Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 15, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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| Breezy |j
I County
If Neti?sl
W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
Clara and Dewey Dili spcut Easter
with the family of E. G. Hicks.
Rev. W. 11. Hall is to remain on the
circuit for another year. We are glad to
have him back.
Who says there i* no lumber in our
nci h'joilio id? (). 15. Tanner is hauling
some fine ties to the banking ground,
and Thos. Couniek has put up a mill to
saw the lumber receutly purchased of
M orris Donovan.
There is a great deal said about ' rev
enue" and "protection,' but if the waste
lands were protected from fire, they
would yield a geod revenue to the own
ers and be good to look at while the
timber is growing.
Ilulbert Smith, of Square Timber
Run, visited his cousin, (). B. Tanner
last week.
Ray Jordan says its work to take care
of tbe engine aud boiler at the mill.
Bernice Wrighton who has been visit
ing her uncle Ewen Ives and family and
is now spending a week on Huston Hill.
Her home is at Wilmer.
Mrs. Amelia Ives, who has been very
cick, is reported to be improving slightly.
Beatrice Duell has been suffering from
chicken pox, but is now much better.
Mrs. C. W. Williams has sold her
store at Driftwood, it is said, and is
spending some time on the farm.
AV. 11. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
A. W. Smith went to First Fork
Saturday after his sister Emmalync, who
will keep house for him in the future.
Lawrence Smith is suffering severely
from an attack of neuralgia.
J. E. Johnson is moving to First Fork
where he will co-operate with his brother
Phiueas iu extensive farming operations
during the coming season.
Selbourue Logue has purchased the
honseliold effects of John Drivas and will
move into the house recently vacated by
J. E. Johnson and keep house with his
John Jordan has finished his tie job
and will now try for some Taft onions.
During the high wind Wednesday, the
east bound semaphore pole was blown
across the east bound track at "HY"
tower. As the Buffalo flyer was then
due Operator Foster, assisted by Thomas
Roberts and J. F. Sullivan, got the pole
off the track before the train came. The
wind also blew the roof of} Smith &
Logue's mill and blew down several trees.
Tbe lumber firm from Oil City has
purchased all of the suitable timber in
this section and W. 11. Logue and Levi
11. Smith will have charge of preparing
and shipping it to market.
Seventeen members of the Sinnama
honing Outing Club gave a pleasant sur
prise to Mrs. A. F. Nelson and family
Thursday evening. A fine supper and a
good time was enjoyed by all.
It is rumored that Elmer Hill, of
Grove Hill, is about to become interest
ed in the grocery business in Driftwood.
We wish him every success for he is one
of our most promising young men.
Elmer is also greatly interested in our
school system and we predict a bright
future for him.
William 11. Jolloff, of Howards, was
a caller on friends in town Sunday.
Harvey and Grover Mason, of Tunnel
Hill, were in town Friday.
J. F. s.
W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
Fritz Craven moved from Cooks Run
Junction to Howardville.
Mrs. Andrew Blinzler, of Emporium,
visited her parents Patrick Dulling and
wife, of this place, last week. She left
April oth to join her husband who pro
ceeded her to West Virginia, where he
is employed.
A. S. McGraw purchased a new watch
last week. He intends to use it to stop
work with. He says it can outrun any
thing in the watch line.
We are informed that Tillman Chad
wick will move to town and that Fred
Edwards will occupy his residence in this
The trout hog has made his appear
ance. One of our young men, who
should knowbctter,was searched by a fish
warded last week, but just happened to
have no fish on his person, which is not
saying he did not have them elsewhere.
Milton Lewis moved from Howardville
to the city this week.
Mrs. Edw. McCoimick visited Lewis
Run relatives last week.
Mrs. F. J. Lewis returned from Olean
last week, where she transacted business
as a delegate to the Lockport Conference
of the Wesleyan Methodist church.
c. M.s.
' [We called the attention of the Super
visors and Poormasters to this fact but
thus far they have failed to comply with
the demands of the people. The tax.
payers of Shippen have not been allowed ,
to read the Auditors' settlements of the
Township for two or three years, al- ,
though the Poor Masters did publish tbe
report last year. Very naturally, the
tax payers think '-there is something 101-
ton in Denmark" when the audits are i
suppressed. It is up to the tax-payers
of the township.]— EDlTOß.
Leon Woodcock, in company with the
Misses Carter, of Ilowardsville, spent
Sunday in the Valley.
Mrs. William Brown is visiting Ilicks
Hun friends this week.
Frank Caskey, of ltidgway, is in the
Valley this week on business.
. . 1
William Page and family of East Km- •
porium, were calling on Vallay friends,
Pheobe Granger moved from Granger
Station to Slabtown, recently.
Joseph Eastwood is very ill at present.
John Minard. accompanied by Cry
stal Housler, visited Valley friends, Sun
Tillman Chadwick expects to move to
town this week". Fred Edwards will oc
cupy his home.
F. F. Ililliker, the washce man, was
011 our streets Sunday. He could easily
find business for an addition to his laund
ry in this place.
Lowell Lewis, who has been sorely
afflicted, docs not improve as fast as his
many friends could wish.
The Auditors' Report of Shippen
township has failed to make its appear
ance as per usual. As no one would con
test it, why is it withheld? Perhaps ye
editor can inform us.
H. W. Mitchell, dentist, Emporium.
The cold weather is making the parties
who had sowed their oats, planted early
potatoes and gardens wish they hadn't
been "quite so previous." With the
mercury at 1-1° above zero it looks as
though winter "still lingers in the lap of
spring" for sure this time.
C. E. Logue has the foundation laid
for a barn on the M. J. Colcord place on
the site where the Richardson drug store,
burned a few years ago. lie has the
lumber on the ground and is going to put
it right up. And meanwhile he is keep
ing his blooded cow that he imported
from Potter county in a cloth tent.
A. G. Bell has moved to Emporium,
where he is going to live with his
At a social on Saturday evening in the
Gilmore school house, the sum of 810
was raised towards the salary of Rev.
Frank Lawson, who has been returned
here for another year and which I be
lieve gives general satisfaction to his
parishioners. A number of young men
were up from Sinnamahoning to the
social. John Poult z brought them up
in his hack.
The Gilmore school closed on Thurs
day and Miss Lewis the teacher left on
Saturday afternoon for her home at
County Supt., Miss Collins was here
at the close of school and examined a
small class of aspirants for teachers. We
understand they passed muster with good
M. J. Colcord of the Potter Journal
was in tnwn last week, seeing about the
building of the new barn, and while here
trimmed his Sober Paragon chestnut grafts
of last year, aud saved the scions, expect
ing to uraft a large number of chestnut
trees in a couple of weeks if the weather
is suitable:
The rise of water last week let Burlin
game & Logue got some more, rafts of
logs down to the mill for O. L. Bailey.
0. L. Bailey is furnishing the lumber
for Colcord's new barn and Wlll. Cald
well has the job of hauling it from the
Nup Sed.
W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
John Furlong, of Pittsburg, was the
guest of his mother, Mrs. Furlong,
I)r. Wright, and wife, of Erie, George
Ilerrick and children, of St. Marys,
spent Easter with their mother, Mrs.
Miss Nettie Kissel, who has been
ill for some time, is not much better at
this writing.
Mrs. C. G. Schmidt, of Emporium,
was the guest of Mrs. John Neenan Sun
Vida ITousler spent Saturday and Sun
day at home.
Mrs. A. F. Anderson and little daugh
ter were Emporium visitors Saturday.
Mildred Sprung, of Emporium, and
Lyla Ponday, of Ilicks Ilun, spent East
er with their parents. Win. Berry and
John Berry and George O'Keefe were
Hicks Run visitors a day or two ago.
Charles Shives, Herbert Rentz and
Dick Hughes of Emporium were the
guests of J. 11. Strawbridge and wife
L. J. Brooks is the guest of her sister,
Mrs. George Ilerrick, at St. Marys, this
Mrs. L. W. Spence moved to North
Creek Saturday.
Clara Anderson visited her sister, Mrs.
Oscar Norberg, at Driftwood the past
Mrs. 11. P. Spence was a business call
er in Emporium Tuesday.
Win. Buck and wile of Renovo, were
visitors in town the past week.
Nellie Fulton and children of Sinne-
inahoning and Ada Hulsinger, and John
Kiss ell, of Renovo, spent Easter with
their parents, Joseph Kissell and wife.
Bmjb Bei,i,.
W. Ij. Mitchell. Dentist, Emorium. Pa.
E. F. Coiuley repaired the store build
ing at Canoe Run Friday, which was re
cently destroyed by the wind storm
which passed through this place Wed
R. I). Graham is building a new fence
around his property, and also repaired the
roof on his building, which was partly
damaged by the wind-
Operator Krape received a fine lot of
blooded chickens Saturday and expects
togo into the chicken business the com
ing summer.
The road-misters repaired the Oak
Hill bridge the past week and also start
ed work on the public roads.
A three-round affair was pulled off at
Canoe Run. We arc unable to give any
It is understood William Wertz, who
was recently employed at the brick
works and who is now located at Lane's
Mills, is reported as having recently re
ceived a fortune from his grand-mother,
amounting t<• 85,000,000 in coal lands.
His frit nds in this locality are pleased to
hear of his good luck, and would be
pleased to renew Bill's acquintance under
his new lucky star and wish to sec him
back arid enjoy the trout season's fishing.
W. 11. Fox is wearing that smile that
won't come off. It's a boy, they say Ci
gars next, Bill.
Mrs. D. M. Toner visited her sou at
Dagus last week.
Mrs. Kd. Reid and family of Empor
ium, spent Easter with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evers sit this
May me Ryan returned to her home
at Renovo, after spending' a ft w weeks at
the home of John Lawson.
Mrs. C. Cole called on friends at Em
Joseph Robinson of Echo, spent East
er at this place.
Reubeu Andrews and Frank Geswin
der, our popular dancing master arc very
successful with their dancing school and
much gratitude is due theuj for their
kind attention to the pupils, many of
r&sgggaaaaiffigtt —«■— mmmmmm —— —— ——a
| Here are P 4pS i
S/>? of our Sf|
I | ome casons Why you Should Buy Your Suits Here. | fi
£h j l s t Our Suits are made in the great American fashion cen- | g
I-ji j } \ tre—New York City. There is more style to them than j / ,\ g
f j j in those shown by other stores. j I
j!j ; V 2nd They are made by one of the greatest houses known MJ I
Cfl ; | fJ) throughout the land by the trade, as one of the very best. W r I
(( 112 3rd The material and workmanship is superb.
4th The style and quality will appeal to you at once.
sth The most reasonable prices asked for these splendid
garments, ranging from $lO to $25. J??' ,
Stylish Millinery at Reasonable Prices f'J\
We are adding new trimmed hats to our stock dailv. When your hat comes from I / Tt)
| this store, ITS EIGHT. " W \*l
We have bought too many Ladies Coats. Owing to the big sale of suits, coats /■'! !|j
are not moving iast enough to suit us. What are we going to do. Let us see if a /;} <jj |> I
price away below cost will induce you to buy them. The garments are made of /;,| ! ! |[|\ A
black broadcloth, serge, chiffon, Panama, tan covert cloth and fancy cloths, all well f__ »j k 113 I
tailored aud neatly trimmed, and here is the way we are going to cut the prices. It —®
means a loss of several hundred dollars to us and you will gain correspondingly: I
All $5.00 and $5.98 coats reduced to $2.89 J
All 6.00 and 6.50 coats reduced to 3.98 $
w All 7.00, 7.50 and SB.OO coats to - 4.98 A
All 8.50 and 9.00 coats reduced to 5.49 I
All 10.00 coats reduced to 5.98 l\jfr I
A \Yi A_\ All 12.00 and 12.50 coats reduced to 6.98 $\
I ijjj Sf/ All 13.00 coats reduced to - - 7.98 /fli (r I
/.I mil \7T'K>'\/" corn A I We oiler one piece only, of our regular I
I f :\ *f\ VLK I DrttlAL 61.60 quality, b lack Taffeta O | 1Q f$ k<t)r\ I
11 \J n M rz===================r=====r Silk, one yard wide at pr yd™ *•* & r j ||
II l\\ "tJ This means a saving to you of 31c per yard but remind, one piece only at that bj%\\ ||KS\2 a
j\ price, therefore come early. 7/ nji j|| j||'\
■ , .'J ■ Store Iw v I
whom were present at the Easter ball.
Jacob Ilerbstreet returned to his work
at St. Marys this week.
Mazzie lteid visited in Emporium a
few hours Saturday.
Lillian and Ophelia Card of Howard,
spent Easter at the home of Robert Wy
1). Toner, who has been seriously ill
is somewhat better.
Mrs. Geo. Market visited in Empor
ium Saturday.
J. Lawson of Hornell and 11. L. Law
son of Driftwood visited their parents
Marion Toner of St. Marys called on
his parents Sunday.
Mis. Montgomery visited her many
friends at Emporium last week.
The Easter li.iii held on Monday even
ing was largely attended by the St. Marys
folks as well as our town folks. X
W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
John Kissell spent last Friday with
his sister Mrs. T. S. Fulton.
Bertha Fulton visited Renovo Sun
Jas. D. Council made a business trip
to Emporium Tuesday the 13th.
Our new minister and family have
arrived. We trust Rev. Runyon may
make a host of friends on this charge
and that our Church will prosper under
his care.
Harry Michaels has returned from
Mrs. Amos Bennett is visiting her
daughter in Cialeton.
X. X. X.
C. A. Council and Geo. P. Shafer at
tended argument court at Emporium
on Monday.
Mrs. P. S. Mead visited at Driftwood
over Sunday.
Miss Anna Chase, of Renovo, is vifcit
ing her grand parents Mr. and Mia.
: Blodget this week.
Mrs. R. T. Quigle, of Lock Haven, is
visiting with her son, Jas. Quigle this
Mre. Wm. Huff, of School House,
visited friends here Monday.
Nathan Silin is grading lawn and
making some improvements] jto his
house and store.
; Will Logan and John "Logue were
out fishing one day last week, when a
very large sucker came to the top of
the water to get a sniff of Foutz's new
brand of hot stuff, when Logue dove
for him and got a good wetting but no
The game of ball that was scheduled
for April 15, was called off owing to its
being the first day of trout fishing.
P. S. Meade went to Emporium
Monday to work in the Keystone Pow
der Plant.
Lottie Brooks is visiting friends at
Galeton this week.
Jos. Kissel, of Sterling, visited with
his daughter, Mrs. Trox Fulton Sun
F. S. Burk was called to Berkscounty
Monday, by the serious illness of his
R. J. Fricks went to Hicks Run Mon
day to work in the Dußois mill at that
Capt. Barr, of Tunnell Hill, was a
| F. E. ROWLEY, 1
Retail Dealer in
fn I mmknv Hemlock, Bill Stuff, rough and planed, Yellow m
nj LUmDer Pine, White Pide, Hardwoods. [J
S] Flooring White Pine, Yellow Pine, Hemlock, Maple,
g Siding White Pine, Basswood, Poplar. [rj
jjj CcilingS White Pine, Yellow Pine, Basswood.
A Mouldings Yellow Pine, White Pine.
p Sash, Doors, Blinds, Window J
and Door Frames.
Cj Turned Columns, Colonial Columns, Balusters. Brack- &
[}{ rorcn ets, Spindles, Rail.
jjj Shingles and Lath jjj
S3 Finichina I limhpr White I>ine > Yellow Pine, Moulding f}J
[jj riniSning LUnlDcr Casings, Moulded Base.
I YARD and OFFICE, Third Street. §
caller Saturday. Mike Sullivan mot him
at the box mill landing to make ar
rangements for good weather when
the Huntley stars come down to play
base ball. Mike has the weather down
Jim Batclielder has n load of willow
wood seasoning for ball bats.
One of our base ball pitchers dis
located hia left arm trying the new
curves. But under the care of Dr.
Corbet is improving.
Jos. Summerson spent Sunday with
his family.
C. E. Logue, of Firhl Fork, was iu
town ou business for Ul3 Valley Tele
phone Co., Saturday.
J. H. Logne and Jos. Donley, of
Cooks Run, were callers Monday.
Everybody is getting ready to take a
trout fish on the first day of season
Look out for some whoppers.
(Continued on Fourth Page.)