OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, EMPORIUM, PA. m a a— »**' i n—nrOH—B mmmmmm—— © —mdingiina Shoes ior . . . . 1.20 NOV. 10, IWUtf Men's Underwear. Men's Overshirfs. 3.50 Shoes, Guaranteed, - 2.95 2.50 Shoes for .... 1.99 _n ™ 1 x A ..t T 50c Heeced Lined, - - 37c ooc Jersey shirts, - - 39 C 3.00 Shoes, ... - *" Mens Rubbers. Continues until 50c Ribbed, blue and white, 39c 75c Jersey shirts, - - - 59c 2.50 Shoes, - 1-99 85c Rubbers, - - - 69c 00 aii W ool ... 7 q P & 1 - 00 Wool shirts, ... 7 9c 2.00 Shoes, ... - 1.49 SI.OO Rubbers, .... 79c Ox 1 97 tormi w 1' 1.25 Wool shirts, - . . 99c 1.25 Rnbbers, - - - 99c SfttUFflSy, JNOV. Af 1.25 All Wool, - -. . - 99c . Pft w T . 1.25 Shoes. ...- 99c LS O Rubbers - - - .$1.29 1.50 All Wool, - - - $1.29 J™ w ? ' " ' " SK29 - - - 1.69 Men's Jackets. Men's Dress Shirls. Men's Hats. Trunks. Suspenders. Suit Cases. 50c Jackets, - - 39c 50c Shirts, . . 39C $4.00 Stetson, . . $3.29 $2.50 Trunks, . . $1.79 25c Suspenders, . . 19c 1.00 Suit Cases, . . 79c SI.OO Jackets, - - - 79c SU)O Bhirts . . , 79c 3.50 Stetson, . . . 2.99 3.00 Trunks, . . 1.99 50c Suspenders . . 39c 1.2 a Suit Cases, . 99c 1.60 Jvcketa, - - ...» 150 . 81 . 29 3.00 Howard, . . ,30 . . 9 . w Ned™*,. SM&S '. ' 2.00 Jackets, - - - 1.69 2.50 Hats, . . . 1.99 4.00 Trunks, . . 2.99 50c Ties 39c 4 - 00 Suit Cases, . . 2.99 2.50 Jackets, - - 1.99 fioys' Dress Shirts. 2.00 Hats, . . 1.49 5.00 Taunks, . . 3.89 Gloves and Mittens Umbrellas. 3,00 Jackets, - - - 2.25 TTn , .. OQ * 50c Umbrellas, . . 39 c TSO Jackets - - "70 25c Shirts, . . . 19c 1-50 Hats, . . . 1.29 6.00 Trunks, . . 4.98 25c, Sale price, . . 19c SI.OO Umbrellas, . 79c y; u ', V * 50 c Shirts . 38c 50cnats ' • • 39 ° 7.00 Trunks, . . 5.49 ' '' X 0 2 -00 Umbrellas, . . $1.39 4.00 Jackets, - - - 3.2.J oOc blurts, ■ . -tsc 81.00, bale price, . . 79c 2.50 Umbrellas, 1.79 A sale that will arouse the greatest enthusiasm throughout this section. A sale that will place the Greatest Bargains in every home in this vicinity. A sale ofterimr seasonable 1 and desirable merchandise at prices averaging less than one-third to one half what the same goods are sold for 111 any other store. The items here garnered only "ive hin« of uU I! ", I I saving opportunities. It requires a personal visit to realize the importance of this MIGHTY SALE. countless I i 7T, — « Z ZZ — 7ZZI out of Town Purchasers will Receive Car Fare Free with a Purchase of $20.00 or Oyer ! ~ j j Sale Opens Nov. 13, 1909 ~T~T * All Goods Sold as Advertised. || Saturday, 9a. m. 112 IXSI3OF H.Q.fFIS* Money Returned j Hi Continues to Saturday, Nov. 27 THE PEOPLE S CLOTHIER if you are not Satisfied 13 111 ■————— I Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM, PA. _|| CAMKRON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1909.