Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 29, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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Cured by Lydia E. Pink=
ham's Vegetable Compound
Baltimore, Md. "For four vears
my life was a misery to me. I suffered
HI y.1.. | l'rorn irregularis
ties, terrible drag
gi"? sensations,
extreme nervous
ness. and all
It nafe Rone fcelin fi> in my
H* v™ |Hsg| stomach. 1 haa
HPS"-!* Piven up hope of
'v r being well
g&V when began to
new life had been
given me, and I am recommending it
to all my friends."—Mrs. W. S. FORD,
1038 Lansdowne St., Baltimore, Md.
The most successful remedy in this
country for the cure of all forms of
female complaints is Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. It lias
stood the test of years and to-day is
more widely and successfully used than
any other female remedy. It has cured
thousands of women who have been
troubled with displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir.
regularities, periodic pains, backache,
that bearing-down feeling, flatulency,
indigestion, and nervous prostration,
after all other means had failed.
If you are suffering from any of these
ailments, don't give up hope until you
have given Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege
table Compound a trial.
If you would like special advice
write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn,
Mass., for it. She lias guided
thousands to health, free of
Williams (shaking his fountain
pen)— You have no idea how easily
these pens run!
His Neighbor (applying a blotter to
his trousers) —Oh, I have an Inkling
After Specialist Failed to Cure Her In
tense Itching Eczema—Had Been
Tortured and Disfigured But
Was Soon Cured of Dread Humor.
"I contracted eczema and suffered
Intensely for aboi't ten months. At
, times I thought I would scratch my-
U'elf to pieces.' My face and arms were
.covered with large red patches, so
that I w r as ashamed togo out. I was
.Advised togo to a doctor who was
a\ specialist in skin diseases, but I
received very little relief. I tried
evfery known remedy, with the same
results. I thought I would never get bet
ter fmtil a friend of mine told me to try
the Cuticura Remedies. So I tried them,
and afler four or five applications of
Cuticura Ointment I was relieved of
my unbearable itching. I used two
Bets of the Cuticura Remedies, and I
am completely cured. Miss Br.rbara
Krai, Ilighlandtown, Md., Jan. 9, 'OS."
Potter Drug & Chorn. Corp.. Solo Props., liostoo.
In It.
"I tell you what, I like a friend
who is a friend in need."
"Then you ought to love rue. I'm
always in need." —Kansas City Star.
Important to W!other3.
F'xamine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
Bears the
Signature of
In Use For Over HO Years.
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought.
Pride is not a bad tiling when it
only urges us to hide our own heart —
not to hurt others.- George Eliot.
A Rare Good Thing.
"Am using ALT.EN'B I'TK/T-EASE, and
ran truly say I would not have bo. n with
out it so long, had I kivnvn tlio relief It
would nivc my aching feet. 1 think it a
rare good thing tor nnv'iiio having sore
or tired feet.—Mm. Matilda Holtwert,
Providenee, K. J." Sold by all Druggists,
25e. Ask to-day,
A good life is the readiest way to
secure a good name.-—Wliichcot.
Mr*. V.'inr,low's Soothing Syrup.
For rhl;.ir HI tefililtui, Koflcnr. tin? tf'IMII, rcrtui e. In.
flumiuaUon,aiiiij b puln.curtj v. .U'l 25c abuttle.
Only a putty life is afraid of being
worn out
■h- " : ■ -
mv- >
Leaves of Cherry «nd Pear Trees Attacked by this Insect
in lowa and Plant Is Often Left
Entirely Bare.
Last summer many cherry trees in
various parts of lowa were stripped
of their leaves by a dull slimy slug.
Pear trees also are attacked by this
pest, perhaps even more than cherry
trees, hence the common name of the
insect. This slug feeds on the upper
surface of the leaves, not eating holes
through them, but taking only the up
per portion and leaving the veins bar®.
Leaves thus eaten by the slugs dry
and fall from the tree and frequently
leave the trees entirely bare of foliage.
In lowa these slugs appear twice
during the season. The first brood
appears in June and the slugs be
come full grown early in July, while
A Pear Slug Enlarged.
a, adult saw-fly, female; b, slug with slime removed; c, slug in normal
state; d, leaves with slugs, natural size; a, b, c, much enlarged.
the second brood comes on during tlie
month of August. It would be best,
then, to kill off the slugs when they
first appear in June, and so prevent
the defoliation of the trees by the
second brood in August.
When the slugs first appear on the
leaves the trees should be given a
thorough treatment with paris green
or some other arsenical poison. Since
the slugs feed openly on the upper
sides of the leaves there need be lit
tle difficulty in combatting them. For
only a few trees the paris green may
be applied dry, mixed with air slaked
lime, or even flour; 1 part of the paris
green to 'JO or more parts of the other
material. For a liquid spray, paris
green at the rate of 1-3 or 1-4 pound
to 50 gallons of water will do the
work, adding about a pound of quick
laine to each barrel of water to pre
vent any burning of the leaves. Ar-
Incorrectly Put Up and Fed It
May Be Expensive.
Silos have been abandoned in many
cases because the milk became so
badly tainted as to become unsalable.
If the creameries and cheese factories
were as particular as they should be
they would condemn a great deal of
milk that is now accepted from silage
fed herds.
This is not the fault of the silage; it
is the fault of the man who handles it.
Silage has a very penetrative odor,
which is taken up very quickly by
milk. If silage is fed before milking
the milk is quite certain to become
tainted. If the milk is allowed to stand
a few minutes in the barn after milk
ing and silage is fed while the cans
are standing around, the milk will be
If the stable is not ventilated or is
poorly ventilated the silag<" odors will
linger in the stable and taint the milk,
in an iinventilated stable the stable it
self will in time become saturated or
permeated with the silage odor and
will taint the milk, no matter how the
silage is handled.
The corn is frequently cut into the
silo too green, which makes very sour
silage, with a strong odor. The silage
s frequently carelessly handled in the
?table; it. is scattered through the
alleys and allowed to remain on the
floors. In such instances the stable
will be scented with the silage and
the milk will be tainted.
11' good results are expected from
silnge it must be properly handled in
the stable. First, silage must be fed
only after milking. Second, the floors
must be kept clean and no si I ago
allowed to accumulate in the alleys.
Third, there should not be jnoie
silage fed Lhan the stock will clear up
at once. Fourth, the stable must be
well ventilated. Fifth, corn should
not be cut in too green. Sixth, don't
feed moldy silage.
From the foregoing it will lie seen
that silage must Y>e more carefully
handled than ordinary roughage. One
cs'.mjot throw silage around as he
might, straw or hay and got satisfac
tory l* ';ult«s.
Silage prop' rly put up and properly
toil Is Vury cheap und'inost excel
lent —I'JOI. G» V. Knapp.
senate of lead, 2 or 3 pounds to 50
gallons of water, will do the work
even better than paris green, and Is
preferable where it can be obtained
easily. Hellebore, applied dry, or in
a small quantity of water, is also very
effective in killing the slugs.
The first brood of the slugs is rather
short lived. It requires only about
a month from the egg stage to the
time the slug matures. During most
of the time while it is feeding., the
slug is covered with a slimy sub
stance, but at the last change of skin
the slime is thrown off, and the slug
becomes a light orange color, clean
and dry. After this molt the slug
goes into the ground. Here it forms
.1 cell in the earth, within which it
changes to the pupa, or resting stage,
anil the adult fly emerges in about
12 to 15 days after the slug has en
tered the soil.
The flies which lay the eggs for
the next brood of slugs are rather
small black insects, about a fifth of
an inch long and with four wings.
The eggs are laid in tiny pockets
made by the flies in the under sides
of the leaves. These eggs hatch and
the second brood of the slugs work
«n the trees during August and when
they become full grown goto the
ground. During the winter the slugs
of this second brood may be found in
their cells beneath the trees which
were infested by them in the summer
time. The pear, cherry, plum and
quince are the trees which are most
attacked by these slugs.
Three or Four Cuttings During
Season Enriches It.
When a plant furnishes an abundant
crop, such as alfalfa, with three or
four cutting during a single season, it
is buc natural to think that it will
greatly exhaust the soil. Nothing is
more erroneous. Instead of taking
strength away from the soil it puts
more into it; instead of exhausting it,
the fertility is increased. The pene
trating powers of ill fa'! fa roots are
well known. The roots are constantly
growing and decaying, thus adding to
the "humus" of the soil. The strongest
point in favor of alfalfa as a soil im
prover it its remarkable nitrogen
gathering ability. The roots of al
falfa are full of the small nitrogen
tubercles which represent bottled up
vitality to plant life and it has been
proven by frequent experiments that
increased yields were the rule when
plantings of any kind of crops had
been made on ground infected with ni
trogen bacteria.
Under these circumstances the
"spread of Alfalfa fever" is no wcnder.
With splendid crops of highest priced
hay on top of the ground, with the
roots working as perfectly natural fer
tilizers under the ground, farmers can
do nothing better titan to plant allalfa.
The truth of this statement may be
realized and verified if one but takes
time to look up statistics and reads
about the marvelous increase in the
acreage of alfalfa. In Kansas alone
the acres sown to alfalfa increased
from approximately 35,000 acres iD
IS9I to more than 743.000 acres in
1907. ' It is safe to say that since then
the acreage has increased in propor
tion, and othei states are falling in
line. —A. Kruhm.
There is Profit in Sage.
Twenty-five cents' worth of sage seed
will furnish about 1,000 plants. Enough
sage can be picked the first year to
pay lor all the labor of sowing and
picking the sage. Early in the spring
the plants should be removed, set in
rows three feet apart one way and
half that distance the other. If the
plants are planted in good soil and
properly cultivated they can be picked
three times each year for s«.ve<«U
"1 suppose," he said, Ingratiatingly,
"you often get spoken to by men?"
"Yes," she replied, "and by monk
eys. But to-night there don't seem to
be any men about!"
Too often'the kidneys are the causa
and the sufferer is not aware of it.
Sick kidneys bring backache and side
pains, lameness and stiffness, dizzi
ness, headaches, tired feeling, urinary
« troubles. Doan's Kid-
ISHIS- 1 aey Pills cure the
cause. Mrs. N. E.
Graves, Villisca,
g lowa > says:"l suf
fered from kidney
trouble for years.
T, ' ,M The secretions were
~i I»\ disordered, there
were pains in my back and swellings
of the ankles. Often I had smother
ing spells. I had to be helped about.
Doan's Kidney Pills cured me five
years ago and I have been well since.
They saved my life."
Remember the name—Doan's. For
sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
According to Taste.
Discussing missionary work, Mme.
Helene Vincente, the well-known Con
go missionary, said at a dinner in
"A Chinese heaven strikes you as
ludicrous. Yet here in your own coun
try you are careful to fit heaven and
the —er— other place to your people's
"Thus, on my recent southern trip,
I heard a Georgia negro divine de
scribe hades as ice cold, a place
where the wicked shiver and freeze
through all eternity. 1 asked the di
vine why he altered in that radical
manner the usual description of
hades, and he replied:
" 'Ah don' darst tell mah peoplo nuf
fln' else, marm. Why, if Ah sed hades
wuz wahrn, some o' dese ole rheumat
ic breddern an' sistern o' mine would
be wantin' ter staht right down dah
come fust frost."'
Exchanging Solemn Thoughts.
"Ah, says the man with the parted
whiskers, "when one stands alone in
the night and contemplates the won
ders of creation, how futile, how puny
man seems! How vain, how puerile
his hopes and longings, when he is
surrounded by the eternal silence of
the universe! Has this ever occurred
to you?"
"You bet!" answers the man with
the big scarf pin. "He feels just as
punk as he does when he misses the
owl car and has to stand on the cor
ner an hour for another one."—Chi
cago Post.
Passed Mammoth Iceberg.
An iceberg described as 2y 2 milei
long and 500 feet high—presumably
not so high for the whole 2 1 /& miles
—was passed about 1,200 miles from
New York recently by the French line
freighter Mexico. 'lt was in latitude
42:20, longitude 46:70. —New York
A Series of Breakages.
"Banks had his engagement bro
" Did he take it hard?'*
"Yes; after it was broken off, ha
was all broken up, and then he broke
A Sure and Easy Test on Coffee.
To decide the all important ques
tion of coffee, whether or not it is
really the hidden cause of physical
ails and approaching fixed diseases,
one should make a test, of ten days by
leaving off coffee entirely and using
well-made Postum.
If relief follows you may know to
a certainty that coffee has been
your vicious enemy. Of course you
can take it back to your heart again,
if you like to keep sick.
A lady says:"l had suffered with
stomach trouble, nervousness and ter
rible sick headaches ever since I was
a little child, for my people were al
ways great coffee drinkers and let us
children have all we wanted. I got
so I thought I could not live without
coffee, but I would not acknowledge
that it caused my suffering.
"Then I read so many articles about
Postum that I decided to give it a fair
trial. I had not used it two weeks in
place of coffee until I began to feel
like a different person. The headache
and nervousness disappeared and
whereas I used to he sick two or three
days out of a week while drinking cof
fee I am now well and strong and
sturdy seven days a week, thanks to
"I had been using Postum three
months arid had never been sick a
day when I thought I would experi
ment and see if it really was coffee
that caused the trouble, so I began
to drink coffee again and inside of a
week I had a sick spell. I was so ill
I was soon convinced that coffee was
the cause of all my misery and I went
back to Postum with the result that
I was soon well and strong again and
determined to stick to Postum and
leave coffee alone in the future."
Read the little book, "The Road to
Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason."
Kver rend the nhovc letter? A iict*
one sippviirn front time to time. They
i*re genuine, true, uuti lull of human
la ter est.
"Not a crop failure in 18 years."
"Can raise more here than on Eastern
land costing five times as much."
"Came here 4 years ago with $800; now
have $4,500 in bank;"— Said of
Panhandle and South Plains Country.
The belt land bargain* to-day are found in
the prosperous Southwest.
The Panhandle and South Plains region of
northwest Texas offers good lands at the low
est prices in the Southwest.
You can't buy land there as cheaply this
year as last, and it will cost more next year.
Bo the tim. to buy is now,
I am not in the land business. The Santa
Fe Railway employs me to help settle up the
country along its lines. The service to you is
absolutely free. I aim not to exaggerate. The
truth about the Southwest is strong enough.
I consider the Panhandle and South Plains
as unequaled {or the man with •mall meoni.
Likewise nothing better for the man with a big
bank-roll. Both will prosper.
This country is no longer on the frontier.
Thousands already have settled there. More
•re coming in on everv train. You won't be
lonesome, out you won't be crowded, cither.
You ask what can be raised?
Beef, cereals, fruit and other things.
The average rainfall is twenty-four inches,
enough for raising crops without irrigation.
The more brains you farm with, the bigger the
yield. " Dry-farming " helps out some seasons.
I might talk on forever and not convince
you half as much as by reproducing the testi
mony of Mr. W. M. Curfman, of Hereford,
in the Texas Panhandle. He says:
" I came to Hereford four years ago and
bought 640 rxves of land nine vnile* southeast
of tovfti.
Sun-Burn, Prickly Heat, Itching, Chafing,
Galling, Hives, Pimples, Ivy Poisoning,
Insect Bites, Falling Hair, Dandruff
"SAGINE" is a purely vegetable Antiseptic, containing no
acids, oils or mineral poisons, and will not injure the most
delicate tissue.
If your Druggist does not keep SAGINt ANTISEPTIC, we will
forward one Large Bottle to any address on receipt of 50c.
Z~l Positively cured by
GARTERS "* ese ( ' e
MHB The.v also rplleve Dis
-'£§■ ITTir tress from Dyspepsia, In
*lT | wpn digestion and Too Hearty
g|l «/ Ic Eatiiiff. A perfect rem-
H q|| ■ m edy for Dizziness, Nan
■j| I ILLOa sea, Drowsiness, Bud
Taste in the Month, Coat
"r . 5 ed Tongue, Pain in the
They regulate the Dowels. Purely Vegetable.
IPADTEBCI Genuine Must Bear
! Fac-Simile Signature
Famous English Detective
Tries to Catch the French
Gentleman Criminal
Arsene Lupin is bold. lie announces
beforehand in the papers what his next
move is going to be. Ilis story begins in
the August number of
Short Stories
The first instalment is "No. 514
Series 23." It is a story that will hold your
interest. The French l'olicc finally give up
in their attempt to trap the wily Lupin
and send to England for Herlock Sholmes.
Then follows a battle of wits. The clever
French rogue against the keen reasoning
English detective.
Send us $1.50 for a year's subscription
to "Short_ Stories" and follow the fascinat
ing, amusing Lupin. Every month, too. there
are numbers of good, crisp, short stories
printed in big, clear type. Every news- I
dealer can handle your subscription.
Short Stories Company, Ltd.
135 Etist 16th Street New York City
Saves Time—Saves Money
Clonna.-e and beautifica the hair. '
MM Promote! a luxuriant growth.
■Res** * *O9 Never Falls to Restoro Gray
.Hair to ita Youthful Color.
LAND —1 It KKJATKD LAM), Perpetual
water riirlit; iin«- water; product Ire soil: crop •
fallnn-s unknown: ;>U bn. u heat perucre; toMons
alfalfa : healtliful« lino tc: tret- timber: e:isv term ;
writoliuw. IJXWODD I.A.M) iu. t IturL Spring,
R B l | 9 P ß !lS ! 7ft WutioiiF.roleman.WßQlv
PA IfcMl I ington. D.( . JiookHlree.
■ n ■ Ball Sw em releriun:«it. iicat r«MuIUJ>
" Built me a house and broke about fort»
acres of land the first year. Sold $416 worth
of produce off of same and had enough left
to winter thirty-five head of cattle and horses.
The second year had 120 acres in crop, and
sold SBO2 worth of farm products and wintered
forty-five head of stock. The fourth crop is
not yet harvested, except the wheat and oats.
The wheat and oats will bring me about S4OO,
and expect to get about st,ooo out of the bal
ance of the crop, besides wintering my stock.
" I now have 165 acres in cultivation. I
raise wheat, oats, June corn, tnilo maize, kafir
corn, sorghum, California wheat, millet and
cotton, and all kinds of vegetables. I came
here with 9800 and could make my check out
now for $4,500."
Mr. Curfman seems to be a satisfied man.
You can do as well as he perhaps better.
May I help you get a home somewhere in thia
best of the few places in the United States
where raw land may be bought for less than it
is worth ?
Cut out thia advertisement. Mail it to mfl
with your full name and address. I will then
mail you illustrated land folders which tell tha
story in detail and send our homcseekers*
monthly, The Earth, six months free. Quca»
tions promptly answered.
C. L. Seagbavrs, Gen. Colonization Agt.
A. T. & S. F. Ry. System.
1170 J Railway Exchange. Chicago.
W. N. U.. CLEVELAND, NO. 30-1909.
TUF TCL I II Paxtine excels any dentifrica
. ™ " *• i° cleansing, whitening and
removing tartar from the teeth, besides destroying
all germs of decay and disease which ordinrry
tooth preparations cannot do. t
TUP MAI ITU Paxtine used as a mouth
-11l Ci mvU I la wash disinfects the mouth
•nd throat, purifies the breath, and kills the cermi
which collect in the mouth, causing sore throat,
bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much sickness.
TUP pYrO w^en inflamed, tired, ach»
InKi El tw and burn, may be instantly
relieved and strengthened by Paxtine.
PAT&SSW Paxtino will destroy the germ*
" rA IK Is MS that cause catarrh, neal the in
flammation and stop the discharge. It is a sum
remedy for uterine catarrh.
Paxtine ia a harmless yet powerful frS 1 —
Bermicide,disinfectant and deodorizer, """vj
Used in bathing it destroys odors and KwtwjfcsJ®
leaves the body antiseptically clean. Kxjg-rSa
Bad 112 aste
in your mouth removed while
you wait—that's true. A Cas
caret taken when the tongue is
thick-coated with the nasty
squeamish feeling in stomach,
brings relief. It's easy, natural
way to help nature help you. 903
CASCARKTS—roc box—week's treat
ment. All druggists. Biggest seller
iu the world. Million boxes a month.
[ 3 1 of this paper de- II
JXCcICICfS ""Wto buy
anything adver- I
titled in it 3 columns should insist upon §
having what they ask for, refusing all I
substitutes or imitations.
frwiiMiHinnmiiiMii imO^M
' f^ c Jy^ v uLo; Thompson's £ye Water