Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 21, 1909, Image 4
ESTABLISHED, 1 RFIFL. Cameron County Press HENRY H. M11.1.1N, Editor ami Proprietor ORVILLE PROUDFOOT, Assistant and Manager. RAYMOND KIKES, Assistant Foreman. W. SCOTT HTEHNER, Assistant Local Editor. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Auditor General, A. E. SISSON, of Erie County For State Treasurer, JEREMIAH H. BTOBER, of Lancaster County. For Judge of theSunreme Court, ROBERT VON MOBCHZIBKER, of Philadelphia County. For I'rothonotary, Register, Recorder l and Clerk of the Courts, WILLIAM J. LEAVITT, ofShippen. For District Attorney, FREDARN JOHNSON, of Emporium. For Jury Commissioner, FRANK L. MILLER of Grove. Don't Be Caught. Don't be caught by circular let ters asking you to vote for the Democratic candidate for Supreme Court, even if be does reside in Lycoming county. Vote for Robert Von Moschzisker, who re fuses, absolutely, to attend any political gatherings, believing that the judiciary should be ab solved from politics. Is be not correct? Vote for him, as well as the entire Republican ticket. By doing so you will have a clear con science. Remember Your Duty. AVhile the Republicans of Penn sylvania are not the least bit an noyed, or worried, over the result of the election to be held Nov. 2d and count on a safe off-year ma jority of at least 125,000, all should get out and vote the endorsement of President Taft's administration. Show by your ballots, that you be lieve in the principles of the G. O. P.. by voting for every Rapublican on the ballot. Only One Ticket. While there is only one list of candidates nominated by the two political parties of Cameron coun ty, that named by the Republican voters, all should vote by simply placing an X in Republican box at the left of the ballot, after the word Republican. This will then vote the entire Republican ticket and you will then have done your duty. W. J. Leavitt, for Prothonotary, Register and Recorder; Fred Arn Johnson, for District Attorney and Frank L. Miller, of Grove town ship for Jury Commissioner, all young, active and energetic Re publicans, have no opposition yet they are eminently entitled to the entire vote of the county. Just place an X after the word Repub lican—then your ballot counts, otherwise its lost. What is a Complimentary Vote? Candidates on the Democratic state ticket—particularly the can date for judge of the supreme court —are making appeals for compli mentary votes? What is a complimentary vote? Why, it is just the same as any other kind of a vote. It goes to the candidate, is counted for him, and helps to elect him—if he can get enough of them. It is the habit of candidates who have no hope of election otherwise to plead for complimentary votes, and the plea is that it can do no harm; that it is only a compliment. It goes just as far as any other vote in the election, however. The complimentary vote is a trick to be avoided. Every citizen should vote in support of his prin ciples. Painting and Paper Hanging. I do reliable and durable painting, interior and exterior natural wood finishing, graining, paper banging, artistic and plain decorating. Twenty six years practical experience enables me to give you the BEST at the LOWEST COST. I can supply you with the best paint on the market and pure white lead. Would be pleased to show you the latest things in wall paper. All labor and material guaranteed just as repre sented. 8-tf. F. H. PEARBALL. For Sale. Here is an opportunity to secure a fine thorough bred Barred liock Cockerel, at a small cost, hatched March 30th, from eggs bought of a bred-to-lay liock .Specialist, $2.00 each, younger Cockerels, §I.OO each. D. B. PETERSON, 35-2t. Cameron, Pa. Personal Canvass for a Judgeship. The Democratic candidate for judge of the Supreme Court, 0. Larue Munson, is swinging around the State soliciting votes to put himself on the bench of the highest judicial tribunal in the Common wealth. He is going into the counties, holding conferences with the politicians of his party, and individually seeking voters, says Scranton Truth. This is something new. The people of Pennsylvania have never before been diverted by so interest ing a spectacle as a candidate for the exalted place of judge of the Supreme court whirling around in a personal canvass of the state. Searching back through all the years, since the adoption of the present constitution the Domocratic eandidate himself would be unable to find a precedent for it. The sentiment, made and ever main tained by the people which holds high judicial office above such methods, has always been respect ed heretofore by those who have been honored with a nomination. The Democratic candidate seems to have a less exalted view of the place he seeks, and to think he can promote his cause by thrusting aside what has become an un written and should be an inviolable law. The duties of a judge of the Supreme court are of the most deli cate and responsible character — too delicate and responsible to be exposed to a compromising per sonal campaign for votes. The of fice has never been pulled down to that level, and no one has ever be fore thought he could pull himself up to the office by such methods. The Democratic candidate will not benefit by those methods now. The people of Pennsylvania have 00 high an appreciation of the proprieties to look with either patience or favor upon a personal canvass by a candidate for judge of the Supreme court. NIGHTS OF UNREST No Sleep, No Rest, No Peace (or the Sufferer From Kidney Trouble*. No peace tor the kidney sufferer— Pain and distress from morn to night. Get up with a lame back, Twinges of backache bother you all day, Dull achinu breaks your rest at night, Urinary disorders add to your misery, Get at the cause—cure the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills will work the cure. They're tor the kidneys only— Have made great cures in Emporium. Mrs. William Swartz, Maple St., Em porium; Pa., says: 'T suffered from dull, nagging backaches and pains through my loins, so severe at times that I could hardly attend to my work. 1 was unable to rest and in the morning would be worn out. My kidneys were very weak, the secretions causing me much annoyance and embarrassment. Though I used many remedies I was un able to obtain relief until I took Doan's Kidney Pills, procured from Taggart's drug store. The backache and pains quickly disappeared, my kidneys were strengthened and my general health was improved. I am indeed grateful to Doan's Kidney Pills for the great benefit I received from them." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents. Remember the name— Doan's—and take no other. For Rent. One six room house, with bath, city water, gas, cellar and all modern im provements. R. SEGEK. Cedar Shingles $4.50 per thousand at C. B. Howard & Co's. Red Faces and Bed Noses CURED IN A SHORT TIME. Do you suffer the embarrassment of carrying around an extremely red nose? or are you tortured with a red, blotchy or pimply face? If so you are foolish to stand it long; it is the simpl est and easiest thing Tn the world to get rid of. No matter what might have been the cause, the following harmless and inexpensive treatment will positively remove all traces of your embarrassment in from two to four weeks. Get this prescription filled at any drug store: Clearola one-half ounce, Ether one ounce, Alcohol seven ounces. Mix and apply to the parts affected as often as possible, hut morning and night anyway, allowing it to remain on as long as possible, never less than ten minutes, the longer the better, then yon can wipe off the powdery fim deposited on the skin. You can get this put up at any Drug Store. For any skin trouble this has no equal. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2i, 1909. Actual Starvation The Emporium Drug Co., Give Facts Regarding Dyspepsia. Although indigestion and dys pepsia are so prevalent, most peo ple do not thoroughy understand their muse and how to obtain re lief. There is no reason why peo ple should not eat anythiug they desire—if they will only chew it carefully and thoroughly. Many actually starve themselves into sickness through fear of eating every good-looking, good-sinelliug and good tasting food, because it does not agree with them. Dieting cannot cure dyspepsia. If we refuse every article of food that disagrees with us, l>efore long we have nothing left, and find our selves chronic dyspeptics. We are so confident that we can furnish relief for indigestion and dyspepsia that we promise to sup ply the medicine free of all cost to every one who uses it according to directions who is not perfectly sat isfied with the results. We exact no promises and put no one under any obligation whatever. Surely nothing could be fairer. We are located right here where you live, and our reputation should be suf iicent assurance of the genuineness of our offer. We want every one who is trou bled with indigestion or dyspepsia in any form to come to our store and get a box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Take them home, and give them a reasonable trial, ac cording to directions. They are very pleasant to take; they soothe the irritable stomach, strengthen and invigorate the digestive organs, promote a healthy and natural bowel action, almost immediately relieve nausea and stomach irrita tion, produce healty digestion and assimilation, and promote nutri tion. A 'Jo-cent package of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets furnishes 15 days' treatment. In ordinary cases this is sufficient to produce complete relief. In more chronic cases, a longer treatment, of course, is necessary, and depends upon the severity of the trouble. For such oases we have two larger sizes, 50 cents and 11.00. Re member you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Emporium only at our store. —The Rexall Store. The Emporium Drug Store. An exchange says: "ln the begin ning Ood created the heavens and the earth, the editor, then the advertiser —which was all good. The next day it snowed and he created the man who does not believe in advertising and an other, who does not take the home paper. And tben the devil got into the tnoulding room and created the man who takes the paper for several years and fails to pay for it. After he had completed that sorry job and hav ing a few lumps left, he created the excuse of a man who settles his sub scription by instructing the postmas ter to mark his paper "refused." Where Men and Women Suffer. Both men and women suffer from overwork aDd overworry, and so both may be cured by using the same remedy, The best remedy for such conditions iu Sexine Pills; no matter how badly run down or how nervous and irritable a per son may be, Sexine Pills are guaranteed to restore strength, health and energy. Price $1 a box; six boxes 85, fully guar anteed or the money-back plan. Ad dress or call on li. C, Dodson, Druggist, Emporium, Pa., where they sell all the principal remedies and do not substitute. Your Doctor Devotes years of study in prepara tion tor bis life's work. He is pre cise and accurate, holding himself ready to respond to your call at all times. During illness, after he has diag nosed your case it is your duty to procure quickly the medicines ordered. Be sure, in order to get the best results, that you go where purity, accuracy and quality in drugs are to be found. We co-op erate with your doctor in effecting your speedy recovery. Emporium Drug Co., The NewJDrug Store. WANTED At once Men to represent us, either locally or traveling. Now is the time to start. Money in the work for the right men. Apply at once and Fecuro terri tory. ALLEN NURSEY CO., ROCHESTER. N. Y. 33-3ni. 86158 Wins the 31b Box of "Whitman's Super Extra Chocolates/ 7 We have them in pack ages from 5c to SI.OO. | A fresh supply just re ceived. 9 One trial makes a custo mer at The Old Reliable Drug Store, GEO C. TAGGART, Prop. Entertaining and Hospitality. I have no sympathy with the tired murmur of the straining women who speak of entertaining as "a duty to society." We all have duties to socie ty, but entertaining is not one of them. There is DO more obligation for a wo man to eotertaia than there is for a man to swap horses with a neighbor. The conditions as they now exist are Identical. The neighbor may desire to swap his horse, but no man feels bound on that account to exchange his own for it against his wish. Since I bar* recognized the market value of my own horse and how much I am al ways expected to give "to boot," I never swap. The real and usually neglected duty to society Is hospitality, and that has an important distinction from enter taining. It is hospitality only when, the entertainment is without hope of reward. The moment the host hopes to receive in exchange even a good opinion, a little affection or admira tion It ceases to be hospitality and be comes entertaining. The foundation of hospitality must be perfect unself ishness. The question left us to solve in Indi vidual cases is. Which will give the most satisfaction as society is now or sgnlxedf—Ethel Davis to "Dishonesty and Caste." Time at the North Pole. At the north pole time Is nothing, and if one were residing at the north pole It would be unnecessary to wind one's watch. You are always at 12 o'clock and can't walk out of the ho tel without walking south. All times of day meet at the pole as the meeting place of all the meridians. A man sit ting with the invisible mathematical point right under him would be in all twenty-four hours at once, or a twen ty-four hour watch placed on the pole could be made to point to the correct time In every part of the world. There used to be something of an approxi mation to this In the extreme north of Norway, where the degrees of longi tude squeeze in. until recent days. Cap tains of Norwegian coasting schooners will tell you how inconvenient it was to change between the time of Hol land at Bergen and that of Crete at the North cape while correct local time was maiDtained. General Norwe gian time became indispensable. A Traveler* • Tale. The passengers were beguiling the Journey with pleasant conversation. One man in particular, who had the look of a traveler, told of long sojourns In foreign lands and kept them all in terested with his anecdotes. "Yes. gentlemen." said be. "there Is nothing like travel to expand the mind. Now. 1 don't suppose, for instance, that many of you have ever seen a beet root putting on a waistcoat?" His fellow passengers stared In surprise. "No; we certainly have not!" "Or a lettuce donning a pair of trousers?" "No!" "Or a spring onion fixing on its tie and collar!" "No, not even that!" "Well, gentlemen," said the traveler as the train drew up at the terminus and he prepared to alight, "you may believe me or not. as you like, but several times ID my travels I have seen not only a beet root or a lettuce or an onion but a whole salad dressing!"— London Mail. Paupers' Paradiie. The authorities of Samoa, the little Island upon which Robert Louis Ste venson lived and died, provide board and lodging absolutely free to stran gers who are unable or unwilling to pay for their keep. Every village on the Island has a guest bouse, called a "faletale." and here the tourist Is In vited to come and be fed, lodged and entertained without any payment whatever. The officials of the town of Klingen berg-on-the-Main, in Bavaria, are ex ceptionally generous, for they not only provide free bods and free board to poor people, but give away big pud dings every year end to all who ask for them. Klingenberg owns several pottery clay pits that bring In so much money to the town coffers that they pay all the town expenses and leave a good round sum over, which Is dis tributed to charity. Klingenberg is one of the few places where taxes are unknown. i For the most Stylish Millinery See LUDLAMS 1 This Space Belongs to I Jasper Harris,! The People's Clothing House Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM, PA. /