Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 02, 1909, Image 11

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    Roof Slating
I am especially prepared to
Contract for Slating
By th square or job. Aa to my work
manship, I refer, by permission,
to the work recently completed
for the Hon. R W. Green.
Gel My Prices Before You
Use Shingles
Cures Backache, Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
It corrects irregularities,
strengthens the kidneys so they
will eliminate the impurities
from the blood and tones up
the whole system.
Commence taking Foley'3
Kidney Remedy at once and
avoid Bright's Disease or Dia
betes. 50. and SI.CO bottles.
fMT j*
i s ". .>. t
L>- :- ' ... .U.i-^O.I
"I woul 1 !..y awake for hours
without any apparent cause, or
dream drear.: s which
would brin.v.; on extreme spells
of nervousness. After taking
Dr. Miles' Nervine and Tonic
for awhile I could sleep well,
and the nervous spells have left
R. R, No. Canal Dover, Ohio.
Without sleep the nervous
System soon becomes a wreck,
and the healthful activity of all
the organs obstructed. Restful,
body-building sleep accompanies
the use of Dr. Miles' Nervine
because it soothes the irritable
nerves, and n tores nervous
energy. When t: '.en a few days
acr >rding to dirccti i:'., the mo-i
resile. .', sufferer will find sleep
natural and healthful. Get a
bottle from your druggist. Take
it all according to directions, and I
if it does not benefit he will re
turn your money.
Pure Water!
* Clean, Pure and Healthy.
I We are prepared to furnish Ihe citizens
I of Emporium thi« popular \Vat«*r, either
fl IMA IN OR CARBONATED, in bottles.
" Drop a postal card—we will do the rest
I The analysis of the celebrated fcjizerville
Water han made it famous all over the
Orders may be left at fJeo. P. Balcom*
store, or water may be purchased by th
case at the same place.
Magnetic Mineral Water Co,,
/- nd model,sketch or photo<f InvSSEb forf
> free report on paiontntTlrtv. Frr free book, 112
NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. 8» r - ' •-'"■• it Ki-< '■ .«iV- ■
! ill i «uur*uiteOil r M«»i <»• Kcfuii'h'd, j- • t j,- , t ffl
r SI.OO j*t t'OX. Will veuil them <ui trial, t*r i-e i.\ 1 f., r Mi
i relieved. Smiplin Free. If your druggiat does not H
t!. in send your or lcra to the
ED MEOICAL CO., 3ox 74. LANCASTER, p*. y.
■ I A ■ ......ij/ .VV..'
Death Certificates For Dogs.
The veterinarian was bandaging the
leg of a French poodle when the tele
| phone rang, so he asked the visitor to
take the message.
"IMease tell the doctor," said a wo
man at the other end of the wire. "thai-
King Cliarles is dead and we would
like a death certificate right away."
The visitor transmitted the news of
royalty demise, then added something
about the "tomfoolery of getting a
death certificate for a dog."
"It may be tomfoolery," said the
, veterinarian, "but a lot of people with
pet cats and dogs are guilty of it. If
n real King Charles was dead and I
was making out a certificate to file
with the board of health I sli »uld take
no mure pains than I shall for that
family that has lost a dog. llis age
and tl>' .ate of death will be recorded,
ji•- iLie disease that carried him off
will be described in detail. Of course
the owners of valuable animals are
most likely to ask for death certifi
cates, but very often the possessor of
an ugly little cur that has crept into
his nf ,v "*.' ns wp .ts one too." —New
York Sun.
How to Hit.
Witli one swift, straight right to the
jaw the little man had knocked the
big, fsit bully out completely. Now he
was boasting modestlv about the mat
"1 learned how to hit," he said,
"from Gentleman Jim Corbett. Gen
tleman Jim claims that iu street light
ing if you land one clean right you
win. Hut few men know how to hit
out straight and clean. They swing.
And a swing i.< no g>.- .d because It can
s<> easily lie dodged.
"To hit "lit with tl(e right :--tra'-.:!»t
and swift- this is how Jim taught me
to do it. *i <u 112 lop forward with y.> lr
left foot i ■-i tit- <•: y. Vo . hit
straight <>tit wi;h y ur ri;..'.it arm as
hard us ;■ ">i can, at the same time
ing your in dy forward anil push
ing < .T with th" bail of your right foot
as tl "'i ,'h . "li W>tc going to shove the
whole earth front under you.
"T' it is ho v to land a straight right.
It easy, and it wins every time."
Why He Gave Nothing.
"I've encountered many an excuse
for 'sidestepping' the collection basket
in church," remarked a Jersey com
muter, "but the prize excuse came to
me last Sunday out iu our town. Next
to me in church sat an acquaintance
who hud taken out a dollar bill, but
when lie saw the collector was a sub
stitute for the regular brother he put
the money back in his pocket. I taxed
him with it good naturally on the
way out, and he was very frank.
" 'You needn't publish it,' said lie.
'but 1 know that man pretty well.
Now, I happen to < we him s<">. and
he's dunning me unnece sarily for it.
I know him so well that I know if I
put that dollar bill In the basket he'd
fun I a way to abstract it and pocket it
as part of what I owe him. And he'd
the way h-Vs built, don't y- u see.'"—
New York Globe.
Rebuking a Greenhorn.
A whist expert discussed at a dinner
tin: e overconfident and foolish per
sons who think they can learn whist
in a year or two.
"Such per*--- us should be called to
order." the expert said sternly. "I for
one am always glad to see them called
to order. A young greenhorn stood
behind my partner during a game one
night. At the end of the hand the
greenhorn said:
" 'Why didn't you lead hearts?
That's what I'd have done.'
"My partner smiled and answered:
" 'All, but y my young friend,
have the world before you and none
but yourself to consider. You have no
wife and family dependent on you for
i bread, ami if you lose heavily no one
suffers but yourself. With me it is
different; hence I led spades.' "
Necessity of Air Baths.
The conditions and conventions of
our civilization demand frequent bath
ing. Any one suspected of avoiding a
dally bath would quickly find himself
persona non grata in decent society.
It is popularly supposed that frequent
bathing is essential to health. This is
quite untrue. Much of the benefit at
tributed to the water is in reality due
to the complete exposure of the skin
lo the air. The respiratory function
I of the skin is of high importance, and,
although water may be dispensed
j with, closing the pores to air would
result in speedy asphyxiation.—New
York Medical Journal.
A Dreaded Contingency.
A young girl of fourteen was taking
a trip on Lake Michigan in a small
steamer. The lake was somewhat
rough, and many were seasick. The
girl sat in the bow and was unusually
- quiet for her. "Are you feeling sick,
' daughter?" inquired her father. "No;
» I don't think I am sick, but I should
t hate to yawn."—Life.
\ Blocking Him.
{ "Say, old man," began Borroughs,
{ "lend me your ear for awhile, will
112 you ?"
( "My friend." replied Wise, shrewdly
> suspecting a touch, "I'd gladly lend
J you both of them; then I wouldn't be
> able to hear you ask me to lend you
\ i anything else." —Catholic Standard and
j> Times.
£ j
£ Inconsistent.
M j She (pretty, but sedate)—l admire a
K j man who holds fast to his ideal.
U i lie (a ninny)—tiut—but you won't let
3 me.—Boston Herald.
■ |
8} It was nn Irish philosopher who
1 I safd the strangest things in some
x- nfcivsnanet* are the ones that are left
How He Paid His Fine.
Pat Kelly, the owner of the only
Jaunting car iu the village, went on a
spree and was sentenced to a tine of
20 shillings or seven days in jail. Kel
ly chose the latter.
Now, the prison was ten miles away,
and (he oul.\ possible means of gelling
tt prisoner there was by driving. As
Kelly himself had the only car iu tin
place, there was nothing to do but t«>
hire it. For some time the constable
anil Ills prisoner haggled over lite
Kelly stuck out firmly for 30 shil I
lings, to be paid in advance, and at 1
last the constable had to consent to j
the extortion. Accordingly lltey drove
oil and without any misadventures ar
rived at the prison. When Uiey had
alighted Kelly sudden' ' formed his
'. oinpanion that he had changed his
tniiul, as the prison wasn't a decent 1
looking place, and v.onld pay the line. |
lie thereupon ur-w out the no shil-|
lings he had received, counted out the j
•JO shillings and paid them over to the
inspector. Then, jumping on his car,
he drove away, leaving the constable
to walk back.
A House In Pompeii.
In the exhumation of l'ompeii one
house was discovered which was evi
dently being repaired when the vol
canic storm that overwhelmed the city
hurled it to the ground. Painters, dec
orators and cleaners must have been
busy at the very moment of the catas
trophe I'ainti" and brushes
and workmen's tools were scattered
all over the house. T.-i tale spots of
jvhitev ash starred wall and door.
Such domestic impii-mert • as pots and
kettles bad been bundled up in a eor
t r all by tl • • -Ives. TNv • wa i
1:• /•' d. hin \ nit»!!{,• I '• re t 1 •.v 11 J
and on tha c'i ha si ad; in- ; i read.. .> I
engaged wit!; !!• r .11 coimdotu >nt of
• 1. Hi (' b I t•• wait. It. .
all. and the |,-.a\ v. ere i■ •it t "en !
■ M They ha i reaia.'t ed where pi: ••••ti j
to I ake. it is calculated, close upon i
2,000 years. There were twenty-three
oi them, rather crusty, of course, and j
somewhat dark colored, but otherwise
perfectly preserved.
Whitifield on Lovo ."itl Marriage.
George Whitelicld. the most persua
sive preacher Kugiand has prcduceci,
who died on Sept. 30, 1770, could .ap
peal so powerfully to the emotions
that he once enticed all the money
from the pock 112 the prudent Prank
liti. Vet lie strangely anticipated sou
modern unromantic views on the sub
ject of marriage. In 1740 he applied to
the parents of a young lady for the
hand of their daughter, adding, "If 1
know anything of my own heart 1 am
free from that foolish passion which
the world calls love."
Wl 1 at this prosaic proposal was de
clined the undaunted Whitelield . ir
ricd an elderly Welsh widow "neither
rich nor beautiful." This "merry wid
ow" did i t make a congenial help
mat", a::! Whit "field remarked, with!
refreshirg candor, that "her death set |
•hi ;' ti::".d at r« ;t!"- Westminster Ga
Catching Monkeys.
Ringtailii' monkeys, which rank!
among the most valuable, commercial- j
ly speaking, of the small animals, aro
caught iu an interesting way. A co
eoanut is split in two and a banana
with a piece <>f wood running through
it placed lengthwise through the nut,
the two halves of which are drawn
together by wires. Then a hole is cut
just large enough for the monkey's
paw to enter. The monkey spies t v
tempting nut from his tree. lie hops
down, looks it over, sees the hole and
smells the banana inside. He is fond
of bananas. Putting his paw iu. lie
grasps it, but the wood prevents it
from coming out. Then the catchers
appear, and the monkey runs for a
tree. But he cannot climb because of
the cocoanut on his paw, and he will
not let goof that, so he is captured,
pawing wildly at the tree trunk.
The Experiment Failed.
When a small boy mentioned in
Short Stories grows up the scientific
curiosity ho displayed may be a valu
able possession. Meanwhile his moth
er objects to it.
"Ma," remarked the boy, "isn't it
funny that everybody calls little broth
er a bouncing baby?"
"Why do you think it's funny, Wil
liam?" asked his mother.
"Because when 1 dropped him off
the porch this morning he didn't
bounce a bit; he just hollered."
How Toucans Roost.
Nothing could be more eccentric to
our eyes than the way in which tou
cans goto roost. The bird does not
"tuck its head under its wing, poor
tiling!" and so settle down, but packs
itself up in most orderly fashion. The
tail is turned forward over the back,
in the soft feathers of which the gi
gantic bill is hidden. Then the tail
shuts down, till semblance of a bird is
lost, and one can see nothing but a
ball of feathers.—London Standard.
Brother Mistake.
"Brother Good sole," asked the Rev.
IC. Mowatt LaightLv, "di<l you an
nounce last Sunday that I would oc
cupy your pulpit this morning?"
"Indeed, 1 did. Brother Laightly."
"Vet look at the smalluess of the
congregation. 1 can't account for it."
—Chicago Tribune.
Her Unfashionable Figure.
Emma—l must go right away to a ]
cure in Marienbad.
"Indeed! What doctor ordered that?"
"No doctor—my dressmaker."—KUe
gende Blatter.
Punishment is a cripple, but lie ar
rives.—Spanish Proverb.
Science Now and Then.
In the earliest ages science was
poetry, as In the latter poetry has be
come science.—Lowell.
Not Even for Riches.
Even when a woman thinks she Is
worth her weight in gold she would
hate to get too stout. —Philadelphia
Humphreys' Veterinary Specifics
" For Every Living Thing on the
Farm." Horses, Cattle, Sheep,
Hogs, "Dogs, Poultry.
A. A. Ff. FEVERS, Milk Fever, t.uns Fever.
1!. It. For BPHAI.V3, LoincnenH. lllieuiiiminni.
V. V. Foi'SOIlE Throat. Epi/.ootir, Ointcmiici'.
n. 11. For WORMS, Bom. CiruliK.
15. E. For COI OIIS, Colds, Influenzn.
F. F. For < OMC, Bellyache. Diarrhea.
H.H.For KIDNEY anil Bladder disorder*.
I, S. For SKIN DISKAHEH, Jlanne, Eruption*.
J. K.For IIAI) CONDITION, Indlgi-nllon.
At druggists or sent prepaid
on receipt of price. 60 cts, each.
/><)(> pag<' Book and Stable
Cliurt to hany lip mailed tree.
William and Ann .streets, N«?w York.
A Chi", * G>ht 1
auurwa nmt,y?«K.x.'<r. i iff ■' " if ..^saoa
JLnd % ! V •» ■■: i - '.wfi '
KuarcrjiA ... .... . »
One of our mammoth guns must Unbroken grain?, puffed to ci ;h:
be shot every minute to supply the call times natural size made four times
for Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice. as porous as bread.
l or, last month, these foods were Grains with every starch granule
served for seventeen million meals. exploded, so the digestive juices act.
We ask you tomorrow to surprise instantly,
your folks, and have one of them Foods that are good-and good for
sen c, on yout ta t e. you. Foods that the children like.
When you see these crisp, gigantic You are missing more than you
grains, you'll not wonder that people know while you cling to foods not
like them. nearly so enticing as these.
P- ,/?£- J Win *h~4—.l A « e ~
Jt lAi & o*i iioct£ IUC# i urreQ * AOC
;• *« . '*i .-5 --a/a ra-.' u rj» wseHt.-mmntt ma "r.-wrp uim
l by An- 'I
dcrson, and this i; his curious prqfess: cxpi des. Instantly every starch granule i.»
L lasted into a myriad particles.
The whole wheat or rice kernels are put into .... ....
. , , i.j- l' lc; kernels of gram arc expanded eitmt
sealed cruns. Inen the Cfuns are revolved lor ~ .. . . •
... times. \et the coats arc unbroken, the shapes
sixty minutes m a heat of 550 degrees. arc unaltered . Wc havc simply thc magnUkJ
That fierce heat turns the moisture in the grain,
grain to steam, and the pressure becomes tre- One package will tell you why people dc
mendous. light in them. Order it now.
Made only by The Quaker Oats Companjr
Established 1867 "BUFFALO'S LEADING STORE" >to 408 Main St: ?06t I
A G r eat Clir is t mas
q a 9 *0 j
Dtore is JtCeady
I keynote of what is probably the great- |
i —!2 _____ est assemblage of Christmas gifts r,
3 6 7 s 9 1011 *- ever shown at this store. From all cor- I
£»,? I» "en of the earth we have gathered the
26 27 23 2? so 31 fruits of tlie best toyinakmg shops, and all |
countries have been diligently searched, from j
the famous marts to the most secluded hamlet,
HiflwiL ~ order that the greatest possible variety, of appro- |
T>riate trifts mitrht be collected and rounded up at this
To The Opening of T oyiand
"The Kins- is here Long live the King!" Santa Clans has taken triumphal
possess*™ of his hi, city of toys at the A. M. &A. Co. store Ho arrived in his
benzine air wagon last evening—just after the store closed. Made a safe anchor
age on the roof—came down the elevator shaft—was busy getting all the good
I hings readv —and now invites even- little boy and girl in tins neighborhood to
come Saturday and enjoy themselves to their hearts content. This great big
(niristmas store is brimful of practical gifts for every member of the family- -and
with sights to thrill every juvenile heart.
Alfred Benjamin & Go's
Ntw York StjltH
Correct Clothes for Men
and Young Men for the
Fall Season of 1909 -10
from and OWVCOaIS 22
Beys and Children's
Full line of Furnishings,
Flats, Caps and
n ppprno nn
fisjlsalaCteibit 11 1 ul' & IJU
>M rci
i<:>iPovtirm, I'.v.