There's No Place Like,' Etc. Wife—What sort of a play would you like to see? Husband—Something lively, that keeps you awake, and has plenty of music to it. "I'm. You'd better stay at home end take care of the baby.—Life. Important to Nlothora. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants uud children, and see that it Signature of In Use For Over JJO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. In the Gloaming. "You were a long thr.e getting me, John, dear!" "And you were a long time waiting, pet!"— The Circle. Rod. Weak, 'Weary, Wiitory Kye». Reli'-vcd By Murine Eye Remedy. Try Murine For Your Kye Troubles. You Will I.lke Murine. It Soothes. HOi- at Your I>i'ukk!Ms. Write K<>r Eye Hooks. Free. Murine Kye Remedy Co., Chicago. There are lots of people who can't tiike a joke, and a good many times it isn't through any fault of their own. Takers of the United States Census will use Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen because it is always ready and suro. Always on Tap. While there's life there's dope.—Chi cago Heeord-Herald. DAVIS' P AINRIM.KR Should be taken without del.lT when wire chest and tickling throat want you that an annoying cold thn utens. At all drupgistsln 25c,85c and [Ac bottles It's easier to break away than it it to get back. Mrs. Winnlow 'it Soothing Syrup. For children teething. softens tho jiuniv reduces In tiauiuiu' .on,allays pain, cure* wind colic. 25c a ootue. Take a good watch to a pawnbroker and see how quickly the time passes. —H—Bi Low One-Way Rates to the Pacific Northwest In effect daily March I to April 15 Good on the comfortable tourist sleepers of the Union Pacific "The S ife Road to Travel" Dustless, perfect track electric block signal pro tection dining car meals and service " Best in the World" For further information call on or address E. L. LOMAX, Gen. Pass'r. Agrt. I'nion Pacific K. R. Co. Omaha, Neb. NEOPLATONISM Send 25 cents for a three months* trial subscription to ',» l <> VAIJIM and 1U issues of tlie ( VI'LCAN the smallest uiLfjazine in the world, issued upon a folder post eard. The VULCAN wii; started to commemorate the 11 ndscn-I*'"lton celebration but owing to unforeseen circuit) M..nees wax prevented from coming out In time for that event but inasmuch as it had more to *«o with the, next great show t hat is to take place in New York—a great Universal Kx jKiMtion or World's Fair in V.tib, It will be all the more timely and appreciated now. Wuo Vadfs is the enlarged form which the post carl memento is to take on together with the work of a study ot tin knotty problems of the better Housing of the I'nor in Hot h tit y and Country the socalled larnierK* I'plllt, Conversation, timiilcs, Social i Mill, ami kindr <1 tooicsand especi il y the light which NKOI'JjATONISM. the Hibleand other nncient literature and philosophies throw opot» tbi.M! subject h. &> cents for 10 issues of the VL'LCAN and a three months' trial of QI.'O VAJ)IS. TUB CLIFFBIDK Vll.( AN Box 48 € 1 iffhii braid and crochet buttons CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL ai, 1910 j fusion of flower trimming is shown, vary in style and in size from the small close-fitting oriental turban to the largest of picture hats. The sum mer girl will delight in the wide brims and flowing lines with masses of blossoms, and she will tiring down blessings and other things upon her pretty head when she takes up more space than really belongs to her. Hut whoever saw too many flowers? The summer girl is sure to be forgiven, no matter to what extremes she goes— and she knows it. These large shapes arc not pretty when made in any other than the lightest weight straws or hair braids. Hemp has come to be most popular, and hair braid hats are al ways good style and "classy." The smaller hats are nearly all made of braids. These are so light in I weight that they are sewed into j plaques or squares and draped as j easily as if they were cloth. For the turban shapes the trimming is placed in smart-standing effects and there are numbers of grass and flower cprays made up lor the purpose ol trimming them. 1 VELVET IDEA IN MILLINERY I | Variety of Shades as Best Adaptec to the Various Designs and Colorings. Hroad blue ribbon velvet of a dull but glorious shade is snappy on light straw. Velvet facings in heavy black covei the whole crown and brim of leg i horn, leaving only the under facing oi the braid. Cabachons of plaited ribbon velvet are the tailored touch demanded or the rough-and-ready walking hat. No evidence as yet that last season't hearse-like velvet hat will predominat. during the warmest weather. Narrow facings of velvet on brims and beneath them cover only a part of the straw. When big velvet bows are used they are wired and alternated with maline bows to give delicacy. Light blue loops of two-inch ribbon velvet are mixed with forget-me-nots on a flower-crowned model. Crystal Bugles In Style. It ir said on very good authority j that many of the newest evening j gowns are to be trimmed with crysta* bugles to the exclusion of the multJ j colored effects in vogue during the I past winter. This change is quite the natural or der of things, for crystal bugles are really very summery, and they will reflect the changeable qualities of the newest silks, giving them a gossamet look, as though they were made ol some dream stuff. This result Is espe cially suited to tfie debutante, whe usually makes her first semi-formal ap pearance during the summer. French Gloves. The Parisian tinted glove is with us, whether we will or not. We may pick it up or lay it down, but it has been sent to our shores in tones to match the most elaborate gowns. It. is doubtful of acceptance at the hands of fair Americans, although j Parisian women pull it on with gusto. _ New Spring Color. Chantecler is one of th« new spring colors. Probably an attempt to copy | ttie brilliant purple pink of the cox comb gave this color its right to the ; name of Rostand's shade that proin i isef* to take New York by storiu. EXCELLENT TRADE IN WESTERN CANADA BPLENDID CROPS, BIG PRICES, AND PROSPEROUS OUTLOOK FOR THE FUTURE. Throughout all of Can. 3a, and espe cially in the Western Provinces of Canada, there is a buoyancy in every line of business that is fully war ranted by every condition. The crops of the past year were, what was ex pected, and the prices for grain of all kinds, put the farmers in a class by themselves. Many of them are inde pendent, and many others have got well started on the road. The latest reports are that seeding is well under way in almost every district, and the prospects are that a vastly larger area than that under crop last year will be seeded early this spring. In the Lethbridge district, in Southern Al berta, steam and gasoline outfits, hun dreds of them, are breaking up the prairie at a tremendous pace, but they work night and day. As soon as it becomes dark, gangs are changed, a head light attached, and on, on through the night until the first streak of dawn, these giant monsters with their Beven or eight gangs of breaking plows, keep up the work. Then the more modest farmer is put ting in the longest hours possible with bis teams of horses or oxen. And whut will the Country be like in Au gust, when these fields have become yellowed with the literally golden grain. There will be one vast ex panse of wheat field. And there will be a market for it, because it is the best grain grown, and the demand will be everywhere. As previously in timated business throughout Western Canada is sound and good. The grain production of 1909 has been the great factor in establishing the reputation of Western Canada, and it is worth talking about. It surpassed all previ ous records, both in regard to quality and quantity, and such an achieve ment was by no means easy. The limit has not been reached, and a large average increase may be ex pected during the next ten years. | There will be odd seasons when a j falling-off will occur, and it is the fall- i ing-off that causes alarms and panics ] in the commercial world. The plains have done their duty so far in the out-put of grain and it would be rea sonable to make occasional allowances for slowing-up. The faster the rate of increase is now, the sharper will be the check when the production dimin ishes. But there are some unreason able people who wonder why the growth of one year is not continued ; during the next, and at an even faster rate. These same unreasonable peo- [ pie are the ones who see flaws in the 5 situation as soon as an indication is given that the startling advances have | not been maintained. A Terrible Risk. Typhoid had broken out in their neighborhood and the family resorted to travel as the best means of precau tion until the trouble should subside. They arrived at Quebec by the morning boat, intending to take it to Montreal in the evening, but the sight seers got tired and returned early in the afternoon to find the top of the smokestack on a ii«rel with the dock, the tide having dropped 18 feet. "Mamma." cried the little girl, "did God drink up all that water?" "Yes, my child." "Then hadn't we better tell him It wasn't boiled?" Do You Dread Mondays? Most women do, when Monday means to them a hot, steaming, smelly house because it is washday. If they would use Easy Task laundry soap they would find that the clothing and linen were cleaner and sweeter when finished, and that the work is done in half the time, with no fretting and fussing and bad temper. Easy Task soap takes the dirt out and doesn't drive it in. It's a white, pure soap; not a dingy yellow soap that smells bad in the cake and worse in the tub. Absolute Equality. The Woman—The tax office is one which I simply love togo to. The Man —Very few people do. Why j do you like it? The Woman—Because it is absolute- 1 ly the only place where no discrimina- j tion is made against me because I am j a woman. They let me there pay ! just as much as if I were a man. FOlt I»KEI'- SEATED COI,I)R and coughs, All'n'n Lung Hiilaam cures when all other remedies I fall. This old reliable medicine has been sold for I Bfef 40 years. 25e, 60c. 91.00 bottles. All dealers. If the fool and his money were in j separable there would be no get-rioh quick schemes. f* rn TlfilTC WntnonF.Colomiin.Wanh. ifiavr'<r llouiiur>, Dr. CHAHK. L' 24 North 101b St.. Philadelphia, P t H A Ir N I liiKton, !).('. llooksfree. lllKb* ffb U &■ Rp I !•nwlrk k Unrrnro. \V.I sllinuloll ■#% I t»l« I WttJt refaraucoe. Beet reuulu. . I Kail I D.C. Est. 4U vrs. Be»t reference* W. N. U., CLEVELAND, NO. 15-1910 PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more goods brighter and latter colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors all libers. They dye In cold water better than any othor dy*. You can dye ar.y garment Milhout ripping apart. Write lor free booklet— How to Dy«, Bleach and Ml* Colors. IHONJttiE DRUG CO., Qu/nny, Winoia* f|jg§JiLADNESS I With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many physi cal ills which vanish before proper efforts —gentle efforts—pleasant efforts—rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge that so many forms of illness are not due to any actual disease, but simply to a consti pated condition of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, promptly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are cue to the fact that it is the only remedy which promotes internal cleanliness, * without debilitating tho organs on which it acts. It is, therefore, all-im portant, in order to get its beneficial effects, to purchase and note that you have the genuine article, which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. It is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly ' on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and assists in overcoming habitual constipa tion permanently, also biliousness and the m_;ny ills resulting therefrom. The great trouble with all other purgatives and aperients is not that they fail to act when a single dose is taken, but that they act too violently and invariably tend to produce a habit of body requiring constantly augmented doses. Children enjoy the pleasant taste and gentle action of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, the ladies find it delightful and beneficial whenever a laxative remedy is needed, and business men pronounce it invaluable, as it may be taken without interfering with business and does j not gripe nor nauseate. When buying note the name. California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package. Price, 50 cents a bottle. \ • -4 raßMncmeummii m mi i inniaa n A Free Book About Beautiful Walls We have just issued a book about house decoration. May we send you a copy free ? It tells how to produce those beautiful walls, now seen in all the i finest of homes and hotels. It suggests color schemes offers a wealth of ideas. And it tells, what has brought alabastine into universal vogue. The S anit aiy Wall Coating Alabastine is the only wall coating that Please know the reason. Know the doesn't breed germs. It has been so for endless color schemes you can get from it. | 30 years. . Know how easily you can apply it, even In the past few years it has become the on papered walls, rage. Fashion now demands it. People You will never use wall paper never of taste both rich and poor —now have use kalsomine after you know the i alabastined walls. facts. Alabastine Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. COLT DISTEMPER be handled very easily. The sick are cured, and all others in ■digEZA IBSEaBIP same stable, no matter how "exposed." kept from having the dl&- .IKf vinVuuptcase. by using HPHHN'U LIQUID DIBTKMPEK CURE. Give on -By ■ HJfc wthe tongue.or In feetl. Acta on tho blood and expclH genu* of Sr. Sr. fflfiKall forms of distemper. Bent remedy ever known for mares In foal. . One bottle guaranteed to curoonocace. 60ean'*8l a bottle; fe&and ***' imfwmrt r> I doien or druggists and hai-nenfl dealers, or sent express puiti by / manufacturers. Cut shows how to poultice tbroata Our free 1 Booklet gives everything. Local agents wanted. Largest soiling rra ilaf horse remedy In existence—twelve yeurs. SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. Cbaahtauduuurioiofiita. Coshen, Ind., U. S. A. Don't Persecute (WESTERN CANADA your Bowels What Governor Deneen, of Illinois, * Says About It: Cut out cathartics and gargativea. They arc brutal Deneen, of Illinois, owns a sec --haah—unneccmary. Try of land in Saskatchewan, CARTER'S LITTL<£ Cmiuno. \ said in LIVER PILLS 1 I. **A» nn American I ami n 1 11 a B "Mr. B 1 1P By>| fl I delighted to see tho re rurriy vegetable. AA ■fV .9 C 7 I I murk able progress of gently on the liw. 112 A fYTTTVC I I'lij'VvL' A I Western Canada. Our eliminate biJa. LIO i liJr>l J People aro flocking across m+M VRITTLE I membrane ok ||\/P>n W K N <> ' t one who admitted of the bowcL ■ IV UK A bo had made a mistake. ■ PILLS. X rhey are all dohig well. I felr \\ rt maaSß »u the Middle or J. ■ ■■ . t ■-*, Western States that has 77',, . . • • «• .. . r> not a representative in Manitoba, Sick tieaiacke aad IcdicMtion, as million■ know, Saskatchewan or Alberta." P'JJi Sm*ii Doie. Small Pric« "' * 125 Million Bushels of UfcJNUliNt. must bear signature. y7 'r Wheat in 1909 Western Canada field eropn for /112 '/Jr 29 , . | 9 will easily yield to tin* farm w er $170,000,600.00 111 cash. FreeHomeiteadiof 160acree, Hamilton's Patent Milking Stool ° //> ■ Land Companies have land for sale with Pail Holder. j r lm'l at reasonable prices. M/uiy farm ! h ~~ : ; —rsa ; ©rs have paid for their land out • y/1 AVE J of till. priiri'iMlH of OIIV « roil. ' t i ' rllinati*. ' fr.'l'Jl'i't'riV.;"."wMH|!'«ViViV'uild Onn nf tho moM. pmctlcal and simple labor saTlng Q mm Of Wm H H ®h3 QuJE : Inventions of tlio hki' Horn] oni) dollar for Kaaipli' , H mW. Xf Jm M ■ S3M fa !«■ ! stool. Aifi-nis wnnii'd for this si'ctlon. ILftUU if ■ sL.ll SU IS IB i HAMILTON .MII.KIMi STOOLCOMI'ANY *a Btß H ■■ «■ ™ Newport, Vt. "I find Cascarcts so good that I would, rs C 3 I n 1/ rI I not be without them. I was troubled 8. O great deal with torpid liver and headache. tk 808 ■ B mm ja Nowsince takingCascarets Candy Cathar- I Bwa |M| tic 1 feel very much better. I shall cer cm W I I I IVI taiuly recommend them to my friends as Remedy for tho prompt relief of the best medicine I have ever seen." Asthma and Hay Fever. Ask your . , Anna Bazinet, druggist for It. Write lor FREE SAMPLE. Osborn Mill No. 2, Fall River, Mass. NORTHROP & LYMAN CO. Ltd., BUFFALO, N. Y. Peasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. IjnTnTnTPW^ l HA'WriTTOtT-flri 10c, 25c. 50c. Never sold In bulk. The^enu Ine tablet stamped CC C. Guaranteed to -jafci»' 4P" cure or your money back. 92® BSiMBEBH school sales H fcOiiljlLULiliUJLUMlliU $S oo and up per acre. 15% cash. 40 years rfTWriTCT time on ba!.nice at 4% interest. Buy a (arm «*.T.iilHil Tt lifrflil tlifciriifl 111 niniiiliiin home in this prosperous state. Next salt sin ACC|JTC WANTFn <*•"• r 'o and salable Ma >' and J ul >- For particulars add. rviry lam" No loys'orTrash 1 sho»J i SAMUEL G. IVERSON, State Auditor, St. Paul. Mintv ifoudK. Nvme better. AKcnts' prutltKovi r • 1,0 pereent. i ! p'or full particular* address the OUIKNTAI. ai <9 ix>comotor Ataxia Ml»# chaue'B liknid A i Nerve Tablets does It. Write for Proof. Advice Free. 7