Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 22, 1909, Image 8

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    Additional Bargains for our Great July Clearance Sale
We are bound to close out all our Summer Merchandise regardless of cost. Now is the time to save
; money. In addition to the many items from every department advertised last week we offer the following:
9-4 Very Best Sheeting 29c 81x90 Sheets for 74c 18c Pillow Cases, 14c Linen Napkins for 3c
This is the very best quality bleached Best quality Mohawk bleached Sheets, Last lot of excellent quality 45x3G bleached Hemmed Linen Napkins 12x12, ready for
Sheeting, regular 34c kind. OQ(i with wide hem, former price 89c. Ap Pillow Cases, wide hem, regular price 1 4r» use. Were made to sell for 10c
Sale price per yard - - Sale price - - 18c. Sale price each ... Sale p r j ce ea , c i, .... Ov
Bargains in EXTRA SPECIAL All our Ladies Cloth Tailor EXTRA SPECIAL $2 Couch covers $1.39
These Table Cloths are best I O.¥T w These are Ba S dft(l stripes.
QUALITY, OIL BOILED, RED AND WHITE $5.98 Ladies Tan Covert spring suits Have u«i| • JSAIE PRICE. - - $1.39
Sp^ se '$144! Coats for $1.50. Been Reduced as Follows: rlllllll©ry $2.00 Tapestry Tabic
Iteg. price 12.25, - 1.69 SB.OO, $8.50 and $9.00 Ml »25.00 Solte, jale price >17.60 Now is the time to get hat., for of^'iaLtnio.
Porfipri at Half Prirp 1 pHipc Tan 112 nvprt fWc AU 822.50JMt5, sale price 514.50 almost nothing. i table Table cloths,
roruers at nair rrice Ladies lan tovert toats AU SH>.SO SUITS, SA IE PRICE $12.00 TRIMMED HATS SALE PRICE - - ZQ
"NV e are going to close out all our r „ d»o nn . „ '
portiers much under cost. Here I «p3.UU. AU slf>.;>o Suits, sale price .lojio All $2.00 to $2.50 hats at SI.OO 39 c Table Damask 31c
is a chance for great saving. djio IJ* T fnvPff All_sl : i.;>o Suits, sale price 5.75 AUS3.OO to $3.75 hats at 1.50 -- i nch w hite Table Damask
85.00 Portiers, sale price $2.50 7, \ All 812.50 Suits, sale price 7.50 A 1184.00 to $5.00 hats at 2.00 w j t h turkey red, fast color border.
84.00 Portiers, sale price $2.00 _ CoatS for $4.50 All 8"M)() Suits, sale price 0.50 AU56.25 to
- AUS7.SO hats at 3.50 59c Corset Covers 49c
FlVe and a Half Cents * n Wash Suits away be- Wash Dress Goods All $9.00 to SIO.OO hats at 4.00 Excellent quality Corset Covers,
... . . prf (oats for S5 00 I r*> Less than Cost to Manu- it • ju .. trimmed with embroidery. Sale
Best quality American Prints, in CH VUtUS lUI low Cost facture. Untnmmed Hats . pr|(jc J
light ground with neat figures or These~coats are" White, light blue, copen- 50c Shant ""g 6ilk _36c Dress Shapes .... °
dots and gray with black figures, j man-tailored garments, made of hageD, etc. r.Qc Tama Silk - -29 c All 50c hats at 10c. _ Bargains in Bed Quilts
regular 7c quality. Sale C l -i excellent material and should be gfI.QQ Suits, sale price $3.98 25c Poia do Hoi, silk dotß 15 C All SI.OO to sl.2;> hats at 25c. SI.OO quality Crochet Quilts, Sale
price .... 2 ; sold quickly at these prices, which $6.75 Suits, sale price 4QR 16c Lineen Suiting - 19c All $1.50 to $1.75 hats at ;>oc. price - - - - Rio
are less than the cloth costi 5 All *1.50 to $3.00 hats at 7oc. ~ „ ~ C
ji If D ° ?2.00 quality Marselles Quilts,
All Children's Fancy 50c N- 00 Belts for 25c 10c Suiting for 8k 20S off on Child's straw B0N N E TS NeTkwlrLl^ 9
Embroidered Hats rantrine from An assorted lot of Belts. None in the lot This suiting is finished like linen and is linen All the pretty little straw bonnets in stock ior lUC.
.. ir . | worth less than 50c most of them were 91k color with neat figures or stripes, makes Q i are'included in this OA** f\CC A lot of assorted Neckwear, all
31.00 to S«>.oo, at half price. SI.OO each. Sale price L*DC excellent suite. Sale price - • O2C sale v-Jlt 25c goods, sale price 10c.
2.50 Jap Silk Waists $1.98 r- • » 1-4 Off
These waists are very handsomly ■ M WS I I ■ j I ■ j IjIII Hftri fYI S We have vet a splendid assortment
trimmed with lace yokes and fronts. Jl. JV U LrllM Li, Greatest StOre A " B6aS °" S
Sale price ■ ■ - $ j .98 7 viredte&i oluic 1-4 Off Reg. Price
| Breezy|
County I
New* J
W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
C. W. Barr, of Tunnell Hill, was a
pleasant caller in town Sunday.
Mrs. W. R. Smith transacted business
in Driftwood Monday.
Mrs. llufus Miller, of Williamsport,
was visiting relatives and friends at this
place this week.
The Johnson lte-union, on Wednes
day. was a very pleasant affair. All the
children gathered home once more with
their wives and families, consisting of
Albert L., and family, Harry E., and
family, of Renovo; Jersey L., and family,
•and J. Henry, of Jersey Shore; Jesse E.,
and family, Phineas H., and family, of
First Fork; Mrs. Asa Collins and son
Russ, of Conneaut, Ohio, and Mrs.
Duell. ot Dents Run.
Several of our people attended the
dedication of the Wesleyan church at
Castle Garden on Sunday, 18th. All
enjoyed the occasion, especially the able
sermon delivered by Rev. Jennings, ot
Syracuse, N. Y.
The Mason Re-union, which is to be
held in August, will be a very pleasant
affair if there is no preventing providence,
as the committee is now planning for the
occasion. They expect to have some
good speakers engaged for the day and
also the Driftwood band will be there.
Let all the Mason relatives be present
and enjoy the feast.
The farmers here are.very busily en
gaged in haying at preesent, but the hay
crop is not very promising this year.
L. 11. Smith and W. W. Johnson
transacted business in Driftwood this
Clarence Johnson was an Emporium
caller this week.
Daisy Johnson who has been visiting
with her sister, Mrs. John Witchey, of
Renovo, for the r week, returned
home Monday.
\ 11. 8.
Cows for Sale.
Several good fresh milch cows for
sale; also plenty of cabbage plants, 25c
per 100; §1.50 per thousand. Apply at
Climax Farm, Emporium, Pa.
18-tf, S. M. VANWERT.
Palmetto Molasses and Globe Syrup
in cans at C. B. Howard & Co's.
W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
Mrs. Will Dert and children, of Du-
Bois, is visiting her sister Mrs. Frances,
at this place.
May Moon, of Glean, N. Y., is visit
ing relatives in town.
Guss Snyder and Ezra Peters were seen
on our streets Sunday.
Helen Dellass, of Benezett, was in
town Thursday evening.
Ben Frances, of Hicks Run, spent
Sunday with his family at this place.
Mr. Collins, of Austin, was in town on
business Tuesday.
J. C. Maloy transacted business in
town on Thursday.
Mrs. J. R. Russell is visiting friends
at Driftwood.
T. 11. Garrity, of this place, was a
Dußois visitor Tuesday.
There will be a game of ball between
the tannery team and the down town
team Saturday. Everybody come and
enjoy the afternoon.
X. X. X.
H. W. Mitchell, dentist, Emporium.
William Wykoff spent Sunday with
his family in this place.
The ice cream social held in this place
Saturday evening, was well attended.
The not receipts amounted to $14.55.
The Calder "swatters" after defeating
Sterling Run last week, attacked them
again Saturday and were defeated by the
score of 12 to 6. But they say they are
not satisfied yet, and will arrange for a
return game in the near future.
H. H. Burdick, third trick telegrapher
at this place, resigned his position and re
turned to Emporium Sunday, Operator
W. J. McCartan relieving him.
Mrs. E. D. Krare and childreb, Mrs.
J. Clark and Miss Bennett were Empori
um callers Saturday.
Quite a number of berry pickers from
Emporium have been seen in this place
the past few days, but their pails were not
overflowing. Berries evidently are not
very plenty this year.
Fred Schwab and nephew went berry
ing Saturday up the wilds of Hunts Run,
expecting to return towards evening,
but they became lost in some mauner and
did not return until Sunday afternoon.
They set their berries down while hunt
ing the path and lost them also, so they
had exceedingly bad luck all through.
A. A. Smith, signal foreman of Sterl
ing Run, made a business trip to this
place Saturday.
D. Robinson, Supt., of the Penn Vit
rified Brick Co., is wearing the smile
that won't wear off. It's a boy. Dave,
we are waiting for the cigars.
W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
Mrs. Emma J. Rolfe, of Elmira, was
j the guest of Mrs. J. E. Smith, the past
I week.
Paul liikle left Tuesday for Ridgway,
Roy Page, of Cameron, having accepted
J the position as electrician at this place.
Mrs. Alice Davis and daughters Helen
and Elsie, of Williamsport, are the guests
of the former's sister, Mrs. John May.
Mr. Langow, of Williamsport, is visit
ing in town, guest of Lora and Gladys
The Children's Day exercises in the
M. E. Church, Sunday, was well attend
ed and enjoyed by all. The little folks
done extra well.
Albert Smith and family returned
home the past week from a two week's
visit with friends and relatives in Lock
Haven and Beech Creek.
The Sterling Run base ball team play
ed Driftwood, Friday, score 15 to 0 in
favor of Driftwood. They played Cam
eron on Saturday, score 14 to 5 in favor
of home team.
Rev. Allen, of Blaekwell, former pastor
of M. E. Church, was calling on* friends
in town the past week.
Lulu Lewis returned home Friday from
a visit with friends at New Bethlehem
and Rockton.
Mrs. Joseph Bruno and daughter
Kathryn, were visitors at Renovo Tues
John Kissel has accepted a position at
Sand Point, Ills#! John is one of Sterl
ing's most estimable young men and we
wish him success.
Jennie and Myrtle Stiver, of Youngs
town, are the guests of Lulu Lewis.
Miss R. L. Brink returned home
Monday from a week's visit at Mt.
Randoph Miller and family, of Wil
liamsport, visited relatives in towd the
past week.
Born—July 9th, 1901), to James
Berry and wife, a daughter.
j Neva Summerson, of Hicks Run, is
| the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. G.
! Howlett.
The Pine Street School commenced
j Monday. Miss Francis Barr of Hicks
j Run is teacher.
Stomach Troubles.
Many remarkable cures of stomach
I troubles have been effected by Chamber
; lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. One
I man who had spent over two thousand
I dollars for mediciae and treatment was
| cured by a few boxes of these tablets,
j Price, 2.5 cents. Samples fiee at Tag
gart's drug store.
W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium
Mrs. J. Y. Strayer went to Lock
Haven Hospital, last Saturday, for treat
ment. She was accompanied by Mrs. J.
H. Krebs.
A number of people from here, attend
ed the dedication services at the Castle
Garden Church, lastSnnday.
Mrs. Martha Robinson, who has been
visiting Geo. Shafer and family, returned
to Renovo Tuesday.
Colonel Foultz and wife have moved
into part of the old Foultz Homestead.
Quite a number of new faces in town,
owniug to the increased work at the
dynamite plant.
Ralph Shafer, wife and daughter visit
ed J.A. Shafer and family a few days
this week.
Clyde Bitner, of Lock Haven, spent
Sunday in town.
Mrs. Amos Bennett and James
Ilaynes, returned from Dulutli, Minn.,
last Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Wm. Huff is visiting Mrs. Geo.
Huff and Mrs. Qniggle.
Miss Dent, grand-daughter of R. B. B.
Crum, visited on Sunday with her grand
parents here.
The skating rink was open last Satur
day evening and proved to be the favorite
place to spend the evening.
James Ilaynes is quite ill at his home
up the Fork.
Mrs. C. M. Wykoff and Jos. Strayer
were called to Lock Haven on account of
the serious nature of Mrs. Strayer's ill
X. X. X.
Farm for Sale.
The Jno. K. Morrison farm, located
on Weit Creek, consisting of 240 acres,
about eighty acres improved; plenty of
fruit; good farm buildings; natural gas
and pure spring water in house,
Thirty minutes drive from Emporium.
For terms apply to John K. Morrison,
Emporium, Pa., R. F. D. 23-tf.
For Sale.
One good light driving horse, three
years old; also light harness and
buggy. Apply to Herman Johnson,
Box 78, East Emporium, Pa. 22-3t.
Quarterly Meeting.
Religious services will be held at the
Elk Lick school house, Saturday after
noon and evening, July 24th, and Sun
day morning and evening, July 25th.
Rev. W. F. Hall, pastor of the new W.
M. Church at Castle Garden will be in
charge of these services. Everyone is
cordially invited to attend.
Pastor of W. M. Church, Rich Valley.
Chronic Rheumatism.
This is the variety of rheumatism that
usually attacks the larger joints, knees,
hips and shoulders. It is aggravated by
cold and damp weather, and for this rea
son a man afflicted with it can often fore
tell changes in the weather. Chamber
lain's Liniment applied freely and with
vigorous rubbing relieves the pain and
makes sleep and rest possible. It will
also effect a cure, but will not prevent
the recurrence of the disease. For sale
by Taggart.
DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
will instantly allay all troubles of the
Kidney and Bladder, and will stop the
pain caused by these disordered organs.
Sold by all druggists.
Delay in taking Foley's Kidney Rem
edy if you have backache, kidney or
bladder trouble, fastens the disease upon
you and makes a cure more difficult.
Commence taking Foley's Kidney lietn
edy to-day and you will soon be well.
Why risk a serious malady? Sold by all
Everyone would be benefited by tak
ing Foley's Orino Laxative for stomach
and liver trouble, habitual constipation.
It sweetens the stomach and breath,
gently stimulates the liver and regulates
the bowels and is much superior to pills
and ordinary laxatives. Why not try
Foley 8 Orino Laxative to-day? Sold
by all druggists.
Many people with chronic throat and
lung trouble have found comfort and re
lief in Foley's Honey Tar as it cure
stubborn coughs after other treatmen
has failed. L. M. Ruggles, Reasnor
lowa, writes: "The doctors said I had
consumption, and I got no better until I
took Foley's Honey and Tar. It stopped
the hemorrhages and pain in my lungs
and they are now as sound as a bullet."
Sold by all druggists.
If people with symptoms of kidney or
bladder trouble could realize their danger
they would without loss of time com
mence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy.
This great remedy stops the pain, and
the irregularities, strengthens and builds
up these organs aDd there is no'danger of
Rright's disease or other serious disorder.
Do not disregard the early symptoms.
Sold by all druggists.
Kodol will relieve you promptly in the
event that you should experience
stomach trouble. Kodol is guaranteed.
Sold by all druggists.
Sale of Straw Hats have exceeded
our expectation, but have a few leit.
If you desire one, call at O. B. Howard
& Go's.
Don't forget always a fresh line of
Crackers and Cookies at C. B. Howard
& Co'B.
Of the Receipts, Expenditures, Assets
and Liabilities of the Poor Fund
of Emporium Borough, for
the Year Ending Monday,
March I st, 1909.
F. P. STRAYER, Overseer of the Poor, in ae*
count with Poor Fund.
Balance on hand last audit.. $283 60
Rec'd from John Glenn, C 011.1908 980 56
Rec'd from John Glenn,Coll. 1907 35 35
$1,309 51
Paid relief of Joe Infelt 16 00
Paid relief of A. Yaggi 10 00
Paid relief ot Mrs. Detrick 216 85
Paid relief of Tramps 10 72
Paid relief of J. B. Cruickshank 35 00
Paid relief of Mrs. Sam'l Parker 20 00
Paid relief of L. W. Spence 49 00
Paid relief of J. R. Fudge, 55 00
Paid relief of Jack Bell 78 85
Paid relief L. Gilford and J Hitchcock 215 00
Paid Independent, printing auditors'
report 24 0 0
Paid Dr. Smith, medical services 54 00
Balance in hands of F. P. Strayer 525 19
{1,309 51
F. G. JUDD, Overseer of the Poor, in account
with the Poor Fund.
Balance on hand last audit $699 23
Rec'd from John Glenn, Coll 1908 800 00
Rec'd from John Blinzler 91 50
$1,590 73
Paid relief of Mrs. Mary Mix $332 19
Paid relief of A. Yaggi 13 00
Paid relief of Orrin Easterbrooks 36 00
Paid relief of Thos. Smith 33 30
Paid relief of Mrs. Carr 49 6S
Paid relief of John Romain 5 60
Paid relief of Tramps 21 70
Paid relief ot Mary Ellen Mundy 120 00
Paid relief of Thos. Trotter 90 00
Paid relief of Mr. Bellows 2 75
Paid relief of Mrs. Clohessy 15 00
Paid relief of A. Virginia 2 31
Paid State Hospital at Warren 183 00
Paid Green & Felt, retainer 1908 15 00
Paid Cameron County Press, printing
auditors' report 24 00
Paid W. L. Thomas, making tax dupli
cate.. 5 00
Paid Emporium Machine Co., for lime 1 4G
Balance in hands of F. G. Judd 640 7'/
$1,590 73
JOHN GLENN. Collector 1908, in account wit!)
the Poor Fund of Emporium Borough.
To amount of duplicate of 1908 $1,821 Bfc
Balance due from 1907 35 35
$1,857 2!
By amount paid F. P. Strayer $1,025 91
By amount paid F. G. .Tudd 800 0G
By ainouut of exonerations 3130
$1,857 2)
Balance in hands ot F. P. Strayer £525 o'.*
Balance in hands of F. G. Judd 610 77
$1,165 86
Wo, the undersigned, Auditors of the Borough
of Emporium, Pa., hereby certify that we have
examined and audited the accounts of the Poor
Masters of said Borough and And the foregoing
a correct statement of their accounts and of the
Poor Fund.
Borough Auditors.
June 15th, 1909.—22-3
Set! Clover blossom and 'looey Bee cc Every Bottle.