Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 28, 1909, Image 4

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    Established, 1806.
Cameron County Press
ICrtitor anil »*roi»rletor
Orvxllk Pkoudkoot, Assistant and Manager.
Raymond Klees, Assistant Foreman.
W. Scott Sthrnbh, Assistant Local Editor.
For Auditor General,
A. E. BISSON, of Erie County
For State Treasurer,
JEKEMIAH H.STOBER, of Lancaster County.
For Judge of the Supreme Court,
of Philadelphia County.
For Prothonotary, Register, Recorder! and Clerk
of the Courts,
For District Attorney,
FRED ARN JOHNSON, of Emporium.
For Jury Commissioner,
Where Everyone Helps.
Whenever the people of Pennsyl
vania goto the polls in anything
like their "full numbers, they roll
up a Republican majority that is
the wonder and admiration of the
Republicans of the rest of the
country. These majorities have
put the state at the head of the Re
publican column and made it the
leader of Republican policy and
There never has been a time
when a large and Overwhelming
Republican majority from Penn
sylvania was more needed than
it' is this year. It is not merely a
question of electing the Republican
candidates for state offices; it is the
more important one of giving sup
port to the real principles and pur
poses of the party.
Those principles and purposes
found their truest advocate and
representatives in the Senators and
Republicans members of Congress
from Pennsylvania during the re
cent extra session struggle over
tariff revision. They won their
fight against both Democrats and
Middle West Republicans, who
had broken away from the safe
anchorage of the party on the pro
tection question, and they should
be overwhelmingly endorsed.
Can there be any doubt about
where Pennsylvania stands?
Certainly not. What is needed
however, is such a demonstration of
its position as can be best given by
an overwhelming Republican ma
jority at the coming, election.
Every Republican should contri
bute to this, for the result will
have unusual significance.
Don't Experiment
You Will Make no Mistake if You
Follow This Advice.
Never neglect your kidneys.
It you have pain in the back, urinary
disorders, dizziness and nervousness, it's
time to act and no time to experiment.
These are all symptoms of kidney trou
ble, and you should seek a remedy
which is known to cure the kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pills is the remedv to
use. No need to experiment. It has
cured many stubborn eases in this
Can Emporium residents demand
further proof than that contained in the
following testimonial:
Mrs. C. F. Decker, 40 S. St. Marys
St., St. Marys, Pa., says:"For two
years I suffered from kidney complaint.
There were severe pains through my
hack and sides, headaches were frequent
and tny ankles swelled. I often became
so dizzy that I thought I would fall and
though specialists created roe, no relief
followed. Doan's Kidney I'iils were so
highly recommended that I procured a
box and soon noticed a great change. It
was only a short time before I received a
complete cure and I have not had the
slighest symptom of kidney complaint
since. I can recommend Doan's Kidney
Pills as a reliable kidney remedy."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents. Remember the name—
Doan's—and take no other.
Painting and Paper Hanging.
I do reliable and durable painting,
interior and exterior natural wood
finishing, graining, paper hanging,
artistic and plain decorating. Twenty
six years practical experience enables
me to give you the BEST at the LOWEST
I can supply you with the best paint
on the market and pure white lead.
Would be pleased to show you the
latest things in wall paper. All labor
and material guaranteed just as repre
8-tf. F. H. PEARSALL.
At once Men to represent ua, either
locally or traveling. Now is the time to
start. Money in the work for the right
men. Apply at once and secure terri
For Constipation
A Medicine I hat Does Not Cost Any
thing Unless it Gives Satis
factory Relief.
If you suffer from constipation in
any form whatever, acute or
chronic, we will guarantee to sup
ply you medicine that we honestly
believe will effect permanent re
lief if taken with regularity and
according to directions for a rea
sonable length of time. Should the
medicine fail to benefit you to your
entire satisfaction we promise that
i£ shall cost you nothing.
No other remedy can be com
pared with Rexall Orderlies for the
easy, pleasant and successful treat
ment of constipation. The active
medicinal ingredient of this rem
edy. which is colorless, tasteless
and odorless, is an entirely new
discovery. Combined with other
valuable ingredients, it forms a
preparation whieh is incomparable
as a perfect bowel regulator, intes
tinal invigorator and strengthener.
Rexall Orderlies are eaten like
candy, and are notable for their
gentle and agreeable action. They
do not cause griping or any dis
agreeable effect or inconvenience,
and may be taken at any time,
day or night.
We particularly recommend Rex
all Orderlies for children and for
delicate or aged persons, because
they Jo not contain anything injuri
ous. Unlike other preparations,
they do not create a habit, but in
stead they overcome the habits ac
quired through the use of ordinary
laxatives, cathartics, and harsh
physic, and remove the causes of
constipation of irregular bowel act
ion that are not of surgical variety.
We want you to try Rexall
Orderlies at our risk. "We know
of nothing that will do you so
much good. They are prepared in
tablet form in two sizes, 36 tablets
25 cents, and 12 tablets 10 cents.
Remember you can obtain Rexall
Remedies in Emporium only at
our .store —The Rexall Store. The
Emporium Drug Co.
To remove Pimples, Blackheads,
Blotches, and all forms of skin erup
tions, is, according to a well known
physician, a very easy matter; he says
that many are afflicted with some one
of the above ailments, and are subject
to a great deal of embarrassment on
account of the unsightly appearance
which they present, and recommends
the following simple, harmless and in
expensive treatment. Goto your
druggist and get this prescription fill
ed: Clearola one-half ounce, Ether
one ounce, Alcohol seven ounces, mix,
shake well and apply to the parts af
fected night and morning, allowing it
to remain on the skin at least ten
minutes, then wipe off the powder
from the skin. Use a soft cloth or
sponge in applying the mixture and in
from ten days to two weeks your face
will be smooth and clear as a marriage
bell. Get the Pure Clearola, which is
only put up in one-half ounce packages.
Ask to see it.
F. G. Fritz, Oneonta, N. Y., writes:
"My little girl was greatly benefitted by
taking Foley's Orino Laxative and I
think it is the best remedy for constipa
tion and liver trouble." Foley's Orino
Laxative is mild, pleasant and effective
ami cures habitual constipation. Sold by
all druggists.
Kodol is for Dyspepsia, Indigestion
sour stomach, or for any stomach trouble.
Kodol is very pleasant to take and it acts
promptly. It digests all the food you
eat, for it is composed of the very same
digestive juices that are found in a
healthy stomach. It is guaranteed to
relieve you and is sold here by all drug
Dr. Flannigan—Shure, you needn't be
alarumed about the swellin' on the
baek of or nf>ek. Doolev. It's nothln'
Republicans Told of Danger ol
Seeking Complimentary Vote# For
Nominee For Supreme Bench and
Banking Upon a Small Poll by Ma
jority Party.
[Special Correspondence^
Philadelphia, 0"t. 26.
Colonel Wesley R. Andrews, chair
man of the Republican state commit
tee, today sounded a note of warning
to the Republicans of Pennsylvania.
He made it clear that he expects
every Republican voter in this state
to do hia duty on Nov. 2.
With election day only about one
week off the state chairman insists
that there must be a lining up of the
Republican forces in every county if
tkßepublican ticket is to be elected,
as it ought to be, by an overwhelming
majority. Since early in September
Chairman Andrews, from the head
quarters of the Republican state com
mittee in this city, has been directing
an aggressive campaign. Not that the
Republican ticket is in danger; it is
not. But many Republicans of Penn
sylvania frequently take Republican
success for granted and make no espe
cial effort togo to the polls.
It was this danger of over-confidence
that Colonel Andrews had In mind to
"Pennsylvania Is the banner Repub
lican state; we have the votes, and to
poll the right kind of majority It Is
only necessary for the voters to cast
their ballots," said the chairman.
"Many Republicans In an off-year like
this, when there Is no particular ex
citement. proceed upon the theory that
the rest of the party will vote and thus
Insure the election of the ticket. Now
it Is an axiom of warfare that an
army must constantly be on guard. I
want to warn the Republicans of this
state against the 'last card' tn politics.
They should see that Democratic ef
fort does not threaten Republican suc
"The Republican party has a splen
did ticket. A better one has never
been offered the people of Pennsylva
nia. A. E. Sisson and J. A. Stober are
able and experienced men; they have
records that commend them to the
people, and they are public spirited
citizens. They will contribute their
full share to a continuance of good
government in this commonwealth.
The Judicial Canvass.
"Judge Robert von Moschzisker will
make a great supreme court Justice.
He has a splendid record as a, com
mon pleas pudge; he is known to the
lawyers of the state as one of the
ablest members of the Pennsylvania
bar, and he has the confidence of all
of the people. Not a syllable has
been uttered against him since his
nomination. His qualifications for the
supreme bench are conceded by every
body. He ought to be elected by a
tremendous majority. His Democratic
opponent, Mr. Munson, Is presenting
this state with a spectacle it has never
before witnessed. He is the only can
didate for a high judicial office, who,
in his eagerness for election, has so
far overlooked the proprieties as to
make a personal and compromising
campaign for votes. He is now on a
campaign tour, meeting the voters and
making what are nothing more nor
less than ordinary stump speeches. In
Wllliamsport he maintains a large lit
erary bureau, which has sent out
thousands of documents and letters,
in which he asks the voters to sup
port him as a non-partisan candidate.
He has adopted the endless chain sys
tem of letter writing and by this
means hopes to reach every voter in
the state.
"The old-fashioned Idea that judi
cial office should seek the man and not
the man seek the office manifestly has
no place in the Democratic candidate's
plan of politics. Ido not believe many
Republicans will entertain for a mo
ment the proposition that they vote
for a Democratic candidate for the su
preme court.
"Mr. Munson's conduct in the cam
paign illustrates his conception of the
dignity of the highest judicial tribunal
in this commonwealth. Judge von
Moschzisker has taken no part what
ever in the campaign. He has asked
no one to vote for him. He will take
his seat on the supreme bench with
out having violated its sacred tradi
National and State Issues.
"As I have repeatedly said, the
elections in Pennsylvania this year are
of national importance. A failure of
the Republicans of the Keystone State
to score a handsome majority would
be accepted by the low tariff revision
ists of the middle west as evidence
that our people are not particularly in
terested in the protective system.
"A reduced majority will furnish an
impetus to agitation for a lowering of
the tariff rales. Pennsylvania is sat
isfied with the new tariff law.because
it. is bringing prosperity. It should be
the first, state to record its indorse
ment of that legislation.
"There is another and very sound
reason why the Republicar.' of the
Keystone Statu should poll ~n unpre
cedented off-yea." majority the com-
Spot Cash
have the complete line
of the well known "Se
curity Stock Food"and for
a limited time only will
give a 10% discount on all
1 food purchases.
The manufacturers Spot
Cash Guarantee goes with
every package, which is the
strongest of guarantees.
The Old Reliable
Drug Store,
mg election. Next year we must elect
Governor Stuart's succeoaor and other
state officials, a new leglalature that
will elect Senator Oliver's successor,
and a congressional delegation. A re
duced majority in November would
not only be a backward stop» It would
encourage the Democracy and Inspire
It with hope of success In 1910.
"The Republican party In Penney'
▼anla has never been In bettev con
dition than It is toiUr. But I have
■aid. It is necessary that every Re
publican do his duty on Nov. 2."
«"* ' suspicion®.
She—l'm going to get you your sup
per to-night myself, dear! What
would you like?
He—H'm! O, some ot the cold
roast of yesterday, my dear, and some
pickles!—Meggendorfer Blaetter.
|S(\lJi| secret is what
vertise them.
U Hl|\\\\l\l\\ Y°u know they're
111 l II ' 85'llill\\ml\ best; so do a few
I 111 It U tWHI nlittlll others I But the
III] II general public—are
lln II they informed? Tell
II 111 l them! Don't keep
I a <^ar ' C secret *
shine through
Wjli 1 ! t' ie columns
liIMM. of this paper.
(Copyright, by W. N. D.)
For the most
Stylish Millinery
This Space Belongs to
I Jasper Harris,!
The People's Clothing House
I Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM, PA. 8