■■■--•j r<M li [ ft i| j| /--/-'iOj.K 1L j '/ l mM/i Mil P v w wiT I j 4. JX im r~l "'4 Ult 1 *1 J/ Jv Y V 112 \\mi Just now many grip victims :tre troubled by an obstinate cougli. Dodson's White Pine and Spruce will positively re lieve that particular after grip hacking. Dodson's Drug Store. LOCAL OEPAMTMKNT. PERSONAL CiOSSIP. Contribution* invited. That which you would ' ke to nee in this departmentjet vr know by pof ial card, tetter or perHonnflu. Jlre. B. W. Green continues to im prove. J. H. Drum, of Sinnamahoning, transacted business in town last Thurs day. Miss Kate Market spent Sunday evening guest, of her parents at Beech wood. Dawson Wright went to Williams port Saturday, where he will visit re latives. John McFadden, of Cameron, was in town on Saturday and made the PRESS a social call. E. E. Breene, the obliging clerk at Hotel Warner, spent Sunday visiting friends at Erie. Charles E Leutze spent Sunday evening at Ridgway, between trains, visiting friends. Rev. J. L. Bogue, wife and children, npent the last of the week visiting re latives at Punxsutawney. Mrs. Elizabeth Vailis, of Cameron was in Emporium last Friday after noon, en route for St. Marys. Mrs. Joseph Holcomb was guest of tier daughter, Mrs. Arthur Kline, at Sinnamahoning, last Sunday. Miss Nell Stephens, of Coudersport, wtis guest at the home of Henry Au chu and family, the last of the week. C. C. Rees and wife, of Couders t>ort, were in Emporium last Thurs day and were guests at Hotel Warner. Miss Julia Bair, of this place, is spending some time at Olean, f;uest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Rose Lu poid. Owen McCarthy train master at Re novo, was « business calier at Empor ium, IHt Friday afternoon, between trains. Mis. Georg Neidlinger, of Ridgway, spent Sunday in Emporium, guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Weisenlluh and family. Mrs. A. T. Swartwood, who has been spending the week guest of her son, W. S. Swart wood and family, has re turned to her home at Sinnauiahon ing. Misses Margaret and Cecelia Cost ley, who have been guests at the home of Joseph Frelndi 1 and family. South Maple street, have returned to their home at Kane. C. H. Cordie, chemist at the Cam" eron Powder plant, at Sinnamahoning, spent the week's end it: Emporium, guns' at the hutne of Fred Ssger and wife, East All'igany Ave. A. S. Zaner and son, of M >rgai>t<>wn, W. Va., who have been visiting lit the home of Mr. K.liter's mi" \lr- Potter at Cameron, visited In Eraorl um last Thursday and made our sanctum a call. Miss Louisa Welsh and Miis Kth» I Lloyd, of this place, departed fur Ciar i >ii. Pa , last Friday to be prtwent at the Commencement exercises. The >oung tadiea will also vialt friends at PittsLuig and other western point* h< fore returuiug home Harry Anderson, the popular night clerk at Hotel Warner, ex| sect* to leave on Friday to spwiid the "ever glorious" viHitiug with his parents at Wilcox Mr. Andersou haa ouly btmn in Em porium a short time hut has made mauy friends aud W very popular with all. I Oar lea ttobinauii, who has capably the position as ttell bov al Hotel Warner for the |>a-t h ••••igiied anil will K'i to Wit rr a, 1' , wl<« r«< h« will learn the traits of iixiuMniat t liarle* i« aii 11 K >t I will be greatly utiiei**! *»jr Iho traveling pahlie as wail aa hy hi» host ol friend* VV« wiaii lilui euct'esa. George Lane, of Dents Run, spent Sunday, at thiw place. Miss Sadie Edwards spout Sunday at Reuovo, visiting friends. Miss Mabel Butler spent Wednesday visiting friends at Johnaonburg. Mrs. W. H. G. Walker, of Calder, spent Saturday, shopping at this place. Mrs. Oive Yager, Olean, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Malloy, over Sunday. L. C. Summeraon, of Sterling Run, transacted business at the county seat, last Monday. Elmer Hill, of Driftwood, was among the people who transacted business at Emporium, last Saturday. Mrs. Richard Kuebne is spending a short time with relatives at Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Detroit. Dr. Anderson and wife, of Altoona, are guests at the home of the former's parents, Rev. aud Mrs. J. P. Anderson. Mis. C. E. Crandell went to Dußois, Wednesday afternoon and is uueat of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Elizabeth Miller. Mrs. O. L. Bailey, of Sinnaniahon irig, was shopping at Emporium, Tues day and was guest at the City Hotel. Carroll Mumlord, clerk in the Frank lin House, St. Marys, spent Sunday in towu, the guest of his parents, at East Emporium. A. S. Heck, one of Potter County's popular lawyers, was in Emporium last Thursday, and was guest at Hotel Warner. Gust Kraft, of St. Marya, was guest at the hom« of his brother, Henry Kraft and family, Fifth street, on Wednesday. E. A. Yeager, son of Mr. Henry Yeager, departed for Buffalo, Monday morning, from which place lie will go to Denver, Col. Dr. J. W. Snyder, deputy U. S. Mar shal, of Seranton, transacted business in Emporium on Tuesday. He called at the PRESS office. D. H. Robertson, assistant superin tendent at the Penn Vitrilieu Brick Co., Cameron, was a business caller at this place, Wednesday. Miss Margaret Crandell returned to Emporium Monday afternoon from ! Wiliianisport, where she had been visiting relatives and friends. Don. C. Minick, of Ridgway, spent Sunday in Emporium, guest of his friend, Oharl< s A. Lambert, chemist of the U. S. Geological Survey. E. J Powell, of Seranton, Pa., lamp inspector of the Lackawanna Railroad Company, was a business caller at this place, during the past week. Miss Nina Hertig lull this (Tiiurs- j day) morning for Ccudersport, where j she will be guest at the home of her | aunt, Mrs. James iVlcConeghy. Mre. S. Gordan McGifilu, of Beaver i Falls, PH., is spending the week, : at the home of her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. John T. Hertig and ;'un.ily. Herman Bruner, of Buffalo, formerly ; bookkeeper at the Peon Yitriiiod Brick Works, is expected to spend this com- ; ing week with friends at Emporium. Wilson Berry, ot Sterling Run, was j a business caller at the county seat last j Saturday and uiade the I*ua a business cull. Mr. Berry utifi d his name to our subsci iption list. Everett Pie-son is spending the week | at hi-< home at Vineland, N. J., where j he officiated in the capacity ol man" at his brother's wedding, which i took place Wednesday. Joseph Butler and wife, of Port Alii gany, were quests at the home of the j former's brother, Charles Butler and i family at Commercial Hotel, South Broad street, last Monday. We notice in Lock Haven Daily Ex press, that Mr. Ezra B. Smith, a for mer resident and teacher in Cameron county nchoois, was a graduate claae member ol Lock Haven Normal. Mrs. J. Lrur.» r and daughter, of ' Morn Hill,were PKKSS calhr- on Tuec- | day. Af't r renewing their Pm .-s for! another yeur tiev watched nml em- j ed interested in the movement of our presses. Mioses KNie and HiUla Kuehut tie 1 parted this Thursday morning for , KutValo in! N ira Fall*, vvhnrn I bey ' will spend the text »ix wieus, \ iititing relative*and friend* Arthur it. (• ..thn i» eoiiU-.ni I ding ' taking a trip ta Holla In and other placi * in that vicinity, next Haturday, ' and will t.t Hii i-iu over thn "Ever ( (llorio: s airt l»." A-a Hum:, ol lax-It Haven, arrived | IU towu l ui' tiit) and baa acc ,>t.sl the place in 11 •> liln xl<>r barhi r parlor*, . r< eeutly re igne-l bj Jo-u ph who is now at J«raey Mhore. llitw Clara Heekwlth, who ban ju«t completed a coorae in language* at Syracuse, N V., la apenditig the aum ruer, gueet of bur ai»t»r, Mra. J. 1. Hogue, Weet Fourth atro»t Mlae Heck with will traeh French, German ' aud Latin In the Olean High Hehtol thia coining school year Mr. and Mra, F |>. Drink, t>t l.tn beet, Ga , and M-. ami Mi I I». K*'lt 4, ol C'lilon, Pa. who have la ••n >|#eilill){ a aliiirt lim< l , 'jil'Mtt .«* till" home i»f Mk, ea«l M 3 McKat, CI war Crr«<4, *,• »•> in Fmport 111 U«| Maturtlay, AET)OIUI>4IILED ht I >.• I HON' ■ iml hoatraa Thl ff laitoit ware eiir >u*e Iwi U.e'f UVUH*. i CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY JUNE 30, 1910. Mrs. Geo. Wykoff, of Bradford, is visiting friends in town. Edw. White returned yesterday from a business trip to Buffalo and Pitta burg. Mrfl. Ed. Barker and cliilden of Isb peining, Mich., are visiting friends in town. Miss Blanchnrd of Driftwood la visit- ! ing her sister, Mrs. Cash Henry, for a few days at West Fourth Street. Judge Huntley came up from Drift-! wood 011 Tuesday to transact business, j as Treasurer of Cameron Powder M'f'g | Co. John Catlin, wife and son Jay, of Renovo, were quests at the home of ' the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.C.G. ) Cat'in, Fifth street, over Sunday. Miss Minnie Losey, of Mina, Pa., j visited in Emporium last Wednesday I and| Thursday, guest of Mrs. Belie ! Beattie and family, Oth and Maple streets. Miss Bessie McQuay and Messrs. ! Will Welsh, Eugene and Karl Metz i have returned to their homes at this i place, from Clarion State Normal | School. Miss Alice Montgomery, niece of, Judge and Mrs. B. W. Green, was sud denly taken seriously ill last Sundny, j we are pleased to announce has almost entirely recovered. Miss Florence Moyer, of lienovo, was guest at the home of Thomas Cum mings and family, South Broad street, during the past week, returning to her homo this 1 Thursday) morning. Messrs J. VonLengerke and J. P. Newman, of New York City, were business callers at Emporium on Wednesday and attended the meeting of the consolidated powder companies. Charles Papazoni, who has been at Burmingham, Ala., for the past several months, is expected to visit with Em- ! po rium friends during the coming | week. Prof. Jas Coleman, Division Supt., J of Schools in Province of Cebu, P. I.i and Dr. Corbett, of Driftwood, were 1 pleasant callers this morning. Regret it is too late for a description of his work. 11 j Richard Kuehne, the enterprising j | Fourth Street dry goods merchant, I j was a business caller at Buffalo and I Niagara Falls last Sunday and Mon- { day and attended a big sale during his j absence. Mrs. Chas. Diebl, of Cleveland, O. 1 accompanied by a professional nurse, ! arrived at the home of the former's parents, Hon. and Mrs. Geo. J. Laßar, 1 West Fifth street, last week. The lady j I has been in a very serious condition ■ j but is better us we goto press. Congressman Barclay in Town. j Congressman CI-a*. F. Barclay, ar , rived in Kuporiuni on Tugtday, ac i coinpan ieu by his nephew, Watson L i Barclay, of Laquin, Pa., to transact ; buslne-s and visit with friends, lie hopt.s to pass considerable time here, j hoping the climate may be beneficial j to his health. Mr. Barclay's record in | Congress has been clean and honorable I and none regret more than ye editor that In* health compelled his retire ment nt a time when lie was very ust j ful to his country. Right here we de : sire our citizens to know what one CM '.;r• man from 'his state thought of ('apt. Barclay's heroic effort to serve his people while very ill. Congress s man John K Tener, of Washington -1 Beaver Distiie ~ (the Ke|mhliean nomi . nee for Governor) remarked to ye editor, while attending the Republican State Convention, '"I know Mr. Bar clap well and consitler him a hero." Will Return Home. Mr Jos. Burnett, who went to tiraf ton, t<> take charge of the powder 1 works there, will arrive in Kmporium ; on Saturday or Sunday to resume his position as Supt. of Keystone Powder i Co., hi this place. j\w iwelw nrW'jctaßrtsuaHDaHKaMnMHMMi^ I What a Prescription j Represents | I j It represent?, the result of careful diagnosis. Years of training, study and practice. It should IH- filled bv a pharmacist who has had just the same experience in hi* own profession as the I Victor. We have had that experience. Allow n» to fill yonr pre* scri ption. Then it repr* sent*— Rrr>v*f\ , l jj Old Reliable Drug Store GEO. C. TAGCAHT, Proprietor. DEATH'S DOINGS. BBEDB WALSH. Miss LILLIAN OLIVR, daughter of Perry D. and Mary C. Walsh, of Canoe j Run, died at the hospital at Lock , Haven, last Thursday, the result of an operation for appendicitis. The re j mains were brought to Emporium on j train No. 9, arriving here at SilS Fri- I day morning and were taken to the : borne of her aunt, Mrs D. W. Ensign, , 011 West Fourth Street. On Saturday j morning, the funeral services were | conducted at the house by the Rev. J. F. Anderson, pastor of the M. E. , Church, after which the remains were j taken to Brockwayville, Pa., on the | 10:30 train and laid to rest in the fatni- I ly plot in Wildwood Cemetery, 011 J Sunday afternoon, the Rev. Jelbart ! officiating at the services. I Miss Walsli was only in her 14th year : and was a general favorite. Her death |is a sad blow to her devoted parents I and her many friends. She had been I ailing for about a but was not cor.fined to her bed She was taken to I the hospital Wednesday afternoon, 1 where an operation for appendicitis | was performed that evening. Peri tonitis set in next morning and she died at 2:00 P. M. She is survived by ber parents, oue brother and oue sister. The deceased was a favorite with all who knew her, being of an affectionate disposition. She made friends of all. The many floral offerings gave evidence of the esteem in which she was held. The PKESS extends sympathy to the bereaved family. Attended Great Sale. Mr. R. Kuehne, our np-to-date Fourth Street dry goods merchant, attended the big wholesale sale, at Buffalo, on , Monday. Of course his customers will i reap the great bargains he secured. EMPORIUM i Victory 011 the glorious 4th can be attained in yonrbreac'. making by u<ing the Pet (irove flour. Your loave-t will be rich ly flavored, white, light and delicious enough to tempt the Fourth of July appetite of i'ncle Jam when enjoying bis birthday feast. When you want a delightful try bread made from Pet (irove Hour. PRICK LIST. F.'iiporlunt, Pa., June t», 11*10. M I'.MOHH ILA, p«" »elc »t Mi FI LL > FR'&UCY, " I MI IV( <; rove. ". I 60 R..|Wr >!..» I " «<i V I: f*n«ham.. . ... * - • Huck wheat, " T Buckwheat, to lb sack, ♦» I'onmw M. at pt i I«i0 1 Chop ." ••• I i 'rucked Corn jht 100 1 < WluiMiddlings, 1 Co Hrnu. , I 10 Chi kt ii Wlic.it * ... i 00 ' SrrwninK!! " I Oil Meal '• 1 *» loiu |ti r biislitl WhiteOnlv t» r Oy*tt-r Shell*. |irr 100.... 75 Sterling Thick rt-H 3 00 HtcritiiK NTKtcli Kwtl ... I#6 I ».»i ! >.*; i r« «l ' " * ill \!t-%1. ftlb IKM I »o Altai tit M. ill, - 1 Cuttoit«rni Mi »1,1 V iiiuiioth «'l< »rHcHt.pirbu '•» "O Mt-diunt lover Heed, #*o AliVkr t'hivtr Mnd, " ....... J 1 * Timothy . " ... t7 » «i» rinan Mlltel H—t\. '* 2 '2 » S«**-.| ll K kwli.il, Silver Hull, per bw. I •«» Sr«l "n« k whrut. twr bit.. I Oil 1 tiwnlnc dil«f Corn. |»»r bit. Ito Free Distribution for Poor Children. State Health Commissioner has completed arrangements for the free distribution of tc nanus anti-toxin for use in cases of poor children in Penn sylvania idjured by explosives on the Fourth of July. The anti-toxin will be supplied at sixty-six points in the state. It is necessary that the anti toxin be administered within forty eight hours after the wound has been inflicted. Dr. Dixon urges the nec cesity of prompt use of the anti-tosia in case of explosive wounds in ordar to ward off lock-jaw. Taggart'p driur store, Emporium, in the distributing station for Cameron county. TRADE MORAL—This paper's advertising columns are the business news of the commun ity. If you happen to need a new parlor r.aroet, you wil! be a lot more interested in a car pet ad. than in a paragraph about Jim Jones' newly painted barn. That's why everybody in this vicinity reads this pa per's ads. THE | i New Novelty s 112 Ice Cream ) > and Confectionery I Parlors * i JOHN McDONALD. Manager i X Opposite Post Office. i l Everything new and Up-to-Date. \ s Ice Cream, Ices, Soda Water, S £ served in style. Large Cool c 112 and Comforlnble Rooms. } ? Experienced Waiters, Prompt J \ Service. We study to please 5 > Our Confectionery, Fruit, and 5 * Soda Water department is newly \ 112 fitted, all good being fresh and 112 i pure. We kindly solicit a share i \ of the public patronage. Call V Tar.d see tisand try us. 3 i Private fami ies sujipliad with > » Cream or lees in the most ap- * r proved packing esses, in the r > most up-to-date manner. i X Give us a call. \ JOHN MCDONALD. Manager. \ T 73E® EMSMSMM ©<l I—UIII. II» © ONM CM I Fourth of July teries' and Other Good Things to Eat • Canteloupes v Jk w/* jf-y MEW BEETS • ® Watermelons J J /j FRESH PEAS ® Cocoanuts WAX BEANS | ■ BANANAS Ihe Satisfactory Store CUCUMBERS -A ■ Oranijes TOMATOES ■ | Store will be closed AT NOON OIO " July 4th | It let your orders in early. Don't lnjther to cook, [I I to choose from. H Economy Prices for Friday and Saturday IJslb bajj I {est Granulated Si. >o. Juc Mended Coffee, yood value the 11». 18c. Three lbs Seeded Raisins in cartons for 250. H 10c package Bird Seed Bc. Shredded Wheat Hiscuit, 15c pk«j 12c. J>H*s pail Pure lard <»oe. I Fancy Evaj torn ted Peaches lb nc. Choice Irish Mackerel, lb 14c. < Juice—3oc Mottle Welch's Grape Juice c. Churches Arm and Mauuuer brand soda 8c lb. Hire's Knot ltcrr KKtract, fxittle MC. 15c ln»ttle Heinz Mustard I)re-.sinn l«*. I There is no easier way to make moue\ than to save I it. Take of these week cud sales. Fresh Caught Lake Fish. I I Delivery to all Parts of Town Twice Each Day. I You (iwt Better Valuta Here. J h. DAY, I LPfnm* ft, hmpntuwi ■ CWi I TW> * MB H ■■ - • • » Square Deal mils EMPORIUM, PA. E. J. Holers, Prop'r. OUR MOTTO:— Honest Weight and Honest Goods. We carry a full line of Flour, Feed and Grain. Ton lots at wholesale prices. > We expect to remodel the Buckwheat Mill which will en able us to make first class buck- ; wheat flour. Seed Buckwheat at 95c per bu- Try our crushed oats for driv ing hoises. Nothing added to or taken from; sound, recleaned Crouch Bros. Go's Best Patent "A" Flour made from Dakota Hard Spring Wheat $1.50 per sack for Saturday only. Call, phone or write. Out of town orders filled same day re ceived. A share of the trade respect fully solicited All is Not Always Glorious on the Glorious Fourth, tfilf ,<fl 'n■pfi *' / y COPVRII:tT A.PIVC.C9 | \SiV ! 112 . \v« as accideiits of a more or less serious nature are sure t-o happen. Cuts and bruises, burns and bumps are apt to be good and plenty with Young America, so see to it that you are properly sup plied with atiseptic-H, salves and lo tions. We have all the reliable ones, as well as a very full line of the best drugs and medicines. "The New Drag Siore" EMPORII'JI DKl'<i CO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers