OLDEST MAN IN AMERICA Escaped Terrors of Many Winters by Using Pe-ru-na. Isaac Brock, 120 Years of Age. Mr. Isaac Brock, of McLennan county, Tex,, is an ardent friend to Peruna and speaks of it in the following terms: "Dr. Hartman's remedy, Peruna, I nave found to Vie the best, if not the only reliable remedy for COUGHS, COLDS, CATAHKU and diarrhea, "Peruna has been my stand-by for many years, and I attribute my good health and my extreme age to this remedy. It exactly meets all my re quirements. ,- I have come to rely upon it almost entirely for the many little thing's for which I need medicine. I believe it to be especially valuable to old people." Isaac Brock. § /I 25c. Bottle of ■ ! Balsam i | Contains ? | 43 DOSES, X And each dose is more effective X • than four times the same quart- $ J tity of any other cough remedy, • X however well advertised and liow- x • ever strongly recommended tliat X * remedy may be • ♦ Remember always that Kemp's J * Balsam is the x | Best Cough Cure. | tit has saved thousands from con- X sumption. • X it has saved thousands of lives. X ♦ At nil druggists'. :.'sc., 50c. and sl. jj X Bon't accept anything else. ! There's Danger Ahead if you've been neglecting a cold. Dou'texperiment with your health. Get a remedy that you know will cure —that remedy is DR.D.JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT It's safe. In the severest cases of coughs, colds, bronchitis, croup, in flammation of chest and lungs it is the most effective remedy known. It does its work quickly, removes the cause of the disease Sold everywhere in three size bottles, $ 1.00, 50c, 25c. Western Canada the Pennant Winner "The Last Best West" 1 The government ol Canada now gives << to every actual set- JUvTSI. yinrU tier IGO acres of tijP/?Mwheat-growing ' land free and an additional 160 acres at $3.00 an acre. The 300,000 contented American settlers making their homes in Western Canada is the best evidence of the superiority of that country. They are becoming rich, growing from 25 to 50 bushels wheat to the acre; 60 to 110 bush els oats and 45 to 60 bushels barley, be sides having splendid herds of cattle raised on the prairie grass. Dairying is an in:« portant industry. The crop of 1908 still keeps Western Canada in the lead. The world will soon look to it as its food-producer. "Tho tiling which most Impresfwjd tit was the xaattnitudo of the country tiiai is available lor agricultural purposes." A'ational Kditorial Correspontienct. lltuts. Low railway rates, Rood schools and churches, markets convenient, prices the highest, climate perfect. Lands urn for vile by Hallway and I.and Com* Panics. lioscriptivp pamphlets and maps sent free, or railway rates and ».! her i riforinai ion apply to Superintendent of I mmigratinn. Ottawa, Canada, or tho authorized Canadian Government Accent: H. M. WILLIAMS. Law Building, Toledo. Ohio. \A M ' SUSSrsw# wear well Wj and they Keep you Tlr-f £€z dry while you are VfJ|i wearing them (ra ll jm n\ EVERYWHERE /fffl I GUAffAHTFFD CATALOG FREE A. J TOWER CO. BOSTON. U.S.A. * TOWFR CANADIAN CO. limited, TORONTO. CAN. ■ feepltonH^d^ 5; 4 CotittS.s and cold* may tdzed full of fermenting stable manuro tnd pack it down. Putin about four nches of garden soil, level it down, put the sash on and let it alone for .hree or four days. As soon as the veed seed comes up in the bed stir he soil about an inch deep and plant 'our seed of tomatoes, pepper, both tinds, hot and mangle, cabbage, cauli lower, egg-plant and beets. CULTIVATION THE KEY. Drchard Will Not Do Well Unless Given Attention. If you plant an orchard and think rou have nothing to do but to pick the tpples once a year, you will find your time and money thrown away. I j should as quick think of raising corn ivitliout cultivation as apples, but you raise apple trees and corn on the same piece and give both the cultiva tion they need, says Solon Chase, a successful fruit grower of Maine. Plow deep, harrow fine, plant your trees and corn at the same time; the j cultivation you give the corn will i make the young trees grow. A hoed crop doesn't hurt a young or chard if you will hoe the trees when you hoe the corn. After three hoed crops two years to corn and one year to potatoes, in the early spring seed lo clover. In August cut a crop of hay when the clover is in bloom—a sec- j ond crop of clover will grow up in the fall. The next spring turn in the | clover sod and plant to corn again and follow with three hoed crops and a crop of clover. In this rotation don't . cut but one crop of hay. In this way 1 your orchard will come into bearing j young and all the time you can raise : paying crops. If you fertilize the 1 ground the trees will get their part of 11, if you make clean cultivation. Cul- | ti vat ion is the key to the growth of i the apple tree. When Cultivation Paid. The advantage of orchard cultiva tion was clearly demonstrated the (iast year in almost all sections where there was opportunity of comparing the clean cultivation and sod systems. It was easily noticeable that the drouth during the season did not ma terially affect cultivated or mulched orchards, but in grass orchards half ! the crop dropped before maturity. The < grass look up the moisture to such an J extent that the trees suffered and con sequently the fruit dropped. When j the soil was under cultivation and a dust mulch was provided to prevent evaporation the supply of soil water was held for the use of the fruit trees. A full crop of fruit, according to the method practiced, was the result. Keep Read Up. This is the season when you rest the body some and work the gray matter more. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH n, 1909 "THE MARRYING SQUIRE." Justice George E. Law Has Broken All Record*. George R. Law, Justice of the Peace, l3'/ a Franklin St., Brazil, Ind„ Is jfgtet, known far and wide as the "Marrying HgL Squire," from the fact that he has mar r' more couples jteJSßetilMk* than any other offl- JSB clalinlndlana. Judge Law w rote a letter ' n 1906, recommend- I ing Doan's Kidney Pills, which he said had made a bad back well, enabled him to sleep bet ter nights and feel more fit for work. The treatment also cleared up the urine. On January 5, 1009, Judgo Law confirmed his previous testimony. "I have recommended this remedy to many people since I first used It," said he. Sold by all dealers. B0 cents R box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. LIVE AND LEARN. Farmer Meddergrass—Waal, by clover! I knew them Chinese lived on t'other side o' th* airth but hang me if I knew they had a through route! $33.00 PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS. Colonists' one-way tickets Chicago to the Pacific coast, via the Chicago, Union Pacific and Northwestern Lilne, are on sale daily during March and April at the rate of $33.00. Corre spondingly low rates from all points. Double berth in tourist sleeping car only $7.00, through without change to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Port land. No extra charge on our person ally conducted tours. Write for itin erary and full particulars to S. A. Hutchison, Manager Tourist Depart ment, 212 Clark Street, Chicago, 111. Up to the Editor. The country editor kept nagging at his new apprentice and finding fault with his work until the criticism be came wearisome. Finally the worm turned. "D'ye expect to get a second Hor'ce Greeley fer five plunkers a week?" he demanded sarcastically. "If you do yoti are barking up the wrong sapling. I can't set type or sling ink with Ben Franklin or Hor'ce Greeley, not on my present recompense, but you make the salary six simoleons, cash down every Saturday night, and I'll pitch in and set the journalistic pinwheels a buzzing in Punkinville and vicinity, even if I have to stay up seven nights & week to do it. "There's my offer, blast yer stingy hide! And now if you don't get out a half way decent journal hereafter, It la the fault of your own meanness!" Meant the Other Way. Rear Admiral Sperry, commander in-chief of the fleet returned from its triumphant sail around the world, sometimes has serious spells of absent mindedness. Several years ago he was talking with a group of fellow officers at the Naval War college at Newport, when one of them remarked that he had been ordered for duty on the Asiatic station. "Are you going to take your wife with you?" Admiral Sperry inquired. "No," the officer replied. "I think you are making a serious mistake," the admiral continued in positive terms. "1 was out there in 1876 when an epidemic of cholera broke out, and hundreds of people died." —Sunday Magazine. NEW IDEA Helped Wis. Couple. It doesn't pay to stick too closely to old notions of things. New ideas often lead to better health, success and hap piness. A Wis. couple examined an idea new to them and stepped up several rounds on the health ladder. The husband writes: "Several years ago we suffered from coffee drinking, were sleepless, nervous, sallow, weak and irritable. My wife and 1 both loved coffee and thought it was a bracer." (delusion.) "Finally, alter years of suffering, we read of Postum and the harmfulness of coffee, and believing that, to grow we should give some attention to new Ideas, we decided to test Postum. "When we made it right we liked It and were relieved of ills caused by coffee. Our friends noticed the change —fresher skin, steadier nerves, better temper, etc. "These changes were not sudden, but relief increased as we continued to drink and enjoy Postum, and wo lost the desire for coffee. "Many of our friends did not like Postum at first, because they did not make it right. Hut when they boiled Postum according to directions on pkg., until it was dark and rich, they liked it better than coffee and were benefited by the change." "There's a Reason." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Head "The Road to Well ville" in pkgs. Ever rend llie ntinvr letter? A new one »iipeiir.4 from lime to lime. They nre xcnulue, true, uud full of humau Mereil. ROUGH STUFFING. The Tiger—lt was bad enough to be cut off in my prime, but to be stuffed by an amateur taxidermist is really too hard to bear! An Oratorical "Sister." A diffident man who had been asked to respond to a toast at a banquet grew more and more nervous as the time approached when he should be called on. When at last the critical moment arrived, he gripped the edge of the table and rose uncertainly. "Gentlemen," he said, "when I heard I was to be called upon this evening I made the effort of my life, and really the result was a fine speech. I made one telling point after another —but I kept my scintillation strictly to my self for a surprise. Only myself and God knew that speech; and now—God only knows it." And he Bat down. —Llppincott's Magazine. How's This? W» offer On« Hundred Dollars Reward for any mm of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Uaill Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O, We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chener tor the but 15 yean, and believe him perfectly hon orable In all business transactions and financially all La to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDI.NO, KINNAN A MARVIN, Wholesale UruKKlsts, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, aotlnj directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of th« system. Testimonials sent free, l'rlce 75 eonta par bottle. Sold by all Drunelatfl. Take Hall's Family Plli» tor constipation. Teacher of Physiology. "Now we will dissect this odd little animal. But first, Jimmy Phallg, will you tell me what we have here?" Jimmy—"Faith, and it's called a bat, 6ir." Teacher—"Very well. Now, how many kinds of bats are there?" Jimmy—"There are foive. The black bat, the red bat, the acrobat, the base ball bat and the brickbat, sir." A Cure For Colds and Grip. There is inconvenience, suffering and danger in a cold, and the wonder is that people will take so few precautions against COIUB. One or two Lane s Pleasant Tablets (be sure of the name) taken when the first enuflly feeling appears, will stop the prog ress of a cold ana save a great deal of un necessary suffering. Druggists and dealers generally sell these tablets, price 2.5 cents. If you cannot get them send to Orator F. Woodward, Lc Roy, N. Y. Sample free. Seems But Yesterday. "I heard a girl say to-day that the Trilby craze was before her time. She was grown, too." "What's the answer?" "We are growing old, my boy. We are growing old." There Has Recently Been Placed' In all the drug stores an Aromatic, pleasant herb cure for woman's ills, called Mother Gray's AUSTRALIAN LEAF. It is tlie only certain regulator. Quickly relieves female weaknesses and Backache, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troubles. At all Druggists or by mail 60 ets. Sample FKEE. Address, The Mother Gray Co., Le Itoy, N. Y. Up to Him. "Do you think you can manage with my salary of sl2 a week, darling?" be asked, after she had said yes. "I'll try, Jack,' replied she. "But what will you do?" —Unlversalist Leader. If It's Your Eye Use Pettit's Eye Salve, for inflammation, stys, itching lids, eye aches, defects of vision and sensitivity to strong lights. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. Many a fellow who tells a girl he would lay down his life for her is afraid to take a chance by breaking the news to her father. For relieving Couchs. Astlima nnd Bron chitis "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are effective. 25 cqnts a box. Samples free. John I. Brown & Son, Boston, Mass. Happiness is measured not by the enlargement of the possessions, but ol the heart. —Ruskin. PILES CURED IN fi TO 1 4 DATS. PASCO OINTM KNT Is guaranteed to euro any ease of itching. Mind. JKI «'«•y/ cents and 11.00 a bottle; 15.00 and SIO.OO the dozen. Sold by all druggists V and horße K°° dß bouses, or sent express paid, by the manufacturers. SPOHN MEDICAL CO, Chemists, GOSHEN, INDIANA SIGK HEADACHE (H5W53303 cured by OwrllT T** rt I They reyulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. V \/ SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. { C fxl GARTERS £ enU i ne , M " St eaP The Reason I Make and Soil More Men's $3.00 wMniLnu Fac-Simi!e Signature $3.50 Shoes Than Any Other Manufacture* WITTLE _ - Is becftuee I giro the wearer the benefit of the moat [W JU r R completeorginlration of trained expert® and akllled Bfl ' ,I* /jfrr , / ahoemakerß in the country. eH PILLS. * {^sr^The selection of the leathers for each part of the shoa, l JPf-,..iW and every detail of the roaklna In every department, tg luSy RFC CC looked after bv the best shoemakers In tha ahoe industry. 1 nkIUJI. OUDdlllUlkda If I conld anew you how carefully W. L. Donglaa ahoea mmmmmmmmnmrnrnjjmmiiia.ni . ihape, fit better, and wear longer than any other make. 1 [ji w -Ml "TSi3«l Hu Meihod of Tann/nglheSolea makes.them Morm y 1 Flexible and Longer Wearing than any othera. '"w Shoea for Every Member of tbe Family. TO Ulcu, Il*»y *, Women, M i»aca unit Muldren* - ' f UnUliUll • iwmo and price Biamped on bottom. 3 "T.TJ ' Color Eyelet® Ueod Escluslvaly. Catalog mailed free*. «[T[m jyjw \ W. L. DOUGLAS, 167 Spark St., Brockton, Mast. Money Returned NATURAL UTERINE glvothi) rebult?claimt■7ror\ I hcl^| 1 . C, fa " "* 1 Hardin o's Positive Cholera Cure 25c,8y mail4ot wJU.s IT i . Harding's Successful Roup Cure By mail 50e Jlvo*lmmediate relief. Hold by nil snrpii al Instnj- Lice Killer PRe Rv mail An. umiit deulersunrl leHdlns Jniunlhts In I. lilted States fl '! V „ ,L ® ." ,er „ ma " Ua &tanudii. catninif *iiri™list ficnt on apiiiicaiinn. Harding sScaly Leq Cure 25c, By mail 35a Walnut St.,* I*h*iladelpbl a lN p^mon™otn S ! Harding's Shoe;) Dip Sl.^Qper^aUon ,llill '" rs lUu geuuln. BLauiped 1 If your dealer cannot supply you, I will. Take no Alt-INTuHIi Supporter. | eulihtitute. Catalog freo. DAIRYMEN AKS FEESERS WISCONSIN occne Heal, Uluten I'eed, Bran, 11 milling, (irounU 1 hey never fail. 0 IL L' 112 k l l Cora and Outs, Poultry Feeds, Tankape, etc. t'' "f"'' 1 '. 1 T , Everything in line of llairy, llorse and X'oullvy farm and Held s.orts. t?,a t „" o ve? * 'iu I'eedH In mixed earloads, at straiirlit ear lot when harvest tim.-eoines. ' wholeiwh. prices. What can you use/ l.et us quote Wisconsin Seed Growers' FL3S'n. LaCrosse. Wis. you delivered prices. Ask lor free booklet 011 feeding. Bartlett Cotton & Linseed Meal Co.. Jackson, Mich. - bAtiK^P'Q TEXAS STATS LAND HAIR BALSAM Millionsof acresof school land to bo sold by the JK# CTeswro end kcnutlfios Uie lisjtv. htaic. SI.OO lu tM.iIU per acre: only one-furtlctli cash iluXHi-. Gsa I'romoUjf ft loTuriunt pmwth. and 40 years time on balance; tlirco per cent inter- K®? "v Kever Fall* to Ili!3tore Gray CM; onlysl2.oo cash for 101 acres 111 H.(*) per acre. _Malr to Itn Youthful Color, lireatrst.opportunity; good Hgrleultnral land; send 55k 112 CJeirea scjilp hair Mllnf. bdeents furßook ol* lnsi ructionsand New Male ],;,w. : : ... '. ai ',.f af .1..1. Snyder, School l.and Locator, 190 a h St.. Austin, Tex. Ueferenco. Austin National Bank. . " ' „ s w '-roe^ulo; Thompson's Eye Water 4TPEMTT© , w '« t »o"K.<:«lem , »n,Wfts»i- - .. r Aikm a. n . k._ c (i9C9-«» 2272. drastic. This cascaroyal pill does not cause the usnal griping, straining and pain which accompany the action of cathartic pills and mineral waters. It is just a new scientific drug com pound made from castor oil, cascara, wild lemon, black cherry, sulphur, etc., but being made In large quantities by the Blackburn Products Co., Dept. K., of Dayton, Ohio, it is sold In packages of 15 for 10 cents or 45 for 25 cents, and any druggist can supply the reader. The above firm will gladly send a free package to any one who writes for it. If the reader wants the experience of a pleasurable physic, tonic and blood purifier, write for the free package to day. 7