Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 30, 1909, Image 5

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Contribution* ini>itea T >at irhir' > ouv; /J<«
ike to see in this fie par tin- '.'ft . s fcna b • •»>-
al cirri, letlc.r or personally.
Gordan Beattie was guest of relatives |
at Buffalo the past week.
H. L. Crispen, of Dußois, transacted
business in town last Friday.
Miss May me Casßidy, of Olean, was j
guest of Miss Lena Cojde, for a few I
days last week.
G. 11. Leathers, of Howard, Pa., j
transacted business at Emporium the i
last of the week.
C. M. Kresge, of Dußois, was a busi- |
ness caller in town last Monday and i
was guest at the Warner House.
Mrs. Ella McSwun departed for Rich- !
wood, W. Va., this week, where she i
will spend the winter with relatives.
Frank Felt, of Philadelphia, is spend- j
ing a few days the guest of his parents, I
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Felt, on West ;
Fourth street.
"Bert" Edwards returned home last
Monday, from Williamsport, where ho i
has been receiving treatment, for a few
Miss Varena Ilertig has returned 1
home from Ridgway, after spendicg a |
short time guest of her sister Mrs.S. G. ■
Mrs. B. P. Bingemau returned home
last Sunday .liter a pleasant visit with
relatives in Northumberland county
and other eastern points.
Messrs. F. P. Strayer, F. P. Rentz,
F. G. Juddand George Huffman autoed
to Smethport last Friday and attended
the McKean County Fair.
Mrs. George Deike and children, who
have guests at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Helen Taggart, returned to their
homo at Ivittanning, Pa., last Friday.
J. F. Osterlee who has been assisting
in the laboratory of the Emporium
Iron Co., for several weeks, returned
to his home at Lansdowne, Pa., last
Mrs. Graffis and daughter Miss Ruth,
of Tyrone, Pa., were guests at the
home of the former's sister, Mrs. F. P.
Strayer, on East Allegany Ave., for a
few days of last week.
Mrs. G. H. Leathers and children
and sister Miss Mabel Cummings of
Howard, Pa., are guests of their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cummings
and family on South Broad street.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Felt and son Lee
W., departed for Buffalo, on Wednes
day morning, where they will spend a
short time and then will goto Battle
Creek, Mich., where Mrs. Felt and Lee
will spend some time.
Mrs. W. J. Merry and son Albert are
spending the week with relatives at
Coudersport. Master Albert William
received the rite of baptism in St
Paul's Luthern Church at that place,
last Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Vodack and
daughter of Austin, were guests at the
home of Mrs. M. A. Rockwell, the first
of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Vodack
have decided to return to Louisville,
Ky., their former home.
Mrs. D. E. Spangler, of Kane, was
guest of Mia« "Budd" Hogan at her
home on Fourth street last Thursday
and Friday. Miss Hogan accompanied
Mrs. Spangler to her home on Friday,
and will spend a few weeks as her
E. G. Chambers, of New York City,
who has been located at Emporium for
the past month, making an insurance
map of the borough, went to Port Al
legany on Monday, where he will
make a map of that place. Mr.
Chambers made many friends during
his short stay in Emporium.
Misses Mamie. Farrell and Mary
Welsh were business callers at the
PRESS office last Saturday afternoon.
The ladies are among the popular
Cameron county teachers.- Miss Far
rell teaching on Whittemore Hill and
Miss Welsh is teaching in the borough
I'ilv. Mnrry f, al ft .'f Driftw ><l on
Wednesday on hut : <"•.«.
J. P. Felt transacted business at
Sinnamahoning on Wednesday.
Gordon Beattie is taking in (he
sights at Buffalo und other points
•Mr . Mary Gtlvinoi liushford, N.Y.,
is the guest of Mrs. Ciias. Malloy on
l-]ast Sixth street.
Miss Sadie Muneell, went to James
town, N. Y., on Wednesday, where
she will visit relatives
Miss Agnes Blnmle is assisting in
the store of Mrs. E. S. Coppersmith,
during the fall trade.
Mrs. R. K. Mickey returned home
Tuesday night from Cleveland, where
she visited relatives.
Judge Geo. J. Laßar and wife are
busy getting things prepared for that
four month's trip around the world.
Henry Auchu went to Williamsport,
last Sunday transacted business in
the interest of the Sinuamahoning
Powder Co.
Miss Jeanette Metzger of Wellsville,
N. Y., is guest at the home ~af her
grand parents, Mr. and Mrt. Geo.
Metzger, Sr.
Miss Freeda Kaiser, who has been
guest of Miss Lena Bair for several
clays, returned to her home at Olean
last Saturday.
Miss Pearl Crosby and Mr. Carl
Johnson, of Sinnamahoning, visited in
Emporium over Sunday, guests of the
former's sister, Mrs. Henry Wheaton.
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. DeLoug expect
leave Emporium Oct. 15th for their
winter home at Emporia, Fla., after
spending a pleasant summer here,
guests of Pennsy Agent, Thos. Galla
gher and family.
Miss Muriel Beattie, one of Laquin's
charming young ladies, is guest of her
aunt Mrs. Belie Beattie and family,
corner of Sixth and Maple street"?.
When a mere child the young lady
made her home with her aunt.
Mrs. Matthew Pheonix is entertain
in;; at her home, Mrs. P. Carney of
Bradford, Pa., and her mother Mrs. J.
1). Dorey of Lewis Run. Pa. She has
been staying with her daughter, Mrs.
Wm. Hartman of Jamison City, Pa.,
for one year.
Joseph Casey, of Wilkesbarre, was
guest of his Cousin Harold Seger the
first of the week. Mr. Cassoy was en
route for Allegany, N. Y., where ho
has entered St. Bonaventure College
to study for the priesthood.
Mrs. H. W. Smith, of Austin, accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hamlin
and family, were guests of
the former's husband, H. W. Smith, at
The Warner, last Sunday.
Wm. MacNulty, secretary of the
Tioga county Republican county com
mittee, transacted business in Empori
um yesterday and joined in welcom
ing the Republican standard bearers.
Miss Alice Montgomery, who has
been visiting her father in Arizona,
started for home on Tuesday.
Mr. A. C. Blum, Secretary of the
Keystone Powder Company, returned
yesterday from New York, where he
witnessed the Hudson-Fulton celebra
tion. He is not over enthusiastic over
| the affair.
Eric Nystrom, who has been confined
to his home for several weeks with
typhoid fever, has so far recovered
| that lie is able to take short walks
' around town.
| _
Kible Class Entertained.
Hon. Josiah Howard entertained the
Biblo class of Emmanuel Episcopal
Sunday school at his residence on
West Fourth street Wednesday even
For Rent.
One six room house, with bath, city
water, gas, cellar and all modern im
provements. R. SEGER.
Room for Rent.
Large front furnished bed room over
the store of Mrs I. Overhiseron Fourth
street. Apply to Mrs. Chas Woolley.
Baptist Church.
Special sermon Sunday night on the
"Reality of Hell." The sermon will
be illustrated by the use of the black
j board.
Friday and Saturday of this week are
opening days for the fall and winter
millinery at Coppersmith's.
Days is headquarters for oysters and
j now they are right. What Day sells is
! always fresh and right.
The Misses Ludlam, after visiting
J Philadelphia, New York, Cleveland
and other cities, selecting their early
Fall Creations for their Opening, which
takes place to-day, are to be congratu
lated on the great taste displayed.
Inquire at Taggart's about a fussy
package for fastidious folks.
Seriously Injured.
Rev. Mr. Twitchell, of Vineland, N.
1 J., formerly of Emporium, wa.sserious
i ly injured last week by falling from a
| trolley carat Brooklyn, N. Y., fractur
■ ing his skull.
Death of Mrs. J. M. Johnston.
The many friends of Mrs. Johnston,
who formerly resided in Emporium,
will be pained to learn of her death at
Altoena, Sept. 22d, 1903, after an
operation tor appendicitis. Rev. John
aton and family are indeed entitled to
our deep sympathy.
Will Be Organized.
The dancing club, that became so
popular last winter, will again be or
ganized in the near luture. It is to bo
hoped that a goodly number of the
young men will join the club. Date
for organization will be announced in
the PKESS later.
The Value of Smiles.
What's the worth of a smile?
Your whole bank account.
What business ever prospered on
hard luck stories?
What clerk ever talked his way to
promotion through an ugly down
turned mouth? *
Who ever fell in love with a scowl?
What home ever prospered on temper
or on tears?
There are times always when if
you've any article of "nerves" in your
makeup you have to either laugh or
cry. Then laugh!
The ugly burst of temper never wins
anything but disgust and just a little
The ever-present tale of woe never
fails to grow tiresome.
Life's good to you! Know it! The
trials of to-day may not ever be
memories to-morrow. The mountain
of the moment to come shrinks to the
mole hill of the moment that is past.
You can't help but smile to think how
you worried. Smile first and you'll
forget to worry.
And do not imagine a smile is al
ways a self-sacrificing, martyr-like,
saintly arrangement. It isn't. It
Smile at your troubles and even your
enemies will admire you for it.
Storm'out your self pity and your
best friends will turn their backß.
Painting and Paper Hanging.,»
I do reliable and durable painting,
interior and exterior natural wood
finishing, graining, paper hanging,
artistic and plain decorating. ..Twenty
six years practical experience enables
me to give you the BEST at the LOWEST
I can supply you with the best paint
on the market and pure white lead.
Would be pleased to show yon the
latest things in wall paper. All labor I
and material guaranteed just as repre
8-tf. F. H. PEARS A LL.
Health and Beauty Aid.
Cosmetics and lotions will- not clear |
your complexion of pimples and blotches i
like Foley's <>l ino Laxative, for Indices- !
tiou, stomach and liver troubie and h 'bit- I
ual constipation. Cleanse the system !
and is pleasant to take. Sold by all drug- I
Don't fail to see Miss Florione Parr,
in Miss Petticoats, which to coming to
the Emporium opera house soon.
WANTED —Success Magazine wants
an energetic and responshic man or
women in Emporium to collect for re
newals and solicit now subscriptions
during full or spare time. Experience
unnecessary. Any one can start
among friends and acquaintances and
build up a paying and permanent busi
ness, without capital. Complote out
fit and instructions free. Address,
"VON", Success Magazine, Room 103,
Success Magazine Building, New York
City, N. Y. 33-3t.
Essence of Poetry.
The essence of poetry is will and
Colic Quickly Cured.
Colic is one of the most severe and
painful diseases. It is quite common,
too. Almost everyone has an occasional
attack. Fortunately there is a remedy
that always affords quick relief and has
never bceu known to fail in any case. It is
called Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. Tod Robinson, a
prominent merchant of Point Blank.
Texas, says: "'I have had several at
tacks of colic and in every instance one
dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy relieved me, and I
never had to take more than two doses
to effect a cure." For sale by Geo. C.
Our variety in prices
and patterns is so broad
you'll almost find fault
with us for having so
many. But we want
to satisfy everybody.
You too, will be satis
fied if you buy brushes
j hmporium Drug Co.
Each person making a twenty-flve
I cent purchase Saturday at Taggart's
is entitled to a ticket tor a three
pound box of Whitman's choicest
At ouce Men to represent us, either
locally or traveling. Now is the time to
start. Money in the work for the right
men. Apply at once and secure terri
| tory.
'■uiCP jjyT.
Emporium, Pa., Sept. 27, 1909.
NUMOPiIILA. pel Sack $1 65
Felt's Fancy, " 170
Pet Grove,' " 1 65
Holler Meal " 50
Rye •• 80
Buckwheat, " 85
Graham " 85
Coarse ».leal per H O, 1 60
Chop F' Pfl •• , 60
Cracl.-ed Corn per 100 1 60
Middlings, " l 05
White Middlings
»ran 1 50
, Chicken Wheat " 2 15
: .Screenings •' 1 00
■ Oil Meal "
I Corn per Imshel B'J
[ WhiieOa oir htishel 53
I < )ysl r Shells, per 100 75
| Choke Clover Seed, 1
CboioeTinnthy.Seed. > \t MarketPrii.o
f'hoice Millet Seed, 1
i -.Toi ■■ 11 nwi 1
tft-Q 2
Some disinfectants and germicides j
might be classed as drugs but, you !
do not want to be drugged just now j
with a bug killer. However, now is ;
the time to think of getting after the j
rose bugs and currant worms.
We have a full line ofthe"reme-'
dies" for that class of pests. Also a I
non-poisonous bed bug exterminator !
in small cans.
R e €. Dodson
Fourth Street, Emporium, Pa.
. d) ,A - Y*zr§'-> •>«//■/|» w _v\ - .rJ?*#
Formal Opening
The Largest and most complete
showing in Emporium. '
Thursday, September 30th and
Friday, October Ist.
Choicest Fresh Fruits and Vegetables •
UJ\ D and
The Satisfactory Store A
* Every Sack Guaranteed in every Particular
1-4 Barrel Sack, $1.65 J
Do not confuse this with other White Lilly brands 3
of flour. Look for the name, Ewart and Lake, Grove- •
land, N. Y., 011 every sack. A
I Special this Week, Friday and Saturday
Sugar—2sl!) Bag best granulated Sugar, #1.45
California Hams (trimmed shoulder) 12c lb. W
Choice Sweet Potatoes the peck 30c. ®
17 cakes Acme Soap for 25c.
Choice yellow onions 30c the peck or SI.OO bushel. m
Pure Lard in bulk, a lb 151}
lie Cleaned Currants a 9c.
California Lima Beans, very choice, a lb. Bc.
20c Blended Coffee, iße, 2 lbs for 35c.
Churches Arm and Hammer brand soda 8c lb. A
120 c Burnham and Morrill's Baked Beans 18c. H
Walter Baker & Co's Chocolate the lb 40c. m
Ffpol. faiiafit I oLp FJcK LEAVE ORDERS F ° R DE I
I Baltimore Shucked Oysters
To-day we open the oyster season with a supply of Jt
the best extra selects procurable in Baltimore and solicit S
I your patronage. •
FREE DELIVERY to all parts of Town I
Twice Each Day
■ I
Yon Get Better Values Here.
I J, H. DAY, I
Phone Em j|