Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 29, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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German Invention That Will Bore
Holes Square—Said to Be
Mechanical Wonder.
A three-cornered drill that bores
square hcles and that can be used on
Machine That Makes Square Holes.
any lathe, drill press or milling ma
chine is one of the latest improve
ments in mechanical tools. This tool
will have a wide field of application in
wood, stone and metal working ma
terials. The time occupied by usual
methods of cutting square or angular
boles is so great as to bar their use
except on expensive work, but when
using the new drill a square hole can
be bored nearly as rapidly as boring a
round hole with a twist drill.
A new ide.a in window displays
which could doubtless be used as a
lovelty is described in the Merchants'
Uecord and Show Window. The con
struction is very simple and the illus
• rat ion will show the proper setting for
the display The platform is first con
structed, which should be about 12
incho* high. On this platform make a
frame of light lumber, as shown in Fig.
A Ik
L I :\
Fio. J F,o. 3
1. Over the two sides and back of
this frame are draped goods of some
solid dark color such as deep green.
In the- middle is placed a pedestal,
which is cut. out alojjg its entire length
ns shown in Fig. 2. The top is made
of a large wooden bowl having a sec
tion of the back cut out to admit tho
form of a young man, making it ap
pear as if the bowl were filled.
The placing of the mirrows is shown
in Fig. 1. They fit into the groove in
1 lie pedestal and extend diagonally
back to (he two rear corners. When
the mirrors are properly fitted they
will reflect the two sides of the booth.
To tho spectator in front it seems that
he' is looking at the back of the booth
Food Which Constitutes Ideal Meal.
it must be remembered that pure
starch, pure sugar, pure protein and
even pure fat are practically nowhere
found in a state of nature. Roughly
speaking, a dietary consisting of one
fifth protein, or meat-like food; two
thirds carbohydrate, or starch and
sugar foods; and, to use a hibernic
ism, one-eighth fat, is the proper
working proportion. This of course
roughly corresponds to the slice of
meat, two or more slices of bread, a
helping of potatoes, rice or macaroni,
the vegetables, the pat of butter and
the fruit, sweets, pudding or pie
which the average human regards as
a "sipiare meal."—Woman's Home
Indigo No Longer Profitable.
Now. that the chemical manufacture
of indijjo has made the natural prod
uct unprofitable, only 12 districts in
Htirma grow the indigo plant, and
chiefly for local dyeing purposes.
Most of the enemies we make whol
ly overlook the fa"L that they assisted
in the making.
Darwin's Sons.
The axiom concerning great men's
sons does not hold good in tue case
of Darwin. Four surviving sons of his
are men of eminence. Sir George
Howard Darwin, K. ('. 8., L. D., D. Sc.,
is Piumian professor of astronomy
and experimental philosophy at Cam
bridge, and has made valuable dis-!
coveries in meteorological science. Mr.
Francis Darwin who is a doctor of
medicine and a distinguishes:
has been foreign secretary of the
; With a little change the drill, tri
angular holes, and holes with Ave, six
j or more sides can be bored as desired.
The device for doing this work con
sists of a special drill, three-coi nered
for making square holes, and a special
clitick for holding this tool which is
fixed on the ordinary lathe or drill
press. This chuck contains three parts
that move Independently of one an
other. First, a part that screws on
and revolves with the spindle of a
lathe or drill; second, a stationary
part which rides on the first part, and
third, a holder into which the shank
of the drill is screwed. This holder is
caused to rotate with the first part, but
is at liberty to move sidewise a certain
distance in any direction. The exact
motion is determined by a guide in the
second part of the chuck which sur
rounds the shank of the drill.
The shank of the drill is three-cor
nered, but not exactly triangular—that
is, the three sides are convex, being
formed by arcs of circles struck from
centers at the opposite corners. The
three-cornered shank just fits into the
square guide and as the shank turns
around in the guide which is held sta
tionary the three corners of the shank
in turn enter into each of the four cor
ners of the guide. At the same time
the three corners of the cutting head
strike out the sides of the work.
German Inventor Who Has Provided
Something for Golfers.
A German inventor has designed a
glove for golfers, (he fingers of which
#are provided with
little lead weights
at the base. These
weights rest just
over the third
knuckles oft he
forefingers and
thumb, and it is
claimed that this
additional weight
on the hands gives
an impelling force to golf clubs which
cannot be gained by making them
* heavier.
Instead of the reflectionn of tho sides.
The appearance to him is that he can
see all around the pedestal. The per
son demonstrating stands back of the
mirrors and close up against the ped
estal nnd bowl. Only the head and
shoulders should be visible, which will
appear to rest in the bowl.
The illustration, Fig U, shows a dis
play made for millinery. In this case
a young woman stood behind th<?
pedestal with a hat of one style and by
having several hats lying hack of tho
mirrors she could disappear, make a
change of headgear and reappear to
tho mystification of the crowd in front
of the window. The remainder of the
show window can be made to harmon
ize with the covering of the booth. The
illusion scheme is a good one to use on
special occasions, such as during car
nivals or street fairs. Its success de
pends upon the careful fitting of the
mirrors and the manner in which the
curtains are arranged. The inside of
the booth should be comparatively
•lark and the curtains should hang
straight, otherwise the scheme may be
His Idea.
Church—They say that if a human
being continued to grow at the rate
lie does during his first year of life,
he would be over C 8 feet tail at the
age of ten. What do you think of
that ?
Gotham Why, I think a boy would
have to put on long trousers pretty
early in life.—Yonkers Statesman.
"Father," inquired the lad, sharply,
"what is pin money?"
"My boy," answered the parent,
pointedly, slipping his hand into hij
pocket, "pin money is what you stick
people for."—William Purple Cow.
Been There Before.
The Lawyer—The first thing we
must look into—
The Client—ls my pocket. ] under
stand that—go ahead.
Gasoline Used for Soldering.
Gasoline oan be used as a soldering
flux for very neat work on tin. Fol
low up quickly with a hot copper am]
no stain will show.
Royal society since 1903; he was his
father's assistant at Down, and after
tV-> hitter's death wrote a life of him
and edited his letters. Maj. Leonard
Darwin was 011 the staff intelligence
department of the war office; he
served on several scientific expedi
tions, and after retiring from the
royal engineers sat. as M. P. for Lich
fit Id. He has written books on "lii
metallism" and on "Municipal Tr-ule."
Mr. Horace Darwin is chairman of the
"ambridge Scientific Instrument Com
pany, and an ex-mayor of Cambridge.
It Cannot Be Done by .Usiing- Cheap
Material and Cheap Painters.
In arranging for painting, a good
many property-owners try to save
money by employing the painter who
offers to do the job cheapest—or try
to save money by insisting on a low
priced paint. But no property-owner
would run such risks if he realized
what must be taken into considera
tion in order to get a job that will
wear and give thorough satisfaction.
No houseowner will go wrong on
the painting question if be writes Na
tional Lead Company, 1902 Trinity
Building, New York, for their House
owner's Painting Outfit No. 49, which
is sent free. It is a complete guide
to painting. It includes a book of
color schemes for either exterior or
interior painting, a book of specifica
tions, and an instrument for detecting
adulteration in paint materials.
Nearly every dealer has National
Lead Company's pure white lead.
(Dutch Boy Painter trademark.) If
yours has not notify National Lead
Co., and arrangements will bo made
for you to get it.
1 .
"Why didn't you come around ear
lier? The snow is all melted away."
"Dat's just my luck, lady. Every
time I feels like workin' do sun cornea
out and does me out of a job!"
The Missionary Mule.
"That mule," said the old farmer, "la
what I call a 'missionary mule,' an' I'll
tell you why: It throwed one man on
his head, an' when the man wuz able
to be up an' about ag'in, he went to
preachin'; an' the last time the sheriff
come to levy on that mule the critter
j kicked him 'cross the county line, whar
I they wuz lioldin' a campmeetin' an'
I'm blest ef the sheriff didn't git relig
ion an' quit runnin' fer office —w'ich
wuz oncommon hard to do. seeln' that
the office habit run in his blood. I tell
you, nutliin' in this here worl' is to be
despised, w'en as humble a critter as
a mule kin be a missionary!"
What Charlie Had.
Several of the scholars had returned
to Sunday cchool after being absent
some weekv. on account of illness. "I
had the nu -isles," Faid one little girl.
"I bad the "lumps," 6aid another. "So
did I." said a third. The superintend
ent heard "hem, and, addressing a
curly-headed boy said: "Well, Charlie,
you were absent, too. What did you
Charlie's face flushed. He thought a
; moment and tlven sang out in high
treble: "I had a little brudder!"—De
Not Our Discovery.
The Greek, Eratosthenes, 250 B. C.,
taught the doctrine of the rotundity
of the earth, and the ideas of the
sphere, its poles, axis, the equator,
arctic and antarctic circles, equinoc
tial points and the solstices were quite
generally entertained by the wise men
of that time. There were plenty of
men 'n Rome, therefore, who were
prepared to talk about the earth as a
■phore and to make globes illustrating
their ideaa.
It Jarred Him.
Howell—How did you come to break
your engagement with that girl?
Powell—l had reason to think that
ahe hadn't enough practical knowledge
to make her a good helpmeet.
Howell —What gave you that idea?
Powell—l told her one day that the
hens weren't laying, and she said she
supposed that would affect the price
of egg coal.
Tales That Are Told.
"I was one of the kind who wouldn't
believe that coffee was hurting me,"
says a N. Y. woman. "You just couldn't
convince me its use was connected
with the heart and stomach trouble I
Buffered from most of the time.
"My trouble finally got so bad I
had to live oft milk and toast almost
entirely for three or four years. Still
I loved the coffee and wouldn't believe
it could do such damage.
"What I needed was to quit coffee
and take nourishment in such form as
my stomach could digest.
"I had read much about Postum,
bat never thought it would fit my case
until one day I decided to quit coffee
and give it a trial and make sure about
it. So I got a package and carefully
followed the directions.
"Soon I began to get better and was
able to eat carefully selected foods
without the aid of pepsin or other di
festants and it was not long before I
was really a new woman physically.
"Now I am healthy and sound, can
eat anything and everything that
comes along and I know this wonder
ful change is all due to my having
quit coffee and got the nourishment I
needed through this delicious Postum.
"My wonder is why everyone don't
give up the old coffee and the troubles
that go with it and build themselves up
as I have done, with Postum."
Easy to prove by 10 days' trial of
Postum in place of coffee. The reward
is big.
"There's a Reason."
Ever rrnd the above letter? A new
one appears from time to tiiue. They
■re genuine, true, and full of hiuMß
When Courage Failed.
"Duke," said the heiress, eagerly,
"did you see T&ther?" • ~ •
"Yes." . „ ' .
"We talked about the weather."
"What? Lose your again?
Why don't you brace up and talk Hke
a man—a subject of a'king'on 'Whoae
domain the sun never sMs!"".
"Can't," moaned the duke. "All the
time I was in your father's uliice ha
kept grinning at a big painting."
"What painting?"
"The battle of Bunker Hill." —
plncott'n. _
SIOO Reward, SIOO.
The readers of thtt paper will be pleased to learn
that there li at least Olio dreaded disease that science
has been able to cure ID all Its stages, and that la
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive
cure iiuw known to tha medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally. acting directly upon the hlood and mueoui
lurfaces ot the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving the patient
itrongtli by building up the constitution and assist
ing nature In doing Its work. Hie proprietors have
jo much faith In Its cnratlvo powers that they offer
Dne Hundred Dollars for any case that it (ail* to
jure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address P. J. CftTINEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
gold by all DrugglstA inc.
fake Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
One Thing She Was Sure Of.
Grace—Really, mother, you seem
cross this morning.
Mother (sternly)— How often have 1
told you not to let that young man
kiss you?
Grace—l don't know, mother, but
certainly not as often as he has
kissed me.
Do You Feel Like This?
Does your head ache or simply feci heavy
»nd uncomfortable? Docs your back ache?
Docs your side ache? Do you feel fagged
sut? The tonic laxative herb lea known as
Lane's Family Medicine will clear your
head, remove the pain in side or back and
restore your strength. Nothing else is so
good for the stomach and bowels. At drug
lists' uud dealers', 25c.
Whale—What are you going to tell
rour wife when you get home?
Jonah—l don't know; I don't sup
pose she would believe me if I should
:ell her that I had been to a fish din
aer.—The Bohemian.
Ask Your Druggist for Allen's Foot-Ease.
"I tried ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE recent
y, and have just bought another supply.
t has cured my corns, and the hot, burn
ng and itching sensation in my foot which
s r as almost unbearable, and I would not
)e without it now.—Mrs. W. J. Walker,
?amden, N. J." Sold by all Druggists, 25c.
"Did a man ever kiaa you against
rour will?"
"No; but some havo thought they
lid."—Brooklyn Life.
Itod, Weak, Wcnry, Watery Ej-en
Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. Com
jounded by Experienced Physicians. Con
forms to Pure Food.and Drug Laws. Mu
•ino Doesn't Smart; Soothes Eye Pain.
Try Murine In Your Eyes. At Druggists.
Skill to do comes of doing, know
edge comes by eyes always open and
vorlting hands, and there is no know
edge that is not power.—Emerson.
Particularly for Particular People.
Souders' Vanilla -Extract is produced
Tom fine Mexican Vanilla Beans—a pure,
•ich concentrated flavor. All grocers. But
ip in 10, 15 and 25-cent bottles.
Occasionally a man listens to an hon
isi opinion because it is so different I
rom his own.
1 as with jfoy6us hearts and Smiling faces they romp and play—when in health—and !'
how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor life they 1 "
enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome. Q j
diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved, I
not by constant medication, b\i\ by careful avoidance of every medicine of an injuri- I
ous or objectionable nature, and if at any time a remedial agent is required, to assist I
nature, only thpse of known excellence should be used; remedies which are pure I
and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy,
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co..'
II Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna has come into general favor in many millions of
well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and excellence is based upon
personal knowledge and use. . . '
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna has also met with the approval of physicians gen
erally, because they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We inform
all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of figs and Elixir of
Senna, obtained by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act
most beneficially, and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Cal- n
ifornian blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret I
remedy, and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do '
® not approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication. •
© Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs a
and Elixir of Senna always has the full name of the Company—California Fig
Syrup Co.—plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in J
bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent |
size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not accept it. Ijl
I If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects. Every family 111
I I should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial for the parents and /Ml
children, whenever a laxative remedy is required.
1 rgfr*.
UI 1
lh Preparation for As
similating the Food andßegula-
M ting the Stomachs arid Bowels of
Promotes Digesfion.Cheerful
?3 ! nessandßcst Contains neither
Opium, Morphine nor Mineral
<jy P»opt cfotd DrSAMVIIMCWM
9|V Mtmp/ftn Set J •
Mx Stnna + '
| ¥ A'othel/* Softs
Jnitt Sttd #
itpp<rmint - >
•vJ Silirlon a U SctU% «
'S norm Seed -
J'J Clari/iedSuyar
I» 0 1 Wmtergrten /•"/nvor *
$.C| A perfect Remedy forConslipn
■SHij lion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,
KO Worms .Convulsions.Fcvcrish
nessand Loss OF SLEEP
jfcl| Tdc Simile Signature of
under the Foodanfl
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Jess Said Her Prayers.
Ono day three-year-old Baby Jess j
was visiting her grandmother, who
■vas very devout. She asked Baby
Jess if her mother bad taught her |
to say her prayers.
Jess answered: "Yes, ina'am."
"Whom do you pray to, dear, and 1
ask to forgive your naughty ways?",
"Sometimes I pray to mother's
knees and sometimes to tlie bed." — i
Tiitio is Ihe beet test. For over fifty i
years Hamlins Wizard Oil has been the I
most popular remedy in tho United States
for (lie cure of Rheumatism, Neuralgia
and all pain and inflammation.
When you wear out a suit of clothes
you can generally get another, but It's
different when you wear out your wel
Do not force yourself to take offensive
fand harmful) drugs—take Garfield Tea,
Nature's Herb laxative; it overcomes con
stipation, purifies the blood, brings Health!
In point of geographical elevation
Madrid Is the highest city of Europe.
Mrs. Wlnslow'H Soothlr>(» Syrop.
For children teethlnir, softens the Riiniß, reduces In
flammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. i!se a bottle.
There is nothing more uncertain
than a sure thing. 1
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Signature /AM
ft JjV
ft/ S8
\j For Over
Thirty Years
Eliminates All
in the purchase if
„ j ,s an a bsol«'e
guarantee of |iur.
l' or your own
Ww'W protection, see
that it is on the side of
every keg of white lead
w 1902 Tilnlty Bulldlr-K. New York
"I tried all kinds of blood remedies
which failed to do me any good, but X
have found the right thing at last. My
face was full of pimples and black-heads.
After taking Cascarets they all left. I am
continuing the use of them and recom
mending them to my friends. I feel fin#
when I rise in the morning. Hope to
have a chance to recommend Cascarets."
Fred C. Witten, 76 lilrn St., Newark, N. J.
Pleasant, Palatable. Potent, Taste Good.
Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe.
10c, 25c, 50c. Never sold in bulk. The genu
ine tablet stamped CC C. Guaranteed to
euro or ygur juuacy ba<&. 922
W. N. U., CLEVELAND, NO. 17-1909.