Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 14, 1910, Image 1

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l sT,u;£isinu) ic> T C. E., GOULD, MARCH, 1866.
Lis, 4- t
it# f p r> frn ini'O
«¥ PfirmlMLS:
Summary of the Week's Wcv/s
of the World.
Happenings From All Parts of thl
Globe Put Into Shape For Easy
Reading—What A!! the World l!
Talking About —Cream of the News <
Culled Front Long Dispatches.
Movements have boon started iv 1
many parts of the country against fht j
Jeffries-Johnson tight pictures.
Miss Dorothy Deacon is the bride of ,
Prince Antoine Albert Radzlnwill
says a cable dispatch from London. .
B. O. Floyer of Twentieth Centurv ,
magazine pronounces "doctors' trust.' j
bills perils to medical freedom.
Beverly reports that Mr. Taft prob j
ably will not call un extraordinarv
session of the senate in October tc |
confirm new justices.
Colonel Robert M. Thompson** as j
serfs that wage earners, through lmgt j
productive fund, could solve high price
After conference with the president
at Beverly, Mr. Ballinger announces
that he will not retire from the cab
The Japanese press is practically
unanimous In declaring that im
portant features of the Russo-Japan
ese agreement are embraced in a se
cret treaty, says a cable dispatch
from Pekin.
President Taft and Mr. Norton, his
* secretary, engage in controversy over
whether the executive shall take a few
days' rest or not. Honors even so
Beverly reports that President Taft
will not call an extra session of the
senate unless pressure from business
interests grow stronger.
Washington diplomats discuss n
rumor that three 1-atin-American re
publics will protest at Buenos A.vres
against the course of the United |
States in Nicaragua.
Oscar Hammerslein will build an
opera house in London and give grand
opera there next year.
Japan is rapidly increasing her mil
itary forces, preparatory to promul
gating the Corean annexation scheme.
Russia's agreement with Japan is
believed to sound the knell of the
('liinchow-Algun railway and of all
similar efforts by China to develop
Manchuria, savs a cable dispatch from j
Mrs. fcllla Klagg Young is elected i
president of the National Kducatinnal i
President Taft plans a short cruise j
along the Maine coast aboard the I". S. ]
S. Mayflower.
Theodore Roosevelt decides to take j
the stump in Indiana in the interest*
of Senator Bevcridite, who hax a hard j
battle to tight for re-election.
Waiter Brookin», driving a Wrigni .
Mplane at Atlantic City Saturday !
reael ■ d Vltnde calculated at fi.oim i
1) »-t over tlit i» ian and briu ui. ix j
idling rc> ord« for aeroplane altitude.
Sec re tat of tlit- Navy Meyer Is now
on the in hi Washington.
Mrs M. M I irki". lawver. tin- I
JIOURCI- that Hlie will fluht in the i
< !' r tiufiiM Im not on j
a 112 •tulid;.'< for the noveruor lp imm- j
i'oliiii lull see a bri-ai h lieiwn'ii
Mt lt «i volt ard President Taft.
Crop - ati*t|o|>»na aav the I»ttluen< a j
<f div i ring wheat tleieriorat loa lu <
i >nditioii i- etaKXeratt-d.
T uetday.
Within ■ !• ' ' of hU fiancee, whom he Just kii-ed sootl night. Klnter j
tot Chicago, a *»ale*mitn. shot
and killed one of i«o highwaymen
v ho attempted Ut roh him.
In hi* r «.ni In Chi-agn, Cla) W. '
I'helin rot'.-d front lib betl aud Ml
to the *tr. at, three ninfU- helow aud
• 111 toil
Thrr. irjliiitoii w.-re kill .1 nnd »
irain |M • p ■ | - • I*) Ik.
Waster* Km«re»* »a* *tn kt»«| tt< t
Sir I ' ' t *#r« » <<- is lb* ... • i»|
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Jjg <r,W
News Snaoshcts Su,,marino boat being tried out iw-<in endurance trip front Quincy, Muss., to Hamilton, Bermuda, and return. Two wo
" meet are seeking political honors; Mrs. Marilla M. ltickcr wants to become governor of New Hampshire, while Mrs. Kate Itich-
Of the Week !lr(i °' naro wns nominated tor congress from Kansas by the Socialists. Sultan of Sulu will soon make a tour of America.
Aslier C. Hinds of Maine defeated Senator Hale's son in race for congress. Secretary of State Philander C. Knox is prominent
ly mentioned to succeed the late Chief Justice Fuller. A day to be called "fathers' day" is championed by Mrs. John Bruce Dood of Spokane, Wash. Rep
resentative John A. Martin, a former railroad fireman, is vigorously pushing the exposure of the Philippine friar land sales.
by a belated pension amounting to .sl,-
500, a Civil war veteran martied a '
woman resident of the same institu
tion. says a cable dispatch.
Ilerr Galle, the noted astronomer !
and tlie first to observe the jilanet
Neptune, dies at Potsdam.
The will of Melville W. Fuller, chief
justice of the supreme court of the
United States, filed in Chicago, dis
poses ot an estate valued at SI,OOO,- ;
James R. Garfield, in a speech at
Cleveland, declares the country owes
a debt of gratitude to insurgents for
their fight against special interests.
Long But Rapid Ride.
Hon. Josiah Howard, accompanied
by his partners, Messrs. Henry Aucliu, |
President of the Keystone Nntiona
Powder Company, and Mr. Jos, K&ye
also Mr. E. J. Smith, enjoyed a dandy
j ride last Saturday in Mr. Howard's
i big touring car. They vwited Smeth
i port and Port Allegany, mnking the
run of seventy miles in three hours
and thirty minutes. They took the
North Creek route to Smethport and
were delighted with this trip.
Auditors in Trouble.
The auditors of Wayne township,
Greene county, this state, were arrest
ed and'fined fIOO each for violation of
the act of May 3, 1900, P. L. page
. which is a new law that very fewoi'tbe
1 auditors, school directors, poor direc
tors, supervisors nnd counciimen ure
, acquainted with, and which in brief
requires anuual statenx nts of the in
i ceipts and ex|>enditur< » of the bo--
! ough council*, Huperviso-«, oversee -<
of the poor and school d. r.-ctors to ie
advertised in the daily and weeHv
newspapers published in the respects ••
: localities. In cane of any neglect < r
j refusal to comply with the prov.sio >«
of 'his «!•' the auditors and other ori
( ciaU [so neglecting or refusing sh.ui
pay a (lenalty of SIUM; to t»r> recover* il
In the same manner a* dehti of li »»
i are by the law, recoveruhle by mut In*
utituN'd in tliH mime of the township,
borough, poor district or Hcho<>l
district; upon Hie complaint
,of any taxpayer of the nan •>,
and the proceeds thereof to he paid In
to the tr> aaury of tne r« *pecttvr tow it
| ship, borough, poor diatrict or xchooi
I district.
In Cameron county, we note that
township officials continually refuse to
comply with the law, whether il is to
cover up illegal tranactions we are uot
prepared to say. We do know, how
ever, that lu some section* tan* ate
continually Miiliwtcd aud expended,
the tax payer-! never seeing how or to
whom, un|<>»* they goto the trouhlo of
climbing up the aide of eume barn to.
read a crude r*|>ort crudely put to.
gether to blind the tas-payer, and save
a penny We know, from years of «■«
perienen, that wi- prefer to sit at our
desk aud investigate such mat tern
Ihe tax |>a)»ra * ireeue county are
right in enforcing the law
A pocket l«mk containing a aURi of
money, valuable p.«|M«ra and peraiom
cards. The Sinter will libera'lt te
warilnl M Ifo.nn «mni at Key "tone
Powder |||||«
LM PtrTfc»>oa,
Notu« Is I dipnytu.
Tiil | it) •r* ui r. tmti «|« ft
lu eiil il my u«
July totti m iHil tuiittf itintr Ut«»
|K|<) Ulur July i|ti »«H MI iu|
"Liberty and-Union, f)ne and Inseparable. " —WEßSTßß.
Cowardly Murder!
Assassin Escapes- Arthur 0. Free
man a Woodsman of Shippen
Township, the victim of a Brutal
Attack—Tragedy Occurred in
Limestone, N. Y.
Arthur O. Freeman, a woodsman
was fatally stabbed by Nick Perozzoli,
! a lia, an, at Limestone, N. Y., at 11
I o'clock, Friday night. Freeman was
! taken tc the Bradford Hospital, where
be dieu at 11 o'clock, Saturday morn
ing. (
j Freen un and a <riend, Thomas Cun
: nigham, drove Friday evening from
! Rice ISrcok, where they were employed
! on a void-cutting job, to Limestone.
Shortly before 11 o'clock they met
Perozzoli and Angelo Reco, Italians,
j who invited them togo to an Italian
ealoon and have a drink. Freeman re
fused and expressed his views of Ital
ians in very forcible terms. Reco
objected to the language of the woods
man and invited him to fight. Free
man was not averse to a fistic en
counter and the pair with Cunning
ham, Perozzoli and another Italian
whose name has not been learned cross
ed the street to a dark spot for the pur
pose ot setting the dispute. Freeman !
started to remove bis coat and
Reco Btood directly in front of him,
ready to light. While Freeman had
his coat partly off and was in a position
where he was unable to defend himself,
Perro/.zoli leaped at him like a tiger
aud drove a stiileto into his abdomen.
One thrust was sufficient and the as
sassin without a word ran down the
street and disappeared in the darkness.
The cowardly thrust was delivered so
quickly and unexpectedly that Cun
ningham did not know that his friend
had been injured until Freeman started
to run up the street, crying as he ran,
"I've been stabbed !" The wounded
man ran in the direction cf the W. N.
Y. 'V I'., traction tracks aud collapstsi
on the steps of Carey's candy store.
P. J. (iariu, the employer of Freeman
was quickly notified of the stabbing
and ran to the spot wher« the wound
ed man had fallen. He found hlui !
lying in a pool of blood and in a semi
•ouscious condition.
The wounded man was given temp- !
orary relief aud later wan brought lo
Bradford and hurried to the hospital !
iu Still's ambulance. He waa accom
panied by P, J. Oarin aud Thomas
Cunningham. Dr. Hogau was sum
moned to attend the wounded man
and found him in a precarious cond*
I tion. The wound in the abdomen was
a deep one and the m-vcring of a large
artery was eauatng internal hemortn
agea. The man had lost a large
quuntity of blood and was lu auuli a
weakened condition that but little
could be done for his relief.
Saturday morning, District Attor
ney t ■ W Cole, Sherilt 8. M. W lies
lon, I'ader Sheriff t • L. Moeher and
John Maralt, who la connected with
the Km railroad, arrived lu l.itue
•tone. They at once placed Augelo
Keco under arreet as au aeceaeory. lie
was piacutl lu the Limestone lockup
aud wtieu tpl«etiolied exhibited the
custouiery Italian reticence. lie ad
uiiMed that he had quarreled with
Fieeuiau, but would not acknowledge
that he had seen I'erojuoll wield I!>e
Tne dutfkl attorney aud .h. nlt ac
COM4 pa II tell by Mr. Marsh went to iirad
ford abotil |U o'dut'll and Welti lo the
noepttal, when they aeeured an ant!
mortem sleteiueul trout I' revutau
which practically substantiated the
lut'ii .ut staled above in the
day tbe tootiuded mau made a stale
utent to Chief Murray, which, in d«
tall, waa similar |u Ihe wtie |heu to
the Cattaraugus eouuty offict re.
iitelrici Aiturney Ouls lulurined a
reporter thai Perosauli had beeu mm
piuyed In I Milestone for about three
ONUS I hree iseeks ago lie went to
nradlord and vtsiilui taeul on
the construct! >u Work dtliu H M A
P 14liroad h*il weeu Ut Jewell snU
IN Itielton) *itd c»rty lo Ihe e»snlua
wilto .iuevl i Kn>u«ool iwt*"tirr iish ■><
went In I.muHiitis* sttd tried to gel a
and had never been considered a |
dangerous man. The Cattaraugus
count}'authorities are busy in efforts
to locate the cowardly Italian.
Arthut O. Freeman was a resident of
Emporium, and an experienced woods
man. He was 21 years of age, and
leaves a widow, nee Kathryn Raszmann,
of Shippen, and daughter Helen, j
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. B.i
Freeman, four sisters, Mrs. Anna
White, Lottie and Flora Freeman, of ;
Emporium and Ethel Freeman, of
Cleveland, O. Freeman was foreman
for Paton ariu Oarin on a woodcutting
job, and was highly regarded by his ■
The body was removed from the
hospital to Still's undertaking rooms. 1
Th'> p rents of the deceased were noti- i
tied of his death Sunday morning, j
The father and Miss Ethel Freeman
brought the body to Emporium Mon
day night. The funeral was held from
the residence of A. O. Swartwood, !
West Fifth street, Tuesday afternoon, •
at one o'clock. Interment at Rich
Valley cemetery, Rev. Hall officiating.
Changed Hands
Mr. H. W. Smith, proprietor of!
Hotel Warner, at this place, has dis
posed of Hotel Ooodyear at Austin, to j
C. D Weed, of Franklinville, N. Y. J
For five years Mr. and Mrs. Smtih i
have successfully conducted the Hotel
Ooodyear and upon Mrs. Smith de- '
volved the major portion of the work
since Mr. Smith took charge of Hotel
Warner, at this place. While we know j
Austin regrets the departure ot this
excellent family. Emporium rejoices to j
know they will be more closely identi- i
fled with Emporium.
New Bank Talk.
List Thursday evening a number of
gentlemen met at offices of Cameron
Powder Co., to talk over the question of
organizing another banking institution
in Emporium We are not informed
as to tbe decision other than those j
present appointed a committee to j
investigHte the project of forming a j
trust company, claiming the increasing
business of this county warranted the i
Delightful Hide.
Ve editor eujoyed a very pleasant
auto ride iu Col. Andrew Hrady's tour
ing car to Whittemore Hill, last Fri< 1
day The view from the Look out
is elmply grand anil it is now at its
best. Col. Brady is a careful, cool
headed driver and delights in giving
his friends Joy rules. Kx Protbonotary
C Jay liooduough aud Coiluiy Trea<
urer fhas J. Howard enjoyed the ride ,
aud beautiful scenery with us the
latter collecting some samples of
applet from Commissioners t'ierk W.
T Thomas' orchard.
Eye Specialist.
Prof. W. 11. Uudine, the well kno*n
Kye Specialist, o| Hiiighamloii, N. Y.,
will be at It 11. lilrseh's jewelry
store. Emporium, Pa., July 'J'i and &<.
If you cau't »ee well or have
headache don't fail lo call aud see Prof. 1
liudiue, a» lie guat'aule«s to cure ail
such cases. 1 .enseal ground aud tilled
in old frames. Eyes tested and ex
sunned free. All work guaranteed I
HiM Announcement.
Mr It. K uchue, the great Fourth
Street Hry thesis Merclisill aiiuouuues
iu a lUil page adv. lu litis week'*
|*HM>a his t Steal Hummer at am i,
sale, Talk about Iturgams you have
ueter yet witueeaed Hie like iu litis
section of Ihe slate aud we doubt if
you cau severe anything like Ihetu iu
the til ins i let busy aud t all tm<y
As>.liai>gw Value ut term Crodu^ls.
is lltu title of a Speech inude by I N.
Meitaior Meed stuooi, of I t»h, May I
ii lk, lain i his spM«.u has boeu
IMIIMI IN S dotMtutvUl htrut by the
An.cticau I'lotet live Tai • l.csgm o(
New Vorh <>* document Nu se
I liiltlt l-lgltl,
Two hrsak down* have M < uued at
itMt tut light this week Hwpaiis
Constable and Collector's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
' Duplicate for the State, County,
| School, Poor and Dog and all Taxes
levied und assessed in the Township of
I Shippen, County of Cameron, State of
Pennsylvania, for the year 1910, has
been placed in my hands for collection, i
I will attend at Swesey School House,
July lt>, Howard Siding, July 23, Elec
tion House, July 30, in said Township
of Shippen, between the hours of 9
o'clock A. M., and « o'clock P. M., on
three successive Saturdays, beginning
' Saturday, July 16, 1910, for the pur
pose of receiving the taxes charged in
said Duplicate; and any persons who
shall pay their said taxes on said days
or any other day within thirty days
from date of this notice shall be re
quired to pay the amount of their
taxes, as therein charged, and the ad
ditional sum of two per centum there
on. And any persons paying their i
said taxes after the expiration of said j
i thirty days shall be required to pay
the amount of their taxes, as therein |
; charged und the additional sum of ten I
per centum thereon. All taxes not I
paid within thirty days from this date
wilt be collected according to law. All !
taxes must be puid in full on or before
three months from this date.
Constable and Collector.
July 8, 1910.—22-2t.
Cameron County Sabbath School
i The Cameron County Sabbath School 1
Association will hold a District Con- j
I vention at Beechwood, Thursday, i
July 21. There will be two sessions, '
at 2:.'to aud 7:30 p. m.
i A good program will be given ami a
most cordial invitation Is extended to <
all interested in the Sunday School.
County Organizer.
Card of Thanks.
We take this method of thanking all i
those kind friends who ao kindly as
sisted us iu this time of ueed.
A. K. WAI. I KK,
Hie tin Kits, SIsTKHt.
Died ut Clarke.sburg, W. Va.
Mrs. Aiiuu I. Walter, aged 13, of,
Kichwood, W. Va., died In Chirks j
burg llospi'al, W Va., on July ith,
after au illness o! several weeks, the ,
; immediate cause of the death append!
; oitia, leaving a husband and one 1
daughter, by previous marriage. Her ;
remains were brought t<> Kmporiuui J
, Iter previous home, on July tith aud
taken to the residence of Johu Piper,
her brother, trom where the funeral
look place un Tituraday last.
Will go lo Arizona.
Miaa Lillian Heilmau, who returned
from flailing friends iu Western >
I'euii'a, lulorma the J'MkMa she especla
to leave fur Olobe, Arisoua, in August,
where she has accepted 4 intuition as
teacher ill Ural grade of that city's
school IIIOIMI is a city of s.UTSI popula
tion Miss lleilmaii has for several 1
years beeu uu« of (Emporium's popular
teachers as wall aa a very estimable
youug Utile# We all wish her pros
perity iu bur western home aud assure
the ciliaeus uf Olutie that >ltsa lletlytau
adll line up lo lo the situation hetiug
kuowu her iktimaiely ail her life cau
not too highly reeouttueud her. iilw's
ail right
Clritua Coming
The Ft auk A Kobbina circus la bend
iug this way, having pitched their
it els at Holler, Ha. on Monday. 4
mskud copy td Hullei k 111 ion it aches
ungravwd un It. (ted with bttky rib
TERMS: $2.00— -|I,50IN ADVANCE.
j ' V I'ltK. vrEATriKl*.;
j FttHJAY . I'iiJr. ...
SATURDAY, rftjjjivftis.
SUNDAY »hnweis.
J- ; Vf?«-
, First National Bajik,
EMPO|i'fU.M- r fA.
At -fhe C'losi?
A back account teaches economy, which is the
first round in the ladder (o fucccga and pros
SI.OO Starts an Account.
nmamm mmi ta. , ju-xa—
Rockwell Block, Emporium, Pa.
Office over A. F. Vo£t's Shoe Store
Emporium, Pa. 12y
How To Sleep Outdoors.
"Directions for living and sleeping
in the open air," is the title of a pam
phlet being sent out to-day by the Na
tional Association for the Study and
Prevention of Tuberculosis to its local
I representatives in all parts of the Uni
t ted States.
The pamphlet is meant to be a hand
book of information for anybody who
desires to sleep out of doors in his own
home. It emphasizes the fact that out
door sleeping is as desirable for the
well as for the sick. The booklet will
be sent free of charge to anyone ap
plying for it at the headquarters of the
National Association for the Study and
Prevention of Tuberculosis in New
York, or to the secretary of any local
or state anti-tuberculosis association.
Some of the subjects of wuich the
pamphlet treats are, how to take the
open-air treatment in H tenement
; house; how to build a small shack or
! cabin on a fiat roof in the city; bow to
; make one conifortaHe while Bleeping
I outdoors either in hot or cold weather;
| how to arrange a porcu on a country
house; and how to build a cheap
porch: the construction of tents and
j tent houses; the kind* ofh-dsand b*-d
--, ding to use in oit Uoor t- taping, and
i various other topics. The oook is weil
| illustrated and attractively prepared.
The object of the book i* to suggest
! particularly to consumptives who can
not secure admission to a sanatorium
1 how they can be treated it home under
j the direction of a physician. In view
of the fact that there are less than 25,-
000 hospital beds in the United States
j for consumptives and fully 800,000 who
should be in hospitals, the National
: Association urges that more attention
be paid to sleeping in properly pro
i vided placet* at home, and that in
every case the be<»? b« ruade ot the pa
' tient's environment.
Remembered Editor.
Mrs. A. M. Mattoaon, of Mountain
View Farm, watt a hneniMts caller at
the couuly seat, Friday atu rnoou and
! called at the PltK*« "tttce anil prwaent
ed ye editor with H fine hunch of sweet
pea*. They were very beautiful and
the bouquet contained a large aaaoil
>ueut of colors, 112 Lteir iVagrauce per-
I vaded the whoieoffl s. Timnus friend;
call again.
Having Pleusunt Time-
Ye editor is in receipt ot a pout card
i from our townsmen, l)r. H. 8. Suutn
and A. A Mac Donald, who are mak
' liik a tour oft'tnada in the Dr'a tour
ii>tC ear. The carti i« dated Ottawa,
(>nt , July Hrd, and says; "We are
weil and enjoy IIIK oureelvts. People
u»e us royally. We have uot beeu out
' of our car In a run of son in dee and did
not uieot with a nilshop. We leave in
the morning lor Montreal "
It's a Girl.
A bouncing uliv girt baby made im
adveut at the rueidence of t'arl A.
Blair, eaal ward, !a»i Sunday, t'arl
waa busy setting up the cigars on Mon
day and receiving congratulation*
j I >1 course we smoked tot s change.
keys Lost Heward-
Martin Fueter, fwretuaa at Empori
um Fiuoacu, lost a la ge buni-li ot
k«>«. Tag IsMring ik« following in
•cfipUou "A. I. 8. t'o." Tlte tinder
will pie*** leave theiw at Fane® uMis.
tb. t;«»lul i'ailip Meeting
Tile i(w Met hodi»i t'aiup Meeting
ciueed tb*i» ten ilair uo »ung» at ke>
»tou« I'ai ■ la»t »un4<»> Mgßl it *t«
»«r> largviy attended ovr forty i«ui»
i,wing ere- ted In* <M*> of tfce
" NO. 22.