1 1 '*~'jj' '* ~ ' ||j— g | "7 ~| u|| From now till Christmas we will give free With every one of our Ladies !jj Ull UEIUSUei Ulier Black Caracula or Plush Coats, regular price S2S.CO or over, a beautiful || _ hand embroidered Sofa Pillow, the actual cost of these Pillows is 6,00. j| \\ HERE IS A LIST OF SUITABLE GIFTS FOR"EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY j! 0 For the Mother, Sister or Sweetheart H I J® or e father, Husband or Brother 1 8 j, I Km i» - a i '' vfeX'jft'-tii I a President Suspenders in Fancy Boxes 25c and 50c. «. A Messaline Silk in Evening Shades, yard wide 81.20. fi z r^rvSMiLl^'tfl* ® B 1 Perrins Kid Gloves, 1.00, 1.50 to 83.50. B I mr K I Suspender Sets ' with Arm Bands and Gartere r>oc - |i ■ Woman's Manish Leather Gloves 81.25. I I luMl B Nec ' cwear of all kinds in Faney Boxes 25c to 50c. || I Woman's Chamois and Mocha Gloves 81.00. g I |lmW fli/ll \'j ft Plain or Initial Handkerchiefs 5c to 50c. ■ Woman's Lined Fabric Gloves 25c and 50c. B wjf \MIiW I ft Fine Shirts 50c to 81.00. ft Ladies Silk Underskirts 5.00 to 89.00. 0 wf | W'/ S § W ~, ~ u . . ,- ~ ~ - .... , ai . AA ft .. . „ , ~, . . _ T J/ / Vkj&jP tifsA« Traveling Sets in Leather Cases 0.00 and 80.00. X , B Ladies Satin and Heatherbloom Skirts 1.00 to 83.98. B w Y ntjr i ft ft ■ Duchess Walking Skirts 4.50 to 813.50. I K £ M JW/h I Leather Wallets r,oc t0 8L0(K B Fur Scarfs and MufEs all prices. ft \\b / *MP I Fino Cuff Links 25c - Ladies Rain Coats and Capes 12.50 to 816.50. ft j 8 Shaving Mirrors 1.00 to 81.50. ft I Ladies Long Cloth Coats 5.98 to 825.00. B \I fi Gold Ink Stands 1.25 to 82.50 ( Beautiful Silk Scarfs 50c to 82.50. 9 i Gold Clocks 1.25 to 84.50. (! I Elegant Neckwear in Fancy Boxes 25c to 81.00. B BT.II/-.OX B b ~ ... B B Brush and Comb Sets 83.00 » Exquisite Embroidered Handkerchiefs 10c to 50c. ■ ■ Real Lace Han kerchiefs 1.75 to 85.00. ■ ft ,| Poßtal Card Albumß 10(5 to SLW Initial Handkerchiefs 10c to 25c. I B H Knit Sweater Coats 1.50 to 83.;>0. Silk Handkerchiefs 25c to 50c. B 8 Decorated Water Sets 1.10 to 81.50. Extraordinary Good Values in Leather Hand Bags and 9 w Punch Bowls 1.50 to 83.00. ® Ml B Purses 25c to s<>.so. M * . I Fancy Blankets for Bath Robes 2.00 to 82.50. I Ijl B Rich Belts in all colors 25c to 82.00. SB B . n _ ~ , | B , ... f> , ~. ... B ill Kin© G..M and Silver linn,lie Kmbrellns l.nn to *n,r.n. I | All OUT Ladies Suits are greatly | ■ Cnlgate s Shnv„ lg I „„,ler ami Soa,) I.la. ill 9 Maguilicent Jewelled Oumbs ami liarr<'tN.lJ 1! > rn S-i.nn. | 1 reduced. You Save about $5 j| S d '!!" > " 'iT I'l " ' 111 B Silk Hose in Black, Pink and Light Blue 1.00 to 81»50. | ! I M Hrilsh Broom Holders '2.x- to -)0c. H ||| ||! B Handsome Hand Painted Fans s(c to 81.25. ™ lon each Suit. 1 B Writing Paper in Fancy Boxes2sc to 81.50. Rich Jewelled Combs and Barrets 1.00 to 85.00. B ij . . ._ . ft ft j|B I Handsomc.Belt I'ins and Buckles 25c to 75c. | 1 About 12 MISSeS Coats foij g For CMWi CH afid MailtS || Eg Renaisanee Center Pieces and Scarfs 1.00 to 82.50. g g ages 16 to 20 at muclv below | B ra || *1 Hand Embroidered Center Pieces and Scarfs 2.00 to 83.50. B I J £ 1 » Toys of all Kinds Second Floor. g Laundry Bags 25c to 50c. | |cost. These coats are made of | I I I @ Fleeced Wrappers each 81.00. 0 | good heavy cloth, colors are S 5 Sewing -''"' t(> ' ,s.yo to I B n . „ , . „ A . k BI I | Nemo or AV. B. Corsets 1.00 to 84.00. H S I ' . , i 1 Bahy Baskets 81.00. » j| B Knit Sweater Coats 2.50 to 88.75. f§ 5 $12.00, sale price each $3.98. S I Baby Brush and Comb Sets 50c to 81.00. B | B Hand Embroideaed Sofa Pillows 5.00 to 80.00, i 1 jj ® Baby Long and Short White Dresses GBc to g:j.0«). ft Jewell Cases 75c to 81.00. ft g M*lf* E 1 Colgate's Juvenile Perfume Boxes 25c. B I I Rich Gold Clocks 1.25 to 84.50. g I Wg lUllierV I 1 FlexiUe FlyeM tU | 8 Manicure Sets 50c to 85.00. I 1 * AIIAIIIVA y [| § Doll Collapsible Go Carts 1.00 to 85.00. 1 (Toilet Sets i.oo to 85.00. ft AI J OU r Trimmed Hats are now I I Fancy Hat Pins 25c to 81.00. B IB oweatei boats ,og to *-.ou Gold Mirrors 89c to 83.00. ™ marked down below cost. Now I B Pearl and Fancy Xeck Chains 25c to 81.50. ft LHair Receivers 25e to SI,OO. | is the time for bargains. J I a» kimla. | ■ HHW «■»■■■■■§ ■! ■ iii• ■ Ibbes OHEfHaiass A box of guaranteed A prettily dressed Hose for men, women 112 Dell Free with every and children; six pair /Cyi. \ ..''child's Coat from now for SI.OO. Guaran- **** Q)r\ Christmas, teed for six months or *L-Z\J O* # \ II7H T* ~ 7 new stockings. { ~ s2s '°° New York ° ur Cash price Belts, special sale each x ' I \ M \[