Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, January 13, 1910, Image 10

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    SaOe Gas Bills
While we havo numerous COOKING, HEATING and
PARLOR STOVES in our large stock, comprising the finest II
makes, at most reasonable prices, wo constantly add the latest
and most improved. We carry the largest line in Cameron
county. Our latest favorite is
§"The Ohio"
regular heavy
sign, heavy cast iron, cored and drilled.
ONE-HALF MINUTE required to change this Range from gas to
coal or vice-versa.
TO CHANGE from to ;• >»! lift out top burners, close slides at
top burner opening*, cl >so front slide-drift, pull out cist iron false oven
I bottom, remove cover from same ai! pi i it i -il ><: >ver hole in regular
WATERFRONT-CAST Malleable, c;iu ba supplied iu firebox for
coal if desired.
TOP BURNERS ar ' •h• ■ well known star drilled variety, are re- J
|1 movable, no bolts, simply lift out. fj
I always reidy for me. II h improve 1 pilot light.
BOWL SHAPED FLUE, ciutaining oven burner, has opening at ]
b jito i), giving require I ir su!>;>ly f>r p rfec - !, c intimation.''
DAMPER m ;lo4t pip •of in fore uil, c!o. j o for fias. |j
BROIL Wlj'll COAL, line frunt two st ition,adjust swing brackets, jf
|| atta hod at «'de of w-ir-ninsj-elo.Het. II
()\ EN ri IE R'! O «l:'.TrUt on every combined CjU and Gas Range, ja
ODORHOOD W\RVUN'i; < 'L'HEV dr.tws liml and fumes from top |jj
|| i ookir * »iirf ■ to fi : . •»-<• EJ
| 11
15 f]
fhe Most Complete Line of Hardware
| U
Never has our establishment been hotter able to meet the (I
|| demands of the tra le than at present. We have the largest and 1
ij most complete line of everything that should bo found in a first- j
class Hardware store. Drop in and see us—no harm done if
you do not purchase.
Next door to Geo. J. Laßar's Furniture Store.
i OUR MOiFO:—Good and Reliable
H I sa * Moderate Prices. ||
l r . . I
g; Groceries
n. I • ;M
jk- , .aimed goods, strictly pure, conforming with the pure M
M\i load law, consisting of Tomatoes, Peaches, Pears, Succotash
p and Corn, Corned and Dried Boef, Veal Loaf, Salmon, Sar- sjj
','!" es111 au< ' mustard, Pickles by the keg or in bottles, all
j|) kinds or lush, by the piece or pail, Ilanis, Bacon and Salt A
%£• 1 ol 'k, or anything you desire in the Grocery line; also Hav
f'w:' Feed. Oats, Straw and Flour. * <%
% Closing
Mr Our stock of ( nderwear is complete. National Wool, > '
?s\' l lf m:<; 11 >i tM i in 1 liallbrigan Shirts and Drawers which cannot £
■ 112 be surpassed in price or durability. Our line of Overalls, X
- ''§
■ j ton Socks, < rloves and Mitts, will surprise vou in price and i'
r || quality. * §
j Shoes and Rubbers
® Men and Hoys' work and dress Shoes, Ladies and Chil- fij
|i dren's shoes. Complete line and all sizes. Rubbers of allkind *
r&x, for Ladies, Children and Lumbermen's. ®
I Dry Goods I
If Cannot be surpassed in this line. Have everytaing from 1
%'l a darning needle to a sewing machine. Our line of Embroi- -4
m deries and Insertions are complete. Com<> look our stock W
|W over and be convinced.
p Hardware
M Axes, Shovels, Hinges. Hammers, Hatchets, all kinds
HI ® . Hlzes of Nails »nd Spikes. Our Tinware, etc,, consists of 4
J? toilers, Milk Pans, Tin Cups, Wash Basins. Full stock of
m s Supplies, Lover Stocks, Neck Yokes, Axe and 112
IP Handles, Spuds, Mauls, Grabs, etc. |
We appreciate all orders and shall endeavor to give our ;|j
immediate and prompt attention and give you as good ser- %
vice and as reliable goods in the future as we have in the past, •iff
ill Phone orders receive our prompt attention,
Yours truly, • i
l|g C. K. HOWARD & CO. J
Their Wondtiful Speed onrl Mveteiio
Homing Instinct
Httcing iiigwiu* ntv Hit- !!••.•!t*-i >■: :!l j
| crmiuri's l ln>> nave niaiiifiiini-1 11
! speed of ii mile and a luilt a miiiiit •
for a hundred miles, according I• • i j
' writer in Colliers, and 1 iu-\ n.-n .
; flown 7uu miles between (lie iNing hii.i
! the setting of the sun
Pigeons have tlown a thousand miles
i back lo the home loft. In I'.HH a bird
| covered that distance in f> days V
j hours ir> minutes, proving how tin
; erring Is the mysterious homing in
Btinct that will drive pigeons across tlie
! continent without swervlug. But this
1 test Is not true sport. The birds situ
j ply hurl themselves against time and
j apace till tliey are played out. They
can uever race again.
The racer rises into the air with
! heavy, slow wing pulsations; then.
' once poised over the starting point,
j there Is a swifter, shorter beat, and
I the time is ' hit up" to the third and
] permanent wing rhythm, rapid and
| steady as a pulse beat, which carries
It home.
Itucers fly 300 feet high over land, but
low over water. Their enemies as they
fly are wind, raiu, gunners and hawks
They do all their flying between sun
rise and sunset, if caught out over
night they feud for themselves till
I dawn.
The homing Instinct is lifelong. Dur
ing the Franco-Prussian war the Ger
tnans caught a homing pigeon' which
was on its way Into beleaguered I'arls.
The bird was kept prisoner for ten
years It was then released. It Itnme
i dlately returned to its old home.
How the Paving Value of Asphalt Was
Brought to Notice.
| All forms of bituminous pavements, I
i whether manufactured from natural or
i artificial asphalt, are in fact artificial |
| stone pavements. The industry started j
i with the use of the natural rock as- j
j phalt from tlie mines in the Val do j
1 Travers. Canton Neufchatel. S wit/or- j
i land. The mines were discovered in
17-1, but it was in 1810 that its utility
as a road covering was first noticed.
| Fhe rock was then being mixed for the j
| purpose of extracting the bitumen cou- |
: talned in It for use in medicine and i
arts. It is a limestone found iuipreg- [
I nated with bitumen, of which it yields
ion analysis from 8 to 14 per cent.
It was observed that pieces of rock
which fell from the wagon were crush-
I ed by the weight of wheels, and under
I the combined influence of the truliic
j and heat of the sun a good road sur
face was produced. A macadam road
of asphalt rock was then made which
gave very good results, aud linally in
18T>4 a portion of the liue Bergere wm
laid In Paris of compressed asphalt on
a eoncreto foundation. In 1858 a still
larger sample was laid, and from that
time it has been laid year by year in
I'ariß. From I'arls it extended to Lon
don, being laid on Threadneedle street
in 1809 and Cheapslde in 1870 and <n
successive years on other streets, and
then Its use In street and road making
extended to . other countries. Ex
Followed the Book.
"Die, Bertrand Maltravers!" hissed
the villaiu. And the hero of the piece
prepared to fall and perish, as per in
structions of the prompt book.
But, alack, the revolver with which
the fell deed was to bo executed failed
to do its horrid work; The villain,
however, was a man of resource.
lie stole behind his victim and smote
him on the head with the butt end
of the refractory weapon, and the hero,
thinking one deatli as good as another,
fell to the ground.
All would have gone well now, but
the promoted super, who was taking
the part of the policeman who discov
ered the body, was late in taking his
cue. lie walked on and indue course
found the body. He was not a funny
mau by any means, but still his flrst
words caused a yell of laughter.
"Shot!" he cried tragically. "He's
been shot through the back!"— London
A Peculiarity of Dreams.
As to dreams, there was a discussion
at the club lunch, and oue man re
marked that no mau dreamed of him
self as braver than he is. When the
dream came the dreamer was always
the underdog. He was in horrible
danger and never did anything pic
turesque to face it. There may be men
who are brave In their sleep, but it j
would be interesting to find one mat, j
outside of the dozen sleeping coward* 1
who Is a hero In a dream.—London I
A Disappointment.
"Uncle Jed," asked his neighbor,
"how Is your boy getting along at col
"First rate," answered Uncle Jed.
"He hasn't cost me a cent. He's work i
iug his way through, he's winning all j
the class honors, aud they've promised i
hltn a professorship of some kind.
"Oreat Scott" gasped his tieighiior i
"Is that all he is dolugV With that b.'u j
husky frame of his 1 supt>om>d he'd be
playlng center by this time!"-Chicago ;
T ftjune.
Making a Life.
Many a man has made a good living j
who has made a poor life Home men '
have made splendid live* who have j
made very moderate and even scanty :
livings - Success Magaalne.
The Shaky Ladder.
i Many a man has spent the best years
of his life climbing the ladder of fame
only to have the thing tilt Over back- !
ward Just as he grasped the last rung j
—Chicago Ilecord-Herald.
■tusiiicxf- Cards,
Will give prompt attention to nil business oi
t usted to them. tfi-lj
Collections promptly attended to. Keal es'at*
800 pension < lain) agent,
V—ty. Emporium, Pa.
Corner Fourth and Broad streets,
Emporium, Pa.
All business relating to estate,collections. r. ; : ]
estate, Orphan'**Court and genera I law busitr • t
will receive prompt ittenttnn. 41-2R-H.
Alsodealer In all the Popular heet Music.
Emporium, Pa.
Scholars taught either at my home on
streetor atthe homes ofthe pupils Out ofiowt
scholars will he given dates at my room - in Ihi
To Introduce our large 1909 Spring line of beaull
ful dress poods and waistiugs. Latest up-to-date
New York City patterns. Handsomest line of
materials ever seen. Quick sales, large profits.
Can make S2O or more weekly. SSamplesand full
instructions packed in neat sample ease shipped
Express prepaid. No money required. Exclu
sive territory. Our prices are low. Write for
particulars. He first to apply.
Standard Dress 6oods Co., Dept. 6, Blnghamtrn, N. Y
Say Now, Will Try These
Foods Shot from Guns"
Order one package, either Puffed And their folks have been glad.
Wheat ° r Puffed Rice. Then you For no other cereal foods can com
wi l know the whole story. pare with them. None are even half
Hear what vour folks say when they .
. . - . . 3 c 112 i 3 so good,
taste the gigantic grains, bee if they
ask for more. The result is this: Those folks last
Do this tomorrow —order the pack- month served seventeen million dishe9
age now. Do it to learn just how of these delightful foods,
much you are missing. Can you doubt t h at you are going
r T „ , J : , , , to like them as well as the rest of the
Hosts of housewives have already , .
done this, and been glad that we told wor
them to do it. One package will tell.
Puffed Wheat—loc Puffed Rice—lsc
These are the foods invented by Prof. An- Then the guns are unsealed, and the steam
derson, and this is his curious process: explodes. Instantly every starch granule is
. . , . , . ... blasted into a myriad particles.
The whole wheat or rice kernels are put into J 1
sealed guns. Then the guns arc revolved for Tlle e.ght
. , . r „ , times. Yet the coats are unbroken, the shapes
sixty minutes in a heat of 550 degrees. , , .5 ,
} are unaltered. We have simply the magnified
That fierce heat turns the moisture in the grain,
grain to steam, and the pressure becomes tre- One package will tell you why people de
mendous. light in them. Order it now.
Made only by The Quaker Oats Company [9J
■M—WB——W———■■■■!■ ■>! ■»! ■ 111 I 111 nil Hinil-a ' ITi?' ' jlH' ■ " l!M Til mr i IfrirTlMff "I dHI 1 IfiBUmUMIII I
"Buffalo's Leading Store" Buffalo, N. Y. Established 186'
Our Greatest January Clearance Sal(
of V/omen's Coats, Suits and Fur
This annual money-saving event will be received with more than ordina
interest by thousands of women in Buffalo and vicinity. Those who have sha*
the wonderful values in former years have been waiting and asking, "Wi(
does the Clearance Sale begin?" This year brings greater offerings than (t
before —never in the history of these January Clearance Sales have such ber
fill stvles and superb qualities sold for so little. -
$25 Worsted Suits $14.75 $25 Kersey Coats $10.5'
High grade Worsted Suits lined throughout Light weight Kereey Coats that were xnJ
with guaranteed satin and etfecliveh tailored to our special order in regard to qualif
• „ ... . , material, correct styles and guarant«e 112
,n the most becoming styles of the season. t<j at fa They \ ro 64 .• I
Y#ur choice of these su:ts actually worth > long, attractively tailored aod tinisli I
—January Clearance at $14.75. much higher priced garments. * I
S3O Suits at $19.75 $13.50 Coats at s?*. /
Excellent quality all wool worsted suits j A rare opportuuity in 54-inch ejP"* I
beautifully tailored and exquisitely designed in sll-woo! twe«d coats. There I
'oeifect fitting models. The Jackets »ro 45 i lar styles to choose from in ™ I
frche* long and lined with guaranteed satin, j all sizes'. I hev are well mar I
111 est- regular 8-W suits now jnarked for Janu- like coats ol tv.i<« th-;r price. I
ary Clearance at $19.76. ; Coats now marked at $9.26 I
- 'Jffaio. I
K'iilroad fares refunded according to rules of Retail Merchants' ' -J
- rrs
I Clearance Sale
J In order to make room for our Holiday
Goods, we will have a clearance
sale on Special lots of Ladies,
Misses and Children's
All Garments will be Sold Regardless of Cost
Four floors ffvasfc of Post-Office.
H.A Zarps &Co