Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 04, 1909, Image 8

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I Nov. 6th, it will be two years that this big store opened its doors ready for business. Thanks to I
M the liberal patronage of the people of Cameron county we were successful in the first S
and more so in the second. Our Sa^eS ave S^own a
We are going to celebrate our Second Business Birthday by giving to our customers several hundred dollars worth of pretty presents.
FRIDAY and SATURDAY, NOV. sth and 6th we will give FREE
With every SI.OO purchase a pretty Glass Salt and Pepper Set on a little Gilded Tray,
With every $2.00 purchase a nice Golden Irredescent Glass Dish.
With every $3.00 purchase a fine heavy pressed Glass Bowl.
With every $5.00 purchase a handsome imported Gilt Flexible Belt, joriginal price was SI.OO each}
With every SIO.OO purchase a selection of Decorated China to the value of SI.OO.
With every $25.00 purchase a magnificent Golden Irredescent Glass Punch Bowl.
With every $50.00 purchase a splendid 19 inch black or white Ostrich plume, value each $6.00.
This means with every dollars worth you buy during these two days, you will receive a handsome souvenir. You may take your
choice of any of these articles if you buy for more than one of the above amounts; for instance if you buy $15.00 worth you can select ,
an Irredescent Glass Dish, a Glass Bowl, a lot of Decorated China or any other combination.
See our Window Display rrT Emporium's Largest and Br ';f ht n ® w Li " c ° ,n Pe ™ l ? a j
The Happy Doll Family are I I r 6 and new Paper Dollars will be i
celebrating our second Mm. 1 M Xl. 1 Lit Finest Dry Goods Store iv en in change during eele-
Busincss Birthday. ' bration days.
1 Breezy 1
I County I
1 NeWs
Following is a list of bears killed in
Oct. IB the lower end of the county, as
far as I have been able to learn: C. E.
Logue, six, two alive; Fred Caldwell,
one alive; Bert Nelson, one alive; M. F
Wykoff, one; Jake Smith, two; Wm.
Miller, two; Anson Logue, two; Mr. Max
well, two, one weighed 304 pounds; Jas.
Batehelder, two in one day; Mr. Pitts,
three; Seth Nelson, six; Peaslev,one;
Frank Miller, one; making a total of 30.
With what have been killed in other
parts of the county, it will bring the total
to between 30 and 40, almost equaling
the total for the whole season of 1908,
which I believe was 40. Thoy have
commenced catching bear in November,
already down this way. Bird hunters
are making short visits in this section
owing to the scarcity of birds.
There are the most wild grapes, ever,
in the woods but very few pheasants to
feed off of them.
The heavy freeze of Friday night
caught a good many potatoes in the
ground, not dug.
Mrs. Stella Card, of Austin, was visit
ing her aunt. Mrs. R. M. Williams, the
last of the week.
The teachers returned from Institute,
Friday and Saturday, and are ready for
business again this morning.
In my last items, it should have read
Mrs. Fred Logue, of Thunder, Idaho,
instead of Mrs. Frank Logue.
Mrs. R. M. Williams was visiting at
Israel Bailey's, at Sinnamahoning one
day last week.
Mrs. Mina Logue and daughter Louisa
were visiting her parents on Bennetts
Branch over Sunday.
Somebody borrowed (?) two or three
of Chance Logue's traps out on the moun
tain and his catch for Nov. may not be
so large in consequence.
A Card.
This is to certify that all druggists are
authorized to refund your money if
Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your
cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals
the lungs and prevents serious results
from a cold, prevents pneumonia and con
sumption. Contains no opiates. The
genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse
substitutes. Sold by all druggists.
Well this town is full of bear hunters
and bear stories are all the go. A good
many are poking it at Jim. Batehelder
for being behind, but he will be up even
with the best of them in the close up of
the season. Jim. was building himself a
new house this fall and did not get into
the first ruu of bears like the rest of the
trappers. It made him rather nervous to
hear some of the big catches so early in
the season, here are some of them: One
mighty brought in a bear before break
fast and another before dinner the first
day of bear season; another got two be
fore ten o'clock; one went out to set his
traps and forgot his bait; he had a slice
of bread and butter with currant jelly on
and after he had eaten it he wiped his
mustache on a few leaves Jand when he
came back in about an hour a bear had
eaten up all the leaves around and was
in the trap; the ftrft day of October an
other was so anxious he went out with
out bis breakfast and found an old mother
bear in his trap and her little cubs up a
tree He shot the little ones, the biggest
weighed 15 pounds and made the report
that he had four bear hanging up at one
time; another went out and found a bear
in his trap and came home to get a
camera to cake a snap shot and when he
got back the bear had gone, got tired of
waiting or did not want his picture
taken; another report that Charley Meixel
had killed a bear that attacked him at
the powder works that weighed 700
pounds. All this time Batehelder was
on nettles because he could not get after
the bruins. But he started out on the
15th and on the 25th captured two fine
bear and several coon and possums and
ever since has been living on the top
shelf, possum and sweet potatoes one day
and roost coon the next. Jim, doesn't
hunt on Sundays cither. Willie Smith
and Orlie Walker went up with Jim. the
day he got his bears and killed one of
them themselves. Willie said his knees
were so week after he had killed the bear
that he could hardly stand. Wilbur
Peasley has given up trapping since he
failed to get a snap shot of the one that
got away, he is afraid it : s watching for
him. Don't worry about Jim. neighbor
trappers and hunters, he will come out all
right at the finish.
No Case on Record.
There is no case on record of a cough
of cold resulting in pneumonia or con
sumption after Foley's Honey and Tar
has been taken, as it will stop your cough
and break up your cold quickly. Refuse
any but the genuine Foley's Honey and
Tar in a yellow package. Contains no
opiates and is safe and sure. Sold by al
Cedar Shingles $4.50 per thousand at
C. B. Howard & Co's.
Three more bear captured the past
A tew of our young people attended a
party at the home of J. R. Batchelder on
Friday night.
Louisa Logue visited at Driftwood and
Sinnamahoning over Sunday.
The teachers have returned to their
work in the school room. The county
institute was a great success, and the
teachers can begin work with renewed
Quite a number of our people attend
ed the "Halloween Masquerade" at the
Sinnamahoning skating rink. First Fork
didn't get the prize.
Bert Nelson departed for Dußois this
Babbit season opened Nov. 1. Some
of our people certainly putin a full Jay.
They seem to be plenty this year.
A Halloween party was held at
Haynes' last Monday night. A large
number from First Fork were in attend
ance. All report a fine time.
Majorie Streeter, of Mich., is visiting
her parents at this place.
Mary Swan, of Austin, visited her
sister Mrs. King last week.
Clara Ule, of Centerville, is visiting
relatives in town.
Stella Murray who has been at her
home in Clearfield for some time is now
stoping with her aunt at this place.
Virginia Ore was shopping in Dußois
Mrs. George Johnson was visiting
friends in Benezette last week.
George Seeley, who was fixing the en
gine that runs the elevator to pile bark,
fell and broke his leg early Saturday
morning. He is in poor shape at this
The masquerade ball held in Bobinson
Hall Friday evenings for the benefit of
the band was largely attended; the band
received 819.
Mrs. B. M. Ford was visiting relatives
at Millers Bun Friday.
Milla Bloom, of Benezette, was a
visitor at the home of Thomas White
and family Friday.
George Smith visited old friends at
Cooks Bun Thursday.
Buby Gresh, of Weedville, attended
the masquerade here Friday night.
Mrs. B. M. Ford was visiting relatives
at Millers Bnn Friday.
Mrs. J. Sailing os Bennezette, was a
Medix Bun visitor Thursday.
Helen DeHass and Toka Shaffer, of
Benezette, were visitors in town on Sun
Mrs. Wm. Mountain, who has been
visiting friends here for a couple ofw n
went to Potter county were she will take
up house keeping.
Mrs. A. A. Smith and children were
visitors at Cameron Saturday.
Charles Barr, of Huston Hill, who
has been ill with walking typhoid lever,
is reported better at this writing.
Mrs. Sarah Emmerick, of Harrisburg,
was the guest of E. M. Ebersole this
Mrs. L. C. Summerson and Mrs.
Klmer Whiting killed a large rattlesnake
in their yard, this week.
Mis. John Neenan and children re
turned home Sunday from a several days
visit with her sister-in-law at Hyner.
Mrs. Laura A. Smith was a visitor at
Buffalo this week-
Mrs. Madge Miller, of Hicks Bun, is
going to stay a while with her mother,
Mrs. Gustina Miller, of Huston Hill.
Carl Jones, who has been quite ill the
past week, is able to be out again.
Jay Lewis and Charles Miller, of
Harrisburg, were the guests of the form
er's mother, Mrs. Jessie B. Lewis, this
Carlton Smith and Earl Whiting, who
are attending school at Williamsport,
were home over Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Bagley was called to Phila
delphia Friday, on account of the death
of her sister.
J. A. Dice and wife returned home
Saturday, from a two weeks visit at New
York and other eastern cities.
Mrs. Helena Butler, Mrs. Morse, Mrs.
Carlson and Miss llendt all of Emporium,
attended the funeral of Eddie Kenworthy
Tuesday and also made the Postmistress
a social call.
Francis Sterling had a valuable dog
killed by the Flyer, Tuesday.
Mrs. Delia Lord is visiting on Huston
Hill, this week.
David Ebersole, of Falls Creek, was
the guests of his parents, llev. Ebersole
and wife, over Sunday.
The Lady Maccabees met at the home
of Lauy, Mrs. W. E. Devling, Friday
night. Boast lamb besides other re
freshments. were served and all spent a
very pleasant evening.
Geo. Herrick, of St. Marys, was a
visitor in town Saturday.
Foley's Kidney llemedy will cure any
case of kidney or bladder trouble that is
not beyond the reach of medicine. Cures
backache and irregularities that if
neglected might result in Blight's dis
ease or diabetes. Sold by all druggists.
Frank Sullivan was sure ''Chipmunk,"
Friday night. Ask him.
It is understood Wm. Fox and
• Bugs" Graham are to enter into partner
ship, in a new enterprise.
Bert Smith, wife and children, of
Sterling Run, visited E. D. Krape and
wife, Friday and Saturday, and also took
| in the K. G. E. supper,
j A. F. Walker returned to duty, after
j a few days spent with his family and
| friends.
Frank| Iloag attended to important
| business in Sterling Run, Tuesday last.
John Ivilleen visited friends in town
the past few days.
"Fogey" Stuart claims to have shot
three pheasants and two rabbits with one
Edwin Stuart attended to business
matters at Canoe Bun Wednesday.
Edward Kenworthy, age 11, attempted
to alight from P. R. R., train 68, Satur
day, p. m., at Canoe Bun while train was
in motion, and fell, striking the mail
crane, fracturing his skull. He died
from the effects of his injuries Saturday
night. Funeral at Sterling Bun, Tues
day. This should be a lesson for all—
never alight from a train while it is in
Dan Sullivan, Sr., now holds the
championship as wood cutter and is still
in training. Harvey is his chief tonsoro
Bill Fox and Frank Hoag seem to be
the leadiug politicians of the burg, with
Bob Graham playing the Hurst act.
Wonder if results of election will have
any effects on either? But who drove in
the creek?
The Eagles held a ball and supper in
their hall, Friday evening, and every
body seemed to cujoy themselves. Sheriff
Norris and the State Constabulary were
on hand to quell anyjrowdyism,and thanks
for their assistance.
Croup Cured and a Child's Life Saved.
"It affords me great pleasure to add
my testimony to that of the thousands
who have been benefited by Chamber
lain's Couiih ltemedy. My child, And- i
rew, when only three years old was taken
with a severe attack of croup, and thanks
to the prompt u»c of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy his life was saved and to-day V J
iB a robust aud healthy boy," says Mi>
A. Coy, Jr., of San Antonio, Texas.
This remedy has been in use for many
years. Thousands of mothers keep it at
hand, and it has never been known to
fail. For sale by Geo. C. Taggart.
Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs
quickly, strengthens the luugs and ex
pels colds. Get the genuiue in a yellow
package. Sold by all druggists.
We Hope
You are Well
We hope so, but should
you not be, remember
we have the most com
plete medicine store in
this locality. Particu
larly our prescription
department, which is
conducted by a compe
tent Pharmacist, who is
well supplied with high
est quality ot drugs.
Come in and see us.
The Old Reliable
I Drug Store,
Why Cameron County Received
the State Sunday School
Because the County Organization
qualified in all of the ten points of the
State Standard as follows:
I.—County organized.
2—Annual County Convention held.
3.—Complete district organization in
4. —Annual Convention or Institute
held in each district.
s.—Statistics gathered annually and
senf to the State office.
6.—Pledge made to State Associa
tion and paid.
7.—County represented at State Con
8. —Fifty per cent, of schools have
Cradle Roll Departments.
9.—Thirty per cent, of schools have
Home Departments.
10.—Twenty per cent, of schools
have Teacher Training Classeß, having
taken first examination.
Hallow'een Parly.
Miss Mildred Lloyd was hostess at a
Hallow'een party at her home on West
Fourth street last Saturday evening,
when she entertained several of her
friends. A good time is reported by