Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 09, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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H. H. MULLIN, Editor.
Published Every Thursday.
PtT year OJ
¥ pUfl 1° advance 1 ™
A4T*rtUeinnnts are published at the rate o!
■DO Oollar per square for one insertion an J llfty
MDt* ter square for each subsequent Insertion
Rates by the year, or for six or three month*,
fcre low and uniform, and will be furnished on
'.egnl and OHleial AdvertUlnß per square
fjree times or less, 12; each subsequent inser
tion to cents per square.
Local notices ID eeuts per line for one Inser
•ertlon; 6 cents per line for each subsequenl
ecnseoutivo Insertion.
Obituary notices over five lines. 10 cents pel
line. Simple announcements of births, mar
riages and deaths will be inserted tree.
Bublness cards, Ave lines or less, *5 per year,
ever hve lines, at the regular rates of adver
ts at Dg
No looal Inserted for less than ?5 cents per
is sua
The Job department of the Pints* Iseomplete
*»d aflords facilities for doing the best class of
No paper will be discontinued until arrear
ages are paid, except at the uptlon of the pub
Papers sent out of the county must be paid
lor in advance.
During the meeting of the medical
association at Atlantic City, a sugges
tion was made that the women physi
cians of New York and other towns
of the north should co-operate in th«
work of teaching the poor to avoid dis
■ease, says the Florida Times-Union.
Thus and individual work has be
come one of strength and union. The
physicians of the female persuasion
have already begun at their humane
task, and the poor, infected children
of the crowded quarters will be saved
hy it. The great philanthrophy of this
movement can scarce be weighed un
til one realizes the want, the igno
rance and the disease that reign over
the tenement districts of New York.
The women especially will be taught
to take hygienic care of their little
ones as well as of themselves. What
is the use of supplying pasteurized
tmilk to the infants if the mothers
don't know how to feed it to them in
a cleanly, sanitary manner. Besides,
pasteurized milk does not disinfect
a room where baby lives, neither does
It make him immune from the dis
eases which attack his elders with
whom he is in too close contact.
Teaching the poor, ignorant mothers
is 6aving the race, and no other class
of women can be better teachers of
the miserable masses than the woman
who holds a medical diploma.
The lot of rulers In Russia, Turkey,
Portugal, Morocco, Persia and Spain,
not to speak of some South American
countries, might appear to a calmly
philosophic observer calculated to dis
courage the pretending business. It
does not seem to the ordinary man
that the job from which you are likely
to be forcibly detached by a mob, or
dynumite boinb, is worth straining
yourself to get. But royal human na
ture is such that the pretenders keep
Tight on pretending.
That Paris doctor who is advocating
the removal of the large intestine
from every child before the age of
three years, on the ground that this
organ is a breeding place, for most of
the harmful germs that flesh is heir to,
has struck a great scientific principle,
cays tiie Philadelphia Telegraph. Fol
lowing it out, we would have amputa
tion of the feet as a cure for corns, of
•he nose for snoring, of the stomach lor
seasickness, and of the head for head
aches. Simple, isn't it?
It is the indirect loss which counts
adversely when epidemics of any kind
break out in a country, and quarantine
precautions are instituted by other na
tions. The British government has just
revoked the orders prohibiting the
landing of hay and straw from New
\ ork, New Jersey, Ponnsylvania,
.Maryland and Delaware, although the
foot and mouth disease which appeared
among the cattle of those states in
1908 lists been stamped out for many
Many stocks are making new high
records in the New York market, and
whether or not the buyers are getting
good bargains there isn't much reason
to doubt that current prices are pro
phetic in respect to the business out
look and the good times which are
■needed to support such Wall street op
timism. The business of the country
is going to make many new records,
and that soon.
The killing of a little girl by a boy
of 12 who was overfond of playing
highwayman suggests that the youth
of the country should have either less
stimulation with high-colored litera
ture and moving pictures or more
stimulation with the rod. Or a combi
nation of bot.ii might not be injuai
Only a short while and the aero
plane will no longer be a noveltv Just
as soon as a sensational Invention be
comes an assured success it becomes
prosaic, and the world impatiently
awaits for something new to thrill.
Here is a new cause for alarm! The
pauper hog of China is competing witi
the corn-fed American porker in the
London market.
Latest News Told
in Briefest and
Best Form.
Levi 11. Bancroft, speaker of the
Wisconsin assembly, was the orator
at the Wisconsin day celebration at
the Seattle exposition.
Edward Butler, Jr., son of Col But
ler, political boss of St. Louis, died
suddenly in that city of heart failure
while talking to his wife.
Justice William It. Day of the United
States supreme court, delivered the
address at Mackinac Island, Mich., at
the unveiling of the new $7,p00 statu"
of Pere Marquette.
President Taft has appointed A. P.
Sawyer of Seatle to be auditor of
Porto Rico, to succeed G. C. Ward.
Earl Grey, governor general of Can
ada, narrowly escaped death when he
was lost and wandered for hours in
the wilds of the northwest. A rescu
ing party found liiin.
Edward H. Harriman in a personal
statement concerning his health said
"I am all right."
Harry K. Thaw has been made li
brarian of the hospital fof- the crim
inal insane at Matteawan, N. Y.
Senator Carter of Montana declared
at Seattle that charges of water power
grabbing in his state were without
Glenn H. Curties won the interna
tional cup for the highest speed in the
aviation events at Rheims, France,
flying at the rate of 47.65 miles an
Charles W. Morse, recently released
from the Tombs prison, New York, on
$125,000 bail, has begun his efforts
to restore his fallen fortunes by at
tempting to regain control of the Met
ropolitan Steamship Company.
Ilenry Farman, the English aviator,
made a flight of 111.78 miles at
Rheims, breaking all previous dis
tance records and winning the Grand
Prix de la Champagne.
Albert Newliouse, an inmate of the
poor house at Bloomington, 111., to
whom an uncle at Indianapolis left
$200,000, wants a wife to share the
good fortune with him.
Thirty Japanese sent by their gov
ernment to study commerce and trade
in the United States, landed at Seat
tle. They will travel through 21
Dr. Frederick A. Cook of Brooklyn,
N. Y., on April 21, 1908, discovered the
north pole, according to si message re-*
ceived from him by his wife and in
formation sent to Copenhagen by the
captain of the vessel on which he re
turned to that point.
Through a conference between the
operators and the national executive
board of the United Mine Workers of
America the dispute with the 18,000
miners in the Pittsburg district has
been settled, and 7,000 men now on
strike will return to work.
At Sleepyeye, Minn., George W.
Sommerville, former state senator,
I lawyer and politician, was shot and
fatally wounded, in his private office,
by John S. Hayner, manager of a large
business block, in a dispute over mon
ey matters.
A message received by relatives at
I White Plains, N. Y., announced the
I death from cholera at Foo Chan,
I China, of Rev. and Mrs. George Corn-
I wall, for 20 years Presbyterian mis
sionaries in that country.
Through a deal involving millions
the United States Steel Corporation
has taken over the property known as
! the Kelly ismds and Mines in Danville,
j 111., district on which it held an option
I from the Hammond Company.
Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, is to lfe the
place of exile ot Alexander Lopukine,
former chief of the Russian police de
partment, wno was convicted of activ
ity as a revolutionary.
John R. Myriek, who enlisted in the
union army as a private at the out
break of the civil war, and who was
retired as a brigadier-general in 190:?,
is dead in New York.
While playing with si shotgun at
Nicholas ville, Ky., James Littrell
eight years old, accidentally dis
charged the weapon sind blew off the
head of his six-year-old sister.
Squatter Town, Nev., ten miles from
Rawhide, was practicsilly wiped of!
ihe map by si cloudburst, a wall ol
water ten feet high tearing down 130
The west wing of the parliament
buildings in Toronto, Can., were de
stroyed by lire, causing SIOO,OOO loss.
Matches of the New York, New Jer
sey and Pennsylvania rifle associa
tions began sit Sea Girt, N. J., witi!
many expert marksmen in attendance
President Taft, following a confer
ence with Postmaster General Hitch
: cock, approved plans for cutting dow
the expenses ol' the department.
! Walter D. White, who had been an
r engineer on the Northern Pacific rail
road for 50 years, was killed in a
wreck at Detroit, Minn.
At least 1,200 persons lost their
lives and property damage estimated
as high as $20,000,000 w;as caused by
floods at .Monterey, Mexico.
Fire destroyed the Ssivoy theater at '
Hamilton, Ont. Loss, SOO,OOO. The
theater belonged to the Stroud-iien
nett syndicate, but was to have been
taken over by the Shuberts.
Dilring the funeral at Seattle of
George 10. Eccles, the wireless opera
tor who perished on the steamer Ohio,
every wireless telegraph instrument
in the western division was silent l'oi
half an hour.
Mrs. {Catherine Miller, formerly.Mrs
Kate Soffel, who served a two-year
prison term for helping Jack and Ed
ward Middle, the murderers, escape
from the county jail at Pittsburg, died
of typhoid fever.
Tied to a tree by robbers, an em
ploye of the Ingram-Day Lumber Com
pany, suffered tortures for three days
near Nugent, Miss. His mouth was
stuffed with paper and rags and he
was without food, while mosquitoes
were torturing him.
President Taft has decided that 15ev
erly, Mass., shall be the summer cap
ital again next year, and has leased
the cottage he now is occuying for
the season.
Samuel Gompers, president ol' the
American Federation of Labor, and
a delegate from Austria engaged in a
war of words at the International
Trades Unions congress in Paris when
the latter attacked American labor
for not joining the organization.
The United States and Europe were
brought nearly three hours closer to
gether when the great liner, Maure
tania reduced her record from New
York to Queenstown to four days, 14
hours and 27 minutes.
After slaying Cecil Norton, 15 years
old, daughter of his housekeeper; his
daughter Dorothy, aged 12, and set
ting lire to his house, Will Tibbetts, a
wealthy farmer of Red Wood Falls,
Minn., committed suicide.
Five persons, all relatives, were
killed when a street, car struck an au
tomobile, near St. Louis.
A new tobacco war has been
started at Covington, Ky., by the filing
of a suit by Clark &. Scott, independ
ent manufacturers, against the Hurley
society, demanding $135,520, said to
have been overcharged on tobacco
bought by them.
An important amendment has been
made to the navy regulations which
places the engineer officer attached to
a ship ol' war in line to succeed the
executive officer.
Ten square miles of forest adjoin
ing the Sequoia grove of big trees in
California have been devastated by
fire, , though the United States cav
alry troop under Capt. Rush S. Wells
has succeeded in saving the grove
from danger.
A race war is threatened at Hoopes
ton, 111., because John A. Lumkley of
Ottawa, la., a white man, was acquit
ted in connection with the murder of
a negro, who was shot, in the dsirkness
during a gambling row between white
and negro cannery employes.
Before 2,000 persons at Coffeyville,
Kan., Harry E. Hoffman, a balloonist,
fell 500 feet to death. The big bag
was released accidentally before the
aeronaut was ready and he was car
ried- up hanging to a trapeze hy his
Emperor William invited Orville
Wright and his sister, Miss Kather
ine, to sit with the royal family in a
box to watch the arrival of Count
Zeppelin who made a 450-mile flight
In his airship to Berlin.
President Taft has accepted the res
ignation—it is believed by some that
he requested it —of Ormsby McHarg,
assistant secretary of the department
of commerce and labor, who assailed
former President Roosevelt in a news
paper interview.
Much damage was done in West
Scranton, Pa., when an old mine be
neath the city caved In, the city's sur
face in many places sinking five or six
A lone bandit held up a Pennsylva
nia railroad express train, shot the
conductor and fled with several thou
sand dollars in coin, including 10,000
of the new Lincoln pennies, which he
mistook for gold.
Having refused to pay judgement of
SIO,OOO rendered against him for slan
dering Phillip Mocherill, Wilbur Glenn
Voliva, general overseer at Zion City,
was placed in jail at Woodstock, ill.
It was discovered that seven chil
dren lost their livjbs in the lire which
destroyed St. Malachy's orphan asy
lum at Rockaway Park, L. 1., the first
report being that the nuns had saved
all of the inmates.
Organization of a subordinate di
vision of the Commercial Telegraph
ers' union.for wireless operators is
proposed by S.'J. Konenltamp, presi
dent ol' the C. T. U.
Salaries between $1,200 and $2,000
will be paid by the government to
men with agricultural training who
pass si civil service examination at
Washington September 22, to select
eligibles lor assistants in grain stan
dardization in the bureau of plant in
Secretary of War Dickinson has di
rected that the marine officers who
were with Lieut. Sutton on the night
of his death be allowed to be present
at the exhumation of his body.
Three tanks containing 35,000 bar
rels of oil were set on lire at Cygnet,
()., by lightning, causing SIOO,OOO loss.
Mrs. Fred Young, wife of a farmer
near Barnum, Minn., threw their three
children, one, two and five years, into
a well, set lire to ;i barn, destroying
it, fired the family dwelling, swal
lowed poison and (hen gashed her
throat with a knife, afterward being
taken to an asylum.
Rev. J. Holmes McGuiness, Edward
H. Harriman's private chaplain, in the
first authoritative statement made ut
Arden, declared the "rail king" is
much improved, giving his word as a
clergyniau, that reports about Mr.
Hariiman's condition ware exagger
Fully 200 Families Homeless and Bad
ly in Need of Food Supplies—
No Loss of Life.
Laredo, Tex.—A dispatch just re
ceived by the mayor of Nuevo Lare
do, Mex., from Camargo, Mex., situ
ated 125 miles from this city, on the
lower Rio Grande, stated that as a re
sult of the flooding of the San Juan
river, due to the recent heavy rains
and the overflow from the Santa Cata
rina river, which is a tributary of the
San Juan, half the city has been
washed away and there is great suf
fering among the poor Mexicans. The
telegram states that fully 200 indin
gent Mexican families are homeless
and badly in need of food supplies.
There is no mention made of any
loss of life, so it is assumed that, un
like the flood at Monterey, which
claimed such a large number of vic
tims, the inhabitants of Camargo had
ample warning and we're enabled to
escape to higli ground and save them
selves. Camargo consists principally
of an aggregation of small adobe
houses. It is a town of approximately
4,000 inhabitants. It is impossible to
estimate the financial loss.
Thirteen People Are Severely Injured,
Two of Them Probably Fatally,
at Des Moines, la.
Des Moines, la. —Mrs. R. M. Rol
lins and Mrs. Edward Lawless
were probably fatally hurt and 11
other passengers were severely in
jured when a loaded Rock Island pas
senger train, carrying state fair visit
ors, struck a packed Fort Des Moines
street car in the middle and crushed
it to kindling wood.
The street car was dragged 50 feet
on the pilot and wrecked against the
steel girders of the railroad bridge
across the Des Moines river. The
wrecked car remained balanced pre
cariously on the bank of the river 20
feet above the water. It was with
difficulty 1 hat the injured were taken
from the wreckage without falling in
to the river.
While rescuers were removing the
street car passengers from their peril
ous situation, another Itoek Island
train ran into a crowd at the rear of
the first excursion train and a second
catastrophe was narrowly averted. All
the injured live in Des Moines. While
only 11 were taken to hospitals, every
body in the street car was hurt. Mrs.
Lawless, who may die, suffered her
throat, cut by a piece of glass. Con
ductor Harry Badgley of the street
car declared that the right of way had
been given his ear by the flagman at
the crossing.
Mr. Gwinner Was the First Man to.
Drive a Horse Car in Pittsburg—
Liked by Poor People.
Pittsburg, Pa.—Frederick Gwinner.
sr., 77, former president of the
Enterprise National bank, a director
in several other institutions and one
of the foremost financiers of this city,
is dead at his home on the North Side,
after an illness of a week, death be
ing caused by acute indigestion. Mr.
Gwinner was the first man to drive
a horse car in Pittsburg and was
heavily interested in the old Pitts
burg. Allegheny & Manchester Rail
ways Co. His fortune at the time of
his death is estimated at about $3,-
The deceased endeared himself to
the hearts of hundreds of poor people
in this city shortly after the failure
ol the Enterprise National bank sev
eral years ago. when he paid out of
his own pocket $400,000 to those who
lost all their savings through the al
leged peculiations of the cashier of
the bank.
When Officers Goto Arrest the Young
Man He Shoots Himself Dead
at Sweetheart's Home.
Pottsville, Pa. —After killing his
mother, probably a week ago, George
F. Simons, aged 21, shot himself
dead at the home of Violet Hartranft,
to whom he had been paying atten
tion. The body of the mother was
found in the attic of her home by the
father, George F. Simons, sr. The
door of the room was fastened with
large screws and the crevices were
sealed with parafflne. The body is in
a horribly decomposed condition. It
is believed she was strangled.
After the body was discovered the
husband notified the police, who went
to the home of the llartranft.s to sis
certain the whereabouts of the young
er Simons. Upon seeing the officers
the young man shot himself in the
heail before any one could interfere.
It is believed that the young man
quarreled with his mother about his
paying attention to the young girl.
Three New Ocean Records.
New York City. Three new ocean
records fell to the Cnnard liner
Lusitania on her latest trip from
Queenstown which ended September 2.
The Lusitania made the passage in
four days, ll hours and 42 minutes;
she maintained sin average speed of
25.85 knots for the entire voyage,
beating the Mauretanias record of
25.84 and finally by landing her pas
sengers at the Cunard pier shortly be
fore 8 o'clock at night she became
the first liner to dock on the fourth
day out from Queenstown.
S Th« Place U Boj Cheap S
"5-MOPS" taken Internally, rids the blood En
Of the polsooous matter and aoids which MB
are the direct causes of these diseases. IK]
Applied externally It affords almost In- M
stant relief from pain, while a permanent ■
our* Is being effected by purifying the rj3
blood, dissolving the poisonous sub- H
atanoe and removing It from tho system. ■
Of Brewton, Oa., writes:
••1 bad bm a eufferer (or a number of years H
with Lumbago and Kheumatlem In my anna HI
and lege,and tried all tbe remedlee tbat loould HI
ntber from medloal works, and alao oonaaltad feS]
with a numbar of tba beat pbjalclana, but found H
nothing that safe tba relief obtained from H
••a-DFtoPS." t aball praaorlb* It In my praaUO* ■
tor rheumatism and alndred dlaeasM." ,;T
If yon are suffering with Rheumatism, H
Neuralgia. Kidney Trouble or any kin- BH
dred dlsoase. write to us for a trial bottle Q
of "i-DROPS." and test it yourself.
"•■DROPS" can be used any length of B]
time withoutaoqulrtnff a "drug habit."H
aa It Is entirely free of opium, oocalne, R
aloohoi, laudanum, ana other elmllar Kj
UrnSlaa Battle, "B-BROPS" (tO« Dsses) H
•1.00. V— Sal* by Dragglsta. ■
Batt •». 1M Late Street. Bl
TW_ _ g»- n -- Gives yon the reading matter ia
# 0* OIJIG rSip&M 9 which you have the greateei in
- ' ■ ■—• terest —the home news. Its every
issue will prove a welcome visitor to every member of the family- U
should head your list of newspaper and periodical subscriptions.
Daily Delivery. All order* given prompt and
skillful attention.
f— ■ ——— —"
Enlarging Your Business
tlf you are in annually, nnd then carefully
business and you note the effect it has in in
want to make creasing your volume of busi- (
more money you ness; whether a 10, 20 or 30
will read every P er cent increase. If you
word we have to watch this pain from year to
say. Are you 7° u will become intensely in
spending your terested in your advertising,
money for ad- and how you cin make it en
vertising in hap- l®.rgu your business,
hazard fashion If you try this method w«
as if intended believe you will not want to
for charity, or do you adver- let a single issue of this paper
tise for direct results? goto press without something
Did you ever stop to think from your store,
how your advertising can be ke pleased to hav«
made a source of profit tf» you call on us, and we will
you, nnd how its value can be take pleasure in explaining
measured in dollars and our annual «. on tract for so
cents. If you have not, you many inches, and how it can be
are throwing money away. used in whatever amount that
Advertising is a modern teems necessary to you.
1 business necessity, but must If you can sell goods over
be conducted on business the counter we can also show
principles. If you are not you why ti)i3 paper will best
1 satisfied with your advertising serve your interests when you
you should set aside a certain want to reach the people o *
amount of money to be spent thi3 community.
can do that cl.ui n:rt #
little cheaper than the other follow. Wedding invitations, letter heads, 1 !i- •
ij) sale bills, statements, dodgers, cards, etc., all receive the same careful treaunent
—just a little better than seems necessary. Prompt delivery always.
If you are a business man,
did you ever think of the field
of opportunity that advertis
ing opens to you? There is
almost no limit to the possi
bilities of your business if you
Study how to turn trade into
your store. If you are not get
ting your share of the business I
of your community there's a
reason. People go where they
are attracted where they
know what they can get and
how much it is sold for. If
you make direct statements is
your advertising see to it tliat
you are able to fulfill every
promise you make. You will
add to your business reputa
tion and hold your customers.
It will not cost as much to run
your ad in this paper as you
think. It is the persistent ad
vertiser who gets there. Flav«
something in the paper every
issue, no matter how small.
We will be pleased to quote
you our advertising rates, par
ticularly on the year's busi
j® to the public through the
Jfi IT columns of this paper.
With every issue it carries
its message into the homes
M and lives of the people.
Your competitor has his
store news In this issue. Why don't
you have your*? Don't blame the
people for flocking to his store.
They know what he has.