous nature, it can be
cured by Sexine Pills. If they fail, the
coupons in the boxes are good for the
return of your money. Price, 81 a box;
6 boxes §;>, with full guarantee. Ad
dress or call on 11. C. Dodson, Druggist,
Emporium, where they sell all the princi
pal remedies and do not substitute.
Teething children have more or less
diarrhoea,which can be controlled by giv
ing Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is neces
sary is to give the prescribed dose after
each operation of the bowels more than
naturil and then castor oil to cleanse the
system. Sold by all dealers.
The Emporium i<-lt phone Company.
You are hereby iintitUil that the A"IUI») Meet
ing of the Stock holder?, of this Company will l>e
he ill at the ottaca ot the C'cmpauy, tit Eui
porium, !*».. Monday, August first. at ei«ht
o'clock I'. M., tor the purpose of electing direc
tor*. inn) ln.M>tct<tr- rl election, for < ii.-uing
year, and for the tranftactlon of Mich other hu«t
ncs* a* may properly come l elore the meeting.
Emporium, I'a.. July 14,
22-31. Secretary.
Brain fag Jj
■ i
1 1 lL) r *'*' c " nt * ■
- s "Cured in
a flash" by I
Noilllltat •((«!). Dnoa nal nfferl Ihoher rt I j
Two lOe & 23c—All ■
| Luwieu! * ve Money it at! Kee„"> in I
—' Style by Reading McCall'»
Maf.uinc »aJ llting McCall Patterns
n m 4|%• wtil
MXAIU MAuAlirtf ? -y > » »i« . *i»i.
, li ?5
■ ■ ■■■:s
i» 112? • « |. HIIIM
|T " -"g;
j*» i 11, i',« i h, M «, . 4 . ,
I »• ' i I - ■ »<> fell
A Few Short Weeks.
j Mr. J. H. Bartell, Edwardaville, 111 t
writes: "A low months ago nay kidney
j become congested. I had severe back
aches and pains across the kidney and
hips. Foley's Kidney fill? promptly cured
my backache and <• rrected the action oi'
my kidneys. This was brought about
after my using them for only a few short
weeks and 1 can cheerfully recommt ud
them. For .sale by Emporium Drug
Napoleon's (jrit.
i was of the ut:< in i; rafale, never-say-die
I kind, the kiml that you need most .vfacn
j you have a bad cold, cough or Jung dis
[ ease. Suppose troches, cough syrups,
cod liver eil or <1 or« have all failed,
1 don't lo.i<> heart r hope. Taki Dr.
King - Discovery. Satisfaction is
antr 1 when used for any throat or lung
trouble. It hi saved thousands of hope
less sufferers. It masters the stubborn
colds, obstinate coughs, bemorrhajj' . la
gi*ippc, croup, asthma, hay lever and
whooping cough and is the most saf'( and
certain remedy for all bronchial affec
tions 50c. SI. Trial bottle free at all
Soreness of the muscles, whether in
duced by violent exercise or injury, is
quickly relieved by ih" free application
of Chamberlain's Liniment. This Lini
ment is equally valuable for muscular
rheumatism, and always affords quick re
lief. Sold by all dealers.
Work 24 Hours a Day.
The busiest little things ever made are
Dr. King's New Life Fills. Every pill
is a sugar-coat 1 d ulobule of health, that
changes weakness into strength, languor
into energy, brain-lag into mental pow r;
curing Constipation, Headache, Chills,
Dyspepsia, Malaria, 25 cents at all Drug
Those Pies of Boyhood.
How delicious were the pies of boy
hood. No pies now ever taste so good.
What's changed? The pies? No, it's
you. You've lost the strong, healthy
stomach, the vigorous liver, the active
kidneys, the regular bowels of boyhood.
Your digestion is poor and you blame
the lood. What's needed? A com
plete toning up by Electric Hitters of all
organs of digestion—Stomach, Liver,
Kidneys, Bowels—Trv them. They'll
restore your boyhood appetite and appre
ciation of food and fairly saturate your
body with new health, strength and vig
or; 50 cents at all Druggists.
Cedar Shingles §4.50 per thousand at Howard & OO'H.
\Dorit Cut It!]
P • -the ' 1
112 E-Z Seal Jar 1
I Will Hoid it Whole
That's one strong feature in
9 favor of the "ATLAS F-7 SEAL"—
I it has a widt month fur latjit
fruits. Another is i's uniform
thickness — no thin spots or
weak places in an ATLAS E-Z
Si.AL jar. Still a third good
point is ; i Kith ti p, which
<wi'/cut the hand w henseahnjj.
Be sttre to k \ our dealer for
I the Atus \ SEAL Jar and
I take no other.
Wheeling. W. Va.
mm ai ii mi— mm if mun hub ■[
I Children! Children j
I My! what a noise!
V But it's not thi child- >•>. \
r«n - it'* your hu«d 'V*? M ***
antiache 7- *
IHWFT nek- in * fl. ,b " ,JU
4 T a «« *H4 «ju let» V
Ivi JW' / ««■ 112 ••» kff «*• » o«w »»•«» I
X//Y- « ' l 1 - t |U« ■
• . / 'ru, » k* •*«•( 1% ■
Wis#' ■ m*. w^itw»Ji