I; \ _ n fL AM E. S. COPPERSMITH'S STORE, EMPORIUM, PENNA Entire \T% Iri IP 6 * IP g | (TW? 1 Jrl IwC j- ll - >• lllVl CJL IV§ ejLC¥JK%. W. dren Dry Goods Ladies Clothing, Millinery, and Furnishings, to be sold in TEN DAYS time, Beg mriing Wednesday, May 25th, 1910, 9 a. m.l A Terrific Sale, sending death and destruction to high prices, demoralizing competition; will bring thousands of people from far and near to attend the sale of E. S. j COPPERSMITH S. Tho PVIIQQ ic Rria%f ISiIQ I P Q PfinnOrOiViilh ThiS iS the bargain event that will surpass anything ever attempted the value 1 giving i 1 fj l»J 0 U BU Ofc fltJlla" 1 j iloUl ill Ol vUjJUuI UIBBI 111 line in Emporium. Save this and wait for Cameron County's Greatest Sale. Bought heavily, anticipating a big spring trade, but owing to backward conditions and a i tardy season we have more stock 011 hand than we care to carry—in fact, more than good busi- Immense Stocks! Magnificent Bargains! Thousands of Surprises! I ness judgment warrants; besides WE NEED THE MONEY AND MUST HAVE IT. Read on. Read every line. Then wait for tiie 20th Century's most remarkable and stupend- I This fact combined with still other reasons gives the strongest incentive to make this an ous sa^3 * R will be characterized by enough thrilling, sensational selling for a hundred sales. I unusual event. j 1 , . , „ . Don't hesitate. NOW is the time. Act at once, when the Bargain Flood Gates open. In order to make this sale QUICK and DECISIVE we have employed the most effective ] weapons known to modern merchandising, that is; not only the eliminating of every vestige of 112 profit, but the cutting deep down into the vitals of the original cost 011 every article, item and lAf Affl nAnjfl nit A 4 ft &•%-» garment in our peerless assortment of the choicest creations of the world's greatest workshops. wS sJf| f|P VIS ihm v .. « r i Lot Ladies Tailor Made Suite, in all the leading the assurance that modes will not be wa ched else- , Lot of W bite Embroidered Waists, $1 •> QQp u , . \ess, « for 25c value. *7(l shades, good $12.00 and $15.Q0 values. djr? OQ where at our prices. values, sale price vvuo bale price, - - - . - . . - ' Sale price *P • You Will Appreciate These Hats —Hardly two Lot of whito Embroidered Waists $2 00 1"1 Q S I quality Ladies \ ests, worth ISC. 1 2*o Lot Ladies Suits in a large variety of fabrics and alike; so many styles that there's not room enough values, Sale price J.. J. O bale price - a styles, handsomely tailored and finished. (Ti-i /-w /OQ here to tell of half. New large shapes, new small Lot white Embroidered Waists, §3.00 1/I Q I n«-ILr^v^k,"c«£o Regular $20.00 Values. Sale price. shapes, new medium size shapes—conservative ar.d values Sale price JL .*xv7 LiaUlcS nanuKcrClUclS Lot Ladies Tailor Made Suits in all the latest ultra fashionable modes. Every wanted shade is here Lot of black and white Silk waists, . ft.odier- OQ„ Ladies' Short Kimonas that sold up to s2.oofyQ_ Ladies High-Orade Hats, Extraordinary -1 Ladies Skllfts ( les, ocvaues. .a e price Sale price. values at SB.OO, Fair Warning Sale Price.. 1U Lot Ladies Skirts that sold up to $2.50 gg ChambreV and Ginghams Ladies long Kimonas, $3.00 values, m 1 o O - r . 1 , n aie price,,.. I - ." 1" „ . . -_ , , 0 Sale price Untnmmed Millinery s4.oovllues . ae . !".' $2.19 Sale prioe of Colored Chambrey, 20 c values. Lace Curtains Rough Straws, regular 75c values. A Lot Ladies' Skirts in biack, blues and Panama One lot of Dress Ginghams, 20c values Sale price latest styles, $4.50 values. p Sale price - - - - J-iO Special Notice. E. S. Coppersmith has two dozen ' Horse'ilair Braid, regular $1.50 values'."" Sale Price ........................ ... One lot of French Dress Ginghams, -j q pairs of lace curtains. During this sale «i q Oflp Sale price b/OC Lot Ladies' Skirts in black and blue Voile q regular 3oc values. Sale price - - J-ao the >' ar « ' Milans, in all the new shaps, regular ;9 - * . lie One Lot Childr«n's DroHHRH that sold double heel and toe, Sale price O/C One lot of better grade Corset Covers. AOr> Hair Pins, a package, - regular for 75c Sale 39C Ladies' Underskirts Hand Embroidered, 76c values. Sale price. Sal. price - ? ' - - ■ lO One lot better xrade Children's dresses, aCk unueibKiri!. I adiaa' Mll