Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, May 05, 1910, Image 8

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    IgpGreat sale of Stylish Spring Suits
Right in the Height of the Season we offer (fey V ' r"' V
II j all our fine Ladies and Misses Spring Suits /ig \
I Jl|||§/ at the following extraordinary low prices. //II
IJ|We need the room for summer goods. A \ jJ/JI
AH SIO.OO Suits reduced to - - $6.75 I ' *
AU 12 50 SuitS reduced to - - - - 7.75 A// Women should Know of
AU 13.00 Suits reduced to 8.50 -» T ~T
F R ." AII IQ CJA J J J this and \?cst
112 All 10.00 Suits reduced to 11.75
;/ I " \ ; AIL 1 £SO FAFI LLF FITFL IQ £?A ou never saw an nndervest that was so thoroughly practical— BO abso- I
/ • V " LL IU,U " UUITA I CUUItU LO - - IA.UU lntely sure of pleasing you as the "CUMFY-CUT" Vest. Just dance at THO I
I •' F ( M illustration, that helps tell the strap of
| i m All 18.50 Suits reduced to 13.50
1 1 mf All loen c•* J J- The Shoulder Straps that Cannot Slip Dotfn I
/: .j; All 19.50 Suits reduced to - 13.50
K ; r A M : a,l nA AA _ . , „ A perfect fitting vest both back and front-always staying in correct po"
\ ; ;v v All 20.00 Suits reduced to - 13.75 a S4» c S. Ptab,e - * o,neD who " ke neatnea9 wi|l ™ n t many
/LL!.. /L All OO SN Qiiife IR AA P IFC j? FC K E IM P™yed shaping of the vest that prevents the shoulder straps
. jji. ; . '£Lfik i-1.11 MM.UU DULTS RGGLLCED LO - LO.LJO FROM slipping— that gives the desirable shaping of the "CUMFY-CUT" vest
/-A LAW" !*VTA\ both 111 hack and front.
All 25.00 Suits reduced to - 17 SO There arealso other features for more comfort and satisfying wear.
L, , 'br-\ % ' and correctsizes ' * tnmmed ~ all "CUMFY-CUT" vests are full length
Come early and get the best choice. w e are showing "cumf-cut» vests at each . . 15 and 25c
5S on ~ are p{ JTTJFf-f F Emporium's Greatest Special Sales now going on
■ lowest in the county. -JL % A -ML ML. 1 J JL, A. JL QFNRP Sale of mill ends In Cotton, Table Damask,
1 Breezy |
I County I
)1 Nen?s |
Malvern Smith and wife, of Kane,
were the guests of former's mother, Mrs.
Samuel Smith, Tuesday.
A. W. Wylie, who has been on the
tick list for several weeks, is able to be
out again.
Mrs. J. E. Smith is having an addi
tion put on the Arnold house, which will
make a nice double house.
Three Italian families moved here
from Wilmer, Saturday.
Flora Ebersole, who has been ill for
some time, is no better at this writing.
We hope for her speedy recovery.
The Mount Hope Coal Co. put nine
miners to work Monday and are shipping
several car loads of coal a day.
Mr. J. A. Dice and wife were called
to Stcwartstown, Sunday, on account of
the death of the latter's father.
Mrs. Mary Hoag, of Cameron, was a
visitor in town Saturday.
J. It. Strawbridge and wife were visi
tors to ltidgway recently, guests of Wm.
Buck and wife.
John Kissel, of Renovo, was a visitor
in town over Sunday.
W. R. Sizcr, of Sizerville, has been
busy in town the past week, taking the
Sterling Rase Rail Team played Cam
eron, Sunday. Score was 8 to 10 in
favor of the home team.
Mrs. I'adolt was the guest of her
brother, Silin, of Sinnamahon
ing, over Sunday.
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit from this
office, or the Manager at the works*
Emporium, Pa.. August Ist 1903
Latest Popular Music.
Miss May Qould, teacher of piano
fort has received a full line of the lat
est and most popular sheet music. All |
the popular airs. Popular and class
ical music. Prices reasonable.
Ready for Contracts.
I am now ready to contract for car
penter work, either by job or day.
Good workmen and reasonable price
Give me a trial. My carpenter shop,
on West Fifth street is fitted to handle
all repair work. Furniture repaired.
Estimates furnished.
!®-tf. A. H. PANTING.
Bucher & Juniper Kidney Pills. '
A scientific combination containing
thoroughly reliable drugs in the proper
combination to secure the best thera
peutic effects. They help restore the
kidneys and bladder to a normal con
dition and assist nature to maintain
the healthy equilibrium. For sale by
R. C. Dodson.
For Sale.
Full-blooded Rhode Island Red Eggs.
Setting, 14 eggß, 76c.
Mrs. Chas. Collins, of Hicks Run, was
the gu< st of C. J. Miller and wife, of
this place, over Sunday.
Clarence W. Johnson was a business
caller at Driftwood on Monday.
C. J. Miller transacted business at the
County Seat recently.
A. W. Smith, of Willowdale mansion,
has bought the N. D. Jordan estate and
moved on the same, last week. He has
torn down the old mansion in Wylie
Hollow and is using the lumber to build
a cold storage, which he will use especial
ly for the purpose of storing awav wild
I meat.
W. R. Smith returned trom Chicago,
111., on Monday, where he has been tak
ing a post-graduate course at the College
of Mechano-Thcrapy.
George and Henry Hill, of Grove Hill
j were callers in town recently.
Mrs. Ralph Graffam and children, of
| Rerwick, were the guests of A. F. Smith
| and wife last week.
Mrs. W. It. Smith and children, who
j were visiting relatives and friends at
Medix Run the past two weeks, returned
home on Monday.
Operator Perry, of Keating, is posting
on first trick at 11Y tower and will ac
cept the position of Ist trick when
j through posting.
Operator Johnson was a Renovo caller
on Monday.
X. X. X.
Miss Huff, of Woolrich, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Frank Fisher.
Miss Rernettie Bennett and Misses
Lily and Addic Berfield visited in Du-
Bois the early part of the week.
Myrtle Shafcr made a trip to Em
porium last Saturday evening.
Mrs. W. 11. V anWert and daughters,
Olive and Lauca, left Monday for a visit
to out of town friends.
Eftic Lorsbaugh and sister visited their
aunt, Mrs. Chas. Krebs, last Sunday.
T. J. Fulton, of Oriole, came to town
recently to enjoy his annual fishing trip.
T. E. Fulton, Census Enumerator, has
completed his duties.
The Epworth League will observe
their Twenty-First Anniversary, with ap
propriate services in the church next
Sunday evening at 7:30.
Several of our people attended the
Sunday School Rally which was held at
I Castle Garden last Thursday evening.
Miss Ethel Itunyan spent last Thurs
day at Driftwood.
Thad Rrooks, of Driftwood, was in
town Sunday.
Mrs. Arthur Rarclay visited in Al
toona, last week.
Jeff Askey was in town over Sunday.
Mrs. Rrooks Lorahbaugh visited rela
tives here over Sunday.
Quite a number of Driftwood residents
attended the funeral services of Ortha
Smith, last Sunday afternoon.
Thos. Espy has moved his family from
the rooms over D. P. Raird's store to the
D. A. Fulton homestead.
W. H. Lupoid is putting a metal roof
on his dwelling and making other im
Fred Hanscom, who went south some
time ago, has returned to Sinnamahoning.
Mr. Segar, of St. Marys, while on his
way to visit his daughter, Mrs. Phin.
Johnson, up the First Fork, was struck
Monday morning by a west bound P. It.
R. freight and thrown into the ditch
I along the track. He was taken to Drift
wood, where he received the proper at
tention by physicians and by evening was
! well enough to return to his home.
Miss Silva Pattersou of Benezette was
a visitor in town one day last week.
Dr Merril of Dents Run was in town
on business Wednesday.
James Krise, who has been at Odessa
for some time came home Monday.
Mrs. Frank Aikley is on the sick
The small child of McClellan Miller
broke his arm Sunday. The child is get
ting along as well as can be expected.
Born, to Geo. Johnson and wife, one
day last week, a son.
F. 11. Garety was a Dußois visitor on
Mrs. Harry Dellass was visiting her
daughter here recently.
E. J. Willcott of Benezette was in
towu on business recently.
Mr. Spence of Dußois transacted busi
ness in town Saturday.
Mrs. Jack Gailin of Benezette is at
the home of Geo. Johnson and family.
Clarence English and wife of Byrn
dale are moving in the tannery row at
this place.
The clothing store at this place was
robbed Thursday night. Suit of clothes,
overcoat, four pair of shoes and a suit
ease were taken. The burgler entered
through a window.
Messrs. Bob Johnson, Bill Smith, Joe
Clark of Hicks Run spent Sunday in
Miss Helen DeHass of Benezette visit
ed her sister at this place on Sunday.
Mr. Pontas of Hicks Run spent Sun
day with his daughter at this place.
The tannery at this place shut down
for necessary repairs.
Ray Smith and wife of Huntley visit
ed tfie latter's parents here over Sunday.
Mrs. Dan Ross is suffering with an at
tack of rheumatism.
The schools closed here Tuesday after
a successful term. The scholars are glad
-to hear such good news. The teachers
left for their homes on Thursday.
Oscar Coulburn and bride will take up
housekeeping in No. 5 at Tannery town.
Mr. Y cm Mountain, ofßellwood mov
ed his family to this place last week.
John Munn, who has been away visit
ing relatives at Clearfield returned home
Misses Viola and Maud Frantz and
Augusta Riss were visitors at Benezette
Sunday afternoon.
L. B. Russell is suffering with a severe
attack of Lagrippe.
Mrs. Edward Rouch of Caledonia is
visiting relatives here.
A party was given in honor of Miss Iva
Backus Thursday night, it being her
18th birthday. Miss Backus re
ceived many beautiful presents. All
report a grand time.
Mrs. John Wagner is gaining in health
The ladies Aid society of Benezette
were in town Thursday.
Good Piano for Sale.
A Bradbury Piano (square) in good
Apply at PRESS office. 37-tf. 1
Many people of this place, attended
the funerals at Sinnamahoning on Sun
i day, of Miss Ortha Smith, who was
drowned on Monday April 25th and Tony
Itoceo, who committed suicide from grief,
by drowning on the 20th, by jumping in
to the stream below Barclay's'daui. Miss
) Smith ami Rocco were to hav ebeen mar
ried last Saturday. Those present at the
funeral were: James Logue, C. W.
1 Logue, Maiden Lo«uc and daughter Clel
la, five of the Swank brothers, Miss Pearl
1 Swank, Mrs. B. B. Lorshbaugh, Mrs.
Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. LeGrand Wy
; koff, Louisa Logue and Joe Bowers.
Mrs. Terriberrv is making an extended
: visit to Coudersport.
Mrs. C. E. Logue and children visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burliu
■ K amp > over Sunday, at Bergs Run.
The fruit don't appear to have been in
i jured yet by the cold wet weather, but it
has put the farmers back with their
spring work and some fields of oats are
not sown yet and but few potatoes plant
ed. The farmers have lots of old pota
toes cn hand and are getting from 30 to
40 cents per bushel.
Mr. Warner, of Ohio, is here again
and expects to be able to prove in a short
lime that these old mountains are good
for something besides to hold up what
timber there was on them at one time.
He is stopping with C. E. Logue and
they are both busy prospecting. '
Fishing is not being carried onto any
extent, the water having been too high
ever since the season opened.
The B. &S. R. R. Co., are running
lots of coal again, since the settlement of
the strike.
Mrs. Jessie Hicks, who has been visit
ing her mother at Edinboro for a couple
of weeks, returned home Saturday.
Mrs. Chas. Collins was a Huntley call
er on Monday 'ast.
Elmer Connor, of Houston Hill, who
been buffering from rheumatism for a
long time, was taken to the Lock Haven
Hospital on Monday.
An Italian shanty at the Bell Dam
was robbed, last Thursday watches and
some clothing. One of the thieves, nam
ed Oleson, was given a hearing before
Squire Johnson, and committed to the
Ridgway jail.
Mrs. Minnie Van Dyke, who was call
ed here by the death of her father. A. S.
Hicks, has returned to her home in
Mrs. C. E. Pepperman has been ill for
a few days.
The Grammar School here closed ou
Monday. The teacher, Violet Housler,
has returned to her home at Sterling
Geo. Lynch was so unfortunate as to
severely injure his knee, one day last
B. E. W.
Samuel Parks has had his house new
ly painted, which adds much to its ap
The Social at Mr. Burkland's last
week, was fjuite well attended, eleven dol
lars being received.
Herman Close and Roland Horning
took examinations in Emporium last
Mrs. Wilson, Couuty Orgauizer of W.
C. T. U., will be at Howard on the even-
- ■■■—
ioR of the 11th, Everybody conn* anc
help the good cause along.
Mrs. Miller and her daughter, of Em
porium, attended church here on Sunday
Mrs. S. Paiks visited her daughter ai
Johnsonburg, a few days l;«>t week.
Miss Leathoa Victory closes a ver'
successful term of school here on Friday
Cedar Shingles $4.50 per thousand ai
B. Howard & Go's.
More rain.
Josephine Hohn returned to her hom
in St. Marys Monday evening.
Harry Morse, who has been very il
for the past week, is reported consider
ably better.
John Schwab was an Emporium busi
ness caller the first of the week.
Mr. Hohn, of St. Marys, visited hi
daughter, Mrs. 0. L. Page. Sunday.
Ed. Schwab donated the ball team :
dollar for their efficient work in Sunday'
The P. It. R. Co's bridge carpenter
are busy repairing Ritchcy bridge th<
past week.
Pitcher "Rube" Walker and catche
Harvey and baseman Boyd were injure<
in Sunday's game.
bullivan and Krape, truck gardeners
are busy getting their farms ready fo
their summer's planting.
The ball game played Sunday P. M.
with Sterling Run proved to be a farce
The score in the last halt of the eightl
inning was 10-9 in favor of Sterling Run
with the Cameron boys having the basei
filled and one out, when the Sterling
Run team left the field, declaring tb<
Umpire's decision unsatisfactory, thci
thereby forfeiting the game 9-0, favor ol
Cameron. The Cameron team playec
good ball, and pitcher "Rube" Walkei
was the receiver of a silver Cup for hit
fine work, and "Ty" Sullivan receivet
marked attention for his all-around good
playing. [lt strikes ye editor that il
would be more to the credit of the ball
towers if they cut out Sunday games
It is not a good example to set the ri.vinp
generation. Cut it out, boys. You cer
tainly have sufficient spare time during
week days, without desecrating the Sab
bath.] — EDITOR,
Most too much wet weather for farm
ing and the farmers are having hare
work to get in their crops.
Anthony E. Fulton, census enumera
tor, closed his canvass on Tuesday, tht
3rd inst. He has had several trying ex
perienees in his travels.
Geo. P. Shafer is getting up a rod anc
club, something to the interest of tht
hunters and fishermen of this town.
YV. W. Wykoff, of First Fork, was s
caller on Saturday. He reports some
fine catches of trout iu Lorshbaugb.
Joe Ilaynes, of Arksill, brought twe
fine veal calves to town on Monday.
Wcscot Rurlingame, of Wharton, waf
a caller on Saturday. He reports beai
signs are very numerous up the First
Fork. He is also trying for a patent on
a stretcher to carry live bears out ol
the woods and wants to find out the best
food for bears who happen around before
season opens. Wonder what he means
by the last sentence. .Mr. liurlingame is
an old hunter but he generally kills his
bears ns soon as he catehes them arid puts
(hem out of their misery.
The Cameron Powder Mfg. Co., fired
up one of their boilers on Saturday and
with ten pounds of steam bursled nine
A. J. Barclay got quite a scare one
day last week, when it was raining hard.
A man came down from the powder
works saying the big tank he had built
would not hold water. When he got up
to the power house, he found four men
bailing water out of the fire room and
seeing what the trouble was, he told them
to shut off the three inch supply pipe,
which came from the supply tank and it
would hold the water, which was quickly
done and they did not have to bail any
longer. Accidents will happen.
Nathan Silin has the lumber on the
ground for his new store.
Martha Beldio has resighed her posi
tion at the Mountaiu House.
Mra. Nellie Silin is on the sick list this
week. Dr. Beal is attending her.
Nellie Floyd took a flying trip to Em
porium and Itcnovo and intermediate
points one day last week.
Misses Benettie Bennet and Lillie
Berfield are visiting friends at Dußois
this week.
Mr. John of St. Marys, while
crossing the P. B. R. track on Monday,
on his way to the B. & S. station, was
hit by engine No. 2C44 of the fruit
train. While being bruised up quite
severely, nothing serious. This seems to
be a bad crossing, as three have been
killed at this place and several hurt.
The Cameron Mfg Co., expect to make
powder this week, if all goes well. Their
locomotive has not made its appearance
yet, which is a great drawback to the
work, as it takes several teams to do the
hauling of supplies lrom the station to
the plant.
A. J. Barclay got disgusted with try
ing to farm as the ground was so wet, so
he went fishing on Tuesday and it rained
nearly all day and he had fisherman's
luck as usual.
Willie Smith and Fred Gigh started
early on Monday morning to fish Jerry's
Run, for speckled beauties. After whip
ping the stream for six miles using Saw
yer's Ilellgrouts, Minnows, eonkles and
and red worms, they captured three trout
that were of lawful size.
Rev. T. J. Fulton, of Nipeno Valley,
is trying his luck tor trout this week.
The Cameron Powder Co., tried to
blow their whistle or said they were go
ing to blow it on Tueday night, but we
failed to hear it.
The R. R. police were up at our town
recently, looking after train jumpers. He
got the names of several youog men, who
make it a practise of jumping trains.
Several parties were fishing for trout
on Tuesday, the bisgest catch by any
one of the lot was four. A. J. Barclay
got one horned chub.
The Socialist leaders came home from
Hunter's Rest on Monday and after get
ting loaded, they expounded socialism to
perfection, deciding that all the old par
ties were rotton and that "Old Glory"
was of no account, as it wanted the red
flag of auarchy to be unfurled in the
cause of freedom.
Jafl. O'Bri au, the man who raises big
potato crop at First Fork, was a visitor
recently, lie is rnakiug calculations to
putin a large crop of potatoes again this