Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 21, 1909, Page 7, Image 7
EASY Mrs. Henpeck—Did you ever hear of anything worse than a man who who smokes in the house? Mr. Henpeck—Yes. A smoking lamp. Ask me another! He Bit. Ex-Police Commissioner Bingham of New York said of graft at a recent dinner: "The grafter isn't so easily caught; he isn't quite so naive as an old fellow they used to tell about in Andover. "This old fellow was suspected of tampering with the church collections. A couple of clumsy traps that were set for him failed to work. Then one day a young deacon walked past his house leading a new horse. " 'That's a line horse, deacon,' th« old fellow shouted. 'Did you buy him at the fair?' " 'Yes,' said the deacon. Then, as the other came nearer, he added: "'I bought him with my picking* out of the collection plate.' "The old man looked horrified. "'Good gracious!' he said. 'l've often taken enough myself to buy a hat or a pair of trousers; but, deacon, in takin' enough to buy a horse ain't ye committin' a positive sin!'" Definite Location. Every visitor at the new capitol at Harrisburg, Pa., who gets as far as the registration room, is expected to write his name in a big book, together with his birthplace and present resi dence, says the Troy Times. Not long ago, when a crowd of excursion ists visited the grounds and buildings, a stout girl started to register. She paused, pen poised in air, and called out to an elderly lady, com fortably seated in a big chair, "Mon, vere vas I borned at?" "Vat you vant to know dat for?" "Dis man vants to put it in der big book." "Ach," answered the mother, "you know veil enough—in der old stone house." Will Seek the South Pole. A. Henry Savage Landor, the Eng lish explorer, who will soon make an attempt to reach the south pole, is of the opinion that Lieut. Shackleton failed through having a cumbersome and unnecessarily large expedition. Mr. Landor's theory is that a small caravan of trusted and hardy men, lightly equipped as in his expeditions through Asia and Africa, is best. Mr. Landor's activity in aeronautic inves tigations gives color to the rumor that an airship will be used by him in hig expedition. Proper Love for Wife. "When a man really loves his wife he ought to combine all his nicest sentiments toward other women into one big sentiment for her. "He should show her the respect he feels toward his mother, the polite ness he shows other women and the responsibility he feels toward his sis ter. "To all of that he should add the great love he should feel for a wife." When Coloring Rags for Carpets or rugs, always use Dyola Dyes be cause the one package will color any material. Satisfaction guaranteed. Once try Dyola and you will never go back to the old fasWoned dyes. 10c per package at your dealer's. Write Dyola, Burlington, Vt., for free book of directions and color card. Demoralization. "What makes the parrot so pro fane?" "Well, mum," answered the sailor man,"l s-pose it's part my fault Every lime I hear him speak a bad word it makes me so mad that he gets a chance to learn a lot of new ones." A Rare Good Thing. "Am using Allen's Foot-Ease, and can truly say I would not have been without It so long, had I known the relief it would give my aching feet. I think it a nire good thing for anyone having sore or tired feet. —Mrs. Matilda Holtwert, Providence, R. I." Sold by all Druggists, 25c. Ask to-day. There is no better way of hiding your light under a bushel than by keeping your church letter in your trunk. ff~ CMMree Like^^) P S m BKTmram m It is so pleasant to take —stops the cough so quickly. Absolutely safe too and contains no opiates. All Druggiati, 25 cvcnti. For the Hostess ~, 112 i I Chat on Interesting Topics of Many Kinds, by a Recognized Authority "Maud Muller" Party. During these golden October days, outdoor and indoor parties combined are quite the tiling. A hostess noted for her originality invited her friends to a "Maud Muller" party. The invi tations said: "Informal; please come in country costumes." As she lived in a suburb, time tables were inclosed with the train marked that she wished them to take. The hour was five, and a merry throng took the four o'clock train. An immense hay wogan was at the station, with the splendid big horses gayly decorated and driven by the regular farm men instead of the liveried coach and footman. There were horns for the men, and the hostess awaited them on the steps of the port cochere. Big straw hats were given to the men with red rib bons and the girls had blue ones. Rakes with gilt handles were given the girls, who were thus attired as "Maud Mullers," and went forth to rake the hay on this charming sum mer day which had gotten by mistake Into the fall calendar. The girl who made the largest stack in ten minutes was awarded a prize; also, there was a prize for the neat est stack. The men superintended this, and then a plow was brought for the men to try their skill, with prizes for the straightest row, and for the one made in the quickest time. By this time twilight %vas falling and guests watched the chickens fed and the cows milked. Then all adjourned to the dining room, where a suptuous supper was served, everything except the meats being a product of the place. The decorations were most unique, being likewise home produc tions. Gourds, small squashes and pumpkins were converted into most attractive flower holders, and the flow ers were wild purple asters and gold en rod, the combination being a most liappy one. At half-after eight the hay wagon came to the door and a drive of an hour was taken over the hardest of country roads and then back to the station in time for the ten o'clock train. Afterwards in talking it over we all agreed that our host ess was so successful because her en tertainments were so simple and she so natural and unaffected. Not but what she could and sometimes did en tert formally and had plenty of money to spend; yet her favorite way was to do things on the spur of the moment, and she always mado use of the things that were in season. She also had the art of always as sembling just the right people togeth er, and always remembered who hated "bridge," who didn't like golf and who loathed to dress for a formal dinner party. On the quiet. I think she keeps a book with the peculiarities of each one of her friends carefully jotted down, just when she entertained them, and just what she served on each oc casion. At least that is the way one of the best entertainers I ever knew does, and it is worth considering. Souvenirs for a Part). At an autumnal party given for Easily Made Home-Made Study Table, Consisting of a Board and Two Orange Boxes. THE STUDY TABLE in the sketch is possible, even In homes where econ- ! oniy must be observed, for the eost is a mere trotle —two five-cent orange or lemon boxes, obtained from the grocer, a can of wood filler and mis sion stain and a paint brush being all that is required. The large flat board that serves as a table top may be purchased from a carpenter for very little —or often a wooden board may be found, scrubbed and painted and pressed into excellent service. The top of the board must be perfectly smooth. First a coat of wood filler is put on the boxes and board. When dry a second coat is applied if the wood seems at all rough. Then apply the mis sion stain or any other wood stain desired. Place the boxes the width of the board apart, with the front edge of the against the front edge of the board, and nail the board on the boxes in each corner, being careful that the points of the nails are not long enough to project through the under side of the top of the boxes. Little Bilk or print curtains may be hung around the ends and across tie opeu front of the boxes if one wishes and they give u dainty touch. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1909. children from eight to ten years of age, the souvenirs were made by the guests from corn husks which they transformed into dolls. A face was penciled on the green stub of corn, the husks made the dress and the silk carefully braided made the hair; bon nets were also made from the husks. These dolls were really charming, and the prize awarded for the best was a delightful little booklet in which corn liusk dolly was the heroine; it was written by a clever woman musi cian. Tills idea is just as applicable for a "grown-ups" party as for chil dren, for I never saw a woman yet, whether she admitted it or not, who didn't like a chance to play dolls. For a Card Party. At a "500" party to which 24 guests were bidden, the hostess had these refreshments: Nut sandwiches, lob ster salad, coffee, ice cream and small cakes. The sandwiches were constructed of white bread cut ex actly the size of a playing card. Red hearts and diamonds were cut from beats and stuck on the bread like spots with butter. The ice cream was a rich vanilla made in bricks and sliced like a card ornamented with hearts and diamonds cut from Maraschino cherries. The cakes rep resented hearts, spades, clubs and dia monds cut with specially made tin cutters. The place cards were tiny packs of cards, gilt edged. They were only an inch and a half in length. Announcing an Engagement. "Polly" declared she must have some unusual way of announcing her engagement, so after much careful thought this was evolved: The 20 spe cial friends were asked for a thimble party, and there was nothing doing until refreshments were served. Then each guest l'ound a little envelope on the plate and the hostess explained that inside there would be found a jumbled lot of letters, that the letters of each color would spell one word, and there was just one word in each envelope and all were the same color in «ach envelope, so each one made their word, and the light gradually dawned as the; story was told by the guests putting their wofds together. It was great fun and ended the after noon in a most happy manner, as the little bride-elect was a great favorite, and she was fairly beaming when all began to offer • .nod wishes and wanted to know "all about it." MADAME MERRI. Cleaning Plumes. A woman who has success in clean ing ostrich and other feathers puts a cupful of Indian meal, half a cupful of flour and three level tablespoonfuls of borax into a paper bag, and with it one large or two or three small feath ers. These she shakes about until the soil has disappeared from the feathers, and then she shakes them free from the mixture. Fine knitted wool arti cles and laces are sometimes cleaned in this way. FREED AT LAST From the Awful Tortures of Kidney Disease. Mrs. Rachel Ivie, Henrietta, Texas, says:"l would be ungrateful if I did not tell what Doan's Mr Kidney Pills have HESto'V® vL done for me. Fifteen KJ *gl years kidney trouble li\ clun & tome > D 'y ex " istence was one of misery and for two whole years I was un abie togo out of the house. My back ached all the time and I was utterly weak, unable at times to walk without assistance. The kidney secretions were very irregular. Doan's Kidney Pills restored me to good health, and I am able to do as much work as the average woman, though nearly eighty years old." Remember the name—Doan's. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster- Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. HAD ONE GOOD POINT Young Guest —It seems to me that you don't object to the mosquitoes singing in your room. Old Guest —You bet I don't. Why, when the mosquitoes are singing I can't hear the glee club practicing on the piazza. When to Send Children to Europe. Some people wait so long before sending their children to Europe that the little ones are humiliated by others who have already been there. Every self-respecting parent will be careful not to subject his children to this evi dent injustice; at the same time all unseemly hurry is to be avoided. Some people argue that as soon as a child can walk well and speak a few necessary French words, he should be placed in a stateroom, next to a private bath, and sent to Paris. Oth ers feel that he must naturally lose much at this age, and that the proper time is between five and six, when — as an American —he has reached his maturity. Probably the ideal age is about four. At four a child can easily do England, France and Italy, and get home in time for the first night at the opera.— Judge's Library. True Representative of Race. Dr. Bethmann-Hollweg may claim this distinction, that he is the first German chancellor to wear a beard. Bismarck hastened to shave his off when he entered upon diplomacy, and showed his rivals and enemies a massive jaw and clear-cut chin; and he shaved to the end, with an inter val enforced by neuralgia in the early 'Bos. As a soldier, too Caprivi shaved, all but his mustache, and so did Hohenlohe and Bulow. But Beth mann-Hollweg is gaunt, rugged, hir sute, pan-Germanic. Poverty and Consumption. That poverty is a friend to consump tion is demonstrated by some recent German statistics, which show that of 10,000 well-to-do persons 40 annually die of consumption; of the same num ber only moderately well-to-do, 66; of the same number of really poor, 77; and of paupers, 97. According to John Burns, the famous English labor lead er, 90 per cent, of the consumptives in London receive charitable relief in their homes. FOOD QUESTION Bettled with Perfect Satisfaction by a Dyspeptic. It's not an easy matter to satisfy all the members of the family at meal time as every housewife knows. And when the husband has dyspep sia and can't eat the simplest ordinary food without causing trouble, the food question becomes doubly annoying. An Illinois woman writes: "My husband's health was poor, he had 110 appetite for anything I could get lor him, it seemed. "He was hardly able to work, was taking medicine continually, and as soon as he would feel better would go to work again only to give up in a few weeks. He suffered severely with stomach trouble. "Tired of everything I had been able to get for him to eat, one day seeing an advertisement about Grape-Nuts, I got some and tried it for Breakfast the next morning. "We all thought it was pretty good although we had no idea of using it regularly. But when my husband came home at night he asked for Grape- Nuts. "It was the same next day and I had to get it right along, because when we would get to the table the question, 'Have yon any Grape-Nuts' was a reg ular thing. So I began to buy it by the dozen pkgs. "My husband's health began to im prove right along. I sometimes felt offended when I'd make something I thought he would like for a change, and still hear the same oJd question, 'Have you any Grape-Nuts?' "He got so well that for the last two fears he has hardly lost a day from his work, and we are still using Grape-Nuts." Read the book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a reason." *"'Ver read the above lettert A new line ft|i|»eiirM from time to time. They utf* vetiuine, true, and full of bum no interest. LATER REALIZATION —— J "I don't see why you make such a fuss over every little bill I run up. Be fore we were married you told me you were well off." "So I was. But I didn't know It!" TOTAL LOSS OF HAIR. Beemcd Imminent—Scalp Wat Very Scaly and Hair Came Out by Hcnd fuls—Scalp Now Clear and New Hair Grown by Cuticura. "About two years ago I was troubled with my head being scaly. Shortly after that I had an attack of typhoid fever and I was out of the hospital possibly two months when I first no ticed the loss of hair, my scalp being still scaly. I started to use dandruff cures to no effect whatever. I had actually lost hope of saving any hair at all. I could brush it off my coat by the handful. I was afraid to comb it. But after using two cakes of Cuti cura Soap and nearly a box of Cuti cura Ointment, the change was sur prising. My scalp is now clear and healthy as could bo and my hair thick er than ever, whereas I had my mind made up to be bald. \V. F. Steese, 5812 Broad St., Pittsburg, Penn., May 7 and 21, 1908." Potter Drug A Chom. Corp., Solo Props., Boston. Origin of Word "Bible." The word hible is derived from the Latin name biblia, which was treated as a singular although it conies from the Greek neuter plural, meaning "lit- I tie books." This Greek diminutive was derived from byblus, or papyrus. , the famous material on which ancient j books were written. The title "Bible" was first used about the middle of the second Christian century in the so- I called second epistle of Clement I (xiv., 2). How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any esse of catarrh thai eanuot be cured hy Hall's Catarrh cure. F. J. CHENEY <fe CO.. Toledo. O. We, the undersigned. Imve known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly hon orable In all business trnnsaetlons and financially able to carry out any obligations made by lus ilrm. Walding. Kinnan Marvin. Wholesale Drmrgists. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure w taken Internally acting directly ui»on the blood ami mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Bold by all Druuffists. Take ilall'a Family l'llls for constipation. Against Pretenses. Away with all those vain pretenses ! of making ourselves happy within our ! selves, of feasting on our own I thoughts, of being satisfied with the consciousness of well-doing, and of dei spising all assistance and all supplies from external objects. This is the j voice of pride, not of nature. —Hume, i I Farmer's Summer Trials. "What do you find the hardest work connected with farming?" "Collecting a board bill from you city chaps when it's due!" Instant Relief for All Eyes, that nre irritilted from dust, heat, sun or wind, PKTTIT'S KYK SALVK. 25c. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. Smith —So the will was read? Jones —Yes; but the air was blue. Mrs. Yrinfltow'fl Soothing Syrup. For children teething, softens the gums, reduce* In flammation, allays pula, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. After breaking a $5 bill the pieces are soon lost. #^roSc,s / RECEIVED THE ONLY GRAND PRIZE (HIGHEST AWARDS) A! the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition AGAINST ALL COMPETITORS ON P'CKLES - OLIVES -CONDIMENTS CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS - PRESERVES JELLIES SALAD DRESSING CONDENSED MILK-EVAPORATED MILK CALIFORNIA FRUITS CANNED MEATS CORNED BECF—SLICED DRIED BEEF-OX TONGUE-VEAL LOAF HAM LOAF VIENNA SAUSAGE WHERE QUALITY COUNTS WE LEAD Your Grocer Has Them—lnsist on Getting Libby's LIBBY, Mc NEI LL & LIBBV —— a soothing, healing ointment for all eruptions and irritations of the skin and a certain cure for itching piles. 50 cents a jar, all druggists, or sent direct on receipt of price. RESINOL CHEMICAL COMPANY, BALTIMORE, Ml>. "RESINOL is the best application I have ever seen for burns." 11. B. Withers, Mineral Wells, Texas. And There Are Others. The cook had been called away to a sick sister, and so the newly wed mis tress of the house undertook, with the aid of the maid, to get the Sunday luncheon. The little maid, who had been struggling in the kitchen with a coffee mill that would not work, con fessed that she had forgotten to wash the lettuce. "Well, never mind. Pearl. Goon with the coffee and I'll do it," said the considerate mistress. "Where do they keep the soap?" Quaker Scotch Oats is the perfectly balanced human food e ChiDa for your table in the Family Size Packages PROSPER COLONY COMPANY ISi AND THE BEST FIVE ACRES OF LAND IN FLORIDA FOR SIOO.OO Located between Orlando and Kisshmnoo on the main line of the Atlantic Coast Line Kail way, in the h'_*art of the orange, grape fruit and vegetable region of Florida. Termn, ten dollars cash, and nine monthly payments of SIO.OO each, for each farm pur chased. When more than one farm is pur chased, they will he adjoining. Taft, the Colony town, is located on the railway, eijrht miles south of Orlando, livery purchaser of two tlve-acre farms Is jjiven a lot in Taft. sixty by one hundred and twent.v feet. Hem it to 11»«% Orlando Hank A Trust Coin puny. Or lando. Florida, ten dollars for each farm you wish to purchase. The Cashier will mall you contract , and wlu-n pa vmentsare complete, will mall you warranty deed. When two farms are purchased, one lot in Taft Is Included In your contract. We use the iiank to protect your Interests. Address PROSPER COLONY COMPANY, Orlando, Fla. POWOF in tho We tell you about how good von'll feci after taking a CASCARET— that millions of people—buy, use and recommend them —But that's talk—you buy a box now—take as directed to-night and get, the woof in the morning—After you know CASCARET3 you'll never be without them. gij CASCARKTS IOC a box for a week's treatment, all dru?rprists. Hippest seller in the world. Million boxes a month. You Can Shave Yourself With NO STROPPING NO HONING KNOWN THE WORLD OVER AiiliN'lS IF I KNEW YOUR NAME, 1 would .send you our 12.1 ii sample outfit free t hi* very minute. Let mo .start, you in a profitable business. You do not need one cent of capital. Kxperienca unnecessary. profit. Credit driven. l*remiums. Freight paid. Chance to win fftOOin gold extra. Kvry man and woman should write* me for free outfit. JAt HliAl k, l'nol<J«ut, 240 llftrrlr btrwt, lloMuii. .Unit. CIGAR SALESMAN SSSSUWff iSKfc enco unnecessary; sllO per month and expenses. Write for particulars. Sales Manager, in careot MONAKCII CIGAR CO., St. I,ouit, Mo n WntsonE.Colcvnnn,Wubl ■ ffl U C * rAj 1 Jk ington, D.C. Hooks free. lllgb ■ H R tali I west references. Beta re*ulta S Thompson's Eye Water W. N. U., CLEVELAND, NO. 42-1909. 7