Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, March 11, 1909, Image 4

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    ESTABLISHED, is6ft.
Cameron County Press
Editor anil Publisher.
Entered at the Poatoffice at Emporium as second
class matter.
Tin- Advertising Medium in
Northern Pennsylvania..
Ordinary Advert dements arc- calculated oy the
uch in length nf column.
Ordinary ii<lvertiscuiciit3. to take tne run of
the paper and change four tirm ;• year, will be
instiled at the ratws slated in the following
1 in. 2 in. .Un. Sin. 10 in. 20 in.
1 Week. .$ 1 00 s2oos AOO 350 8 (>0 12 00
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3 Weeks.. 200 3 . r >j 5 0'» 700 13 00 18 00
t Weeks.. 253 100 (5 00 NOO 15 00 20 00
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3 Months. 500 800 12 GO l r > 00 25 00 35 00
H Months. K (-0 12 00 18 00 22 00 35 00 60 00
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T>ible or figure work will be charged double
Legal advertisements per line ten cents each
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ANNOUNC EMENTS of names of Candidates
for oliice, $5 00 i ach. Announc einent <»l candi
dates for borough or township offices, $l.O i each.
Announcements of candidates lor delegates to
the state Convention $5.00 each; delegates, alter
nates or conferees to a local convention or con
ference. SI.OO each.
POLITICAL NOTICES. 20 cents per line each
insertion. Nothing inserted for ! «> than SI.OO.
LOCAL NOTICES in the local eolumns u ill be
inserted lor ten cents per line the first week and
tfv- cents per line for each subsequent consecu
tive week without 'hangc.
ANNOUNCED! I. NTS of*, marriages and
death* will be inserted free, but all obituary
notices and resolutions will be charged live
cents a line and obituary verses Ave cents a
Bubine«s Cards, live lines or less .t r ».00 per year !
All exceeding live lines. SI.OO pi l ; ne.
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The date on the address label of each subscri
ber's paper shows the time to which the sub- 1
scription is paid; and all subscrib is in arrears j
art- requested to pay up as soon as possible.
On receipt of payments on subscription at this i
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In ail communications relating to subscrip- j
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names plainly.
In directing a change of address always give
the old address, as weil as the new one to which
you want the paper afterwards sent.
The Jobbing Department of the PRKMS is com
plete and affords facilities tor doing the best
Law Printing.
A New Back for an Old One. How it
Can be Done in Emporium.
The back acnes at times with a dull,
indescribable feeling, making you weary
and restless, piercing pains shoot across
the region of the kidneys, and again the
loins are so lame to stoop is agonv.
No use to rub or apply a plaster to the
back in this condition. You cannot
reach (he c tuse Exchange the bad back
tor a new and stronger one. Emporium
lesidents would do well to profit by the
following example:
Mrs. Geo. K Weiss, 142 N. St. Mich
ae St., St. Marys, Fa., says:"l suffer
ed for a long time from kidney complaint
and backache. 1 bad headaches aud
dizzy spells, was unable to ijet up without
supporting myself and could not bend or
M.I .p without suffering intently. The
kidney secretion- were also unnatural and
plainly .showed that uiy kidneys were dis
ordered. I became very much discourag
ed Imt linaliy procured a box of Doan's
Kidney Fill* on a neighbor's recommend
ation. My strength and auiottion soon
returned and the pains and aches disap
peared. 1 cannot speak too highly of
Irian's Kidney Fills."
I'or sale by all dealers. Frier 50 cents
Fuster Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents Remember tho name—
Doan's—arid take ui> other.
We Recommend Sexine Mills.
It makes no difference what is the
cause of one's weakness If it be a tonic
that is needed, Sexine Fills will do more
than any other tonic. They are the one
tonic that strikes at the bottom of all
weakness, the nerve centers. They send
new vitality bounding through the body,
producing a glow and tinsle that revive
the languid energies of youth. Sexine
Fills begin by bringing quiet repose to
flattering nerves, and inducing restful and
refreshing sleep. Friee 81 a box; six
boxes $5, with full guarantee. Address
or call on It. C. Uodsun, Druggist, where
they sell all the principal remedies and do
not substitute.
A Wonderfal Paint.
Make your paint and save manufactu
rer's profit. You can make paint at the
least cost when you mix if of a gallon of
Linseed Oil costing 45 cents with a gallon
ol L. & M. Faint you then make 1} gal
lon of paint. Buy a gallon and try it, and
get your money back if not lound so.
The L. & M. Faint has been used over
35 years, and has decorated more than
two million American homes. Sold by
'Harr> S. Lloyd."
An Unnecessary Expense.
There is no need of being to the ex
pense of sending for a doctor in any case
of pain in the stomach or colic when a
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy is at hand. No
physian can prescribe a better medicine.
For sale by L. Taggart.
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit from this
office, or the Manager at the works*
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 11)03
Birthday Party.
A number of friends surprised Mrs.
Thomas M. Lewis at her home Satur
day, March 6th. Tne occasion being
in honor of her 57th birthday. Those
present were: Mr?. J. P. McNarney
and sons Wilford and James, Mrs.
Robert Warner and son George and
daughter Lois, Mrs. Julia Warner,
Mrs. Tlios. Taggart, Mrs. Kate Fauoett
and. Mrs. tius Carlson, of Emporium
and Mrs. M. E. Herriek, Mrs. W. A.
Wylie, Mrs. Albert Smith and daughter
Lavene, Mrs. N. D. Jordan, Mrs.W. I' .
Devling, Mrs. OweniWade, Mrs. Mort.
Dininny and son Gould. Mrs. Martha
Smith, Mrs. J. It. Straw bridge, Mrs. F.
A. Kissel, Mrs. P. If. Mason, Mrs. P.
Brink, and Rev. W. H. Allen, of iown.
Dinner and refreshments was served
and all had an eujoyable time. The
presents were numerous and useful.
Sterling Run, Pa., March 15th, 1909,
Extend a Helping Hand.
This, from the Wellsboro Republican
Advocate, is applicable to any town:
Wellsboro has been having a season
of revivals, still continuing. And
Wellsboro ought to be, and is a better
town because of them. The nearer thin
little city or any other, large or small,
gets to the truths of the Eternal, the
nearer will its people bo to the peace
and happiness of right living.
Take our churches out of Wellsboro
and we would not desire to live here.
Say wbat we may, the churches are the
greatest force for good in this com
munity and the ministers of God are
men whose influence for morality and
righteousness cannot be estimated.
Earnest mou and women come among
us to labor of our men and women,
boys and girls. Evangelists we call
them, because they bring the gospel
of the Son of Man, good tidings to
human hearts. However we may view
methods of work the fact remains that
these servants of God comes only to do
us good and the truth they preach re
mains the truth because it is eternal
and unchangeable.
The ideal of matihood and woman
hood is the life of the Christian. The
men and women who renounce the
tilings of the world and determine to
follow the Christ; deserve every en
couragement from Christian and non-
Christian, for all of us must realize
that they have chosen the better way.
Men who make no profession of a per
sonal religion frankly express their ad
miration for those who accept and
pledge their lives to the Saviour of
men. They have done what all men
ought to do and what all right think
ing men know in their hearts is not
only a duty but the best act ever con
ceived in the mind of men.
Let every single one of us extend the
hand of help and encouragement to
these men and women,'boys and girls,
to many of whom the way will not be
easy. It's the duty of decent citizen
ship to help them and never to binder
by word or deed
Easy To Mix This.
What will appear very interesting to
many people, here is the article taken
from a New York daily paper, giving
a simple prescription, which is said to
be a positive remedy for backache or
kidney or bladder derangement, if
taken before the stage of Bright's din
ease :
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce ; Compound Kargon, oneounce ;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, threi-s
ounces. Shake well in a bottle and
take in teaspoonful doses after eaoii
meal and again at bedtime.
A well-known druggist here ai
homo, when asked regarding this pre
scription, stated that the ingredients
are all harmless, and can be obtained
at a small cost from any good prescrip
tion pharmacy, or the mixture would
be put up if asked to do so. He fur
ther stated that while this prescription
is often prescribed in rheumatic afllict
tions with splendid results, he could
see no reason why it would not be a
splendid remedy for kidney and uri
nary troubles and backache, as it has
a peculiar action upon the kidney
structure, cleansing these most impor
tant organs and helping them to sift
and filter from the blood the foul acids
and waste matter which cause sickness
ann suffering. Those of our readers
who suffer can make no mistake in
giving it a trial.
Stiff Neek.
Stiff neck is caused by rheumatism of
the muscles of the neck. It is usually
confined to one side, or to the back of
the ueck and one side. While it is olten
quite painful, relief may be had by
applying Chamberlain's Liniment. Not
one case of rheumatism in ten requires
internal treatment. When there is no
fever and no swelling as in muscular and
chronic rheumatism, Chamberlain's Lini
ment will accomplish more than any in
ternal treatment. For sale by L. Taa
A Pleasant Physic.
When you want a pleasant physic give
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets a trial. They are mild and gentle in
their action and always produce a pleas
ant cathartic effect. Call at L. Taggart's
drug store for a free sample.
For Sale.
A lumber wagon, all most as good as
new, apply to Alle
gany Ave.
For the next 30 days I will give ab
solutely free, one 16x20 enlargement
with each dozen of my $4.00 photo
graphs. This is the time to|have enlarg
menfs made. Call and see the work.
The Big Brutes Get Lazy and Spirit
less as They Grow Old.
As he grows old a lion gets lazy
oiul spiritless, says Everybody's. The
haughty boast that stares at the crowd
outside his cage usually is as iierce of
spirit as a fat niglit watchman who
blinks out upon the dark world
through the eircle of light cast by the
lamp at his feet:.
With plenty to eat, nothing to annoy
him and a keeper to look after his
cage, the king of beasts becomes as
peaceful, portly and self satisfied as
some of our latter day human 111011-
arehs, whose ministers of army, navy,
state and other things take proper
care of tho regal edge and see to it
that the usual three square meals per
day await the royal gullet at the prop
er hours.
The story book impression that lions
are always 011 the hunt in their native
jungle is quite at variance with the
truth. Indeed, the older lions will fre
quently go hungry or seek the leavings
of another boast's kill rather than
summon the energy to hunt prey for
In a group of ten or twelve trained
lions two or three young, nervous ani
mals usually supply the act with all
its dash and spirit. The others are
Tigers, too. frequently prow lethar
gic witli advancing years, but never to
such a degree as the aging lion. There
is always a pinch of ginger in the big
striped cat. For that reason he makes
a more spectacular performer than the
lion and usually a tougher proposition
for the trainer.
Queer Delusions That Come With This
Curious Mental Disease.
"That curious form of mental dis
ease known as paranoia is seldom or
ever cured," said a noted Chicago
"A paranoiac may be able to trans
act business with a fair degree of effi
ciency, but, as a rule, few of this class
can be made to stick lo work, as the
nature of the malady prevents concen
tration of mind. One so possessed is
afllicted with strange delusions, espe
cially with the notion that lie is being
persecuted. Many an individual who
is denominated a crank has paranoia.
In general these unfortunates are mis
anthropic, have no social intercourse
with their fellows and are brooding
and introspective. Very often their
mania leads them to the notion that
thes' have been born to lead mankind
In a religious way, and they proclaim
themselves prophets of God. Quite
often, too, they are discoverers of
some wonderful invention that will as
tonish the world.
"It was a paranoiac who followed
the great actress Mary Anderson from
place to place, declaring himself her
favored suitor and threatening to kill
any man who sought her company.
These threats were what led to the
locking up of the demented creature,
and I believe he finally shot one of the
asylum attendants. Paranoiacs very
frequently develop homicidal tenden
cies, and it is prudent to watch them
at all times."—Baltimore American.
The Birds' Nests That Men Eat.
The swifts arrive in the Andaman is
lands toward the end of November,
but they take their time in building
the nests, which are formed from a
gelatinous secretion from the salivary
glands of those beautiful members of
the swallow tribe. If there has been a
wet December, the first crop of nests
is generally a poor one, being soiled by
the damp and drippings from the roofs
of the caves. Collectors, however, be
gin in January togo around the island
to the different caves in an open boat.
The best quality resemble pure isin
glass and are worth their weight In
silver. Afterward there are two other,
collections. The caves in which the
nests are found are scattered about
the islands. Some are far Inland, oth
ers in rocks concealed in mangrove
swamps.—London News.
Bogus Antiques.
Old statuary is made in great quan
tities in Italy. Bohemia and Bel
gium furnish glass of the middle ages,
and every European capital has its
makers of antiques. Berlin and Vien
na makers are kept busy with the
home trade, but Paris, London, Brus
sels, Rome, Florence, Smyrna and Mu
nich are commercial centers for this
class of merchandise. The business
has grown to such proportions that
Nuremberg, Vienna and Livorno have
museums where counterfeit works are
exhibited and where their style of
manufacture may be studied—Berlin
Chinese Flat Noses.
"The Chinese mother," the ethnolo
gist explained, "carries her babe in a
sack on her buck. The babe's nose is
pressed against her. Day In and day
out, all through Its babyhood, the lit
tle thing's soft and malleable nose Is
pressed against its mother's back.
Hence it Is no wonder, Is It, that the
Chinese are a flat nosed race?"
Too Much.
"Of course," said the lady with the
steel bound glasses, "I expectet
called 'strong minded' after ma
speech three hours long in favor
sex, but to have it mlsprlnte x>
'strong winded' was too, too mc
He Traveled Light.
"That hall room bonnier moved to
"I didn't see any trunk go out."
"There was none. I guess he placed
his effects In an envelope and mailed
"em to th<> new address."—Kansas City
Stomach Distress.
Every family here ought to keep
some Diaspepsin in the house, as any i
one of you may have an attack of In- I
digestion or stomach trouble at any
time, day or night.
This harmless preparation will di
gest anything you eat and overcome a '
sour stomach five minutes afterwards. j
If your meals don't tempt you, or :
what little you do eat seems to fill you, j
or lays like a lump of lead in your
stomach, or if you have heartburn,
that is a sign of indigestion.
Ask your pharmacist for a 50-cent
case of Pape's Diapepsin and take one
triangule after supper to-night. There
will be no sour risings, no belching of
indigested food mixed with acid, no
stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or
heavy feeling in the Stomach, Nausea,
Debilitating Headaches, Dizziness or
intestinal griping. This will all go,
and, besides, there will be no sour food
left over in the stomach to poison
tour breath with nauseous odors.
Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure for
all stomach misery, because, it will
lake hold of of your food and digest it
just the same as if your stomach was'nt
Actual, prompt relief for all your
stomach misery is at your Pharmacist,
waiting for you.
Tnese large 50 cent cases contain
more than sufficient to cure a case of
Dyspepsia or Indigestion.
For Diseases of the Skin.
Nearly ail diseases of skin such as ec
zema, tetter, salt rheum and barbers'
itel), and characterized by an intense itcli
iiil; and smarting, which often makes life
i hui den and disturbs sleep and rest.
Quick relief may be had by applying
Chamberlain's Salve. It allavs the itch
ing :>nd smarting almost instantly. iManj
eases have been cured by its use. For
ale by L. Tacfiart.
r. ra m
| Bee Supplies uTe'l
iJ keepers in this vicinity to send [n
to us for 1909 Root catalogue, [u
n complete with prices. We curry if]
il in stock a large assortment of [n
-fi most salable goods. Buy near IV
£ home and get prompt and satis- Hj
tJ factory service. Best goods at L n
Jj right prices. nJ
Battlefield Nurseries
C. A. STONER, Proprietor.
Grower of select Nursery Stock,
Fruit, Shade, Ornamental Trees, Shrub
bery, Small Fruits, etc., Asparagus,
Strawberries and Hedges. Also Hand
and Power Spray, Pumps. Plant
Locust for timber. Catalogue free.
Be your own agtmt. Write to-day.
"Dr. Miles' Aml
of the Little Pain Pills h,ve •x*" I
used by me for rheu-
Tablets I matic pains, headache!
and pain in back and
<«"• «l>e
Pain is
Boonton. N. Y.
25 Doses 25 Cents
Your Druggist sells Dr. Miles' Antt-Paln. Pills
ind be Is authorized to return the price of the first
package (only) If It falls to benefit you.
No tppotlttt, loss of strength, nervou*
neu. headache, constipation, bad breath.
feneraJ debility, sour risings, and catarrh
of the stomach are all due to Indigestion, i
Kodol relieves Indigestion. This new disco*- |
ery represent* the natural Juices of d!ge»
. as they exist In a healthy stomach,
jmblnod with greatest known tonlo j
and reconstructive properties. Kodol for
dyspepsia does not only relieve Indigestion
and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy •
helps all stomaoh trouble* by cleansing. 1
purifying, sweetening and strengthening ,
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Ball, at Ravenawood. W. Va.. aaysr-
I waa troubled with flour stomach for twenty yoara.
Kodol cur.a ma arid w. ar« now ualn» It lo milk
for baby."
Kodol Digests What You Eat.
Bottiea only. ir,dl*««t|on, sour alimtch, 1
b.lchlnt il eas.
rr.parad by K. O. O.WITT Jk CO.. OKIOAQO j
Sold by R. C. Hodson.
I White '"sale 1
I mi I
we have just received our new White m
G-oocls for Spring and place . iff
,on them on sale
Friday, Jan. 29th f§
i i
English Long Cloths, 15c and 18c per yard
i|jj Nainsooks, iSc, 22c and 24c per yard, ijSjj
Persian Lawns iBC,2OC, 2.-50, 30c tor the 30 in. goods. •!%;
.■ Persian Lawns , 35c and 40c for the 48 inch goods. #1
French Lawns,,3sc, 40c, 50c, 75c for 48 in. goods,
jifff trench Nainsooks, 75c per yd 60 in. wide. This is a
,j£, beautiful new material this spring. Be sure to ask tosee it. §*
The NEW FLAXONS, which take the place of the
v,v finest linens is much cheaper and gives as good satisfac- i : <
tion. ' w
Ml These goods come in the plain at 22c, 25c, 35c and in i ;
'M the barred at 25c and 35c per yard. '" ;|f§
All the new Barred Goods that are so popular for tin- ;
B derwear this year.
A fine line of Embroideries.
%% Fourth Street. EMPORIUM, PA. Jf
112I f The People's Clothing House
Jasper Harris,!
Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM, PA. |
1 he Home of Hart, Shaf fner & Marx Clothes |j
Anvwliprp Yd-ill fin y " u ' U not flDd a more select variety ||
■rviljrWHCli. IJU HJU than here of Men's Clothing, Shoes, W
Hats and Furnishings, the carefully chosen kinds which we selected !Hj
when market conditions were most advantageous, whether you want
the expensive *oits or medium priced goods. You get all the best !■
for your money here.
Correct Clothes for Men 3
SHAFFNER & MARX at a popular prices. We are showing their
newest winter models, representing the handiwork of the most capa- Sra
ble designers in the country. We include Suits, Overcoats and Rain- fH
coats in all the popular shades and patterns. £
Mens Dress Shirts s,,le Agents tor
Silver and Gold, Brants, Mari- John B. Stetson Hats £
cut, Cluett brand. All the shirts <ro e;/\ j
are made with pure linen bosoms.
$3.50 and $4.00 |J
Neckbands perfect in fit, hand „ j, t
laundered, open front or b,.ck or toZT™, 112 f ° r " OWARD HATS lg
in coat models with cuffs attach- 00 ; NEW YORK Brand Hats, ■
ed. All sleeve lenghts at §I.OO l ° all ' ile popu " ■
lo ££ o(j lar Bnad©s and styles. M
Prices are One-Fourth ———————— Iffi
Less than Regular Shoes |j|
Trnnlrc focac Style is elsatic. Different men
AI UllrVo, tJUII vdoCo require different styles to suit
$2.50 Trunk for SI.BB their individual tastes. CRAW
-3.00 Trunk for 225 FORD SHOES and made in all
400 Trunk for 3,00 the newest styles, from which we
5.00 Trunk for 3.75 can satisfy your personal desires
6.00 Trunk for 470 SHOE FIT is assured to you Jk
7.00 Trunk for 5.25 when you buy a CRAWFORD,
1.50 Suit Case for 1.13 because we have so many lasts
2.50 Suit Case for 1.82 that we know we can fit any foot
3.00 Suit Case for 2.25 comfortably. IB
3.50 Suit Case for 2.65
400 Suit Case for 300 , Iff
5.00 Suit Case for 3.75 v , , mk
You can get here jp|
J. L. Taylor & Co., Brotherhood and H
of New York |s4
We take your measure and C_, r „ rj„„ ®
theyi't'end i<> the rest. Quick ijWCCL V/II j||
Service, Perfect Tailoring A j|p
large variety of fabrics to seie« i Ovofallc nrirl Po*»fo M
from and every suit made up in V/VCldllo CIIIU I cLMS Hj
the progressive style. jfj
Tr\r TTc most comfortably—outwear
11 y all others. If '
! Pressing and Repairing Done Here.