112 Breezy;] | County| 1 Netfsl AUSTIN. Dr. K. K. Ilurn and daughters Mar garet and Doiothy, left Tuesday for Saladayi-.burg, where they will visit rela tives. Miss Georgi i M unlock left this week for Washington. I>. ('. and Atlantic City for a few weeks. Mrs. F. Orwan, Mrs. Cronin and chil dren went to Port Allegany Wednesday, with Rev. Father O'Brien, in his new ear. Miss Margaret Wentworth, of Wil lianisport, is visiting friends in town. George Collins is home from Buffalo for his summer vacation. Dr. and Mrs. Page, Miss Georgia Mur dock and W. 11. George autoed to Em porium Tuesday and had supper at the Warner House. Mrs. ('has. Fox, of Railroad .Street, hus been ill for the past week. AN AUSTIN READKR. DENTS RUN. In one of the best games witnessed on the local grounds this year. Penfield went down before the home team 5 to 0. Mrs. Chas. Smith's mother spent sev eral days at this place last week. Doctor Merrill will leave here for Port land, Oregon, Friday and expects to spend a month in the far west. Miss Rebecca Johnson is visiting with friends and relatives in Beech Creek. The Misses Sylva Overturf and Hattie Kvans left Ridgway Saturday where they will attend summer Normal. The farmers on Johnson Ilill held a meeting in the school house at that place in order to discuss the advisability of building a telephone line from the Dents Run mines to Benczett and to take in all those wishing phones. They have al ready commenced planting poles. The festival held in K. O. T. M., hall Saturday night netted the ball team SIO.OO. The Hicks Run band furnished the music and have a following where ever they go. Considering the little time the boys have to practice they rank second to none to any band in this sec tion. B. K. w. HUNTLEY. Clyde Collins has started a flower garder and is running an opposition to our Snare Drummer "Smithy." Clyde thinks the Lillie of the Valley is the most beautiful flower but "Smithy" sticks to the daffodil as his lavorite one. Kmeline Summerson, who has been ill lor some time is improving. The crows of this section arc making havoc of the corn, they striped W. R Smith's patch, and also Win. Logue's patch, of all but a few hills. Loguesays "they are like Carter's little liver pills, they work while you sleep." H. J. Collins bought a large spray aud has treated his potatoes for blight which is a good thine; and only costs about fifty cents per acre and saves hundreds of dol lars worth of potatoes. F. P. Hill and wife, of Renovo, were the guests of W. R. Smith and family, last week. Miss Gordie Hill, of Medix Run, is visiting relatives at this place and also •Jrove Hill this week. Miss Gladys Hill, ot Grove Hill, was a caller in town one day last week. Dan Kailburn aud llarry Smith re- Mirned their positions with the P. R. It., under foremen Johnson, and will soon have l'ur.the Pacific coast. Thoiuas and Dan Kailburn were fish ing on Brooks Hun last week for trout hut found them sear<-e. Si-oar. SINNAMAHONING. Mrs. A. T ."'wartwood went to Km joriuni la-t iiiday to visit her son aud family. Joe Summerson wan down from Km poriuui over Sunday. Mn il Brooki and wilt were the gu< >t» if Mrs. J > ephine >)> irk last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. V. A lirookn visited her daugh ter at Renovo la»t Sunday. Henry Col well it having his buu«: painted which improve- the hou-< and looks of the strict v«ry much. Link Helen Ito-' is vi-iling her raud uiothttf, Mi». Millie Baud. N|i» \rvilla Co'iiihil and Jam*-* Coun- I are attending the Cotu am Moment «.*• ei< iw - it 1 >iekin«oß heminary, Williamn j.'.rt iI n we. k. M>• Helen Couunil Mr. and Mr. Karl t • ulu have re turmd lii'Ui their w- ddiug trip and are living with the grootb - pareuls. V" 1 a nitial'.f uf lUiiuvu Odd I low* were m our lowu la»i Saturday M Ma initio# ' |tl< itiinuion 111. i.uied h1.19 [f y OU j )U y g pairs of weather this spring left us Muslin Underwear All 2.50 Hats, red. to 1.69 "Square Deal" Stockings with a rather large stock of Here is the new style of , C •11 I D* All 3-00 Hats, red. to 1.89 from us, we will insure them;J ese gg ods onhand. To move Ladies Vest Nti th at Specially Low Prices AH 3 . 5 0 Hat,, red. ,O *, 9 ag ai„st holes for si* months. EjTthe SowS£ Shoulder Straps, They can c . r All 4.00 Hats, red. to 2.49 WITHOUT COST TO YOU. Rayede Luxe a beautifui " ot ! h P ofi " rhls Mature is a rme bowns All 4.50 Hats, red. to 2.98 The price of men's, woman's Printed and Striped Muslin g[eat improvement over the Made of Excellent Material, All 5.00 Hats, red. to 3.49 and children's hose is (tl CA reduced from 19' « < wav. handsomely trimmed, at 50c, All 6.00 Hats, red. to 4.29 per box of six pairs. l6 c to - - THCe 15 and 25c. c 9C ' t SC « 89 °' ' Vl '°°' sl * 2 5> All Untrimmed Hats, If they wear out in six months 112 Foulardine » reduced —— Flowers, Braids, etc., greatly you get others for them. Isn't Triu£d and Dotted 10. Men's Slimmer Corset Covers reduced. that a fair and square deal. Mull red, from 25c to A *' C Underwear 2 9 c Sl 50c! d 59cf 1 "75 C I^oo', Colgate's Antiseptic Pine Tar Soap Parasols Halbrigan Shirts and Draw -5i.25 and'sl.so.' '' ' . . Now is the time to buy a stylish Parasol. an " ~ ; This Soap is highly recommended for Our showingis very'complete. Fine Ught Cashmere White Skirts Shampooing the Headaud Hair. Its antisep- Parasols 6 1-00, 1.25 to $2.50 P er gar- 75c and $1 00 1 rimmed with Lace and tic properties make it an eradicatoi of dandruff Fancv SilkO AA onf n /\n. Af AA ment " and its creamy lather leaves the hair lft , Children's Knit DrawersofFineMuslin 15c ° $U5 Underwear R KUEHNF r En, p° ri r' s 10c Muslin Drawers, lac and 19c. ail ,0c - y Greatest Store. 15c per Cm. sleeves - 19 tO 25c SINNAMAHONING. Halley's comet has gone and warm weather has come for sure. Crops are growing fine these warm days. Messrs. Geo. P. Jones and C. W. Rishell. of Emporium, were in town on business, pertaining to the Cameron Pow der works, on Tuesday. Judge Huntley was a visitor, Tuesday. Several lawsuits will be the outcome of the drunken brawl of Memorial Day. Two games of base ball will be played here on July 4th. Albert Losey and John Berfield, of Hicks ltun, attended the Odd Fellows gathering, Saturday evening. M. L. Brooks, of Lincoln Farm, came into attend Class Initiation, Saturday evening. Mrs. H. F. Berfield visited her sister, Mrs. A. L. Losey, of Hicks Run, last week. Mrs. L. K. Smith and two daughters, visited Ilicks Run and Castle Garden, Saturday, and came home on Tuesday. C. E. Logue's young wood chucks are growing fine. Willie Smith's pet crow has »ot. so he ean talk a little. Joe Walker is not getting along very well. He has a good many ups and downs to coutend with. The dead lish came rolling out of Wy koff Run last week by the thousands, but the fish commissioners and their deputies were nowhere in sight. Jim Batehelder and Jack Mead pick ed up a fine lot of trout and eels, but were threatened with arrest lor catching li>h without rod aud line, so put them back in the Run to rot. DEBMC. SIZERVILLC. Some June brides will soon get busy. Panama Hats are getting in evidence after so long a space of time. Sunday was a gala day here by the ap pearance ol autos in the grove: many were from a diatanoe, aud enjoyed the hammocks and bracing air. Mr-. Williams, a guest at the Springs with some other friends from Scranton, arrived on Monday, and will remain for some time. Friends of Mrs. Deike and husband were agreeably called on last week. They will remain among the mountains tor two mouths. We hope they will call again. The two new iron County bridges across the Cowloy were thrown open by tii.• County ('ouuii.«>ioners on Tuesday last and their use is greitly appreciated by the traveling public wln-n enroute lor Keatiug or Austin. The School Board met on Monday, new oflieers installed, old on<-« tired bodily, Mi-- I .el hie \ ietory Wa» elected teacher after much balloting for the en •uing year, a reform wave predominated by voting the Secretary'» salary at s2.o'i per annum in-lead of 92,000, It. Pr<»-er aud family took in th< cir cuit at t Hutu and transacted other im p. .1L.1H1 busintw* at the saute time one day li t WMII. Ilii ciiler Mae officiated in hii absence I. I. TRADE MORAL—Joan of Arc was the only woman on earth able to resist a bargain adver- Hfcement—and khe's dead. It you've yot a bargain in tome thing, advertise it to the worn* en folks in this paper. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1910 Kept The King at Home. "For the past year we have kept the j King of al! Laxative—Dr. King's New j Life Pills—in our home and they have proved a blessing in our family," writes Paul Mathulka, of Buffalo, N.Y.. Easy, but sure remedy for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 25c at all Druggists. "It cured me," or "It saved the life of my child," are the expressions yon hear every day about Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is true the world over where this valua ble remedy has been introduced. No other medicine in use for diarrhoea or bowel complaints has received such gen eral approval. The secret of the success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is that it cures. Sold by all dealers. Glad to Recommend Them. Mr. E. Weakley. Kokomo, Ind., says: "After taking Foley's Kidney Pills, the severe backache left me, my kidneys be came stronger, the secretions natural and my bladder no longer pained me I am glad to recommend Foley's Kidney Pills." In a yellow package. For sale by Em porium Drug Co. Speaking of the Divorce Evil Trying to succeed in business without advertising is like the case of the man who, trying to cutcxpenses, divorced his wife and alone attempted to keep house and raise his children. It Lost him more money lor doctor bills and funeral ex. penscs in a year than he gave i his wife in a lifetime. When advertising is divorced, business suc cess becomes failure. This paper is building your neighbor's business. He has reasons. He trird advertising and it helped hiiri. It is not •n experiment this paper brings results. Good, hard, convincing results dollari. tCu|>jrtlglil, I A>J 1.) W. ti U ) The Fidelity Trust Company OF BUFFALO, N. Y. HAS PAID 53,000,000.00 IN INTEREST TO ITS DEPOSITORS DEPOSITS MADE BEFORE JULY 11TH WILL DRAW INTEREST FROM JULY IST 4 PER CF.NT. per annum, compounded every three month* You can bank her* by mail with akiululi •aUtjr, ••cr*cy anil Mlulolim <<:«# Mtl> t*u n«.) I'MIIUI * fml4»»l '1 ■ ~~~~ * —r'g —-••• il' —•— - ■' .. . —.- B ... The Churches. FIRST MBTHODIHT EPISCOPAL. 1 REV. J. F. ANDERSON, Pastor, j Children's Day. Baptism of Child rea at 10:30 a. m., and short sermon by ! the pastor, subject, "What shall this ! child be? At 7:30 p. m., exercises by the school. A very pleasing and in spiring program is being prepared. A I cordial welcome to all, to both j I services. ... EMMANUEL CHURCH. The services of Morning and Even ing Prayer will be conducted in Em manuel Episcopal Church on Sunday, | June 26th. Rev. M. L. Tate, Rector of Trinity Church at Tyrone, Pa., will be present. The public is cordially invit- j ed to attend these services at 12 o'clock noon. * * * MISS SML'TZ ENTERTAINS. Last Friday afternoon, Miss Helen Smutz entertained a few friends at cards at her home on West Fifth Street, whist being the chosen game. Dainty refreshments were served. Good Piano for Sale. A Bradbury Piano (square) in good condition. Apply at PRESS office. 37-tf. Us REMEDY' era— Coughs, Colds, CROUP, Whooping Cough This rtmrdy can always be dtprniied upon and li pleasant to take. Il contains no opium or other harmful drut ar.d may be 112 Iven as confi dently to a baby as to an adult Price 2S cents, large size SO cents. Cost and Below Owing to the backward season and having the largest stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing To be seen in this section, I am de termined to reduce the stock even if I have to sell AT COST and BELOW COST. You have known the reputation of our store for over forty years and when we say we will sell allgoods At Cost and Below Cost We will do just as we advertise to do. Our immense stock was pur chased early for this trade, paid spot cash for the same and if we give the people of Cameron and adjoining counties Big Bargains in Clothing You gain—we pocket the loss. N. SEGER, Pioneer Clothier of Cameron County. YOU CAN HAVE It! $2.50 Free Wc are determined to close out »t SPECIAL BARGAINS all seasonable yoods and to make it an object we will yivc every cash purchaser an op|x>rtunity To Secure $2.50 for Nothing Only OIK customer. That is the customer purch the largest sum in dollars and cents, Utwtm Wedmsday and Saturday will bv xivvn >a.so. Catch on «ptick. The Largest and most Beautiful Line of Goods in the County. Special Bargains in Every Department. H.A.Zarps&Co |f you have anything to be printed bring it to this office.