Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 11, 1909, Image 8

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    2] Breezy |
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I Netfs If
W. 11. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
Samuel Dollinger was a Pittsburg visi
tor Friday.
Oscar Cobler of this place is visiting
friends at Dußois.
Lorren Allen has moved his family
from tatiocry town to Rock Hill.
Mrs. Isaac Kraut/, and daughter was
shopping at Ddßois Saturday.
Abbic Rose who is suffering from an
attack of pneumonia is improving in
Stella Murray of Clearfield, who has
bean vi.-iting her aunt Mrs. Will Pistuer
has returned home.
Iva Backus of our town is visiting
friends and relatives at Williauisport.
Thos, White of Benczette attended
Redmen lodge here Friday night.
Mattie Fuzzy who has been attending
school at Rochester, is home lor a few
Jefferson Mohan who has been laid up
for some time with rheumatism is'some
better at this writing.
The danje that was given by the Mcdix
Run band, Thursday night, was largely
attended and all report a joyful time.
Herman English of Main street has
purchased a new piano.
Mrs. London, who has been visiting
her mother at Linden has returned home.
x.x. x.
H. W. Mitchell, dentist, Emporium.
The popular expression over the tele
phone for the past few weeks, "fine and
The board of supervisors of Grove
township held a business meeting at Sin
namahoning, the first of the week.
O. R. McCoole, of First Fork, moved
his harboring outfit te Sinnatnahoning.
He expects to open a barber shop. In ad
dition to this, he takes charge of the pool
room and bowling alley. He is an ex
pert barber and deserves the patronage of
the people. Give him a call and be con
Many of our boys from First Fork
practice jumping freight trains and riding
to Sinnamahoning. Since a boy was re
cently killed at Sinnamahoning by a
train, our boys should take warning
and stop this dangerous and malicious
practice. AJrailroad is no place for peo
ple to walk over.
The stockholders of theSinnamahoning
A alley Telephone Company held a very
important business meeting. They adopt
ed some strict fules concerning the line
Miller school No. 1, closed Friday,
after a seven months term. The teacher,
John S. Walkey departed for Ilubleis
burg, Pa.
Ralph Williams was seriously ill a
few days ago. We are glad to report
that he is better at this time.
A series of revival services are going
on at the Berfield school house, located
between First Fork and Wharton. The
people take great interest in these services
by attending them. Rev. Lawson con
ducts the services.
W. H. Mitchell, Dentist, Emporium.
Wm. McCaslin ot Hicks Run, called
on his friends here last week.
Mrs. J. J. Lewis visited Hicks Run
friends last week.
Fred Edsall moved from Howardville
to his home on Clear Creek.
Conflicting rumors are thick as to who
will be the new pathmaster. However,
no doubt our very capable supervisor will
appoint a competent man.
Ada Wright called on her numerous
friends here last week.
Wm. Chadwick of Cooks Run Junc
tion had business in the city Monday.
Patrick Duling was on the hospital
list the latter part of last week. He was
mixed up in a slight wreck on the E. &
It. V. It. It.
F. W. Yentzer and son of Clear Creek
were on our streets Sunday.
C. M.
An Ideal Cough Medicine.
"As an ideal cough medicine I regard
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in a class
by itself," says Dr. 11. A. Wiltshire, of
Gwvnneville, Ind. "I take great pleas
ure in testifying to the results of Cham
berlain's Cough Medicine. In fact, I
know of no other preparation that meets
so fully the expectations of the most ex
acting in cases of croup and coughs of
ehildren. As it contains no opium, chlo
roform or morphine it certainly makes a
most safe, pleasant and efficacious remedy
for the ills it is intended." For sale by
L. Taggart.
Agency Secured.
Mrs. G. S. Allen, wishes to annouuee
that she has secured the Agency for
the American Vacuum Cleaner and
Sweeper. Call at her residence on
West Fourth Street and see it demon
strated. 43-tf
W. H. Mitchell, DentiHl, Emporium.
Mrs. I'M win Darren and family of Port
Allegany are the guests of parents, J. H.
Darren and wife.
Nettie Ray Kissell is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Baker at,Shinglehouse.
Malvin Whiting of Ridgway and Mrs.
Carrie llerriek of St. Marys visited their
sister Mrs. L. J. Brooks Sunday, she be
ing quite ill.
John Ebersole of Emporium and Flora
B. Kbersole os Hicks lluu, were in town
on Sunday.
Those on the sick list this week are
Mesdani' s Maggie Chapman, J.E. Smith,
M. A. Furlong, L. W. Spencc and L. J.
Brooks. All reported better at this
Matthew Gmeimcr and J. L. Swartz
were Emporium visitors Saturday.
The Sterling base ball team met at the
Alpine House March fth and organized.
They elected Jack Killeen Manager,
Clarence Howlett, Secy, and Treas. and
Thus. Eddy, captain. The boys expect
to have a good team this season. They
had a banquet after the meeting.
Leonard Smith is repairing and paint
ing his house which will make quite an
improvement to that section of town. So
uiau) have repaired and intend repairing
their homes that we have no doubt that
Sterling Run will be one of the prettiest
little villiages along the line.
Xmenia Brooks is home this week on
account of the illness of her mother.
Nellie aud Gladys O'Keefe visited
friends at 1 licks Run Saturday and Sun
Mrs. Julia Warner and grandson
George of Emporium spent Sunday with
her niece, Mrs. Jessie Lewis and family.
Mrs. Malvin Whiting of Ridgway
spent Saturday with her sister, Laura T.
Mabel Stephens who has been ill for
several weeks returned to her work at
Ridgway Sunday.
On account of the expected strike in
the hard coal reizions, J. E. Smith is get
ting in a couple of car loads of hard coal
it is advisable for parties who burn hard
coal to get in their next winter's supply,
Joe Caskey of Renovo was a visitor in
town Saturday. Sterling has quite an
attraction for Joe. lie says it isn't the
town though.
Mabel May of Westport, was the guest
of her cousin Kathryn May over Sun
H. F. Foster visited his brother Mor
gan at Rathbun Saturday.
Den Dayton was an Emporium visitor
A. A. Smith and Paul liikle have
been given the privilege of using the old
telegraph office for a study room, making
a very convenient place for them to get
out their lessons in electricity.
Wm. Stephens is nursing W. P. Barr,
who is no better at this writing. They
have little hopes for his recovery.
Mrs. Henry Petit and daughter re
turned home last week from an extended
visit with her parents at Farfax, \V. Va.
Burn BELL.
W. H. Mitehel. De itist, Emporium.
W. W. Johnson spirit Sunday with
his daughter at Renovo.
Thos. Kaiiburn of Erie, spent Sunday
with his father.
Fireman Dan Kilborn of Renovo is
visitiug his father.
Miss Ressie Billings of Sinnamahon
ing is visiting his grandfather, Mr. Kil
Supervisor L. 11. Smith was a business
caller at Driftwood Monday.
Rev. Hall of Castle Garden conducted
services at Huntley Church Sunday to a
large congregation.
Wm. Nelson nearly severed his finger
while sawing logs last Thursday.
Mr. A. F. Nelson is ill with grip.
W. R. Smith has accepted a position
as third trick operator at HY Tower.
Mr. Smith is rapidly becoming efficient
in telegraply and will make a good man.
Our young men are organizing a base
ball team to compete with the team at
Sterling Bun during the coming season.
J. F. s.
The Heart Can't Stand
Rheumatic Acid
The Uric-0 Treatment Expells the
Poison From the Blood.
These sharp, shooting pains through
the chest around the region of the heart
mean that poisonous uric and rheu
matic acid are there ready to spring
and grip tightly the muscles controll
ing the heart's action. Don't neglect
these warnings. You must neutralize
and drive these dangerous poisons
from the system, or sooner or later
they will overcome you.
The only true way to cure Rheuma
tism is to get at it from the inside with
Uric-O. It acts with marvelous swift
ness upon the muscles, kidneys and
blood. Cleanse out the sand-like de
posits in the muscles, forces the kidneys
to perform those duties for which they
were designed and neutralizes the acid
within the blood.
Uric-O is a liquid taken internally, 3
times daily, and does not contain any
morphine, opium or other so-called
"pain deadners." Sciatica, Musculor,
inflammatory and Articular Rheuma
tism all yield readily to Uric-O.
Sold by all druggists for 75c and SI.OO
the bottle or you can obtain a trial
bottle free by writing to The Smith
Drug Co., 363 Smith Bldg., Syracuse,
N. Y.
Life Isn't Worth Living
This Statement May be Oenerally
Attributed to the Lack of good
We want to talk to people who are
nervous, who suffer frequent head
aches, who don't enjoy their food, who
are irritable, quickly loose their tem
per, are so tired and worn out that
they feel they must give up, and have
become so despondent that life doesn't
seem worth living. We know exact
ly what is the matter with people in
this condition, and if they will follow
our advice, wo can tell them how to re
gain good health and that buoyancy
of spirits which makes life seem all
sunshine and happiness.
Most of the above described condi
tions are chiefly caused by catarrhal
inflamation of the mucous membranes.
~Thiß delicate web-like lining of the
body becomes inflamed and congest
ed until weakness and mental weak
ness follows. The only way that this
can be overcome is through a treatment
of the blond. We have the treatment,
and we are so positive that it will pro
duco the results that we claim for it
that we will supply it to anyone with
the understanding that wc will return
to them every penny they have paid us
in every instance where the treatment
is in every way satisfactory and bene
ficial to them.
We want you to try Rexall Mucu-
Tone, which is a powerful nutritive
tonic and body builder, and 11 mucous
membrane alterative that cleanses
these membranes and restores their
natural and healthy functions.
Rexall Mucu-Tone drives out all the
catarrhal poison, restores the mucous
cells to good health, tones up the whole
system, allays inflammation, removes
congestion, and stimulates the whole
system to healty activity, ft is splen
did for building up flesh and muscle
tissue and removing all weakness.
Come to our store to-day and get a
bottle of Mucu-Tone, and after giving
it a reasonable trial, if you are not
satisfied simply tell us so, and we will
hand back your money without ques
tion. Surely, nothing could be more
fair than this. Two sizes, 50c and 81.00.
Mrs. M. A. Rockwell, Emporium, Pa.
$25.00 for a Name.
We are now demonstrating in the
store a new perfume and we want a
name for it. Will you kindly let us
show it to you so you may suggest an
appropriate name, which, if is the one
selected, you will receive $25.00 for
your trouble and kindness.
The perfume is a delicate, lasting,
alluring odor, but at present.
It will not cost you anything to sug
gest a name. If, when you smell the
odor it is so pleasing to you «that you
would like to have some, the price
would be 50 cents per ounce. You do
not have to buy it to get a chance to
win the $25.00. You are entitled to
name for nothing. Sould you pur
chase some of the perfume, you may
suggest a name for each half ounce
This perfume is made by the manu
facturers of Harmony Perfumes.
Mrs. M. A. Rockwell, Druggist, The
Rexall Store, Emporium, Pa. 52-3 m.
(food Cough Medicine for Children.
The season for coughs and colds is now
at hand and too much care cannot be
used to protect the children. A child is
much more likely to contract diptheria or
scarlet fever when he has a cold. The
quicker you cure his cold the less the
risk. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
the sole reliance of many mothers, and
few ot those who have tried it are willing
to use any other. Mrs. F. Starcher, of
Ripley, W. Va., says:"l have never
used anything other than Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for my children, and it
has always given good satisfaction." This
remedy contains no opium or other nar
cotic and may be given as confiently to a
child as to an adult. For sale by L.
DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
are the best bills made for backache,
weak back, urinary disorders, etc. Sold
by It. C. Dodson.
Paper Hanging.
We desire to announce that we are
now ready to do paper hanging and
painting. Satisfaction guaranteed.
2-tf. East Emporium, Pa.
Latest Popular Music.
Miss May Gould, teacher of piano
forte has received a full line of the lat
est and most popular sheet music. All
the popular airs. Popular and class
ical music. Prices reasonable.
This is the most dangerous time of the
year to catch cold, and it is the hardest
tims to cure it. If you should take a
cold, a few doses of Kennedy's Laxa
tive Cough Syrup will act very promptly.
Its laxative principle cures the cold by
driving it from the system by a gentle
but natural action of the bowels. Chil
dren especially like Kennedy's Laxative
Cough Syrup, as it tastes so good, near
ly. It is sold by all all druggists.
The best known pills and the best pills
made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
They are small, easy to take, gentle and
certain, and are sold by all Druggists.
Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wopo
ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails
gold by L. Taggart, druggist. 32-6 m.
Greatest |||
j I Ladies Combination Suit Fine Muslin Corobtnation Handsome Combin&tion
made of fine Nainsook trim- Suit very nicely trimmed with Suit made of line Nainsook
me<l with ombroidorydJl OA \ al. Lace and Ribbon richly trimmed with CA
exactly like cut exactly like cut, priee Val. Laee like out,price_jjjy
| Splendid quality in Ladies "White Underskirts at 50, 69, 75, 61.00, 81.25 to 85.00.
Exceptionally good quality Ladies Muslin Night Gowns at 39, 50, (55, 75, 81.00, 1.25 to 85.00.
lJeautiful Corset Covers at remarkable low prices, 12, 19, 25, 39, 50, 75 to 81.00.
Ladies and Children's Muslin Drawers, 12, 25, 39, 50 75, SI.OO to .'{ 00.
New Neckwear Millinery Embroideries
We are now showing a splen- e put 011 sale this week j Sale continued for another
did assortment of the latest many styles of very handsome : week. Greatest values ever
novelties in lodies, Neck- and stylish small black Tur- p offered in town.
wear such as Ascot's bans These little hats are j 3t04 in To"'T""
„, 1d „„ T . T . . r< „ splendidly suited for middle emoiouierj i<), 0.
\\indsor Ties, Duch Collars, age( i woman. They are \ 5 »"• wide " 15, 10
Silk Hows, Embroidered made over frames of black I in. wide 20, 12
Callars, Embroidered Bows, chiffon and straw. Plain ] 10 in. wide " 25, 15
Real Lace Jabots, Lace Bows, but neatly trimmed. 12 in. wide •'
etc., etc., etc. j Prices $3.98 & SSOO I 14 in. wide 35', 25
American Shirting Prints inl S P ecial Bar S ains in Ribbons
? Roman stripe Belting original price 50c per yd
pretty light colors per yd 6c ! All Silk Taffeta Ribbon, red, navy or white, |||
. Reg. price 15c; sale price 10c.
The Best on Earth.
Protection against Accidents and
Sickness is an absolute necessity. It
costs but §5.00 a year for $15.00 weekly
benefits, and §2,000 death claim.* The
only policy paying such liberal bene'
fits. This Company also writes policies
for §IO.OO and §25.00 per year. Liberal
commissions to agents, by the German
Commercial Accident Co., Phil'a, Pa.
W. R. Sizer, Gen'l Agent, Sizerville,
Pa. C. R. Husted of Emporium, is a
representative of the Company.
Drop him a postal—He will do
the balance. In case of sudden injury
this Company provides temporary re
lief to the amount of §25.00. if notified
by wire of an accident. 17-ly.
English Spavin Liniment removed
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and
Blemishes from horses; also Blood
Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring
Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats,
Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one
bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure.
Sold by L.Taggart, druggist. 32 6m
There are more McCn II T'ntH-rimfnld in the Unite*
State, than of any uther make o I pattern.. J hi, la o<
account of their style, accuracy and simplicity.
McC'iilP* Dliurnzin^fThcQnren of
morr subscribers than «nv !»cr Lndirs M-»j,.»/inc.
veai '• subscription ( 12 numbers) com* 50 cents. J:*!. *
nun.!, r.? cenfi. ' r V gets a McCall Pat
tein Subscribe today.
•i i mid I'icii '»n Catalogue (showing 400 premiums
»*nt ik'vom AUures» THE McCALL CO., New York
Directions with each Vial In Five Languagra.
English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French
No. FOB Price
1. Fever*, Congestions, Inflammations 23
2. Worms. Worm Fever, or Worm Disease..'2ft
3. Colic, Orylng and Wakefulness of Infants 25
4. Diarrhea, of Children and Adults 25
ft. Dysentery. Grlplngs, Bilious Colic 25
7. Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis 25
M. Toothache, Faceache, Neuralgia 25
O. Ileailaehe, Slek Headache, Vertigo 25
10. DyapepHia. Indigestion, Weak Stomach 25
13. Croup. Hoarse Cough, Laryngitis 25
11. Halt Ittieum, Eruptions, Erysipelas 25
15. ItheunintiHin, or Rheumatic Pains 25
IG. Fever and Ague, Malaria 25
17. Piles, Blind or Bleeding, External, Internal.2S
IH. Ophthalmia, Weak or Inflamed Eyes 2ft
l'.». Cntarrli, Influenza, Cold in Head 25
20. Whooping Couch, Spasmodic Cough 23
21. Aethma.Opprcssed, Difficult Breathing 25
27. Kidney Ol.eaae, Gravel, Calculi 25
JjH. Nervoim Debility, Vital Weakness 1.00
29. Sore Mouth, Fever Soresor Canker --.-25
30. Urinary Incontinence. Wetting Bed 25
34. Wore Throat, Quinsy and Diphtheria
35. Chronic CovwHtionfi, Headaches 25
77. Grippe, Hry Fever and Summer C01d5....25
A small bottle of Pleasant Pellets, flts the vest
pocket. Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price.
Medical Book sent free.
William and John Streets. Now Vork.
We say without hesitation that De
\\ itf s Kidney and I'ladder Pills arc un
equalled for weak kidneys, backache, iu
flaination of the bladder and ail urinary
disorders. They are antiseptic and act
promptly in all cases of weak back, back
ache, rheumatism and rheumatic pains.
Accept no substitut-r. We tell and rcc
commend them. All Druggists.
tmr buobes'S seeas swxeso t >
112 Alado to build Nr.w I?urines*. A trial Will
' make you our permanent customer. w|
Prize Collection varieties,
- tu»-, Yj Una* : Tomntf.fs I
11 the finest; TuroH>. 7 splendid; (miou, u Lont vario- »
ieS{ 10 Sprlng-flown-H? It nib*\.\neJ i<»R In all.
Write _to?layj_ Mention this Paper.
to cover postage and packing and receive this valuable i
collection of lectin postpaid, together with ir,y big M
Instructive, Hcniittful Scod and Plnnt 800l M M
1 tells all about tho lieat varietio* of .Seed#, I'lant u eic. JT
p. W. Buckbee, 47ti
Inrr I"in Aeurtfaar»nteedif youose j
IPILES Suppository
B D. Matt. Tbompeon, Sop't
■ Graded School., StaleirlUt, N. C., wrllea: "lenui
■ tb.-j do .11 jrou claim for thsni." Dr. 8. M. DeTore
H Raven Rook, W. V.., wrlira; •• They sire onlicrlalaalU- I
■ faction." I)r. H. D. McQlll, Clarksburg, Tenn., wrltea:
■" In * practlc. of 33 year., I bare found do remedy to I
■ jqoal youre. 1 P*ic«, 60 Canra. Sum,, lee Free, gold
Sold in Emporium by 1. Taggart and R, C Dodsoa
From Emporium.
Tickets will be good going on regular trains on date named ami to return within eleven
days, including date ol excursion.
RETURNING, tickets will be good to stop-off at BALTIMORE or PHILADEL
PHIA, affording an opportunity to visit ATLANTIC CITY.
For tickets and additional information apply to Ticket Agents.
Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent
No. 138-3-3t.
- - j, :
makes the light that rests the eyes.
Nearest approach to natural sun
light known.
Most economical too—burns to
the very last drop without readjust
ing wick. Does not char, smoke or
"smell." Clear, water-white, free
from sediment. Not to be compared
with ordinary tank wagon oil.
Ask your dealer to serve yoj out of
the original barrel. Then you have
the purest, best lamp oil made.
Independent Refiners
Also makers of Waverly Special Auto 00
and Waverly Gasolines.
|FL A Saps, Curtain Relief for Supprbmsd Menstruation. H
■ NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. B'fet Surel Bi»cedj! 8atl». ■
S faction (iuarautced or Money Hefanded. Scat prepaid H
■ fur 91.00 |ht box. Will icnd thcin on trial, to be paid for H
ifl when rclfeved. Samples Free. If jour druggist does not H
H bave them send your orders to tbe B
M UNITED MEDICAL CO., BOX 74. Lancastkw. FA. J
Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart and
R. C. Dodson