ESTABLISHED, IMS. Cameron County Press HENRY Fi7~MITLLIN, Kriitorand Publisher. PUBLISH Hi) KYEKY 'Till' RSI) AY REPUBLICAN BOROUGH AND WARD NOMINATIONS. BurgeM, JOSEPH A. FUIENDEL. Constable and Collector, ROBERT R. McQUAY. Overseer of Poor, FRANK G. JUDD. Borouxli Auditor, GRANT S. ALLEN. WARDS. Councilmen, JOHN T. HOWARD, West MARTIN FOSTER Middle, E. D. SPENCER, Eust. School Directors, JAS >N LOUCKS, West. I. K. HOCKLGV, Middle, Judga of Election, W YLTOR MORtIISON, West • MARCUS LUC IRE, Middle, T. N. H VCKET, East. ' "T? Inspector of Election.; . ..; LKE WELSH, West, CLIFTON LARRABEE, Middle* CHAS. L. BARTON, East. DON'T EXPERIMENT." You Will Make no Mistake if You f-ollow This Advice. Never neglect your kidneys. Lf you have pain in the bad;, urinary disorders, dizziness and nervousness, it's time to act aud no time to experiment, These are all symptoms of kidney trouble, and you should seek a remedy which is known to cure the kidneys. Dean's Kidney Pills is the remedy to use. No need to experiment. It has cured inuiy stubborn cases in this vicinity. Can Emporium residents demand further proof than that contained in the following testimonial? Mrs. C. 10 Decker, -It! S. St. Marys St , St Marys, Pa , says:"For two years I suffered from kidney complaint. There were s vere pains through my back and sides, headaches were frequent and my ankles swelled. [ often became so dizzy that I thought I would fall and though spe-iali>ts treated mo, no relief followed. Doan's Kidney pills wereshigh ly recommended that I procured a box and soon noticed a great change. It was only a short time before I received a com plete cure and I have not had the slight est syuipt iiu of kidney complaint since. I can recommend Dean's Kidney Pills as a reliable kidney remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York sole agents Remember the name— Doan's—and take no other. Talk About Sleeping. Women ire like men when it comes to sleeping. Plenty of restful sleep tu ikes a man strong and vigorous, and it uiaiies a woman happy aud beautiful but both women ami men can pro cure resiful sleep by using Sexine Pills. It is well .;nown that nervousness and overwork prevent hie-p. It is. equally w l| knoW'i tint Sexine Pills produce that delightful relaxation that folds one's tired limbs iri N iture's arms while the uneonsci >us body draws new die and vig >r. ."v-fxiue Pi Is are the perlect tonic. They are guaranteed, They cost 81 a box; six box's 85. with full guarantee inclosed .Yd liv>, or call mi 11 C. Dod- S'i, Druggist, Mni nil at. Pi. where th y sell all the principal remedies and do not subnti.ute. Why (Jo Elsewhere, Our agency will show convincing evi dence of years extensive sale and highly siti>lied users of the L. & M. Paint. A I dealers in other paints com bined eiti'ior furnish equal evidence. When piintiug with fj & VI., you are painting wiih Metal Z azOxide combined with White I. MI. V, in; is imperishable aud nukes the L & '1 . war and cover like gold Is colors remain bright and lasting. Dm t need repaint for 10 or 15 years. B -ides it ea.-t \ less tor paint. Sold bv Harry S Lloyd, Emporium. DjWi'i s Ijitilt; |>]irlv Risers, gentle, eisv, pleasiiii, little hv -r pills. Sold by R (J D idson. Fiats for Rent. Four new fl tts for rent. All con veniences 34-tf. R. SEGER. For Sale. A denirahle property, on East Fourth St, Emporium Lot 60x120; improved by two dwelling houses. Excellent lo cation; next door to Schiecht's Green house. Apply to MRS. ELLA MCSWANN, 37 tf. Emporium Pa. English Spavin Linimeut removed Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. A wonderful Blemisn Cure. Sold by L.Taggart, druggist. 32-6 m For Sale Cheap. A Cutter--red car plush trimmings; in first-class condition 51-tf W. W. WIEMAN. Chamberlain's Coiic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. There is no medicine uiele that is re- j lied upon with more inplieit confidence ' than Chamberlain's Cotti: < J hole, a and . Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale hyTaggart The Ac'.ion a Spinet. Tin- : : i;i" i-i.'irupic;;; was an tin proveiui iii up \i was known na the elavlebnr'. *ii • of which, al thotr'h v , . :i.i c I)! unlike that of the h . • i ',i, .1 if spj of in crease or player. In tlii?' power c ' expression it was without a rival uiiii! the piano was In vented. Tlie early history of tiie clavi chord previous to the fifteenth century rests in profound obscurity, hut it is said that there is one bearing the date 1520 having four octaves without the D sharp and (i sharp notes. The spinet was the invention of the Venetian Spl netta. The action is unique. The in strument is similar to a small harpsi chord, with fine string to each note. The strings are set in vibration by points of quills elevated on wooden uprights known as jacks, and the de pression of the keys causes tlie points to pass upward, producing a tone sim ilar to that of n harp. Springs are used fo draw the quills back into position. The keyboard is arranged in a mauner after the present modern piano. Apartment House Life. I know you say you can't help living in a flat, but: you could help It if you weren't too lazy to live in the suburbs. There is no real home life possible without children—not one, but two or three enough to keep the young moth er too busy to make believe she be longs to the -in-irt set. And apart ments are either too small for that or the landlords won't tolerate children at all. And then there is no neighbor hood life. I/s a good thing to have gossipy neigh!" a's. You're more apt to be careful of the way you live. I always think of apartment house life as a sort of joke on socialism—a lot of strangers under one roof with just two mutual Interests, a dumb waiter shaft and an artificial palm. And I'm bound to say that I think it is responsible for a heathen race with no children. Children mean sacrifice, and it's sacrifice that make good men and women.—Athelia E. Barr In New York World. A Scoop. John L. Toole, the famous English comedian and practical joker, and Mr. Justice Hawkins, who was afterward Lord Brampton, were great friends. They were at supper together one even ing discussing the events of the day. The judge incidentally mentioned that he intended on the morrow giving the man he had been trying fifteen years because he deserved It. As Toole was leaving he blandly In quired: "Oh, would you mind my calling at the newspaper offices and telling them about that fifteen years? It will be a tip for them exclusive information, you know—and will do me no end of good with the press." "Good gracious! No, sir!" exclaimed the judge, who took the precaution of accompanying Toole to his hotel and seeing him safely to bed. Woman's Spur. " 'The scent was excellent that frosty morning. She walked across the field, holding her riding skirt free of her patent leather boots and silver spurs.' " "Spurs?" shouted the editor. "What alls you, man?" "Spurs?" the puzzled author repeat ed. "Don't they wear spurs nowadays? I know they used to." "Women never wear spurs unless they ride astride. They wear one spur —one only. What good would a second be. except to tear the clothes?" "I see." said the other. "A natural error, wasn't It?" "Only a natural error for an igno ramus. Rut the usual writer of sport ing stories is an ignoramus. I rarely read a sporting story but I come across some error quite as blatant as this of yours."—New Orleans Times-Democrat. Forced Draft Realism. "How is it that Scribbler's novels thrill with such vital, gripping, realis tic portrayal of human passions?" ask ed Banks. "Well," said Hanks, "when he gets ready to write a novel he orders a gen eral house cleaning, sends for the plumber to fix the gas jets and for the tinner to fix the stovepipes, bids his little daughter to stay at home to practice five finger exercises, hires a street piano to play German, Irish and Italian national airs in front of the house and tells his wife that her fam ily is not as good as his own. Then he sits and takes notes of what happens." —Brooklyn Life. Adam's Apple. The projection In the front of the throat in men, denoting the position of the thyroid cartilage, is styled "Adam's apple." It develops rapidly usually when the voice "breaks," be ing comparatively small in botli chil dren and women. The name arose from the tradition that when Adam attempted to swallow the apple in paradise it stuck in his throat, giving rise to the swelling since seen in all his adult male descendants. A Great Man. "Father," said little Rollo, "what is a great man?" "A great man, my son, is one who manages to gather about him a whole lot of assistants who will take the blame for his mistakes while lie gels the credit for their good ideas!" Not Wholly Personal. A.—You have use 1 the word "donkey" several times in the Inst ten minutes. Am I to understand that you mean anything of a personal nature? 8.- Certainly not. There are lots of don kpys In the world besides you. To learn obeying Is the fundamental art of governing.—Cati.vle. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY n, 1909 The Best on Earth. Protection against Accidents and Sickness is an absolute necessity. It costs but $5 00 a year for $15.00 weekly benefits, and #2,000 death claim. The only policy paying such liberal fits. This Company also writes policies for #IO.OO and #25.00 per year. Liberal com mil-8 ion 8 to agents, by the German Commercial Accident Co.', Phil'a, Pa. W. it. Sizer, Gen'l Agent, Sizerville, Pa. It. It. McQuay of Emporium, is a representative of the Company Drop him a postal—He will do the balance. In case of sudden injury this Company provides temporary ro lief to the amount of $25.00. if notified by wire of an accident. 17-ly. Chamberlaiu's Cough Remedy the Most Popular Because it is the Best. "I have sold Chamberlain's 0ouj:li Remedy for the past years and find it to be one of the best selling medicines on th<" market. For babies and young child en there is nothing better in the line of cough syrups," says Paul Allen, Plain Dealing, La. This remedy not only euros the coutihs, colds ami eroup so eoni | uion among young children, but is pleas . ant and safe for them to take. Jt con I tains no opium or other narcotic, and may be given to a baby as confidently as to an adult. For sale by Taggart. Warning Allpersonsare hereby forbidden from [ trespassing upon the property of this ! Company without a permit from thic office, or the Manager at the works. KEYSTONE POWDER MFO. CB. I Emporium, Pa., August Ist, l'.iOS 24-tt. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte has received a full line of the lat est and most popular sheet musin. All the popular airs. Popular and class ical music. Prices reasonable. 44-tf Cascasweet is for babies and children, and is especially good for the ills so com mon in cold weather. Look for the in gredients on the bottle. Contains no harmful drugs. Sold by It. C. Dodson. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup not only allays inflammation and irritation of threat and lungs, but it drives out the cold Irom the system by a free yet gentle action of the bowels. Sold by It. C. Dodson. For That Terrible Itching. Ezcema, tetter and salt rheum keep their victims iu perpetual torment The application of Chamberlain's Salve will allay this itching, and many cases have been cured by its use. For sale by Taggart. Lame Shoulder. This is a common form ot muscular rheumatism. No internal trcatmeut is needed. Apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely three times a dav and a quick cure is certain. Thie liniment has proven especially valuable tor muscular and chronic rheumatism. Sold by Taggart. DeWitt's Catbolized Witch Haze Salve, the original, is good for anything when a Stive is needed, and is especially good for pil«:s. Sold by It. C. Dodson. Neuralgia T , IHEADACHE e BACKACHE ONE " , < ___ Before I began to of I irtl*» use Dr Miles'Anti or tne uiue p, ln Pllls , suffered ii for days and weeks tablets with neuralgia. Now I rarely ever have the anrl the headache. I will never , be without them." Pain ia Miss Eleanor Wade rain u 82S N 6lh Stpeet> o St. Joseph, Missouri Gone AND THE PAINS OF RHEUMATISM and SCIATICA 25 Doses 25 Cents JYour Druggist aells Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pllls and he Is authorized to return the price ol the first package (only) If It falla to benefit you. There are morr. Mcf!«ll Pn t tf rito «old In «*«"•»««' States than of any other make « I t.a.tern«. 1 hi* l» or account of their style, accuracy and aimplu ity. Mcrairi M iigttzine'.The Q.irei . of I a«hion) hat more subscribers than «ny other I M , • • veir'* «iub*crii»tion (12 numbers) costs fit) ct'lij*- number, H cnntK. Every aubacrlber gtts a McCall Pat tern I'rcr. Subscribe today. I,tidy Affenm Wanted, Handsome premiums 01 | liberal cash commission. PalternCaiiOEiieliffcoo de lijiu) and Premium Catalogue! (showing 400 picmiums lent free. Address THE McCAI.L CO., New \ orli | igfeW^lßiUl^ ; No sraoko, no soot, no flicker. No "frosted** chimneys, nocharred «icks. Unrni out clean with n bltf, round, steady, white flame to the last drop without ltiK wick. j "Family Favorite" LAMP OIL Bent light for the eyes. Docs away with every Innip trouble. Costs no more than Inferior tank watron oil. Almost every dealer has It. Inquire. WAVERLY OIL WORKS CO., Independent Refiners PITTSBURG, - - PA. Also makers of Waverly Special Auto Oil and Waverly Gasolines. ■II II ■■■Mill Veterinary Specifics euro of Horses, Cattle. Sheep, Dog: , Ilogs and Poultry by acting directly on tl- utcit rABTS j without loss of time. A. {FEVERS. CToiicentiotis. Tnftamnii*- onrißs (tloiiM, Lung Fever, Milk rover. B. n. }HPRAI\«, Lameness, Injurloe, CURES) IllicuinaliHm. C. <,) W)RH THROAT, Quinsy. Kpizootlc crjßEs S UUteiuper. WORMS. Uotß. Grubs. E. K. |COIi(jHH. Coldi, Influenza, Inflamed CURE 3) LungM, i'leuro-i'iieuiiionla. : F. F. }COLIC, Rellynche. Wlnd-Rlown. CURES > Diarrhea, Ovweiilery. Q.O. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. "BIL \ KI,,:VEV A RI.ANNCR R/:R>OUDERF 1.1. ) HKI.V IUSE4RES, Ifatv.-j-. Kraptlom, CUBES 5 1'lccrn, Furc». J. K.'BAD CO\(MTIO\. SLNRIMI COAT, CURES ( lndlgeiitluu. Slumuvii MUMORT. 00c. each : Stable Case, Ti>n Spoclfles, Book, be., tl. At druggists, or scut prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Street*, New York. rw BOOK MAILED FREE. HARDWARE PLUMBING AND GAS STEAM WORK NEW FIRM DININNY, BURNSIDE&Co WE STOP THE LEAKS IN YOUR POCKET BOOK Fuller Gas Mantles Guaranteed MONTHS REMEMBER THE PLACE. Dininny, Burnside & Co., Broad St , Emporium, PU. Battlefield Nurseries GETTYSBURG, PA. C. A. STENER, Proprietor. Grower of select Nursery Stock, Fruit, Shade, Ornamental Trees, Shrub bery, Small Fruits, etc., Asparagus, Strawberries and Hedges. Also Hand and Power Spray Pumps. Plant Locust tor timber. Catalogue free. BP vour own aeent Write to-day. mSEEDS 1 WJjV BUCKBEE'S SEEDS SUCCEED I W SPECIAL OFFER:^ flr Made to build New Bualnesn. A trial Will W make you our permanent customer. W 112 Piizy Collection 11 the fln««t; Turnip. 7 splendid: Onion, 8 f>?*t varie- " tleB; 10 Bprlnn-flowerln* Bulb*—os varieties In all. QUARANTEKD TO PLEANE. Write to-day ; Mention this Paper. SEND 10 CENTS , { tocoTOT pociaga and packing and receive this valuable L k collection of Heeds postpaid, together with my big J ft Inatrnctlvai Beautiful Bced and Plant liook, 112 A telle all about the Beat varieties of Seeds, Plants, etc. M Buckbee. Buckbee. $ Vi« promptly obtain U. 8. utul 10.-riim i Solid intMl; I,.sketch or pl.otool inventicn fori' < (reerefxir;. on patpTilnbllity. For free book, r Patents and Sour Stomach No appetlta, loss ol strength, nervous nesa, headacha, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, end catarrh o! the stomach ir« all due to Indigestion. Kodol relieves tndlgestlon. This new discov ery represents the natural Juices of diges tion as they exist In a healthy stomach, combined with tlr> greatest known tonlo and reconstructive properties. Kodol lor dyspepsia does not only reHeve Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. _ Mr. S. S. Ball, of Rarenswood. W. Va.. aayar— " I was troubled with »our stomach for twenty years. Kodol cured ma snd we ere now uslne It In milk lor baby." Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottles only. Relieves Indirection, sour stomach, bolchlnc of fras, etc. Prepared by K. O. DeWITT & CO., OHIOAQO. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. A oure guaranteed If yon use J PILES l™'" Supposilory D. Matt. Thonipiiou, Sup't Graded Schools, Rtati>grille, N. C., wrlU'B : "I can in r I hey do all yuu cl.iin for them." Dr. 8. M. DoTore. Rav-n Rock. W. Va., writ;-. ; *' They Kite universal satis raction." Dr. H. D. MeOltl, Clarlc.burg, Tino., »ritc«: •Ma a practice or 23 yu., I hare found no remedy lo equal yotirji." Paici, 60 C«MT., Bamplej Fr.«. Hold Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart and R. C Dodsoa CALL FOR FREE SAMPLE No. 3255. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRS T NATIONAL BANK, AT EMPORIUM. IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS FEBRUARY sth, 1909. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts <453,136 68 i Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 740 92 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 100,000 00 Other Bonds to secure U. S. Deposits.. 50,000 00 Premiums on U. 8. Bonds 4,500 00 Bonds, secureties, etc 66,255 60 Banking; house, furniture and fixtures. 19,000 00 Other real estate owned 4,000 00 Due from approved reserve agents 42,012 72 Checks and other cash items 196 71 Notes of other National Banks 2,860 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and ccuts 252 90 LAWFUL MONEY RESERVE IN BANK: Specie $35,525 95 Legal-tender notes 2,360 00 37,885 95 Redemption fund with U.S. Treasurer, 5 per cent, of circulation 5,000 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer, other than 5 per cent, redemption fund, 100 00 Total $785,94 1 48 Stale of Pennsylvania, County of Cameron, 88:—I, T. B. Lloyd, Cashier of the above named Bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of ruy knowledge and belief. X. R. 1.1.0VD, Caaliler. Subscribed and sworn to before me ) ( this 10th day of Feb. 1909. ) | CORRECT— Attest: .. r, JAV P ' FELT ' Notary Public ) ■ N? S^GEf^ AYE ' £ Directdrs. My Commission expires Feb. 2, 1910. V JNO. E. SMITH, ) I The People's Clothing House Jasper Harris, I Opposite Post Office, EMPORIUM, PA. || I he Home of Hart, Shaf 112 ner & Marx Clothes if Anvwhprp Ynn yoU ' n not flnd a more select variety |§ V lUU VIU than here of Men's Clothing, Shoes, B Hats and Furnishings, the carefully chosen kinds which we selected H when market conditions were most, advantageous, whether you want ®J the expensive t-orts or medium pi iced goods. You get all the best SB for your money here. - si, Correct Clothes for Men 1 SHAFFNER & MARX at a popular prices. We are showing their H newest winter models, representing the handiwork of the most capa- » ble designers in the country. We include Suits, Overcoats and Rain- B* coats in all the popular shades and patterns. '■* f - Mens Dress Shirts So ' e Affentß ,or r Silver and Gold, Brants, Mari- John B. Stetson Hats 112? cut, Cluett brand. All the shirts Jr 1 are made with pure linen bosoms. «p«s.£>U and *{>4.oo Neckbands perfect in lit, hand „ J» , . , , ♦ u i Also agents for HOWARD HATS B laundered, open front or b?.ck or „ , TT K i, cjoat model, with caff, attach- ' I ed. All sleeve taghts at SI.OO I*? t ■ to 00 lar shades and styles. IK Prices are One-Fourth ~ * If Less than Regular Shoes II TVlinlfC Quit Style is elsatic. Different men ■ II UUIYd, kJUII vdoCo require different styles to suit $2.50 Trunk for SI.BB their individual tastes. CRAW- H 3.00 Trunk for 225 FORD SHOES and made in all H 400 Trunk for 3.00 the newest styles, from which we E 5.00 Trunk for 375 can satisfy your personal desires 6.00 Trunk for 470 SHOE FIT is assured to you B 7.00 Trunk for 5.25 when you buy a CRAWFORD, B 1.50 Suit Case for 113 because we have PO many lasts B 2.50 Suit Case for 1.82 that we know we can fit any foot B 3.00 Suit Case for 2.25 comfortably. B 350 Suit Case for 2.65 ™ 4.00 Suit Case for 300 ———— —E 5.00 Suit Case for 3.75 . 112 _«_»___—. You can get here J. L. Taylor & Co., Brotherhood and p of New York i-g We ilike your measure- and Q_. 112 A they; i < lid i.> ihe rest. Quick OV/CCI vy II j Servic', Perfect 1 alluring. A large variety of fabrics to select Ovorol 1 c ons) D_ _i„ jB from and every suit made up in cllHl cllHl laDIS Bj tliH progiessM •• style. *£; Try Us. Fit HI st comfortably—outwear H * ' iiil otheis. U Pressing and Repairing Done Here. i:*tati-of K.(;. Coleman, Deceased VTOTICE is hereby given that Mrs. John W. i> Coe, of Wampgville, N. Y., and Hon. B. W. Green, of Emporium, Pa. have been appointed hy the Orphans Court of Cameron county as I'rusteps of K. C>. Coleman, late of the Borough 112 Emporium, County of Cameron, and.State of Pennsylvania. deceased. to whom all persons in lebted to said estate are requested to make pay nent. and those h tving claims or demands, will make known the same without delay. GREEN FELT. Attorneys for .Mrs. John W. Coe and l(. W. Green, Trustees for E. G. Coleman K-itat . January 25, 1909.—50 tit. Auditor's Notice. In the Orphans' Court of Cameron Count)/, ) Efilate of J. C. Floyd, deceased. 112 r undersigned, Auditor appointed by the I Orphans* Court of Cameron county to make distribution of the funds in the hands of hliza beth Floyd. Administratrix of the Estate of J. C. Floyd, deceased. will sit for the purpose of his appointment at the office of Green & Felt in the Borough of Emporium, Cameron County, Penn sylvania, on Thursday, the ith day of March, 1909, at nine o'clock, a. m., at which time and place all persons interested are notified to attend and present their claims or be forever debarred from coming in on said fund. JAY P. FELT, Auditor. Emporium, Pa , February, 4,1909. —sl-4t. Auditor's Notice. rpil E undersigned, an Auditor appointed by I the Court of Common ''leas of Cameron County to ascertain the distributive shares ofthe proceeds of the sale of the land in the action of partition between Elizabeth 8. Barrows, et al.. and Martha Noyes, et al.. No. 2, Dec. Term, 1906, in the Court of Common I'leas of Cameron Counl ty. and io make distribution of the same; will at tend to the duties of his appointment at the of fice of Green &. Felt, Attorneys-at-Law, Empori um, Pa., on Tuesday, the 9th day of March next, at one o'clock, P. M., when and whereall parties interested may attend and present their claims or be debarred from claiming any portion of the fund. 51-fit. FRED A. JOHNSON, Auditor. LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $100,00(1 00 Surplus fund 85,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 20,290 85 I National Bank notes outstanding 90,497 50 Due to other National Banks 4,682 41 Dividends unpaid ' 40 00 Individual deposits subject to check $352,842 01 Savings Deposits, 35,765 44 Time certificates of deposits. .54,086 33 Certified checks 210 00 Cashier's checks outstanding 2,076 91 United States Deposits 40,000 00 r 1481,980 72 $785,911 48