EMPORIUM MI LUNG PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., July 'J, tic.). N HMO CHI LA, per sack {I K Fell's Fancy, " i i« Pet Orove, " I yc Graham " 05 Hj'c " 71 Patent Meal •• 55 Buck wheat Flour «' Buckwheat Flour, 101b sack Course Meal per mo, 1 tVS Chop Feed " 1 65 Matchless EgK Maker, per 100 '2 10 •Sylva Chick Feed, per 100 lfl Cracked Corn per 100 ......... 1 t>s Screening •' 1 65 Chicken Wheat " 2 In Oil Meal '• 1 iiO Middlings " 1 (!■"> White Middlings,. l To Bran 1 60 Corn per bushel !>2 Oysl r Shells, per 100 75 Whi! c»Oats,n r bushel, ti. Seed Oats per bushel Buckwheat QbokeOlovrrSeed, l Choice TiniothySeed, > At Market Price-. Choice Millet Seed. > Disinfect H-.s S"'\ M -s :V j|, . *•-} " Si. ~vSM Some disinfectants and germicides might be classed as drugs but, you do not want to be dragged just now with a bug killer. However, now is the time to think of getting after the rose bugs and currant worms. We have a full line of the "reme dies" for that class of pests. Also a non-poisonous bed bug exterminator iu small cans. R. C. Dodson LOCAL DEPARTMENT, PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which yon would ike to see in this department,let us know by />o«- al card, letter or pernonally. Frank J. Kelley of Austin, visited in town the last of the week. Miss Nellie Thomas is visiting at Warren and vicinity a few days. Miss Katie Kraft;, of this place, is the guest of relatives in St. Marys for a short time. F. J. Kime, Jr., manager of the Em porium Drug Co., made a business trip to St. Marys Saturday. Mrs. Asa Murry and children return ed home Saturday after spending a few days with relatives at Sterling Run. Messrs. H. M. Olmsted and J. Ray mond Cook, of Ridgway, spent Sunday at their homes at this place. E. T. Wells, one of the efficient oper" ators at Emporium Junction, attended the funeral of a friend at Ridgway last Monday. Mrs. Geo. P. Jones and children, who have been visiting G. S. Wiley and family at Austin, returned home on Monday. Hon. B. W. Green and wife returned home last Saturday, after spending a few days at the "old home farm" in Tioga county. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Beaver and daughter, Misg Fannie, of Williams port, are guests at the home of John Welsh and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Merry and son Master Albert William, were guests of Mrs. Merry's brother, G. W. Sterner and family at Austin last week. C. C. Pearl left yesterday for Fort Wayne, Ind , where his daughter, Miss Cleone Pearl-Fell, is engaged at Robinson Park during this week. Wm. R. Sizer of Sizerville, came down on Monday to transact legal business as Justice of the Peace, owing to the illness of Esquire Larrabee. Miss Sadie Lynch and Margaret Ryan, of Williamsport and Thomas Ryan of New Orleans, La., were guests at the home of Hon. F. X. Blumle and family, and Miss Mary Ryan, Sunday. Chas. E. Crandell, teller at First National Bank, was called to Williams port last Saturday, on account of the serious illness of his father who does not improve at this writing (Wednes day.) Edward C. Seger, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Seger, returned to New York last Monday, after spending a few days in Emporium. Tho Seger boys are prospering in the music busi ness. Of course they read the PRESS. Mrs. Bothilda Ahlberg, who has made her homo with ber daughter, Nelson, Plank Roan Hol low, left yesterday for New v\rk, where she will take the steamer for Sweden, her former home. She may remain in Sweden, but possibly after transacting some business there will return to tho "land of the 112 ree and the Jiome of the brave." Mr. C. H. Felt hn joined his wife at; Ghnutauqua Lake. Warde Lewis of West Ward, is down with typhoid fever. Miss Lon" Evans was a business call er to Oh>an yesterday. Frank Marry and party of St. Marys, autoed to Emporium last Sunday, i Geo. Yoifngo of Coudcrsport, made a busings trip to Emporium last Satur j day. Farmer W. E. Devling of Sterling J Run, transacted business in town on j Tue:ua -.. The Moors continue to make trouble | for Spain, 12,000 Moor*- being on ! tho rampage. j A lire alarm last evening was the ; means of turning out a big crowd. I Only a rubbish fire. Michael Murphy came over from Bolivar, N. Y., yesterday and trans acted business in town. Miss Emily Bennet of Ridgway, is guest at the home of Edward Zwald and wife on Fifth street. Miss Mable Lux, daughter of Rev. Lux, is guest of Miss Jettio Wiley, at Maple Shade, this week. \V. G. Gilbert is spending some time in Canada silver tield with Joa. L. Wheeler and other silver kings. Misses Kate Metzger and Gladys Lloyd, were business callers at the PiiESs office last Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woolley, of this place, are spending a few weeks with relatives at various places in New Jersey. B. B. Saunders of Buffalo, made his usual bxisiness trip to Emporium the last of the week and spent Sunday with friends at Driftwood. Rev. J. M. Robertson's family re turned on Tuesday from Montieello, N. Y., whore they have been visiting for three months. C. R. Bowman of Harrisburg, Pa., salesman for a wholesale manufacturer of petticoats, transacted business at the PRESS office yesterday. Rev. Paul J. Lux, pastor of the Pres byterian Church, assisted in the ser vices at the Presbyterian Church at St. Marys last Friday evening. Neil Coppersmith returned home on Wednesday, alter spending two weeks vwiting relatives at Shinglehouse, Ceres and Sharon Centre. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sterner and daughter, Miss Dorothy, of Austin, were guests at the home of Mrs. S. E. Sterner tho.ilr.st of the week. Margaret Crandell, who has been visiting lor two weeks at Port Al legany, guest of Miss Esther Owen, re turned homo Monday evening. Miss Jessie Anderson departed for Canandaigua, N. Y., last Monday, where she joins a party of friends from Altoona, who are camping there. Robert Hoke of Shamokin, has ac cepted the position as assistant book keeper and stenographer in the office of the Sinnamahoning Powder Co. Mrs. Harry Thomas and Messrs. Fred Catlin and Will Prizer, of Phila delphia, are guests at the home of C. G. Catlin and family on Fifth street. Miss Margaret Cummings, who is enjoing a short vacation from her dut ies as nurse, at Philadelphia, is spend ing the week with relatives at Kano. Chas. S. Herron, of Philadelphia, is guast ofF. J. Kime, manager of Empo rium Drug Co. They were college chums and of course enjoy their visit. Glenn Cool of Knoxville, Pa , has accepted the position as night clerk at the Warner House. Mr. Cool was for merly a clerk at the Sartwell House, Port Allegany. Misses Flora and Martha Sehlecht returned home last Tuesday evening, after spending a delightful vacation with relatives at Pittsburg and various places in West Virginia. Messrs. W. S. Walker of Austin, and John E. Smith of Sterling Run. were in Emporium yesterday attending to their duties as directors of the First National Bank. Miss Anna Schweikart has returned home and is again answering hello to telephone calls at the exchange, after spending a few weeks with relatives at Ellington, N. Y. Mrs. C. E. Henry and child are visit ing the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blanchard, at Driftwood. Mr. Henry will goto Driftwood to spend Sabbath, returning home with his wife on Monday. Since Fred Dininny inspected the "water tap services" in town there ap pears to be a greater force. We could stand some more pressure on Sixth j street. Come again, Fred. M. E. Cavanaugh and wife, of Pitts; burg, were called here to attend the funeral of Mr. Cavanaugh's brother's child. Mr. C. is one of Pittsburgh's most successful contracting painters and decorators. His pleasant wife made many friends here. Mrs. McElwain and Misses Blanche ! and -May Sbanlr, of Renovo, stopped in ' Emporium yesterday to visit their ! brother, Rev. J. W. Shank, pastor of j Emporium circuit M, E. charge. They | were on their return from Niagara ! Falls aud enjoyod their visit iu Enpo | rium. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1909 I)r. W. U. DeLong, who in kept busy [ looking after his patients, was a wel | come PRESS visitor this morning. The sick aro holding their own. Mrs. 1 T. 11. Noma is a little easier,while Mrs. I Clark and Enquire Larrabee are i m ! proving. I We regret to learn that Dr. Groves, ! who recently located in Colorado with ! his will', nee Qolda Lyons, is not BO well at this time. Mrs. E. A. Richards, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. fj. E. Sterner, for the past four months, re turned to her home at Couderaporb | last Friday. | Lyman Wiley has returned from | Mitchell, Ind., and we hope ho will I stay at home now, having cleaned out I all the champion checker players in the State of Indiana, and "by gravy" is ready to meet all comers, and no quarters asked. "Lym" looks well and younger. Miss Rose Hayes, of Washington, D. C., is guest of her brother, J. B. Hayes, of New Warner, and other relatives and friends in town. Miss Hayes has been employed in the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture for twelve years. She enjoys our climate and has greatly improved in health. Miss Hayes was a pleasant caller at PRESS office this morning, accompanied by Miss Ethel Creighton. We found the lady as bright as a dollar, as well as a pleasant lady. DEATH'S DOINGS. znmrn CAVANAUGH. Thoa J. Oavanaugh and wife, of St. Marys, are sorely afflicted in the death of their only child, MARGARET, agod four months, on Friday, July 30th, 1909, after a constant illness since birth. , The remains were brought to Empori um 011 Sunday, the funeral taking i place Sunday afternoon from the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. John Treps wether, West Fourth street, there- i mains being laid away in Catholic ! Cemetery. The afflicted parents have \ the deep sympathy of their many friends. MUMFOBJL). In our last isssue we at some length | announced the death of this remark- i able lady in her 31th year. One of the lirst ladies we remember as a boy was Mrs. Mumford, who was always active in good deeds. Her funeral took place last Friday afternoon from the resi dence of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Kline, East Allegany Avenue, who was faithful in her ministrations to her mother to the last, and is now utterly prostrated from the long nursing and care. Rev. J. F. Anderson, her pastor, assisted by Rev. Schriner, conducted the services. Tho following casket j bearers served: R. M. Overhiser, W. D. White, Hon. J. C. Johnson, H. L. ; Burns, Hon. 11. H. Mullin and It. R. McQuay. Interment in Wiley Ceme- : tery. Eye Specialist. Prof. W. 11. Budine, the well known j Eye Specialist, of Binghamton, N. Y., ! will be at R. H. Hirsch's jewelry 1 store, Emporium, Pa., Aug. 14tli. 1 If you can't see well or have j headache don't fail to call and see Prof, j Budine, as he guarantees to cure all ouch cases. Lenses ground and fitted in old frames. Eyes tested and ex amined free. All work guaranteed. ] Hustling. The Emporium Drug Company are 1 hustling to get their new furnituro in place and stock displayed for Satur day's opening. Their new furniture ' is fully equal to city display. The Library of the .Lock Haven Normal School is well selected, accur ately catalogued in accordance with the Dewey decimal system, and the books are easily accessible. The Li brary rooms are said to be handsomer than those of any other school library in the state. The remarkable success j of the school's debating team in the ! Inter-Normal debates is due in a large ' measure to the Library. Write for the j school's handsome catalog. For iudigestion and all stomach trouble take Foley's Orino Laxative as it stimu lates the stomach and liver and regulates the bowels and will positively cure habi tual constipation. Sold by all druggi>ts. Fruit season i* here, but Granulated Sugar the same, 25 pound sack for $1.45 at C. B. Howard & Co's. Pennsylvania Railroad $2.90 from Emporium Junction TO BRADFORD, PA. ACCOUNT Old Home Week August 8 to 14, 1909 Tickets sold at above rate August 7to 14, good returning until August * 16, inclusive. Proportionate Fares From Other Stations. J. ft. WOOD, GEO. W. UOYD, Passenger Traffic Manager General Passenger Agent. ? I 1 What is Best for Indigestion? A. ltohinson, of Druniquin, Ontario, has been troubled for years with indiges tion, and recommends Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets as "the be.st luodi -im; 1 ever used." If troubled with i indigestion or constipation give them a 1 trial. They are certain to prove betiefic j ial. They nrc easy to take and pieas'int in efiect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at Tagsrart's drug store. Just received a lino of Boy's and Men's Shoes at O. B. Howard & Co'p. Caution Notice. Notice ia hereby given to all persons concern- I eu, that my husband, Harvey ICephart, having left my bed and board without just cause or pro , vocation, and caution ail persons against, har boring or trusting him on my account for I shall not pay any bills of his contracting, now or I hereafter. MRS. EMMA KEPIJART. hmponuui, Pa., Aug. 2, 1909.—25-3t. REDUCTION $3.5° Lawn Mowers at $2.00 Screen Doors (2-6 x 6-6) at 60c Chicken wire at l /tc per sq It. all widths. Garden Tools at cost. Quart Fruit Jars at6ocadoz. Pint Fruit Jars at 50c a doz. Guaranteed Scythes at 80c. A new line of bine and white Enamel ware at very low prices. DININNY, BURNSIDE&Go Broad St., Emporium, Pa. If cur "A'/Y/V head begins to ache, He xt-it.h trepidation shale; Hut our head at.: ci- .v ill quickly tale. HEADACHE We have all the advertised Effervescent:, Powders and Tablets known as headache cures. Our own headache-remedy is SAFE and effective. Others may be f;ood: we KNOW ours is. Why not try it? Old Reliable Drug Store GEORGE C. TAGGART, Prop. OR. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS. Directions ullh each Till In F!*© LurgUßprs. English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French No. i'OR Fr*ce 1. Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations 25 2. Woriiifl, Worm Fever, or Worm Disease..iis 3. Colic, Orying and Wakefuln CMS of Infants.2s 4. Diarrhea, of Children and Adults *23 5. Dysentery, Gripiugo, Bilious Colic 25 7. COUSIIH, Colds, Bronchitis 25 8. Toothache, Faceache, Neuralgia 25 0. Headache, Sick Iloadache, Vertigo 25 10. DvMpcpHia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach 25 13. Croup. Hoarse Cough, Laryngitis 25 14. Kail llheuin. Eruptions, Erysipelas 25 15. Rheumatism, or Rheumatic Pains 25 10. Fever n*nl A sue. Malaria 25 17. I'll eg. Blind or Bleeding, External, Internal. 25 18. Ophthalmia, Weak or Inflamed Eyes '25 19. Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In Head 25 20. Whooping Cough, Spasmodic Cough 25 21. Aethnm,Oppressed, Dinicult Breathing '25 27# Kidney Disease, Gravel, Calculi 25 iJH. Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness 1.00 29. fcore Mouth, Fever Sores or Canker 25 !50. Urinary Incontinence, Wetting Bed 25 34. Wore Throat, Quinsy and Diphtheria *25 35. Chronic Congestions, Headaches. 25 77. Crippc, l!*\y Fever and Summer €01d5....25 A small bottlo of Pleasant Pellets, fits the vest pocket. Sold l»y tiruggibis, or scut OL\ receipt of price. Medical Book sent froe. _ HUMPHREYS' HO?! X CO., Comer 57n»i»r~ Str. ;ts. n«\" ■ "ROYAL" BLEND Kjg MOST DELICIOUS FOR ICING A I SLICED *T\ M O CHIPPED COOKED SMOKEO HAM BEEF op A , The Satisfactory Store 9 35c A LB J 35fi A LB I Choicest Fresh Fruits aud Vegetables At this season of the year we give particular atten- I Lion to choice pic-nic c-dibles. There arc many things I ready to serve and you may save time and worry by Q I buying these ready to eat things. g| Special this Week, Friday and Saturday | Sugar—2sll) Bag best granulated Sugar, $1.45 15c Succotash, 2 cans for 25c. H | l 5 c Imported Macaroni, any style, 12c. a 5 lbs our famous KA-U-KA, Coffee, for sr.oo; very I 25c bottle Hire's Root Beer Extract 20c 15c Libbv's Yeal Loaf, the can 12c, 'jib tin Walter Baker & Co's Cocoa, 22c. ® J5 C _ pkge Maple Flake, 2 for 25c. |j I Heinz 25c sour spiced pickles, the bottle 22c. ft 50c quality Tea including Oolong. Ceylon, Gun- I powder Uncolored Basket Fired Japan a lb 40c. Choicest California Lemons, a dozen 30c. Large 10c roll Toilet Paper, 8c or 6 rolls 45c. I Fresh Caught Lake Fish uve V r I° f S%SI ) n E g j PRATT'S REGULATOR I I For horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry. The original and best. Get it at Day's. FREE DELIVERY to all parts of Town I Twice Each Day You Get Better Values Here. J. H. DAY, L Phone 6. Emporium. || —mm mm immmmm mmmsm w&M |g THAT WE HAVE/)LL OF US | Bf CN IMATIGHT SQV ££££ FT i SONTTINZ <&■'/MOTHER.. Bur § F\ LITTLE ZCONONY AND CARE 9 U//LL SAVE. US LOTS OF WORRY : 9 „ BUV|[VG THINGS AT A PLAC-iT , | A cant sriSecofvon; : I | I j CtlieAeo- A I WE CARRY THE LAREINE COR.SET.S BECAU.SE 9 OUR PATRON J HAVE ToLD U«S THAT THEY I Do NOT ONLY GIVE THEM GOOD FORM BUT 9 THAT THEY ARE COMFORTABLE AND LA-5T I A LONGTIME, A CORDET YOU KNOW I.S THE ONE THING WHICH MO.ST OF ALL DETERMIN ED ONE.S APPEARANCE BECAUDE THE COR BET I S THE PLAN FOR THE BUILDING OF YOUR ATTIRE. BE CAREFUL THEN ABOUT I THE KIND OF CORDET YOU GET. WE CAN RECOMMEND THE LAREINE CoR SETS To YOU. WE .SELL YOU THE LA REINE CoRDET-5 FOR $1 .00, 11.50, $2.00. WE .SHALL BE PLEADED To HAVE YOU .SEE A I OUR COR.SETS AND OTHER WEARABLES 9 THAT GO WITH THEM. VERY -SPECIAL REDUCTION IN ALL MILLINERY | I MRS. E. S. COPPERSMITH, 112
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers