Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 07, 1910, Image 4

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    EHTABLISUKO, 1866.
Cameron County Press
Kdiloram! l»rot*rietor
ORVILLE PROUDFOOT, Assistant anil Manager
RAYMOND KLKKN, Anstetaut Foreman.
W. SCOTT STI-.RNBR, Assistant Local Editor.
Emporium People .Should Know Mow
To Read and Heed Them
Sick kidneys give many signs of dis
The sc.-retions are dirk, contain a sedi
Passages are frequent, scanty, painful.
Backache is constant day and night.
Headaches and dizzy spells are fre
The weakened kidneys need quick
Don t delay ! I "so a special kidney
Dean's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys,
backache and urinary disorders. Em
porium evidence proves this statement.
Mrs. Anna Zimmet, Fourth, Street,
Emporium, Pa., says: "Ten years ago I
procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Tag
gait's Drug Store and found them to he
a reliable kidney medicine. I shall al
ways recommend this preparation when I
have the opportunity."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
Bo'ie agents. Remember the name—
Doan's—and take no other.
The Sound Sleep of (Jood Health.
The restorative power of sound sleep
■can not be estimated and any ailment that
prevents it is a menace to health. J. L.
Southern, Eau Claire, Wis., says,—"For
a long time I have been unable to sleep
soundly at nights, because of pains across
my back and soreness of my kidneys. My
appetite was very poor and uiy general
•condition was much ruu down. I have
been taking Foley's Kidney Pills but a
rt time and now sleep as sound as a
rock. I eat and enjoy my meals, and
general condition is greatly improved. I
can honestly recommend Foley's Kidney
Pills as I know they have cured me."
Sold by Emporium Drug Co.
(Jood results always follow the use of
Foley's Kidney Pills. They give prompt
relief in all cases of Kidney and bladder
trouble, arc healing, strenthening and an
ti-septic. Try them. Sold by the Em
porium Drug Co.
There isn't anything that you can take
for. stomach trouble, in ligestion, dyspep
sia, sour stomach and gas on the stom
ach, better than Kodol. Ivodol relieves
promptly, it digests all the food that you
cat. Try Kodol today on our guarantee.
It is pleasant to take. Sold by ail deal
Da Wit t s Ki'iuey and Bladder Pills
are the well-known remedy of today for
all kidney trouble—but when you ask
for DeWiit Kidney and Bladder Pills,
insist on havin. thetu. Beware of imi
tations; avoid substitutes; get the origin
al DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills.
Sold by all druggists.
l>o you want a real good liver pill, the
hst made—be sure to get DeWitt's
Little i'Juily Risers. They are safe, sure
and easv to take. Wherever a salve is
needed, DcWitt's Carbolized Witch Ha
zel Salve is the best. DeWitt's Carboliz
ed W itch Hazel Salve is the origiual— j
there are many imitations, so be sure that
you get what you ask for. It is good for
cuts, burn*, bruises, scratches, but it is
especially good for piles. Sold by all
Prompt relief in all cases of throat and
lung trouble if you use Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy Pleasaut to take, sooth
ing and healing in effect. Sold by all
One Conductor Who Was Cured.
Mr. Wilford Adams is his name, and
he writes about it.—Some time ago I was
confined to my bed with chronic rheuma
tism. I used two bottles of Foley's Kid
ney Remedy with good effect, and the
third bottle put me 011 my feet and I re
sumed work as conductor on the Lexing
ton. Ky., Street Railway. It gave me
more relief that any medicine I bad ever
used, and it will do all you claim in cases
of rheumatism." Foley's Kidney Reme
dy cures rheumatism by eliminating the
uric acid from the blood. Sold by the
Emporium Drug Co.
Every family and especially those who
reside in the country should be provided
at all times with a bottle of Chamber
lain's Liniment. There is no telling
when it may be wanted in case of acci
dent or emergency. It is most -excellent
in all cases of rheumatism, sprains and |
bruises. Sold by all dealers.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
bets assist nature in driving all impuri
ties out of the system, insuring a free and
regular condition and restoring the or
gans of the body to health and strength.
Sold by all dealers.
D. C. Hayes' Summer Ice Price
Family Use, 30c per 100
Family, for Season, $lO 00
H0te1,...... 15c per 100
Hotels, Meat Markets, Store*, <stc.,
supplied by the ton, $2.50 per ton.
6-4t. D. C. HAYHS,
Cedar Shingles $4.50 per thousand
JB. Howard & Co'a.
For Catarrh
j Medicine tree ii Every Cone Where
R Tuils to Relieve.
Neglect or pep«i;ni>m, we believe, is
the greatest em in v Mm public has to
contend with when applied to the loss
or recovery of health. Practically
every case of consumption might have
| been cured if hope had been maintain
! Ed and proper treatment had been re
| sorted to at the- first symptom ot the
j disease. Unlii tho advanced stage is
j reached consumption in curable,
j Catarrh is res; om-ible, we believe, for
j many cases of consumption. It is about
; catarrh we want to talk to you today,
| incidentially consumption, since the
two are so closely ailed.
We have a medicine made from a
prescription of 01 0 of the most success
ful cat rrh speciu ists known. We be
lieve it is positively without equal. We
! are so satisfied that we are right, that
! we will supply the medicine free in
every instance where it is used accord
ing to directions for a reasonable length
of time, should it fail to give satisfac
tion in every particular. We want
everyone to try this medicine at our
risk. Thereare no conditions attached
to this offer. We put the user under
no obligation to us whatever.
The medicine we want you to try is
Rexall Mucu-Tone. It is a catarrh
remedy that goes direct to the seat of
trouble. It is c-« cried by the blood to
every part of the system. It purities
and enriches the blood, tones up the
mucous cells, and brings about a con
dition of health and strength that
tends to prevent the germs of con
sumption from getting a start. Be
sides this, Rexall Mucu-Tone is a
wonderful appetizer, digestive aid and
flesh builder. Its good effects are oft
en felt from the very first dose. It is
one of tho largest and most satisfac
tory selling medicines that we have
ever had anything to do with.
We know BO much of the great good
that it has done that we personally
back it up with our reputation and
money, which fact should be ample
guarantee to satisfy anybody. Rexall
Mucu-Tone comes in two sizes, 50 cents
and §I.OO. We urge you to try it. Re
member you can obtain Rexall Re
medies in Emporium only at our store,
The Emporium Drug Co., Emporium.
LaGrippe, Influenza.
First Symptoms.—Coryza, or nasal
irritation or discharge, cough, sore
throat; headache; backache; and gen
eral depression.
More Serious Symptons.—Pain in
head, back, chest, or limbs, sometimes
of sudden and prostrating neuralgic
character, sometimes cerebral excite
ment, even delirium; extreme prostra
tion, languor or debility; depression of
mind, even after the first violence of
the attack has passed away; bronchitis,
or broncho pneumonia may become
serious complications.
Humphreys' Specific "Seventy
seven" knocks out the grip and breaks
up colds which are obstinate, that
'•hang on"and do not yield to treat
ment. Handy to carry, fits the vest
pocket. All drug stores, 25c.
Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co.,
Cor. William and Ann 6treets, New
No One Expects It.
Without the use of Sexinc Pills a
weak or run down person cannot expect
to become thoroughy strong. Sexine
Pills are the strongest and surest
tonic iu the world. The price is 81 a
box; six boxes 83, with lull guarantee.
Address or call on It. C. Dodson, Drug
gist, Emporium, where they sell all the
principal remedies and do not substitute.
Y'our tongue is coated.
Your breath is foul.
Headaches come and go.
These symptoms show that your stom
ach is the trouble. To remove the cause
is the first thing, and Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets will, do that.
Easy to take and most effective Sold by
all dealers.
Diarhoea should be cured without loss
of time by medicines which like Cham
berlain's Colic Choiera and Diarrhoea
Remedy not only cures promptly but
produces no unpleasant after effects. It
never fails and is pleasant and sate to
take. Sold by all dealers.
Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any
case of Kidney and bladder trouble not
beyond the reach of mediciue. No medi
cine can do more. Sold by the Em
porium Drug Co.
There is no cough medicine so popular
as Foley's Honey and Tar. It never
fails to cure coughs, colds, croup and
bronchitis. Sold by The Emporium
Drug Company.
Watch For The Comet,
The Red Dragon of the sky. Watch
the children for spring coughs and colds.
Careful mothers keep Foloy's Honey and
Tar in the house. It is the best and
safest prevention and cure for croup
where the need is urgent and immediate
relief a vital necessity. Contains no
opiates or harmful drugs. Refuse sub
stitutes. Sold by the Emporium Drug
The undersigned is prepared to con
tract for all kinds of brick, stone, con
crete and mason work. Having given
ten years to the work prior to coming
to Emporium, am prepared to give
satisfaction. Give me a call.
7-tf. W. H. Fmrr.
tat lisi I li
Mercantile Appraiser's Notice.
Names and kind of license of denlers
in the county of Cameron, Pa The
Appeals will be held in the office of
DAY, APRIL 18, 1910.
Halcom, G F ~. .General Merchandise
U1 ■»ir, C. A Notions
Bente, Win., Cigars
Butler, C. L Cigars
Blinzler, Notions
Coppersmith, Mrs. E. 5.,... Millinery
Carramella, James,. Candies and Fruit*
Creighton, J. P., Cigars
Donovon, U. W Cigars
Del 'in, M. J., Cigars
Day, J. 11., Groceries
Dodson, R. C., Drugs
Dininny & Burnside, Hardware
Emporium Machine C 0.,. .Gas Fittings
Emporium Furniture C 0.,.... Furniture
Emporium Milling Co.,
Grain and Seeds
Emporium Drug Co., Drugs
Fisher, J. A., Vehicles
Furnace Supply Co.,
General Merchandise
Farley, Charles, Cigars
Gainey & Moline, Cigars
Gross, G. W Meats
Heilman, F. V., Hardware
Hughes & Son Meats & Groceries
Howard, C. B. & Co.,
General Merchandise
Hogan, M. T., Groceries
Harris, Jasper, Clothing
Haupt & Gerg Vehicles
Hacbett, S J.,. ...General Merchandise
Hirsch, R. H., .Jewelry
Husted & Quinn, Cigars
Jaeger, Henry Harness
Koehler, John, Cigars
Kinsler, Joseph, Groceries
Kuehne, R, Dry Goods
Beet & Co., General Merchandise
Lechner, Joseph, Boots and Shoes
Lloyd, H. S.,
Stationery and Wall Paper
Larrabee, M. M. Notions
Laßar, Geo. J., Furniture
Ludlam, Miss E., Millinery
McDonald, A. A., Cigars
McDonald, S. D.,..... Cigars
Metzger, George, Jewelry
McDougal, Alex., Groceries
Meisell, Joseph Candies and Fruits
Martin, Ciipson,.... Candies and Fruits
Norris, T. H.,.... General Merchandise
Newton, Joseph,. .Groceries and Fruits
Overhiser, I. 0., Candies and Fruit
Parsons, J. F.,... .General Merchandise
Smith, II W., Cigars
Schmidt, Mrs. C. G., Confectionery
Seger& Son Clothing
Sfger, N Clothing
Shives, Frank,.. .General Merchandise
Schlecht, John, Confectionery
Stephens Hardware Co., Hardware
Smith, E. J., Grain
Stephens & Daraileebe, Groceries
Stumpff, C. E., Produce
Taggart, George,.. Drugs
Tulis, M. C., General Merchandise
Turley, A. J.,... .General Merchandise
\ogt, A. F., Boots and Shoes
X?*? 1 ' C. <J... Groceries
Welsh, T. W.,.... General Merchandise
Zarps, Henry, Notions and Dry Goods
Brooks, M. J. 8., Notions
Bartolette, Joseph, Groceries
Brookbank Mercantile Co ,
General Merchandise
Callahan, George, Notions
Kreider & Yothers
General Merchandise
McDonald, A. M., Cigars
McVicker, Mrs. S., Cigars
Mitchell, W. H., Cigars and Drugs
Nefcy, Mrs. M. E.,
General Merchandise
Riley, T. J Cigars
Spencer, P. C. Meats
Hill, Mrs. G. S., Candies and Fruit
Baird, D. P., Merchandise
Bailey, O. L Cigars
Council Brothers,
General Merchandise
Crura. V. E., General Merchandise
Fulton Brothers, Notions
Silin, Nathan, Clothing
Shafer, George, Cigars
Wolf, F., Groceries
Dußois, John E., General Merchandise
Hammond, C. A Meats
Wilson, J. & A Groceries
Banner & Edwards, Cigars
Rankin, W. H., Cigars
Logue, C. E.,.. Groceries
Algardo, Angelo Groceries
Councilman, F. D., Cigars
Sizer, W. R General Merchandise
McFadden, Edward, Cigars
Schwab, John,.. .General Merchandise
Bagley, W. H Cigars
Ebersoll, E. M., Groceries
Lewis, Miss L.,. Notions
Smith, J. E General Merchandise
Silin, Nathan, Clothing
Kline & Co., General Merchandise
Lewis, F. J., Groceries
Atlantic Refining C 0.,.-... .Emporium
Dußois, John E., Hicks RUJ
Silin, Nathan, Sinnamahoning
Clark & Lyons, - - Emporium
Cutler, N. S., - . Emporium
Anderson, W. J , - . Emporium
McCoullough, Mrs. J., - Emporium
Shoup, Peter, - - Emporium
Banner & Edwards, - Hicks Run
Creighton, J. P., - - Emporium
Fißher. Henry, - - Driftwood
Husted & Quinn, - - Emporium j
McDonald, A. A., - . Emporium '
McOool & Krebfl, • Sinnamahoning
Pauley, J., Driftwood
All persons so ascertained or assess- *
ed who shall fail to attend Buch appeal
from the decision of the Appraiser to
the Common Pleas within ten days
thereafter will not be permitted to set
up a defense to the recovery of the
amoant of license which he is requested
to pay when sail shall be brought that
he Is not a dealer in merchandise, Sic.
The law further provides that it shall
be the duty of the County Treasurer to
I sue for the recovery of all licenses re
! turned to him bv the Mercantile Ap
| praiser if not paid on or before the first
j day of July in each and every year,
u-iihin ten days after date and'said
| Treasurer shall not be discharged from
I any such license unless he bringsuit to
recover the same on or before that
I date
8-4t. Mercantile Appraiser.
lu Cameron County, for faxes Tor
Years 1 90 Sand 1 909.
| A GREEAHLE to an Act ol' Assembly entitled
"An Act to amend an Act directing the
| mode of selling Unseated Lands for taxes and
| other purposes" passed the 13th day of March, A.
D., 1815 and further supplements thereto, I
('HAS. J. HOWARD, Treasurer of the County of
Cameron, hereby give notice to all persons con
cerned therin, that unless all arrearages of tax
es due on the following tracts of unseated lands,
situate in Cameron County, l'a., are paid before
the day of sale, the whole or such part of each
tract as will pay the costs and taxes chargeable
thereon, will be sold at public vendue or outcry
at the Court House, in Emporium Borough.
County of Cameron and State of Pennsylvania,
on Moudily, June ijtli, i <>•<>. and con
tinned by adjournment from day to as will
be deemed necessary, for arreages or taxes and
the cost accrued on each tract respectively.
Persons wishing to pay before sale, will remit
the amount of these taxes, together with interest
and lifty cents for each tract for advertising ar.d
twenty-five cents for receipt.
Notice is also given that in compliance with
the Act of Assembly, passed the 6th day of June,
A. D., 1887, entitled "An Act to regulate the col
lection of taxes on Unseated lands" there will
be accrued interest at the rate of six per cent,
per annum on taxes of 1908 from January Ist,
1909, and on taxes of 1909 from January Ist 1910
until date of payment of same. See P. L. 1887 ;
page 373.
Taxes for 1908 and 1909.
War. Acres. Owner. Tax.
•987 92 A. Pardee Estate sll4 18
1141 505.... R. K. Cross 56 98
114 158 R. K.Cross 17 83
114 55 E. C. Davy, 6 22
498 150... .Alton Housler, 16 92
1142 50 ....Geo. Weinsheimer 5 61
1407 10 do do 1 12
6108 40 do do 4 52
1142 85 do d'J 9 62
114 50 do do 5 64
2973 197 Franklin Housler, 22 23
5038 120.... G. W. Warner Est., 13 54
5037 37 do do 4 16
1360 25 E. Housler 2 85
4997 552 Levi Heidrick, 62 26
5037 100....Mr5. Warren Moore, 11 27
1967 375.... H. H. Mullin 42 33
1113 50 do 5 61
MStD 170 do 19 27
1359 32 do 3 60
4083 40 Dolph Lockwood 4 52
4919 120 J. K. Morrison 13 55
M&D ... 30 E. J. Rodgcrs, 338
4950 31 ...Linden Lewis 3 19
1112 185.... L.K. Huntington,..,.... 20 89
1143. 289 do 32 71
1112 150 do 16 92
5036 42 do 4 71
1142. 100 L. E. Gibbs 1128
49K6 150 ...A. Pardee Est 473 89
4986 50 do 157 97
Taxes for 1909.
2913 60.... F. D. Leet 338
4978 100 ...J. W.Cochran ::3 83
4999 210... J.S.Wiley Est 11 48
4033 72 do 4 06
6107 100 do 5 64
4982 100.... J.L. Johnson 5 6t
S.F 108 ...Chas. Spangler, 5 61
5956 40....Th0mas Arnold, 2 26
1199 143 U. Barr Est., 8 07
114 100 ...A. L. Ensign 561
4966 288 John R. Buckwalter 13 42
4965 120 do do 6 77
5979 1100. ..A. Pardee Est., 62 01
5851 990 do do 55 81
5869 990 do do 55 81
5858 990 do do M 81
5981 550 do do 31 (II
5865 248 do do 13 98
5981 50 do do 2 82
297? 390 ...A. H. Shafer I 99 62
Taxes for 1906-1907-1908 and 1909. S
1407 100... W. W.McDonald 844
136 50 do do 4 22
1360 150 do do 12 66
1407 300 do do 25 32
5136 900 do do 75 96
3554 50 Sarah A. Shem well 4 22
1360 78.... Elisabeth Housler, 659
1360. 100 ...Nancy Lucore, 8 44
3554 50 Charles Prosser, 4 22
1033 74.... R. K. Cross 621
1407 75 I). Barr Estate 6 36
1360 150....Ge0. Weinshimer, 12 66
HO7 100 do do 8 41
1360 112 do do 4 86
1407 60 Arthur Lucore 5 06
Taxes for 1909.
1360 51 Frances Russell.. 2 06
F.SLVL —IOO Freeman & Ross 4 10
5134 369 Seger & Prindle, 15 13
5132 200... .W. W. Barrows E5t.,.... 29 11
5435 611 do do 88 97
543 973 do do 14167
5440 1100 Noyes, Dal let & Barrows, 160 14
5141 925 do do do 134 70
Vact .30 Geo. Weinshimer, 139
•5435 420 ...Hull & Myers 6114
5432 50 do do 7 29
5432 .... 118 do do 17 19
5432 28. ...H. H. Mullin 4 09
Taxes for 1909.
546 107... .A. Pardee Est., 757
5465 550 do do 38 91
Parsons. .550 do do 38 91
5466 300 do do 21 22
5947 600 do do 42 43
8r00k5..330 do do 23 35
Ta*es for 1908 and 1909.
5474 54.... Levi Heidrick, 11 72
Vact 360... .S. S. Miller, 39 09
Vact 86.... 5. S.Miller 918
Taxes for 1909.
5457 300. .Bechman Eastman & Niles 16 30
5476 250 A. Pardee Est., 13 58
5168 420 do do 22 82
5947 275....d0. do 1495
Vait 188—do do 10 21
5476 25 Simpson A. Barr 1 37
Vact 406....5.5. Miller, 22 06
5422 105 R. B. B. Crum 5 72
546 100. ..D.W.Eastman 543
5454 60 B. Nefcy 326
5450 930 F.A.Raymond, 162 98
Taxes for 1908 and 1909.
4926 130 C. W. Berfield 17 39
Taxes for 1909.
5718 50... .George Pfoutz 349
4938 225 E. Peltz 15 23
Treasurer of Cameron County,
Treasurer's Office, (
Emporium, Pa., April 1,1910. {
Fun! Fun! Fun!
At the great
Mock Court Trial
under the uspicious of the
of First Presbyterian Church, in the
Saturday Evening, April 16th
One of our most respected citizens will j
be charged with Breach of Promise.
Regular Court Rules. Startling De
velopmenfs Ludicrous Situations.
Lofcnl Hits. An evening of Refined
Pric;*«. 25, 35 and 50 cents. Tickets on
««to at H. S. Lloyd's store, April 11th.
Open at 7:30. Court called a' 8 o'clock.
For Sale.
One two year old colt for sale cheap.
Ajfply at Pbbsb offios. } 3-tr.
I " V-5 •> V 5 - COPYRIGHT
■ " A.P»>e.Cl
Winter Wooiens
Should now be put awn) safe from the
ravnjesnf Tinea Flarifronte.lla or an
she in better known, an the clothes
i IQU! h. Of the ra-iny preventatives
, practical experience liua proven that
! the list; Tar Paper, Tar Moth
Camphor, Cedar Camphor, Lavender
Mothaline and Camphor Balls! are the
most, a fleet ual. Any of the«e articles
can now be purchaser', at the New
Drug Store.
Cli an Tiers A lit o-llccli miles
Kite alarles.
Yottng men may Become expert auto salesmen
or drive.s within 12 weeks. Demands for skilled,
men exceeds the supply. We teach you by mail.
Part tuition, payable alter we secure you a D osi
tion. Terms reasonable, easy payments. Write
for descriptive plan N
Greatest School of Ant' Kngigeering in the U. 8.
Notice to tliii Nioek!iolilm of Em
porium Powder Hsi inifaetiring
"VTOTICE is hereby given that there will be a
iJN meeting of the stock holders of the Empor
ium Powder .v:amilacturing Company at the of
fice of the said (Company, at Emporium, Pa., on
Tuesday, the 19th day of April A. D., 1910, at 2
o'clock in the afternoon of the said day, for the
purpose, that a vote of the stockholders in per
son or by proxy shall be taken by ballot for the
adoption or rejection of an agreement of merger
between the Keystone Mational Powder Com
pany, and the Sinnamahoning P.iwder Manu
facturing Company, and the Emporium Powder
Uan ufa c t uri ng Com pa ti v.
By order of the Board of Directors.
JOSfAH HOWARD. President.
Emporium, Pa , March 29th, 1910
Notice to the Stockholders of Sinna
malioiiiii!! Powder Manufacturing
\7OTICK is hereby Riven that there will be a
> meeting of the sto kholders of the Sinua
mahoning Powder Manufacturing Company at
the office of the said Company, at Emporium,
Pa., on Tuesday, the 10th nay of April, A. I>.,
1910, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of the said
day, for the purpose, that a vote of the stock
holders in person or by proxy shall he taken by
ballot for the adoption or rejection of an agree
ment of merger between the Keystone National
Powder Companx, and the Hinnamahoninj; Pow
der Manufacturing C unpany, and the Empori
um Powder Manufacturir.g Company.
By order of the Board of Directors,
HENRY AUOHU, President.
Emporium, Pa., March 29. 1910,
Solicitors. S-2t. •
Pennsylvania Railroad
Friday, April 8, 1910
From Em porium
Stop-o/er at Baltimore & Philadelphia
Allowid on return trip if ticket is
. ■ > '7 -3L deposited with Station Ticket
Pml! 1111111 ■RJhttSmijiiißblßWW' Aijent, affording opportunity of
IrftTTf-fffi-J Sffili •' |[|l m fij^i['['[* Tickets will bj g) >1 going on regular
~ U 1 ' 'l 112 trains on datenams.l and to return within
j B) h=; ft i r eleven days, including da to of excursion.
Full information regarding leaving time of train may be obtained of Ticket Agents
Passenger Traffic Manager. 223-7-2t. General Passenger Agent.
/°& OUR
Alfred Benjamin & Co's
fjo§. IK New York Styles
Ugiwa Correct Clothes for Men
anc * oun £ Men for the
Spring Season of 1910
Suits and Overcoats 22
WMM vlNfl Bovs and Children's fro
HI S, " ts from
■Si fflP/ ' H nc °f Furnishings,
I| Hate, Caps and
to)M!nci2thii> R. SEGER &CO
■•f v"' •' * KHIPORIVM, PA. [
Hotice to Contractors.
H IDS for paving Broad street, in the Borough
of Emporium, will be received bvtheSecre
tary, of the Borough Council of Emporium, i'a ,
until one o'clock, p. ni., April 25.1910.
Plans, form of contract, specification*. &c„ can
be hart at the office or the Secretary of the Bor
ough Council at Emporium, Pa., or of A. H.
Shafer, Consulting Engineer, Ki'tgway, Pa.
' Poor fund of emporium Borough for
I the EnJing March 7, 1910.
I l '. P. 87 • war Overseer, in account with
Poor I'm
Balance 'Teh 1,1909 $ 525 19
Ric'd from J, : JUU, Coll., 1909 900 00
*1,425 09
laid relief of Mrs. S. Parker ...« 144 50
Paid relief of Jack Bell, 101 90
Paid relief of A. Blirtey 31 25
Paid relief of Andrew Yaggi, 5 00
Paid relief of Saxon family, 4 00
! Paid relief of Malcom Baton 52 00
Paid relief of Clifford and Hitchcock. 185 37
j Paid relief of Tramps, 29 65
[ Paid rent for Cruikshank 7 00
I Paid for books, 25
I Paid Independent for printing Auditors'
report 26 00
! Balance 838 17
$1,425 09
Balance in hands of E. P. Strayer 838 17
E.G. JUDD, Overseer, in account with Poor
i Balance on hand March 1, 1909 ; 640 77
I Hec'd from John Qlenn, Coll., 1909 937 91
j Rec'd from Mat Rodick, 200 00
Rec'd from John Blinzler; 68 50
Paid relief of Mary Mix, $ 308 79
Paid relief of Thos. Smith 142 06
Paid relief of Orrin Easterbrook, 12 29
Paid relief of Thos. Trotter 213 19
Paid relief of Mary Ellen Mundy 98 00
Paid relief of Nora Tracey, 123 93
Paid relief of J. Stackpole 68 .50
Paid relief of Mrs. J. Blinzler, 68 50
I Paid relief of Tramps. -187
Paid W. L. Thomas, making duplicate,.. 5 00
Paid Cameron County Press, publishing
Auditors' report 26 00
Balance 776 q 8
$1 847 21
Balance in hands of F. G. Judd, '776 08
JOHN OLENN, Collector 19<i0, in account with
Poor Fund.
To amount of Duplicate of 1909 f1,869 71
By amount paid F. P. Strayer, $ 900 00
By amount paid F. G. Judd, 937 91
By amouut of exonerations, 31 77
*1,869 71
Amount in hands of F. P. Strayer. Poor
Master,. ; 838 17
Amount 111 hands ot F. G. Judd, Poor
Master, 112 7 78 or
11,61 I 25
We the undersigned Auditors of the Borough
of Emporium, Pennsylvania, do certify, that we
have examined and audited the accounts of F
P. Strayer and F. G. Judd. Overseers, and John
Gleen, Collector, 1909. with the Poor Fund ot
Emporium Borough, and that the foregoing is a
true statement of the same.
Witness our hands this 16th day of March A
D., 1910.
SALVE For Piles, Burns, Sores*