reciting an im- "*" prom ptu dissertation on character. The ingenuity of some of these fellows ts amazing. I used to watch one of them in drawing-rooms, and he found hi 3 greatest success, curiously enough, not in flattery but in graceful insult. It was a treat to see him take the hand of a hopelessly respectable old lady of an unblemished humdrum »iery, glance at her palm, start with a shock, look at her with amazement, and refuse to read her hand before people. I said it was a treat to watch her, as sho writhed with delighted horror at his aspersions on character istics which, he told her, discretion or cowardice had kept in check, but •which her hand —ah, her hand dis played so that ho who read might run! Palmistry has kept what place It lias kept in civilized toleration by the fact that its character studies can hardly go entirely wrong. And palm ists have taken good care to provide a refuge from every mistake. The wicked trait which one "mount" pro claims is annulled by the opposite trait proclaimed by a "star;" the aw ful thing which this "lino" threatens is canceled by the shape of a "pha lange;" "grille" contradicts "tri angle;" "island" conquers "cross;" ■spatulate finger gives the lie to coni cal thumb, and the nails to the Itnuckles. Palmistry, then, involves nothing very tragic, because Its very believers d crops are often secured from seeding as late as the tlrst week in June. The crop may lie harvested economically by cutting the peas with a mower equipped with a pea lifting attachment. The crop must be thoroughly cured Jn small cov ered bunches before it is stored. Hood's Sarsaparilla Will purify your blood, clear your complexion., restore your appetite, relieve your tired feel ing, build you up. Be sure to take it this spring. Got It In usual liquid form or choco lated tablets called Sarsatabs. 100 Doses tU A PARADOX. Manager—That drinking song went very badly tonight. Stage Director—l know. The tenor had been drinking. Queer Attribute of Salmon. Only about 20 per cent, of salmon spawn before they return up the river from the sea, and those that do return after spawning are coarse, and, when cut up, white in the flesh; in fact, are known as bull trout, for so-called "bull trout" are not a different kind of fish, but are plainly salmon which have spawned. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that It In Use For Over JtO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought Every man should keep a fair sized cemetery in which to bury the faults of his friends.—Beecber. Many things combine to make home cheerful, but no one thing plays so important a part as artistic taste in wall decoration. Beautiful, cleanly and wholesome is ■Matetfae The SanitaiyWall Cbatiiyf We have ideas on color harmonies, classic stenci's, and much that will in terest the discriminating house owner. These ideas have cost us money but are free to you. Ask your dealer or write direct. Alabastine Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00, $3.50, $4.00&55.00 Union IB K? O BOIJS' Shoes Madu d li U Las2.oo & $2.50 W. L. Douglas shoes are worn by more men tli an any other make, 112 BECAUSEs fe W.L.Doug)a*ft3.oo [ I ™ ami slhm's aro R; i A /JJ the lowest price, p- : iyr quality considered, i.jiYilrfwiiV in the world. \V.L.l>out;las 84.00 W " • i ami 95.00 MIIOCA equal, In wtyle, fit and /• wear, other make* I /\ J costing SO. <)(> to #B.OO. Fast Color Eyelets. cSsEI The genuine have W. L. Douglas name and prlct Stamped on the bottom. Take .\'o siit»«tiin(<>. Auk your dealer for W.L. Douulas shoes. If they are not for sale in your town write for Mail order Catalog, giving tall directions how to order by mail. Shoes ordered direct from factory delivered to the wearer all charges prepaid. W. L. Douglas, Brockton. Mass. BEGIN THE SUMMLK ARIGHT by furnishing your porch wrlk resLfuL fijxl furnitxire.SiNciAißCoMMON SENSE QIAJR.S ROCKERS «STITEESw>4 TABLES in 64 dtstnet Styles, have the mo-it cconomiccd Nnd S&£t.sfi*clory alter bftJf ©». century in Home J. Ours i-slhc ONLY BRANDED LINE OF DOUBLE CANE GOOD."* BACKED By A PRATT I CALL/ UNLIMITED GUARANTEE. ' hpj j FREE BOOKLE? FORTtfC ASKING THESINCXAIR-AtLENMFG.Co.Inc. j MOTTVILLE,N.X jf| | "The B resided-Wifcrranled- T_ ■ i j Double- - One - Fol kj. Your Opportunity iVa o r V™ if vou know how to raise potatoes and other crops which with them, there is a lino opening for you, in a locution where you can soon inaVe |IO to f-0 an acre land worth 1100 tosl6o an acre. This has otten been done In Tidewater.Vlrginia. The pioneer work has been accomplished and the region proved of «reat value for potatoes. Largo yields made. *-The district is within hours of 10.000.000 people. There a re other snlendld regions on the Southern Hall way lines tor potatoes and other truck crops. Writ® now for Information. M. V Ulcliardft. I.und and Industrial Agt., i St.,\Va»hiiigtoii, D.C. Hay s Hasr-Health Never Fails to Restore Gray Huf- to Its Natural Color and l\eauty. Stops its falling out, and positively removes Dandruff. Is not a Dye. Refuse all substitutes. Si.oo and 50c. Bottles by Mail or at Druggists. fiuljSC't Send 10c for largo sample Bottle & si&&«■■■ Philo Hay Snec. Co.. Newark. N. J.. U. S. A. UH R caaj or .Morphine Habit Treated. K&H fill IBS I' ree 'rial. Cases where other ST 9 '5 BtFa remcdlCß vc bailed, specially 0. CCNTRELL. S&ito DOG, 'iOO W 234 St.. New York tlfjtf lfl?> 'fc'Sl ,Vl\ "SSPfiSI ffl*3s3 1 locomotor ATHXUI PA ■