Many mixtures arc offered as substitutes lor RoyaL ar* None of them is the same in composition or effectiveness, so wholesome and eco- J nomical, nor will make such Sine food. IIL Baking Powder ; Absolutely Pure J Royal is the only Baking Powder made I.OCAS. K3® A HT>! EN 1 . PERSONAL (iOSSIP. ContributioiiS 1 . That ichic yov would like to sec in thi u partmrntjet v* enow by pon - j Utl card , fetter o> r rnonallu. Joe Wortman spent Sunday guest at the home of mother at St. Marys. Mark Ellis, J., called on friends at St. Marys, between trains, last Sunday evening. Michael Mulcahy, of St. Marys, is guest at the home of his parents, on Sixth street. E. B. Saunders, of Portville, N. Y., made his regular business trip to this place, last Friday. Misses Elizabeth Ludlam and Alma Hertig were business callers at Sinna mahoning on Monday. Henry Shade, of Sinnamahoning, called 011 friends at this place, last ; Saturday evening and Sunday. Miss Catharine M. O'Brien, a gradu- j ate nurse,of Port Allegany, was a caller ! at tfie PRESS sanctum on Tuesday. Profs C. E. Plasterer, W. G. Briuer ; and R. H. Edgar, of this place, attend ed a conference at Williamsport, last j Friday and Saturday. Charles Deneene, of Olean, N. Y. t ! was guest at the home of his uncle, E. A. Gerg and family, 011 Broad street, the last of the week. Miss Florence McDonald, of Drift wood, was guest at the home of her j uncle, A. A. McDonald and family, on j Fifth street, last Saturday. Mrs. Robinson and sister. Miss Edna 1 McDonough departed for Buffalo, N. ! Y., last Sunday afternoon, where they will remain for some time. Miss Charlotte Spence, was in Drifo wood and Castle Garden, last Sunday, attending to her duties as Secretary of the Sunday School Asssociation. Miss Clynthia Wood, proof reader in the office of the Williamsport Sun, was guest of her grand-mothtr, Mrs. L. L. Lay, at The Warner, last Friday. Mrs. E. E. Meade Floyd spent Tues day evening at Olean, where she at tended the Knights of Columbus dance given at that place. Miss Lena Coyle and Mr. C. Harold Serer were guests of relatives at Olean, Tuesday, and enjoyed the dance given by the Knights of Columbus in that city. Prothonotary W. J. Leavitt, wife and family were 011 Tuesday called to New Bethlehem, Pa., to attend the funeral of Mrs. L's mother. They expect to return on Monday. Mrs. R. S. Zierden, of Dußois, Mrs. Frank Patchel and daughter Miss Mary, of Hicks Run, Pa., were guests at the home of Mrs. Hillyard and fam ily, on Fifth street, the last of the week. Max Spence, who is working at the Sinnamahoning Powder Works, spent the first of the week guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Spence and family, Broad street. Ward Beaton, one of the faithful employees of the Emporium Iron Co., being one of their engineers, transact ed business at the PRESS office on Tues day afternoon, renewing his subscrip tion for another year. Mrs. Mary Beers, who spent the winter guest at the home of her nep hew, Mr. Frank Beers and family at Barksdale, Wis., returned to her home at this place last week, and on Satur day made the PRESS office a busiuess call renewing her subscription. Messrs. Fred J. Keim, Jr., Russell McCJuay and Dr. H. W. Mitchell at tended the play, ''The Mayor of Toklo," which was presented at St. Marys, by local talent from Dußois, last Monday evening. They report the play as being something very fine. W. H. Cramer and family returned last Saturday from California and Texas, where they passed the winter months, lhey all look as though they had plenty to eat and had an enjoyable visit. Mr. and Mrj. Geo. M. Harteaa and son have arrived from Marion, S. C., where they passed the winter, guests of Jos. L. Wheeler and family. Mrs. B. M. Harteau expects to remain in the sooth this summer. A terrible forest Are was raging on Hicks Run yesterday, destroying much timber. Miss Myrtle Moran, of Eart Em porium, was guest of relatives at Cos tello, Pa., last Sunday. F. F. Hilliker, of this place, was a business caller at St. Marys Wednes day evening, between trains. Mrs. Hiram Evans and daughter Miss Jane, of this place, are visiting relatives at Buffalo, for a few days. Mrs. Robt. House, of St. Marys, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bing. Hemp hill, West Fifth street last Friday. Joseph J. Lingle, who has been in Emporium for some time, on account of the serious illness of their daughter, Miss Nellie, departed for his home at Westboro, Wis., this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knight, of St. Marys, were guests at the home of W. G. Gilbert and wife, on West Fourth Street, on Wednesday. Our old friend William Danachy, of Sinnamahoning, called to see the PRESS on Monday and left an order for caution notices. He is going after trespassers for all that's in it. Mrs. E. S. Coppersmith, who has been very ill for the past two months, has so far recovered that she is ablo to come to her store every day and par tially attend to her business. Ross W. Barrows, of Lock Haven, secretary and treasurer of the Clinton Trust Company, visited Emporium on Wednesday, looking after his unseat ed land assesments; also visited Cam eron, where he resided so many years, to inspect his interests there. The very pleasant gentleman was a visitor at the PRESS. Will Leave Emporium. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Huffman will move to Ridgway to-morrow, where Mr. Huffman has secured a position with the Ridgway Dy namo Campany. Their many friends regret to have them leave Emporiu m, hut what is Empor ium's loss is Ridgway's gain. Another Fire. The Card building on Broad St., occupied bp Dininny, Burnsides & Co., 011 the first floor and the Order of Eagles 011 the second, had another scorching on Wed nesday morning, this being the third bad fire since December 18, 1909. This building ia nothing but a fire trap and should be re moved or repaired as it greatly en dangers the surrounding proper ties. Disastrous Fire. Hon. F. D. Councilman, pro prietor of Sizer Springs Hotel and Mineral water operations at Sizer ville, was a PRESS visitor on Tues day. He informed 11s his old home at Elmer, Potter county, was total ly destoyed by fire last Friday. The property consisted of residence, store and barn. Loss 83,000, up on which there there was only $l,lOO insurance. His brother-in law, G. F. Thorn, conducted the store and lived in Mr. Council man's house. His loss on furni ture and stock is over $3,000, up on which there was only $2,000 011 stock, the furniture not being in sured. For Sale. Full-blooded Rhode ißland Red Eggs. Setting, 14 eggs, 75c. F. V. H FILM AN. What Womtn Are For. "Every good woman, II I may call myself on*), turns the men she carea for round her little finger, and It's the meu who are worth most In life who submit moat readily to the process. Do you know why God^created angels? It was to whisper good thoughts to women. Do you know why ho created womeaT It was to whisper good thoughts V» aen."—loaer Shrlae. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY APRIL 14, 1910. Important News. Be sure you read the special an nouncement of Emporium Machine Co., in another column. It will be of especial interest to farmers and gardeners. Gone to Canada. AV. G. Gilbert went to Canada this morning to look after his min ing interests in the Cobalt region. We understand Chas. Hockley ac companied him and will remain there, working in the mine. Business Trip West. C. Jay Goodnough returned 011 Saturday from a special business trip to Oklahoma, for the purpose of examining a coal proposition for a party of Coudersport capitalists. Continued Sale. Henry Jaeger, the harness maker, will continue to sell all' his goods at cost, until everything is sold out. You can save from 50c; to SI.OO on a collar by purchasing thesarne now. Dusters, fly-nets, suit oases, etc., at reduced prices. 2t Contractor. The undersigned is prepared to con tract for all kinds of brick, stone, con crete and mason work. Having given ten years to tho work prior to coming to Emporium, am prepared to give satisfaction. Give me a call. 7-tf. W. If. FLINT. Card of Thanks. EDITOR PRESS:— Kindly express our heartfelt thanks to those kind neighbors and friends who rendered us such valuable assistance upon the oc casion of our beloved father Wm. McDonald's death and burial. Especially do we desire to thank the local Grange for the beautiful bouquet. THE FAMILY. Beech wood, Pa, April 12, 1910. AT OPERA HOUSE, EMPORIUM, PA. One Night Only, April 28 The Best Rural Comedy Alvin Joslin It has stood the test of years. One big laugh from start to finish. Uniformed band and superb orchestra. Hear the band and see the play. Prices— soc, 35c, 25c. Winter Wooiens Should now be pat away safe from the ravages of Tinea Flarifrontella or as she is better known, as the clothes moth. Of the maajr preventatives practical experience has proven that the use Tar Paper, Tar Bags, Moth Camphor, Cedar Camphor, Lavender Mothaline and Camphor Balls are the most affeetual. Any of these artiolee can now be purchased at tbe New Drug Store. EMPORIUM DRUG CO. The Churches. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL. RHV. J. P. ANDERSON, Paator. Rev. Charles E. Lehman, pastor of the Emporium Circuit, will preach in tho First Methodist Epis copal Church next Sunday even ing, at 7:80 o'cloch. Pulpit va cant in the morning. Rev. J. F. Anderson is now in Harrisburg, publishing the Annual Conference Minutes of which he is the editor and will be absent two Sabbaths. EMMANUEL CHURCH. J. M. ROBERTSON, Rector. April 17, Third Sunday after Easter: 8 a. m., Holy Communion. 10:30 a. in., Morning Prayer and Sermon. IL' in., Sunday School. Lesson: Our Lord's Appearance to St. Thomas. 7:30 p. m., Evening Prayer and Sermon. The offerings next Sunday will be for General Missions. The rite of confirmation will be administered by Bishop Whitehead on Sunday evening, May 1. Make Your Dollars Extend. Our agency will prove that thirty five years big sales and pleased users of the L. & M. Paint will save you dol lars, because when painting with L. M., you are using metal Zinc Oxide combined with White Lead. Zinc Oxide is imperishable, and makes the L. & M., wear and cover like gold. The L. & M . colors are therefore bright and lasting. You won't need to re paint for 10 to 15 years, besides L. & M. Paint costs less than any other, biy about $1.30 per gallon. Sold by Harry S. Lloyd, Emporium, Pa. EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. Something Delicious for Your Table is the dainty and appetizing bread made from the PET GROVE flour. R ia the acme of high grade and whole some breadstuff's when it is made from this Btiperior and deservedly popular flour. Success in bread making is guaranteed the amateur cook and baker when she uses the PET (jROVE flour. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., April 22, 191(1. N EMOPIIILA, pei sack 11 65 Felt's Fancy, " 1 70 Pet Grove, " 1 70 Roller Meal " 50 Rye " 75 Qraham " 85 Buckwheat, " 75 Buckwheat, 10 lb sack 30 Coarse_Meal per 100, 1 50 Chop Feed " 1 50 Cracked Corn per 100 1 50 White Middlings, 1 65 Bran 1 50 Chicken Wheat " 2 00 Screenings " I 50 Oil Meal " 2 00 Corn per bushel 84 While Oats, per bushel 57 Seed Oats, " 60 Oyst -r Shell s, per 100 75 Sterling Chick Feed 2 00 Sterling Scratch Feed 1 90 Daisy Dairy Feed, 1 50 Calf Meal, 501b bag 1 50 Mammoth Clover Seed, per bu 9 58 Medium Clover Seed, " 9 50 A lsyke Clover Seed, " 9 50 Timothy Seed, " 2 75 German Millet Seed, " 2 00 MANY GRIP VICTIMS n f^irf Just now many grip victims are troubled by an obstinate congh. Dodson's White Pine and Spruce will positively re lieve that particular|after grip hacking. Dodson's Drug Store. Millinery Suits. Coats and Shirt Waists Shirt Waist time is here and every ! lady wants them pretty. We i have just secured a fine display of waists, that will satisfy the ladies fully in the matter of qual ity and looks. Our Millinery Department is just teeming with the latest creations in the Millinery art- You are cor dially invited to call and examine our entire stock. { MRS. E. S. COPPERSMITH. | mm mmmmammmwmmmmmmtmmammmm 8 <