Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 04, 1909, Image 4

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    EMTAW ISHfID, 186(5.
Cameron County Press
Editor and Publisher.
Constable and Collector,
Overseer of Poor,
Borough Auditor,
E. D. SPENCER, East.
School Directors,
I. K. HOCKLEY. Middle,
Judge of Election,
T. N. HACKET, East.
Inspector of Election,
"Tempest and Sunshine."
"Tempest and Sunshine" a clevor
dramatization of the widely read novel
of Mary J. Holmes'of the same name
Interpreted by an acting cast of un
usual strength, plays the engagement
of one night at Emporium Opera House
on Thursday evening, Feb. 4th. The
character of "Joseph Dunn" whom the
author describes as a man into whose
heart an honest feeling never strayed,
ia assumed by Mr Dawson and his
characterization of crafty, hypocritical
postmaster is most striking. Seats on
sale tor the attraction at usual place.
The Boom.
Editor P'ess:—
The boom is coming, as soon as the
leaders of current affairs get the tariff
laws rounded out to suit them Hustl
ers, stake out your claims and be ready
when the statemen say "Go!" Be
with them in the boom. You calamity
howlers that hang close to the fence so
that you hop over and get from the
fellow who works something that is
theirs and have him pay your bills
with it and leave you in the bed you
have made for yourself.
I wish to ask your readers how Presi
dent Roosevelt's square deal issue was
the c iuse of the recent panic. When
the Standard Oil Co., opened their
guas the target was not the square
deal issue, for their guns were
'•bummy" and loaded with stocks and
bluffs that made a great noise, that
frighten the people. A great many
wonder what Roosevelt will do He is
too much of a fighter to sit down with
an Ex- to his name, but, with his great
love for the people you will find him
an fictual worker in National affairs.
There is great doubt as to what
Uncle Joe Cannon will do. Will he
give some of the positions to the peo
ple, when he knows that Judge Taft is
a great man and a marvel before the
people, and his the pen, which is said
to be rnighter than the sword. It' Uncle
Joe shakes the pin in tree and does not
give some of the plums to the people,
their remedy is Ihe ballot box, and
when the votes are counted, he will
know why the people di 1 not
Summerville, Pa., Feb Ist. 1909.
An Enigma.
Tommy—Say, papa. I wish yon would
tell me sometli!!'? Pnj-a- Well, what
Is It? Tommy When you were a little
boy, who was m.v papa ?—Chicago
S<- ' '• ugh to afford
evrr;- 1 >i.r conscience
No Sleep, No Kest, No Peace for the
Sufferer hrom Kidney Troubles.
. N o peace lor itie kidnev stiff.-rer—
Pain and distress froui mom to night.
Get up with a lame back.
Triages ol backache bother you all
da \.
Dull aching breaks your rest at
Uriuary disorders a<M to your misery,
Get at the cause—cure the kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pills will work the
They're for the kidneys oulv—
Have made ureal cure- in Emporium.
Mrs. William Swartz, Map e St., Em
porium, Pa., says:"l suffered from dull,
Daogiug backaches and pains through
my loins, so severe'at times that I could
hardly attend to my werk [ was un
able to rest and in the morning would be
worn out. My kidneys were very weak,
the secretions causing me much annoy
ance and embarrassment. Thouuh I used
may remedies I was unable to obtain re
lief until I took D tau's Kidney Pills,
procujed troiu L Taugait's drug store.
The backaches and pains quickly disap
peared, my kidneys were strengthened
and my sreneral health was i.ii|.rovcd. I
am indeed grateful to Doan's Kidney
Pills lor the great bemfit I received from
them "
For sale l>v all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-Milburn (Jo., Buffalo, New York,
Bole agents llemember 'bo name—
Doan's—and take no other.
| From our Regular Correspondent.]
WASHINGTON, ,T;n. .'SO, 1901K
The prominence accorded by ihe
Press to the resignation of (-Secretary
Root and the discussion of the subject
by public men and journalists is mere
ly expressive of the great influence ho
has hud on public affairs during his ten
years' residence in Washington. That
he will continue to influence public af
fairs from a different but no less im
portant standpoint is matter of con
gratulation to the country at large. It
has been long indeed sinco the great
est State of the Union has had an
equally great representative on the
floor of the Senate. But Elihu Root
can never be merely a representative
of even so great a State as New York.
He has had too much to do with na
tional and international affairs to be
come merely a provincial representa
tive. In his recent address in Albany,
he said that he would advocate a par
cels post if New York State was in fav
or of it. That New York State will be
in favor of it, there cannot be the
slightest doubt, and Mr. Root doubt
less knew this when he made the re
mark. The man whom he succeeds in
the Senate has long been known as the
representative of the express com
panies—the companies that have skim
med the cream of the postal profits and
left the nation a yearly deficit. The
Post Office Department, with its thou
sands of rural carriers bringing letters
and newspapers to so many homes,
might with immense helpfulness to
farmers and suburbanites and immense
profit to the natiou, deliver parcels as
is done in England, Germany, France
and in every other civilized country in
the world.
Washington is busy with preparation
for the inauguration ceremonies which
will take place in scarcely more than a
month from now. Everything has
been prearranged except the weather.
The fourth of March is down in the
weather reports for a disagreeable day
and a number of ineffective attempts
have been made to change the inaugur
ation day to another date. It is under
stood that there will be a condensa
tion of the procession or parade which
has on previous occasions been far too
long drawn out. The Avenue is wide
and seventy-five or a hundred men can
easily march abreast on it. Such has
been the vanity of civic and military
organizations for conspicuousness,
that some have actually insisted on
marching single file, causing the spec
tators ou the Avenue to wait frequent
ly three or four hours until the whole
procession passed.
The President, it is said, will make a
breach in the old custom of riding with
his sucessor to and from the capitol.
He will, it is understood, accompany
the President-elect to the Capitol and
see him inaugurated, but instead of re
turning with him to the White House,
will make a bee-line for the Union Sta
tion and thence to Oyster Bay, s ailing
a few days thereafter from New York
to a Mediterranean port on his way to
Africa. The President anuouaced this
program yesterday when he accepted
the offer of the New York Republican
Committee to act as his escourt on the
route from the Capitol to the station.
The leaders of the Senate and of the
House have held a conference with
reference to the legislative program
for the remaining thirty days of this
session and it is plain that their pur
pose is not to permit the enactment of
any general legislation beyond the ap
propriation bills. It has been the in
tention of the House to pass Statehood
bills for Arizona and New Mexico, but
the Senate does not favor the action.
The time for convening the special ses
sion for consideration of the tariff has
been pretty definately fixed for the
tenth of March, or six days after the
inauguration. This arrangement was
made after consultation with Senator
Knox, who, as his chosen Secretary of
the State, is supposed to represent Pre
sident-elect Tatt, now absent in Pana
ma. Mr. Taft will probably approve
this date and it is favored by Speaker
Cannon and Republican leaders as a
desirably early date for work on the
new tariff bill.
Much interest is expressed with ref
erence to the very lofty tower for
wireless telegraphy which it is propos
ed to erect in Washington for the pur
pose of communicating with ships at
sea to a distance of three thousand
miles. Bids have been submitted from
Beven firms and it is probable that a
Pittsburg house offering to furnish the
apparatus and tower for $182,600 will
get the contract. The tower will pro
bably have a construction somewhat
similar to that of the famous Eiflel tow
er in Paris, though it is not expected
to be as high as this structure.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers, gentle,
easy, pleasant, little liver pills. Sold by
R. C. Dodson.
DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
are the best bills made for backache,
weak back, urinary disorders, etc. Sold
by R. C. Dodson.
For Sale.
A desirable property, on East Fourth
St., Emporium. Lot 60x120; improved
by two dwelling houses. Excellent lo
cation; next door to Schlecht's Green
house. Apply to
37-tf. Emporium Pa.
Every Woman Should Read This.
The number of diseases peculiar to
woman is such that we believe this
fipace would hardly contain a mere
mention of their names, and it ia a
fact that most of these diseases are of a
catarrhal nature. A woman cannot he
well if there is a trace of the catarrhal
germs in her system.
Home women think there is 110 help
for them. We positively declare this
to be a mistaken idea. We are so sure
of this that we offer absolutely free of
Jill cost in every instance where it fails
to give entire satisfaction or does not
substantiate our claims. With this
understanding, no woman should hesi
tate to believe our honesty of purpose,
or hesitate to put our claims to a test.
There is only one way to cure Ca
tarrh. That way is through the blood.
You may use all the snuffs, douches or
like remedies for years without getting
more than temporary relief at best.
Catarrh is caused by a gerns. That
gerin is carried by the blood to the in
nermost part of the system until the
mucous membrane is broken, irritation
and inflamation produced, and a flow
of mucous results, and you can proba
bly realize how silly it is to attempt to
cureßuch an ailment unless you take a
medicine that follows the same course
as the germ or parasite.
Rexall Mucu-Toue is scientifically
prepared from the prescription of an
eminent pbpsician who for thirty years
made his specialty Catarrh, and with
this medicine he averaged 98 per cent
of cures where it was employed. No
other remedy is so properly designed
for the ailments of woman. It will
purify and enrich the blood, stop mu
cous discharge, destroy all germ mat
ter, remove all impurities from the sys
tem. soothe, heal and strengthen the
mucous tissues, and bring about a good
feeling of health and strength.
We want you to try Rexall Mucu-
Tone on our guarantee. If you are
not benefited, or for any reason not
satisfied, simply tell us and we will
hand back your money. Rexall Mucu-
Tone comes in two sizes, 50c. and SI.OO.
Mrs. M. A. Rockwell, Emporium, Pa.
A liberal reward will be paid to any
one furnishing a clue, or in anyway
disclosing a fact that will lead to the
arrest of the person or persons who
committed the robbery at the Walker
residence, Emporium, Pa., on the
morning of Dec. 24, 1908. 50-tf.
Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wopo
ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails
gold by L. Taggart,druggisi;. 32-6 m.
Agency Secured.
Mrs. G. S. Allen, wishes to annouuce
that she has secured the Agency for
the American Vacuum Cleaner and
Sweeper. Call at her residence on
West Fourth Street and see it demon
strated. 43-tf
Flats for Rent.
Four new flats for rent. All con
34-tf. R. SEdER.
De Witt's Catbnlizad Witch Haze
Salve, the original, is good for anything
when a Salvo is needed, and is especially
good fir pil' .s. Sold by R. C. Dodson.
1 pkg. GO Day Tomato .... iiOe
1 pkg. PrineeM KadUh . . . . lOe
1 pkg. Helf-Gronln* Olery . . . SOe
1 pkg. Karl/ Arrow-head Tabling* . .lie
I pkp. Fuller ton Market I.ettnee . . j<; e
Also 12 Varieties t'hoiee Flower Need* .
Write today! Send 10 cents to help pay po*t.igo nnd
parking and receive the above "Famous Collection," to
gether with our New and Instructive Canten Culrio.
476 lioHe St. Rorkford, Illinois
Kntate of E.G. Coleman, Ilcceased
NOTICE is her<"hv ptiveii that Mrs. John W.
Cue, of W tmpsville. N. Y., and Hon. B. W.
Green.of Emporium, Pa. have been appointed
by the Orphans Court of Cameron county as
Trustees of E. U. Coleman, late of the liorough
of Emporium, County of Cameron, and State of
Pennsylvania, aeceased. to whom all persons in
debted to said estate are requested to in «ke pay
ment. and those hiving claims or demands, will
make known the same without delay.
Attorneys for Mrs. John W. Coe and B. W.
Green, Trustees for E. G. Coleman Estate.
Januarys, 1909.—P0-6t.
Auditor's Notice.
In the Orphans' Court of Cameron County, I
Mutate of J. C. Floyd, deceased. J
rpHE undersigned, Auditor appointed by the
i Orphans' Court of Cameron county to make
distribution of the funds in the hands of ttliz*-
beth Floyd. Administratrix of the Estate of J. C.
Floyd, deceased, will sit lor the purpose of his
appointment at the office of Green \ Felt ill the
Borough of Emporium, Cameron County, Penn
sylvania, on Thursday, the 4th day of March,
1909, at nine o'clock, a. m„ at which time and
place all persons interested are notified to attend
and present tlieir claims or be forever debarred
from coming in on said fund.
JAY P. FELT, Auditor.
Emporium, Pa , February, 4,1909.—51-it.
Auditor'** Notice.
ft undersigned, an Auditor appointed by
1 the Court of Common leas of Cameron
County to ascertain the distributive shares oftln*
proceeds of the sale of the land in the action of.
partition between Elizabeth S Harrows, et al.
and Martha Noyes, et al., No. 2, Dec. Term, 1!;0U.
in the Court of Common Po-an of Cameron Coun
ty. and io iiiak-- distribution of the saint; will at
tend to the duties of his appointoient at the of
fice of Greeu & Kelt, Attornevs-Mt-I,i\v hinpori
um, Pa . on Tuesday, the 9th day of i i ch i.ext.
stone o'clock p. M., when and ivlure ill parti s
inter-uteri ni • t rid and res o their claims
orb Ml.barrel i o u 0!ai.... .< a . irtion of the
51-"»t. KRKD A. JOHNSON, Au litor.
Buy Your Happiness.
You can't bo* lappy it* you diin't
feel like it., it '.•in linu't ('.•(■! ;ike
it, you can liuv St xin- I'i'N and ilmh if
fitore your >!iattercd nerves. Serine
l'ills arc'luaraiiice 1 fur in rvous nieu and
women. it i>"\. s'llexes 85. with
full <iuaranlt:cd. Adtlre >nr c ill on H
(_!. Dod.-tin, Kiupoiiuin, l'a.,
where they soil all the piiiioipul rejui-dics
and do not substitute.
Reason Bnthroned.
Because meats are so tasty they are
consumed in urreat excess. This leads to
stomach tr üblc. biliousness ami constipa
tion. ltevise your diet, let reason and
not a pampered appetite coutro , th n
take a lew doses ot Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Ijiver Tablets ami ymi will soon
be well again Try it. For sale at Tag
gart's drug store. San.pies free.
The Woman's home.
The L. & M Paint decorates more
than two millions American homes. Its
beautiful finish and lasting freshness dis
tinguishes a residence painted with it
from all others. It's Metal Zinc Oxide
combined with White Lead which makes
it wear and cover like gold. 10very 4
gallons of the L. & M. Paint when mixed
with '{ gallons of Linseed Oil at 4>5 cents
per gallon makes 7 gallons ready for use.
Actual cost about $1.20 per gallon. Sold
by K. (!. Dodsoq.
A Common Cold.
We claim that if e.itching cohl could
be avoided some of the most dangerous
and t.ital diseases wouid never be heard
of. A cold often forms a culture bed
for germs of infectious diseases. Con
sumption. pneumonia, diphtheria and
scarlet fever, four of the most dangerous
and latal diseases, are of this class. The
culture bed formed by the cold favors the
development "112 the genus ol these dis
eases. that would not otherwise find lodg
ment. There is little danger, however,
ot any of these diseases being contracted
when a good expectorant couuh medicine
like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
used. It cleans out these culture beds
that favor the development ot the germs
ot these diseases. That is why this
remedy has proved so universally success
ful in preventing pneumonia. It not
only cures your cold quickly, but mini
mize the risk of contracting these danger
ous diseases For salt; by Taggart.
The Best on Earth.
Protection against Accidents and
Sickness is an absolute necessity. It
costs but $o 00 a year for $15.00 weekly
benefits, and $2,000 death claim. The
only policy paying such liberal bene
fits. This Company also writes policies
for §IO.OO and $'25.00 per year. Liberal
commit-sions to agents, by the German
Commercial Accident Co., Phil'a, Pa.
W. R. Sizer, Gen'l Agent, Sizervilie,
Pa. R. R. McQuay of E'mporiuin, is a
representative of the Company
Drop him a postal—He will do
the balance. In case ofsudden injury
this Company provides temporary re
lief to the timount 0t'§2. ! ).00. if notified
by wire of an nocident. 17-ly.
Chnmberlaiu's Cough Remedy the
Most Popular Because it is
the Best.
'T have sold Chauiberlaiu's Cough
Remedy lor the past years and find it to
bo one of the best seliitig medicines on
ih market. For babies and young child
en there is in.thing better in the line of
syrups,"' says l'aul Allen, Plain
Dealing, Li. This remedy not toily
cures the coughs, colds aid croup so com
mon among youu«i children, but i< pleas
ant and sale for them to take. It con
tains no opium or other narcotic, and may
be yiven to a baby as confidently as to an
adult. For sale by Taggart.
All persons are hereby forbidden from
trespassing upon the property of this
Company without a permit from this
office, or the Manager at the works.
Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903
Latest Popular Music.
Miss May Gould, teacher of piano
forte has received a full line of the lat
est and most popular sheet music. All
the popular airs. Popular and class
ical nntsic. Prices reasonable.
Caseasweot is for babies and children,
and is especially good for the ills so com
mon in cold weather. Look for the in
gredients on the bottle. Contains no
harmful drugs. Sold by K. C. Dodson.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup not
only allays inflammation and irritation of
throat and lungs, but it drives out the
cold from the system by a free yet gentle
action of tho bowels. Sold by It. C.
For That Terrible Itching.
Kzeetna, tetter and salt rheum keep
their victims in perpetual torment The
application of Chamberlain's Salve will
instantly allay this itching, and uianj
cases have been cured by its use. For
sale by Taggart.
Lame Shoulder.
This is a common Ibriu ot muflciilti
rheumatism. No internal treat until ir
needed. Vppl. Chamberlain's Liniment
freely threw lim. s a day and a t|uick cure
is o rtain. Ttiie liniment has proven
espft-i iiu valuable tor muscular and
chronic iln-uuiatistii. Sold by Taggart.
ICnglinh ,Sr>tvio Liniment removt-d
il.rd. Soft i ..luui-,,d Lump* aim
i■ • niislfN li.oo h.oMt--.; also Blood
:->v v ins, i. ,S.i iu'H, Sweeney. Ling
Tl.i .e. Stifle- S(ir, M-. Mi n Tlironts, j
1 ' it "IC •in . • ■ ( . , i J)H |
A Wt Intel In. i$ .u. s Ci to.
.. o> L.Taggart, druggist. 32 6m
Will burn lampjfDJj
out drtj withouiligjfl
moving the wickyrp^
"Family Favorite"
T,amp troubles prencrally mean poor oil.
"FAMILY FAVORITE" doea away with thera
all; burns with a steady, white light with
flat or round, large or small burner.
Served to you out of tho original barrel
direct from our refineries.
Your dealer recommends it. Ask him.
Independent Refiners
Also makers of Waverly Special Auto Oil and
Waverly Gasolines.
Veterinary Specifics enro licensee
of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs and
Poultry HV noting directly on the i: PARTS
without IOKK of time.
A. A. > FIIVERR, Ciirti-xilmw. Tiiilnnimw-
CERKs) tlons. Lung Fever, Milk Fever.
11. B. I SPK \I\K, Lnia tiphh, Injuries,
CUUES (ltheuiualiam.
(!. <». IMIRU TIIROAV. Oniony, Epizootic.
. UHES : IHitemiie;.
&2i}W'ol»lS. Bot., <. -übn.
B. K.M'OKilh. I'd'h, 'riiltii'iizn,
CUREH ) LungM, i'leuro-Piiei i.tonia.
P' F' \ Drll - ICIIP, * Viiiil-Hlown,
CURES £ Diarrhea, Oyscitterv.
CORES ( Kt,nEV ,v r:l -!»:»KR niSORDKR?
112 \ w !. Miuiffo, Kmptions,
CURES J Llccn*. <jir-«n , k*'tarc*v.
J. K.jBAI) co\nmo\.
CURES S ludigeiiiloii, Htoinuch SLUUM-M.
80c. each ; Stable Oa«\ Ten Specllica, Book, Sc., $7.
At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Medlcluo Co., Cor. William and John
Streets, New York.
Fuller Gas Lights# I.SO
Mantles Guaranteed months
Dininny, Burnside & Co.,
Broad St, Emporium, Pa.
Battlefield Nurseries
C. A. STENER, Proprietor.
Grower of select Nursery Stock,
Fruit, Shade, Ornamental Trees, Shrub
bery, Small Fruits, etc, Asparagus,
Strawberries and Hedges. Also Hand
and Power Spray Pumps. Plant
Locust for timber. Catalogue free.
Be your own ay out Write to-dt.y
Sf Mode to build New ItunlneMi. A trial WllllS
W make you our permanent customer. >8
7 Prize Collection (<»«•?. IT varlcjle. ; i^t-t
112 X— turn, 12 kindsjTNMtow, T
11 the flnent; Turnip, 7 splendid s Onion, 3 trst varie- '
ties; 10 BprlnK-flowerln* I<u)l>h —«s Vftrieti 'F ia all.
Write it-day; Mention this Paper.
\ tocc e*' poatnf» an 4 packing und recalTS this -valnoblo i 1
t olUrtion of po«tpn!d, together with my big M I
h I""triU'!lve, HonnC.tul Heed ond I'lant Itook, J
R teiia Ml about tlid varieties of Seed«, Plar»B, etc.
4h.W, Buakbed, " ;<i gk
» V. ,i 1 ;»• ol>utin U. S. mifl I'orelfrtT^T
I| 13^|VIHI '
> rn«»dtl, t>..'.>h or ;>i oto ci :iiver»ticD for \
J no For free book, v
; Commissioners' Report.
| Receipts, Expenditures, Liabilities
and Assets of the County of
Cameron for the Year tgoß,
binding Jan. 4, lyoy.
Hal. in Treasury Jan.'S, 11108, Countv !*.V_*9.'l 14
Bridge.. m
" " •• C. House 7;.'r.' u.i
" " " " " '• DOR mr. an
Rec:d froin <'. .1 Howard anil A. Mc-
DOUKHII bondsmen l'orJ.H. Evans
Coll of Portane Township 188 88
trom Collectors for 1907 I «5
" '■ 1908 IB3BH 01
" Statt; for Bountv IIIOT 10:.' 00
" M. M. Larrabee. lines 375
State for pn'ary election'O* 373 15
Penn Bridge Co.. plank 1 fx)
" US. A. board for prisoner SO no
" ?i Stat.) personal tax SWT ill
" " County bonds 8000 (Mi
" Commonwealth costs 91 70
" State for County Fair 35Ti (.11
" Interest 011 bond 72 00
Liquor license 75 00
•' Unseated land. 1904 31 57
•' " " 1900 987 til
11*07 HOT Itt
" " • 1908 -J055 38
Interest on unseated land 395 7 7
To balance due County Treasurer
State personal tay 551 89
906H 18
Paid J. W. f.ewis,County Com $ 300 00
•, '• expenses C!) 00
" S. P. Kreider,County Com 300 00
• 4 expenses 03 Oy
" O. L. Bailey, County Com 300 00
expenses 76 50
W. L. Thomas. Com. Clerk 000 0U
'• Commissioners Counsel :i5 00
•' Sheriff 3HI H
Prothonotary 3!j<i -JS
" County Auditors s>s 76
Jury Commissioners.; 51 t8
" Janitor COO 00
" Constable Returns 58 44
" District Attorney ? 300 00
" Official Reporter 344 If
•' Court Crier and Tipstaff 121 46
■; Sheriff and Constables 74 (»l
" Justice and witnesses 444 55
•' Repairs to County Bridges 1235 61
• Sheep Damage 69 50
" Grand Jury 152 IH
" TraversJurv 518 43
" Assessors for Assessing 338 75
Assessors tor Registering 575 60
Election Expenses l7s* 93
Jail Expenses 1289 50
" State Prison and Hospital 709 03
" Printing and Advertising 803 95
Road Views and Damage 85 00
" Stationary and Postage 74 76
Bounty 011 Noxious Animals 37100
•' Fuel and Lights 338 00
" Repairs to Public Buildings 4(H) 41
" Inquests 97 02
" Indigent Soldiers 250 00
" Blank Books 78 51
•• County Bridges 4584 76
" Water Companv 100 00
•' Forest Fires....' 4129 74
" County Institute 200 00
•' County Pair 425 00
;■ Livery 2; 00
Driftwood Poor Burying Alien.. 49 75
'• Type Writer 50 00
" Prothonotary Office Supplies 80 78
" Driftwood Telephone Co 10 35
Insurance on Public Buildings.. 145 00
Repairing Book Typewriter 50 00
■' Digests 36 09
•• Congressional Return Judge 26 00
'• Emporium Telephone Co 04 95
•' Jury, Board O'Dell Trial 93 00
" Express and Freight 23 25
\ Expense connected with trial of
O'Dell 126 61
" County Treasurer's Deeds 16 52
" Refunding Orders 50 84
•' Local Registers .. . 86 75
" Lawn Roller 10 00
" Miscellany 162 13
" Loaned to General Fund 3000 00
•• Interest on Court House Bonds. 800 00
" State Tax on Court House bonds 80 00
" Dog tax transfered to school
fund 250 00
" State Treas. State Personal Tax 1290 15
" Outstanding orders.previous yrs 1116 82
•• 5 per ct. commission on $20,283.42 1014 17
" 2 per ct. commission on $8,000.00 160 00
" lperct. commission on II 314.68 13 15
" Interest on Bridge Bonds 430 00
'• Bridge Bonds 7500 110
rash in Treasury $6980.01
Less outstanding orders 020.90... 6368 II
Balance due County Treasurer State
Personal tax at last settlement 563 27
#46614 13
Cash in Treasury $6989 01
Bouils held by I'oiiutv Treasurer 5000 00
Due from unseated tax 1908 6087 00
P. S. Culver. Collector 50t; 94
State Treasurer, fire hills 2753 16
" ' " " bounty,. 371 00
$22,307 1|
Outstanding orders of previous years $ 370 00
•' 1908 620 90
Bridge Bonds 9500 06
Court House Bonds 20000 00
Due Statefor road at Sinnemahoning 1089 99
s.'ll .580 89
Liabilities over Assets 9213 78
This is to certify thai the foregoing is a
true and correct statement of the receipts
and expenditures, assets and liabilities of
Cameron County, Pa, for the year 1908.
Attest.— County Commissioners.
W. L. THOMAS, Clerk
Commissioners. Office. 1
Emporium. Pa.. Jan. 4, 1909. )
We herein- certify that we hare examined
the books-and accounts of the Commission
ers of Cameron Countv. Pa., and find the
above a correct statement of the same.
Witness our hands this 12th day of Jan. 1909.
County Auditors
( I Wsjß)
T.t V ;: N Kwk
States" t !.•»»» «• • •" rll f l , ? i ! r "; V '. v
account ol thri . '* * 1 • ' '
WcPMIP- »«rtrt«r J"
1 '■■■
tern Free. Sj .on,, . I'mi.
I,ndv Ait< »•« "
lib-r. I«. . . Pattern < •' «
~ 1 l'ren .-»• - ' •"
leut tno. Au«k. j i ,£, Mf.Ai.U i.o , J>i.« iMH
No appetite. loss of strength, nervous
ness. headache. constipation, bad breath
general debility, aoui risings, and catarrh
o< the stomach are all due to Indigestion.
Kodrd relieves Indigestion. This new discov
er) represents the natural juices of dlge»
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combined with greatest known tonlO
«nd reconstructive properties. Kodei for
<J> floes not only relieve indigestion
»id ayspepsia. but this famous remedy
' -.ips all stomach troubles by cleansing,
purifying, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
Mt S S Mail, of Ravenywood W Vs.. Mys: —
1 troubled with sour stomach fo' twenty yosra.
Krvloi curod m• and W9 arc now usinf It In milk
f.K 100?
Kodol Digests What You Eat.
Birtlss only. Rrho»i» Indication. « w «omseh.
boichin* of ffa*,, etc
112 .-•p«r»d by E. O. OeWITT & CO., OHICAOO. in iv. U. Dodson.