Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 23, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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JFI'Y S~\ \0 HI YR 1 ■■■—■■Jj
"""tit, i- |§F Jfer#i
CWrMiCs/r j>e& sr A.C/*fCLUAG *» Co* _x *"
SYNOPSIS. I tjfc—~~^—— —!■■!■ —
The story opens with the shipwreck of
the steamer on which Miss Genevieve
I«estie, an American heiress, Loril Win
thrope. tu: Englishman, and Tom Blake.
• brusque American, were passengers.
The three were tossed upon an uninhab
ited island and were the only ones not
drowned- Blake recovered from a drunk
en stupor. Blake, shunned on the boat,
because of his roughness, became a hero
as preserver of the helpless pair. The
Englishman was suing for the hand of
Miss L,eslte. Blake started to swim back
to the ship to recover What was left.
Vlake returned safely. Winthrope wasted
his last match on a cigarette, for which
he was scored by Blake. Their lirst meal
was a (Scad fish.
CHAPTER lll.—Continued.
"To be sure, the Japanese eat raw
fish," admitted Winthrope.
"Yes; and you'd swallow your share
of It If you had an invite to a swell
tinner in Tokyo. Goon now, both of
fou. It's no Joke, I tell you. You've
got to eat, if you expect to get to wa-
M»r before night. Understand? See
that headland south? Well, it's 100 to 1
well not find water short of there, and
It ire make it by night, we'll be doing
better tban I figure from (he looks of
these bogs. Now goto chewing. That's
It! That's fine. Miss Jenny!"
Miss Leslie had forced herself to
take a nibble of the raw fish. The
flavor proved less repulsive than she
had expected, and its moisture was so
grateful to her parched mouth that
■he began to eat with eagerness. Not
to be outdone, Winthrope promp'tly
followed her lead. Blake had already
cut himself a second slice. After he
had cut more for his companions, he
began to look them over with a close
ness that proved embarrassing to Miss
"Here's more of the good stuff," he
said. "While you're chewing it, we'll
sort of take stock. Everybody shell
out everything. Here's my outfit—
three shillings, half a dozen poker
chips, and not another blessed — Say,
what's become of that whisky flask?
have you seen my flask?
"Here it is, right beside mo, Mr.
Blake," answered Miss. Leslie. "But
it is empty."
"Might be worse! What you got?
—hairpins, watch? No pocket, I sup
"None; and no watch. Even most
of my pins are gone," replied the girl,
and she raised her hand to her loosely
colled hair.
"Well, hold on (o what you've got
left. They may come in for fish
hooks. Let's see your shoes."
Miss Leslie slowly thrust a slender
little foot just beyond the hem of her
draggled white skirt.
"Good Lord!" groaned Blake, "slip
pers, and high heels at that! How do
you exp<?et to walk in those things?"
"I can at least try," replied the girl,
with spirit.
"Hobble! Pass 'ein over here, Win
nie, my boy."
The slippers were handed over.
Blake took one after the other and
Wrsched off the heel close to its base.
"Now you've at least got a pair of
slippers," he said, tossing them back
to their owner. "Tie them on tight
with a couple of your ribbons, if you
don't want to lose them in the mud.
Now, Winthrope, what you got beside
the knife?"
Winthrope held out a bunch of long
flat keys and his cigarette case. He
opened the latter and was about to
throw away the two remaining cigar
ettes when lilake grasped his wrist.
"Hold on! even they may come in
for something. We'll at least keep
them until we need the case."
"And the keys?"
"Make arrowheads, if wo can get
"I've heard of savages making fire
by rubbing wood."
"Yes; and we're a long way from
being savages—at present. All the
show we have is to find some kind of
quartz or flint, and the sooner wo start
to look the better. Got your slippers
tied. Miss Jenny?"
"Yes; I think they'll do."
"Think! It's knowing the thing.
Here, let me look."
The girl shrank back; but Blake
.stooped and examined first one slipper
and then the other. The ribbons about
both were tied in dainty bows. Blake
jerked them loose and twisted thein
firmly over and under the slippers and
about the girl's slender ankles before
knotting the ends.
t "There; that's more like. You're
not going to a dance," ho growled.
He thrust the empty whisky flask
Into his hip pocket and went back to
pass a sling of reeds through the gills
of the eoryphene.
"Ail ready now," he called. "Let's
get a move on. Keep my coat closer
about your shoulders, Miss Jenny, and
keep your shade up, if you don't want
a sunstroke."
"Thank you, Blake, I'll see to that,"
said Winthrope. 'Tm going to help
Misn Leslie along. I've fastened our
two shades together, so that they will
answer for both of us."
"How about yourself, Mr. Blake?"
Inquired the girl. "Do you not find the
sun fearfully hot?"
"Sure; but I wet my head in the
sea, and here's another souse."
As he rose with dripping head from
buide the 1001 he slung the eoryphene
Stopped, Utterly Spent.
on his back and started off without
further words»
A Journey in Desolation.
/JcLbU OHXIXG was well advanced
HI and the sun beat down upon
the three with almost over
powering fierceness. The heat would
have rendered their thirst unendurable
had not Blake hacked off for them bit
after bit of the moist coryphene flesh.
In a temperate climate ten miles
over firm ground is a pleasant walk
for one accustomed to the exercise.
Quite a different matter is ten miles
across mud-flats, covered with a tan
gle of reeds and rushes, and frequently
dipping into salt marsh and ooze. Be
fore they had gone a mile Miss Leslie
would have lost her slippers had it
not been for Blake's forethought in
tying them so securely. Within a lit
tle more than three miles the girl's
strength began to fail.
''Oh, Blake," called Winthrope, for
the American was some yards in the
lead, "pull up a bit on that knoll. We'll
have to rest a while, I fancy. Miss
Leslie is about pegged." •
"What's that?" demanded Blake.
"We're not half-way yet!"
Winthrope did not reply. It was all
he could do to drag the girl up on the
hummock. She sank, half-fainting,
ui)on the dry reeds, and he sat down
beside her to protect her with* the
shade. Blake stared at the miles
of swampy flats which yet lay between
them and the out-jutting headland oi'
gray rock. The base of the cliff was
screened by a belt of trees; but the
nearest cluinp of green did not look
more than a mile nearer than the
"Hell!" muttered Blake, despondent
ly. "Not even a short four miles.
Mush and sassiety girls!"
Though he spoke to himself the
others heard him. Miss Leslie flushed
and would have risen had not Win
thrope put his hand on her arm.
"Could you not goon and bring
back a flask of water for Miss Leslie?"
he asked. "By that time she will be
"No; I don't fetch back any flasks
of water. She's going when I go, or
you can come onto suit yourselves."
"Mr. Blake, you—you won't go and
leave me here! If you have a sister
—if your mother—"
"She died of drink, and both my
sisters did worse."
"My God, man! do you mean to say
you'll abandon a helpless young girl?"
"Not a bit more helpless than were
my sisters when you rich folks' guar
dians of law and order jugged me for
the winter 'cause I didn't have a job
and turned both girls into the street
—onto the street, if you know what
that means—one only 16 and the other
17. Talk about helpless young girls—
Miss Leslie cringed back as though
she had been struck. Blake, however,
seemed to have vented his anger In
the curse, for when he again sAI
there was nothing more than Jon
tience in his tone. "Come on, »'<4v;
get aboard. Winthrope couldn't \V|
you a half-mile, and long's it' 9tt
only way don't be all day about i
Here, Winthrope, look to the fish."
"But, my dear fellow, I don't qui
take your idea, nor does Miss Leslie,
fancy," ventured Winthrope.
"Well, we've got to get to water 1
die; and as the lady can't walk
going on my back. It's a case 1
"No! I am not —I am not! I'd sooni
"I'm afraid you'll find that eas
enough later on, Miss Jenny. Star
by, Winthrope, to help her up. I
you hear? Take the knife and fish an
lend a hand."
There was a note in Blake's voic "
that neither Winthrope nor Miss Le? 1
lie dared disregard. Though scarle 1
with mortification, she permitted liei <
self to be taken pick-a-back upot
Blake's broad shoulders and meeklj
obeyed his command to clasp hei
hands about his throat. Yet even a
that moment, such are the inconsis
tencies of human nature, she could nol
but admire the ease with which h(
rose under her weight.
Now that he no longer had the slow
pace of the girl to consider, he ad
vanced at his natural gait, the quick
tireless stride of an American railroad
surveyor. His feet, trained to swamp]
travel in Louisiana and Panama,l
seemed to find the firmest ground as
by instinct, and whether on the half
dried mud of the hummocks or in the
ankle-deep water of the hogs, they felt
their way without slip or stumble.
Winthrope, though burdened only"
with the half-eaten coryphene, toiled
along behind, greatly troubled by the
mud and the tangled reeds, and now
and then flung down by some unlucky
misstep. His modish suit, already
much damaged by the salt water, was
soon smeared afresh with a coating of
greenish slime. His one consolation
was that Blake, after jeering at his first
tumble, paid no more attention to
him. On the other hand, he was cut
by the seeming Indifference of Miss
Leslie. Intent on his own misery, he
failed to consider that the girl might
bo suffering far greater discomfort and
More than three miles had been cov
ered before Blake stopped on a hum
mock. Releasing Miss Leslie, ha
stretched out on the dry crest of the
knoll and called for a slice of the fish.
At his urging the others took a few
mouthfuls, although their throats were
so parched that even the moist flesh
afforded scant relief. Fortunately for
them all, Blake had been thoroughly
trained to endure thirst. Ho rested
less than ten minutes; then taking
Miss Leslie up again like a rag doll,
he swung away at a good pace.
The trees were less than half a
mile distant when he halted for the
second time. He would have gone to
them without a pause, though his mus
cles were quivering with exhaustion,
had not Miss Leslie chanced to look
around and discover that Winthrope
was no longer following them. For
last mile he had been lagging
| ; r and farther behind, and now
ltd suddenly disappeared. At the
! dismayed exclamation, Blake re
id his hold and she found herself
'ling in a foot or more of mud and
| r The sweat was streaming
i Blake's face. As he turned
(nd, he wiped it off with his shirt
l>o you—can it be. Mr. Blake, that
;.as had a sunstroke?" asked Mist
Sunstroke? No; he's just laid
!n, that's all. I thought he had
fo sand —confound him!
hut the sun is so dreadfully hot,
I have his shade."
Vnd he's been tumbling into every
or pool. No; it's not the sun. I've
112 a mind to let him lie —the paper
ed swell! It would no more than
.are our aboard-ship accounts.
Surely, you would not do that, Mr.
ike! It may be that he has hurt
lseir In falling."
In this mud? —bah! But I guess
[ in for the pack-mule stunt all
>und Now, now; (lon't yowl, Miss
iny. I'm going. But you can't ex
it me to love the snob.
ks he splashed away on the return
lil. Miss Leslie dabbed at her eyes
check the starting tears.
•|m dear—Oh, dear!" she moaned;
rwiill have I dono to be so treated?
icA.;a brute. Oh, dear!—and lam so
In hor despair she would have sunK
,wn where she stood had not the
[mine# of the water repelled her.
Ie said longingly at the trees, in
ie foi§ of which stood a grove or
atelyftalms. The half-mile seemed
i inswerable distance, but the ride
a niXe's back had rested her and
goaded her forward.
Stumbling and slipping she waded
ii across the Inundated ground, and
am-; out upon a half-baked mud-flat,
vhcre the walking was much easier,
iut the sun was now almost directly
iverhead, and between her thirst and
he l\°at she soon found herself falter
ng She tottered on a few steps
farther, and then stopped, utterly
--at As she sank upon the dried
b s she glanced around and was
Jiely conscious of a strange, double
Jed figure following her path
• )SS the marsh. All about her be
ae black.
fhe next she knew Blake was
ashing her head and face with
ickish water out of the whisky flask,
e raised her hand to shield her
te, and sat up, sick and dizzy.
'That's it!" said Blake. He spoke
a kindly tone, though his voice was
•sh and broken with thirst. "\ou re
right now. Pull yourself together
1 we'll get to the trees in a jiffy."
'Mr. Winthrope —?"
'l'm here, Miss Genevieve. It was
|y a wrenched ankle. If I had a
pk, Blake, 1 fancy I could make a
I of it over this drier ground. j
'And lay yourself up for a month,
me, Miss Jenny, brace up for an
ler try. It's only a quarter-mile,
d I've got to pack him."
The girl was gasping with thirst;
t she made an effort, and, assisted
Blake, managed to gain her feet,
e was still dizzy; but as Blake
ing Winthrope upon his back, he
i d her to take hold of his arm. W 10-
rope held the shade over her head,
ins assisted, and sheltered from the
v -ect beat of the sun-rays, she tot
l- -cd along beside Blake, lialf-uncon
c. ious.
(Fortunately the remaining distance
|- across a stretch of bare dry
Jnind, for even Blake had all but
Ached the limit of endurance. Step
3 step he labored on, staggering un
% the weight of tlio Englishman and
Aping with a thirst which his ex
rrons rendered even greater than
'il of his companions. But through
ae trees and brush which stretched
w;y inland in a wall of verdure he
ad caught glimpses of a broad stream
ndthe hope of fresh water called out
vey ounce of his reserve strength.
\ last the nearest palm was only a
}\v paces distant. Blake clutched
: lis Leslie's arm and dragged her
jrtard with a rush in a final outburst
112 tiergy. A moment later all three
ly gasping in the shade. But the
ive was yet another 100 yards dls
unt Blake waited only to regain hm
roah; then he staggered up and went
n. The others, unable to rise, gazed
fteiliim in silent misery.
Son Blake found himself rushing
tirO'gh the jungle along a broad trail
littel with enormous footprints; but
le Wis so near mad with thirst that
le tad no heed to tlio spoor other
tianto curse the holes for the trouble
tie>* gave him. Suddenly the trail
UrnM 10 the left and sloped down a
IDW link into the river. Blind to all
else, Blake ran down the slope and
ilroptng upon his knees plunged his
head nto the water.
Faith and Hope.
Mayme—lf you don't love him why
are ycu going to marry him?
Majbeile—Oh, I expect to love him
aftor ve are married. He has prom
ised that on the morning of our we*
ing day he will shave off W* dinkv
little French beard.
Speaka Out for the Benefit of Suffer j
Ing Thousands.
Rev. G. M. Gray, Baptist clergy- j
man, of Whitesboro, Tex., Bays: j
"Four years ago I
t suffered misery with j
lumbago. Every
movement was one
of pain. Doan's Kid- j
ney Pills removed
the whole difficulty
after only a short
time. Although I do
not like to have my
name used publicly,
I make an exception
In this case, so that other sufferers
from kidney trouble may profit by my
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
roster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Mrs. Bill—Now, tell me at once—
where have you been all this time?
jjill Why, dear, it hasn't been
long. x „
Mrs. Bill—How dare you tell me
that? You have been out all night.
No Short Haul for Him. j
"This is where you get off," said the j
railroad conductor. i
"But I haven't rid fur enough, saia j
the Billville man.
"Can't help that. You can't go any j
further on this ticket." t >
"My friend," said the man,"it s the
furst time I ever rid on a railroad
train, an' ef you ain't a better man
i than what I am I'm a-goin' to set right
here till I see whar the road ends. 1
know it must end some're, an' I'm curi
ous to see whar. Here's one more
dollar. Now, go 'long an' let me
An Arbitrary Classification.
"So you think every patriot has a
more or less clearly defined ambition |
to hold public office?"
"Yes," answered Senator Sorghum.
"As a rule, patriots may be divided
Into two classes —the appointed and
the disappointed."
Many a woman nags her husband
I until she either brings him to her
way of thinking or drives him to
Half Done.
First Lady Your husband has
merely fainted.
Second Ditto—Dear, dear! these
men always do things by halves.
At a rose competition in Paris re
cently, G9 entirely new varieties of
I roses were exhibited.
"Do you know of any woman who ever receivcd any
benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound ? " .
If any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar
to her sex will ask her neighbors this question, she will be
surprised at the result. There is hardly a communityrrn
thiTcountry where women cannot be found who have been
restored to health by this famous old remedy made
exclusively from a simple formula of roots and herbs.
During the past 30 years we have published thousands
of letters from these grateful women who cure
hv Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and never
in all that time have we published a testimonial 1 wi T IOU
the writer's special permission. Never have we kno g y
published a testimonial that was not truthful and f enu ™
Here is one just received a few days ago. It anyone douDts
that thisTs a true and honest statement of a woman s experi
ence with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound write
and ask her. _ ... .
Houston, T«a S . r « When I
ham's \ epcetable < trou i,!es, chronic dyspepsia,
S3 a , uvcr r «r e „« y h e r ?h»dScd sclcnd doitor's medicines, bn.
""SgSZZS I B Uvcd on medicines Kod I
819 Cleveland St., Houston.
Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely
not to give such a medicine as this a tnal. Why shou
not do her as much good as it did Mrs. 1 licks.
Not Aehamed of Economy.
Discussing England and the Englira
from an American point of view, a re
cent American writer in England ob
serves: "Nobody, from the king ot
England down, Is either ashamed or
afraid to be economical. Here a man
or a woman is thought to be a fool
or a vulgarian who is not careful of
expenditure, while in America our
waiters have been clever enough to
make it appear that economy is mean,
and as a nation we suffer according
ly. We are fools to be fooled in this
I manner."
What's the Matter with Baby?
"I wonder what makes baby cry
so?" said the first friendly person.
"Perhaps a pin Is annoying it," ven
tured another.
"Or else it's hungry," said a third.
"Or teething," said another. 'You
can't do anything for that."
"Aw, look at the way he'a kicking,
and see how his little fists are doubled
up," putin Bobby. "He wants some
body of his own size to fight with,
that's what he wants."
Quite True.
"Alas'." moaned the egg on the
kitchen table, waiting for the cook a
beater, "give every man his dessert
and which of us escapes whipping.
Plans are~being made for the elec
trification of the more important stats
railroads of Sweden.
■' « —Positively cored fa)
these Little Pill*.
wMrll LlU# also relieve W»
MITTI F tressirom Dyspepsia, IH
* I LM fljgestlon and Too
EJ I\f KT O Eating. A perfect rem
81 lit cdy for Dliilnes*. Ww*
£ I pill S- pea, DrowslneM, Bat
■* £| Taste In tho Coot
ed Toncue. Pain In t^
P»: aldo> TOHFID irvica
They reflate the Dowels. Purely Veprtablk
.. nTfriel Genuine Must Bear
CARTERS Fao-Simile Signature
iftHn_ T*" 3 Trade-mark
ft is an i' solute I
that it* is on the side of
every keg of white lead
1902 Trinity Building, W«w Tort
Safe! Can't Cut Your Face