THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. - £ tiAi>i,ifchJiD BY C. B. GOUI.D, MARCH, 1866. V0L.44: THE NEWS SUMMARY Shori Items From Various Paris of the World, Recordof Many Happenings Condensed and Put In Small Space and Ar ranged With Special Regard For the Convenience ef the Reader Who Has. Little Time to Sparc. Thursday. A cable dispatch described the pub lic lying instate of Kin;' Edward's body in London. The New York state senate ad ",ns the income tax amendment by 20 t > 20. Secretary Meyer inform# Paymaster General Rogers that be will be re moved from head of the navy bureau as soon as expert accountants finish their examinations. Automobilists bombard legislators at Albany with protests against Cal lan and Cullen bills. Representative Gardner introduces new postal savings bank bill in house which is aproved by Republican mem bers and satisfies president. Announcement is made after con ferences in Washington that a com promise between the regulars and the insurgents on the railroad bill is im possible. Friday. f'lie New York senate defeated the Hughes direct nominations bill by a vote of 25 to 23. Dr. James Oliver tells Boston inves tigators that pasteurized milk is dan gerous and unfit for food. A New York firm obtains from Chi na a $1,000,000 order for railroad sup plies, according to cable advices from Pekin. Sir Ernest Shackletoh announces he will head an expedition to start for the South pole in the summer of 1911. George W. Coleman, the clerk who robbed the National City bank of Cambridge of $309,000, is sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment. A line of people, five miles long, waits to gain admission to Westmin ster hall to view the coffin of the late King Edward VII., says a cable dispatch from London. Saturday. American bluejackets are landed at minefields to protect American inter ests. Democrats balk compromise to rush railroad bill through the senate. John A. Hall, defaulting bank treas urer, is sentenced to from twelve to fifteen years in the penitentiary. One hundred train loads of immi grants a day rush to take up land In Montana, Washington reports. Senate passes Callan automobile till, which will add $1.500,<«.»" to high way funds and regulate trac through out the state. Bella Moore, accused of selling two girls to investigators in the "white slave" inquiry, is convicted by a Jury in special sessions court, New York. Monday. America is to have two new dio ceses, says a cable dispatch from Rome. Oomte de Lesseps flies across the English channel in a monoplane, ac cording to cable advices. Fifteen thousand persons escaped uninjured when the main tent of Bar num A. Bailey's circus burns at Sche nectady. Dispatcher from Albany indicate that a deadlock Is imminent over di rect nominations and that the gover nor tnal call an extra session. Senator Hoot. Judge George (iray iid assli ant counsel left for The Ma« !•-. where the Newfoundland lish i rl< K dispute is to be arbitrated. Tuesday, King tieorge lupins his reign by an act of i leniency, nays a cable diapatch from l.ondon, Krantlng remission of .-bort i ■ nieiices and reduction of others. ml Yogel of Newark rei»orts to New York police the loss of SIO,OOO In Jewels taken from beneath his wife's pillow while she slept, I'nlted States Judge Kmory 8 peer at Macon. <ia «aved several children from the attai it of * do* afflicted with rabies Mundav, The »l«t«*i months-old t- n of Krn est Allen of H>ra< use had a mirarulou* t*< ape from death when a N'ew Ytck Central switching engine and tt <*r» I anted over him YOUMK woman teacher of i'rutee \ ille 111 is found shot d< ad in foi l* hotel and man companion Is held Two i hlldren In Kluabeth. N. I , dit from the effect. of drluklng a pat e»t medicine they found lu refriger a'< r Wednesday. I webt? two persona were drowned a. a res Ufa rullfcnm bet*ten U» NgWS S riSLDSfoots Hclko, secretary of trust, beinjj trit'd for custom frauds. Kcv. W, A. Wasson, 1 »rook 1 yn, resigned from church " " fb fight prohibition. He has been an active leader in I lie anti-prohibition light for more than two years. Halley's comet Of the Week 110 ' ,ann to Mother Hart It. us predicted by Sir Robert 1 tall. The department of justice will prosecute Governor Ilaskell of Oklahoma in town lot Ir lian cases. William .1. Calhoun, minister to China. sent request to have war hips ready to protect American property in Ilunan province. Commander Gil .er of gunboat i'oducali, :r>\. in waters, not., ;-il warring factious that he would hot permit fighting in or around ISlueficlds. New English king proclaimed despite saddening scenes attending funeral of dead king bark J. C. Vinnen in the English channel. The Skerryvore sank. The Humanitarian league of London severely attacks Mr. Roosevelt for hi:-; big game killing, says a cable dis patch. An agreement is reached in the Han kow-Szechnan railroad loan conflict, says a Paris cable dispatch. Export of 6.000 electrical horse pow er for American use is opposed by Fort Frances, Ont., interests. A New York jury orders Mrs. Hetty Green to pay to the Safe Deposit com pany of New York $569.25 for the storage of eleven boxes of books and papers. First Snake Killed. On Sunday, while returning from Austin, Howard Dodge killed a mon ster rattlesnake, on Cowley Run, that measured four feet and four inches. J The "bell fish" are coming early this season. Memorial Day Dinner. The Ladies Relief Corps of Q. A. R., will furnish dinner, between the hours of twelve and two, on Monday next— Decoration Day—to all veterans of the Civil war and Spanish war veterans, at Emmanuel Church Parish House. You are welcome, veterans. Gone to Hospital. John Kohler, cigar manufacturer at this place, accompanied his wife to Baltimore last Monday, for medical treatment. Here is another of the mauy incidents where the great ex pense and worriment could be obviat ed had we a hospital in Emporium. Quick Trip. Mr. E. J. Smith accompanied by Mrs Josiah Howard and three children and Miss Nellie Lingle, in Howard's new touring car, with Mr. Little at the wheel, made a quick trip from Austin to this place, the last of the week, having covered the distance in forty-five minutes. Attended World's Sunday School Association. Rev. J. M. Robertson, Rector of Em manuel Episcopal Church returned yesterday from Washington, D. ('., where he passed two days in attend ance at the World's Sunday School As sociation. He enjoyed his two days visit and found time to look in upon the Senate and House, listening to the debate*. Special Census Agent. Prof. ('. L. (iramley, of Rebersburg, Centre County, Pa., is H|H«iidiiig this week in town. Prof. Uramiey is *pe cial Census ageut for the |j»bor and Commerce Department of the I'. S., and is calling on all the industrial institutions in Emporium. He is a very pleatmnt gentleman. The PHMHS received a pleasant call from the genial gentleman. Pack Your Basket And Enjoy the Sport. Next Monday afternoon (May:with the general public are invited to Join the Huaket Plc-Nio at Keystone Park, under the auspice* of Mountaineer iltMMs Company Place a flower on the ' grave of some "soldier boy," then hie yourself to the Park, taking your en tire family. There will I* dancing afternoon and evening. Take an afternoon off. Taken to Midgway Jail. Sheriff J W. Norris took two of the «'<iiifiburglar* to Ridgway Jail on Monday, that institution being *afer This cavtw t IM> ei|>eu*e of walcbutaii, "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WEßSTEß. EMPORIUM, PA., THURSDA Y MAY 26, 1910 MEANS MUCH FOR EMPORIUM. Novelty Incandescent I amp Company News. S«)0,000,000 112 IRM INTtRtSII D. At the annual meeting of the Incan descent Lamp Co., held here last week, a large portion of the stock passed in to the hands of the General Motors Company, one of the largest and wealthiest manufacturing organiza tions in the United States, having lamp factories at several different points of the country. They are also manufac turrrs of the Buick, Oldsmobile and five other autos, having extensive plants. The new company represents a capital of $90,000,000. It is anticipat ed that within the near future the plant at Emporium will be very mater ially enlarged, possibly double its pres ent capacity. The Incandescent is now one of our busy industries, giv ing employment to from seventy-five to one hundred, all earning good money. The new officers elected are: Presi dent, Robt. K. Mickey, Emporium; Vice President, N. Hoffheimer, New York city; Sec'y and Treasurer, Arthur Starke, New York city; Asst. Treat*., A. F. Vogt, Emporium; Asst Sec'y, Q. E. Wetzel, Emporium. Also the fol lowing Directors: W. C. Durant, Flint, Mich., Curtis It. Hathaway and N. Hoffheimer, New York city; R. K. Mickey, Hon. Josiah Howard, A. F. Vogt, Emporium; A. Hofl'heimer, York, Pa. This will, no doubt, mean much to Emporium in the future. Rev. J. M. Robertson, Rector of Emmanuel Church Resigns. Our citizens, regardless of creed, deeply regret the reMignation of the Rev. J. M. Robertson, Rector of Em manuel Church, Emporium. The re signation was presented to the Vestry last Monday, and after many remarks of regret, highly complimentary to the talented gentleman, the resignation was accepted, to take effect May 31st, 1910. The following preamble and resolu tion were unanimously adopted by the Vestry: "Wll kkkah, Rev J. M. Robertson, who has !>een Rector of Kmmanuel Episcopal Church, of Emporium, Pa., j for upwards of fourteen years, has ten- 1 dared his resignation to take effect May 31, 1910; therefore be it ftMohvd. By the Vestry of Etnman-1 uel Episcopal Church of Emporium, Pa., that we accept the resignation of Hev. J. M. Robertson as Rector with profound regret. Rtmlved, That we testify to the fact that during the hia long, continued and faithful service for this I'arish and community his oonduct has always lieeu such as to coiumeud him to all. /(<-#•*( t<rd, That this Parish has pros pered under his directions and the Church has grown until It stands lu the foremost rank of the churches iu this Dlocea*. We cheerfully recom mend Rev. J M. Rob. -rtaon as an up right man, an able Christian minister and a worthy member of the church, to all communities with which he may hereafter attlltate JfrWtvif, That as a further apprecia tion of the respect he has shown the Visitry, It is decreed thai the salary of our lUs'lor be attainted to Mepl. Ist and that a pupllo rt* eptl.m be tendered < uuUhuml mi MM fat* William F. Lloyd Dead. Just as w« goto press, a telegram from Ilanisburg to Mr. T. B. Lloyd, Cashier of First National Rank, from John A. Johnston, his brother-in-law, conveyed the sad intelligence of tho death of his father. The funeral will possible be held at Wrightsville, Pa., on Saturday, where his wife, who died in 1871, is hurried. Five children, T. 15., and H. S., of Emporium; Mrs. Mabel Johnston, Harrisburg; Will and Alice in the west. He was aged 74. Deceased leaves many friends in this county, who will be pained to hear of his death. The Pkesb deeply and sin cerely sympathizes with the family. New Borough Clerk. Owing to continued ill-health, R. C. Moore, who has faithfully filled the position of Borough clerk very accept ably for several years, resigned last Monday evening. The Councilmen elated Mr. Chas. 11 Crandell, Teller of First National Bank, to fill the vac ancy. He is in every way competent and we believe will make a popular official. Bible Class Social On Wednesday evening, the Bible Class of Emmanuel Episcopal Sunday School held its regular monthy social. The Church Choir served refreshments. A silver collection was taken, which amounted to SIO.OO and the same will he added to the monument fund, for the late Mr. and Mrs. Thoß. Trotter. All present had a fine time. Another Arrest. Chief Mundy captured a Port Alle gany chap named Coughlin, charged with stealing a watch. There is quite a joke connected with this case. It seems Coughlin complained to White of not having anything to do and wanted to get a place with nothing to dp While replied "steal something and go to jail," at the same time Coughlin had his watch in his pocket. Argument Court. President Judge Harry A Ivan Hall and Associate Judge Geo. J. Laßar held Argument Court at this place last Monday. 'Little business was trans acted except transferring the license tor Central Hotel, conducted for many years by S. D McDonald, to Dan'l McDonald. That Great Boy. Mrs. Robt. K. Mickey arrived in Em porium last Thursday from Washing ton., I). C., where she has been visit j Ing her parents since the birth of her boy. Of course the boy is here too and his name is ltobt. K. Jr. Miss Jessee Line, accompanied them here, but returned to her home yesterday. Severely Burned. E. L. Losey, of Mina, Pa., form erly of Mionamahoniug, was frightfully burned during the serious forest tires last week. Itepurts were circulated that Mr. I x>»ey was dead, but we can not secure reliable Information, but do not credit the repojt. New Seeds. s«.ed Buckwheat, Silver Hull, fl.ou per bushel. Seed Buckwheat, Japanene, 112 1.00 per bushel. Learning Fodder Corn, fl 10 |x»r bu. At Eiu|>orium Milling Co. Big Sale is Now On. WONDt MHJt. BARGAINS. The great Clearance Bale at K 8, • 'oppeismlth's commenced yesterday. I j»*t evening i he store room was (tack ed as solid as a sardine boa lie a big bargain *.de I lead l>„ Pin.* and note their new ad. Building Falls on Woman Fatally injuring Her, Last Sunday morning, while assist ing her husband, Allen Russell, who resides on Four Mile, to move an out building, which he had placed on a stone boat, the building falling on her, fatally injuring, her back. Dr. H. S. Falk was called and reported the lady's back broken. The sad circum stances surrounding the family is deep ly deplored, seven children being afflic ted. The husband, Allen Russell, who works in the woods most of the time, is certainly to be sympathized with. The injured lady was moved to the residence of Mrs. Allen, Sr., on the Portage, near Emporium, on Tuesday that she might be nearer to the attend ing physician, or sent to a hospital. We deeply feel for the afflicted fam ily. LATER— Dr. 11. S.Falk took the in jured lady to the Williamsport hospital Tuesday evening. Death of William M. McCormick. William M. McCormick, aged 64, died at Atlantic City last Sunday morn ing, leaving a wife. Deceased, who was a native of Lycoming county, has resided in Philadelphia for many years, being one of the largest whole sale dealers in lumber in tho State. A 1 geninl gentleman and popular with j all who knew him. Our citizens will ! remember him pleasantly, he having for several years been sales agent for Howard & Co., of this place. His fu- 1 neral took place at Williamsport ok Tuesday. Hon. Josiah Howard, of Emporium, and Mr. Jos. Kaye attend- i ed his funeral. Attends Bowling Club Meet. Mr. R. Kuehne, the popular Fourth j street dry goods merchant, visited at Buffalo and Niagara Falls on Saturday and Sunday to transact business and visit with relatives. While In BuHalo he attended a reunion of a Howling Club, of which he was a member. Old members from Europe attended aud all enjoyed the occasion. Meeting old i friends, after years of separation, is al ways enjoyable. Court Reporter's Salary. The Look Haven Democrat says that President Judge of the !l6th Judicial district, Harry Alvan Hall, has made an order based upon the Act of Assem bly of May I, 1907, ap|»oiutiiig J. Irwin Hagerman court stenographer tor the several courts of Cameron, Clinton aud Klk counties at a salary of fJ,4uo per year, to be distributed as follows: Cameron court to pay fuoo, Clinton fl.iOO and Elk |9OO. One-twelfth of said amount to be paid monthly, be ginning May 1, 1910, on the order of the preaidiug judge. In addition the reporter Is to he allowed expenses and supplies In antouut as the court may deem proper aud necessary. Heretofore the |>ay uf tho court reporter was per diem aud extra tor transcribing, etc,, the total of which waa about the same as he will now get under the salary act. Joins The Craft. I 1 rank Huffman, tsou of uur loruier townspeople, who recently ntuved to Hldgway , has Joined the craft, haviug entered tha Dally IWord ultU e to learn the trade. Frank is a very gen tlemanly young man aud we, knowing hint »s we do, prmllet a bright future Prauk is all right, friend Mak.r you nan bank on that -TERMSI $2.00 —$I,^OIN AI>VAKCE the weather PRiDAY, Fair. SATUKDAY. Fill-. SUNDAY, f"-bowere. ASSRTS First National Bank, ' MFOIUUM.PA. At ttxe ©!©...» Of IjllKjj;' M>. Jif 10. $857,369.72. I Home Savings Banks.-How to Get One. I ' H na,UI 1 '""■ •' i • '«-i • loiii h the:.*child- I rea prosrii :ny uii— ■ ..... : . . ■ ' » ■ 112 >• -■ nave reached their ma jority. I-to r.'- it them on the road to pros '' s ' ' ei oni my, we loan every P«won aeoositii g $l.O<J a beautiful nickel bank, ; ana credit the amount in ,i pass book drawing three per cent, interest semi-annually. V on are to.). i ;ng tlio bank to this Hank when-' ever convenlc nt, it will be opened bj the one key we keep and the contents placed to the credit of the child. It will bo a surprise and a delight to you to see how the account will grow. SI.OO Starts an Account. Qo INTEREST PAID ON ? A VINO IJOOK ° deposit' S ANU CtiRT,FICA I ' DR. L<EON REX FELT DENTIST. Rockwell Block, Emporium, Pa. DR. H. W. MITCHELL, DENTIST, Office over A. F. Vogt's Shoe Store Emporium, Pa 12y —wu U —ia—gJMWM——CTM—IT»HWJ— POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS All Announcements under this head must be signed by the candidate and paid in advance to insure publication. FOR CONGRESS. Editor Press:— You are authorized to announce my name as a candidate for Congrens, for the 21st Congressional District, com posed of the counties of Clearfield, Mc- Kean, Centre and Cameron, subject to the Rules of the Republican Party.— Primary Election, June 4th, 1910 Yours truly, Chas. E. Pattkn. Curwensville, Clearfield Co., Pa., November 30th, 1909.—t. p. *•* To The Editor:— l hereby announce myself a candidate for Congress in the 21st Pennsylvania district, subject to the decision of the Republican voters !at the primaries to be held Junt, 10, | 1910. I make this announcement and i enter the contest in compliance with the earnest requests of many proroin i ent members of the party in the dia | trict and also because I believe that in I Congress, if elected, I would be in a | position to effectively advocate those I principles and measures of good gov ■ erument, which now more than ever, | should be embodied in Federal legia | lation. I believe in clean politics and progressive Roosevelt policies. And ' to the end that 1 may serve their best interests, I ask the support of the tie i publicans of this district. LEWIS EMERY, JK. Bradford, Pa., March 15, 1010. Miss Welsh Entertains. The members of I'nion Friendly So ; ciety were entertained last Thursday ; evening by Miss Anna Welsh at her j home on Fifth Street. After the regu j lar business of the evening was dis posed of, the house was turned over to the "bunch" for a general good time and all present proceeded to take ud vantage of the opportunity. During the evening delicious refreshments were served. The event of the season , for the Society will be a progressive lawn party which will be held on Thursday evening, June 16th. Maccabees at St. Marys. About thirty-five members of the Oladiola Hive, L. O T. M., went to St. Marys on Wednesday morning to as sist in the degree work. Ten candi dates from Emporium was received In to the order daring the day Empori um ladies are far advanced in the de gree work and their services are great ly appreciated by the surrounding towns. Two of the State officer* were preseut at St. Mary. "E»cb*ih at the Hat." At a ball game at Depew, N V , last Saturday between the lH>ids of the City league and Industrials, there pre tentative teuui of Depew, a liulfalo paper has the following to say of Ed Kschbaeh: "The work of i- scht>Mch, the Industrial*' catcher, was the fea ture of th« game. Ma secured three hits out of three times up, a single, two Uagg»r and a bums run " Ice ('ream Novlal There will Ist an Ice Cream Met ial «i lln ward Hiding Sellout Ifm.**, ne»i Saturday evsniiv, for benefit uf H*v hehman Wanted A girl lit du dmiug i» -at e.trk A|*l> at unt. at Muinl War MM, km (Htrium, I'a NO. 15.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers